#monster smoocher
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ALRIGHT! Here's a little introduction to the game itself.
If you got any more questions for us, feel free to ask in the replies or the inbox! Keep in mind that we can't answer anything that spoils the game, of course.
Character introductions: Fee, Foxxy, Kali, Merisa, Joseph, Merling, Thorn, Desmond
Art done by @miwachan2
-Mod Opal
Mod note: Alt text is available👍
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constantron · 11 months
Zine Time! This is Monstr.
I'm on mobile so can't handle alt-text right now, if anyone has energy you're appreciated.
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ionomycin · 5 months
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it's you, after all
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just-a-we1rd0 · 9 months
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some more human doodles :D
Sorry about the tilt/flip and shitty quality TvT
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Nathaniel without the za :(
My babygworl
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skeletalheartattack · 2 years
for the ask game: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
💀- i want you to be so scared
why :(
💀- you shouldbe so scared
im so scared why do you want that :(
💀- i wish i could scare you
why i didn't do anything :(
💀-i wish that you were really scared right now
i dont want that though youre being so weird :(
💀- i would scare you if i could right now
well im sorry. i hope that never happens :(
💀- aaaaaah!!!!
ahhhhhhh don't do that :(
💀- im scaring you right now
i know :(
💀- i hope you get scared and scream
honestly i hope you dont scare me again :(
💀- aaaaaaahhh!
ahhhh stop doing that :(
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goodeye-cyborg · 2 years
Smacking my head into a wall as hard as possible because my brain decided actually we have another story that takes place in the same world.
Like. Shut up. I have enough on my hands.
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agarthanguide · 3 months
Why are you either drawing a bisexual awakening, a hot disaster of a person ( that are a little bit of a freak), or a full on freak that the monster smoochers are proclaiming their desire for unholy acts. No in between, not a question just wanting to bug you lol
Honored at the very idea of being responsible for anyone's bisexual awakening, frankly.
and just between you and me- all of them are freaks.
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Enjoy a couple more certified freaks and monsterfuckers.
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lover-of-skellies · 1 year
As a Killer simp, I feel compelled to ask about your thoughts on Killer's smoochability
Killer's smooch-ability rating is a 3 out of 12, and if you're at all interested in my reasoning, feel free to read below the cut :P
1) How dangerous is Killer's mouth? His teeth aren't sharp or jagged, they're flat, so violent personalities and habits aside, I feel like his mouth is relatively safe. Y'know, assuming he's in a decent mood at the time of the smooching. 1 point for this, because his mouth is safe, but he himself is not
2) Would he bite, and how aggressive is he? Killer does just what his name states: he kills them. That being said, he also hallucinates from time to time, so we know he's not in his right mind. I feel like if he felt compelled to, he would absolutely bite. Because of his murderous nature, we can also count on him being pretty aggressive, so sadly, no points here
3) Would there be any health hazards to the smoocher? Aside from his physical strength as a monster, his magical abilities, and the knife he seems to regularly carry around, I'd also be concerned about his liquid hate tears situation. Because his "tears" are made of liquid hate, I have no idea what that could do to a person's health, so I'm deeming it a potential health hazard. Again, he gets no points for this area
4) Does he have a sympathetic backstory? From what I understand of Killertale, he agreed to work with Chara willingly and ended up killing everyone in his own au, including his own Papyrus. One could argue that he had valid reasons for that choice or that he probably saw no other way to handle the resets and everything that was going on, but at the end of the day, they we just that: a conscious choice that he made. Instead of continuing to resist or seek help from others, he killed everyone around him. So... I love Killer, but he's not getting any sympathy points, sad to say
5) Does he deserve a smooch? Frankly.... no, I don't think he does. Yes, he can be helpful (mostly to Nightmare whenever Nightmare manages to persuade him or puts him in a position where he can't say no), and he can be funny at times, but I don't think those things would earn him a smooch
6) Is he cute or cool? I'd say he's a pretty cool guy and he's got a neat design, so I definitely see the appeal of him. I'd give him 2 points here, I'd say
In total, he gets a 3. He's charming and he's a flirt, but smooching him would be like the equivalent of trying out reddit 50/50 irl. There's a 50% chance it'll be the best kiss of your life, or a 50% chance that you'll get maimed the instant he processes what just happened (or you might be affected by the liquid hate somehow). He'd be momentarily stunned, but I feel like he's not exactly a safe option, as he's violent and may stab you if he sees an opening or thinks killing you would be beneficial. Again, I love him, I'm just trying to rate him as fairly as possible without any bias or anything
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petalpierrot · 3 months
Hey remind me of your ocs! Idr exactly about them/what they look like. I remember vaguely the whole "make a dunk tank of strahd and ireena joking to vasili he should dress up as the strahd for dunking" and "rahadin baking genius". (I believe those were both from your shenanigans)
I love lore dumps
(If you would rather just message me go for it.)
