#monsoon of the winds of destruction
captain-303 · 4 days
Casual reminder that Raiden, after chopping the cool magnets guy into like 300 pieces and also decapitating him, actually says;
"your memes end here"
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I love this game
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arielsupreme · 5 months
Normal day of The Wind Of Destruction
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soonsie · 1 year
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Short Soon, son.
In a previous post I mentioned that Monsoon has a civilian body which he doesn't use. Monsoon had the opportunity to provide info on the kind of civilian body he could have had, however he believed he wouldn't need one now that he was a literal walking weapon, plus he has a spare combat body so why would it matter if he had a human body? Well, Armstrong took some liberties and had one built for Monsoon, tho he may have miscalculated his height. Also he thought he'd do the guy a favour and give him his black hair back.
Currently, Monsoon's combat body is out of commission so his brain's been swapped into his civil suit, and since there isn't anything urgent for Monsoon to do on the field, his spare body's locked up until the other body has been repaired. It hurts to say he has no snail eyes in this body, but he's meant to look as part of the public as possible. He still has some of his cyborg strength tho, and the best part is he can eat with this body.
It's everyone's first time seeing Monsoon in the body and they're loving it.
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He wants his body back.
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Psycho Analysis: Winds of Destruction
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(WARNING! This analysis contains SPOILERS!)
Here I am, dirty and faceless Waiting to heed your instruction On my own, invisible warrior I am a Wind of Destruction!
As many of you might now, I’m a huge fan of the Metal Gear series. What you probably don’t know is  that, despite the series having a penchant for squads of quirky bosses, I’m not really a huge fan of many of them. FOXHOUND? I mean I like Mantis and Ocelot. The Sons of Liberty? I guess Vamp is alright. B&B Corps? I barely remember any of them. I love the Cobra Unit, but that’s because all of them are batshit insane and weird. I’m not saying they’re bad boss fights or anything—far from it, they all offer fantastic boss fights—but as characters I’m not really big on many of these villains.
The Winds of Destruction, on the other hand? I fucking love these guys (and girl).
Metal Gear Rising is what happens when you turn the insane anime action of the main series up to 11, and so it should be no shock the squad of bosses is cranked up as well. Each and every one of these guys is nuttier than the last, and the whole lot of them are some of the most memorable and memetic characters in the franchise. Also Khamsin exists.
Motivation/Goals: So besides the obvious way they tie into the plot because they’re working for Armstrong, each of these villains has a theme song which pretty much details what makes them tick, what they’re about, and expands upon them once you get their health low enough during their boss battles.
Mistral’s theme, “A Stranger I Remain,” details how she has come to this land to sate her bloodlust, and how she truly feels most at home on the battlefield; Monsoon’s theme, “Stains of Time,” acts as a reinforcement of his nihilistic outlook; Sundowner’s theme, “Red Sun,” expounds on his nature as a card-carrying villain and how he revels in the violence and bloodshed he causes; Sam’s theme, “The Only Thing I Know for Real,” lays out his desire for a one-on-one duel with Raiden, his foil, to see who is truly worthy to stand up and continue fighting for their ideals; and Khamsin’s song, “The Hot Wind Blowing,” showcases his patriotic nature as well as just generally acting as a badass boast. Most of these songs  act more as thematic seasoning for the characters, adding on to what is already established in their cutscenes, but for some like Khamsin and to a lesser extent Mistral, it’s pretty much the extent of their development.
Performance: Every single one of these actors really brings their all to make these characters memorable.
Sundowner is the ham and cheese of the group, working alongside Armstrong to ensure that all the scenerey is well and truly chewed. And who better to bring on the ham than Crispin Freeman? Salli Saffioti is Mistral, and is it any shock she’s also played Black Widow before? And also Hilda from Fire Emblem, I guess? Then we have Monsoon, played by John “The Crypt Keeper” Kassir, who delivers everything with gusto as always. Phillip-Anthony Rodriguez makes Sam just as smarmy and charming as a rival should be, and Benito Martinez puts in his all to his brief role of Khamsin. Not a weak vocal performance here, I’d say.
