#mommy i'm a zombie
imoonblaze · 2 months
[fanart] walking in the Halloween kingdom
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🎃Gonner from Daddy/Mommy, i'm a Zombie
🎃Stella from Wadanohara and the great blue sea
🎃Art belong to @imoonblaze
After so long, now that the nostalgia of Halloween is closer than ever, I decided that it was a good time to make this drawing of this crossover between Gonner and Stella 🎃👻
I wanted to draw these two having a sibling moment while Gonner led Stella by the hand walking through the Halloween kingdom in the middle of a cemetery surrounded by pumpkins and lights that give life to the place
Stella is seen happy and smiling next to Gonner, since she has lived for so long in the Sea of Death before being adopted by Jack and his childrens, she has never felt that feeling for quite some time.
I really loved doing this crossover, especially because Gonner is a zombie pirate and Stella is a dead starfish, so the dynamic between these two would be quite interesting to see 🤔👀
Oh well! I hope to be able to draw more of these two in the future and continue drawing more things related to Halloween, since you can already feel and smell cinnamon, hot chocolate and the freshness of autumn closer than ever! 😁✨ HAPPY HALLOWEEN! 🎃👻🖤🧡✨
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bleuberrygliscor · 2 years
If I see g*nshin imp*ct shit outside of my like, two mutuals I allow through my filters so I can keep up with Ateru, I am reporting it as spam.
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obsessedwrhys · 2 months
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ Where your relationship with Abby is hidden because of your religious parents. Heartbreaking angst, some fluff, mention of intimacy but no doing it, religious things (reader's religion is not specified dw), homophobia, reader has religious trauma (only real ones know 😔), this could be triggering for some, reader has mommy issues/ is a mommy's girl, reader will go through character growth (whoop whoop!!). reader is fem!!!
How you found yourself curled up on the sofa was perpetual. Same frown, same feeling. It just seems like the cycle never ends. You wonder how many more days can you tolerate this pattern of lifestyle.
This lifestyle of living in fear.
Soon you snap out of your worries once you hear the door open. The person you've been waiting for finally coming in.
"Hey babe" Your girlfriend, Abby flashes you a sweet smile. You don't say anything but watch as she puts away her bag, then taking off the rest of her equipments and placing it on the table.
"How did it go with your parents?" She asks. The very topic you were hoping she would have forgotten about after a day of patrol.
"... oh... you know..." You chuckle anxiously but almost instantly she knew something was off by your tone. She's dated you long enough to know when you're tensed.
She approaches you and every step she took was making you even more nervous. Once she was close enough, she kneels down in front of you with her hand placed gently on your lap. Her palm grasping your thigh.
"You did talk to them right? About us?" She asks, the way she's talking so softly to you was making the guilt swallowing you whole.
Because of that, you chose to stay quiet.
Seeing your lack of an answer, she sighs with her other hand pinching the bridge of her nose. Almost like an attempt to convince herself to be patient with you.
"Did you or did you not?" She looks up at you and your hands couldn't help but scratch at each other due to the nerves getting to you.
"... I didn't..." You finally said. She looks at you, a mix of disappointment and empathy on her face.
Maybe if this was the first time she'd forgive you.
But it's been a year that you've been trying to come out to your parents.
It's like everytime you gain the courage to confront them about it. Their faces always made you feel so small.
"You promised me you would (Y/N)..." She said and you could tell from her reaction that she was also getting tired of this.
Tired of having to pretend.
Pretending like she doesn't wanna kiss you in public.
To hold you.
To show everyone that you're hers and she's yours.
Yet she can only be known as your friend.
"I know... but they were just so happy about reaching the goal of the fundraiser and I didn't want to ruin that moment for them"
"What about you? Do you not want to be happy??"
"That's different"
"How is that different? Are you happy constantly having to deal with your parents setting you up with guys you don't even like? Or do you actually like that shit??"
"Of course not!!"
"Then just tell them!"
"It's not that fucking easy Abby! They have people that look up to their teachings. Do you have any idea the amount of damage I could do to their lifetime of work?"
"We live in a world with flesh eating zombies. I'm sure they'll survive having their reputation tainted for having a gay daughter" She gets up and you stare at her standing form. Somehow her perspective of the situation made you feel better.
You look down at your pendant, the one your parents had gifted you since you were a child. You still remember the very words they've swore to you, to always have your soul be on the right path in life.
