#monkey destroyed all of his relationships in one go talk about skill issues
weetlebeetle · 2 years
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Day 2:  Warrior Candidates
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oradevilredeemed · 4 years
Gossip Girl Rewatch
I decided to rewatch GG for the first time in 8(?) years. I haven’t touched the show since it ended and it’s interesting the views that have and haven’t changed. For my own amusement, the big things I liked/hated I will discuss as well as any other significant changes.
Chuck and Blair
You know what, yeah they were toxic but honestly I still ship them as much as I did before. Not only that but from season 1 to 4 we saw how they could be good and right for each other but also how they could be so wrong and destructive. From the end of season 2 we knew clearly they loved each other in an all consuming way but they were both broken and Chuck so much more so (honestly talk about the worst family and childhood ever) that they didn’t know how to handle or put limits on that amount of love. By having both let go at the end of season 4 we had season 5 to see Chuck become a man worthy of love through his relationships to others (Monkey is cute as) and through therapy which I wish we had seen and heard more of - he never went to Blair with a hidden agenda to bring her into his orbit for romance, he only did that once when Dan set it up because it was clear that in that moment Blair’s happiness included Chuck and then the next episode to try and understand what had changed and then because her own mother asked him. During that season we even got the clear juxtaposition of his former self by having Bart there to see just how much better he was at handling emotions and life changes.
While Blair got to explore the other types of love to determine which she wanted for herself in season 5, as Blair said herself it was her season to “run away and try to kill” that intense love that had her losing her way. She had always had a fairytale in mind and she got it and it nearly destroyed her and everything that made Blair herself. She then got her simple love, that was easy and she was content but ultimately that wasn’t for Blair who has always been passionate about something. The difference was this time she wanted the passionate but knew who she was as a sole person, she finally saw herself and had validation from the one person more influential then Chuck - her mother. In season 6 I appreciated the second time around how they had this understanding and communication over them wanting to set up a future for themselves separate from their relationship before fully committing and building their lives together. This help Blair complete her powerful women arc and also helped end Chuck’s history of unhealthiness in dealing with business and Blair - he kept her separate until he needed to scheme and them scheming together, using powers for good was never framed as a bad thing but as part of there skill as a lower couple. I also loved how naturally they both could fit in and help the other achieve what they wanted in a true partnership, demonstrating the way they knew each other, could bring out the best in each other and work as a team. Funnily enough watching it again I have a new head canon of Chuck and Blair in the 5 year time jump and beyond with them actually having one of the most settled and “normal” relationships and lives because they got their not boring out during the show and the circumstances of their wedding - normal would probably be a relief lol.
Season 5
I didn’t actually watch a lot of season 5 when it aired because I couldn’t but I read reviews and such and I hated majority of what I read. But forcing myself to watch it I...still hated it. Louis stayed way to long and Blair was just a bad character. I appreciated her friendship with Dan, but the relationship just wasn’t one I could get onboard with; something always felt off. I also loved Chuck working on himself, his friendship with Dan, and Monkey was pointless but cute so I enjoyed that and Chuck just really given things and his happiness up for Blair’s until it became obvious that Blair’s happiness lead back to him. I liked seeing the darker side of Serena but wish she had joined forces with Nate and Chuck more. The 100th episode was not “a love letter” and I stick by that. I used to hate but now love that Bart came back and was everything Chuck had imagined him to be. The first half of season 5 tonally felt like a completely different show so even though I didn’t like the Dair relationship it was easier and more enjoyable to watch than Louis.
Dan and Blair
I used to hate everything about them together, but now I enjoy their friendship and wish they had kept that between them. I didn’t like how Blair went back to judging his status in season 6. That brings me to the one thing I really dislike and that is how they ended. It was obviously done to cause some drama in season 6 but I feel there could have been a great moment of conversation between the two where they talked out her choosing Chuck and they could have maintained a friendship. Romantically I didn’t buy it, to me I found it one sided or just off somehow but I understand why others could ship them but it’s not for me and I was happy for it to be a relationship that led them (more so Blair) to an understanding of what they want. For Blair it was that while she could have safe and easy love and be content she would rather the passionate love that could bring her to the happiest she has ever been. For Dan I would say he wanted that role of ultimate insider.
Dan and Serena
I always liked season one and to a lesser extent season 2 versions of them. But afterwards initially no, I hated that they ended the show together and thought both (Serena) could do better. However, rewatching knowing what I know now (Dan is GG) is slightly different. I still love season 1 and to a lesser extent season 2 them but I found myself actually rooting for season 6 them, I felt the shock again when it was revealed that Dan had set things up but I also understood him a lot more that the feelings were genuine. I also could see why Serena could be so forgiving especially after her GG stint in season 5. The one thing I still disagree with though is the line that Dan being GG was him writing a love letter to them all, just no girl. I will say though that may head canon for them is that in between that 5 year time jump their relationship was still a little back and forth and not as settled as Chuck and Blair which I use Lily’s line of “I never thought we would get here” as my proof.
Bart’s Return
Oh I did not like that when it aired. I found it so soapy but on rewatch yes it was soapy but I also loved to see not only that Bart was exactly as Chuck imagined (and that we had actually seen - remember he was the one who swayed Chuck as the end of season one) but we also saw how Chuck was different to him and how he had grown. Chuck was fairly open about his feelings to Bart, even initially instigating a hug until it was clear that Bart and his feelings equal weakness self was there. In season 6 I found the decision to take down Bart extreme and a soapy device but they had set Bart up as this ultimate powerful bad guy that would have destroyed everyone’s lives so the only way for it to end was by him dying again.
I hated her on the first watch but on the second one I didn’t but I also can almost pin point the second that they had no clue what to do with her. On rewatch I actually liked her character but also feel like she was treated badly by other characters and ultimately the writers. I wish we had gotten a small glimpse of what she was up to after the time jump (she was the only character we didn’t see then) but I will stick with my initial thought that her season 3 faux dreadlock look was not it.
Rufus and Lily
On initial viewing I was really disappointed that they didn’t end up together and that she ended up with William but on rewatch. I think it made an odd amount of sense. Lily and Rufus had a lot of love but ultimately were different in fundamental ways that just couldn’t transpire to long term happiness. William blackmailing his way into her life was (funny I laughed when Ivy was going off) not great but out of everything in Lily’s life that was the least of issues. I do still love the call back to the end of season 1 though by having Lisa Loeb end up with Rufus.
Blair and Serena
Not much changed with my opinions but I will say I could see the systematic way they slowly broke Blair and Serena’s bond in season 5. Every time they called each other their best friend it started to feel insincere to the point where Blair even dating Dan a guy Serena had been and was so clearly I n love with didn’t even feel like something she should consider as wrong because that was something a best friend did. I don’t know if I feel they built them up enough after the events of season 5 but I also believe they wanted there friendship instead of being “stuck with each other” as Blair so elegant put in the season 6 premiere.
I’m sure there are a lot of other thoughts I have forgotten and some I have communicated terribly but ultimately I was surprised to find myself actually enjoying the rewatch. Watching in binge form was definitely an appeal but it also gave me some understanding and enjoyment to storylines I had previously disliked.
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hi-im-dazey · 5 years
I have thoughts about 15x03
I see a lot of people mad at Dean. Honestly if you are going to go through the entire series and look at each interaction between Dean and Cass with an honest eye and an understanding of canon, then Dean snapping and pushing Cass away is not that surprising. Cass actually leaving is, because none of the information he realized before he left was new information, and he’s not gone off in a huff before.
I don’t know how they are gonna resolve that, but I am 99% sure it’ll be some variation of Dean reaching out because he wants Cass’ help to fix something wrong with Sam. (I do not refer to this show as the “My Emotional Support Narrative Spiral” for no reason.)
Here, in case you missed it, are the straws the broke Dean’s camel’s back. (and it seems like  there are a lot of people who missed these important plot points)
Sam had to kill the closest thing he had to a best friend outside of Dean, and to some extent Cass, himself, (I admit that I ship samwena, and I think sastiel is a much healthier concept than destiel, but I am talking about canon here, not something I write and read fanfiction about for entertainment on the side. In canon Sam and Rowena are friends and probably, by now, feeling pretty “best friend” or as close as either of them can get to it. Rowena is well written and has an internal life and motivations of her own, remember? Sam was probably as close to a best friend as she felt comfortable letting herself have.)
Because of this Sam is hurting, he is heartbroken, he had promised himself and her that they would change their fate. He did not want to be the person who killed her. He’s come to care for and respect her. 
This is not the same relationship they had leading up to him pulling that trigger in Funeralia. This was the relationship that built on the shock of that moment. When he realised he did not want to be what kills her as the bullet left the chamber, and his relief when she stopped it. 
This was the relationship that grew when she stopped that bullet and realised he could kill her if it came down to it, but he did not want to, and her knowledge that fate cannot be changed, so when he did kill her, her death would have to mean something.
So Cass interrupts Bel, the spell stops, and the only alternative (insert poorly written plot monkey and spn’s standard lazy fridging) is Sam killing Rowena.
