#monday meatloaf served on a tuesday ;)
stevie-petey · 3 months
Hello my love 💓
I know you have done some blurbs of bug and Jon as kids, but I was wondering if we could get a blurb of steve and Bug Meeting and hanging out for a second as kids??? Possibly seeing each other throughout the years of meeting at little times up to come home.
Have such a good day,evening, and night 🌙 ❤️
Can't wait for chapter 6 :)
hello !! since steve and bug werent friends as kids, i cant necessarily do scenes of them hanging out, but i can def do some steve insights since we know he watched bug from afar for yeaaaars (as for when they met, you can find that in chapter 7 of season 1 !)
enjoy <3
"hawkins sweetheart does it again," carol says with a sneer. she, steve, and tommy are all at their lunch table watching you show around some new student. youre smiling at the guy, kind and welcoming, and steve isnt surprised that the principal chose you to help the new guy. "god, she disgusts me."
"aw, c'mon carol." steve steals a french fry from her tray. "we all know that youre just jealous shes talking to him. hes a real looker."
the girl scoffs at him while tommy snorts. "hes alright. besides, henderson is with byers. you can stalk the new kid once shes done with him."
carol hits tommys shoulder and the two of them begin arguing, but steve drowns them out. he still stares at you. youre now showing the guy where the lunch trays go, and he seems to laugh at something youve said. it must be pretty funny, because he leans in close to you and places a hand on your arm.
the fry that had been in steves hand now becomes a mushed mess. with a sigh, he plops the food down onto carols tray and wipes his hand. no way the joke had been that funny.
he looks up at you again and finds that jonathan seems to be thinking the same thing. steve sees him hunch over his lunch with a scowl on his face as he watches you and the new kid. steve cant help but chuckle; hes so predictable.
you walk closer to where steve is sitting and he can hear your conversation with the guy. slightly, inconspicuously, steve leans in as close as he can without being noticed.
sue him. hes a curious person.
"mondays we get meatloaf, tuesdays its tacos, wednesdays its waffles-"
"im sensing a trend in the menu items." the guy interrupts you with a laugh.
you smile kindly at him and nod. "yup. real creative, huh?"
"oh, totally. back at my old school in wyoming, theyd serve us buffalo. so this is a real step up."
steve cringes and your jaw drops. "buffalo?"
the guy laughs again, and steve notices the newfound confidence he exhibits. he hates the guys now. hes not sure why. "mhm. are the waffles here any good?"
"oh, theyre terrible. all the food is."
you start to walk away now, voice fading, and steve cant help but marvel at how well you seem to connect with everyone. in only an hour, you already have the new guy practically eating out of the palm of your hand. he drools over you and yet you dont seem to notice or care.
all while byers broods in the corner, waiting for you to return to him.
hawkins sweetheart.
steve cant think of a better name for you.
he still hates the new guy though.
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capriciouscaprine · 5 months
good morning!!!!! It has been a while, so this will be a pretty long post with relatively few numbers but tons of reflecting on the past few days for me!
forget a metabolism day, I had my first true bonkers food consumption episode over multiple days as I worked on finishing what is to date my longest and most important presentation, which would determine if I qualified to receive my masters degree
on saturday, I was facing a ton of work that still needed to be done before tuesday (aka yesterday); I decided to stock up on energy drinks and get myself a sweet treat to get through at least that day and who knew how much longer
at the store, the packs of cookies I was planning on getting looked unsatisfyingly small and bland for the c's they contained; after circling the baked goods section several times, with breaks to go all the way back and check out frozen and pantry desserts (and seeing a cake that was three cakes in one and ~1k c per small slice!!), I folded and bought a box of giant chocolate peanut butter cookies, the kind where the serving size is 1/2 a cookie; the box totaled 1,800 c
and I finished it that night
and then I kept going
the wildest part was that I quickly realized that I didn't like the giant chocolate chunks in the cookies and I would have much preferred just a peanut butter cookie with no chocolate chunks (and thus lower c's)
I finished off my pan of meatloaf that night as well, and the next day I started off with good intentions but then just kept on snacking, and after work I went and got a bunch of fried foods from a fast food chain
I didn't even enjoy them!!! fried food 'wilts' so fast out of the fryer, and I've genuinely made the point to myself before that spending money at this place isn't worth it!!! still, ate all of that as well, and kept snacking
by monday I was not feeling well, and I don't even remember what I ate except I know it wasn't low c; yesterday, I had one good plate of egg fried rice, and then made myself a bigger plate and hated it... and yet I still finished it
through all of this, I was constantly consuming energy drinks, to the point that I have one left from a 12 pack, and even added extra energy drink mix powder to a can to almost double the caffeine content per sip
ultimately, I had mostly finished my presentation by the time I went to sleep monday night, only made a few edits on tuesday morning, was absurdly nervous through the entire presentation to the point I barely remember it, finished my excessive food intake, and went to bed at my super early bedtime to get up today at the same ridiculously early time of 2 am that I've been using to give myself time to work on all of my coursework this school year
for my monday check-in day, I was at 124.2, which is up at least 2$ from, but thankfully still below the goal I had achieved previously
reflecting on these past several days, my main take away is that I didn't enjoy most of it; my enjoyment stopped after 1.5 cookies, a few bits of each fried option, and the first plate of fried rice; some things I did want to keep eating on, like rice crispy treats, aren't nearly as high c (80/each for the off-brand) and I still got tired of eating them after a two or three; I had minimum 10k c's over four days, only a bit higher than 'healthy' recommendations, and by the end I was craving the simplicity and relief of my 'unhealthy' eating plan
the biggest upside is that I have finally cleared a LOT of left over less goal-oriented foods from my house; by the end I was actually actively saving my low c meals and not wanting to 'waste' them on this unhinged eating behavior, and I discovered that I actually don't have a lot of high c food left in the house!!
I feel like I even have a strategy now for if I'm ever in this situation again: get lots of snacks that are higher in c's but aren't entire packs of fancy cookies, which ranges from family sized popcorn to a whole container of hummus with pre-sliced vegetables, to keep myself focused; if I'm craving something, go to a quality bakery or restaurant and just get one serving from them instead of a bunch of lower quality things that end up being the same price; and keep on having only lower c items in the house, bc even if I do go nuts on them, the impact will be way lower
also, having pre-prepped meals will also be a relief, as not having a plan I can follow and something easy to grab and reheat seems to be an additional stressor on top of whatever else I have going on, so investing the time into doing that prep work is absolutely worth it
finally, I got confirmation that a problem I was attributing to my reduced eating plan really is just a me problem: I was working through all of this, getting plenty to eat before I went to work and everything, and I STILL had the problem of the world going rather dark around the edges if I stood up too fast or was bent over half-upside-down for too long; I don't have new heart problems from not enough food, I have existing heart problems that are unaffected by how much I eat
this is a relief! yeah, obviously it's still a problem, but now I don't feel guilty for having it by causing it with my eating; I just genuinely have a problem with my blood pressure!
now!!! my presentation marked the last big project I needed to dedicate my time and energy to; from now on, I can devote that time and energy to working towards my personal goals, and I can stop waking up at 2 am!!!
waking up super early is still rewarding for me, and it's going to continue to be a necessity in my career, but it is wild how much a 6 pm bedtime can mess you up; nearly anything I did would keep me up past my bedtime, which frequently ruined my sleep; from now on, I'm moving up to bed time at 8 pm and waking up at 4 am, which will still give me plenty of time before work and my internship
today I'm going to pick up my new cellphone and get it set up (and order the case and any accessories for it!), and that's going to hopefully help me with all of my goal setting and tracking moving forwards; I've got to do some job seeking to hopefully get on contract with a school before the end of the public school academic year, but otherwise, my next big goal is planning a budgeted shopping trip that will get me everything I need to make two weeks worth of pre-planned meals that will help me meat my goals without constantly having to come with what to eat every day
I'm so excited to be pack on track; it is genuinely a relief to return to posting on here and eating things that I actually enjoy and that help me meet my goals; I have made it past a huge hurdle, so now I can act on all the things I've been planning for myself!!!
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khelinski · 5 years
Voluntary commitment, Pts. 4-5.
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Pt. 4: Day Three – Monday.
6 am. Lights on. Nurse comes in to check vitals. I fall back to sleep.
Every 15 minutes. Orderly comes by with paper attached to a clipboard, and jots down where I am at and what I am doing.
7 am. Obnoxious older patient talks loudly from the hallway. I wake up, then fall back to sleep.
Every 15 minutes. Orderly comes by with paper attached to a clipboard, and jots down where I am at and what I am doing.
730 am. Breakfast. I wake up, wait in line in cafeteria. Cold, hard French toast and cereal is being served. I pick at it. No appetite. I go back to bed.
Every 15 minutes. Orderly comes by with paper attached to a clipboard, and jots down where I am at and what I am doing.
10ish am. Snack. Not hungry. I take my meds. Head back to bed.
Every 15 minutes. Orderly comes by with paper attached to a clipboard, and jots down where I am at and what I am doing.
11ish am. Doctor comes by my room and chats. Asks if I am ready to be discharged. I eagerly say yes. I am partly nervous of the idea, but I am also anxious to get the hell out. Doctor asks if I still have dark thoughts. I tell him no. Partly true, and partly what he wants to hear. He tells me that I could get out as soon as the next day. I partly smile.
Every 15 minutes. Orderly comes by with paper attached to a clipboard, and jots down where I am at and what I am doing.
12 pm. Lunch. Chicken something is being served. I pick at it.
Every 15 minutes. Orderly comes by with paper attached to a clipboard, and jots down where I am at and what I am doing.
1 pm. Psychotherapy. I join. After 20 minutes worth, I get turned off and walk out of the group session. A therapist (different than the previous day) handed two pieces of paper, and as a group, wanted us to read it off, then write down our thoughts. She kept saying that ‘life is easy, you guys make it hard.’ If you were dazed and confused or didn’t pay attention (some were on pills, mind you – or didn’t get much sleep) – she would scold you like a teacher. She then would put selective people in the group on the spot, ask questions, and then would interrupt you while you were speaking. I wanted to call her Nurse Ratched, but instead, walked out.
Every 15 minutes. Orderly comes by with paper attached to a clipboard, and jots down where I am at and what I am doing.
2 pm. I hang out in the cafeteria with a few patients, talking. I finally open up a bit, and bonded with a married female patient who was a few years younger than I was. She wore an Ohana Stitch shirt most of the time, and seemed like a cool person to talk to. I heard her talk, but haven’t really said much to her. After hearing her story, I knew she was the right person to confine in the hospital.
Every 15 minutes. Orderly comes by with paper attached to a clipboard, and jots down where I am at and what I am doing.
3 pm. I go back to bed. When you are stuck inside hospital walls for ANY amount of time, you become exhausted all the time.
Every 15 minutes. Orderly comes by with paper attached to a clipboard, and jots down where I am at and what I am doing.
6 pm. Dinner. Chicken something or meatloaf. I pick at chicken something. I also call my family to let them know I will be coming home in a day (hopefully). While I am on the phone, obnoxious older patient is screaming at the nurses/doctors/orderlies for being discharged. He is homeless, and doesn’t want to go back on the street. Arrangements are being made for him to go to a shelter. I cut my conversations with my family short. Can’t hear them while he is screaming in my ear.
Every 15 minutes. Orderly comes by with paper attached to a clipboard, and jots down where I am at and what I am doing.
7 pm. Movie. An uplifter, ‘Man on Fire,’ is being played in the same conference room psychotherapy resided in. On the board, different stages of forgiveness were written down from a previous session. I keep staring at it. It’s one of the contributing factors to my breakdown. Forgiveness. Not so much forgiveness toward others’, but forgiveness toward myself. Forgiveness. Can I ever forgive myself, I asked myself while I was in that room? I hope so. I put together a 350-piece puzzle during the movie’s duration.
Every 15 minutes. Orderly comes by with paper attached to a clipboard, and jots down where I am at and what I am doing.
