#monster idea
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nimbudcat · 6 months ago
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The beast, it stalks the woods with gnashing teeth, glowing eyes that seek the blood of heretics and their godless ilk.
But for now, he is just trying to get his cat out of a tree.
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tabletopmonsteroftheweek · 3 months ago
Twas the Week Before the Holidays...
Happy Holidays yall! I got swept up in them, you know how it is! But I got this one done!
Monster: The Mouse King
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A creature who differs from story to story, whose form shifts and changes from belief. One moment he could be just a mouse standing upright with a sword, the next 7 headed and large. Vicious as he is cunning, the Mouse King wishes to dominate all under his tyrannical rule. Bargaining with him is futile, as his greed and gluttony will let him take and take but nothing will ever be enough.
When the Mouse King is in the area, all the mice in the village/town/city are compelled to rush to his side, especially when he is threatened.
Type: Queen (Motivation: to possess and control)
Commanding & Dominating Presence
Powerful, potent magics (such as transformation magics)
Agile and dexterous
Ever-changing form
Quick Healing/Regeneration
Can easily hide in small spaces
Weakness: The Mouse King is ever hunted by the Prince, an individual who claims to be the ruler of some distant, hidden land who was turned into a nutcracker by the King so that he may usurp them. The Prince is an oddly colored nutcracker wielding a sword that is extremely sharp, and will allways appear in the village/town/city the Mouse King is currently in. Either returning the prince to their original form (Keeper’s choice!) or making it so the nutcracker can move about will cause the Mouse King to flee the area.
It’s not the Prince themselves that the Mouse King fears, it’s the blade they carry. Only the sword is sharp enough to cut through its multiple forms, leaving a lingering wound no matter how much he tries to regenerate. The Prince will not give up the blade so easily, as they believe they themselves are the ones that can kill the King. The hunters, wishing to deal with the Mouse King once and for all, will have to convince the Prince to lend the blade to them.
Finally, the last option to deal with the Mouse King is to turn him into a nutcracker. It will be a Big Magic spell that requires 5-10 nutcrackers, lumber, and the trapping spell to be cast at midnight on Christmas Day. Once the Mouse King is turned into a nutcracker, the hunters can do whatever they want with him.
Sharp blade (2 harm close)
Nutcracker-ization (1 harm close far transformative)
Mousey-Bite (1-4 [depending on how many heads] harm intimate ignore armor)
Harm: 10 Harm
Custom Moves:
Nutcracker-ization: The Mouse King can and will turn anyone who stands in his way into a nutcracker. Hunters who annoy him or get in his way will have to resist not being turned into one.
On a 10+, they fully resist the spell.
On a mix, they turn into a nutcracker but they can still move around and do moves- they gain -1 ongoing until they return to their original form.
On a miss, they turn into a full blown nutcracker- all they can do is talk and move their arms/eyes. They are unable to participate until they are freed from this curse, but they can crack nuts or anything with their wooden jaw.
For both mixed and missed rolls, they gain this move: Wooden Bite (1 harm intimate crushing).
To cure nutcracker-ization the others must Use Magic, but it takes 30 minutes to break it. Another way is killing the Mouse King.
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Minion: Mousey Spies
Type: Scout (motive- to stalk, watch, and report)
Can easily hide in small spaces
Attacks: Strong bite (1 harm intimate)
Harm: 3 harm
Minion: Mousey Assassin
Type: Assassin (motive- to kill the hunters)
Can easily hide in small spaces
Strong bite (1 harm intimate)
Sharp Dager (2 harm hand)
Harm: 3 harm
Minion: Mice Swarm
Type: Guardian (motive- to bar the way or protect something)
Can easily hide in small spaces
Attacks: Strong bites (3 harm intimate)
Harm: 6 harm (the less harm it has the less mice there is)
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feyosha · 1 year ago
Hit blunt
A Hydra; but Weasels
Think about it
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writerbeemedina · 2 years ago
You’ve heard of Monster High, now get ready for — Monster Retirement Home.
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statichex · 13 days ago
Evil Wallet
Ok, tabletop people hear me out. Security mimic. What I mean is, you purposely tame a mimic and use it as a wallet so that if anyone ever tries to pickpocket you, or mug you, the mimic basically attacks them 🤔
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davidthephoneguy · 1 year ago
Comms still open
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msvblight · 7 months ago
Monster idea: the pseudo-hydra.
Rather than growing new heads, the pseudo-hydra is actually multiple creatures.
