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triangle-meanace · 1 year ago
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Hi some art for the time being smileeeeeeeeee
Promise Constantine ref will be here I promise
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deutsche-bahn · 5 months ago
bin ja wirklich sehr froh so lange in dieser Wohnung und in diesem Job geblieben zu sein weil ich einen Therapieplatz in der Nähe in Aussicht hatte, nur um nach den vier anfänglichen Sitzungen von der Therapeutin erklärt zu bekommen dass sie sich mit meinen Themen so gar nicht auskennt und ich mir besser jemand anderen suchen sollte. Sechs Monate, ich könnte kotzen. Es ist Montag
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hellsfryingpan · 1 year ago
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neonmice · 5 months ago
julian bams new video has me in a chokehold sorry non-german moots
anyways fanart
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I love dark so much hes just a sassy piece of shit
I will be so sad if the split personality thing the Zahnfee has going now wont be further explored
I will literally explode
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Du hast mein Herz nicht an einem Tag gebrochen, nicht in einem Moment. Wie in diesen Filmen. Du hast es ganz langsam und Stück für Stück gemacht, über Tage, über Monate. Immer, ein bisschen mehr. Bis es irgendwann durchgebrochen ist, und ich gar nicht mehr wusste, wo genau ich eigentlich anfangen soll, es zu reparieren.
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squirrelqueue · 7 months ago
Once again, Spatort Shitpost
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thisfeebleheart · 1 year ago
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dramoonartsy · 1 month ago
Wie in meinem letzten Post geteased: Ich arbeite gerade an einer Yaeklore x Wächter Animation! Hier sind meine Hand-Designs für den ersten Teil, natürlich mit ordentlich Headcanons und Spekulation ;)
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-Funfact: Welche Ringe und an welchen Händen er sie trägt ändert sich durch die Videos.
Andere Headcanons:
-Kann sehr gut Nähen, hat als Kind immer die Klamotten seiner Brüder repariert und Puppen e.t.c. gemacht. Dadurch hatte er als Kind oft kleine Stichverletzungen a den Fingerkuppen. ( Ist mir früher auch passiert.)
-Durch die Regenerationsfähigkeit der Wächter verblassen Tattoos nach einigen Monaten, darum hat Santa eine eigene Tattoopistole. (So wie in Santa ist der Boss) Er hat außerdem noch ein Gleichheitszeichen: = und die Rhunen für “Stärke, Mut, Liebe” a den Händen. (Die lass ich euch mal selber googeln (oder fragt in den Kommentaren, dann geb ich euch den Link.))
-Hat Opi-Hände. …wie stellt man das Visuell da?
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Können wir darüber reden das er seine EIGENE HAUT AUFGERISSEN HAT?! das ist so makaber.
Andere Headcanons:
-Wir wissen noch nicht ganz genau wie die Zeit nach Irises Tod/ die Verbannung abgelaufen ist, aber im Moment stell ich mir vor das Eos sich distanziert und mit seinen Kräften experimentiert hat. Die Markierungen hat er sich vielleicht aufgemalt, als mentale Hilfe um seine Kraft besser durch seinen Körper zu lenken und mit der Zeit haben sie sich eingebrannt.
-(Die blaue Farbe hat er von Fips, er hat danach anstatt blauen Himmel nur noch schlechtes Wetter gemalt.)
-Zu der Naturvisuelle: Seine Kraft fließt z.B. über die Markierungen (wie Wasser) und hat sich mit der Zeit einen Weg geschafft (wie ein Flussbett). Ich animiere eventuell mal Eos’s Magie, weil das sonst schwer zu beschreiben ist.
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Durch die Handschuhe sieht man nicht viel, darum hier mehr zum Aussehen:
-Dadurch das sie Nachts arbeitet ist ihre Haut sehr blass, dadurch sieht man sehr schnell Adern oder Rötungen a den Knöchel. (Außerdem hat sie einen Vitamin D Mangel, aber weigert sich zum Arzt zu gehen.)