Ok, so in that moment here’s what happens:
Cass could have incapacitated Bel and blown the horn himself. (interesting plot possibility, Cass being the king of Hell briefly, because you know he’d go all in on fixing that shit so it would have been the better choice than letting Bel continue)
Cass could have fled topside and let Dean know what was happening, reporting back. Cass can’t be expected to anticipate and react well to every contingency.  Dean knows this. One of Dean’s skills is that he is a freaking genius at maneuvering around curve balls. Shit happens, Dean knows this and is a master at adjusting on the fly. The correct thing to do would have been to let Dean know what was happening and adjust as a team. Cass failed to trust Dean’s proven skill, again.
Dean is not “Only mad cause Cass should have told him about Jack and now Mary is dead” (in the reductive language I’ve seen people using to make it seem like Mary’s death was nothing compared to Cass being sad) Dean is Mad because:
- all of the things Cass fucked up and never fixed or made better or amends for up until the point where his refusal to learn from his mistakes and adjust his course of actions accordingly killed Mary. Cass’ path is continually not communicating with the Winchesters when he should about things he should. That is basically his entire arc. “Bad thing happens, Cass tries to fix it, on his own, without a solid plan, thing gets worse, rinse and repeat”
-Sam, his little brother, is devastated and heartbroken because he had to kill his friend. His little brother who has fought his entire life to overcome an evil that was forced into his system, HAD TO KILL HIS FRIEND. His little brother who has been his to protect and take care of his entire life, is now sitting in his room crying and hurting because of a preventable tragedy. Because of a decision that Cass made.
-Cass NUKED Jack’s body. Now that the immediate threat of the ghosts is over, don’t you think the next order of business was going to be to try and get Jack back into his... oh wait, Cass charbroiled their son’s body so now they can’t even try to fix that, Plus Rowena is gone, and she was probably needed to help with that. Cass just made sure Jack stays dead. (In Dean’s thinking right now. Please note, I don’t think we’ve seen the last of either Rowena or Jack)
Now I am not saying Dean is the innocent victim here, He could have used his words better, but honestly, he never really has, so this is not a surprise.
And I don’t know if Sam will be “Okay with Cass.” or “Mad that Dean made him leave.” I think Sam would rub along with Cass still if he were there, because he’s Sam. But I would wonder if Sam, internally, doesn’t start thinking about the things in his life that got fucked and were Cass’s doing, and how he lost someone he shared a unique bond with because of Cass’ poor decision making skills.
Also I think Sam has a long history of championing people making their own choices and if Cass felt leaving was the thing to do, Sam, above everyone else on this show, will be the first to say “If that’s your choice, it’s your choice.”
I know you probably have all seen that meme/quote that makes the rounds occasionally “The best apology is changed behaviour”
Sam practices this. When he does wrong or makes a mistake he makes a conscious effort to change his behaviour, and he’s usually pretty good at it. Sam is also the voice of reason when he realises things are going in circles or stuck in a rut he speaks out and says “We can’t go on like this.” He has grown as a person and become a better man than he thought he would because of it. (Although whether or not he realises that is up for debate, I think he still beats himself up too much)
Rowena’s entire arc was this. She came to realise she’d made choices that had destroyed her son and her relationship with him and made a conscious and concerted effort to do and be better. EVEN AFTER SHE CAME TO UNDERSTAND SHE WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO GET FERGUS BACK, she still acknowledged her failing and made changes to her life.
Dean has, with much conscious effort done this to an extent, too. When the penny finally drops and he understands he did wrong, he does try and change his behaviour. He is not as good at it as Sam, but he tries and sometimes succeeds. It just takes him longer to accept that he should be changing behaviour.
Cass apologises and then turns around and does the exact same thing over and over again, sometimes on a small scale, sometimes on a grand scale. 
Honestly, given what we know about Dean’s patience level and anger issues, it is actually kind of amazing that it took Dean this long to snap at Cass big enough that Cass left.
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sebeth · 6 years
Young Justice: “Infiltrator”
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Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
 Episode 6: “Infiltrator”
August 7, Infinity Island - Roy sneaks into a fortress to rescue a scientist.
The opening scene is a nice testament to Roy’s skill.
Back at the fortress, Sensei/Silver Monkey is informed “She finished. We are good to go.”
Can someone please call this man by name?  He’s appeared in both the Young Justice cartoon and comic books and he is never identified. I know he’s either Sensei or Silver Monkey but can we please get a definite answer.  
I paused for some quick visual research.  I’m leaning towards Sensei.
Let’s detour for a quick recap of the tangled family history of the House of Al Ghul.
Ra’s al Ghul and Talia debuted in the1970s. Ra’s is “the Demon’s Head” and the founder/leader of the League of Assassins/Shadows.  Ra’s was born over 700 years ago and uses the Lazarus Pits to extend his lifestyle. Talia is torn between her duty to her father and her love of Batman.
Simple so far but that never lasts in comics.
Sensei was introduced later. Despite earlier claims of Ra’s discovering the Lazarus Pits and founding the League of Assassins it is revealed that Sensei was the original leader of the League.  Sensei is also the father of Ra’s al Ghul and has been driven insane by centuries-long use of the Lazarus Pits.
Making Ra’s a lying liar who lies about his history. But that wouldn’t surprise anyone so it’s easy to handwave away the discrepancy.
Ra’s first wife (pre-transformation into the Demon’s Head) was named Sora. No children resulted from this union. Sora’s death would start Ra’s on his world domination quest.
Ra’s has one son. Dusan, aka the White Ghost, was an albino so Ra’s down-graded his son to “servant” level. We’re never told Dusan’s age or mother. Dusan would later sacrifice himself to extend Ra’s life.  Read the “Resurrection of Ra’s Al Ghul” for Dusan’s story.
Ra’s eldest daughter is Nyssa. She was born in the 18th century.  Nyssa has a livid hatred for Ra’s after he left her family to die in concentration camps in World War II. Read “Batman: Death And The Maidens” for Nyssa’s story and quest for vengeance.  Nyssa has appeared in the “Arrow” show but I am way behind on the series so I can’t give you the details.
The youngest member of the Al Ghul clan is Damian/Ibn.  Damian’s been all over the place in the comic books and animation so I’m not going into his backstory.  I will recommend Kingdom Come and the Kingdom for anyone curious about Ibn.  He doesn’t play a big part but Alex Ross does an excellent job portraying the first meeting between an adult Ibn and Bruce.  You can feel Ibn’s desire to meet and curiousity about his father just from the art.
If you want to read more of Damian or the details of his conception, the following series are a good start: “Batman: Son of the Demon”, “Batman and Son”, “The Resurrection of Ra’s Al Ghul”, Batman and Robin (both volumes), Kingdom Come, the Kingdom, and Super Sons.
There is also the Heretic – a rapidly-aged clone of Damian.  He killed Damian only to be executed by Talia.  Read “Batman Incorporated” for the Damian-Heretic story.
Back to the cartoon…
August 8: The Young Justice gang – minus Wally – are having some fun in the sun at Mount Justice. Wally, a Mid-Western boy, has started school earlier than the others.  
Dick declares “First a moment of silence for our absent comrade.”
We switch to Wally who is suffering through “the first day of sophomore year”.
The opening montage nicely demonstrates the frustration a speedster would endure at a normal human-pace day.
An X-Factor issue from the 1990’s had Quicksilver demonstrate the same frustration.  It was an excellent insight into Pietro’s head.
DC and Marvel speedsters have the same dilemma but Marvel’s turn out snarky and sarcastic and DC’s become sweet and lovable.
The YJ gang swim, cook out, and play volleyball while Wally suffers various indignities and frustrations.
Finally, the school day is over! Wally yells “Woo-hoo!” and tears out of the building.  Whether it’s work or school, we’ve all been there.
Wally, in beach attire, zooms over to Mount Justice.  Unfortunately, the beach party is over and everyone’s in costume.
“The Wallman is here.”
Wally meets the love of his life but it’s not love at first sight.
“The Wallman, huh? Love the uniform. What exactly are your powers? – Artemis, so sassy.
Green Arrow introduces Artemis as his new protégé.
Wally demands “What happened to your old one?”
Speedy chooses that moment to enter Young Justice.
“For starters, he doesn’t go by Speedy anymore. Call me Red Arrow.”
Roy and Oliver waste no time going at each other. In Oliver’s defense, Roy started it. Artemis enters the argument to defend her skills.
Wally: “Who are you?”
Oliver and Artemis both repeat the “niece” line.
Dick interjects “Another niece?”
That comment could go two ways.  The first way is Dick realizes the story is a sham and is causing trouble.  Even though Batman is five feet away from Dick!
The second interpretation…well, Oliver has as many kids as Bruce.  The majority of Bruce’s children resulting from adoption.  The majority of Ollie’s did not.  Especially if you believe Ollie to be the father of Arrowette. Does Dick feel that this is another illegitimate child of Oliver – one that he’s passing off as a niece?
Kaldur reassures Roy: “But she is not your replacement. We have always wanted you on the team and we have no quota on archers.”
Wally: “And if we did, you know who we’d pick.”
Artemis doesn’t back down: “Whatever, Baywatch. I’m here to stay.”
