#monochrome laughing jack
glassartpeasants · 2 years
A Valentine's Day To Remember
Laughing Jack x GN!Reader
Warnings: Blood, not gore really but tagging in case, angst
A/N: I don't wanna talk about how long this took, and how i finished it at 12:17 am in the morning. And how it's 4 days after Valentine's Day. Hopefully its long to make up for it.
You were so tired. Tired of working your ass off for a boss who only cares about himself. Tired of working with co-workers who think you're a dumping ground for the things they don’t want to do. You couldn’t wait to quit, but that was something that had to be postponed. Cause you’d be damned if your broke on Valentine's Day.
This Valentine’s Day was going to be huge for you. You wanted your love to have the most expensive things and everything his twisted heart desired. It's just a shame you worked so much. You loved him so much, so you hoped this would make up for the lack of quality time you spent with him. He loved surprises, so you couldn’t wait to see the look on his face when he saw all the decorations.
Well, you had to buy them first.
So that leads you to where you are now, roaming the stores looking for the perfect things to fill your apartment with. The sweets aisle was stacked with candy that would give a clown cavities.
Lindt, Russell Stover, Ghirardelli, Godiva, you name it, was in your cart. You got flowers and everything under the sun. It was all in your cart, ready to be given to the person you loved the most. It had to be perfect for him.
You couldn’t wait for it to all tie together and be the perfect Valentine’s Day you dreamed it to be.
You were gone so much. Why were you gone so much? Don’t you love him? He told you about how he’s clingy. Did you finally have enough? Is that why you were spending so much time at work? You didn’t find another, did you? You were cheating, were you?
Toxic thoughts filled his mind as he looked at the picture of the both of you that he kept in his pants pocket. Both of your guys smiles were from ear to ear. It was a picture where you officially asked him out. He felt as if his chest was going to implode. He remembered the kiss you left on his cheek you gave him that almost had him melting. He was still so madly in love with you that every kiss afterward still felt the same since that day.
Did you not feel the same?
He wants to tell you how he feels, but he doesn’t know how. What if you get mad at him for holding it in for so long? What if it’s not the right time? What if he’s just overthinking again? Why can’t he just say it? For fucks sake, he’s a 200+ year old clown. He should be able to express how he feels.
He grabs the phone from his pants pocket, only for a smile to stretch across his face.
It was you! He went to answer it, but he looked at the time and saw that you were still supposed to be at work. Did you call him cause you wanted to, or was it a butt dial? He picked up the phone, and relief washed over him as he heard your voice.
“Hi honey, I’m going to be early in coming home or a little late depending on how this traffic is. I think someone ran a red light and hit someone else. People need to get their licenses taken away cause this is the 3rd time this week!” He laughed as he heard the cute annoyance in your tone. You did mean to call him! You even did it while driving! He loved hearing you rant about how horrible traffic was.
“How was your day, though? Hopefully better than mine.”
“I didn’t do much. I stayed home and watched horror movies.”
“You okay, honey? You don’t normally hang out at home unless something’s bothering you. Do you wanna talk?”
‘This is my chance! I can finally tell them!’
“Nah, I’m okay. Just tired. I drank too much with Will last night, and I have a massive hangover.”
“I swear, you're going to kill your non-existent liver. I’ll be home, and I’ll make you some that’ll help you. Oh, traffic’s starting again. I have to go. Love you!” Before he could say it back, you hung up. He would have been sad if he wasn’t excited that you would be coming home early! He loves when you come home early. It's not often enough, though.
‘Why didn’t you confess?!’ His head started going off again, but it was right. Why didn’t he say how he felt? Why couldn’t he have the courage to say it? Maybe he will when you get home.
A few days later
Jack was so clingy when you got home early that night. But you didn’t mind. You loved his clinginess. That is what made him, him. It's just a shame that you were gone at work so that you couldn’t enjoy his arms around you while he was rambling about something he saw that day. 
He was so cute when he started rambling, talking about his new obsession and how he was so fixated on it. The way his eyes sparkled when he’d talk about it always made your heart melt. 
You found a store based on his newest interest and told him about it so he’d get out of the house while you decorated. You told him that you had to clean the house and gave him some money to buy whatever he wanted from the store. He was sad that you weren’t coming with him, but you told him that you’d meet him at the park so that you could hang out. He smiled before going on his merry way.
Here you were, with your shared apartment decorated to the max with Valentine’s Day decorations. Flowers as far as the eye could see. Piles of chocolate are laying on the dining table, with a handwritten letter to him waiting to be opened. 
Horrible romance movies, rom-coms, and other Valentine's Day movies sat on the couch waiting to be watched. You got candles so that it would be even more romantic. The finishing touch was what you wore under the everyday clothes you had on. 
You couldn’t wait for it all. All you had to do now was head to the park and get ready to see him and not spoil the surprise you worked so hard to get.
Where were you? You were taking forever! He feels weird sitting on this park bench alone, holding all the stuff he bought with the money you gave him.
“Jack!” His whole body froze as he felt hands being placed on his shoulders. He twisted his head and saw your smiling face. You looked so lovely when you were smiling.
“I thought you forgot, haha. What took you so long!”
“That's for me to know and for you to find out!” He would have laughed with you, but for some reason, it only gave him a gross feeling in his stomach.
“Well, are you ready to go for a walk?” 
“Yeah! Let's go!” He quickly sat up and grabbed your hand, and you both started walking down the pathway.
“And Edgar Allen Poe didn’t create ‘The Raven’ until 1845!”
“Do you have a favorite poem from him?”
“You're not gonna make me choose, are you?” A cute pout was plastered on his face. You couldn’t help but laugh.
“I wish I could spend more time with you instead of working all the time.”
“Then stop working so much! Ask your boss to cut your hours!”
“If only it were that simple. I have to pay bills and such. I need the hours he gives me.”
“Well, your working a lot more than usual.”
“That's true, but I have a good reason for that.”
“I can’t tell you. It’s a secret.” You giggle at him as you squeeze his hand.
“I don’t like secrets.”
“Ah, come on, honey. It's a good one! I know you're going to love it!” You go to squeeze his hand again, only for him to pull his hand away.
“Why is it a secret that you're gone so much? Are you hiding something from me?”
“Hiding something? Are you okay, Jack?”
“No! No, I’m not okay!” His voice raised an octave which caused you to open your eyes in shock. Your eyes turn soft as you try to get closer to him to understand what’s got him feeling this way.
“You're always working! Whenever I want to hang out or be with you, your working! Work work, work is all you do!”
“I’m sorry, honey. I know I’ve been working a lot more, but I’ve always tried to make it up to you! Not to mention soon I’ll be able to make it up to you!”