"I'm sorry" You apologised and she turns to look at you. It pained her to see yourself looking like a wounded dog. She let's out a defeated sigh while she reaches to rub both your arms soothingly.
"Let's deal with this tomorrow... hm?" She then leaned in to nuzzle her face into the crook of your neck as she slowly pushes you down on the sofa.
You didn't notice you were smiling when Abby made herself comfortable on top of you. Her arms wrapped securely around your waist and you couldn't resist but run your fingers across her biceps. She hums at the delicacy of your touch.
"I'm so sorry..." You muttered.
"Tomorrow... please..." She lifts up her head and got inches closer to you until she's kissing you on the lips.
Just like that, the next day came. Since you had nothing to do that day, you decided to spend some time with Abby. Which is how you found yourself playing at the field inside the headquarters. You laughed as you took the frisbee from Alice's mouth before throwing it again. Abby was simply sitting on the grass a feet away, her face full of adoration as she watches you play.
Just seeing you smile was enough to brighten up her mood.
The feeling always felt so magical.
"Wowow— calm down girl" You chuckled when Alice nearly knocked you off balance when asking for more head pats. After giving her her deserved pats, you threw the frisbee and she ran after it without hesitation.
You watched her go with a smile on your face and soon your eyes trailed to where Abby is rested but you've already caught her staring first. You had to admit, you felt both embarrassed and cocky when you saw the way she was looking at you.
"Is my hair bad or something?" You asked but she simply tilt her head with a humoured smirk.
"Your hair can be a total mess and you'd still look like a model on the cover of a magazine" She said and her flattery made you snort.
"Oh? You want me to prove it to you?" She chuckles mischievously as she began approaching you and the sight of her coming after you made your first instincts to run.
"ATTACK HER ALICE!!" You ordered but Alice was too busy chewing on the toy to even care.
Damn dog.
Soon you found yourself cornered and you let out an annoyed whine while she couldn't help but laugh at your dismay. Once you were trapped, she stepped closer to shorten the distance between you two.
Eventually the pout on your face was gone the second she enveloped you in her arms, you chuckled uncontrollably at the touch of her lips smooching your collarbone slowly up to your jaw. You smiled when she gently grabbed you by the chin to have you face her.
"I don't think I say this enough but I love you. I mean it" She caresses your cheek and you didn't know how to respond but to kiss her.
It was a gentle kiss at first, tender and tentative, as if she was treating you like you were fragile glass. But soon the sweetness of the kiss transcended to something desperate. Her hand moving down to your waist to pull you closer than you were. Her forceful act made you yelp as your hands fell to the back of her neck.
"Fuck..." She sighs, her eyes half lidded from the heat of the moment.
"Are you sure she's out here?" What felt like a thunder struck. You immediately part away from Abby's grip when the sound of your mother's voice could be heard from afar.
"Yeah, I saw her leaving with Abs just now... Well, there she is" Nora stands with her hand on her hip as your mother's face lit up at the sight of you.
"Oh there's my sunshine!"
"Hey mom..." You greeted her back.
You were too focused on trying to act normal that you failed to realise the discomfort in Abby's eyes as she awkwardly rubs her neck, but she soon covers it up with a forced smile when your mother turned to greet her.
"And Abby! It's good to see you!"
"Haha... sure is auntie"
"Well I hope you don't mind if I steal my little sunshine from you. I need her to help me set up tonight's celebration. We managed to raise up enough resources to build our very own temple to worship. Oh! You should definitely come! Dinner will be delicious" Your mother said while waving at you to stand at her side... and you did just that. It was like she had this power over you.
You might as well be her puppet on a string.
"Sure, I don't really have anything to do" Abby responded but the smile on her face fades a bit when she turned to look at you.
Your brows were slightly narrowed as you had your head lowered. Just seconds ago you were both kissing and now she felt like a total stranger to you. But how could she blame you? You never wanted any of this.
"Oh you're such a sweet girl and a good friend to my daughter. If only you weren't so bulk you'd find yourself a fine man who'd take care of you" Your mother said and it took every muscle in Abby's body not to react to her words.
"Hm... yeah" Abby replied. Her jaw clenches as she grinds her teeth to try to ease the burn in her chest.