-Tendiert zur Anämie (besonders White, würde auch die Migräne erklären) und hat ein ziemlich gefickten Schlafrhythmus, dadurch eher mattere Haut und kühlere Hände. (ich kann relaten)
-schlankere Finger, kein besonderer Grund dafür, nur so.
-Sammelt Tierknochen, Geweihe, Federn und sonstigen Kram den er finden kann. Quasi wie ein morbiderer Rabe. Benutzt sie gerne für Alchemie oder als Deko.
-Mag es nicht Sachen direkt anzufassen, deshalb hat sie immer Handschuhe, Zangen und Pinzetten dabei, falls Telepathie zu anstrengend ist. :)
-Hab gehört das sich einige Pagans auf die Innenseite der Handgelenke Rhunen zeichnen für Glück e.t.c., das seh ich auch bei Rhun. Ich könnte jetzt darüber reden warum Rhun für mich die Kriterien einer Hexe erfüllt, aber naja
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Funfact: Ich hab mich entschieden an einigen Stellen in meinem Design chinesische Gesichts und Körperlesungen zu verwenden, da ich aber kein Experte bin und die sowieso etwas …schwammig sind, schreib ich die Bedeutung dazu. :)
andere Headcanons:
-Klaus hat Zeke über Motorräder voll gelabert, dass hat deren Wahl an Schutzkleidung unterbewusst definitiv beeinflusst.
-Zeke war mehr als einmal verheiratet, er trägt die Eheringe um eine Kette am Hals, damit sie nicht verloren gehen und vergräbt sie im Sand, wenn er über die Person/deren Tod hinweg kommt.
-Hat irgendwie sehr viel Fingerspitzengefühl und die Feinmotorik eines Kleinkindes gleichzeitig. Kann Zeke die kleinsten Teilchen umbauen? ja. Umgreift dey Stifte, Labellos und Gabeln trotzdem mit der ganzen Faust? Jep. zu 100%.
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-Hat oft sehr viel Farbe unter den Nägeln und trägt Nagellack auch um das zu überdecken.
-Hat zwar leider keine Toebeans wie bei echten Hasenpfoten, aber die Innenseite ist oben trotzdem etwas weicher und.. so squishy? Außerdem kräftige Nägel, wieder wegen dem Hasending.
-Hat als Kind viel an seinen Nägeln rum gebissen
-Durch seine Kindheitserfahrungen und Hypersensiblität hat er eine Abneigung gegen Schmerz und Nadeln, deshalb keine Tattoos, aber kritzelt gerne mit Stiften auf seinen Armen rum.
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bonnieeldritch · 2 months ago
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Nachdem die Fake FFs gut ankamen, wurden ja auch schon zweckentfremdete Posts für Fake MMFFs gesichtet und was soll ich sagen. Auch hier möchte ich gerne was loswerden. 😌
The Tale of Nightfort
Ich habe in der letzten Zeit so oft davon gelesen, dass sich Vampire als Thema oder etwas düsteres und dennoch fluffiges gewünscht wird, da konnte ich einfach nicht anders, als an Nightfort zu denken. 😂 Es war im Juni 2017, als ich die Idee dazu hatte, und da ich damals 2 bzw 3 MMFFs hatte, war es nie eine ernsthafte Sache. Aber ich hatte trotzdem sehr viel Spaß daran! Also, worum gehts?