“That's what you always say! I’ll make it up to you, yet you never do! What's so cool about work?”
“Nothing is cool about work! You know everything is more expensive nowadays, so I have to work a lot to pay bills and such. I’m sorry I haven’t spent as much time with you as you would have liked. I wish I could make that time up, but I can’t, and I'm sorry.”
“Even days you have off, you go in if they call you in! When we're hanging out, you leave!”
“I’ve only done that twice! I don’t like it any more than you do, but when my boss threatens to fire me, I have to go in.”
“Are you sure there just isn’t somebody there you want to see?”
“What are you talking about?”
“I’m talking about how you're probably talking to someone at work!” You jump back a little back at his words.
“Are you saying that you think I’m cheating?” Jack didn’t say anything as he only looked at you blankly. 
“You really think that lowly of me that I’d cheat on you?” His expression was mixed with anger and sadness, and you couldn’t help but feel those as well.
“With how much you forget about me, you might be.”
“Forget you? Jack, you're on my mind 24/7. I never stop thinking about you. You're the only person I love.” Jack said nothing as he looked at the ground away from you.
“You know I love you, right Jack?”
“Then act like it.” His words just snapped something inside you. He was throwing arrows at you with words, and you’ve only shown him, love, only to be stabbed for showing it. Jack started walking away towards the direction of your apartment.
“Can we please talk about this instead of you walking away?” You run up to him and grab his arm.
“I don’t wanna talk to you.”
“Please, Jack? Relationships need communication-”
“I said I don’t wanna talk to you!” He screamed as he pulled his arm back, accidentally slicing your arm before disappearing into a cloud of smoke.
“Ah fuck!” You quickly checked your arm, only to notice three deep wounds pouring blood out of them. Not even seconds passed by before your entire forearm was covered in blood. You started to run, which left a trail of bloody droplets as you tried to find the nearest hospital.
You tried running even faster, but your eyes started getting heavier to the point where you could barely keep them open, and your legs started weakening.
‘Oh god, what’s happening?’ Your vision started getting blurry, and you felt your legs wobbling as you tried to maintain balance.
“Hey, you don’t look so good.” A stranger's voice was the last thing you heard before you collapsed onto the concrete path of the park. Darkness surrounded you as you closed your eyes.
“Stupid (Y/N). Stupid Valentines Day.” Kicking rocks was the best thing he could do to prevent him from losing his temper again. 
Seeing your sad face when he accused you of cheating never left his mind, no matter how hard he tried to erase it. Why were you sad? He’s the one who deserves to be sad! You chose to work and ignore him! It’s all your fault!
But now what?
Why should he put himself through being forgotten again? Sure, he loved you more than there were stars in the sky, but he promised himself that he wouldn’t go through what he did ever again.
He was too much into his thoughts to notice that he had walked all the way home to your shared apartment. At first, he didn’t want to go in, in fear of you already being there, but when he put his ear to the door and heard nothing, he unlocked it.
Shock couldn’t even describe how he was feeling. Did you do this?
The house was decorated head to toe with decorations. Boxes of chocolate were hoarded on the dining room table with an envelope with his name written on it.
Closing the door, he walked towards the envelope and grabbed it carefully. It was a cliche white envelope with a red heart sticker sealing it. Using his claws, he carefully opened the top of it. Grabbing it, he starts to read the letter.
Dear Jack,
Happy Valentines Day! I’m so excited to share this holiday with you for the first time! So I went all out! Everything you can think of is here! I wanted to make this one never to forget!
Your wondering how or how did I manage to get everything? Well, this is the reason I was working so much! I wanted to make sure our Valentine's day was perfect! So I hope you can forgive me for not being able to hang out with you more.
I hated every time I had to go to work for hours and not be able to see you. I always missed hearing your jokes, as they never failed to make me laugh. Seeing how your eyes light up every time you talk about something your passionate about always reminded me why I’m so in love with you. Your presence alone always makes me feel at peace. I genuinely don’t know what I’d do without you in my life.
Your everything I could ever ask for. I feel so lucky you're a part of my life that I couldn’t imagine my life without you. So I hope you can forgive me for being unable to be in your arms every night.
I love you to the ends of hell and back. Happy Valentines Day, Jack <3
He couldn’t begin to describe how he was feeling. You were simply trying to surprise him, and he thought you were cheating on him! You were only working so you could make him feel happy! God, he felt like such an asshole.
He held the letter in his hands as he tried to figure out what to do. Maybe he could wait for you to get home? Yeah, then he can apologize for everything that happened at the park. Looking at the clock, you should be home soon, and maybe Valentine's Day can still be saved.
A day later
Why didn’t you come home last night? Were you that mad at him? Were you too hurt to look at him? He knows he messed up, but how long were you going to ignore him? He tried to call you and text you, but you never answered and left him on delivered. Maybe your phone was off?
He quickly picked up the phone, hoping it was you, only to be yelled at by a familiar female voice.
“Jack, where are you?!”
“Home? And don’t yell at me, Jane. What do you want?”
“(Y/N) is in the hospital, and you don’t even care? Some boyfriend you are.” He jumped to his feet as he felt his heart stop.
“(Y/N)’s in the hospital?!”
“Yes! Didn’t you know?!”
“No! Which one?!”
“The sone on Solar St.!” Not even seconds later, he left the apartment in a puff of smoke. When he saw the hospital in front of him, he made a mad dash inside. 
“Which room are you in?!”
“208!” Running down the halls of the unfamiliar corridor felt like a race against time. He found your room and burst through the door.  Upon entry, he saw your body lying on a bed with all sorts of things attached to you. Bloody bandages wrapped around your arm and head.
“What the fuck happened?!”
“All I know is apparently a bystander found them running holding their arm. Suddenly, they collapsed onto the concrete, hitting their head hard. When they saw all the blood is when they called the ambulance.”
“Ah, you must be another friend of (Y/N)?” He whipped his head around to see a doctor holding a clipboard and staring at him.
“I'm their boyfriend! What happened to them?!”
“When the EMTs arrived, they noticed three deep gashes on their right arm. Deep enough to damage the radial artery. Their head had gotten hurt from hitting the concrete, and from a cat scan, we’ve seen they’ve got a small skull fracture along with a 2-inch length cut.”
“Will they be okay?!”
“They’ve lost a lot of blood. It’s going to be a long recovery.”
“At least they're okay.”
Unfortunately, things like this come with severe risks and problems. They went unconscious from blood loss and haven’t woken up since they passed out yesterday. They lost enough blood that they could get amnesia. Long-term or short-term is unknown.”
“Do you know when they’ll wake up? Or what caused the cut to the arm?” Jane's voice cut through the thick air.