Thank you so much for the ask! Well, I'm in a solo game with 3 characters (for balance reasons and because I wanted to try out some subclasses)
I have Eidys Silvermoon, Moon elf Bladesinger wizard: (accidental Rahadin smoocher and an overall delight to play) She has kind of become the face of the party and is generally very sweet, even to the point of befriending literally every other evil creature, it's a joke at this point. (For a good-aligned character she definitely keeps strange company)
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I have Veshen: Shadar-kai Grave cleric of the Raven Queen.
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He's been all over the material plane and is very knowledgeable about different creatures. He feels that it is his calling to put restless undead to rest and is always glad to do some grief counseling/provide funerary services to those in need. In our game, Ireena adopted him as her second brother because he's been in Barovia the longest and Kolyan was a big help to him when he first arrived in the village (providing shelter/information etc)
And finally, I have Dris my Drow Monster Slayer Ranger (my beloved loser)
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He's like my blorbest blorbo, a character I have played for the longest and will always have a special place in my heart for. His job is forest and he is a survivalist. (he is blue because he has moon elf ancestry) Originally he is a merchant from a homebrew drow city. His family sells poisons. His expertise in terms of monster slaying is undead and humanoids.
as far as those events you mentioned, they were ideas I pitched for my DM for festival games (because the festival in vallaki was approaching) but yes most of those made it, it has been a long while. Our Rahadin's hobby is baking so he won a baking competition during said festival. it was definitely a nice break before they really started to work towards dealing with Strahd.
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ladii02 · 1 month
didn't see jack good child on your list, if you know what i mean 😈 better start writing, fellow jack lover :3 - your favorite outside god smoocher
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Good Child HCs
Goodchild! Jack x GN!Reader
Jack? frfr, can't believe I'm actually gonna do this( ˘︹˘ ) as always gender was not specified so it's GN reader. Kinda short, no, VERY short. I'm not in the proper mindset to write for Jack but I tired for my pookie(* >ω<)
TW: Mention of murder, Jack
Jack was a good person, or so he believed. He was aware of the things 'he' did when he was asleep, he was aware of the women 'he' hurter and mercilessly killed.
Jack was a good person, he believed it was 'his' fault. Not his, him. He coped through painting in hopes of getting the Bad Child child off his head, maybe that it'll help quiet 'him' down.
The incident of Bad Child made Jack distance himself from others, and if you managed to get inside his personal life expect him to distance himself from you.
Still being afraid of what Bad Child had done, it's quite obvious that he'll try to keep his distance from you, trying to keep the interactions between you both as little as possible.
If you're the type to be persistent and continues to try to talk to him despite his attempts to be distant, Jack's going to try a tad bit harder, he isn't going to deny that he's fond of you, but he wont show it. The fear of you being 'his' next new interests always appears in the back of his mind whenever he would try to approach you.
Of course he wasn't wrong, Bad Child wakes when the Good Child is asleep. The more you appear in his life, the more interested 'he' becomes, Jack tries to block 'his' whispering, the voice that tells him to cut you apart.
He doesn't want that, as much as his heart aches to have a good life with you, painting won't be able to silence the monster in him forever.
If only you both were two different people
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the-robot-bracket · 1 year
Okay but in the second semester of Monster Prom you can DATE Calculester. Come on, robo-smoochers, you know what you must do.