Nightfort ist ein winziges Dörfchen in der Grafschaft Suffolk, das keine 100 Einwohner zählt. Mitten durch Nightfort zieht sich der Fluss Waveney, der nur wenige Kilometer weiter das nicht minder kleine Dörfchen Shipmeadow durchquert. Und doch ist etwas anders an Nightfort, denn kaum eines der Geschäfte scheint tagsüber auf zu haben, kaum eine Menschenseele scheint sich des Tages auf. Erst Nachts erwacht es wahrhaft zum Leben und als Menschen zu verschwinden beginnen, kommt im Zaubereiministerium schnell der Verdacht auf, dass sich Vampire dort niedergelassen haben. Diese sind in der magischen Gesellschaft nicht unbedingt anerkannt: als ‘nichtmagische Teilmenschen�� haben sie kein Ansehen, selbst bei anderen magischen Geschöpfen ist ihr Ruf miserabel. Sie sind als üble Kreaturen der Nacht verschrien, die im Dunkel Jagd auf ihr Umfeld machen, ob Muggel oder magisches Wesen. Sie sollen hohlwangig, hager, ölig sein, wie übergroße Fledermäuse; unangenehme Zeitgenossen und Ausgestoßene. In der Abteilung zur Führung und Aufsicht Magischer Geschöpfe gibt es sogenannte Vampirjäger, die gefährliche Exemplare ausschalten sollen. Und nachdem ein ministeriumsunabhängiger Vampirologe im Untergrund des Dörfchens verschwindet, ist das Zaubereiministerium gezwungen zu handeln und schickt seine Vampirjäger*innen los. Doch sind Vampire wirklich immer solch unmenschliche Kreaturen?
So. Jetzt ist es raus. Ich habe seit Jahren diese Story mit mir rumgetragen und immer mal an sie gedacht, einfach weil ich die Idee so witzig fand, eine Vampirstory im Potterverse zu machen. 😌 Die gesuchten Charaktere wären obviously die Vampirjäger des Minsteriums gewesen, die bisher eigentlich nur mit wildgewordenen Einzeltätern gearbeitet hätten, da Vampire selten in Gruppen anzutreffen sind, sofern man keine Coven findet und diese sind eigentlich nie aggressiv. Könnte das etwa schon ein Hinweis sein, dass das Zaubereiministerium wie immer nur Scheiße baut und Vampire total verkennt? Iwooo ach was, nein nein, haha. Außerdem verschwinden ja Menschen in Nightfort und irgendwas muss dafür verantwortlich sein. Es hätte natürlich swoonworthy Vamps jeglichen Alters gegeben, in die sich die Mitmacher hätten verlieben können - oder sich ihnen an den Hals werfen, um rauszufinden, wer die Menschis wegmacht. 👀 Ursprünglich waren 3-4 Pairs geplant, aber heute würde ich tatsächlich keine mehr machen und einfach alle Nightfortler als Pairs freigeben. Wäre sicher lustig, zu sehen, wie die Jäger dem Geheimnis auf den Grund gehen. Oder eben nicht, weil no time, gotta snog the sexy Vampira bar woman. 🤣🖤
Mit dem Tod meines Katers Aleister im Januar 2018 kam dann auch die Planung/Ausarbeitung/Websiteerstellung für Nightfort zum Erliegen. Als ich dann wieder anfing, mich zurück ins FFde-Gefilde zu trauen (still und ohne was zu posten, natürlich), habe ich darüber nachgedacht, ob ich Nightfort schreiben wollen würde - aber ich wollte weg von den Vampiren, dem Tod als Überthema, und wollte vor allem Freundschaft gerne als Kern haben, was bei Kolleg*innen im Ministerium und fremde Love Interests nicht wirklich gegeben ist. Und so übernahm ich die Dinge, auf die ich richtig Bock hatte - kleines Dörfle und britische Countryside, whacke Dorfbewohner, eine Villa im Wald (die bei Nightfort dem ältesten Vampir, eins der OG Pairs, gehörte) und ... den Namen Grimshaw/Grim. 😂 Jap, mit Grimshaw John Vessey gab es in Nightfort auch einen Grim, und den Namen fand ich so nice, dass ich ihn einfach gesnatcht habe. Yoinks! 🌚
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meinehandriechteinsam · 4 months ago
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Mehr Fanart zu @boligona's AU ^^
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valentine-cafe · 2 months ago
˖⁺. “  fight for you ” : 
﹙ mercenary grim reaper x gn reader ﹚.𖹭 ݁
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. . . verse 9948e yìzé x gn reader !!🍒 : ﹙ mercenary ˖ grim reaper character ﹚
a large fight breaks out in the society of shades. yize notices that you are at the centre of it 
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﹙ cws ﹚: angst ˖ some violence | wc : .3.3k 
﹙ receipts ﹚: been awhile since we've had a yìzé piece. Song used: ares, by winter's island !