“No, I don’t. We’re guessing a demon ambushed them as they look like claw marks. Sorry for what happened, and I do wish you the best. I’ll have a nurse come and check on them soon.” The door closed as Jack's world seemed to stop.
“What did you do?!” Jane's voice screamed as she started hitting the clown and yelling profanities at him.
“I-I didn’t know! I didn’t mean to!” He tried to calm Jane down, but her words continued to dire at him.
“It’s all your fault! They might not ever wake up, and it’s your fault!”
“Don’t say that! They’ll wake up!”
“And how do you know?! They’re lying in that bed because of you!” Jack tried looking away, unable to see what his actions had done.
“Look at what you did!”
“Shut up!” Putting his hands over his ears, he fell to the floor and sat with his knees hugging his chest. He could feel tears brim his eyes as his whole body started twitching with loads of unfamiliar emotions.
“They deserve better than you. I hope they leave you…
…If they ever wake up.”
Three weeks have passed
Wake up, please. Please, please, please. He’s sorry! He’s learned his lesson. You can wake up now! It’s not funny anymore! Wake up! Why won’t you wake up?
He’s been by your bedside ever since the day he found out. Why would he go home when your not there? Nothing was the same if you weren’t there. Knowing you were in the hospital, he couldn’t even find joy in doing other things. A hospital he put you in.
People came to see you, and when they saw him, he was given the silent treatment or looked at like he was the most disgusting thing in hell. He’d wish he could sometimes crawl in a hole and die with all the stares sent his way.
You needed to wake up! He doesn’t know if he can continue this any longer! Knowing you so close yet so far away.
The sound of shuffling pulled him out of his thoughts, and he turned to look at the source of the sound.
It was you!
He grabbed your hand and held it tight as he looked hopeful that this time would be when you woke up! He could feel his heart jump out of his chest when he saw your eyes flutter open.
You turned to him before your eyes filled with fear, and a scream erupted out of your throat.
“What are you?! Get away from me!” Your screams echoed through the hospital as doctors and nurses rushed in.
“(Y/N) calm down! Your in the hospital! Your okay!”
“Who are you guys?! What are you guys?!” You ran from your bed and tried to get as far from them as possible. Tears started streaming down your cheeks as you feared for your life. All these monsters in front of you were nothing short of nightmare fuel.
“Ah, I was afraid this was going to happen, but this is worse than I could have predicted.” Jack twisted his head towards the doctor before tightly grabbing the doctor by his shoulders.
“What's wrong with them?!”
“Amnesia. This is just one of the worst cases I’ve seen. It happens a lot when someone experiences such heavy blood loss as they did. How long have they been in the underworld/known you?”
“Dated for almost seven months and known one another for two years!”
“I’m afraid to say Jack, but the amnesia has affected their brain to the point of losing their memory. And even losing their memory of the underworld.”
“Well, you can fix it, right?! Right?!” The doctor said nothing as he looked at Jack with pity. 
“No…no! Your lying!” Letting go of the doctor's arms, he ran to you and grabbed you to try and hug you. 
“You know me! You love me, and I love you!” Tears also streamed down his face when he felt you trying to escape his grasp.
“Let go of me! Someone help me, please!” The sound of your screams was so loud that your voice soon started going dry. 
“Jack, let them go!” Doctors and nurses tried to pry you away from jack’s grasp, but he couldn’t let you go. He wouldn’t let you go. 
More aids came in, and they were finally able to pry you away from him. You still screamed bloody murder as you were surrounded by people you didn’t know and monsters all looking at you. 
Your body felt light before you passed out from the fear of being in the unknown.
Months later
You were sitting on a park bench with someone else where he should be. It should be his arm around you, not theirs. It should be him your laughing at, not them. 
Jack could only watch you from afar as you kissed someone that wasn’t him. The awful feeling that he so desperately tried to avoid in the first place soon became the only thing he felt. Sitting away forgotten while you lived your life without ever remembering him.
“You're pathetic. Can’t you just leave them alone? You’ve already done enough.” 
“Leave me alone, Jane.”
“You heard what the doctor said. (Y/N) won’t regain their memories. They needed to return to Earth. They won’t ever be able to come back to the underworld.”
“I know.”
“They don’t need you fucking up their life again. Go home, Jack. It's the best thing you could ever do for them.” Without another word, the sound of heels started heading away from him. His body shook as his tears soon started dropping on the ground.
Once again left forgotten as he watched what his actions had done.
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rogueshadow1124 · 5 months
Laughing jack x reader
Summary: When Y/N's little brother has an imaginary friend. It is really just a part of the imagination, right?
Word count: 1694
Warnings: hint at death, scary monochrome clown?
Screams echoed through the air, the sound of slashing contrasting with the sweet cries for help. The neutral tones of light flashed from behind the tv screen making the girl jump on the spot from where she sat, legs criss-crossed on the sofa. A screech emerged from the doorway making her spin to see a young brunette haired boy, eyes teary as his hands clutched onto the soft plush teddy bear in his hands.
"Bobby?" The girl whispered, standing from the sofa so she could walk over to the small boy who shook as the tears broke the water barrier of his deep brown orbs. "What happend? Are you okay?"
"No, I had a nightmare..." he sped towards his older sister, arms moving to wrap around her lower waist, digging his head into her stomach. "Make the monsters go away Y/N."
She looked down at him, bottom lip slipping between her teeth before she peered back at the tv screen to see yet another victim get slashed open by a murderous predator in the movie she had been watching previously. Y/N crouched down gently taking Bobby up into her arms and moved him around so his head rested in the crook of her neck while her arms rest under his legs to hold him up in place.
"Shh, it's okay Bobby." She whispered into his hair, placing a kiss on his head to offer him comfort while she started off into the hallway where she walked towards the stairs and made her way up to the dark landing.
At the end of the hall was the open door of the young boys room, a small white streak of light emitting through the crack. The girl squinted lightly, in an attempt to help her eyes adjust to the change in lighting upstairs where it was alot darker. Upon entering her brothers room she looked around noticing the window on the far left hand side of the room was open a-jar, the tall trees outside had been casting shadows within the room.
Y/N hummed to herself lightly, shaking her head.
"Are they gone Y/N/N?" A tiny murmur slipped through the boys lips, his head lifting from her shoulder to reveal a red and puffy eyed face which made her brows furrow in sadness at the sight of her scared little brother.
"Yes, I think we scared them away."
"That's good. Jack tried to help me, but I ran away." As Y/N placed the boy onto his bed and started to tuck him in she leaned back slowly, raising an eyebrow at him in question.
"Jack? Who's Jack?" Her voice dragged out the name cautiously, eyes glancing over Bobby's face, coming to notice a small but content smile tugging at his lips.