9ish pm. AA group meeting. At first, I am told it is optional to go. I didn’t care to go. I am about to head back to bed when I am told it is ‘encouraged’ while ‘mandatory’ to go. I sigh, and attend. I am glad I did. For the next hour – I hear testimonies of various former addicts, share their stories. It is perceptive that is very much needed for me. I carry the story of what it’s like loving an addict (and the death/grief of that addict). I never carried the story of being an addict (just depression). So to hear other people not only candidly talking about it, but also, hear their success stories of being sober now – it encouraged me to share what I am sharing now.
Every 15 minutes. Orderly comes by with paper attached to a clipboard, and jots down where I am at and what I am doing.
10 pm. Checking vitals. I am alive. Take meds with water. Go to bed.
I stare out the window, imagining what the next day will be like, imagining what my family will be like, and imagining what work will be like. The outside. My stay. Breakdown. Freedom.
I close my eyes and doze off. But I don’t sleep. Not fully.
The same events as the two nights before occur. Nurses come in to check on me every 15 minutes, pushing a button on the wall and flashing a light. Roommate is snoring away. Loud chatter can be heard in the hallway close by.
K.H.; 4/16/2019.
(To be concluded…)
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Pt. 5: Day 4 - Tuesday.
6 am. Lights on. Checking vitals. Freedom at any minute.
Every 15 minutes. Orderly comes by with paper attached to a clipboard, and jots down where I am at and what I am doing.
7ish am. Breakfast. I am not hungry. Freedom at any minute.
Every 15 minutes. Orderly comes by with paper attached to a clipboard, and jots down where I am at and what I am doing.
9ish am. Psychotherapy, I don’t participate based on who is running the therapy group. Freedom at any minute.
Every 15 minutes. Orderly comes by with paper attached to a clipboard, and jots down where I am at and what I am doing.
10 am. Meds. Freedom at any minute.
Every 15 minutes. Orderly comes by with paper attached to a clipboard, and jots down where I am at and what I am doing.
11 am. Talk with the doctors. I feel good about being discharged. They feel good about me being discharged. I am asked if I did any writing while I was in the hospital. ‘No,’ I say. But I was planning on writing as soon as I get home, I thought. Freedom at any minute. My family was notified the day before that I would be discharged today. GREAT. Freedom at any minute. I am told that the paperwork needs to processed ('scripts, ect-ect), but it will happen soon. GREAT! Freedom at any minute.
Every 15 minutes. Orderly comes by with paper attached to a clipboard, and jots down where I am at and what I am doing.
12 pm. Music therapy is being played in the conference room, which consists of a nurse playing an assortment of requested songs on her phone by patients. Toward the end of the session, a black male patient in a wheel chair with no legs come in the room, and starts praying very loudly. Freedom at any minute.
Every 15 minutes. Orderly comes by with paper attached to a clipboard, and jots down where I am at and what I am doing.
1 pm. Lunch. I am not hungry. I think of what I am going to have after I am discharged. A woman screams bloody murder from the other end of the ward. They wheel her in a wheel chair to the nurse’s station. She looks out of it. Doctor’s pass by her, question why she is there, then walks away. Freedom at any minute.
Every 15 minutes. Orderly comes by with paper attached to a clipboard, and jots down where I am at and what I am doing.
2 pm. Movie playing in the conference room. ‘The Mummy’ with Tom Cruise. I watch most of it. Have to agree with the critics, it’s terrible! Freedom at any minute.
Every 15 minutes. Orderly comes by with paper attached to a clipboard, and jots down where I am at and what I am doing.
4 pm. Snack. I am not hungry, but eat a few graham crackers. Freedom at any minute. Another movie is being played. A newer patient, an older gentleman, seems mad with all the movies being played during his stay here. He asks anyone (or no one) in the room, ‘is this all they do – play movies?’ I pipe up and say, yes. ‘I didn’t come here for movies, I am here for therapy.’ He then gets up and heads to the nurse's station. Freedom at any minute.
Every 15 minutes. Orderly comes by with paper attached to a clipboard, and jots down where I am at and what I am doing.
5 pm. I inquire about being discharged. Two patients were discharged before me. I didn’t want to seem too aggressive (I’ve observed how they treat those that are aggressive) – and after all, I am looked upon as the crazy one there, not them. A mixture of backup paperwork and they just simply forgot me, they process it right away. I call my family and let them know I will be out soon. Freedom at any minute.
Every 15 minutes. Orderly comes by with paper attached to a clipboard, and jots down where I am at and what I am doing.
6 pm. Dinner. Freedom at any minute. Correction, freedom, now! I sign a shit load of paperwork, get a folder with information (my diagnosis, my scripts, etc-etc), some words of encouragement, and a promise that I won’t be coming back. They cut off my wristband I wore for the past few days (I ask if I could keep it – which they thought was a weird request). I then get escorted out of the ward through two double doors they need a keycard for to open. They tell me the elevator is down the hall, take it to the main lobby of the hospital. I was still in my Jurassic World hoodie I’ve wore for the past three days (smells by now), a new pair of PJ pants, and gripper socks. Once I got downstairs, I was eyeballed by several people with I am assuming their own opinion of me, based on their looks – an escaped mental patient. I walk outside, and get a little emotional. I’ve been locked indoors for four days. It was cloudy and raining out, but I didn’t care. I felt like Andy Dufresne at the end of ‘The Shawshank Redemption.’ I spot my family driving by, and walk toward their car.
As soon as I get home, I down a Mountain Dew, get in the shower, and wear fresh clothes. I feel human again (sort of).
I eat with my family (Cici’s – quick, cheap, and edible – more so than hospital-quality-food). I get my ‘scripts taken care of. I am due back to work in a couple of days with a whole lot of nerves. ‘What am I going to say to them?’ I ask myself. ‘What are they going to say to me,’ I silently ponder.
Exhaustion hit me full force. I go to bed. Luckily, I don’t have trouble sleeping. But the sounds of the ward are still in my ears – days, weeks later.
I held a lot from my family. Some of what I’ve seen and experienced – they are reading for the first time, like all of you. I didn’t share everything in these writings. Not my intention to. Just painting a picture for the curiosity of some, as well as making sense of it all for my own sake (as I tend to do with all my writing).
Though I am sure most that has stayed in hospitals will concur that my experience is similar to theirs, but also quite different. I learned days later that the fourth floor of the hospital I was in is fairly new (opened in 2015), with 25 beds.
It has been two weeks since my breakdown and delightful stay at that ward. It wasn’t as terrible as I thought it would be. But it was still terrible. It was the kind of tough-love terrible I needed to wake the fuck up.
Did it cure my depression? No. But it gave me much needed perceptive to live with my depression.
Most of all, did I find peace with it? No. Still searching.
I remember back in 2015, I pushed Karii Lynn to similar places. She stayed in two. A few of the patients I encountered reminded me of her, and what she must’ve experienced. When she got out then, I wasn’t nearly as supportive as I should’ve been. Certainly not as supportive as friends and family have been supportive of me now (another regret I have). But then you have to factor in what you get out of the experiences of places like a mental ward. From the inside, they look at you as if you are crazy. We are all crazy, and we all have the capability of reaching that breaking point. Either you recognize that, or you don’t. Addiction has a way of clouding what you can recognize about yourself. I learned that from hearing former addicts share their stories. I wish I had gained this point of view sooner in life – but that’s the whole gist of life, learning lessons as you go (and like school, some lessons you don’t reach right away).
I go back to the third day, seeing forgiveness on the board in the conference room. It’s a long journey for me to reach that point – to find peace and forgive myself. But I am getting there, one way or another. I must.
The be-all, end-all lesson I learned during my four-day stay at a psych ward : to keep on keepin’ on.
K.H.; 4/20/2019.
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evanschrisus · 2 years
Best Restaurants in NYC for Sunday Drag brunch & Night bars
NYC Sunday drag brunch
A bottomless brunch is a great way to enjoy a wide variety of dishes while also saving some cash. Fulfil your senses with the savoury NYC Sunday drag brunch dishes like meatloaf hash and biscuits and gravy with bacon, Drink buffet and dancing, with special performances with the city’s sensational drag superstars!! Welcome to Drag Brunch at Haswell Greens, the experience that brings the dining & performance of sexy Haswell Greens brunch celebrations. Enjoy drag brunch every Sunday from 1-3pm, hosted by Instagram’s The Traveling Bum, Jeff Perla. When people think brunch, pizza does not usually spring to mind, but at Haswell Greens Drag Brunch, you can choose between three pizza varieties: the breakfast pizza, classic Margherita, or sausage pizza. Enjoy a bottomless brunch from 12-4pm, with a complimentary drag show at 2pm, and a bottomless dinner Sunday through Thursday from 4-11pm.
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Whether it is celebrating a birthday or bachelorette party, NYC Sunday drag brunch book your Reservation with us. The third best brunch spot in the country is Haswell Greens in New York, which offers 90 minutes of bottomless brunch for only $25. Located just steps west of 52nd street, the brunch is a wood-lined, floor-to-ceiling joint, with a flowing bottomless brunch that leaves you wanting more. Named for Greater New York father of the city Andrew Haswell Greene (the man responsible for Central Park, among other things), Haswell Greens knows what New Yorkers want at brunch. For the Bottomless Brunch, here, you have your choice of mimosas, bloody marys, or a Haswells painkiller.
best Monday night bars near me
If you are looking a best Monday night bar near me then Haswell green in NYC the forefront of cocktails and beer culture for Broadway NYC, bringing inventive cocktails and a fore lasting craft beer selection for local residents and tourists alike. Haswell Green has one of the biggest bars in the city, DJs playing eclectic mixes of records nightly, and a tempting, diverse menu. Haswell greens opening time on Monday to Tuesday is 4PM - 2AM and Wednesday to Sunday :12PM - 4AM. Haswell greens is a 21+ establishment after 7pm. We serve an excellent late-night option, offering live music sunday night. It is open late into the weekend hours every night, so if you had an off-the-wall Monday and finished up late at the office, there is still time to dive in at this basement dive. So, you can enjoy the views as you drink craft cocktails and nibble through Hotels late-night menu. Hotline is Open for food Pick Up, 212-245-2801. Book your order Online.
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zerowasteinitiative · 4 years
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Cut down on food waste and make a week of tasty family meals using handy shopping list. This budget-friendly, 5-DAY RECIPE PLAN WILL MAKE BUSY SCHOOL NIGHTS A BREEZE (Part 1) 🥗 Monday – Green chowder with prawns Start the week on a healthy high with this verdant vegetable blend, topped with prawns. By blitzing part of the soup and reserving the remaining chunky veg to pour back in after, you’ll maintain an interesting texture. 🥘 Tuesday – Carbonara with chicken This version of this simple and speedy pasta dish includes chicken which balances well with salty pancetta strips. With just 5 mins prep time, it will be a saviour on busy weeknights. Serve with a crisp green salad. 🌮 Wednesday – Classic meatloaf with tomato sauce Combine beef mince with breadcrumbs to make a thrifty and filling supper which can easily be divided into portions. The accompanying homemade tomato sauce is a healthier (and cheaper) alternative to shop-bought packets, and you can save the leftovers for Friday’s feast. Wrap any remaining meatloaf and use it as a sandwich filling for a lunchbox the next day. Look forward to the other meals in part 2! ------ Visit our website: https://zerowasteinitiative.com/ Source: bbcgoodfood 🌳 Zero Waste Initiative - Less Trash More Life! 🌏 Let's Save The World While There's Still Time! https://www.instagram.com/p/CKPA3Bknf3l/?igshid=17mchtakzyi4z
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cordpolo6-blog · 5 years
Skinnytaste Meal Plan (November 26-December 2)
posted November 24, 2018 by Gina
A free 7-day flexible meal plan including breakfast, lunch and dinner and a shopping list. All recipes include calories and Weight Watchers Freestyle™ SmartPoints®.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! A few notes, I will be doing a book signing in Long Island, Sunday, December 9, 2018 from Noon – 2:00 p.m. at Stew Leonard’s, 1897 Front Street, East Meadow, NY. Hope to see some of you there!
If you’re new to my meal plans, I’ve been sharing these free, 7-day flexible healthy meal plans (you can see my previous meal plans here) that are meant as a guide, with plenty of wiggle room for you to add more food, coffee, beverages, fruits, snacks, dessert, wine, etc or swap recipes out for meals you prefer, you can search for recipes by course in the index. You should aim for around 1500 calories* per day.