Artemis puts on a tough façade but you know she had to be insecure in this moment.  She’s very concerned about her teammates discovering her parentage and then the original Green Arrow protégé waltzes into the room? The much more experienced and accomplished one? The protégé that Dick, Wally, and Kaldur consider a good friend? Talk about a nightmare!
Roy tells the team about Dr. Serling Roquette, a nano-robotics expert and claytronics expert aka the scientist Roy rescued earlier in the episode.
Serling was abducted from Star City two weeks ago by the League of Shadows.
Dick’s excited: “You want us to rescue her from the League of Shadows?”
I can see Batman shaking his head from across the room: “No, Robin, you don’t get to storm the League of Shadow’s headquarters.  Young Justice is about “training wheels” missions not “put your big boy pants on” missions.
Roy admits he already rescued Serling. The problem is Serling had finished her work on “the Fog” – a weapon “comprised of millions of microscopic robots, nanotech infiltrators, capable of disintergrating anything in their path. Concrete, steel, flesh, bone. But its true purpose isn’t mere destruction. It’s theft. The infiltrators eat and store raw data from any computer system and deliver the stolen intel to the Shadows. Providing them access to strategic defense, cutting edge science and tech.”
Artemis pipes in with “It sounds like the Shadows”.
Wally counters “Like you know anything about the Shadows.”
Artemis smirks at Wally. You’d be surprised, Wally, at the depth of knowledge Artemis has on criminal organizations.
Wally doesn’t like the smirk: “Who are you?!”
Roy informs the group that Serling is working on creating a virus that renders the Fog inert.
Dick quickly realizes that would put Serling’s life in danger.
Oliver offers to help Roy keep Serling safe.  Roy bitterly rejects the offer.  Batman lays a hand on Oliver’s shoulder to stop the impending argument.
The cartoon’s creators inverted the typical Ollie-Roy positions.  In the comics, it’s Ollie who’s causing/escalating the divide.  In the cartoon, Ollie is much more level-headed and attempting to mend difference.  Roy rejects and peace offering and escalates their confrontations.  
Roy proclaims his job is done and leaves the team.  Wally glares at Artemis.
Miss Martian telepathically links us the team and Serling at Happy Harbor High School.
Wally and Artemis continue to bicker.  Wally informs Artemis that he “does not need attitude from the newbie who drove Red Arrow off the team”.
Dick tells Wally to cut Artemis some slack as she is the one who saved him in the battle against Amazo.
Serling, at Aqualad’s urging, goes online to track the Fog’s location. Tracking goes both ways and the League of Shadows quickly discovers Serling’s location.  Sensei orders the closest operative to assassinate Serling.
Superboy, Miss Martian, and Artemis are patrolling the outside of the school.  Artemis is very appreciative of Superboy’s physique: “Hmm, that boy.”
Megan does not want anyone intruding on her obsessive crush: “He can hear you. We all can hear you.”
Artemis replies “Oh, I know.”
I love the Artemis/Wally pairing but I’m Team Artemis in this encounter.  Artemis is simply appreciating Superboy’s appearance in a teenager-like way.  Megan’s pursuit of Conner is an attempt to mold and then slot him into this fantasy life she has created for herself.  Megan may love Conner but it’s not a healthy relationship.
Serling has located the Fog. Kaldur orders Superboy and Robin to pursue in the bio-ship.
This is the second episode in a row where Robin and Superboy have been partnered up.  It’s almost an homage to the close friendship in the comic books.  Except the Robin is Tim Drake.
Cheshire makes her first appearance, skulking in the bushes.
Megan confronts Artemis: “You embarrassed Superboy.”
Artemis: “Didn’t hear him say that.”
Honestly, Megan you might as well declare “Get away from my man!”
Cheshire infiltrates the school and quickly takes out Kid Flash.
Cheshire has a harder time with Kaldur – Atlantean skin is quite dense and he’s mostly immune to the jellyfish toxin she has on her shuriken.
Cheshire retreats when she has to face the entire team.
Wally blames Artemis for Cheshire gaining entrance into the school. Megan defends Artemis.
Robin and Superboy arrive in Philadelphia. STAR Labs has been completely destroyed.
Kaldur and Megan patrol the outside of the school while Wally and Artemis guard the doctor.
Wally and Artemis glare at each other.  Kaldur orders the duo: “Stop it. Both of you. I can hear you glaring.”
Cheshire has called in reinforcements – Black Spider and the Hook. The trio make quick work of Kaldur.
The trio storm the room and attack Wally and Artemis.  Readers of the comic book know that this is the second time Wally has fought the Hook and Black Spider.
Cheshire attempts to land a killing blow on Serling only to realize she’s a disguised Miss Martian.
Serling is at the Sandbox Internet Café, guarded by Kaldur, and she has discovered the Fog’s next target: WayneTech.
Robin has an “Oh, crap” moment as he realizes the Fog would end up accessing the Batcave.
Cheshire orders her comrades to keep Young Justice busy while she pursues Serling.
Artemis storms after Cheshire and orders Wally to “take the rest down”.
Wally tells Artemis “You are so not the boss of me”.
“Just do it!”
Superboy and Robin arrive at WayneTech.  Superboy attacks the League minions while Robin enters the building. A security guard attempts to lock down the building due to Robin’s unauthorized entry but Dick overrides the lockdown: “Waynetech override. Archie four.” Possible shout-out to Archie Goodwin, a writer on the Batman series. Or Dick is fan of the Riverdale gang.
Cheshire and Artemis fight. Cheshire wins.  Megan and Wally take out the Hook and Black Spider.
Cheshire decides against killing Serling as the anti-Fog virus has been completed: “After all, the Shadows may have another use for you.”
Dick’s quick hacking saves Wayne Tech.
Superboy battles Ojo and makes quick work of him.
Cheshire and Artemis have a short fight. Artemis realizes Cheshire is Jade, her older sister.
Cheshire escapes.  The rest of the team arrives. Wally claims the Cheshire mask as a souvenir.
Artemis returns to Gotham City. She is immediately confronted by Roy.  He warns her “do not hurt my friends” but assures her that “her cover is safe” as he feels Oliver and Bruce have a “good reason for lying”.
Sensei is informed of the mission’s failure but states it’s good that they “have an operative on the inside”.
The first hint of the long-running traitor storyline of season 1.
I mentioned earlier Artemis recognized Cheshire as her sister.  I should clarify that wasn’t made explicit in the episode. Cheshire simply hinted that she had information on Artemis that would weaken her position in Young Justice.  The cartoon hasn’t mentioned Artemis’s criminal parents at this point either.
Adding Cheshire into the Crock family is an interesting choice. Jade has no connection in the main DC universe.  I can’t recall a time Cheshire has even met Artemis in the DC universe.
Jade was a half-French/half-Vietnamese child who was sold into slavery in the Middle East.  She later escaped and became a mercenary/assassin. Jade married and later became the widow of Spitting Cobra, an African assassin.
Roy Harper went undercover for the United States government.  He met and fell in love with Cheshire.  Roy left Jade because he was unwilling to finish his assignment and capture her.  Roy didn’t realize Jade was pregnant.
The former lovers encountered one another on a mountain top.  The Titans were attempting to prevent Cheshire from assassinating diplomats unaware she was setting up the team to take the blame for the failed diplomatic teams.  Cheshire informed Roy that she had given birth to their child but that he would never meet said child.
Roy later tracked down Jade and begged to meet his child.  Jade relented and Roy met Lian.
The 1990s were not kind to Cheshire – she went from a scheming mercenary/assassin to a genocidal nutcase. The highlight of Jade’s insanity was unleashing a nuclear bomb on a country, killing every inhabitant.
Needless to say, Roy won full custody.
Cheshire’s portrayal improved significantly under Gail Simone.  Jade had a rivalry with Black Canary over Dinah’s role in Lian’s life.  Cheshire also played a significant role in Villains United/Secret Six.  She became pregnant- and later gave birth – to Thomas “Catman” Blake’s son.
Jade would suffer enormous tragedy when both her children were killed.  If I remember correctly, the Blake child’s death was faked in order to keep him from both Jade and Thomas’s enemies.  I could be wrong – it’s been a while since I read the issues.
Lian’s death, unfortunately, wasn’t faked.
Roy and Jade would have a short-lived, extremely toxic reunion in the aftermath of Lian’s death.
Flashpoint happened shortly afterwards and DC was reborn as the New 52. Cheshire’s made a few appearances in Red Hood & The Outlaws, Nightwing, and a few other titles.  Jade and Roy are former lovers.  Sadly, we didn’t receive a New 52 Lian. Boo!
For more of Cheshire, besides Young Justice (which is the best version of Jade), I would recommend her late 1980s Teen Titans appearances, her appearances in Birds of Prey (Gail Simone version), and Villains United and Secret Six.
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Annie Clark is not where she’s supposed to be. At the last minute, the artist known as St. Vincent decided that instead of trekking to a country store as planned, she wanted to stick closer to her studio in the hills of Los Angeles’s Laurel Canyon. When I arrive at our new meeting spot, breathless from a steep climb, the first thing I notice is that neither of us is dressed appropriately for a rendezvous in the domesticated wilderness. Of course, in Clark’s case, this means looking pretty damn cool, in a sky-blue duster, gray sweatshirt, and leopard-print shorts, her trademark curly dark hair (which took a silvery lavender turn last album cycle) pin-straight and tucked under a Duran Duran cap. We make our way to a picnic table in the middle of a hiking trail that apparently enjoys more use as a bird lavatory. “Is this OK?” she asks, straddling the bench and setting down her mug of Yogi tea. It is. Anything to stop moving vertically.