"Laughing Jack, he's my bestfriend." The boy chuckled and clapped his hands as his brown orbs drifted to the 'empty' space from over his sisters shoulder. "He's behind you Y/N/N." She spun around on her heel, only to find that there was actually nobody behind her. She sighed, hand reaching up to scratch at her head, turning back to face her brother.
"Is he?" She questioned in confusion, smiling softly when Bobby started to nod his head vigorously. 'This jack must be imaginary.' Y/N thought to herself, she decided to humor her little brothers imagination by taking notice of this so called 'friend's that was standing behind her. "Well then- urm Hello there Laughing Jack."
"Your silly Y/N, he's standing right beside you now." Bobby giggled pointing to the right hand side of her to which she tutted to herself, playing along by rolling her eyes and slapping her forehead gently, maneuvering her body to now face where jack would be standing according to the young boy.
"Pleasure to meet you Jack." With that she smiled into the empty space of the room, placing her attention back to her brother who was grinning widely at his sister. "Anyway, isn't it past you bedtime mister?"
"B-but what if the monsters come back Y/N?!" Bobby suddenly was at full attention again, eyes wide in alarm. Y/N let out a puff of air, leaning down to the boy as she tucked him into the bed placing a kiss on his forehead.
"I promise that there are no monsters." Her eyes wavered over his face watching as his bottom lip started to tremble. "Or I could stay here with you."
"Yes. Y-yes please."
A few hours later Bobby was fast asleep In his bed, Y/N sat on the floor beside the beds frame with her hand resting beside the boy as he clutched on tightly. She huffed out a yawn, using her free hand to rub at her eyes that drifted towards the digital alarm clock that shone illuminous red numbers showing that it was exactly 12:00am.
A creak caught the girls attention making her head snap to the side to see the rocking chair in the corner, swaying back and forth. She furrowed her brows, moving her hand from her brothers grasp, coming to stand up from her place on the floor, staggering as she tried to gain her balance because of the feeling of pins and needles scattering through her legs from being in the same seated position for so long.
"Stupid creepy chair." She yawned out, stretching her hands above her head groaning, trying to be quiet as not to awake the sleeping child. Y/N crept towards the door, hand reaching out to open it only to stop when she heard a distant sound of hysterical laughter. Shaking her head she reached out again, pulling the door so she could slide through the gap and pull it closed behind her.
Once she turned to head over towards her room she came to a stop again, scrunching her face when she saw a glimpse of fluorescent colours surfing from the gap under her bedroom door. Y/N wasnt typically the type of person to get scared easily, sure she would jump and cringe at things but not get fully scared.
Her eyes scanned the dark landing area, stepping towards her bedroom hesitantly.
She pushed open the door slowly only to find it in its usual state. Her eyes flickered over the many band posters and pieces of art that were displayed on the plain walls making it more colourful, she shook her head in dismissal, running at her tired eyes that she could barely keep open with every second that passes. 
As she stepped fully into the room, she hadn't even had chance push the door to a close as it slammed right behind her, making her jump and squeak a sound of surprise. Her body spun to face the door, but it seemed the door was now missing and was replaced with a black wall or atleast that's what it seemed to be at first glance. Her head tilted up slowly, eyes coming to see a pale face; bright icy blue eyed that pierced her own, a black and white pointed cone nose upon a set of matted black lips thsy curved into a wicked grin- seemingly being the face of an unnerving monochrome clown.
"Aren't you precious." The clown giggled, reaching out a clawed black hand towards the girls face, who didnt make any attempt to move as she was in a state of shock and scarce, though she had flinched when the hand had made contact with the soft skin of her cheek.
"W-what- How. Who are you?" Y/N whispered coarsely.
"Why im Laughing Jack of course!" The clown exclaimed, the girl jumped back slightly at the change of pitch.
"I-I dont understand. How-?" Her much smaller form staggered back, falling onto the bed as the backs of her knees made contact with the mattress.
The clown strode towards her though it only really took him two steps before he started to crawl ontop of her trapping her quivering form beneath his bigger structure. A wide eerie smile etched it's way onto his face, allowing the girl to catch a glimpse of his sharp canines that pointed at the ends.
"I am only an entity, I travel as I please. Now you see me, now you dont." He vanished into air within seconds, Y/N sat up slowly looking around the room vastly. Her eyes wandered, adjusting to the darkness as the small streaks of light passed through her curtains helping her vision become slightly clearer. "You see what I allow and if not you miss me..."
Y/N rushed to stand, screeching when Laughing Jack appeared beside her on the bed, head tilted as his eyes glimmered with a look to be unknown. She squinted at him, watching as he chuckled as a child would, rolling on the bed while clutching his stomach.
"What do you want?" She murmered, taking one step towards the bed but still keeping some form of distance.
"Lil' ole' Jack only wanted a play mate but I'm getting bored now, guess I'll have to get rid of the twirp and find a new one." He grinned up at the girl who stared in confusion, a sense of realisation flooding her as his words echoed in the back of her head.
"B-Bobby... No y-you dont touch him, dont you dare."
"Oh? And what are you going to do about it suga'." The clown came to a stand, towering over the girl as he continuously stepped in her direction making her back away only for her to be cornered between him and the wall. "He'll be in very good hands."
"Please. He's all I have." She croaked, tears falling from the water barrier of her Y/E/C eyes.
"Aww hes all you have, shame." He stroked one singular claw down the side of her face, from temple to chin, placing the point beneath to lift her face so she was fully staring at him.
"Please..." Her voice came strained, Laughing Jack only seemed to smile widely before he vanished once again.
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shanxpennywise · 8 months
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Creepypasta Art Dump (Old Art.)
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soupiero · 11 months
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🦴 > laughing jack creepypasta for berry ^_^
🕷 < black , white and realated stims
🦴 > divider by x
🕷 < ♟| 🦷 | ♟ | 🦷 | 🎬 | 🦷 | ♟ | 🦷 | ♟
🦴> lost source for the hello gif , if you know it send in my ask box please :3
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luvghostie · 2 years
𝘎𝘕 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
𝘛𝘞: 𝘓𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘨𝘦, 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘷𝘪𝘰𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦, + 𝘤𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘯
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LJ and you met through the likes of Candypop. It wasn't an automatic connection but you two grew together. Whenever you need anything whether that be someone to talk to, help with problems, or a shoulder to cry on, he was there.
Jack came at the most random moments as well. Once you were laying on your couch watching a movie. Suddenly, the monochrome clown just sat down on the floor next to you.