"Well let's go, we have a lot to prepare" Your mother shoos you and you shoot Abby an apologetic look before getting dragged away.
The moment you were gone, she let's out a sigh while running her hands across her face and then letting it rest there. Her eyes were completely shut in order to put her entire focus on not being upset at you or anyone.
"You cool?" Nora spoke up but Abby didn't bother looking at her.
"Uh-huh" Abby replied with her voice muffled from her hands covering her face.
It was soon the night of the celebration. Pretty much everyone was invited to it. You were dressed formally and forced to greet every guest. It just seems like to your parents that having a child also means having a servant. You were greeting people until someone caught your eye.
A wave of relief washed over you when you saw Abby approaching you and also being the last guest you'll have to say hi to for the night. She smiles when she sees your face finally easing up at the sight of her.
"Tired of playing the perfect daughter?" She jokes and you smack her playfully on the chest.
"Shut up.." You said and just as she's gonna wrap her hands around your waist. You stepped back, nodding at the crowd not far away.
It's not that anyone really cared if someone was gay.
It was more like if YOU were gay.
Because you can bet your ass that they'll come running to your parents to spread the hot gossip. It's like they have everyone as their pal and gals here.
"Right... can you show me where the food is? I'm starving" She said.
Cue to the both of you now in the kitchen where you're standing with your plate in hand. This might be the only time you get some privacy together.
"Mmm~" Abby hums as she happily ate the food. You chuckled when you saw how much she was enjoying herself.
"I'm starting to think you came to the celebration for the food"
"Isn't that the point of celebrations? To celebrate?" She looks at you while still munching on the chicken meat. You shake your head with a laugh.
"I forgot to say, your parents really made you look like eye candy" She said pointing out the dress you had on you. You look away feeling a bit embarrassed. This wasn't really your style but you didn't have much of a say in it.
"They're still trying to find me a 'boyfriend' so it's expected" You said as you began stabbing at your chicken with the fork. Abby notices and she had to admit it was painful to hear those words from your mouth. As a matter of fact, it was beginning to make her feel uneasy.
"But... I'm your boyfriend right?" She said and you laughed thinking she was joking but when you looked up and saw the seriousness in her eyes. The smile on your face dropped instantly.
"Oh... of course. This is what they want, not me. To be honest I really want to sneak off to my room right now" You said but you knew the lecture that would come if you did.
It's either gonna be words like "You're the host's daughter so go be a host!" Or "Why are you hiding in your room instead of socialising with people!" Honestly you can't choose.
"Then let's go... there's nobody stopping you" She said and you could see the mischief in her eyes. Guilty enough you grinned.
"Fine but if we get caught I'm gonna jump out the window"
Now you're in your room, the two of you laying down as you decided to cuddle. Honestly at this point you might fall asleep from how relaxing it felt. Your lips formed a smile when you could feel Abby running her hands through your hair or just touching it in general.
"You're gorgeous..." She uttered and from her tone you can hear the genuine love she had for you. If you asked her to take on a whole pack of infected she'll literally do it.
She'll do anything for you and yet...
You can't even do the same.
You can't even tell your parents that you're in love with her...
You're too much of a pussy to do it.
"You alright?" Abby rubs her thumb on your hand that you didn't realise was clenched into a fist. You quickly loosen your grip once you did.
"Sorry I was thinking" You said.
"About?" She looks at you, waiting for your answer that took you a while to give to her.
"I just feel awful that I keep leaving you in the dark with things... I'm too afraid of how my parents will react if I told them I was dating a girl" You said, nuzzling closer into her embrace. She hums in acknowledgement as she cups the side of your face.
"I'm pretty sure they'll freak out more about the fact I'm so muscular. Your dad can't even look me in the eye"
"I..." You stare at her, speechless.
She must have taken what your mother said to heart.
Fuck if you didn't realise you were hurting her, you were hurting her even more by letting this go on.
"I'm so sorry Abs"
"Shhh... it doesn't matter. I'll endure all of this, anything it takes to finally have my happy ending with you" She smiles softly down at you.
You really don't deserve her...
Suddenly there's a knock on the door and the sound itself was enough to have you both jump out of your bed in a hurry. Quickly you checked your reflection on the mirror to fix your appearance while Abby went to find something to busy herself with. The knock on the door continues, growing louder each time until you finally open it, finding your father at the door.