There’s also a precise, organized grocery list that will make grocery shopping so much easier and much less stressful. Save you money and time. You’ll dine out less often, waste less food and you’ll have everything you need on hand to help keep you on track.
Lastly, if you’re on Facebook join my Skinnytaste Facebook Community where everyone’s sharing photos of recipes they are making, you can join here. I’m loving all the ideas everyone’s sharing!
Breakfast and lunch Monday-Friday, are designed to serve 1 while dinners and all meals on Saturday and Sunday are designed to serve a family of 4. Some recipes make enough leftovers for two nights or lunch the next day. While we truly believe there is no one size fits all meal plan, we did our best to come up with something that appeals to a wide range of individuals. Everything is Weight Watchers friendly, I included the updated Weight Watcher Freestyle Points for your convenience, feel free to swap out any recipes you wish or just use this for inspiration!
The grocery list is comprehensive and includes everything you need to make all meals on the plan. I’ve even included brand recommendations of products I love and use often. Cross check your cabinets because many condiments you’ll notice I use often, so you may already have a lot of them.
And last, but certainly not least, this meal plan is flexible and realistic. There’s plenty of wiggle room for cocktails, healthy snacks, dessert and dinner out. And if necessary, you can move some things around to make it work with your schedule. Please let me know if you’re using these plans, this will help me decide if I should continue sharing them! 
MONDAY (11/26) B: 6 ounces nonfat plain Greek yogurt (0), 1 teaspoon honey (1), ½ cup blackberries and 1 tablespoon chopped pecans (2) L: Greek Turkey Meatballs (5) with ⅓ cup chickpeas (0), ½ cup cucumbers (0) and ½ cup halved cherry tomatoes (0) and Skinny Tzatziki (0)* D: Minestrone Soup (2) with green salad** (0) with 2 tablespoons light balsamic vinaigrette (2) and 2 ounces multigrain baguette (3) Totals: Freestyle™ SP 15, Calories 1,000***
TUESDAY (11/27) B: ⅓ cup quick oats (3) with  1 teaspoon honey (1), ½ cup blackberries (0), 1 tablespoon skim milk (0), 1 tablespoon chopped pecans (2), pinch salt L: Greek Turkey Meatballs (5) with ⅓ cup chickpeas (0), ½ cup cucumbers (0) and ½ cup halved cherry tomatoes (0) and Skinny Tzatziki (0) D: Chicken and White Bean Enchiladas with Creamy Salsa Verde (5) with Cilantro Lime Cauliflower “Rice”***(1) (Double “rice” for Wed leftover) Totals: Freestyle™ SP 17, Calories 899***
WEDNESDAY (11/28) B: 2 hard-boiled eggs (0) and a pear (0) L: Greek Turkey Meatballs (5) with ⅓ cup chickpeas (0), ½ cup cucumbers (0) and ½ cup halved cherry tomatoes (0) and Skinny Tzatziki (0) D: LEFTOVER Chicken and White Bean Enchiladas with Creamy Salsa Verde (5) with Cilantro Lime Cauliflower “Rice”(1) Totals: Freestyle™ SP 11, Calories 934***
THURSDAY (11/29) B: ⅓ cup quick oats (3) with  1 teaspoon honey (1), ½ cup blackberries (0), 1 tablespoon skim milk (0), 1 tablespoon chopped pecans (2), pinch salt L: Greek Turkey Meatballs (5) with ⅓ cup chickpeas (0), ½ cup cucumbers (0) and ½ cup halved cherry tomatoes (0) and Skinny Tzatziki (0) D: Spaghetti Squash Sausage Lasagna Boats (7) Totals: Freestyle™ SP 17, Calories 853***
FRIDAY (11/30) B: 2 hard-boiled eggs (0) and a pear (0) L: LEFTOVER Spaghetti Squash Sausage Lasagna Boats (7) D: Naked Salmon Burgers with Sriracha (3) with Crispy Air Fryer Sweet Potato Fries (7) (Recipe x 2) Totals: Freestyle™ SP 17, Calories 997***
SATURDAY (11/1) B: Spinach, Feta and Artichoke Breakfast Bake (1) with an orange (0) L: Navy Bean, Bacon and Spinach Soup (1) with 2 Easy Garlic Knots (4) D: DINNER OUT! Totals: Freestyle™ SP 6, Calories 575***
SUNDAY (11/2) B: LEFTOVER Spinach, Feta and Artichoke Breakfast Bake (1) with an orange (0) L: Chicken and Zucchini Noodle Caprese (3) (Recipe x 2) D: Turkey Meatloaf (3) with Instant Pot Mashed Potatoes (5) and Easy Garlic Broccolini (1) Totals: Freestyle™ SP 13, Calories 976***
*Prep Mon-Thurs lunch on Sunday, if desired
**Green salad includes 6 cups romaine, ½ cup each: carrots, tomatoes, cucumber, and 2 scallions.
***This is just a guide, women should aim for around 1500 calories per day. Here’s a helpful calculator to estimate your calorie needs. I’ve left plenty of wiggle room for you to add more food such as coffee, beverages, fruits, snacks, dessert, wine, etc
**google doc
1 dry pint blackberries
2 medium pears (any variety)
3 small limes
8 medium oranges
1 large head Romaine lettuce  ****substitute Butter or Iceberg lettuce due to the Romaine recall
3 medium spaghetti squash
2 small jalapeños
2 medium heads cauliflower (or 8 cups “riced)
1 (5-ounce) bag/clamshell baby arugula
1 (5-ounce) bag/clamshell baby spinach
2 bunches broccolini
2 medium and 2 large zucchini
2 pounds Russet potatoes
3 large heads garlic
1 small bunch/container fresh oregano (can sub 2 teaspoons dry in Greek Meatballs, if desired)
1 small bunch/container fresh mint
1 small bunch/container fresh dill
1 large lemon
1 (4-ounce) Hass avocado
1 large red bell pepper
1 small yellow bell pepper
2 medium bunches scallions
1 small bunch carrots
1 small bunch celery
1 small bunch/container fresh basil
1 large bunch fresh Italian parsley
1 small bunch fresh cilantro
2 small and 1 large cucumber
2 dry pints grape or cherry tomatoes
1 small bunch/container fresh rosemary
1 small red onion
1 small white onion
2 small and 1 medium yellow onions
Meat, Poultry and Fish
1 ¼ pounds 93% lean ground turkey
1 1/3 pounds 99% lean ground turkey
1 package center-cut bacon
1 ¾ pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1 pound wild salmon
14 ounces Italian chicken sausage
1 container quick oats*
½ a loaf whole wheat bread (can sub extra breadcrumbs or panko in Greek Meatballs, if desired)*
1 package seasoned whole wheat breadcrumbs*
1 package small pasta, such as ditalini*
1 (8 ounce) multigrain baguette*
1 small bag all-purpose or whole white wheat flour*
1 small package container panko breadcrumbs*
1 package (8-inch) flour tortillas (you need 8)
Condiments and Spices
Extra virgin olive oil
Cooking spray
Olive oil spray (or get a Misto oil mister)
Kosher salt (I like Diamond Crystal)
Pepper grinder (or fresh peppercorns)
Bay leaves
Light balsamic vinaigrette
Chicken bouillon
Light mayonnaise
Reduced sodium soy sauce*
Crushed red pepper flakes
Worcestershire sauce
Garlic powder
Dairy & Misc. Refrigerated Items
1 (6-ounce) and 1 (17.5-ounce) container nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 18-pack large eggs
1 small box butter
1 wedge fresh Parmesan cheese
1 (8-ounce) tub light sour cream
4 ounces fresh mini mozzarella balls
1 small container feta cheese
1 (8-ounce) container skim milk
1 pint 1 % buttermilk
1 (8-ounce) bag reduced fat shredded Mexican cheese blend
1 (8-ounce) bag whole milk shredded mozzarella cheese
1 (15-ounce) tub part-skim ricotta cheese
1 (10-ounce) package frozen chopped spinach
Canned and Jarred
5 (15-ounce) cans white beans (such as Cannellini or Navy)
1 (15-ounce) can crushed tomatoes
1 (15-ounce) can and 2 (32-ounce) cartons reduced sodium chicken broth
1 (28-ounce) can petite diced tomatoes
1 (4.5-ounce) and 1 (7-ounce) can chopped green chilies
1 (8-ounce) can or 1 (4.5-ounce) tube tomato paste
1 (15-ounce) can chickpeas
1 jar chopped artichokes
Misc. Dry Goods
1 small bag chopped pecans
Baking powder
*Can sub gluten-free, if desired.
posted November 24, 2018 by Gina
Source: https://www.skinnytaste.com/skinnytaste-meal-plan-november-26-december-2/
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0 notes
pisceslentil8-blog · 5 years
Shrimp-Stuffed Shells + Weekly Menu
Well, karma caught up with me. I’ve been giving Mark total heck over his man cold and it has now been shared with yours truly. And…I’m a mess. My eyes are watering. My head is pounding. My throat is sore. I’m coughing up stuff that shouldn’t be discussed on a food blog or anywhere near or around food. So, WAHHH.
And my PELOTON is arriving tomorrow!!! I hope I can muster the strength to hop on for a ride and get the fun started.
In the meantime, we’re finishing off a fun weekend. We had press box seating at the Michigan vs. Notre Dame hockey game last night that was outdoors at Notre Dame stadium. I’ve never been so pampered at a sporting event!! I mean, there was a turkey carving station, fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and these INCREDIBLE green beans! That was in addition to the hot dog bar, chili bar, charcuterie trays, and cash bar.
Today, the pampering was over and I was back to cursing my own kitchen adventures. Really though, how DOES one peel an egg without completely mutilating the white? I’ve tried all the tricks: old eggs, vinegar, salt, ice baths, peeling under running water. Blah blah blah. I just can’t do it. I’ll make you anything from scratch but peeling an egg? PSH. I’m just buying them boiled and pre-peeled for the rest of my days.
I really have been on a winning streak (until the whole egg debacle today). Every recipe I’ve made recently has been eaten by everyone (spoiler alert: next podcast is on picky eaters!), healthy or healthy-ish, and mother-approved. Because really, if I’m the one doing the dishes, I want to be loving what’s served up.
These Shrimp-Stuffed Shells were from awhile back. I must admit, I’ve been waiting until blog traffic soars in January with healthy eating efforts to post the recipe. One of the first foods people nix from their diets in an effort to lose weight? Pasta. I say bologna! That just wouldn’t work for me. These shells are the perfect carb-lover delight that is favorable to weight loss efforts but so delicious you and others will be in awe! Eating healthy can and SHOULD taste this good! Jess absolutely loved these – she said it was her favorite recipe yet!
Shrimp-Stuffed Shells
Author: Nicole Morrissey
Prep time:  10 mins
Cook time:  40 mins
Total time:  50 mins
Serves: 18 shells (6 servings, 3 shells each)
18 uncooked jumbo pasta shells (about 8 oz*)
1½ Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
½ cup chopped shallots
6 cloves garlic, minced
½ cup (4 oz) ⅓-less-fat cream cheese
¼ cup 2% reduced-fat milk
¼ tsp crushed red pepper
⅓ cup chopped fresh basil
1 lb shrimp, peeled, deveined, and coarsely chopped
1 Tbsp potato starch
Cooking spray
3 cups lower-sodium marinara sauce, divided
⅓ cup (1½ oz) grated Parmigiano-Reggiano
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
Bring a large pot of water to a rolling boil. Add pasta and cook for 7 minutes or until almost al dente. Drain well.
Meanwhile, heat oil in a skillet over medium heat. Once hot, add shallots; cook 4 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add garlic; cook 30 seconds, stirring constantly. Add cream cheese, milk, and crushed red pepper; cook until cheese melts, stirring until smooth. Remove from heat. Stir in basil. Place shrimp in a bowl. Sprinkle with potato starch; toss well to coat. Add cream cheese mixture to shrimp; toss well.
Divide shrimp mixture evenly among pasta shells. Coat a 13 x 9-inch glass or ceramic baking dish with cooking spray; spread 1 cup marinara over bottom of dish. Arrange shells in prepared dish; top with remaining 2 cups marinara. Sprinkle shells evenly with Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese.