“Up,” however, is a fitting direction for the 34-year-old Clark. Over the past decade, she has evolved from a clever multi-instrumentalist to critical darling to indie icon—her last record, 2014’s St. Vincent, took home the Grammy for Best Alternative Album. She’s a road warrior (with the bed bug stories to prove it), having toured for much of her life, beginning as a teenager when she was the tour manager for her uncle’s jazz duo, Tuck & Patti. And her latest album, MASSEDUCTION, is most definitely a career summit. It’s her Lemonade, her OK Computer—whatever reference conveys the urgency with which it demands to be listened to when it drops on October 13. “This one’s better,” she says of her fifth solo effort, nodding. “I was focused on writing the best songs I’d ever written.”
That goal comes at a cost, or so Clark’s body language seems to say on this late-August evening. She stifles a yawn, and cradles her tea. For the last couple of months, she’s been celibate and sober. Some of the monasticism she favors during recording stuck: An illness last March prompted her to quit alcohol altogether. “I loved my white wine,” she says. “But I just can’t stand the smell anymore.”
She is also insanely busy, still recuperating from yesterday’s flight home from Australia for press, not to mention the whirlwind trip to Tokyo that preceded it, where she performed at Summer Sonic (and shot this cover). And while it’s been three and a half years since she released an album, Clark’s been working on it all the while. “I’ve just been collecting things, bowerbird-style, and making elaborate plumage,” she says. Meanwhile, she’s been flexing her creative muscles: A week ago, Lionsgate announced that the Dallas native would be helming its female-led adaptation of The Picture of Dorian Gray. (Clark made her directorial debut earlier this year with a short called “The Birthday Party” for the female-driven horror anthology XX.)
She’s also spent a good part of the last year getting over her breakup from 25-year-old British supermodel and actress Cara Delevingne. The pair dated for 18 months, thrusting Clark into a tabloid existence she’d never known before. You won’t find her in any formal pictures from (the old) Taylor Swift’s last Fourth of July bonanza in 2016, but she and her soon-to-be ex were captured by paparazzi in a private embrace. “It was really bizarre,” she says. “No joke, I’ve been in high-speed chases in London with at least five cars and six motorcycles following me and Cara. You’re going to kill someone, and for what? A photo of a sweet girl?”
The last thing she wants to talk about is how much of this album was informed by that relationship. She’s baffled by such inquiries—she only just recently admitted that 2011’s Strange Mercy was partly about her father being sent to prison for investment fraud. “I never think, ‘If I only knew who Kate Bush was singing about in “Running Up That Hill,” I could enjoy the song,’” she says, shooing a mosquito off my shirt. “I do not wonder who or what songs are about. And the Texan in me is like, ‘It’s none of your goddamned business.’” I ask whether she cleared the disclosure of her dad’s incarceration with him beforehand. “Is it OK with me that he’s in prison?” she responds dryly, but quickly adds, “I’ve only ever spoken highly of my father.”
Clark is a vivid storyteller whose knack for relating tales of dirty policemen or down-on-their-luck friends would make her the most popular guest at a dinner party. On MASSEDUCTION’s first single, “New York,” which debuted last June, she sings along to a plangent piano about “the only motherfucker in the city who can handle me.” While the song’s grief over lost heroes could easily apply to David Bowie or Prince, as Clark has suggested, it’s the identity of the “motherfucker” that piqued curiosity. “I totally understand it, I do,” she says, and frowns thoughtfully. “But the point is for the song to mean whatever it means to somebody else. Some people have a real hang-up about being misunderstood. I don’t care.” She stops to clarify this point: “I would be concerned if someone was like, ‘Wow, she seems like a Holocaust denier.’ But racism, sexism, or homophobia aside? I’m happy to be misunderstood.”
In the past, Clark’s music was more often respected than adored, like Love This Giant, her 2012 album with Talking Heads savant David Byrne. She is a masterful guitarist, a performance artist unafraid of experimentation. Artificial sounds, brass sections, unhurried choruses? All play a part in her eclectic repertoire, and she rarely stays monogamous to any one genre or rhythm.
“A lot of people are skilled at bending notes, but I think she actually bends the parameters of what guitar is,” says longtime friend Carrie Brownstein, whose prowess on the same instrument helped usher Sleater-Kinney to stardom. “She doesn’t approach it in a traditionally worshipful way. While she’s playing guitar, she seems to be destroying the very concept of it, which I think is very exciting.”
The opening track of her last album famously depicted Clark running naked from a rattlesnake. MASSEDUCTION (pronounced “mass seduction” on the title track) somehow finds her even more exposed. Clark says “New York” was the first time she ever wrote something and thought, “This could be somebody’s favorite song.” The same could be said of many tracks on the album, which, taken as a whole, sounds like Clark violating her own sense of privacy in order to grant access to her vulnerability. “I’m not eschewing any of the work I’ve done in the past,” says Clark. “But I was less concerned [here] about doing a lot of musical tricks that to me are intellectually interesting. The point of the record was to go, like, mainline to the heart.”
For this, Clark enlisted co-producer Jack Antonoff. Through his work with Lorde and Taylor Swift, as well as his own band Bleachers, Antonoff has developed a reputation for channeling ideas and emotions into their most approximate, frequently synth-driven expressions. “Jack changed my life for the better,” says Clark. “He makes you feel like anything is possible. We were merciless, trying to push all these songs past the finish line to accept the gold medal.”
None of which is to suggest that Clark has sacrificed any virtuosity or ambition. Several of the best songs break off into their own compelling codas. “How could anybody have you and lose you and not lose their mind, too?” moans Clark on “Los Ageless,” backed by an aggressive beat that would not be out of place at an adults-only club, before dissolving, like a film melt, into a series of bleary synths and barely audible whispers.
The theme of Clark’s last record was “near-future cult leader.” Here, having traded in those wild lavender-platinum curls for an austere black bob, “It’s dominatrix at the mental institution,” she says. “I knew I needed to write about power—the fiction of power and the power of fiction.” The concept is at its most powerful on the more adrenalized songs, like “Pills,” whose opening lines function like a Valley of the Dolls reboot: “Pills to wake/ Pills to sleep/ Pills, pills, pills every day of the week.” The words are delivered by Delevingne in a demented, cheerfully vacant chant.
“You mean Kid Monkey, obscure DJ,” says Clark, gamely referencing her ex’s pseudonym. “It needed to be a posh British voice. I was like, ‘Cara, wake up. I need you to sing on this song.’ And she’s kind of grumpy. And I’m like, ‘Please. It sounds so good. One more time.’” That song, too, starts with a blinking alertness but finishes drowsily, like Pink Floyd at the planetarium. Clark says the inspiration came to her after popping a sleeping pill on tour, and speaks to larger issues of opioid addiction that have affected people she cares about.
But the song that’s most likely to be picked over lyrically, for obvious reasons, is “Young Lover.” It’s set in Paris, where gossip rags once reported that Delevingne, proposed to Clark. The relationship described in the song suffers as a result of the titular subject’s hard-partying ways. “Did I have experiences that emotionally resonated in the way they do for that character? Abso-fucking-lutely,” says Clark, who’s also been linked briefly to Kristen Stewart. “But did that exact scenario happen? No!” She makes a dismissive face.
Clark didn’t grow up feasting on the sordid details of celebrity coupledom, though she admits to a fascination with Kate Moss, Shalom Harlow, and the early-’90s supermodel set. (The musician has recently done some modeling herself as one of the new faces of Tiffany & Co.) Her parents divorced young, and Clark lived with her social worker mother and two older sisters. “I was free to be a wild card, because the other roles were spoken for,” she says. A breeze kicks up and she rubs her legs as they prickle with goosebumps.
A tiny part of her early musical education includes a crate of CDs that fell off a truck in front of their house. “It was good taste for someone in the suburbs of Dallas,” she says, citing Nine Inch Nails and Pet Shop Boys. Clark started playing guitar at 12, and was encouraged by her maternal uncle, who hired her as a tour manager for his jazz duo when she was a teenager.
Eventually, her family swelled to include eight siblings, with whom she is close. A younger brother now works as her assistant. “We grew up hearing my dad talk business on the phone, and it was ‘motherfucker’ this and ‘fucking cocksucker’ that,” she says, laughing. In part, this informed her curse word of choice on “New York.” “If people don’t curse at all, I always think they’re hiding something,” she says.
The next day, Clark is filming a video for MASSEDUCTION’s as-yet-unannounced second single at a soundstage in Hollywood. She spends more time on the West Coast now that she has built a studio here, but still keeps properties in New York and Texas. She hesitates to use the word bicoastal, which feels “kind of douchey,” she says.
