#the tidekeepers of atlantis
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Yeah, I don’t think hairclips usually do that, huh
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empressofthelibrary · 6 years
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Ref-sheet to preemptively avoid same-face syndrome. Hopefully I can keep track of this.
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There's always a catch, isn't there?
Not much commentary for this one, but you can tell that this page and the last were done with a figure drawing class between them! Visible improvement is so nice... ;v;
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What, you thought I was gonna make her buy it?
Before anyone asks -- I'm well aware a very similar thing happened in Dame Daffodil. I had a good laugh about it, when I realized they'd beat me to the punch, but since this was one of the first scenes I'd scripted back in 2017, I wanted to keep it as it was.
In other news, I absolutely hate building interiors. Hate them. I am never drawing another one unless I absolutely cannot come up with an excuse to have the scene be outside.
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Oh that's never a good thing to hear at checkout...
God, the old art is killing me. But it's done and if I tried to redraw it we'd be here for another eighty-four years so...
Thank y'all for sticking with me. I'm so excited to get this story out to you guys again! I promise it won't be long until the action really starts.
In case you missed the Twitter update -- I'll be updating here every other Thursday, and reviewing that schedule at the end of Chapter One.
The Tapas updates are incoming, but it could be next week before those start. I'm writing this commentary on Wednesday, and I'll be getting my vaccinations in a few hours -- I'm gonna plan for feeling crummy for a bit, given how other folks have been reacting to them.
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Ugh, doing things.  With people.  On a Saturday.
Aaaaaand the shaded version is finally up.  Page four will be late, will update via tweetie-birbs.
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empressofthelibrary · 3 years
Intro Post
Figure I should make a new one, with the recent influx of new followers and the fact that the old one’s a little outdated.
My name’s Em!  They/them usually preferred, she/her acceptable 95% of the time.  Queer in just about every sense of the word.  Currently deep in the DC Comics hyperfixation, and I don’t think I’m resurfacing any time soon.
Interests include superheroes, magical girls, soft sci-fi and optimistic fantasy, books, cats, folklore, history, general nerd shit
I run a magical-girl webcomic (currently on hiatus bc I’m working full-time) about a girl who reuinites with her childhood imaginary friend and has to stop the villains from resurrecting the City of Atlantis.  You can find it at @the-tidekeepers-comic, as well as on Webtoons and Tapas!
I’ve got a host of sideblogs, including an RP/fanfic blog for my DC oc, over at @spacebird-diaries.  I talk about Bailey a lot on here too, and her tag is ‘Bailey Adler (oc)’
I do art and write fic!  I’d love to talk about any of it, so please feel free to chat!  Anon is always on if you’re feelin’ shy!
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Starting Feb. 1st!
Romance, homework, and saving the world, it’s all in a day’s work for these kids.
The Tidekeepers of Atlantis is the story of a group of teenagers learning who and what they are, and kicking monster ass along the way.  Follow along as our heroes race to stop the evil Lord Abyssus and his followers from raising the city of Atlantis and freeing the eldritch creature lurking there!  Can they do it?  Will they ever find a way to defeat that evil monster once and for all?  Or will our world succumb to the horrors of the deep? 
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empressofthelibrary · 6 years
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@saberwriter @kuipernebula The “back of the cover” blurb I have goes like this:
“Alina Sargon is an average high school junior when she finds herself thrust into a strange new world, with a great destiny laid upon her.  Can she find the other Tidekeepers in time to stop Lord Abyssus from bringing the lost Kingdom of Atlantis back from the bottom of the sea?”
So, without spoilers, the story goes like this:  Atlantis is a thing.  Atlantis gets ker-sploded by an Eldrich Horror.  Princess of Atlantis -- Who needs a friggin name damnit Em name your characters jeez -- seals the Eldrich Horror at the bottom of the sea, sacrificing herself and her most trusted companions, who refused to leave her.
Thus, what remains of Atlantis is at the bottom of the ocean and needs to Stay There.  The seal weakening over the centuries may or may not have been part of the reason the ocean is full of terrifying shit.
Enter Lord Abyssus, the Big Bad of the first arc.  He and his minions want to raise the city.  They’re not exactly straightforward about why, but they have to be stopped, no matter their motivation.  In order to stop them, the seven Treasures of Atlantis make themselves known, finding the way one by one to the reincarnated souls of their previous holders.
The first of these is Alina Sargon, who in a previous life was that same Princess of Atlantis who sealed The Thing Beneath away.  Sleeping within the Heart of Atlantis, the jewel inside her hairclip, is the last of the seadragons.  I... Have yet to find a name for him.  But it turns out that the creature Alina believed was a childhood imaginary friend was actually a very real magical creature, who was psychically projecting to her, hoping to train her before his power reserves ran out and he fell asleep.
Alina gets all of this tossed at her in a rushed explanation, because wouldn’t you know it, a giant crab monster attacks the boardwalk right after the dragon shows up.  By the time she transforms and fights the thing off, the poor dragon has completely forgotten what he was talking about.  In his defense, he’s not much more than a hatchling, he’d been asleep for a really long time, and he hadn’t eaten in literally centuries.  And Alina’s funnel cake just smelled so good...  How was he not supposed to get distracted?
And that’s where we begin.  I can talk about the rest of the gang if you want, but this is a long post already, and there’s a good starting point.
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