Bake for 30 minutes or until shrimp is done. Serve hot.
Recipe from Cooking Light *Boil 1 lb of jumbo shells and use about ½ for the recipe. Many will break or get stuck together which is not ideal for stuffing
Nutrition Information
Serving size: 3 shells Calories: 352 Fat: 13.5 Carbohydrates: 32.3 Sugar: 7.0 Sodium: 499 Fiber: 3.7 Protein: 23.7 Cholesterol: 104
Weekly Menu: January 6th – 10th
Sunday: Egg Salad Sandwiches from Magnolia Table
Monday: Cheesy Turkey Taco Chili Mac (from Skinny Taste One & Done) with steamed broccoli
Tuesday: Petite Meatloaf Dinner from Skinny Taste One & Done
Wednesday: Simple Pizza Crust from Skinny Taste One & Done
Thursday: Spicy “Fried” Chicken Sandwiches from Skinny Taste One & Done with roasted potatoes
Be well,
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Source: https://preventionrd.com/2019/01/shrimp-stuffed-shells-weekly-menu/
0 notes
sensespike3-blog · 5 years
Chicken with Pepperoni-Marinara Sauce + Weekly Menu
We’re packing up to get on the road and back to Michigan. We’ve been away since Christmas and everyone is totally off schedule and overloaded on sugar. Our goal for last night’s dinner: a vegetable. We succeeded with canned green beans to accompany…pizza.
I’ve seen numerous memes about the days between Christmas and New Years – What day is it? Am I working today? What time is it? Did I eat leftover cookies for breakfast, or was it cinnamon rolls? Each of these resonate with me. Oops.
However, it is now Sunday and tomorrow I am working. A little tease because I am, in fact, off New Years Day and then we will continue as regularly scheduled with a 2-day week for the kids. We’ll certainly be getting back into the groove by the time the weekend comes around. And by the time Mark gets over his man cold.
I’ve been sleeping well and sleeping in. Between no agenda and being fully transitioned to central time, tomorrow is going to be brutal. I woke up around 6am to go to the bathroom and my brain switched from vacation mode to “GO MODE!” in a millisecond. I desperately tried to go back to sleep but was conflicted with all that I was jotting down on my to-do list that cannot be trusted to memory: pack, blog, meal plan, grocery shop, pick-up the dog, workout, laundry, yada yada.
Motherhood is such a curse. P.S. In no relation to this post, I am having a good laugh over Confessions of a Domestic Failure. My goal was to finish in before returning to Michigan, but I am stuck driving so that Mark can nurse himself back to health in the passenger seat.
As we close out 2018 and I re-enter the world of our little family of 4, I figured it was most appropriate to post one of my family’s most favorite dinners. A crowd pleaser all around, this quick and easy meal is a keeper – chicken and pepperoni, what’s not to love!?
Looking for some other quick, easy, and healthy meals for the family? Be sure to check out our 8 favorite meals ready in 30 minutes or less from 2018! See you in 2019!
Chicken with Pepperoni-Marinara Sauce
Author: Nicole Morrissey
Prep time:  5 mins
Cook time:  15 mins
Total time:  20 mins
Serves: 4 servings (6 oz chicken with ½ cup sauce)
2 tsp extra-virgin olive oil
1½ lbs boneless, skinless chicken breasts, halved width-wise to make 2 thinner breasts*
¼ tsp freshly ground black pepper
2 cloves fresh garlic, minced
16 slices turkey pepperoni, coarsely chopped
½ tsp dried oregano
24 oz lower-sodium marinara sauce
2 Tbsp chopped fresh basil
¾ cup shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese
Preheat broiler.
Heat olive oil in a large, oven-safe skillet over medium-high heat. Once hot, add chicken and sprinkle with pepper. Cook 3-4 minutes or until golden, flip and cook 2-3 minutes longer. Remove chicken to a plate and set aside. Cover to keep hot.
To the skillet, add garlic and pepperoni; cook 2 minutes or until garlic begins to brown, stirring frequently. Add oregano; cook 30 seconds. Add marinara sauce; bring to a simmer. Reduce heat, and simmer 5 minutes. Remove from heat; stir in basil and nestle the cooked chicken into the marinara.
Sprinkle with mozzarella and broil for 2-3 minutes or until cheese is bubbly and melted, watching closely to avoid burning. Serve with pasta of choice, if desired.
*I used 2 large (12 ounce) chicken breasts that were thinned to 2 six-ounce breasts
Recipe slightly adapted from Cooking Light
Nutrition Information
Serving size: 6 oz chicken with ½ cup sauce Calories: 328 Fat: 14.3 Carbohydrates: 12.0 Sugar: 6.3 Sodium: 602 Fiber: 3.3 Protein: 42.0 Cholesterol: 106
Weekly Menu: December 30th – January 3rd
Sunday: Dijon-Maple Chicken with Brussels and Butternut from Skinny Taste One & Done
Monday: Petite Meatloaf Dinner from Skinny Taste One & Done
Tuesday: baked party wings and Cranberry Brie Flatbread
Wednesday: Chicken and Wild Rice Soup from Magnolia Table
Thursday: Chicken Fajita Pasta from Skinny Taste One & Done
Be well,
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Source: https://preventionrd.com/2018/12/chicken-with-pepperoni-marinara-sauce-weekly-menu/
0 notes
daisycactus20-blog · 6 years
Chicken with Pepperoni-Marinara Sauce + Weekly Menu
We’re packing up to get on the road and back to Michigan. We’ve been away since Christmas and everyone is totally off schedule and overloaded on sugar. Our goal for last night’s dinner: a vegetable. We succeeded with canned green beans to accompany…pizza.
I’ve seen numerous memes about the days between Christmas and New Years – What day is it? Am I working today? What time is it? Did I eat leftover cookies for breakfast, or was it cinnamon rolls? Each of these resonate with me. Oops.
However, it is now Sunday and tomorrow I am working. A little tease because I am, in fact, off New Years Day and then we will continue as regularly scheduled with a 2-day week for the kids. We’ll certainly be getting back into the groove by the time the weekend comes around. And by the time Mark gets over his man cold.
I’ve been sleeping well and sleeping in. Between no agenda and being fully transitioned to central time, tomorrow is going to be brutal. I woke up around 6am to go to the bathroom and my brain switched from vacation mode to “GO MODE!” in a millisecond. I desperately tried to go back to sleep but was conflicted with all that I was jotting down on my to-do list that cannot be trusted to memory: pack, blog, meal plan, grocery shop, pick-up the dog, workout, laundry, yada yada.
Motherhood is such a curse. P.S. In no relation to this post, I am having a good laugh over Confessions of a Domestic Failure. My goal was to finish in before returning to Michigan, but I am stuck driving so that Mark can nurse himself back to health in the passenger seat.
As we close out 2018 and I re-enter the world of our little family of 4, I figured it was most appropriate to post one of my family’s most favorite dinners. A crowd pleaser all around, this quick and easy meal is a keeper – chicken and pepperoni, what’s not to love!?
Looking for some other quick, easy, and healthy meals for the family? Be sure to check out our 8 favorite meals ready in 30 minutes or less from 2018! See you in 2019!
Chicken with Pepperoni-Marinara Sauce
Author: Nicole Morrissey
Prep time:  5 mins
Cook time:  15 mins
Total time:  20 mins
Serves: 4 servings (6 oz chicken with ½ cup sauce)
2 tsp extra-virgin olive oil
1½ lbs boneless, skinless chicken breasts, halved width-wise to make 2 thinner breasts*
¼ tsp freshly ground black pepper
2 cloves fresh garlic, minced
16 slices turkey pepperoni, coarsely chopped
½ tsp dried oregano
24 oz lower-sodium marinara sauce
2 Tbsp chopped fresh basil
¾ cup shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese
Preheat broiler.
Heat olive oil in a large, oven-safe skillet over medium-high heat. Once hot, add chicken and sprinkle with pepper. Cook 3-4 minutes or until golden, flip and cook 2-3 minutes longer. Remove chicken to a plate and set aside. Cover to keep hot.
To the skillet, add garlic and pepperoni; cook 2 minutes or until garlic begins to brown, stirring frequently. Add oregano; cook 30 seconds. Add marinara sauce; bring to a simmer. Reduce heat, and simmer 5 minutes. Remove from heat; stir in basil and nestle the cooked chicken into the marinara.
Sprinkle with mozzarella and broil for 2-3 minutes or until cheese is bubbly and melted, watching closely to avoid burning. Serve with pasta of choice, if desired.
*I used 2 large (12 ounce) chicken breasts that were thinned to 2 six-ounce breasts
Recipe slightly adapted from Cooking Light
Nutrition Information
Serving size: 6 oz chicken with ½ cup sauce Calories: 328 Fat: 14.3 Carbohydrates: 12.0 Sugar: 6.3 Sodium: 602 Fiber: 3.3 Protein: 42.0 Cholesterol: 106
Weekly Menu: December 30th – January 3rd
Sunday: Dijon-Maple Chicken with Brussels and Butternut from Skinny Taste One & Done
Monday: Petite Meatloaf Dinner from Skinny Taste One & Done
Tuesday: baked party wings and Cranberry Brie Flatbread
Wednesday: Chicken and Wild Rice Soup from Magnolia Table
Thursday: Chicken Fajita Pasta from Skinny Taste One & Done
Be well,
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Source: https://preventionrd.com/2018/12/chicken-with-pepperoni-marinara-sauce-weekly-menu/
0 notes
ladystylestores · 4 years
14-Day Healthy Meal Plan (May 4- May 17)
posted May 2, 2020 by Gina
A free 14-day, flexible weight loss meal plan including breakfast, lunch and dinner and a shopping list. All recipes include calories and updated WW Smart Points.
14-Day Healthy Meal Plan
As always, I hope this find everyone  safe and healthy! I am again providing 2 WEEKS of breakfast, lunch and dinner. As we move forward and ease into a new normal, I would like to know what you prefer– for me to continue with a 14 day plan, or to go back to the one week plan? Please comment and let me know! Note that we are back to weekday breakfast and lunches serving one!
As previously posted,  here are some additional tips to help maximize your ingredients and limit waste:
Buy whole produce (rather than pre-cut): Pre-cut produce is really convenient but moisture tends to develop quickly, which causes it to spoil more rapidly.
Wash your produce before putting it away. It’s just as important to dry it well with a clean towel or just air dry. Excess moisture (especially in delicate produce such as berries or cut lettuce) can cause pre-mature spoilage.
Freeze any meat you aren’t going to cook within a few days of purchasing. Make sure to safely defrost it as needed. HERE are for some food safety tips from the USDA.
Buy potted herbs when possible. That way, you can use a little as you need it. If you do buy fresh cut herbs, check out THESE tips from The Kitchn for storing and extending their life.
If you don’t have fresh herbs on hand, you can, in general, substitute 1 teaspoon dry for every 1 tablespoon fresh.
If you are missing an ingredient, check out THIS great ingredient substitution list from America’s Test Kitchen.
WW has changed their plan to now include a Blue, Purple and Green Plan. All the recipes on my blog are updated for the Blue plan. I’ve been updating all my recipes (over 2000) and have completed 2019 with the other two colors, and I am working my way down so please be patient.
Lastly, if you’re on Facebook join the Skinnytaste Facebook Community where everyone’s sharing photos of recipes they are making, you can join here. I’m loving all the ideas everyone’s sharing! If you wish to get on the email list, you can subscribe here so you never miss a meal plan!
Also, if you don’t have the Skinnytaste Meal Planner, now would be a great time to get one to help you stay on track! There was a print error last year, but it’s perfect now! You can order it here!