꒰  other treats : guidelines ˖ m.list ˖ characters ˖ our lore  ꒱
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Well, I wrote you a song.
The white light slices across a door, cutting it in half as heavy footsteps rush across a barren rooftop.
With no time in hand, a reaper jumps out from the ledge of it and skids down the building. Wind tugs wild at the darkbrown wolfcut. Each and every individual strand of hair following behind the cold bodied mercenary.
The beautiful sound of glass breaking clatters out into the air as force hits the windows. Yìzé lunges himself off of the building.
At this very moment. This minute and second, this is what he lives for. Adrenaline cast out into all of his veins, pumping away at a slow beating heart. Time feels as though it has stopped as shards of glass glisten in the lights of the society of shades. Falling with him.
but you say you want a symphony
Like a million butterflies fluttering their wings in tandem, lungs draw in a big gulp of air. and at the exhale, cold fingers reach for the staff of a scythe as they had prior.
He nears his target. A bolt of smoke, billowing from his back and legs. Body shifting into vapor darker than the night, with just the slightest tints of blue to it. Shooting towards the abomination beneath, in hopes of putting it back blow, way down under.
Just as the first time he had picked up his scythe. Fingers cannot help but drum across the expanse of it, feeling the wooden handle. As excitement surges through his heart. The soul within the scythe coming alive.
The first defence, the first spin, and then—
His very first swing.
A laughter from his childhood rings throughout his ears as the first hit lands upon the large creature.
I will take the light through the time
and the blades that break my soul
Withstanding the loud roar, while sliding down the back of the being with a blade now ripping through its back. The second youngest son of the zhào family stands full of pride. Jumping off of the abomination, while running in circles around it.
A distraction.
For what is to come? Flame and the sound of a catchy rhythm, something to dance to indeed. A blue streak rushes across a building. Jumping from the next to the other. Barely anything for the oppontment to catch onto.
But then sodicity aside.
Raging, spewing, hot fire. Now that is something that quickly catches any attention around. A fire elemental showing itself in all of its true glory. Burning the veils that previously covered the furious beauty of it.
“Zhào, 9 o’clock.” His boss calls out in rage, gravitating towards the right while expectantly awaiting for the younger to take the left.
It takes no hesitance nor time for the reaper to follow command. Focused on the plan that had been immediately discussed at their arrival.
The elemental swoops any and all civilians out of the collapsing surroundings, yelling at them to run.
and i’m not without you next to me
With his heavy egyptian accent, the elemental, without so much as turning to look to wherever the blue streak is skating across, he yells out: “Agresta! Get the civilians out safe!”
Not even the blink of an eye could catch the speed of which Lorenzo swept the field empty. The monster only seemed to chase after the screaming crowds. Of course. Fear is something that most of them feed on.
But alas, the world continues to breathe. And as the leader of the veil syndicate commands the rest of the mercenaries around whilst rushing to the monster’s sides with the Yìzé. The reaper looks up at the points his gaze towards the centre of the being.
Would there be any signs of a vulnerable spots? He would have to look a bit longer, he just needed to buy time.
I will take the front to the line
One slipped footstep and it is over. It is always about being ready for the worst, even when everything is going well and seems as though you have the winning side.
Be confident, not a brave fool.
A long slide across the breaking, crackling and rumbling ground brings the reaper to his stop, reading his scythe as command stands in queue. Maroon meets crackling fire.
And bring back the night before
The boss and the worker keep their gaze on one another until the moment is right, and when the time is right. When the monster has been confused enough by electric blue, the bright light of fire and the darkness of the night. They strike.
Red and blue tinted flames lick across the field, spreading in circles around the oil paths that the dj had spilled down unto the ground as he skated across the grounds.
Light the fire
Dark vapor follows after the fire. Almost like a dance, the two meet in the middle of the field —
The world flashes yet again,
Yìzé stands before his brother, the two of the swirling scythes around while attacking incoming dummies around the training halls of the zhào estate.