Similar to how anglerfish mating works, two Pseudo-hydras will actually merge their bodies together into one. There's no dimorphism in what happens, as their sex is reduced to a reproductive gonad.
Rather they both become one creature. In favt multiple can merge together, older Pseudo-hydras end up having many many heads as they are a vast bundle of male and female mates that now appear as many heads on a single massive body.
The second most dangerous polycule.
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icefir-windbreaker · 9 months ago
If there is a monster for an Analog Horror, would it be...?
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yeetspace · 6 months ago
Aight so I'm redoing some old designs
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So I'm just redesigning the draconic hippo first. I kind of fucked with its anatomy more to make it look more hippo like but then also additionally fucked with its anatomy even more to make it look more dragon like than my initial attempt. I made it to lithe, to streamlined to good looking. This is a thing that is turning into a completely different animal that is literally a part of a different sector of animal types. This is a terrestrial amphibious mamillion carnivore Who has suddenly developed a fucking stone heart in the lore of Elden ring and it's just turning into a horrifying, flightless dragon parasite monster, This is in some hypothetical alternate reality where the thing that's bleeding into stuff and like fucking with things growing like the Crucible does in the meantime line, is instead the dragon Outer God
This time around I also actually used reference images instead of just memory and used the picture of what a proper hippos skull looks like to create this design
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akuma74 · 2 years ago
Well I am back on my little nightmares hyperfixation and now I am making my own monsters.
And I just thought, throughout the games most monsters were obssessed by something and hated kids, but what about a monster who is obssessed by kids ?
A sort of toxic mother who desesperatly want childrens to "take care" of. Who will lure the kids with songs, treats, plushies and promise of safety. Who will actually protect them from the outside world but preventing them from ever leaving.
A monster with an apparent kindness but will get incredibly mad for the slightest "misbehaving", who will lash out and be violent everytime one of the kids do not fit her unrealistic expectation of being a "perfect child".
So yeah it's just a bunch of random idea in my head, need to put some order into that.
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monstersholygrail · 2 months ago
Hi…. I can’t share this with anyone in real life, but I just wanted to share with someone that I finally got a tentacle dodo and the knot dodo just came in the mail today and…..
AHHHWNDJDNDKW, Hey babes!! I’m actually so fucking jealous lol
I am honored that you’ve come here to share such joyous news of your pleasures both now and in the future hehe. I’ve honestly always been super curious about both kinds of dildos and wanting to try them. You’re fr living the dream right now. I bet the different textures and aspects of a tentacle dildo would be just brrrrrrrrrajjekejfkejkf. Legit would need a reboot. And the streeeetch of a knot dildo. Ugh, I’m so well. I hope they manage to drive you absolutely insane and help sate the need to fuck a monster 🙏🏼
And oh, but like imagine an agency run by witches that pays monsters for their cock molds to make dildos and secretly connects the toy to their real cocks. So whenever a human orders one and uses it, the monster can feel everything they’re doing to themselves with the dildos.
Imagine one of the dildos gets really popular at their shop, literally hundreds of orders, leading to the monster never getting a second away from the mind numbing pleasure of being in hundreds of holes, sometimes he’s in more than one at a time which makes him all the more sensitive. The overstimulation is constant. Even when he’s just shooting blanks he can’t seem to stop. Form hunched over and shaking as he cums over and over again, technically untouched even though it feels like he’s actually there himself.
He’d regret having given those witches the mold if he wasn’t having the time of his life, despite any pain.
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onehobgoblin · 1 year ago
A giant monster who is a big jelly cube, perpetually angry, screaming with rage, eager to destroy the world. Completely unstoppable, immortal, capable of consuming everything in his way. But it can only move 1 meter every month.
The nearest city is 15 kilometers away.
It will take 1250 years until it get there.
I don't know what to do with this, but it is something I thought about
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tabletopmonsteroftheweek · 3 months ago
It's that time of year! Christmas time! And what better way to celebrate the festive times than with a good ol' threat block?
Though I'm a bit conflicted and unsure, as I want to do a mix of old fairy tales or fandom specific (minecraft, home safety hotline, ect.) So I thought why not put up a poll? For fandom specific ones, I'll put their picture &/or description below.
I'll have this go for a week and do the top choice, however if i get it done quick i'll pick the second and possibly third highest!
Quick descriptions & pics under the cut!
The Saint/ The Sinner
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The Saint is a Warlock sometimes resembling a bearded elderly human male adorned in thick robes often seen riding a pale, horse-like creature. The Saint is known for traveling through snow storms at night, leaving strange artifacts on the doorsteps of homeowners. Often, The Saint's arrival is followed by The Sinner shortly afterward.