Week 1 (May 4-May 10)
MONDAY (5/4) B: Avocado Toast Egg-in-a-Hole (4B 6G 4P) and an orange (0B 0G 0P) L: Spiralized Greek Cucumber Salad with Lemon and Feta (7B 7G 7P) D: Lighter Eggplant Parmesan (5B 6G 5P) with a green salad* (2B 2G 2P)
Totals: WW Points 18B 21G 18P, Calories 925**
TUESDAY (5/5) B: PB + J Smoothie (9B 9G 9P) L: LEFTOVER Lighter Eggplant Parmesan (5B 6G 5P) with a green salad (2B 2G 2P) D: Slow Cooker Chicken Tacos (7B 10G 7P) with Cilantro Lime Cauliflower “Rice” (1B 1G 1P) Totals: WW Points 24B 28G 24P, Calories 1,164**
WEDNESDAY (5/6) B: Greek Yogurt with Berries, Nuts and Honey (5B 8G 5P) L: LEFTOVER Lighter Eggplant Parmesan (5B 6G 5P) with a green salad (2B 2G 2P) D: Sheet Pan Meatloaf with Broccoli (9B 10G 8P) and Homemade Rice Pilaf (6B 6G 2P) Totals: WW Points 27B 32G 22P, Calories 1,079**
THURSDAY (5/7) B: PB + J Smoothie (9B 9G 9P) L: Tuna Salad Wraps (1B 2G 1P) and an apple (0B 0G 0P) D: Cuban Picadillo (3B 3G 3P) with ¾ cup brown rice (5B 5G 0P) and 1 ounce avocado (1B 1G 1P)
Totals: WW Points 19B 20G 14P, Calories 892**
FRIDAY (5/8) B: 2 scrambled eggs (0B 4G 0P), 1 slice whole grain toast (3B 3G 3P) and a pear (0B 0G 0P) L: Tuna Salad Wraps (1B 2G 1P) and an apple (0B 0G 0P) D: Naked Salmon Burgers with Sriracha Mayo (3B 7G 3P)
Totals: WW Points 7B 16G 7P, Calories 894**
SATURDAY (5/9) B: Yogurt Waffles # (4B 4G 4P) with ½ cup fresh mixed berries (0B 0G 0P) and 1 tablespoon maple syrup (3B 3G 3P) L: Picadillo Quesadillas (recipe x 2) (6B 6G 6P) with 1 ounce avocado (1B 1G 1P) D: ORDER IN!
Totals: WW Points 14B 14G 14P, Calories 545**
SUNDAY (5/10) B: Low Fat Blueberry Scones (7B 8G 7P) and an orange (0B 0G 0P) L: Spicy California Shrimp Stack (5B 5G 3P) D: Honey Teriyaki Drumsticks (7B 7G 7P) with Cauliflower “Fried Rice” (1B 2G 1P) Totals: WW Points 20B 22G 18P, Calories 922**
*Green salad includes 6 cups mixed greens, 3 scallions, 1 cup each: tomatoes, cucumber, carrots, chickpeas and ¾ cup light vinaigrette.  Set aside 2 servings with dressing on the side for lunch Tues/Wed.
# Freeze any leftover you/your family won’t eat.
Week 2 (May 11-May 17)
MONDAY (5/11) B: LEFTOVER Low Fat Blueberry Scones (7B 8G 7P) and an orange (0B 0G 0P) L: Egg Tomato and Scallion Sandwich (4B 6G 4P) and an pear (0B 0G 0P) D: Baked Ziti with Spinach (5B 9G 4P)
Totals: WW Points 16B 23G 15P, Calories 885*
TUESDAY (5/12) B: Greek Yogurt with Berries, Nuts and Honey (5B 8G 5P) L: LEFTOVER Baked Ziti with Spinach (5B 9G 4P) D: One Pot Cheesy Taco Chili Mac (6B 8G 6P)
Totals: WW Points 16B 25G 15P, Calories 887*
WEDNESDAY (5/13) B: 2 scrambled eggs (0B 4G 0P), 1 slice whole grain toast (3B 3G 3P) and a pear (0B 0G 0P) L: LEFTOVER Baked Ziti with Spinach (5B 9G 4P) D: LEFTOVER One Pot Cheesy Taco Chili Mac (6B 8G 6P)
Totals: WW Points 14B 24G 13P, Calories 987*
THURSDAY (5/14) B: Overnight Oats in a Jar (5B 5G 3P) L: Egg Tomato and Scallion Sandwich (4B 6G 4P) and an pear (0B 0G 0P) D: Crock Pot Balsamic Pork Roast (5B 5G 5P) with Skinny Garlic Mashed Potatoes (5B 5G 1P) and Roasted Parmesan Green Beans (1B 1G 1P)
Totals: WW Points 20B 22G 14P, Calories 979*
FRIDAY (5/15) B: Banana Bread Muffin in a Cup (2B 2G 2P) L: LEFTOVER Crock Pot Balsamic Pork Roast (5B 5G 5P) with Quick Cabbage Slaw (2B 2G 2P) D: Cod Fish Tacos (5B 7G 5P) with Arroz Congri (4B 6G 4P)
Totals: WW Points 18B 22G 18P, Calories 895*
SATURDAY (5/16) B: Breakfast Casserole with Spinach and Feta (6B 10G 6P) L: Chicken and Lentil Soup (1B 5G 1P) D: ORDER IN!
Totals: WW Points 7B 15G 7P, Calories 529*
SUNDAY (5/17) B: LEFTOVER Breakfast Casserole with Spinach and Feta (6B 10G 6P) L: LEFTOVER Chicken and Lentil Soup (1B 5G 1P) D: Turkey Stuffed Peppers (5B 5G 3P) with a 1 cup mixed veggies (0B 0G 0P) Totals: WW Points 12B 20G 10P, Calories 875*
*This is just a guide, women should aim for around 1500 calories per day. Here’s a helpful calculator to estimate your calorie needs. I’ve left plenty of wiggle room for you to add more food such as coffee, beverages, fruits, snacks, dessert, wine, etc.
*Google doc
Print Shopping List
Week 1 Shopping List (May 4-May 10)
5 medium oranges
1 medium pears (any variety)
3 medium apples (any variety)
3 medium limes
1 medium lemon
1 medium head garlic
1 (2-inch) piece ginger
1 (1-pound) clamshell fresh strawberries
1 (6-ounce) container fresh blueberries
2 (6-ounce) container fresh blackberries or raspberries
2 medium heads cauliflower
1 ¾ pounds broccoli florets
1 medium (5-ounce) and 4 large (6-ounce) Hass avocados
2 pounds (1 large OR 2 medium) eggplant
 small cucumbers
1 small English cucumber
1 small and 2 large bunches scallions
1 small bunch celery
2 small carrots
1 small green bell pepper (can sub ¼ of the red or yellow pepper in Cucumber Salad, if desired)
1 medium red bell pepper
1 medium yellow bell pepper
1 large bunch fresh cilantro
1 small bunch fresh Italian parsley
1 small bunch fresh oregano (can sub ½ teaspoon fresh parsley in Cucumber Salad, if desired)
1 small bunch fresh chives (can sub 1 teaspoon scallion greens in Shrimp Stack, if desired)
1 small head (or bag of pre-shredded) cabbage
1 medium head endive
1 (5-ounce) bag/clamshell baby arugula
1 (5-ounce) bag/clamshell mixed greens
1 dry pint grape or cherry tomatoes
2 medium vine-ripened tomatoes
1 small and 1 large yellow onion
1 small red onion
Meat, Poultry and Fish
1 ½ pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1 1/3 pounds 93% lean ground turkey
1 ½ pounds 93% lean ground beef
1 pound wild salmon fillet
½ pound peeled and deveined cooked (or raw) shrimp (buy frozen and defrost as needed)
1 ¾ pounds chicken drumsticks
1 medium package corn tortillas
1 loaf sliced whole grain bread
1 package quick cooking oats
1 package angel hair spaghetti
1 (14-ounce) box instant brown rice (such as Uncle Ben’s)
1 package panko breadcrumbs
1 package all-purpose unbleached flour
1 package reduced carb whole wheat tortillas (I like La Tortilla Factory)
1 package dry short grain brown rice
Condiments and Spices
Extra virgin olive oil
Canola oil
Cooking spray
Olive oil spray (or get a Misto oil mister)
Kosher salt (I like Diamond Crystal)
Pepper grinder (or fresh peppercorns)
Light vinaigrette (or ingredients to make your own)
NuNaturals liquid stevia or sweetener of your choice
Adobo seasoning (can sub salt in Chicken Tacos, if desired)
Garlic powder
Worcestershire sauce
Bay leaves
Regular or light mayonnaise
Sriracha sauce
Red wine vinegar
Vanilla extract
Pure maple syrup
Rice vinegar
Reduced sodium soy sauce*
Sesame seeds
Sesame oil
Hot sauce (optional, for Avocado Toast)
Rice wine
Dairy & Misc. Refrigerated Items
1 dozen large eggs
1 box butter
1 quart unsweetened almond milk
1 small wedge Pecorino Romano cheese
1 (6-ounce) container nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 (6-ounce) container nonfat plain yogurt (I like Stonyfield)
1 (15-ounce) container part-skim ricotta cheese (I like Polly-O)
1 pint 1% buttermilk
1 (16-ounce) bag part skim shredded mozzarella cheese
1 (8-ounce) bag reduced fat shredded cheddar and jack cheese blend
1 block feta cheese
1 medium bag frozen blueberries
1 small bag peas and carrots
Canned and Jarred
1 large jar marinara sauce (or ingredients to make your own)
1 small jar pitted Kalamata olives
1 small jar peanut butter
1 small jar chunky salsa
1 (5-ounce) can tuna in water
1 jar alcapparado (or capers or green olives)
1 (15-ounce) can chickpeas
1 (32-ounce) carton chicken broth
1 (8-ounce) can tomato sauce
Misc. Dry Goods
1 small bag chopped walnuts
Baking powder
Baking soda
1 small package granulated sugar
*You can buy gluten free, if desired
Week 2 Shopping List (May 11-May 17)
1 medium orange
3 medium pears (any variety)
1 medium banana
1 (6-ounce) clamshell fresh blueberries
1 large head garlic
3 medium shallots
2 pounds Yukon gold potatoes
12 ounces green beans
2 medium bunches scallions
1 small carrot
3 medium and 3 large red bell peppers
1 small green bell pepper
4 medium limes
1 small head green cabbage
½ small head purple cabbage
1 (5-ounce) bag/clamshell baby spinach
1 medium bunch fresh cilantro
1 small bunch fresh basil
3 medium plum tomatoes
2 medium vine-ripened tomatoes
2 small and 1 medium yellow onion
1 small red onion
Meat, Poultry and Fish
1 1/3 pound 93% lean ground turkey
2 pounds boneless pork shoulder roast
1 pound (4) skinless firm white fish fillets (such as cod, snapper or mahi mahi)
¾ pound (3) boneless, skinless chicken thighs
1 pound 93% lean ground turkey
1 package 100 calorie sandwich rolls or deli thin flats
1 package ziti pasta
1 package pasta shells (I love Delallo)
1 package dry brown rice (Can sub 1 ½ cups cooked long grain rice in Stuffed Peppers, if desired)
1 small loaf whole grain sliced bread (can sub ½ a roll for toast [Wed breakfast], if desired)
1 package corn tortillas
1 package dry long grain rice
1 package quick oats
1 package all-purpose unbleached flour
Condiments and Spices
Extra virgin olive oil
Canola oil
Cooking spray
Olive oil spray (or get a Misto oil mister)
Kosher salt (I like Diamond Crystal)
Pepper grinder (or fresh peppercorns)
Light mayonnaise
Chili powder
Garlic powder
Crushed red pepper flakes
Balsamic vinegar
Worcestershire sauce
Vanilla extract
Apple cider vinegar
Chili lime seasoning (such as Tajin Classic)
Bay leaves
Sazon (can sub paprika in Lentil Soup, if desired)
Better than Bouillon Chicken Base
NuNaturals liquid stevia or sweetener of your choice
Dairy & Misc. Refrigerated Items
2 ½ dozen large eggs
12 ounces feta cheese
1 (8-ounce) package shredded reduced fat sharp cheddar cheese
1 (8-ounce) package shredded part skim mozzarella cheese
1 (17.5-ounce) container nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 (8-ounce) container nonfat ricotta cheese
1 small wedge Parmesan cheese
1 (8-ounce) container heavy cream
1 pint 2% milk
1 (8-ounce) container skim milk (can buy a larger 2% and sub ¼ cup Mashed Potatoes, if desired)
1 (8-ounce) container unsweetened almond milk
1 tub whipped butter
1 (8-ounce) container light sour cream
1 (10-ounce) package spinach
1 small package mixed vegetables
Canned and Jarred
1 (28-ounce) can crushed tomatoes
1 (10-ounce) can RoTel tomatoes with green chilies
1 (14.5-ounce) can red beans
1 (15-ounce) can tomato sauce
1 (15-ounce) can refried beans
1 (15-ounce) can black beans
1 (32-ounce) carton reduced sodium chicken broth
Misc. Dry Goods
1 small bag chopped walnuts or pecans
Chia seeds
1 small package granulated sugar (optional for Banana Mug Muffins)
Baking powder
1 pound dried lentils
Optional muffin toppings: mini chocolate chips, sprinkles, hemp seeds, etc.