Hàoyu takes waiting position, counting down the seconds until Yìzé reaches him and the second they cross paths. Back to back, they make a twirl. Like petals swirling throughout the ripples of waterways, robes swirling like waves across his eyes as they defeat the last dummies.
And with that same motion, he and his boss pelt straight into the core of the creature. Tearing apart the large body of accumulations. Melting away rough limbs.
Let it burn on top of you
Scattering, exploded across the expanse. Miniature versions of the large being rampage through the streets. Faster, more difficult to catch onto. Even more fun for the fire to chase.
Some dissolve and die out from catching onto the invisible fire that burns the oil away.
Persistent pests rush towards the reaper as he lets go of the elemental. Who was not prepared to feel the sudden shift in weight on himself, calling out to the boy like a distressed father who knows only the worst of fate from what he has seen.
Taking a hit and dodging the rest, a sharp scythe cuts through each body that meets the proximity of its wielder. Breathing in the flames and exhaling them out with a smile. One that knows safety the second pink hair brushes against his cheek, followed by a large amount of tails that curl below his chin.
That was all he needed. His lovely kitsune boyfriend did quite the work on the opposing side, and gave him a nod to rush after Rasui.
Breathe again beneath the flames
Takara takes over the back, while he rushes to the front. Watching as Lorenzo gets down on the ground and allows his mouth to open up for an almost siren like but cutting scream. That, in the form as soundwaves, slam across the enemies that come around 10 o’clock. Headed straight for some of the civilians.
Unwanted, wild animals. Salivating like dogs at the thought of flesh to be eaten.
For the first time in this battle of 7th sector, he pulls out his gun and shoots bullets across the field. Making sure he hits no innocents in the process.
Each feral creature that managed to escape the loud scream surely evaporates the second a bullet strikes their core.
Joined together and gathering civilians to run away, the fire elemental, the dj, the reaper and the kitsune all take their positions and work their way swiftly. Casting quick glances whenever one falls, watching them rise. Continue.
I’m a man that cannot be saved
Oh, the battle rages on like a ballad of the ages. He could almost hear his late older brother’s poetry recited in his ears. Indeed, this will be another part of history. Whether he dies with it or lives with it to tell more, he will only know when all is done.
The fight only progresses to downtown sector 7, nearing the 8th sector. They had not realised that the large abomination would have another ‘birth’ in the process of it’s death. But they watched the creatures attempt to gather.
To grow.
Slicing across the field and collecting any souls that may have tragically passed in these events. May they rest in the most beautiful places of the afterlife. Yìzé sends them their way before they could be devoured.
“Ready?” He whispers to his scythe softly, looking down at it with calculating eyes. He was going to throw it. Fling it hard enough for it to spin across the field and take out as many of these miasmatic beings as possible.
It was either going to work, or it wasn’t.
Well maybe I was wrong.
Quietest of whispers ever heard emit from the bright shine of the scythe, an affirmation. An ‘I am ready,’ spoken to only the reaper.
Whistling for his teammates to disperse. Footsteps scatter across the concrete ground once more and he starts rushing away from the crowded streets of evil.
Flinging himself up onto a pole, before allowing himself to fall. Just like Haitao had taught him. Pole, fall, swing, and throw.
It is just as loud as a whine, the sound of the scythe spinning acros the street and ripping open being to being. Whilst a smoke remains right behind it.
A vaporised, pale hand gripping onto the handle once more to swing out a large cut through as many as he missed as possible.
Truly, with his excellent timing together with his scythe. He manages to take out majority of the miasmic creatures.
And perhaps you needed more from me
Then, he sees you— Rushing across the field to help an older enigma stand back up after taking a fall from running so fast.
Everything feels like it stops. He doesn’t know you, nor what it is you were thinking of doing. His teammates had properly already seen the elderly. What matters is that the situation of potential death is avoided.
A fresh soul like yours? You almost amuse him. It is nowhere near it’s due on the pocketwatch schedule.