The video set changes from a Pepto-Bismol pink beauty salon, where the pedicure tubs are filled with green slime, to a yoga studio. Clark is dressed in a cheetah-print leotard with an open-face hood. She’s been bending over for 15 minutes straight in order for director Willo Perron to get a dolly shot of her face hanging between her legs. I marvel at her stamina. “Are you really asking me how I’m good at bending over?” she says, wryly. She rests between takes, curling up on the yoga mat like a cat in a sunbeam.
Clark wasn’t involved with the concept for the video. Back in Laurel Canyon, she admitted to being preoccupied with Dorian Gray, working with Elle screenwriter David Birke and rereading the book for the first time since high school. “I jumped at the chance to explore themes of transgression, narcissism, youth, beauty, queerness, but through a female protagonist,” says Clark, who’s currently considering a cast for the project. She’s new to this milieu, but credits Tuck & Patti with teaching her the rigors of knowing her shit. “They really were the coach in Rocky,” she says of her uncle’s duo. “I learned how to be professional. It’s not as if I need to be a camera expert in order to direct something, but you have to have the respect of the crew. This is not a vanity project. This is something I want to do for the rest of my life.”
Melanie Lynskey, who starred in Clark’s XX short, was pleasantly surprised by the musician’s command of the set. “It was like working with someone who had been doing it a very long time,” she says. “She’s so smart and she had such a clear idea of what she wanted, but gave me all the room in the world to come up with ideas and collaborate.”
In the meantime, Clark is also preparing for this fall’s Fear the Future Tour. As we slowly make our way down the hill, clutching at branches to steady ourselves, she says there won’t be as much postmodern dancing this time around. “The record is full of sorrow, but the visual aspect of it is really absurd,” she says. “I take the piss out of myself. The last tour I sat atop a pink throne, looking very imperious.” She kindly helps me down the last step. “This one will let people see that I have a sense of humor.”
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loosecatspen · 7 years
RP.2 Ch.2 The island
Tread lightly, this one is dark
Ice faintly heard someone walking around. Strange, she didn't remember falling aslee-she got up with a start and winced when her head protested. The world was a blurry brown and green as if she was racing in the forest back in Maine while sitting down. She was off balanced and not the only one there. Zolotoy boy walked-stumbled around while trying to get a feel of the land and Ike was also on the floor but looked to be unconscious.
Is this the work of reality benders again? Or did we actually get to the mission and I just spaced the travel again? Ice wondered as she tried to focus her eyes.
The blurriness stayed to spite her. She looked up and saw the edges of a thick canopy that could only belong to a jungle. Now that she thought about it, the air did seem thicker but this was still cooler than Arizona.
Yep. Must be reality benders. Information did not detail this level of- either Zolotoy is unsatisfied with the way that he’s seeing things or he's actually losing it. Ice observed him punch a tree. He shook his hand off and went to another and punched it.
“What are you doing Zolotoy?” she finally asked.
The russian paused. “Lines are blurry, this helps.”
That doesn't sound right. Ice thought as she moved so that she was sitting upright. So-wait, why the f*** does my mouth taste like earwax?! Ice tried to get the taste off of her tongue and onto her shirt collar, but the taste persisted.
“Zolotoy I think we’ve been drugged.”
“No kiddin,” Ike grunted behind her.
She turned around. “Hey there sleepy stud,” Ice teased.
He sat up and rubbed his face with both hands. She stood and walked over to him. He kept rubbing his eyes with the heels of his hands.
“That tough eh?” she asked.
“Kind-” he looked up and past Ice. “A-are those trees?!”
“Yeah, have you not seen a tree before city boy?”
“Call me a city boy all you want but, I didn't know they can get this big!”
And I didn't know that people could get as big as you until I met you. “Have you never been in the woods?”
“There's no woods in Chicago or Normal. Tallest tree was a standalone and it was twenty- but holy f***ing quarks. I've seen tall trees in text books but I just never-” Ice had never seen this much astonishment at trees before.
“This is nothing Ground. Where I’m from you can't walk through the woods because of how big they are,” Zolotoy stated while walking to him.
“Are you serious?”
Ike looked like he didn't believe him.
“Obviously since you’re feeling better, you take rear. I found a path,” Klesmolv stated while pointing to a opening in the trees. He started walking towards it when he stumbled and nearly fell on his face. Quickly righting himself, he kept going but with a rapier pointed at the ground like a cane.
How does he even store that? Ice thought as she followed.
“What are the chances that this is some reality bender’s forest?” Jo asked Molotov.
“High,” he responded curtly.
It's not. The monster’s thought rumbled through Ground’s head.
There you are you piece of s***. The f*** do you mean?
It's the work of Myunchers. You aren't even in the same dimension anymore.
The f*** do you mean by that?!
He was hit with a familiar anger and frustration from it.
Don't walk away you-!
“Cmon already Ike!” Jo shouted.
He blinked and refocused on the path that his team was walking down. The large trees surrounding the path were oddly welcoming. Their leaves coating the path in pleasantly cool shade. Which just made it more suspicious in Ground’s book. His hand fell to his side and brushed against the compact stock of his shotgun. He turned around, unfolded it, and walked backwards with it facing the way they came.
He heard a branch rustling. It increased slightly and a familiar scent caught his nose.
Smells like trouble. “Scatter check,” he ordered. He collapsed his gun before going into the brush. He paused and took in his surroundings, thankful for the uniform switch to a dark blue instead of white. The forest was much darker here. Forcing him to squint. Thick brush pressed up against his sides. Making moving stealthly difficult. Ground could just barely make out some of the bushes around him, and a female figure backing up slowly and quietly.
“Hi. Ground right?” She whispered.
Even though he had been identified, he decided to not answer and got close and personal with the earth.
“Ground? Grou- oh crap!” She backed off and started running. “Guys we have a hostile situation!”
She has friends. Need to cut her off. He thought as he charged after her. He zeroed in on her yellow skirt, the world around him falling to darkness. It ducked and weaved, trying to shake him off but, it's hard to be yellow when everything around you is brown.
At one point it went out of sight. Damnit no! He thought he tried to stop. But his speed was too great and his head collided with a tree, knocking him out.
Marina skidded around and scrambled up a tree. She hardly risked a look back as she heard him hit. Gotta get to the others. Gotta get to the others. She broke into the sunlight and headed towards the path. “Annilyse have you-”
“We’ve made contact. Where's Ground?”
“Rammed his head into a tree. Don't know what's going on with him.” Marina jumped onto another tree branch. She dangled from it before pulling herself up. “I’m heading back.”
“Okay. Keep an eye out.”
“Go shoo!” Marina shouted at a horde of monkeys. They shrieked and scolded her as they jumped away. “I will.” Marina headed down towards the base of the tree, then remembered that one one the trees had fallen. She sighed and went in the opposite direction. Hoping to find a way around. Two trees over, and she found a set of trees going where she needed.
“Annie get the others to the village. I’ll see if I can meet you there.” Marina radioed.
“Roger that. Any sign of hostile?”
“No. I’ll -”
The screams of several monkeys erupted and stopped from behind her.
“Never mind!” Marina jumped to another tree and started climbing. “I need a strike squad over here stat!”
“Melody is organizing.” Candice replied immediately. “Keep broadcasting location.” Marina felt the bottom of her earpiece detach and settle in deeper in her ear.
“Will do.”
The trees to her right started to shake and she could hear a thudding coming up behind her. Marina risked a glance under her arm to see a large, clawed hand grab the lower branches of the tree next to her. She didn't have any time to react as another hand appeared on her midsection. Marina cried out as she was yanked down through the tree top. The world spun and she was faced with a large open maw.
She shouted and splayed her hands. A large expanse of crystal sprouting between them and wedging the mouth open. The hand grew another finger and pinned her arms to her body as the head shook the crystal mass out of it's mouth.
Marina took the moment to breathe and clear her head. She didn't have long. Magic swelled around her forehead. The head snarled and the hand thrusted her into it's mouth. She screamed and lashed out at the wet flesh with a pair of crystal knives. Kicking at the top of its mouth in hopes of hitting its nasal passages. There was no effect and the hand pushed her into the throat of the beast.
There was a love-hate relationship with incidents. Love because at least something exciting was happening, and Hate for when someone got hurt. Like Marina.
“Talk to me, what are we dealing with here?” She asked, quickly handing Wolverine a metal vest.
“High intelligence, adaptability, and impossible to destroy by all current efforts. Now the last doesn't mean we can't kill it, it just means we can't keep it dead,” the russian hacker explained.
“And it took over one of your people right?”
“Correct unfortunately. Had a solid month without it intruding but...” She could tell that he was shrugging on the other side of the line.
“How do we break its grip. Wrong way Quinn.” Falcon blushed and turned his vest around.
“Prior data suggests that we have to terminate it while causing massive damage to it's body.”
“Looks like we’ll have to kill it before it can kill us. Annilyse that means you’ll have to be part of the team. Ace, how’s Marina's bio?”
“He’s whittling away at her ma’am. Doesn't seem to have an issue breathing though.” Candace reported.
“Keep me updated. Alright we have a limited amount of time.” She addressed the hastily assembled team. “We have a victim and a hard to kill reptile on the loose. Starfire, I want you and Wolverine to stall as much as you can. Help Annilyse to rip out as much of its head and upper body as possible. Falcon, keep tabs and snipe from the air. Cyborg, Phineas, Ferb. Set as many traps as you can. Just make sure they don't hurt the victim. Understood?”