*You can buy gluten free, if desired
Print Shopping List
posted May 2, 2020 by Gina
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from World Wide News https://ift.tt/365pdAI
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mastcomm · 5 years
What to Cook This Week
Good morning. I have a piece in The New York Times Magazine this week, a manifesto about how cooking dinner can change your life. It’s adapted from my new book, “See You on Sunday: A Cookbook for Family and Friends,” which I hope you’ll see stacked next to the cat in the front window of your local independent bookstore on Tuesday, which is publication day.
There’s a recipe to go along with the story, of course. It’s for beef Stroganoff (above), a meal that I think makes for an excellent first step in what I hope will be years of regular service for you, on whatever evening you choose to gather family and friends in the embrace of good food and conversation. Think of these meals as a weekly Thanksgiving, and you’ll start to reap the benefits from the very first one you serve.
So maybe that could be dinner tonight, the Stroganoff? (As a variant, take a look at my recipe for a meatloaf Stroganoff, which is outrageously rich. Or go the opposite direction entirely, and make Samin Nosrat’s eggplant and tomato stew, which is one of her 10 essential Persian recipes. You’ll end up with good eats, whichever you choose.)
On Monday, I think, I could go for this cauliflower adobo from Ali Slagle, which I’d really like to try with Filipino palm vinegar, if I can find any at the market. (It occasionally shows up at Walmart.)
Tuesday, Melissa Clark’s recipe for baked fish, with the best fillet I can find, super simple, with lemon juice for flair, alongside a farro salad.
For Wednesday, a different vibe entirely. If I can (though I probably can’t!) I’ll sneak home at lunchtime and pile everything into the slow cooker to make Ali’s new recipe for barbecued pork and beans. (More likely, I’ll do what I usually do and try a pressure-cooker version. Ali has a Dutch oven version of the recipe already.) No lie: I want to eat pork and beans for dinner with white toast and have an ice-cream bar for dessert. Please join me.
I like the idea of Priya Krishna’s recipe for Indian-ish nachos with black beans and chutney for Thursday dinner, mostly because they’re delicious and impart such delight. It’s also an easy dish to put together, which means I won’t be exhausted with cooking on Friday and can cook the meal I want to eat at the end of the week: the sticky-sweet caramelized pork that Michael Bao Huynh taught our pal Dana Bowen to make way back in 2006. That and some white rice? That’s a nice way to go into the weekend.
Thousands and thousands and thousands more recipes to cook this week are stacked up at NYT Cooking, just like containers down at the port. Yes, you need a subscription to access them. That’s the transaction that allows me to keep doing this job.
You can visit us on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Facebook. Please do! And please write us directly if anything goes wrong with your cooking or our technology. We’re at: [email protected]. Someone will get back to you. (That doesn’t happen? You can write me to yell: [email protected].)
Now, here’s our Ligaya Mishan on the rise of Palestinian food, in T. Ligaya is a beautiful writer.
In case you missed it, here’s Besha Rodell from South Australia, where she traveled to write about a huge and very strange building modeled on a Rubik’s Cube, in which there is a very good restaurant. (The accompanying slide show is awesome.)
It’s nothing to do with peas or carrots, but Tina Brown is remarkably candid in this interview she did with The Times recently, and her language throughout is top-notch Tatler-style fun. (Disclosure: She was once my boss.)
Here’s a short film you may find of interest, “The Last Green Thread,” about three friends on a journey down the headwaters of the Florida Everglades.
Finally, Adrienne Miller has a memoir out, “In the Land of Men,” about her run as an editor at men’s magazines in the 1990s and her working relationship with David Foster Wallace. (Lucinda Rosenfeld reviewed it for The Times.) You read that, you’ll have a lot to talk about at dinner. See you tomorrow!
from WordPress https://mastcomm.com/life-style/what-to-cook-this-week-9/
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bestofrepices · 5 years
Skinnytaste Meal Plan (April 8-April 14)
posted April 6, 2019 by Gina
A free 7-day flexible weight loss meal plan including breakfast, lunch and dinner and a shopping list. All recipes include calories and Weight Watchers Freestyle SmartPoints®.
Happy weekend everyone! Just a quick reminder, I will be doing a book signing tomorrow (Sunday) April 7th, hosted by Le Creuset at Woodbury Common Premium Outlets, from 2 PM – 3:30 PM at 869 Adirondack Way, Central Valley, NY. If you’re in the area stop by and say hello and bring your cookbooks (they will be selling cookbooks there too)! I will also have book signings at their Mohegan Sun location the following Saturday, April 13th 2 PM – 3:30 PM and at their Massachusetts location in Wrentham the following Sunday, April 14th 2 PM – 3:30 PM. Save the date!
If you’re new to my meal plans, I’ve been sharing these free, 7-day flexible healthy meal plans (you can see my previous meal plans here) that are meant as a guide, with plenty of wiggle room for you to add more food, coffee, beverages, fruits, snacks, dessert, wine, etc or swap recipes out for meals you prefer, you can search for recipes by course in the index. You should aim for around 1500 calories* per day.
There’s also a precise, organized grocery list that will make grocery shopping so much easier and much less stressful. Save you money and time. You’ll dine out less often, waste less food and you’ll have everything you need on hand to help keep you on track.
Lastly, if you’re on Facebook join my Skinnytaste Facebook Community where everyone’s sharing photos of recipes they are making, you can join here. I’m loving all the ideas everyone’s sharing! If you wish to get on the email list, you can subscribe here so you never miss a meal plan!
Also, if you don’t have the Skinnytaste Meal Planner, now would be a great time to get one to get organized for 2019! There was a print error last year, but it’s perfect now! You can order it here!
Breakfast and lunch Monday-Friday, are designed to serve 1 while dinners and all meals on Saturday and Sunday are designed to serve a family of 4. Some recipes make enough leftovers for two nights or lunch the next day. While we truly believe there is no one size fits all meal plan, we did our best to come up with something that appeals to a wide range of individuals. Everything is Weight Watchers friendly, I included the updated Weight Watcher Freestyle Points for your convenience, feel free to swap out any recipes you wish or just use this for inspiration!
The grocery list is comprehensive and includes everything you need to make all meals on the plan. I’ve even included brand recommendations of products I love and use often. Cross check your cabinets because many condiments you’ll notice I use often, so you may already have a lot of them.
And last, but certainly not least, this meal plan is flexible and realistic. There’s plenty of wiggle room for cocktails, healthy snacks, dessert and dinner out. And if necessary, you can move some things around to make it work with your schedule. Please let me know if you’re using these plans, this will help me decide if I should continue sharing them!
MONDAY (4/8) B: ½ cup dry quick oats cooked with water (4) with 1 teaspoon honey (1), ½ cup blackberries (0), 1 tablespoon skim milk (0), 2 teaspoons chopped pecans (1), pinch salt. L: Chicken Shawarma Salad* (6) D: Best Skinny Eggplant Rollatini with Spinach (5) with a green salad (2)* Totals: Freestyle SP 19, Calories 871**
TUESDAY (4/9) B: 2 hard-boiled eggs and 1 cup grapes (0) L: Chicken Shawarma Salad (6) D: Madison’s Favorite Beef Tacos (9) with 1 ounce avocado (1)
Totals: Freestyle SP 16, Calories 959**
WEDNESDAY (4/10) B: ½ cup dry quick oats cooked with water (4) with 1 teaspoon honey (1), ½ cup blackberries (0), 1 tablespoon skim milk (0), 2 teaspoons chopped pecans (1), pinch salt. L: Chicken Shawarma Salad (6) D: LEFTOVER Madison’s Favorite Beef Tacos (9) with 1 ounce avocado (1) Totals: Freestyle SP 22, Calories 951**
THURSDAY (4/11) B: 2 hard-boiled eggs and 1 cup grapes (0) L: Chicken Shawarma Salad (6) D: Cilantro Lime Shrimp (1) with Quick and Delicioso Cuban Style Black Beans (1) and Chipotle’s Cilantro Lime Rice (6)
Totals: Freestyle SP 14, Calories 959**
FRIDAY (4/12) B: PB + J Yogurt (6) L: Egg Tomato and Scallion Sandwich (4) and an apple (0) D: Asian Farro Medley with Salmon (7)
Totals: Freestyle SP 17, Calories 968**
SATURDAY (4/13) B: Strawberry Peanut Butter Swirl Smoothie Bowls (7) (Recipe x 2) L: BBQ Chicken Quesadilla (5) (Recipe x 4) D: DINNER OUT!
Totals: Freestyle SP 12, Calories 585**
SUNDAY (4/14) B: Spinach Ricotta Quiche (5) with ½ cup strawberries (0) L: Greek Nachos (5) (Recipe x 2) with 8 baby carrots (0) D: Turkey Meatloaf (3) with Loaded Cauliflower “Mash” Bake (2)
Totals: Freestyle SP 15, Calories 821**
*Prep Chicken Salad Sun night, if desired. Freeze any leftover Rollatini you/your family won’t eat. Green salad includes 4 cups romaine, 2 scallions, ½ cup each: tomatoes, cucumber, chickpeas and 2 tablespoons light vinaigrette
**This is just a guide, women should aim for around 1500 calories per day. Here’s a helpful calculator to estimate your calorie needs. I’ve left plenty of wiggle room for you to add more food such as coffee, beverages, fruits, snacks, dessert, wine, etc.
**google doc
Print Shopping List
Shopping List:
1 medium head butter (or Bibb) lettuce
1 large head romaine lettuce
1 medium bunch baby spinach
2 medium heads garlic
1 small bunch/container fresh chives
1 small bunch/package fresh dill
1 small bunch fresh cilantro
1 small bunch/container fresh basil
2 medium bunches scallions
1 medium head cauliflower
1 medium and 1 large cucumber
3 Persian cucumbers (or 1 large English cucumber)
2 medium Italian eggplants
¾ pound seedless red grapes
1 dry pint fresh blackberries
1 dry pint fresh strawberries
7 ounces shiitake mushrooms
1 medium apple (any variety)
1 (1-pound) bag baby carrots
1 (2-inch) piece fresh ginger
2 small bananas
1 small red bell pepper
3 ounces sugar snap peas
2 small (8-ounce) avocados
3 medium lemons
2 medium limes
2 plum tomatoes
1 (1-pound) container grape or cherry tomatoes
2 large vine-ripened tomato
2 small yellow onions
1 medium red onion
Meat, Poultry and Fish
1 pound (2) boneless, skinless chicken thighs
2 pounds 93% lean ground beef
1 1/2 pounds peeled and deveined jumbo shrimp
1 1/3 pounds 99% lean ground turkey
1 (14-ounce) wild salmon fillet
1 small package center-cut bacon
¾ pound (2) boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1 small package quick oats
1 small package whole wheat pita rounds
1 small package seasoned whole wheat breadcrumbs
1 large package (you need 16) crunchy taco shells
1 small whole grain roll
1 small package pearled farro/
1 small package long grain brown or basmati rice
1 package whole wheat high fiber tortillas (I use Ole Xtreme)
Condiments and Spices
Extra virgin olive oil
Cooking spray
Olive oil spray (or get a Misto oil mister)
Vegetable oil
Kosher salt (I like Diamond Crystal)
Pepper grinder (or fresh peppercorns)
Smoked paprika
Curry powder
Red pepper flakes
Bay leaves
Red wine vinegar
Light vinaigrette (or make your own with ingredients in list)
Chili powder
Light mayonnaise
Garlic powder
Reduced sodium soy sauce*
Oyster sauce
Sambal chili paste
Black (or white) sesame seeds
Ground ginger
Pure maple syrup
Worcestershire sauce
Marjoram (can sub 1 teaspoon oregano in Meatloaf, if desired)
Onion powder
BBQ sauce
Dairy & Misc. Refrigerated Items
1 18-pack large eggs
4 ounces feta cheese
1 (9-inch) refrigerated pie crust
1 small tub whipped butter
1 pint 1 % buttermilk
1 small tub hummus
1 (15-ounce) container part-skim ricotta (I like Polly-O)
1 (17.5-ounce) container nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 (16-ounce) bag regular or reduced fat shredded cheddar cheese
1 (8-ounce) bag part-skim shredded mozzarella cheese (I like Polly-O)
1 small wedge Parmesan cheese
1 small wedge Pecorino Romano (can sub ½ cup Parmesan in Rollatini, if desired)
1 (8-ounce) bottle skim milk
1 (32-ounce) carton unsweetened almond milk
1 (8-ounce) package chopped spinach
1 (12-ounce) bag frozen strawberries
Canned and Jarred
1 (15-ounce) can chickpeas
1 (28-ounce) can crushed tomatoes (I like Tuttorosso)
1 (8-ounce) can tomato sauce
1 (15-ounce) can black beans (I like Goya)
1 small jar regular or reduced fat peanut butter
1 small jar reduced sugar grape jelly
Misc. Dry Goods
1 small bag chopped pecans
1 small package unsalted peanuts
*You can sub gluten-free, if desired
Print Shopping List
posted April 6, 2019 by Gina
The post Skinnytaste Meal Plan (April 8-April 14) appeared first on All Repices.