Final Fate: Seeing as they are video game bosses, it should come as no surprise to anyone that Raiden slices each and every one of them into confetti. Special mention to the absolutely brutal death of Mistral, where she gets frozen in liquid nitrogen before you get to shatter her.
Best Scene: For most of them, they only get the one scene followed by their boss battle, with the exception of Sundowner and Sam. Mistral and Khamsin’s boss battles are obviously their finest hours, though Mistral’s takes the cake between the two seeing how explosive and exciting it is, living up to the promise of that first battle with Metal Gear RAY, while Khamsin’s is the finale of a DLC featuring the game’s ultimate jobber, Blade Wolf.
Monsoon has a lot more going for him, because before his boss fight he gives off one of the most amazing monologues ever put into a Metal Gear game, as he lectures Raiden on memes (“The DNA of the soul!”) and his nihilistic philosophy. Then you get to have a kickass boss fight where, if you do well enough, you will make this nihilistic bastard beg for his life as you hack him to pieces.
Best Quote: Monsoon has the honor of dropping the most iconic bit of dialogue in the entire game (outside of everything out of Armstrong’s mouth, of course):
"Free will is a myth. Religion is a joke. We are all pawns, controlled by something far greater: Memes. The DNA of the soul. They shape our will. They are the culture — they are everything — we pass on."
Sundowner, being the massive slab of ham that he is, is no slouch in the memetic lines himself. Two stand out, and that’s his battle cry of “I’M FUCKIN’ INVINCIBLE!” and his proclamation that he wants things to go back to the old ways of war, specifically “IN THE GOOD OLD DAYS AFTER 9/11!” This is hilarious because even with confirming that 9/11 happened in the Metal Gear universe, it still is probably only the second worst thing to happen to New York.
Sam doesn’t really have any great quotes that stand out, but this man is a master of reactions, from his shit-eating grin to his rousing applause. I figured I’d highlight that here.
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Final Thoughts & Score: Let’s look at them from best to least best; I don’t think any of them are awful, though some are better than others obviously.
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Outside of Armstrong and Sundowner, Monsoon is absolutely the best character in the game. I think part of it is because he so thoroughly represents everything the Metal Gear series is summed up in one character; he’s incredibly philosophical and legitimately fascinating while also being hilariously over-the-top and spouting off some of the most ridiculous and cheesy lines you will ever hear, all while being a bright red-and-black cyborg voiced by a guy famous for acting as the emcee of a horror show. Literally everything about him is the pure essence of the franchise, so even without Kojima’s direct involvement we still got a beautiful 10.5/10 character.
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As far as the Winds of Destruction go, Sundowner is second only to Monsoon. He’s just over-the-top in ways I never could have even imagined for this series, and the only thing holding him back is he is almost immediately outdone by Armstrong two levels after you kill him. Still, this bloodthirsty butcher just revels so much in being a huge asshole and delivers all his lines with the Southern-fried charm that only an actor like Crispin Freeman could deliver, and you have a character I wish was around in the good old days after 9/11. He’s an easy 10/10.
Also he is literally just this image as a character, and that’s amazing:
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Jetstream Sam
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Sam is a really great character in the Cyborg Ninja tradition, easily following in the footsteps of characters like Gray Fox and Raiden himself. The sheer badassery of this man, a normal human whose only cyborg trait is a single arm and yet who is still capable of taking down a RAY by himself, cannot be overstated, and I think he gets a big boost from being playable. There’s an underlying tragedy to the character too, with how he’s something of a fallen hero whose sword was once a tool of justice but who became disillusioned due to his inability to make the world a better place all on his own  and losing to Armstrong in a fight. He’s easily the most complex character besides Armstrong, and his boss battle and theme song are both top notch. I really can’t justify anything less than a 10/10.
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As much as I love Mistral, it’s hard to deny she is really the epitome of a one-scene wonder. She does not get nearly as much characterization as her compatriots and is very vague and ambiguous even after the DLC… but that might be the point. Her image song is “A Stranger I Remain,” and though we know of her bloodthirsty nature from that song, Mistral still remains a mystery to us to the bitter end. But hey, it’s hard to deny that what we do see of her is pretty impressive (and I’m not just talking about her boobs, I promise). She’s not quite as good as her fellow Winds I’d say, but considering she’s a 9.5/10 that’s not really a knock against her.