“Yes Ma’am.” They all saluted.
“Alright now let's go!” Melody ran out with them. “Alright what can you and your friend do?” She asked the hacker.
“Seeing that we have our weapons limited drastically...But, I have rapier, AK-12, and dual 50 pistols. Companion has a 7.56 mm bullpup,” he reported.
“How about in way of abilities?” Melody started climbing a tree.
“Companion has decaying skin, I…” Melody could hear a muffled argument. “Have sharp shooting.”
“Alright. Tell her to go with Annilyse. I want you sniping as best to your ability.”
“Ten- vhat do you have?”
“We have an Angel who can heal and shoot fireballs. An alien who has an array of abilities such as invulnerability and immense strength. We have a cyborg, a mutant with swift regeneration and dangerous claws, finally two boys who are ingenious with machines.”
“You are planning to sacrifice children? We already tried that.”
“Actually we are quite skilled in fighting monsters. And no one will die under my watch.” Hopefully.
Slowly, the pain stopped. Marina tried to move her limbs again, only for them to feel numb. Probably not even there. She thought. Gasping as hot, fresh air was blasted in her face. Again. Why did he even preserve her like this? Surely-
Just focus on breathing Myuncher B****.
Marina cringed. That would explain why she wasn’t so hot anymore though. You’re in my head.  
She felt it's claws close around her chest. Holding her delicately between the tips. She was no longer trapped in a sac, but unfolding to float limp in the darkness. It's claws holding her up above an empty void.
Where are you? I can't…
All energy left her. She watched the claws through half closed eyes. So big, so dark. Holding her light enough to be only uncomfortable. Her arms and legs weights on her shoulders and hips. How long? How long had she been-
The world jolted and suddenly the claws held her in a tight fist. Marina gasped as breathing suddenly became difficult. Hot, useless air. She clawed futilely at the talons as she choked. Slowly, they disintegrated around her and she was free falling.
We will meet again life Myuncher… it's voice was like a villain's caress on her cheek. Sooner than you think…
The darkness pulled away and she was surrounded by blinding whiteness.
When Marina pushed herself off of the ground and looked around she saw a dark land covered in dark metal and fleshy cones. Strange, lizard like creatures paced back and forth the area she stood in. A long path wound before her. One of the lizards stopped and looked at her, cocked it's head, and bounded down the trail. Slowly, she followed it. The path eventually became lined with teeth and fingers. The metal platforms seemed to be at war with their fleshy counterparts as they overlapped on innumerable occasions.
Someone is having a really hard time of it. Marina thought. Either that or he has a very dark side.
Whispers started around her. They were mostly unnerving babble that sounded similar to people she knew that Ground knew. Her own voice coming out in the noise. When she focused on it the words “No, please no” and “Why did you do that” repeated often and ran over each other at times.
Surprised, Marina focused on other voices she recognized. There was a few of the planetary crew saying “Monster” and “Take him down.” Dr. Gore was there, and said “Prepare to euthanize.” Marina also heard the raspy voice of Chartreuse, that bastard, order many scientific things along with devastating insults. Klesmolv was more of the same but more personal. And Ice-
“What are you doing here?” Ice asked behind Marina. The whispers quieted to a dull background noise.
“Are you real?” Marina replied, Stepping back.  
“Why wouldn’t I be? Well, I guess I should ask how you got here because the gorgon, Melodi I think?, gave me an amulet that she said would let me into Ike’s ‘Mindscape.’ And I’m guessing that this is it?” she asked while looking around. “Why do I have the feeling that this shouldn't be it.”
“Well one part depends on Ike, the other on life. So it goes.” Marina shrugged. She lowered her fists and extended a hand. “I don't think we’ve had a proper introduction. My name is Mari.”
“Frankie,” she shook. “Well he sure did get rass helvíti by life. You still haven't said how you got here.”
“Well, the giant lizard swallowed me. Great way to get me to trust you guys.” Marina muttered as she turned and led Ice down the path. “He must have ‘eaten’ into me as there was this intense burning all around except my face. Kept blasting air into it so he probably wanted me alive for some reason. Anyway, he got into my head and forced me to breathe. Shown by his claws holding me by the chest. Then he took full hold of me, disintegrated, and told me “we shall meet again” before I landed here.” Marina dropped as the path wound to the right.
“Not to freak you out but, your back is missing.”
The teen paused, and twisted around to see it. Sure enough where her spine was supposed to be, there was a emptiness. The surrounding tissue was burned but it was just gone.
“Yes it is.” She observed. “Crap. That thing might have a hook in me. Be fun riding that coaster again. You had a look at my file?”
“Girl, I’m a mobile task force member, I don't have access to that. And speaking of coasters, before I got in here I was on the lizzard’s bucking spine.”
“Yeah, you haven't seen anything yet.”
“I would argue that I’ve seen a lot since I’ve joined the force.”
“Yes, but have you- have you ever been connected to a killer? One that reduces your body to a mere puppet, and replays its deeds before your eyes?” An image of Lightning appeared next to her. Code covering her as she shifted to look like Marina. The cruel, cold smile remaining. A knife held obscured in her hands.
“No and I think we should keep moving as the guy I know with the same problem feels like he’s just up ahead,” Ice said as she grabbed Marina’s left wrist and marched forward. Flipping off the illusion as it faded.
Marina allowed herself to be dragged, feeling foolish. Why was she so worried about proving herself right? It was childish and stupid. There was no reason…
She let the thought drop. “I’m sorry.”
“Look, we all have our issues but comparing them won't do anyone any good,” Ice stated as they came upon a clearing.
Strangely there was Ground laying on a sheet of metal underneath a flesh spire and another thing watching them from behind it. Ice’s pace quickened until she stood over him. He was missing his left arm and part of his chest. Ice kneeled and put a hand on his chest.
“While I try and get him up, check out that thing out back will you?” she asked.
“My pleasure.” Marina summoned a bo staff and headed towards the figure. It shrank back and hobbled away as fast as it could.
Marina relaxed her posture and expression. Using the staff as, well, a staff. “Hey, hey I’m not going to hurt you.”
It winced and tried to go faster. It tripped over it's bum leg with a yelp. Marina thrust her left hand out and it stopped in midair. “Easy. Easy…” she said. Gently lowering it to the ground.
It whimpered and Marina could get a good look at it. It was a sickly shade of grey with skin meshed with scales. It's gangly limbs were uncoordinated as it tried to crawl away from her. It was bleeding from it's open wounds on its left side. Multiple lacerations across it's back and tail festered with green puss. The right half of the head looked to have been caved in with a metal baseball bat.
“Oh...boy…” Marina approached it with her hands extended. “Uh, Ice? I think you're trying the wrong Ground.”
“The hell do you mean by that?”
“Well, in my mind there is not one me, but several. Each representing a different aspect of my personality. No matter how small. Raven’s and Melody’s are the same. Who’s to say Ground’s would differ? Besides, I distinctly remember being catlike one time.”
“What the he-”
The creature suddenly shuddered then dissipated.
“OW F***!” Ground shouted shortly after.
“Shite are you okay?”
“No, f***, the f*** did you do?”
“I, ah, accidentally slipped into your empty socket. Why is that anyway?”
“That would explain that.” he grunted. “It's hard to explain actually.”
“You can tell me later anyway, the gecko went rampant but it seems like the guys outside chased it off.”
Marina walked back around to where the couple sat.
“Really? All I remember was I ran into a tree.”
“Yeah about that. Why were you chasing me anyways?” Marina was tempted to fold her arms but decided against it. “Before you hit the tree I mean.”
He opened his mouth as if to replay but shut it in confusion. “I...really don't remember. I was walking 6, then I smelled something funny then it just… too hazy. I haven't killed anyone have I?”
“Walking 6?” Marina cocked her head.
“Rear guard, walking 6, same thing,” he explained.
“Ah. Also you might have killed me but only time will tell. Especially since Mel is involved.”
“S***, but wait. How are you here then?”
“All-destroyer gave me air for some strange reason. Fused with my spine, practically gave me life support, probably devoured my limbs but a literal bloodbath should heal that.”
“Well, it did have some pink armor this time around that was hard to get through. Gecko must’ve used you as a shield generator,” Ice nodded.
“I can- it can do that?”
“Ohhhhhh. I will probably be drained then.” Marina bit her lip. “D***. I really will need Gorgon blood.”
“Language,” Ice reprimanded. “How can blood have healing properties outside of transfusion?”
“Ask Melody. She knows all the bio stuff that goes with her abilities. I think it's part of the Medusa mythology though.”
“I haven't read any-” Ground started before the mindscape violently shook. Ice disappeared and Marina felt hands tearing at her limbs. He looked up at her before her vision went black.
I am not looking. Jack purposefully watched the upper body shrink and become more like that of a man. A large lump formed below its-his- chest. Making him look extremely pregnant.
Melody approached it with her shield at the ready. She pulled a hidden lever and blades popped out at its rim. Jack barely looked away in time, but couldn't help but cringe at the sound of tearing flesh.