from WordPress https://ift.tt/31VGDhi via IFTTT
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Originally published June 2019. Updated Feb. 2020. There’s a lot to explore in downtown Memphis’ first neighborhood: The Pinch District. I recently spent the day visiting a few of the local restaurants and checking out the up-and-coming area. This mini guide will give you a taste of the fun and good food you can have in The Pinch. First things first: Where Is The Pinch? Simplest way to put it: The Pinch is downtown by the Pyramid. In general, it includes the Renasant Convention Center and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and is bordered by Keel Avenue, 2nd Street, and A.W. Willis on the north and northeast. There is a ton of parking in The Pinch. Just look around on the street or look for a public lot. There are also several Explore Bike Share stations, so you can bike over from another neighborhood. Usually, the Main Street trolley line will take you to and from The Pinch, but right now that line is stopped during construction on the Convention Center. You can read more about the history of The Pinch and where it got its name here. Comeback Coffee Start off your day at Comeback Coffee, the downtown neighborhood’s newest addition. Opened by local couple Hayes and Amy McPherson in March 2019, the hip and friendly shop serves third-wave coffee, pastries, sandwiches, and more. There are plenty of comfy seats inside (with outlets!), a spacious courtyard, and a finished alley where they host occasional events and music. You know why so many millennials love avocado toast? Because it’s delicious. Try it at Comeback Coffee, where it comes with homemade crusty bread, ample avocado mash, and slices of cucumber, strawberry, radish, and cherry tomato. Comeback Coffee is open 7 a.m. until 6 p.m. Mondays through Saturdays. They serve breakfast until 1 p.m. and lunch from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Read more about Comeback Coffee in this post. Alcenia’s Next up, it’s a Memphis institution. A Memphis bucket list restaurant. Downtown’s soul food headquarters: Alcenia’s. Opened by BJ Chester-Tamayo in 1997, the restaurant has been featured on the Food Network, the TODAY show, and countless other shows and magazines. Alcenia’s is your destination when you need food for your belly and your heart. BJ greets everyone who walks in the door with a hug and hospitality in a colorful, homey environment. Fried chicken, catfish, meatloaf, mac ‘n’ cheese, greens, yams, slaw, spaghetti, and much more are on the menu, which has daily specials. Every plate is made to order by hand, and every plate is worth the wait. Earlier in 2019, the future of Alcena’s was uncertain due to concern over the building’s lease. But let me make it clear: Alcenia’s is OPEN for business and BJ and her staff are serving up exactly what you need. When I was there, a table of guys from Knoxville were raving over their fried catfish, a couple of local ladies enjoyed a leisurely lunch and chatted with the staff, and we ordered some catfish ourselves since it was National Catfish Day. Alcenia’s is open from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Friday and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Read more about Alcenia’s here. Ferraro’s Another option for lunch in The Pinch District in downtown Memphis is Ferraro’s Pizza & Pub. This spot, opened by Andrea Ferraro in 2010, serves pies and Italian favorites in a casual pizza joint. They have daily specials, including a $9.95 pizza and pasta buffet lunch buffet on Tuesday. As luck would have it, I walked in during lunch on a Tuesday and every booth and table was filled with folks chowing down on pizza, baked spaghetti, ravioli, mac ‘n’ cheese, and salad. Ferraro’s also delivers to midtown and downtown, and serves beer. My curiosity and appetite were piqued by signs for the “Cheesy Corner”, which is supposed to be coming soon either as a part of Ferraro’s menu or connected to it. I’ll be sure to update y’all on that if I learn anything new. Ferraro’s is open from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. every day. Read more about it here. Westy’s It’s time for another downtown Memphis institution. Another Memphis must. The perennial favorite, the always-there-when-you-need-it, Westy’s. I walked in during the late afternoon and watched as the booths and bar filled up steadily with people through happy hour. “It feels like Cheers in here,” my friend said. She’s right. It’s the kind of place you could be a regular. And of course, people are. Owner Jake Schorr opened the current iteration of the Westy’s pub and restaurant in 1983 and served visitors, Memphians getting off work, and late night diners ever since. Mr. Schorr has always been an advocate for Memphis, singing its praises to anyone who would listen and remaining a steady presence in the Pinch for decades. The menu at Westy’s would make a great beach read, honestly. We went with loaded potato skins and one of the Wild Rice dishes (I think it was #10. There are 30 different options…) and then we had to try the infamous Jake’s Original Hot Fudge Pie. This pie is immortalized by multiple vintage-style signs around the property, including this interesting one of a little girl. Turns out the portrait wasn’t that much of an exaggeration. Westy’s downtown is open every day from 11 a.m. to 3 a.m. and do late night delivery. They also have a midtown delivery location. What Else Is In The Pinch? This is only a sampling of places to go in The Pinch. St. Jude’s campus is there and undergoing a billion dollar expansion that will certainly bring more businesses to the area. The Bass Pro Pyramid is there. The Balinese Ballroom is a unique wedding and event venue. Expanding our territory to Uptown overall, don’t miss The Office at Uptown for coffee, breakfast, and lunch, and Roxie’s for arguably the best burger in town. The Slave Haven Underground Railroad Museum is a nearby museum that’s often overlooked. What are your favorites? Where should I check out next? Are you a home owner in Memphis, with a broken garage door? Call ASAP garage door today at 901-461-0385 or checkout https://ift.tt/1B5z3Pc
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vincentpennington · 5 years
Skinnytaste Meal Plan (January 20-January 26)
A free 7-day flexible weight loss meal plan including breakfast, lunch and dinner and a shopping list. All recipes include calories and updated WW Smart Points.
Meal Plan
How is the weather where you are this week? It is pretty chilly here!  On this week’s plan we have the Classic Potato Leek Soup but another favorite of mine is the Beef, Tomato and Acini di Pepe Soup. Of course you can check out all my soup recipes and see which one is your favorite! I love to end a cold day with a warm bowl of soup!
WW has changed their plan to now include a Blue, Purple and Green Plan. All the recipes on my blog are updated for the Blue plan. I’ve been updating all my recipes (over 2000) and have completed 2019 with the other two colors, and I am working my way down so please be patient.
Why Should Everyone Meal Plan?
Meal planning is a great way to organize your meals for the week ahead. You also save time and money in the supermarket! And of course, planning ahead helps you stick to your goals!
About The Meal Plan
If you’re new to my meal plans, I’ve been sharing these free, 7-day flexible healthy meal plans (you can see my previous meal plans here) that are meant as a guide, with plenty of wiggle room for you to add more food, coffee, beverages, fruits, snacks, dessert, wine, etc or swap recipes out for meals you prefer, you can search for recipes by course in the index. You should aim for around 1500 calories* per day.
There’s also a precise, organized grocery list that will make grocery shopping so much easier and much less stressful. Save you money and time. You’ll dine out less often, waste less food and you’ll have everything you need on hand to help keep you on track.
Lastly, if you’re on Facebook join my Skinnytaste Facebook Community where everyone’s sharing photos of recipes they are making, you can join here. I’m loving all the ideas everyone’s sharing! If you wish to get on the email list, you can subscribe here so you never miss a meal plan!
Also, if you don’t have the Skinnytaste Meal Planner, now would be a great time to get one to get organized for 2019! There was a print error last year, but it’s perfect now! You can order it here!
Breakfast and lunch Monday-Friday, are designed to serve 1 while dinners and all meals on Saturday and Sunday are designed to serve a family of 4. Some recipes make enough leftovers for two nights or lunch the next day. While we truly believe there is no one size fits all meal plan, we did our best to come up with something that appeals to a wide range of individuals. Everything is Weight Watchers friendly, I included the updated WW Blue SP for your convenience, feel free to swap out any recipes you wish or just use this for inspiration!
The grocery list is comprehensive and includes everything you need to make all meals on the plan. I’ve even included brand recommendations of products I love and use often. Cross check your cabinets because many condiments you’ll notice I use often, so you may already have a lot of them.
And last, but certainly not least, this meal plan is flexible and realistic. There’s plenty of wiggle room for cocktails, healthy snacks, dessert and dinner out. And if necessary, you can move some things around to make it work with your schedule. Please let me know if you’re using these plans, this will help me decide if I should continue sharing them!
MONDAY (1/20) B: Greek Yogurt with Berries, Nuts and Honey (5B 8G 5P) L: Hummus Avocado Toast  (6B 6G 6P) with an apple (0B 0G 0P) D: Classic Potato Leek Soup (3B 3G 2P) and Vegan Caesar Salad* (3B 1G 1P) and 2 ounces multigrain baguette (3B 3G 3P)
Totals: Freestyle™ SP 20B 21G 17P, Calories 979**
TUESDAY (1/21) B: 1 slice whole grain bread (3B 3G 3P), 1 tablespoon peanut butter (3B 3G 3P) and 1 small banana (0B 0G 0P) L: LEFTOVER Classic Potato Leek Soup (3B 3G 2P) and Vegan Caesar Salad* (3B 1G 1P) and 2 ounces multigrain baguette (3B 3G 3P) D: Turkey Taco Chili Soup (0B 5G 0P) with 2 tablespoons cheddar (2B 2G 2P) and 1 ounce avocado (1B 1G 1P)
Totals: Freestyle™ SP 18B 20G 15P, Calories 1,020**
WEDNESDAY (1/22) B:  Greek Yogurt with Berries, Nuts and Honey (5B 8G 5P) L: Chicken Waldorf Salad (3B 4G 3P) D: LEFTOVER Turkey Taco Chili Soup (0B 5G 0P) with 2 tablespoons cheddar (2B 2G 2P) and 1 ounce avocado (1B 1G 1P)
Totals: Freestyle™ SP 11B 20G 11P, Calories 813**
THURSDAY (1/23) B: 1 slice whole grain bread (3B 3G 3P), 1 tablespoon peanut butter (3B 3G 3P) and 1 small banana (0B 0G 0P) L: Chicken Waldorf Salad (3B 4G 3P) D: Air Fryer Chicken Breasts (0B 3G 0P) with Roasted Brussels Sprouts and Butternut Squash (1B 1G 1P)
Totals: Freestyle™ SP 10B 14G 10P, Calories 854**
FRIDAY (1/24) B: Greek Yogurt with Berries, Nuts and Honey (5B 8G 5P) L: Chicken Waldorf Salad (3B 4G 3P) D: Asian Farro Medley with Salmon (7B 8G 2P)
Totals: Freestyle™ SP 15B 20G 10P, Calories 889**
SATURDAY (1/25) B: Breakfast BLT (6B 8G 6P) (recipe x 4) L: Spinach Tortellini en Brodo (6B 6G 6P) D: DINNER OUT!