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Despite having one of the best songs in the game to his name, as well as an intriguing personality and motivations, Khamsin really is incredibly forgettable, to the point his comrades  don’t even bother to mention him in the main campaign. This is not something you should ever be saying about a dude who looks like Quaritch in his mech suit at the end of Avatar on steroids, and yet here we are. Of course, he’s certainly not awful by any means and he makes for a great boss fight, but he falls severely short of the main game’s enemies. Mistral managed to score as high as she did with only having one level to her, but Khamsin only manages a 5.5/10 with the same. Maybe it’s because he just feels so inconsequential… Eh, at least he looks cool.
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cyberhai · 2 years
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Old meme but gold meme
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freakfangz · 1 year
he is so 😋
ac / mine + eklaira_ on tt
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nameless-headless · 2 years
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Y’all liked the Raidens so how about some Monsoons
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desperadosofficial · 2 years
Who are we?
We are a team of highly skilled professional military operatives dedicated to helping our customers achieve their warmongering goals in a timely and efficient manner! Whether it’s private security, smuggling heroin, combat support, cold blooded murder, or military training, we do it all.
Why are we here?
We were banned from Twitter for threatening to blow up Elon Musk’s vacation home along with the rest of an unnamed third world country and heard that this site is hip with the kids!
We’re here to provide updates for employees as well as answering any questions you may have about our mission, how to join us, our members, benefits and pay! 
Meet the Blog Team!
To differentiate between us, we will be using stupid fucking sign off emojis. This was Intern Carl’s idea. Zoomer bitch.
Sundowner 🦾
The boss man and one of the Winds of Destruction. I’ve only ever used Facebook for inciting violence and shit talking peoples’ cars so help me out yall
Mistral  🥐
WOD member and one of maybe five ladies around here, PLEASE can more women enlist I feel like I am in the seventh circle of Hell
Monsoon  🥷
WOD member and look at this I can make boobs ( . Y . )  Nice.
Minuano  🏍
New guy. While you were partying I studied the blade.
Chinook  🩹
DE Biomedical Specialist. Monsoon, please delete the boobs.
Intern Carl  🥸
Official DE Social Media Coordinator. Guys please let this blog work I can’t lose my other arm
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School Au
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Crackfic but check the tags for cw
You had recently just moved to Denver and had been transferred to another school. This was always one of the worst things about moving but your parents assured you that you wouldn't be alone. Luckily your family knew another man in the area so you would be attending the same school as his daughter. Already having been introduced, you recognized her immediately. "Hey, Sunny!"
There was now a young girl with brown eyes and silver hair coming your way. She then pulled you into a hug. "It's great to see you!" You then noticed two boys standing behind her. One pale and the other dark skinned with a thick accent. "This is John and this is George." John went to shake your hand and George did the same but you couldn't really understand what he was saying so you just smiled and gave a nod. Suddenly the bell rang. "Uh oh! We better hurry. If we're late than we can't play ninjas at recess!" The next thing you knew and you were walking into World Marshal Elementary School.
Luckily you shared the same classes as Sunny (along with John and George) so if you were overwhelmed than you had someone who could help you out. You walked into class and took your seat, choosing to be near Sunny. After the national anthem and annoucents, the principal came in to your room. He was a tall man who seemed like he would be better off as a professional wrestler than working in a school setting. He pushed his glasses up and sighed, muttering something about how America needed to be great again.
Sunny leaned over and whispered to you. "That's Mr. Armstrong. Whatever you do, don't make him angry!" John then joined in. "Yeah. He's a jerk! One time my dad and him got into a fist fight! I don't know why he hasn't been fired yet." George was the last to speak. "I heard the last time some kid disobeyed him, they got split in two! Damn skunt!" Okay, now you were scared.
