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scarlettjskipper · 5 months ago
Hey guys! Please send some contributions this way. My friend's dog, Uena, has been injured very badly in an accident and is in desperate need of surgery. Your contributions would really help. And if you can't donate, please at least share this link so it can reach others!
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earth-1218designate · 9 months ago
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Nationwide no other tourist strip is topping I-Drive but Arcade Monsters is the priceist "Free To Play" barcade I've been to in several states.
There's several locations, the one in SRQ the lowest cost but the most Eurocentric, so I opted for I-Drive as a farewell to FL of sorts.
$28 for really a handful of games. Eh, I've spent less in Memphis, TN and Astoria, OR and got the same results.
Shit just dont hit the same when FL is not the moneypot I knew it for when I first came out here 4 years ago.
Going from a min. Of. $300/wk. To $0/wk. when 'Bama has work and Texas will put me in porn, the next time I touch FL will be to touch base to go abroad. R.I.P.
*Beat X-Men vs. Street Fighter with Chun-Li/Storm. Those lightning kicks to Apocalypse's head sealed the deal.
** Beat Tekken 8 with Kazuya on some emulator. Arcade Monsters had WAY too many emulators. Not a fan of those. When I saw there was an MvC bootleg that had MvC skins but a KOF interface, I was ready to leave.
Official over everything.
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progressglobenews · 11 months ago
Ralph Nader:
The same old plans to waste huge amounts of money that allow media consultants to reap 15% on campaign ad buys instead of really going for the ground game are underway. For example, one pro-Democratic Party PAC announced it would spend $140 million to put real-life voter testimonials on television praising President Joe Biden and his party. They think that’s a winner, right out of the practice of dramatized testimonials by Madison Avenue advertising firms. Note the same old stories reporting periodic fundraising totals fed to eagerly waiting reporters comparing the Dems and the Reps money totals unattached to any programs, agendas, or commitments to the people. Thus, the March 20, 2024, New York Times dreary headline: “Outside Groups Pledge Over $1 Billion to Aid Biden’s Re-Election Effort.” They include environmental groups, labor unions, and other “liberal PACs” that shell out the money without asking the Democratic Party to commit to any reforms or to address long-avoided necessities for the people. It’s enough that the Dems are against Trump and the GOP—assuring a race to the bottom in the presidential election. The lengthy Times article goes on and on reporting announcements by assorted Democratic moneypots and their GOP counterparts. Similar dreary “cash-register politics” articles will appear in the coming weeks and months with ever more frequency. Heaven forbid that reporters start writing about how all this money inhibits candidates from reforming the campaign finance system that is rotten to the core. Congress and the White House are for sale or rent! For example, the Democrats could—but do not—advance a much overdue agenda to curb the corporate crime wave; repeal anti-labor laws (like the notorious Taft-Hartley Act); junk the corrupt tax system written by big corporate tax escapees; debloat the vast, wasteful, redundant military budget; and push for the popular Medicare-for-All legislation languishing for years in Congress—for starters.
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rebeleden · 1 year ago
The Dems and Repubs are Moneypots, Not Real Political Parties | Black Agenda Report
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ironymous · 2 years ago
"What would Glen Ford say?"
Believe Absolutely Nothing the US Government and Media Say About …Anything Glen Ford , BAR executive editorThe Dems and Repubs are Moneypots, Not Real Political Parties02 Aug 2023If the Democrats were a real, mass based party, they would never consider Joe Biden as their nominee because he has no support among the people that energize parties: the youth. The EditorsA Tribute to Glen Ford02 Aug…
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mobileappdevelopercompany · 2 years ago
Moneypot.in and Intelegain launch Professr, an AI-based chatbot for stock trading, providing real-time stock prices and personalized assistance on the Moneypot platform.