Totals: Freestyle™ SP 12B 14G 12P, Calories 516**
SUNDAY (1/26) B: 4-Ingredient Flourless Banana-Nut Pancakes (4B 6G 3P) (recipe x 4) with 1 tablespoon maple syrup (3B 3G 3P) L: LEFTOVER Spinach Tortellini en Brodo (6B 6G 6P) D: Cheese Stuffed Turkey Meatloaf # (7B 8G 7P) with Roasted Asparagus (0B 0G 0P) Totals: Freestyle™ SP 20B 23G 19P, Calories 916**
*Set aside a serving of salad with dressing on the side for lunch Tues.
**This is just a guide, women should aim for around 1500 calories per day. Here’s a helpful calculator to estimate your calorie needs. I’ve left plenty of wiggle room for you to add more food such as coffee, beverages, fruits, snacks, dessert, wine, etc. # Freeze any leftover you/your family won’t eat.
The post Skinnytaste Meal Plan (January 20-January 26) appeared first on Skinnytaste.
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
Jeffrey Epstein Was a ‘Terrific Guy,’ Donald Trump Once Said. Now He’s ‘Not a Fan.’
By Annie Karni and Maggie Haberman | Published July 9, 2019 | New York Times | Posted July 10, 2019 |
WASHINGTON — It was supposed to be an exclusive party at Mar-a-Lago, Donald J. Trump’s members-only club in Palm Beach, Fla. But other than the two dozen or so women flown in to provide the entertainment, the only guests were Mr. Trump and Jeffrey Epstein.
The year was 1992 and the event was a “calendar girl” competition, something that George Houraney, a Florida-based businessman who ran American Dream Enterprise, had organized at Mr. Trump’s request.
“I arranged to have some contestants fly in,” Mr. Houraney recalled in an interview on Monday. “At the very first party, I said, ‘Who’s coming tonight? I have 28 girls coming.’ It was him and Epstein.”
Mr. Houraney, who had just partnered with Mr. Trump to host events at his casinos, said he was surprised. “I said, ‘Donald, this is supposed to be a party with V.I.P.s. You’re telling me it’s you and Epstein?’”
In fact, that was the case, an indication of a yearslong friendship between the president and Mr. Epstein that some say ended only after a failed business arrangement between them. The full nature of their eventual falling out is not clear.
But through a mutual appreciation of wealth and women, and years of occupying adjacent real estate in Palm Beach and on Page Six, the lives of the two men routinely intersected for decades — until the connection turned from a status symbol into a liability, and Mr. Trump made sure to publicize the fact that he had barred his onetime friend from his clubs.
“In those days, if you didn’t know Trump and you didn’t know Epstein, you were a nobody,” said Alan Dershowitz, the longtime Harvard University Law School professor who later served on Mr. Epstein’s defense team when he was charged with unlawful sex with minors in 2006.
Before Mr. Epstein pleaded guilty to the charges, and was mainly known as a reclusive, sweat-shirt-sporting billionaire who liked the company of young women, Mr. Trump spoke enthusiastically about their relationship.
“I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy,” Mr. Trump told New York magazine in 2002. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”
He also dismissed Mr. Houraney’s warning about his friend’s conduct.
“I said, ‘Look, Donald, I know Jeff really well, I can’t have him going after younger girls,’” Mr. Houraney remembers. “He said, ‘Look I’m putting my name on this. I wouldn’t put my name on it and have a scandal.’”
Mr. Houraney said he “pretty much had to ban Jeff from my events — Trump didn’t care about that.”
Shortly before the 2016 presidential election, Mr. Houraney accused Mr. Trump himself of inappropriate behavior toward his girlfriend and business partner, Jill Harth, during their business dealings.
The White House did not respond to a request for comment on Tuesday.
But speaking Tuesday to reporters in the Oval Office, the president distanced himself from Mr. Epstein, noting that he “knew him like everybody in Palm Beach knew him.” But Mr. Trump added: “I had a falling out with him. I haven’t spoken to him in 15 years. I was not a fan of his, that I can tell you.”
Mr. Epstein, who was charged on Monday in Manhattan with sex trafficking, is better known as a longtime friend of former President Bill Clinton’s than as a close associate of Mr. Trump’s. In fact, the relationship with Mr. Trump turned so toxic that Mr. Epstein at one point told friends that he blamed Mr. Trump for his legal problems with the Palm Beach County police.
But while Mr. Trump has dismissed the relationship, Mr. Epstein, since the election, has played it up, claiming to people that he was the one who introduced Mr. Trump to his third wife, Melania Trump, though neither of the Trumps has ever mentioned Mr. Epstein playing a role in their meeting. Mrs. Trump has said that her future husband simply asked for her phone number at a party at the Kit Kat Club during Fashion Week in 1998.
Mr. Epstein was never a dues-paying member of the Mar-a-Lago club, according to an official at the Trump Organization. But as a guest of a guest, he was treated like a close friend by the club’s owner and self-appointed headwaiter, Mr. Trump.
The two were photographed together there in the 1990s and early 2000s, Mr. Trump always in a tie, Mr. Epstein always without. And in Manhattan, they attended many of the same dinner parties, like the one that Mr. Epstein hosted for Prince Andrew, where the guest list also included Ron Perelman and Mort Zuckerman, among others.
But longtime Trump associates played down their closeness, saying that was simply how Mr. Trump treated any guest at his club — checking on their steaks, bragging about his meatloaf, scanning the room for a better table so guests felt like they were getting special treatment.
Since Mr. Trump’s decision to enter the presidential race in 2015, his aides and allies have been eager to minimize any connection to Mr. Epstein, knowing that Mr. Epstein’s relationship with Mr. Clinton would be investigated at a time Hillary Clinton was likely to be his opponent.
Roger J. Stone Jr., the former Trump adviser, wrote in his book “The Clintons’ War on Women,” which was published during the campaign, that Mr. Trump “turned down many invitations to Epstein’s hedonistic private island and his Palm Beach home.” Once when Mr. Trump visited Mr. Epstein at his Palm Beach home, Mr. Stone wrote about the scene of underage girls he witnessed there.
“The swimming pool was filled with beautiful young girls,” Mr. Trump later told a Mar-a-Lago member, according to Mr. Stone. “‘How nice,’ I thought, ‘he let the neighborhood kids use his pool.’”
Sam Nunberg, a former campaign aide to Mr. Trump, said he raised concerns about the candidate’s involvement with Mr. Epstein before Mr. Trump officially began his presidential campaign. But Mr. Trump assured Mr. Nunberg that he had barred Mr. Epstein from entering his clubs after Mr. Epstein had tried to recruit a woman who worked at Mar-a-Lago.
“Trump said, ‘I kicked him out of the clubs when this stuff became public, and I made sure NBC knew,’” Mr. Nunberg recalled.
Mr. Trump appeared fully aware of what a liability his onetime Palm Beach pal had become.
Mr. Nunberg said that in early 2015, he was beckoned into Mr. Trump’s office at Trump Tower in Manhattan, along with Corey Lewandowski, then his campaign manager, and Michael D. Cohen, then Mr. Trump’s private lawyer, after David J. Pecker of The National Enquirer had just left the building.
Mr. Trump showed the two men a copy of a new issue of The Enquirer that had yet to hit the stands, with pictures of Mr. Epstein’s private island. Mr. Trump was gleeful about Mr. Epstein’s connection to the Clintons and hinted there would be more to come.
Annie Karni reported from Washington, and Maggie Haberman from New York. Kitty Bennett contributed research.
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brushdish47-blog · 5 years
Shrimp-Stuffed Shells + Weekly Menu
Well, karma caught up with me. I’ve been giving Mark total heck over his man cold and it has now been shared with yours truly. And…I’m a mess. My eyes are watering. My head is pounding. My throat is sore. I’m coughing up stuff that shouldn’t be discussed on a food blog or anywhere near or around food. So, WAHHH.
And my PELOTON is arriving tomorrow!!! I hope I can muster the strength to hop on for a ride and get the fun started.
In the meantime, we’re finishing off a fun weekend. We had press box seating at the Michigan vs. Notre Dame hockey game last night that was outdoors at Notre Dame stadium. I’ve never been so pampered at a sporting event!! I mean, there was a turkey carving station, fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and these INCREDIBLE green beans! That was in addition to the hot dog bar, chili bar, charcuterie trays, and cash bar.
Today, the pampering was over and I was back to cursing my own kitchen adventures. Really though, how DOES one peel an egg without completely mutilating the white? I’ve tried all the tricks: old eggs, vinegar, salt, ice baths, peeling under running water. Blah blah blah. I just can’t do it. I’ll make you anything from scratch but peeling an egg? PSH. I’m just buying them boiled and pre-peeled for the rest of my days.
I really have been on a winning streak (until the whole egg debacle today). Every recipe I’ve made recently has been eaten by everyone (spoiler alert: next podcast is on picky eaters!), healthy or healthy-ish, and mother-approved. Because really, if I’m the one doing the dishes, I want to be loving what’s served up.
These Shrimp-Stuffed Shells were from awhile back. I must admit, I’ve been waiting until blog traffic soars in January with healthy eating efforts to post the recipe. One of the first foods people nix from their diets in an effort to lose weight? Pasta. I say bologna! That just wouldn’t work for me. These shells are the perfect carb-lover delight that is favorable to weight loss efforts but so delicious you and others will be in awe! Eating healthy can and SHOULD taste this good! Jess absolutely loved these – she said it was her favorite recipe yet!
Shrimp-Stuffed Shells
Author: Nicole Morrissey
Prep time:  10 mins
Cook time:  40 mins
Total time:  50 mins
Serves: 18 shells (6 servings, 3 shells each)
18 uncooked jumbo pasta shells (about 8 oz*)
1½ Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
½ cup chopped shallots
6 cloves garlic, minced
½ cup (4 oz) ⅓-less-fat cream cheese
¼ cup 2% reduced-fat milk
¼ tsp crushed red pepper
⅓ cup chopped fresh basil
1 lb shrimp, peeled, deveined, and coarsely chopped
1 Tbsp potato starch
Cooking spray
3 cups lower-sodium marinara sauce, divided
⅓ cup (1½ oz) grated Parmigiano-Reggiano
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
Bring a large pot of water to a rolling boil. Add pasta and cook for 7 minutes or until almost al dente. Drain well.
Meanwhile, heat oil in a skillet over medium heat. Once hot, add shallots; cook 4 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add garlic; cook 30 seconds, stirring constantly. Add cream cheese, milk, and crushed red pepper; cook until cheese melts, stirring until smooth. Remove from heat. Stir in basil. Place shrimp in a bowl. Sprinkle with potato starch; toss well to coat. Add cream cheese mixture to shrimp; toss well.
Divide shrimp mixture evenly among pasta shells. Coat a 13 x 9-inch glass or ceramic baking dish with cooking spray; spread 1 cup marinara over bottom of dish. Arrange shells in prepared dish; top with remaining 2 cups marinara. Sprinkle shells evenly with Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese.
Bake for 30 minutes or until shrimp is done. Serve hot.
Recipe from Cooking Light *Boil 1 lb of jumbo shells and use about ½ for the recipe. Many will break or get stuck together which is not ideal for stuffing
Nutrition Information
Serving size: 3 shells Calories: 352 Fat: 13.5 Carbohydrates: 32.3 Sugar: 7.0 Sodium: 499 Fiber: 3.7 Protein: 23.7 Cholesterol: 104
Weekly Menu: January 6th – 10th
Sunday: Egg Salad Sandwiches from Magnolia Table
Monday: Cheesy Turkey Taco Chili Mac (from Skinny Taste One & Done) with steamed broccoli
Tuesday: Petite Meatloaf Dinner from Skinny Taste One & Done
Wednesday: Simple Pizza Crust from Skinny Taste One & Done
Thursday: Spicy “Fried” Chicken Sandwiches from Skinny Taste One & Done with roasted potatoes
Be well,
Source: https://preventionrd.com/2019/01/shrimp-stuffed-shells-weekly-menu/
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