When you guys started dating he became extremely clingy. The thought of you leaving as everyone else scared him. No matter how much you'd reassure him he never believed you. To this day, he still doesn't. (if you did leave, as much as it would hurt him, he'll probably kill you)
LJ is very touchy therefore, PDA is something he does a lot. Not that he usually goes out in public but still. Touching your arm or waist makes him feel comforted and off edge. He does constantly worry about your love for him so it's helpful to hold hands to ease Jack.
Remember, Jack is a serial killer. He won't stop murdering for you but won't talk about it unless you'd like. If you were okay with his habit then he'd ask you for a hand seeing it as attractive. The two of you together, nothing better.
He's not abusive but he does have sudden outbursts. It could be about something small and he'll still get upset. It's due to his past and the time spent with Isaac. This means you might want to watch for the signs of his mood change.
Expect constant gifts and showers of compliments. Sometimes he even attempts to give you ‘spa days’. Which is basically him getting nail polish all over you and rubbing too many oils in your skin.
You think it's funny to see him struggle with his claws.
“Would you like me to open that?” you asked, reaching for the nail polish bottle. “No, I got this shit.” Jack said confidently still trying to unscrew the top.
When you get catcalled or people make remarks about you, don't fret! You'll never see them again after that day. Also, Jacks running out of places in the yard for bodies.
Whenever you're sad he cuddles you and whispers sweet things in your ear. He hates seeing you so upset, it psychically hurts him. His heart aches to know that you're suffering.
He takes you to the circus quite often. Depending on your personality he'll fit each game perfectly to your liking. The food trucks also contain the snacks you enjoy. Yes, he pays attention to detail.
LJ is a great boyfriend and he tries his hardest. He's very emotional and has issues to work through. Despite that, he'll love you forever and ever. Just don't break his heart or he'll break you<3
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sillyhoneybear2 · 2 years
Laughing Jack 🍭 -in my style
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(A bit before the darkness...)
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spookyleech · 8 months
Laughing Jack! >:)
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koolaidoverliving · 3 months
these are gonna be all over the place LMFAO just a bunch of random stuff they do in my AU nothing specific
Characters: Jeff, Ben, Sally, Toby, Clockwork, Kate, Nurse Ann, Eyeless Jack, Lulu, Lazari, Liu, Jane, Nina, The Puppeteer, Bloody Painter, Judge Angels, Lucy, Suicide Sadie, Jason, Nathan, Candy Pop, Laughing Jack, Zero, Kagekao, X-Virus
Lazari has terrible pronunciation and grammar. Ben makes fun of her for it while Lulu teaches her better English.
Sally invites the proxies to attend her weekly tea parties. Except for Zero and Kagekao. They're banned.
Nina has a dislike for Clockwork due to her being Jeff's best-friend. She's rather petty towards her — like an annoying high school girl — which Clockwork rolls an eye at.
Over time, Clockwork and Toby help Nina realise how bad Jeff is for her. But right now in the AU, Nina is head over heels for a man who doesn't love her back.
Jeff takes good care of his appearance. He deeply hates how he looks since the incident, so he's always trying new things to make himself look better. For that reason he steals a lot of skincare, accessories and makeup.
Nurse Ann's hair was turned red due to Zalgo's influence. It's nothing significant, just an effect of her reanimation. Her original hair colour is brown.
Liu was somewhat of a delinquent when he was a teenager. He taught his little brother how to jump fences and steal from people at church.
Liu and Jeff have matching rosary necklaces. Jeff can't get himself to wear it anymore. Too much guilt.
Eyeless Jack likes gardening. He has flower pots lined on the window sill and a mini produce garden in front of his cabin. His favourite flower is the snapdragon.
He uses grown herbs to make herbal remedies and perfumes for Lulu.
Toby and Kate steal from Jack's garden. Kate does it unknowingly because Toby lies and tells her they're gifts from Jack.
Kate sometimes collapses in the woods after her Chaser form. When it gets too late and she isn't home, a few proxies go out to look for her.
The Bloody Painter and The Puppeteer are best friends, although Pup tends to be possessive of him.
The Puppeteer is superficially nice. The kind of nice that makes you wonder if there's something worse underneath the surface.
Zero's last name is The Hero. "Cower before me, humans! It is I: Zero The Hero!"
She is also colourblind (can only see in monochrome) and can't tell the difference between Toby and Cody.
Zero loves politics because of the tension it arises. She tried to run for "president of the mansion". Ben ran against her and he won.
Laughing Jack rarely leaves his box.
Once a month, Toby and Cody "switch places" — changing clothes and pretending to be each other. Cody hates this; Toby finds it funny.
Cody mindlessly lies about little things. It's like filler conversation. He isn't paying attention and just says stuff. "What'd you do this weekend?" "Built a snowman," Cody says, even though it's summer.
Lucy hates The Puppeteer because he's always stealing "dad" (Helen) away from "mom" (Dina). It's one-sided beef.
Dina is a bookworm. She's the type to sit under the shade on a plaid picnic blanket and read a novel while eating freshly picked strawberries.
Sadie is also a bookworm. Except she reads Colleen Hoover books and recommends it to Dina. Dina smiles and nods, knowing she'll never read that.
Jane listens to true-crime podcasts — or rather interviews with past victims. She finds it easier to cope with her trauma knowing she's not in it alone.
Candy Pop has a skill for writing. He had spent a lot of time in libraries, utterly fascinated by human works. Candy Pop writes poetry, novels and plays of his own.
He's pretty childish, too. He likes making friendship bracelets, drawing with chalk, crafting (ugly) dolls, etc.
The kids join in when Candy Pop is absentmindedly drawing on the streets. Lucy finds Candy Pop to be rather embarrassing and talks shit about him to Crystal. "He's playing with crayons and chalk at his big age!" "...No comment."
Nathan is a self-taught tattoo artist. All his piercings and tattoos are done by himself.
Jason and Nathan take care of stray cats that roam around. There isn't a vet at the town, so they try their best to keep both the cats and themselves safe. Candy Pop isn't allowed near these cats because he tries to juggle them.
Jason has a sweet tooth — particularly for biscuits and tea. The amount of sugar he consumes contrasts his bitter personality.
wow... long post. these are just a bunch of random facts!
send an ask if you have any questions!!! :D
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ellzilla · 6 months
Laughing Jack Headcanons!