Cussing at the sudden act of ‘heroism’ you have performed. To which he could only call pure idiocy. He makes his way into the smoke that covers the land like a duvet.
The entire world rushing around him. travelling with quick sucession two shillouettes trying to lift the other up from the ground.
I can’t stand to fight all time But i can’t seem to take the fall
Close enough at last. Pale, Spread fingers graze the fabric of a woolen shirt, only to form a fist gripping onto it and throwing the beautiful soul the dorns it across the field together with the eldery wise one it holds.
You yelp as you feel the surge of adrenaline pour into your stomach, the rush of flying freely throughout the air across the battlefield could never compare to anything you have ever felt. You hold on to the older, smaller grandparent. Who tiredly panics.
The pests were closing in, and suddenly, actions were more limited than they ever had been. Slipping past him like the sands of time.
A yell from Rasui—
Electricity aside
“REFORMED, SCATTER.” Maroon eyes constrict and crackle almost like that of the elemental’s fire blazing straight into the air like the bonfires that stand high during the midsummer dance celebrations.
They scan across the field to catch the ghastly image of the abomination coming back to life. Ripping itself across the concrete ground and screeching. Like the most terrifying newborn the world will ever have witnessed.
What mortifies him the most, is the very fact that you rush with the crowd and it aims to hit you. Lifting a heavy, club-like arm. Making it quite clear to all of the mercenaries around that it is going for a direct hit on the panicking crowd.
This is more than just a life for me
Arrival has always had a good and bad time of coming around, in the cases of limited time. It usually is not good when a previously clear sight flashes white and everything around you rings, deafening screams and cries
“—” He could’ve sworn he heard his brother call for him, an encouragement. Almost feel the hand Jìngyí would reassuringly put on his shoulder when he just couldn’t seem to get his strategies right.
Sharp inhales draw through his lungs, and then comes the crash of reality once again. Mixed with the whispering voice of the past.
“You have to keep trying. What of learning, if you never try?”
I can put our time on the line And bring back the night before
Such a natural movement, that is all it takes. The dash of a foot and the lunge with all possible upperbody strength. A flash of pink aids him in the sudden move, guiding him across the field. Eyes sharing such determination, that has never burned more passionately than now.
Loud laughter following after the large swing of a scythe moving across the monstrosity’s body echoes off of the field and away flies the arm that had moved to hit the crowd.
Vapor and the sweet smell of orchids roam your senses, as you feel a pair of strong arms keep you in their safety with the enigma. Yìzé flings himself to the rest of the crowd, extending his vapor with the intent of getting everyone out of the area safely.
“Zhào!” Rasui calls, only to receive a scythe his direction. Of which he grabs onto and casts towards Takara, who now carves her way happily through the monster.
Precise slices performed, despite the vigor of her swings.
Light the fire
“I’ll evacuate the remaining!” The young reaper roars to his boss and co-workers. Suddenly blinded by a blue streak interrupting his fog. Of course he was coming to help as well.
Familiar is the deadpan voice that counters him: “You won’t do much all alone.” To which he can only huff at in slight offense, along with the fondness of at least having his best friend helping out.
The two rush out of the situation, until they find the spot best for civilians to hide until the doom and destruction is over.
Let it burn on top of you
“Stay here,” you are told. Half-lidded, but cold and stoic maroon eyes point into yours in a gaze that demands you listen. “Don’t start trying to save more people. We’ve got it in control, the some people have a schedule.”
It makes you huff. Yet, for the safety of people and yourself, listening and doing is all you can really do. Most people keep you in their grasp as well. As the reaper takes away the music, rushing back into the battle.
You’ve never seen him before. And yet, he has left something for you, in your heart. An odd sensation— a tug. Of what? Maybe hatred. You certainly didn’t like his attitude.
Breathe again beneath the flames
Rhythmic tunes and vapor, alerting a team of people of their arrival. All split in battle and make space for them as both Yìzé and Lorenzo fling themselves towards Rasui. Aiming to create a soundwave loud enough to transfer fire through vaporised darkness and sizzle away at the creature once more.