The Sinner is a large bipedal goat-like creature known for breaking into homes and devouring human children, usually arriving after a snow storm has passed. Homeowners often report the sound of chains or hooves, broken doors or windows, and missing children.
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Trains haunted/evil
Home Safety Hotline desciption: The Locomotive is a large, segmented, train-like organism that can only be seen by animals and human children. It is known only to appear after nightfall after the 21st of December. Homeowners affected by The Locomotive often report the floor rumbling at night, distant whistling, snow falling in strange patterns, or missing children.
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I wanna turn him into a pine tree
Description: A creaking is a hostile mob spawned by active creaking hearts at night or during thunderstorms. It moves and attacks (via headbutting) only when no Survival/Adventure mode players are looking at it, and otherwise remains completely stationary and motionless. It is protected from all damage by the creaking heart that spawned it; breaking the creaking heart instantly kills the creaking. Hitting a protected creaking causes resin clumps to grow near its linked creaking heart.
The Mouse King
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Main villain of The Nutcracker that i wanna see if I can give it a horror angle!
The Great Elf
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What are they hiding. Who do they work for other than santa.
The Hunt
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The Hunt is a storm-like fungal weather phenomenon that carries with it large quantities of infectious, snow-like spores. Homeowners caught in The Hunt commonly report thunder, blizzards, electrical outages and violent or erratic behavior from neighbors. The Hunt's spores, if ingested, can also cause unpredictable and hazardous symptoms in humans such as color blindness, physical deformations and cannibalistic desires.
Lab experiment Santa & Reindeer
No photo here lol. They were science experiments made by a scientist to bring santa to home instead of hiring a santa impersonator. The santa was a Yeti who liked to carry around bags and the reindeer were insect like so that they could have small wings to hide the fact they could fly without magic (spoiler, they have beetle wings).
False Carolers
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False Carolers are flocks of feathered humanoid creatures draped in many layers of clothing that are known for their pleasant "singing" vocalizations and for approaching the entrances of homes after dark. Homeowners afflicted by False Carolers often report sounds of singing, missing neighbors, or large feathers appearing around neighborhood doorsteps.
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Classic. Don't feed them after midnight and dont put em in water.
Gremlins are all very mischievous, dangerously violent, and crazily fun-loving. Their level of intelligence varies, though all are capable of working (and sabotaging) complex machinery and devices, as apparent in folklore where they were believed to have brought down hundreds of planes in WWII.
Killer Snow Sculptures
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Self explanatory (i know theres a horror movie version of this, i watched it with my friends! I just thought this pic would be funnier)
I cant fit more pics :( i wanna turn them into a pine forest
Trevenant can control other trees by using its roots as a nervous system. It uses this ability to trap people who harm its forest and will curse people who cut down trees. However, it is very kind to forest-dwelling creatures and Pokémon that reside in its body. Trevenant hates Fire-type Pokémon, so lumberjacks usually bring them to repel it. It is even believed that Trevenant has consumed people, although it is unclear whether this is fact or rumor.
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mcsh-mmv · 2 years ago
i think more vampires need to bite deep sea sharks or just sharks in general, i think a shark going "bleh bleh bleh i vant to drink your blood" or asking to be let into a coral reef would be hillarious, but also a shark that can turn into a bat means that as long as they're in batform they can hide in caves at day time and if they're fresh water tollerant like a bullshark we could have vampire sharks fighting goth wearwolves in places sharks have no place being, like mountain creeks and the elabkrate fountains in europe
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a-spoonful-of-scourge · 2 months ago
Monster Concept:
A beast that can only hunt by targeting one person at a time. However, it appears invisible and inaudible when it is in the person's line of sight, and when the hunted closes its eyes, it can be seen and heard by anyone, apart form the target.
The only way to beat it is to close your eyes and have another dictate your movements in order to kill it. If another person who isn't being hunted hurts the monster, it then becomes the new target.
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littleslasherfan · 2 months ago
just got a Trevor Henderson oc idea from a song lol
I was on my MP3 player all day jamming out to my parents taste in music and I heard the lyric:‘Shepherd of the damned’ and I was like ‘ooh a shepherd that leads the demons to hunt that’s a good idea’ LOL a song inspired my dark side..now what do you guys think that would look like? A old man who’s all creepy and dark who carries those hooks used to lead sheep as it guides like..monsters to their hunting grounds?
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