I have so many things about this rewritten clown in my brain n' I don't think I've ever like Listed ALL the headcanons in one spot? individual posts but never a hoard of them, soo. Here's all on my mind rn but i've probably forgotten some! - He can't feel pain or temperature and struggles with texture. The best way to explain it is imagine wearing super thick work gloves all the time and trying to touch a cactus and then a fur pillow, only difference you're gonna feel is that you can push into the pillow. - He also can't sleep or smell, but he still yawns when he's exhausted and sneezes when there's visibly a lot of dust or whatever in the air. -Also he can't eat food or taste. If he tries, he'll throw it up along with black sludge after an hour or so. He can drink and feel the effects of alcohol, but it makes him fucking reek because he doesn't have any organs and it just kinda absorbs into his stuffing. - He's a huge kleptomaniac! He has entire tents in his carnival dedicated to shit he's stolen from people he's killed, but he keeps his favourite items in his trailer. -His skin is a combination of plastic and rubber, despite initially being made with fabric. There's a few parts on his body where left over seems are still visible. -The only part of his body that's white is his head and most of his torso, the rest has been stained black with a faint branch pattern connecting the colours together. -His makeup isn't makeup, it's just how he looks! And he hates it! -If he wears coloured clothes they'll eventually turn monochrome and won't regain colour. -Huge egomaniac! Part of his kelptomania fuels this as he hoards things that are rare/thought to not exist anymore -Only thing close to a friend he's ever had is his relationship with Zalgo and Will. -Doesn't remember how he came to be or why he loves violence. He sometimes dwells on it but not for too long or else he gets upset. -Holy items can tranquilize him/subdue him on prolonged physical and can send him into a state akin to sleep but with none of the benefits. Having a holy item nearby simply makes him mildly less agitated and a lot more tired. -He can turn into smoke and do mild shapeshifting, mainly changing sizes or stretching things by an impossible amount. -Extremely quick to anger -Loses track of the year a lot -Has no clue why he has such a familial bond with Will and struggles with it as all he's done for hundreds of years is be either an asshole or kill people, so his nice gestures and affection sometimes comes with implied threats
-Extremely overprotective and controlling of Will to the point Will doesn't feel like he has a life of his own [Will used to love it as a kid, but now he's in his mid 20's/early 30's? Not so much] -Can use his pullstring as another limb, being able to grab things or life himself up with it. -Sometimes literally hangs around by cradling/hammocking himself with his pullstring
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eldritch-nightmare · 1 year
heyy!! can i request LJ and Candypop ( ,,if you write for him) sharing a fem!reader? (headcanons or something else) i don’t mind <33
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a/n: I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT CANDY POP WAIT omg he's one of those creepypastas that i heard about but never really looked into so. first time writing him so i hope i did him justice for you! i wasn't sure if you wanted something more lighthearted or something darker so i did my best to keep it balanced.
LJ and Candy Pop sharing a fem!reader.
warnings: my knowledge of candy pop comes from the creepypasta files wiki page so just a heads up if i get something wrong, opted to make reader a creepypasta here but it's very vague, lj and candy pop are like frenemies in this i suppose, sorta hints that the reader might've been forced into this relationship, my hand slipped and i dropped a 'good girl' in here somewhere i couldn't help myself, possessive behavior from both of them, implied unhealthy relationship.
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Man, what's it like having a 7ft tall imaginary monochrome clown that terrorizes children and a 7ft tall colorful Night Terrors possessed jester be in love with you? It's probably a strange experience.
They both argue over who caught feelings for you first. LJ swears up and down that he fell for you first, but Candy Pop claims it to be love at first sight. Honestly, you've just chosen to believe that they both fell for you around the same time.
The two of them were definitely hesitant to share you, though that was more on Candy Pop's side than it was LJ's. Listen, sharing a body/soul with the literal demon king makes you a bit possessive over things, okay?
You don't particularly mind either way, to be honest. They're both a bit... much to handle at times, but you guys make it work. Like... literally. You had to plan out an entire schedule and everything because they kept bickering about how much time the other spent with you.
LJ gets you on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays while Candy Pop gets you on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Sundays are days you spend alone because it's always good to have some time for yourself.
Of course, they don't... follow the schedule that often. Why would they? They aren't confined to the mortal chains of schedules.
They are both equally romantic in their own right, and you won't lie, you certainly have enjoyed a few of the spontaneous dates they've taken you on. Sometimes, they'll even get together long enough to plan out an outing for all three of you. They can get along, see?
Now, we can't forget that they are both murderous entities. One is an imaginary friend turned serial killer and the other is... something. A demon? A poor possessed soul of a jester? Whatever he is, he's deadly. Shall I provide some examples?
Example one: Laughing Jack was abandoned by the one person he was created to befriend, so trust me when I tell you that he has some deeply rooted abandonment issues. He's all fun and games until there's even the slightest possibility of you leaving him. Even if someone makes an offhand remark about how you should leave him, his entire persona does a complete 180.
Suddenly, his hold on you is just a bit more tighter than it normally is, and you can feel his nails digging into your skin, threatening to draw blood. It's a subtle, silent threat of what he could do to you if you ever tried leaving him.
Example two: Candy Pop, as a whole, is somebody you have to be wary around because his mood can flip like a switch. He'll be happily humming away about some random topic one moment, and the next he's pushing you up against a nearby wall and looking at you with such a crazed look that it's almost hard to believe that this is the same person who claims to be in love with you.
He's the type to remind you of where you belong. You belong by his and LJ's side, so don't you ever forget that, okay? You really don't want to see what'll happen if you do.
In the end, though LJ and Candy Pop have a habit of bickering with each other, they'll make one hell of a team if it means keeping you in their grasp. You don't fit with anyone but them, and you don't need to fit with anyone other than them. They're the perfect match for you, and you'll come to see that sooner or later. So, all you need to do is be a good girl and stay by their side, got it?
It's Sunday. Sundays are supposed to be your day. You had plans to hang out with the other girls, maybe even play dress up with Sally if she was up for it. So, why the hell were you currently stuck in bed, sandwiched between a clown and a jester?
You have no clue because you just woke up and they were already here. Sure, you could just… wiggle your way out of bed but then they would wake up. Do they even need to sleep? They aren't mortal like you are, so sleep doesn't seem like a necessity to them. But it's not like you can just stay in bed all day either. You had things you wanted to do!
So, with a very silent sigh, you slowly start to sit up, untangling yourself from the mass of limbs trapping you to your bed. You were able to sit up with relative ease, the hard part would be crawling over either LJ or Candy Pop to get out of bed. That would be… that would be difficult.
Even if you were to try and crawl over one of them, you weren't able to because before you could even decide which one to crawl over, you were being pushed back into laying down again by Candy Pop.
You let out a small 'oof' as soon as your back hit the mattress.
"Where do you think you're going?" You hear LJ ask, and with one quick glance at him, you can see a slight pout on his face. It was almost enough to make you forget about the feeling of his nails gently grazing your stomach.