The principal stood there for five seconds before giving a fake cough. "Good morning Mr. Armstrong!" the class greeted. "Hmph. That's better. Well as you all know by now we have a new student. You are to show them what being a member of World Marshal is all about and if I catch any of you goofing off then it's straight to detention! Are we clear?" The class then let out a single "Yes sir." and silently prayed for him to leave.
Eventually he walked out and the door clicked, causing you to sigh in relief. "At least it cant get any worse than this!" Suddenly your history teacher walked in. "Oh no, guys it's Sundowner!"
It turns out that it really could get worse. In front of the class stood Mr. Sundowner, a former veteran from Alabama. Supposedly his legs were blown off so he had artificial limbs attached to his lower joints. You knew this because he would smack other students with them when they gave a wrong answer. One child then raised their hand. "We've been learning about war all week, can we learn something else?" The man gave a fake pout. "C'mon, give war a chance will ya? Or would you rather hear about why I got discharged from the army?" The student then went silent.
"Hmm. That's what I thought. Now I'll be nice and change it up a lil bit. Have you kids ever heard of the term genocide?" Your day was now going from bad to worse.
"Thank God that it's over!" You never wanted to see that man again. You weren't sure how graphic teachers were allowed to be but you were definitely going to ask your father to send in a complaint. You felt sick and used your ten minute break to go vomit in the bathroom. One can only see so many pictures of mass graves, bones and hear about torture until it breaks them and it seems your history teacher was not one of those people.
Sunny gave you a pat on the back and a bottle of water to help you swallow back the bile. "The worst is over now thankfully. Our next teacher is an angel compared to him. Just as long as you don't make her angry…" in walked your math teacher. "I'm impressed that she can walk in those heels!" Suddenly she turned in your direction and narrowed her eyes. "NO TALKING!"
Luckily you were always decent at math so you didn't have much of a problem. You passed your quiz and Ms. Mistral gave you a sticker of a french terrier. You figured she must like dogs. Those that failed the test received a much harsher treatment. Your teacher was currently using both hands to hit students with rulers. "You imbeciles!" You turned to your friends once she was distracted. "How can she get away with this!?" John then mentioned that everyone knew her and the principal were seeing each other so he let it slide. "This place seems like a giant lawsuit waiting to happen.
Soon the bell rang and recess came. John and George were both trying to be ninjas but they just looked like dorks who watched an episode of Naruto. You then went to see what Sunny was doing. She had her laptop open and was somehow hacking into the United States government. You then sat down on a patch of grass and contemplated your life.
You returned to class and now it was time for your next subject, science. "Oh boy, my favorite!" pipped Sunny. In came an older man who you assumed must be blind due to the cane and prescription glasses. "I hear we have a new student. Just allow me to say that we all welcome you to Denver!" It turns out that this teacher was Mr. Monsoon (You questioned why all of your teachers had weather phenomenons for surnames) and everyone knew less about him than your math teacher. John told you that the reason he became a science teacher was because he used to be involved with the mafia and their drug operations.
Today you were learning about wind and how you can make a tornado in a bottle. You weren't going to lie, this was better than your previous two classes. Now it was on to the next lesson though. "Everyone, pull out your copy of the selfish gene. We're going to be covering memetics again." The class then let out a loud sigh. One child began to boo, letting out "RICHARD DAWKINS SUCKS!" The next thing they knew and their teacher was standing in front of the boy wielding dissection tools. He then leaned down and whispered into his ear. "If you value your life then you'll never speak those words in my class again…" The child gulped, terrorized with fear.
Then he went back to the front of the class like nothing had happened and resumed reading.
You teacher was giving one of his unprompted speeches again when a students whispered to another. Being blind had heightened his senses so he could hear the two children perfectly. He didn't expect to hear what was about to be uttered. "I'd rather be in Mr. Sundowner's class right now. I know he taught us about Pol Pot torturing people but I swear that this class is actual torture!"
Everyone then noticed their teacher go silent, failing to realize his PTSD had been triggered. Suddenly he started screaming. "STOP! STOP IT!" He was now in a fetal position and sobbing on the floor. "I'll go get the school nurse!" said Sunny. Eventually a balding german man walked in. "Not again…"
Well science class was cancelled for the time being so you got to go to your last class early. Everyone got changed and then went out on the field to play soccer. You were now going to be introduced to Mr. Rodrigues. He was from Brazil and very muscular. He had a portuguese accent and you thought that he was a model and not really a teacher. He had your class play some games before starting the match. The class was then split up into two teams and you were the goalie. Luckily George was on your team and was rather good at soccer.