"Hey dad" You said, forcing the most genuine smile you could.
He doesn't say anything but stare at Abby who's back is turned to you, her focus on the collection of toys you've collected. He stared at her for an unsettling long 10 seconds before looking back at you, a faint smile on his face.
"Your mother and I want you to meet someone" He said and you tilt your head.
"Oh? Uh okay..." You responded and it took every strength in your body not to turn around to look at Abby as you're forced to leave your room.
Alone in your bedroom, Abby let out a long sigh as she rests both her palms on the table. Her eyes shut close after the close call. Moments like these seem to never get old.
It always leaves her feeling tensed each time.
After a minute, she was done calming herself down, she hopped herself off the table. But before she left, she walked near the window that had a whole view of the backyard. The same unsettling feeling she had earlier in the kitchen slowly crawled it's way back into her chest as she caught glimpses of you talking to a boy, both of your parents standing by your sides.
It wasn't the fact that you talking to a boy was irritating her, but the sight of you smiling and LAUGHING. That was what settled the score.
Without even realising, she began breathing heavily, her chest rising and falling rapidly. Is she childish for feeling like this? Being jealous? She can't even flirt with you in public and this guy who you just knew for a minute is now trying to hook up with you, in front of your fucking parents!!
Fed up and needing to get away from all of this, she left your room while making sure to slam the door shut. Several guests looking at her in concern when she made her way through.
After what felt like hours of chatting with people, you began to feel your face hurt from the constant talking and smiling. So the second the party was over, you were glad to have the privilege to change back into your normal clothes. To be honest the itch of the dress was killing you the entire night.
You laid on your bed and it was then you realised you haven't seen Abby ever since. Maybe she left early? Even if she did, you still felt bad for leaving her at that state. She must have felt so alone. You hurt just by the thought of it so you grabbed your stuff, being as quiet as possible when sneaking out.
It's not your first time sneaking out so it wasn't that hard.
After all, strict parents always raised the most rebellious kids.
By the time you were done sneaking past several people and making it to Abby's room, you knocked it a few times and waited for her to answer but she doesn't. Confused, you knocked again but before your fist could make contact with the door. It opened. You froze as you looked to see Abby staring at you, her brows were narrowed and the way she glared at you, you could tell she was pissed off.
It actually made you feel upset.
You don't know exactly what you did wrong but you just knew that you did.
That was until you noticed the dried tears in the corner of her eyes.
"Have you been—?" You hesitantly point at her eyes and for a glimpse second, her eyes widened but she was quick to rub her eye and cover it up.
"It's an itch.... What the hell are you doing here?" She said, quickly changing the topic.
"I wanted to see you" You smiled a bit, not sure if this is even the right time to act all affectionate and sweet.
"Oh..." Her tone was almost like she was mocking you. She then looked down the hallway left and right before letting you in.
While Abby closed the door, you felt uncomfortable being in the room. It wasn't the same comfort you would feel after a whole day of pretending to be the perfect daughter. Somehow it just drained you the very same. You looked at Abby when you heard her sit down on her bed, not caring the least about your presence.
Yeah there's definitely something going on.
And you're not the type to beat around the bush for it.
"Did I do something wrong?" You asked, straight to the point. She doesn't look up at you but her grip around her book tightened vaguely.
"I don't know. Did you?" She asks.
Oh great... she's in her mood again...
"If you're mad at me for leaving you in my room. I'm sorry... but that's the reason why I'm here, to make it up to you" You looked at her, hoping she would give you the basic respect of LOOKING at you when talking.
"Mhm..." She responded.
Fuck... it feels like your head is about to explode.
"Can you fucking talk to me instead of doing that whole shit? I fucking hate it when you do that"
"Then don't talk to me" She looks at you, finally.
You stare back at her with a look of disbelief before letting out a scoff as you roll your eyes.
"The door's that way" She pointed and that was the last straw.
"Don't— Don't you fucking treat me like that!" You raised your voice and she chuckles amusingly to herself.
"What? Did your boyfriend at the party treat you better?" She said, her words left you startled.
"What the fuck?" You blurted out.
Is that what she's so pissed about?
"Is that what you're mad at me for?" Suddenly it was like a whole new rage washed over your face. It didn't make it better with a storm brewing just outside.