“This is not good.” Melody said. Jack wandered away from the rescue group to where Klesmolv and the unconscious Ice were sitting.
“So, where are you from?” He asked cheerfully. I am going to be so busy tonight.
“Near Yekaterinburg, Russia,” he answered.
“Oh! Same country as Santa.” Jack lightly swung his staff and leaned against the tree. He glanced back at the others, and swiftly back to the Russian guy. “What's it like? I know it's cold, but how are the people?”
“Isolationist at best, wood chip at worst. Who is Santa?”
Jack sensed Pitch Black level of Emo from this guy. Not good.
“He’s a big guy who brings presents to kids every Christmas. He's a nice guy. You should meet him. Really fun to be around,” he offered.
Klesmolv looked at Jack like he was the weird one for knowing what it is. Sheesh, what a hard case. Maybe a magic snowball would- nope! Guy was blind. There went that option.
“Sheesh, are you sure you're from the same country as Nick?”
“It is very large country,” Klesmolv stated.
“Well I guess that's true. Hey how's it-” Jack caught a glimpse of Marina's mutilated body. “Ah, soooo… what do you like to do for fun?”
“Solve possibilities of interest.”
“What kind of possibilities would those be?”
“Oohhhhkay. Anything else?”
“Drag racing.”
“Cool. How do they usually go?”
“Go as long as possible until run out of gas or too many police show,” he shrugged.
“So it’s a regular race. Cool.”
“We got her!” Melody called. Jack risked another glance and saw with his relief that Marina was bound up in a sheet and the big guy had been put back together. No longer looking quite as pregnant.
Ice’s eyes slowly opened, then blinked a few times. She sat up and ignored Klesmolv’s attempts to help her.
“Alright we have to move.” Melody moved quickly, Wolverine right behind. Marina in his arms. Jack followed right after, as did everyone else. He spotted Starfire beside him, carrying the man over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Somehow, she looked furious and disturbed at the same time.  
“How are you doing?” Jack asked quietly.
“Bad,” she replied. “We will talk when I don't have to carry him,” she spat the last word.
Oh boy. Jack drifted towards Raven. “What’s going on with you?”
“I’m fine.” Raven replied nonchalantly.
“Okay.” Jack held his staff over his shoulder with one hand and put the other in his pocket. He cast a quick glance at the sun, which was obscured by the trees. They broke through the underbrush and onto the dimly lit path. Melody led them to the fork and took them to the safe house.
Phineas, Ferb, and Cyborg looked up as they came into the building. Jack waved at them as Melody crossed the room. Not too beat up. Nice. Jack gave Phineas a high five before sitting next to Ferb. Boy, what a long day. He closed his eyes and relaxed.
Klesmolv followed the redhead who was burdened with his subject into a side room filled with hammocks. She unceremoniously dumped him into one of the lower hammocks and stormed out. He walked over to the hammock and noted his condition. He was lightly bundled up in thin white sheets soaked with his blood. A particularly nasty set of gunshot wounds on his shoulder knitted themselves back up.
The palm leaves rustled and Melody came in, a cup of blood in her hands.
Peculiar, do they know that he can do that or are they just guessing? Klesmolv thought as he stood to the side. “What is that made of?”
“It's my blood, from the right side.” The Gorgon answered. “It has hyperactive healing abilities.”
If only I had my suitcase. He thought as the gorgon held Ground’s mouth open and tipped the cup. The blood flowed thickly and Ground choked a bit. He shifted uncomfortably, then began to cry out in pain. The wounds knitted up faster, leaving small indications that they were even there. He underwent many body wide muscular spasms as his healing was accelerated. Klesmolv lifted up the sheet to see that even the scales on Ground’s chest were receding.
Not only does it have healing properties, it is potent enough to counter that? Interesting. He thought as Ground fell limp. The fissure where the spliced, parasitic, scales met human flesh started to form blood blisters. They bursted and blood shot out of the many openings.
Melody brought out a cloth and quickly wiped it up. The cloth left no smudges. Melody straightened and waited. The spouts weakened then stopped completely. The arteries carrying the blood came to the surface by scale growth underneath them.
“Probability that this is an adverse reaction to the blood?” Klesmolv questioned.
“Or the the lizard reclaiming its property. That’s not good. I’m going to check on Marina.” She slipped off.
“Well that would be an adverse reaction,” he stated after she left. He felt around his torso until he found a familiar bump. He opened the small pocket and pulled out a scalpel.
“AND NO DISSECTION!!!!” Melody shouted.
“I am just removing the exposed arteries,” he stated as he preemptively touched the arm. The hand flexed but nothing above that. Good. He thought as he started on a thin artery on Ground’s pectoral. The blade went through easily and he placed the tissue onto the cloth. He repeated this process with additional looks at the vile hand to make sure that it wouldn’t kill him like all those other times. He got to the shoulder when the hand made a fist. Klesmolv stopped and watched expectantly. It opened and closed a few more times and Klesmolv took it as the chance to leave. He grabbed the material that he had removed and calmly walked out of the room.
He walked out of the hut a small ways, made a small hole with the heel of his shoe, and dropped the material inside. He covered that up with the displaced dirt and walked back inside.
No one spared a glance. Frost was still resting. Ice was explaining Ground to the redhead. The purple girl, cyborg, and the angel were talking softly among themselves. The brazilian was probably with her fallen friend, and Melody was in the large kitchen. Frying something.
“How do you feel about Tacos?” Melody asked.
“I’m fine for right now.” Not sure in a few hours however.
“I’ll make you some just in case. How do you like it? Extra lettuce? Olives? Tofu?”
“Anything else?”
“Alright. Tofu and lettuce it is then.” Melody pulled a square of Tofu out of her pocket and began slicing.
That can't be sanitary. He thought as he left to look for a sink.
Ground woke up with a grimace. His shoulder stung and he had a nasty case of heartburn. But besides that, he was missing the usual soreness that comes post possession. Strange. He heard faint conversations from somewhere nearby.
Maybe one of them can tell me what happened. He thought as he tried to move in an upright position. This caused the thing that was holding him to flip over and dump him onto the hard floor with a ungraceful thud. He groaned and pushed himself up off of the floor with his right hand. Aand I can't use it again. Great. He thought as he got on his knees.
The conversation in the next room stilled. He moved to a lunge when he heard people moving towards him. Hopefully these aren't tribals. He thought as he faced the doorway.
The palm fronds separated and a red headed girl in purple clothing looked down at him. Her clothes and especially her boots looked fairly modern. “Are you alright?” She asked. Her voice was sweet and ponderous.
Well she ain't tribal. “Somewhat. Bad case of heartburn though.”
“Oh. Like the kind Robin sometimes gets?” She offered her hand.
He took it. “Not sure who that is but probably.”
The girl had a surprisingly strong grip and hauled him to his feet with ease.
“Woah okay. Uh, you are?” he asked as his hand brushed the side of his thigh. And I’m not wearing pants. I’m fine with that. He thought as he readjusted so that his hand rested on his hip.
“Starfire. Ice told me you were Ground.” She deliberately focused on his eyes. “Are you...you?”
“Considerin I can't move my left hand now, yeah. Bastard always does that after I come to.”
She nodded innocently. “There's clothes under your hammock. Dinner’s finished. There are still some leftovers of you like.” With that she turned and left.
Clothes under- f*** they're covered in blood. Ground thought as he crouched down and pulled out the soaked garments. The looked like they were supposed to be white or light grey sweatpants and t shirt. He looked behind him and saw a thin sheet that wasn’t covered in as much blood. If he wanted to, he could tear off the bloodiest section and make a loin cloth out of it.
Or I can just ask for some new clothes. “Ay starfire?” Ground called. This better not be the only set they have.
“Do you have another set? I apparently bled all over this one.”
“Hang on. Melody!” Ground heard cloth thump and Starfire’s gloved hands stuck through the fronds. Holding a fresh set of clothes. He stood, wiped his hands on the sheet, and walked over to the entrance. He took them and walked back a step and a half. It was a white t shirt and very light grey sweatpants. He put them on, making sure to tuck in his shirt, and walked out of the room.
A girl in all black and a purple cloaked girl looked at him. As did two boys. One with red hair and a triangular head. The other with green hair, trousers pulled up to his chest, and a face that looked a bit like a fire hydrant.  
The redhead boy waved. “Hi! I’m Phineas, this is my brother Ferb.”
“My names Jack.” An icy blonde boy waved his hand tiredly. He sounded more awake than he looked. “Metal guy is Cyborg.”
“That's Raven.” Blue and black pointed at purple cloak.
“Hi.” She said monotonously.
“I’m Annilyse.” The black clothes girl said. Ground noticed a pink and purple stripe in her left bang, and a blue stripe in her right. “Melody’s in the kitchen.”
There was a collective hiss from the kitchen. Though that could have been a frying pan.
Ground spotted Molotov at a chess board, moving the pieces in tandem with his thoughts. Moving a bit too quickly to get out of the central gaze, he sat across from his friend.
The majority of the people went back to their business. A boy wearing a blue hoodie, however, got up came over to the chessboard. He had an easy demeanor and a bounce in his step. His Shepherd's staff balanced casually on his shoulder.