"Alright everyone, let's dance!" Mr. Rodrigues then blew his whistle. The game had suddenly turned into a fierce battle with bloodshed. Students donned bruises and scrapes but your teacher seemed proud instead of concerned. The ball soon hit George in the abdomen, causing a loud "SKUNT!" to be heard. Now it was up to you to stop that ball. You jumped up and caught it with your face, the ball going so fast that it had a golden glow. Sadly it was too strong and the ball ended up decapitating you.
"Shit!" cursed your former teacher. Your class then buried you and planted a cherry tree in your honour.
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Mistral : *Gently taps table* Monsoon : *Taps back* Sam : What are they doing? Sundowner : Morse code. Mistral : *Aggressively taps table* Monsoon : *Slams hands down* YOU TAKE THAT BACK-
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pasteltherainwing · 2 years
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Some doodles I made today during school
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hearties-circus · 10 months
Also monsoons boss theme is the only wind of destruction boss theme to not. Actually. Bring up wind at all
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arielsupreme · 3 months
I always imagined if The Wind of Destruction (except Sundowner) used a hair braiding machine...
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soonsie · 1 year
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When you're having a bad drawing day so you ugly doodle memes to cope ;-;
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Bonus content of a Jimmy being clingy to a poopy Monsoony
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Hey we’re the winds of Destruction
We got bored so we decided to make a askblog, so ask us shit, if you want to specify who you ask to, would make it easier to know who’s being asked what, but for right now there’s probably a bit for you guys to know of us
Jetstream Sam: Brazilian, 5′6, eye color brown, male and the last one to have joined the winds of destruction, used to just wander the world and dispense what he thought was Justice, after thugs killed his dad he inherited his sword the Muramasa, it’s really fucking powerful and Jetstream Sam can somehow double jump we don’t know how though, even he doesn’t know, he makes for one hell of a ally though.
Sundowner: The 2nd to join, he’s a sadist and is strong in muscle, fucker can somehow carry his giant scissors and he likes to just make other’s suffer, sometimes makes the grunts feel pain when he wants but we’re making sure he doesn’t do that much, he’s 6′0 in height and his eye color is red, while he’s a sadist I think he’s also a bit of a coward, I noticed once that he has some sort of shields that when all put together resemble of some sort of red sun or some shit, though he ain’t really one to mess around, though the shields seem to resemble Japanese shit even though he was born in Alabama, his eye color is red btw.
Mistral: The 3rd to join and the only female of the winds of destruction, she joined a week after Sundowner but she seems to get lost sometimes, not like lost as in she doesn’t know where she is but just lost in who she is, she’s French has green eyes and probably thinks herself as a stranger, but she’s strong, though before on a mission she was supposed to go with some guy called Khasim, but when she returned she reported that Khasim had died, we have no clue how though, her weapon of choice is a staff made out of Dwarf Gecko arms, she’s also 5′8 same height as me.
Monsoon: And now we come to me, Monsoon, I’m the one who actually pitched in the idea for a askblog, I’ve survived the Cambodian genocide and came to my boss, when I was on the verge of death, in this world it’s kill or be killed, I also was a gang member but I’m not going to go into that, life though I’m sure is meaningless, free will is a myth, religion? A joke, I’ve segmented my body, and can use magnetism to move shit around, of course I’m also the first to join, I use sai’s as they’re my weapon of choice, like I said while talking of Mistral I’m 5′8 in height, and with that I’ll leave it there, feel free to ask us shit.
(Mod talking now, feel free to roleplay and interact as you want, these character’s are not my own not by a long shot, they’re from Metal Gear Rising but that’s a game that came out like what 9 to 10 years ago? Anyway’s do as you wish, and have funnnn)
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cyberhai · 2 years
The Desperados fandom is dying reblog if you're a true Desperate Ho
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