It takes no guessing from the leader what they are trying to do. Flaring into the highest volumes of fire, he runs towards them.
A star, coming to life. Truly, that is what it can only be described to look like. The wonder and the beauty of the bolt itself, shot straight to the core again.
I’m a man that can’t be saved
Takara, who had roamed in the distance gave the scythe they held a kiss goodbye, until next time. Before throwing it towards it’s true wielder, who catches it just as the leader of the tempest syndicate arrives at the scene.
From the flames, one man
Blowing a large gust of wind from towards him, knowing exactly what the man has planned. Yìzé flies through the atmosphere and slams his blade into the core to add impact on the shot.
You fall, you watch me rising
Shooting through the air with extra force, as if it was going to create a rift, the flaming star hits the being and all goes quiet as everything that has gathered it dies. Flaming butterflies and animals rushing around in the air and towards the sky.
I know, I know
Just like the gardens of the Zhào estate. . . All of the beautiful wildlife. It all flashes through his sight as victory comes rumbling deep within his soul. The fall and the rise, the final moment of peace before the applause. It feels just like a theatrical performance
It never mattered how bloodied and bruised he ended up. Yìzé loved this feeling.
The thrill of the battle, the aftermath of the victory.
To be the man That walks beyond the fires
What he lives for? This is what he lives for. If he has no name at home, he will make it here in the world. In the history of it.
One swift drag of a matchstick and the sound of a cigeratte lighting, he leans his head back and puffs out smoke. Grinning at the sky. And you watch from a distance with a face full of wonder at every picture your mind had mentally snapped.
Ares, Ares
Your vision blurs as your body finally gives out after all the adrenaline, falling unconcious, as your body receives the rest it has screamed for you to give it.
And just out of your vision before you go, a hand catches you. Gently putting you down on the ground so that you do not hit it too hard.
“Don’t go for too long huh, we got stuff to talk about.” The reaper murmurs, joined by the rest of the syndicate. Looking down at the demonic amulet that you had worn earlier this day.
Tear me down. See the man that I am now And from the flames, Ares.
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noridoorman · 8 months ago
Dear Tumblr users with a Twitter account, the German LGBTQ community needs you!
The far right party AFD has invented something called "stolz monat" which is basically pride month translated into German, but it's supposed to spread German nationalism and homophobia instead of what pride actually spreads.
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They spread this cringe as fuck flag with the hastag #stolzmonat to attack against the LGBTQ community.
However, if we spam the stolzmonat tag with the progressive flag instead, we'll be able to drown out the homophobia and reclaim the hashtag for the German LGBTQ community and show the AFD that they fucking suck.
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Let's do this!! /nf tho
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streatfeild · 26 days ago
FINALLY endlich mal mail zur namensänderung abgeschickt bevor sie das sbg wieder kippen
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sesiondemadrugada · 1 year ago
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Irene Monat Stern.
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und-dann-war-es-fast-gut · 7 months ago
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same same but also different
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daughterofhecata · 5 months ago
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a soul to keep
on ao3 | on ff.de
Chapters: 5/5 Fandom: The Three Investigators | Die Drei ??? Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Victor Hugenay/Jupiter Jones | Justus Jonas Characters: Jupiter Jones | Justus Jonas, Victor Hugenay, Inspector Cotta, Bob Andrews, Pete Crenshaw | Peter Shaw Additional Tags: Developing Relationship, Getting to Know Each Other, Post-Prison, Abduction, Light Angst, Literary References & Allusions, Domestic, Trauma, Disability, Feelings Realization, Compliated Relationships, Age Difference, Conversations, Getting Together Summary:
Natürlich hat Justus nicht vor, Cottas Anweisung, sich den Rest der Semesterferien von Fällen fernzuhalten, zu befolgen - doch nicht einmal er hätte voraussehen können, dass er erst Victor Hugenay wiederbegegnen und dann Opfer einer Entführung werden sollte. Und er ist auf sich allein gestellt bei dem Versuch, die Hintergründe herauszufinden und gleichzeitig aus Hugenays Verhalten schlau zu werden.
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