Why does he have one of those? Ground thought as he opted to stay quiet.
He must’ve caught where Ground was looking as he playfully swung his staff. A swath of intricate looking frost covered the floor. “Ah, I didn't introduce myself fully. My names Jack Frost. Guardian of fun. Ground, right?”
For some reason, the teen struck oddly with Ground. “What’s it to ya?”
“Well just about everyone is going to be asking your name at some point or another. Figured I’d better get mine outta the way before it's drowned out.”
“Hmph.” He rubbed his chest. Man, this hasn't dulled a bit. “Do you guys have anything for heartburn?”
“I’ll che-” a pill bottle hit Jack in the side of the head. “Yes we do.” He said as he effortlessly caught it and handed it over. His hands were freezing under Ground’s.
Knowing his weight, he took three. He crushed them on his molars so that the medicine could work faster. Relief came in small waves after a minute. He relaxed as the burning sensation ebbed away. Half of him wanted to know what was going on and what had happened, the other just wanted some food. The food wanting half won with a loud complaint from his stomach.
“Alright geeze,” he breathed as he got up and headed toward the kitchen.
“He’ll get it sorted out eventually.”
The kitchen was large and smelt like taco meat. Jo was leaning on some counters facing the other person in the room.
“Hey babe,” Ground greeted as he walked over to Jo.
“Hey stud,” she smiled and got off of the counter. “Want something to eat?”
He chuckled. “You know me too well, what is there anyway?”
“Plain hamburger meat, taco sauce, chicken, and tofu. Lettuce, tomatoes, olives, white onion, green onion, and sour cream. Condiments are a variety of sauces.” The girl said. Her black hood rippling oddly.
“Do you have any large tortillas?”
She pulled a box of them out of her pocket. It was so big she could barely
hold it in one hand. “There's a lot more where that came from but it's a good start just in case.”
He took them and put them under his arm.
He gave Jo’s hand a squeeze. “Help me with the meat?” He asked.
“Sure.” She went over to the cook and got a bowl of hamburger meat. They walked out of the kitchen together.
“Clean up any messes you make.” The cook called after them.
“Got it,” Ground called back.
The table was large enough to fit twelve people easily before feeling crowded. Two of each dish was laid out, and sauce packets were in little piles all around the table. The plates were all missing with the exception of one. He set the box down next to the lone plate and gathered toppings. Jo sat across from him.
“I swear if you're going to deep throat the burritos-”
“Only one of them!”
She stared at him.
“Aw cmon Jo.”
She continued to stare.
There was a loud thumping from one of the rooms nearby. Something splashed and a door creaked open. He turned to look at the source. A side door had opened. Revealing a young girl peering out. Blood running down her black and white hair. Her face, remarkably, was clean. Her neck was far better than it appeared in the dreamscape. She peered around before the goth rushed up with a set of clothing. She passed the clothes and shut the door in one fluid motion before pressing her back against it.
“Looks like she wasn't kiddin about the bath,” Ground noted.
“She looked like the Grudge,” Ice compared.
“I can see the resemblance.” He started making his first burrito.
It was only after his sixth burrito he thought to ask, “What happened after I went into the brush?”
He heard shuffling around in the background.
“Zolotoy went right and I continued ahead. He got himself captured and I made acquaintance with Annylise. He was brought out with Raven and the Frosty teen.”
Marina sat down at the table with a large plate of chicken. She started pouring the pieces into a taco shell and loading it up. Meanwhile the cook frowned at something exposed on her back. She wore dark shades and appeared to have dreads hanging just under her hood.
“Ana heard Marina over here start to have some trouble with the gecko so we joined up with them to take it down and you up again. We were joined by Melodi and her crew. She gave me an amulet that let me into your mindscape while the others blasted away at it. I'm not sure what happened after the first trap because that's when I got into your head. So, why are there metal spires and flesh cones in your head hon?”
“I don't know, it's just been like that for the past while. I was only made aware of that particular place recently.”
“Hey Ground? Do scales replace any flesh absorbed when you turn?” The cook asked. Looking at him with some concern.
“I'm not sure what you mean. It covers more area on me if that's what you were wonderin.”
“Well, I think I need a second opinion on this.” She waved her hand for him to look. Marina's eating slowed, but she kept her gaze determinedly on the wall opposite.
He followed her and noticed for the first time that Marina was wearing a scarlet dress, which tied in the back. Revealing the majority of her spine. Through the crossing cords he could see black veins surrounding her spine.
It looks awfully similar to the first month. “You sure that it isn't just some weird brusing?”
That's odd. It kinda looks like- He compared her back to his arm after he got the splice. The patterns were similar enough to warrant concern.
“That has never happened before. Course this is only what, the fourth or fifth time this happened outside? So there is room for weird s***,” Ground stated after turning to face the cook.
She put her hand on her chin. “So he’s taking her over.”
“That greedy-” Jo started.
“Now let's not jump to conclusions! It could just be a weird reaction that goes away soonish,” Ground defended. It has to be that. It would nice to not be alone but, no one should go through this s***.
“And if it doesn't? What do you recommend doing then?”
“Pick a false god and to pray to that that it doesn't have her. And or we both don't get possessed at the same time.”
A small smirk twitched the cooks lips. “That's mighty presumptive of you to call another's gods false.”
“They’re all just superficial constructs made by people of old to explain the world around them,” irritation started to creep in.
There was a hiss from under the cooks hood. One of her dreadlocks moved. The light shining off of what was supposed to be hair. “Clearly you were unaware that you were just speaking to Jack Frost. The boy that heralds winter.”
Are we seriously having this conversation already? Ground bristled at the thought. “Look-”
“Hmm. It's using your anger as a leeway. Marina be mindful of your emotions.”
“Yes Melody.” The teen sat up and stretched. “Are you guys done yet? I’m not comfortable being stared at.”
He leaned back on the table. “Yeah. Wait, be mindful of back scratches. If it is bein a greedy a**hole.”
“Alright.” She took her plate to the sink. “It's going to be fun watching you figure it out though.”
Melody joined her at the sink. After a few soft words Marina went to the living room. The girl took a sponge and began cleaning. Her hood still rippling like before.
Ground leaned over to Jo. “Ay, is it ripplin to you?” he whispered.
“Are we still drugged?”
“I don't think so.”
“Well s***. And I don't feel a breeze that could make it move like that.”
“Possible anomaly?”
“What the hell would that look like. Snakes?”
“You're on fire.” Melody replied. “I’m not from your dimension though. Keep going.”
The adults shared a look of “f***” before getting up. They walked together over to their last team member who was looking at the chess board with minor contempt.
“What's not computing Molotov?” Ground asked.
“How I don't have the time and the limited reports of others,” he replied.
“How do you not have the time?” He took the seat next to him and Jo sat on the other side of the board.
“Under review.”
“Apparently we got mugged along with being drugged,” Jo bitterly stated while resetting the board.
“That would explain why I don't have my- wait. Did anyone grab my shotgun?”
“Same boat.” Everyone in the room said in unison.
“Well f***.”
“Didn’t think to grab it,” Jo sighed.
“An’ I’m assumin that I can't go back to grab it. Great.”
“Well do you have any other weapons?” Marina asked. Sitting down next to her goth friend.
“Once its awake yeah. ‘Member the fire?”
“I think so. Whoever kidnapped us could have thought that counted so you might not have a gun at all.”
“No, I remember havin it.”
“Then you can go grab it in the morning.” The winged teen across the room yawned and stretched his wings. “Night all.” He headed into the room separated by palm fronds.
Wings aren't weird. He thought as he watched him go.
“I think I’ll follow Falcons example. Night.” Marina got up and headed out. She was soon followed by purple cloak, Starfire, Phineas, and Ferb.
Molotov’s head jerked slightly forward. He made a small coughing sound before sitting upright.
“When was the last time you slept doc?”
“Today was twenty first, correct?”
“No doc. You need to go to sleep. An’ just in case, because I know you, gimme your visor so you actually sleep with your eyes closed this time,” Ground held out his hand. The russian tensed in thought, then sighed and handed it over. He got up and walked over to the separating leaves. He walked with confidence into the wall next to it.
“It's to the left Doc!” Ground called.
He stuck his left arm out along the wall. He found the entrance and walked inside.
“Sooo…” Jack asked, still lounging with his head dropped behind the couch. “How are you holding up?”
“Good enough to not need sleep.”
“I’m fine,” Ice yawned. She got up from her chair and sat on Ground’s right side. He shifted so that she had more room.
“So how long have you been a reality bender?” Ground asked pointedly.
“A bit over three hundred years.” The teen shrugged, the frost on his shirt glittering as he did so.
Melody roped in Jack and Anilyse to help her with setting up the table. Once all was set in the modern European fashion, she put the divided meats and toppings on the table. Melody: evening meal is ready! The teenagers looked up and headed for the kitchen. Klesmolv and Ice followed slowly, sitting next to each other at the end closest to the living room. Jack simply went to the chess board game and watched the white Queen nag her King.
Melody noticed the adults position and placed a bowl of tofu in front of Klesmolv, then she took a seat at the middle of the table. She bowed her head and muttered softly in Ancient Greek while an amiable conversation started up between Raven and Anilyse.
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