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machetemaiden27mcx · 2 years ago
I have goals now. I wanna work for this company, start saving money in case i decide to leave Sigma. Otherwise it would be a nice little moneypot for cocaine and tattoos, so either way it would be cool to do😁🥰 Im working class poor soooo anything saved is an acheivement😂❤🖤
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nanalineni · 2 years ago
Genuinely don't understand the sudden uptick of conspiracy thinking from people online where like. Instead of fact checking things (fact checking has never been fucking easier !!!) they straight up jump to "this is a voluntary and calculated attack against us". Like it doesn't even make sense most of the time !? Why would a website attack it's moneypot just like. Please pull your thought all the way to its conclusion idk.
Seriously you don't need to fearmonger about shit it's absurd. Like this is 2007 everyone must share this Facebook post level of fearmongering when actually this part of the TOS is good and protects users.
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eideard · 3 years ago
A Tax Dollar$ Twofer
A Tax Dollar$ Twofer
$13.3 billion aircraft carrier finally ready for action After 14 years of development and delays, the most expensive and often troubled next-generation aircraft carrier, USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78) is finally ready for deployment. The aircraft carrier cost $13.3 billion in total, and was approved by the U.S. Navy in late 2021. Initially, the aircraft carrier was expected to be deployed in 2017,…
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ldearts-blog · 8 years ago
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Cheep and cheerful TsumTsum goodies #ldeartscraftcreations #disney #disnerd #disneytsumtsum #tsumtsum #moneypot #clintonscards #sale #cute
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xgingerbookworm · 8 years ago
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👌🏻♥️ #coins#coincollection#moneypot#sadgraceissad
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dj-hilly · 8 years ago
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So I've finally emptied my 3.5 ltr change bottle.. anyone guess how much is going to be in there? Get it right I'll buy you a Nando's 😋😋😋 #change #moneypot #money #guess #3years #saving
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emmikay · 2 years ago
Mungojerrie: Don’t arouse suspicion, but did you see all the jewelry on that dressing table?
Mistoffelees: I did. But it’s on the other side of the window, though, so I think that’s where it will stay.
Rumpleteazer: Yes, but we could follow them out. We could do the Moneypot. We could run Rat Food. We could do Prince and the Pauper to get it from them. We could try Spider Eyes. Any of those could work-
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incorrectpnatquotes · 3 years ago
Penny Spender: Don't arouse suspicion, but did you hear that cash hit the table?
Rick Spender: I did. It's on the table, though, so I think on the table it will stay.
Penny Spender: Yes, but we could follow them out. We could do the Moneypot. We could run Rat Food. We could do Prince and the Pauper to get it from them. We could try Spider Eyes. Any of those could work-
Davy Jones, who has the cash in question: Hello! How are you two tonight?
Penny Spender: Don't move. Don't move. Vampires can only see movement.
Rick Spender: I don't think that's true-
Davy Jones: It's very true, we have a hard time seeing things that aren't moving. But I can hear you.
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blackwoolncrown · 4 years ago
Tumblr Gold or whatever seems like a last ditch grift to me
like, Tumblr has never been a moneypot of a site and it routinely causes its buyers to lose millions. So in terms of an asset I feel like it’s being looked at as a depreciating one lol, every time someone considers buying it they have to have some kind of plan to flip it into a moneymaking platform somehow; the ads thing barely works but they can make money using it as a test bed. That’s basically it.
Now they’re trying to make it a ‘Premium+’ service? Lol with what? Mind you SWs aren’t allowed on here any more and it’s been SWs that actually get a lot of platforms going initially (though that contribution gets easily erased since a lot of ppl didn’t know in the first place then they can just push them out with a TOS, shine up the UI and rebrand the site once it’s become popular and stable).
There’s no way Tumblr is going to go from a site that’s cursed to take millions from its buyers to one that makes a lot of good money being privatized. What this does sound like is a way to urge any money out of its user base since other companies won’t invest in it really, now- due to it always losing. They’re literally asking us to pay for it now lol. I wouldn’t be suprised if after a while of this to recoup funds/ get a last bag they pivot the site into something unrecognizable and resurrect it as a dancing corpse for the whole Marvel/Disney megacorp suite of services.
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hazelcephalopod · 4 years ago
Oh right the Moneypot. That’s was a fun scam.
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