If he just decided to dig them into your--
"She's not going anywhere." Candy's voice murmurs directly next to your ear, effectively cutting off your train of thought. You only belatedly realize that he had buried his face into your neck, his hair brushing against your face, "Right, angel?"
Well… it seems like you're not going to be getting rid of these two today, so whatever plans you had for the day were going to have to be put on hold until next Sunday. You just hoped the two of them didn't make a habit of this.
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ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 YES! Okay so my Laughing Jack isn’t 100% planned out due to him not being a main muse. But I have quite a few head cannons!! These may be quite messy so bare with me! :3
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ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Laughing Jack originated as a Angelic shapeshifter. He was made to be a “imaginary friend” to help sad and terminally children. Used to make children happy or enjoy their last moments. He was fairly weak during this period of time, feeding off the little emotions around him.
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Although due to being trapped in his box for years due to Isaac leaving he began loosing his colour due to his box feeding off Isaac’s mothers negativity. And eventually watching Isaac torture people he was corrupted. LJ lost his colour turning him monochrome, and his body began only feeding off the negativity and souls that were in the house. Due to this he was corrupted and ended up turning into a demonic creature instead of an angelic creature.
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Laughing Jack is a shapeshifter and has multiple different forms he takes. One of those forms being “Laughing Jill”, I personally headcanon them being the same person. He also will occasionally shift into child like versions of both of his forms, along with turning into animals for convenience. He’s Genderfluid!
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Laughing Jack doesn’t kill children. He doesn’t believe children deserve to suffer. Although he kidnaps children after killing their abusive parents. He typically takes the children and drops them off in completely different states, and sometimes different countries in hopes that they’ll have a better life. Sure it’s strange but he just wants to help children get better.
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Laughing Jacks box is what keeps him alive, it’s like his soul to him. He often keeps it safe with Sally whenever he’s not helping another child. He can morph it into different things as well. He turns it into a small necklace for Sally to wear, Sally also feeds off of the energy from the Box to have a physical form; so without LJs box she wouldn’t be able to touch anything. If his Box is broken he’ll die with it.
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Speaking of Sally. Laughing Jack adopted her almost immediately after they met. He felt bad for her due to her situation and promised he’d help and protect her. They’ve got a Father Daughter bound.
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 The inside of Laughing Jacks box is like a huge carnival! It used to be colourful but unfortunately it lost all of its colour when he was corrupted. Although LJ is a Kleptomaniac and often steals things from his victims. He also has a compulsive hoarding addiction so his carnival is a mess.
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Laughing Jack claims to be Pansexual but in reality he isn’t really attracted to people. He often finds himself accepting dates just for convenience and too have fun. Never being fully interested in people. He’s too busy being a Dad to care about others
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Laughing Jack sees nearly everything in black and white, although he sees the colour red. He’s often fascinated by anything red and will gravitate towards it to check it out. Due to this Him and my OC ARK have a fairly confusing relationship. LJ with randomly touch his hair and he’ll panic.
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Laughing Jack often doesn’t understand personal space. He finds himself leaning against people and using them as shoulder rests. Or getting in their face without realizing.
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Laughing Jack can sense people’s emotions and will often make his body admit certain pheromones to cheer people up or to make them feel other emotions.
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Laughing Jack has a never ending pocket that he keeps candies and small toys in. Often handing them out to the people around him. If you need a fidget toy just ask him and he’ll give you one! He often will drug the insomniacs with melatonin candies just to get them to sleep.
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Laughing Jack is only at the mansion due to Sally enjoying it. If Sally wasn’t with him he would continue to do his own work alone.
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Laughing Jack can teleport, along with being telepathic. He knows almost everything and it’s scary.
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 If Laughing Jack finds a love interest (although it’s very unlikely he would) he’d be obsessed with them and grow very clingy of them. He’d honestly do anything for his partner. Also he’s one loyal MF…
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alfredojesta · 2 months
i actually ship candy pop with both laughing jack and jason the toymaker but not in a throuple way just in a "oh this guy would be good with either one of them"
it could be in a throuple way if only my versions of jason and LJ didn't hate each other... plus they both have jealousy issues and i can't see candy pop surviving that LMFAOOO
but anyway. Laughing Jack and Candy Pop? sweet fun shenanigans between a colourful jester and a monochrome clown. they would be the bestest of friends turned lovers; and it'd be an inherently healthy relationship... except for the minor detail that LJ is possessive and plots the death of anyone who gets remotely close to candy pop BUT ALL'S NORMAL!!!
then candy pop and jason are the epitome of what tom and jerry shippers want: frenemies to lovers. hell yeah. jason's codependency and manipulation combined with candy pop's anxiety and depression makes for just the perfect relationship. (i say sarcastically). if i went into depth about how their relationship develops through mutual toxicity — i'd be here for days... so it must be saved for another post i'm afraid...
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shroomyglloomy · 3 months
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Laughing jack, psycho monochrome clown
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uncannyoceanz · 6 months
Some basic things about my Creepypasta au!
Ask me or the creepypastas anything! PLEASSEEE I NEED SOMETHING TO DO WITH MY LIFE 😭💀
Jeff the killer x Eyeless Jack
Candy Pop x Jason the Toymaker
Jane the Killer x Mary Vaughn
Bloody Painter x Puppeteer
Nathan the Nobody x Ciara
Suicide Sadie x Roadwalker
Clockwork x Nina the killer
Nurse Ann x Dr. smiley
Pinkamena x Rainbow factory
lulu x the skroll
Homicidal liu x Hannah the killer?
Ben drowned x Lost silver
Luring Lyra x Kate the chaser
Candy Cane x April fools?
Masky x hoodie?
Weeping Forest x Ally SlenderDoll
I don’t know a lot about marble hornets btw so…. :’)
Pasta groups:
circus pastas: Papa Grande, Jason the Toymaker, Candy Pop, Candy Cane, Laughing Jack, Laughing Jill, Puppeteer, Nathan the nobody.
The killerz: Jeff the killer, Homicidal Liu, Asylum Nancy, Nina the killer, Clockwork
The girls: Jane the killer, Nina the killer, Clockwork, Sally, Suicide Sadie
These people idk what to call them: puppeteer, Bloody painter, Zero, Nurse Ann, Judge Angel
Slender family: slenderman, Splendorman, Trenderman, Offenderman, Surrender, Slendrina.
The monochrome crew: Zero, Laughing Jack, Puppeteer, Kagekao, Hobo heart.
The doctors: Nurse Ann, Doctor smiley, Doctor pain, EJ.
The dumbass trio: Jeff the killer, Ticci-Toby, Ben drowned.
Slendrina is Slenderman’s daughter. Lazari lives with Sadiya and Puppeteer.
