If Lucky Star can go on a most-of-a-decade hiatus, I can stop feeling guilty about not being ready to come back yet
I will come back and finish this story. I will not abandon this just as it's getting off the ground.
I just need to get my feet back under me
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I’m doing it again, folks.  And just when it was getting good, too.  Why’s life gotta be like this?
I’ll keep y’all posted!  Feel free to check in with me if I’m being too quiet!  Love you guys, and I will see you again soon!  ✨🌊✨
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Yeah, I don’t think hairclips usually do that, huh
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Something tells me Alina should be more careful what she wishes for...
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A quiet, transitory page this update.  Sorry for the delay!  As I said over on Twitter, we’re resuming normal scheduling from here.  I’ll see you in two weeks!
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Hi folks!  Sorry about this.  I've been sick all week, and while I'm over the worst of it, it kinda wrecked my schedule.  The update is mostly finished, and should be up within the week.  I'll keep you guys posted over on Twitter!
Thank you for reading, and for being patient with me.  It means so much more than I can say.
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Funnel cake get!!  It may seem like a weird thing to brave the crowded boardwalk for, especially on a busy Saturday like this, but it’s important.  Trust me. Iiiiin the interests of not being late, this fortnight’s update lacks shading.  I plan to have a shaded version up this weekend, but at the rate I’m dodging wrenches, we’ll just have to see.
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Ah, friendly banter.  These two are such fun to write.
Posted with ten-ish minutes to spare!  I bet y’all thought I was gonna forget, huh?  I... Almost did, actually.  I’ve caught a bug, so my head’s been fogged over.  Which is also why this commentary is less than stellar.
The tapas and webtoons versions will be posted tomorrow, after I get some sleep.
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Switched back to the proper font!  I’ll be correcting the accidental swap in earlier pages this weekend.
I'm really excited to introduce Trevor -- He's one of those characters that I didn't really have a hand in, he just showed up.  It's a sign TTK is taking on a life of its own, albeit slowly, and will be even more fun to work on as it evolves and changes.
Included cameos of some friends’ characters too!  In the back of Panel Two are my friend Kit’s characters (@planeshifting), Ayla and Alina, and are from their magical-girl VN, Dreamchasers.  In the foreground is Tatsu, belonging to my friend @caiterprince, a character in their project Heartkeeper Academy!
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What, you thought I was gonna make her buy it?
Before anyone asks -- I'm well aware a very similar thing happened in Dame Daffodil. I had a good laugh about it, when I realized they'd beat me to the punch, but since this was one of the first scenes I'd scripted back in 2017, I wanted to keep it as it was.
In other news, I absolutely hate building interiors. Hate them. I am never drawing another one unless I absolutely cannot come up with an excuse to have the scene be outside.
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There's always a catch, isn't there?
Not much commentary for this one, but you can tell that this page and the last were done with a figure drawing class between them! Visible improvement is so nice... ;v;
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Oh that's never a good thing to hear at checkout...
God, the old art is killing me. But it's done and if I tried to redraw it we'd be here for another eighty-four years so...
Thank y'all for sticking with me. I'm so excited to get this story out to you guys again! I promise it won't be long until the action really starts.
In case you missed the Twitter update -- I'll be updating here every other Thursday, and reviewing that schedule at the end of Chapter One.
The Tapas updates are incoming, but it could be next week before those start. I'm writing this commentary on Wednesday, and I'll be getting my vaccinations in a few hours -- I'm gonna plan for feeling crummy for a bit, given how other folks have been reacting to them.
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I almost wrote ‘three years’ because 2020 was just Like That, I guess.  Anyway, I’ll have more details in March concerning update schedules and the like.  We might be going to a once-every-two-weeks schedule, but we’ll see what happens.
See you folks soon!
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