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Merisa for Mermay uwu Drawn by Mod @miwachan2
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miwachan2 · 2 years
Wait what’s Monster smoocher? Just curious
A dating sim in the works im helping my friend @opalanxiety make uwu more details if you look at the @monster-smoocher-official blog
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kalpasoft · 1 year
I wanted to ask.....for your game "They Speak from the Abyss" will we be able to ever smooch the monsters or since that Kickstarter stretch goal wasn't reached will it just never happen? 💔 P.S: ur game design and game writing scratches a good itch in my brain. It makes me want to try harder with my games. ~ Monster Smoocher
I can neither confirm nor deny demon kissing, but fitting it into the narrative has become infinitely harder since the goal wasn't met.
I do have something planned, but I'm going to keep it a little secret right now :)
Thank you so much for the kind words!
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dark9896 · 2 years
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Day 30 [Steven/ Zed/ Raju]
Prompt: "I'm used to it"
This just rubbed Steven the wrong way. Being a first-hand witness to the discrimination you faced on a regular basis, or well, a semi-regular basis. And all because you had a tiny bit of Beyondian DNA. It was hardly noticeable after your surgery.
So what if you had a few feathers growing alongside your hair now? Steven thought it was absolutely beautiful. And the only reason anyone could see it was how you styled your hair. Was it really fair to you? Having to constantly do just the smallest things to "look human"?
Steven had half a mind to freeze the whole building and just the building. Until you tugged on his sleeve, trying not to pull him completely given the scene.
"Steven, please don't." He really didn't like the look on your face, "I'm used to this. It'll be fine."
He let out a tired sigh. Hearing that you were already used to this stung him a little. It wasn't fair, nothing about this situation was fair. All of it weighed on Steven's mind and his heart, especially with how upset you seemed.
But maybe he was just used to being surrounded by Beyondians...
"Amor," Steven cupped your cheek, "Perhaps we should find somewhere actually worth our patronage. What are you in the mood for?"
Zed groaned as softly as possible, he hated that you were being pulled into such low-brow insults because of him. Part of him couldn't help but feel as if there was a hint of merit to what the other humans were saying. It was possible you only dated him out of pity.
You could do so much better than him after all...
Though he still didn't want you getting hurt on his behalf. Tugging you back gently to hopefully avoid this altercation from escalating to blows. Zed would never live it down if you were injured for something this stupid.
"[Name], please." Zed urged, "Now isn't the time for this. I'm certain there's better places than here."
You half growled, before snorting at the woman blocking the entrance. Sure, Zed was right. That didn't mean you had to be okay with how people treated him. It wasn't right for them to judge on appearance...
"I still don't like how comfortable they were," You grumbled, "Calling you a 'walking fish' and all that. Completely uncalled for."
Zed let out half a chuckle, "You may be right, but it'll be okay. I'm used to this sadly. One of my coworkers won't stop with bad fish puns against me."
"Where does he live?"
"[Name], please no. Don't start anything."
"I wouldn't be starting anything." You pouted playfully, "I'd be finishing it."
"And possibly getting injured in the process." Zed moved slowly as he put an arm around your shoulders, "And I'd never forgive myself if you did."
Raju was about five seconds from torching several individuals for their rude comments. It was one thing to insult him, but once they started bringing you into the discussion... Raju was ready to fight. While he knew he was technically a Beyondian, calling you names was uncalled for.
"Raju, c'mon. Please?" You tugged on his cane, hoping to just pull him away like a balloon on a string, "I'm used to being called a monster smoocher. It's fine."
"It is not fine!" He protested, "One's love life shouldn't mean anything to others! You're a huma after all! They can't just attack you like that because of me!"
While you did manage to pull him away, some, you couldn't help but sigh. Raju had zero filters and no concept of romance, so it never failed to shock you when he said genuinely romantic things. But you had your own ways of returning the favor. Namely by sneaking a kiss on the side of his helm.
Though, before you could say anything about him being a sweetheart by saying that... Raju started ranting about you kissing his helm. Tapping his cane and essentially throwing a little hissy fit.
Still kinda adorable though, you couldn't lie to yourself about that.
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catboygirljoker · 2 years
monster-smoocher -> catboygirljoker
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