Puppeteer doesn’t really work for slenderman nor Zalgo. He’s just there honestly lol
Homicidal liu lives by himself in a cabin in the woods.
Jane and Mary live together
Slender’s main proxies:
Masky, Hoodie, Ticci-Toby, Weeping Forest, Kate the chaser, Ally SlenderDoll, Rogue.
Zalgo’s main proxies:
Sonic.exe, Dr. locklear, Mr. Wide mouth, Stripes, Dark link, The Skroll, glitchy red, Jane Arkensaw
Jeff the killer (Jeffery Woods)
Ben drowned (Benjamin Lawman)
ticci-Toby (Tobias Rodgers)
masky (Tim Wright)
hoodie (Brian Thomas)
eyeless jack (Jack Nyras)
laughing jack
Lost silver (Gold)
Papa grande
Homicidal Liu (Liu Woods)
hobo heart
Jason the toymaker (Jason Meyers)
Vine the dollmaker
julius the dressmaker
Candy Pop / Night terrors
X-virus (Cody)
Smile dog
Nathan the nobody (Nathan Lux)
Puppeteer (Jonathan Blake)
Bloody Painter (Helen Otis)
Wilson the Basher
Jane the killer (Jane Richardson)
Sally Williams (Sally Maryam Williams)
Nina the killer (Nina Hopkins)
Judge Angels (Dina Angela Clark)
Lulu (Lucile Tiffany gracefield)
Nurse Ann (Ann Lusen Mia)
Clockwork (Natalie Ouellette)
Laughing Jill
Candy Cane
Zero (Alice Marie Jackson)
Suicide Sadie (Sadie Marie Bennett
Roadwalker (Zayner Nanook)
Jane Arkensaw
Mary Vaughn
Ally the Slenderdoll (Adeline Abendroth)
Weeping forest (Jennifer Ryhnes)
Rouge (Heather Marshall)
Lilly the Jester
Ms. P (Ms. Pencilneck)
Stripes (Eloise Sarah Bellarose)
Lazari (Lazari Natalie Swann)
Lifeless Lucy (Lucy Jones)
Lily Kennett
Ellison Burns (Ellison Wright)
Rose (Rose Fairen)
Elizabeth Vazquez
Anna (Anna Schurks)
Kate the chaser (Kate Milens/Hayes)
April Fools
I feel fantastic / Tara
Sadako (Samara Morgan)
Beings of the forest… (That hold a lot of power)
Candy Pop (Mostly Night Terrors)
Zalgo’s Family:
Cynthia Ezelle (My oc)
Realms (Within the slender forest and such)
The Slender Forest Itself
The slendermansion
Homicidal Liu’s Cabin (In the slenderforest)
Granny’s house
Slendrina’s Mansion
Zalgo’s territory and base.
Roadwalker’s clearing
Sadiya’s house (Puppeteer, Sadiya, and Lazari)
The old abandoned Hospital
Jason the toymaker’s realm
The Abyss (Candy Pop’s realm)
The Mindscape
The lake
Cynthia Ezelle’s house
The old abandoned treehouse (Slender proxy Base)
The Circus Realm
Please dear god ask me something😭 I’m too lonely and bored man 💀💀💀
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necroromantics · 1 year
🍭 — Laughing Jack // Teeth
oct 3rd writing prompt
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- the tall clown dug his long, slender black and white claws into the mouth of the child, snapping open their jaw. a loud sobbing scream bellowed from the young victims lungs, as a beg for mercy.
- holding their maw open with one talon, he grabbed a handful of razor-blade infested candy in the other and began to shovel it into the tunnel of their throat.
- a sick, sadistic smile twisted and contorted onto his monochrome face as a loud cackle roared out through the abandoned carnival grounds.
- looking deep into the eyes of the dying, frightened child which choked and sputtered on the blood spewing from their throat. he spoke in a snicker as he continued to shove sweets into their cracked open jaw.
- “don’t let the candy rot your teeth!”
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sweetpayaso · 10 months
🤡🖤🤍 Laughing Jack: Lore and HCs 🤡🖤🤍
Hello again! This post is sort of a follow-up to the Cake Topper headcanons post. This time, I will be covering keypoints of my version of Jack.
While some things in my version follow canon, a lot of stuff has been altered to give my version of Laughing Jack his own identity.
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• Laughing Jack’s origin story ( in my take ) takes place in the mid to late twentieth century, rather than the late nineteenth century.
• The character of Laughing Jack, or as he was originally referred to, Jack ( or Jack the clown ), was actually an image created by Isaac himself, not an otherworldy deity.
• Jack originally did not have a physical form in our reality. He slowly manifested himself, similar to a Tulpa, as Isaac’s mind and personality only grew more vivid. In fact, he didn’t maintain a full physical form until he was completely monochrome and corrupt.
• His colorful form, therefore, was only ever able to be “seen” as drawings, or inside of Isaac’s dreams when they were still close.
• Jack still had his own “Jack In The Box” that he was assigned to. However, it was an average box that Isaac had painted/handcrafted himself. This is what stemmed Isaac’s creative work with carving in his adult years.
• The clown’s “birthday” is celebrated on Christmas Day. No day is more fitting for an initially jovial, colorful clown than the happiest day of the year. This is also because Christmas Eve was the day Isaac first thought up of him.
• The corruption of Laughing Jack started when Isaac grew out of their games, and eventually forgot about him, in favor of horror-based medium. Jack would slowly watch and gain ideas from the movies Isaac would watch, thinking all of them were ok and fun to “perform” in reality.
• Jack actually didn’t earn the full name/alias of “Laughing Jack” until after his first few kills. This is because children would describe him to their parents as “always smiling and giggling” when interacting with the clown.
• Laughing Jack is partially stuffed. The stuffed part of his body is his arms, which is why he is able to grow and stretch them in comparison to other parts.
• He, quite literally, always smiles. He can hold a toothy smile open without ever needing to rest his face.
• He is only able to view things in greyscale. This is due to the loss of color in his eyes. It’s like watching an old movie 24/7.
• His nose does not function like a regular nose. It’s merely for aesthetic purposes.
• He actually hides his candy inside of his stuffed sleeves.
• He is approximately seven feet tall.
• Jack, despite his corruption, is still able to feel emotion to a very minimal degree. It’s incredibly hard to do so, though, and most of it is found through his drive during killing.
• He mostly smells of must and old candy.
• Jack still finds time to practice playing the accordion. It’s his main act as a clown, besides being rusty at it after his abandonment.
• Laughing Jack prefers hard candy over anything chewy.
• Because Isaac was a craftsman, Jack also has a knack for crafting things. Often, he has to repair his own arms, because stuffing falls out of it due to the constant tearing of his sleeves.
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