"He's my FUCKING COUSIN YOU IGNORANT PIECE OF SHIT!! HE TRAVELLED ALL THE WAY FROM SPOKANE TO GET HERE!!" You yelled that you could feel your face burn up completely.
"And you expect me to just take your word for it?" She got up, standing in front of you.
"I'm starting to think you don't want to come out!! You love the attention don't you?!! DO YOU EVEN LOVE ME?!! Or am I just one of your experiments??"
"Of course I do!! I FUCKING LOVE YOU!!"
"But??? I fucking yearn for you (Y/N)!! Every fucking second I'm with you in public. I can't even hold you or kiss you!! Do you know how much it sucks being treated like I'm nothing to you?!!" She said and you could see the tears pour out of her eyes.
"If you love me then why do you still let this shit go on? Are you more scared of losing your image or me? You pick" She returned to her bed, her head lowered as she doesn't want you to look at her crying.
You stare at her, unable to make up the right mind. Suddenly a thunder struck and rain began to pour down heavily. You sigh.
There's no way that a bunch of infected is easier dealt with than this right now.
Your mom's gonna kill you...
"...I'll talk to them tomorrow" You said and she looks at you. Honestly now you're just standing in the middle of the room not sure whether if you should join her in bed after that heated argument.
"C'mere" She said, her arms spread and you stare at her... before completely breaking into tears. You walk over to her which she doesn't waste a second to hold you close.
You placed kisses on her cheek as you muttered the word 'sorry' over and over again. Even when she shakes her head telling you it's fine, you simply ignored her and placed your head on top of hers as you continued on apologising.
Not just for this moment now but for every other time you've made broken promises to her.
It was the next day, all the crying last night left you completely numb. You've never felt like such a piece of shit before. Seeing how Abby is still asleep, you decided not to wake her up and just go wash yourself up. Once you were done, you grabbed your stuff and tried to be as quiet as possible when leaving.
Your parents usually volunteer at the stadium's canteen early in the morning so there's no denying that they're already there. Watching your steps as you got down the stairs, you turned a few corners and walked a few more before making it there.
"Hey (Y/N)!" Manny greeted you and you greeted him back.
"You've seen my parents?"
"Yup, they're just in there" He pointed and you made sure to thank him before going ahead. When entering the backdoor to the stall, you could see them busy restocking the supplies.
The moment they spot you, you could tell they were upset.
"Where were you?!! You weren't in your room in the morning!!" Your mother expressed her concern.
"I wanted to go gun training" You lied so naturally that it caught you by surprise. You sucked in both your lips to try to stop yourself from doing so.
"Nonsense, you're a girl, that's a man's job" Your mother said while your father carried the boxes to the table. You took a deep breath.
"Sorry I lied... I was at Abby's" The two perked up at the mention of Abby's name.
"Abby's? What were you doing there?" They suddenly exchanged glances. It's almost too obvious that the two doesn't quite like her too much. Then your father spoke up right after your mother.
"No offense darling but Abby's a rebellious girl and we don't want you following in her footsteps—"
"We kissed" You said, an unmoved expression on your face.
For a second you had thought the two were frozen in time at your words but suddenly your mother laughs.
"Are you messing with us?" She asked but you could see from her gaze she was threatening you to shut up.
For some reason you didn't really care anymore.
"We also fucked... and I really liked it" You said as you watched for their reactions. You knew that deep down that they'll never accept you for the way you are but it's fine. They never really did even when you weren't yourself.
Your mother laughs again but this time louder, almost like she's losing it. Your father who didn't know how to react laughed along to her but his wary eyes weren't in his favour.
"I thought from the lessons our uncle taught you you'd stop having these thoughts! I knew I shouldn't have let you read those comics!" She said with a smile, almost like she's forcing herself to be happy, to stay calm.
"It didn't help. I lied saying it did because I didn't want to go back there. They treated me weird. They made me feel like I didn't belong anywhere, that I was a mistake, that I should have hated myself for having these thoughts" You then smiled, returning the same emotion your mother is feeling.
"But truthfully I love girls"
Your eyes widened after feeling your mother slap you, it happened so fast if it werent for the burning numbness on your cheek you didn't think it even happened. You slowly turn to look at your mother who's eyes are red.
"Don't you fucking say that! You're a girl! You were born to marry a man!" She said but you shrug. Your action made her tilt her head in disbelief.
"I love Abby, she's a woman not a man. If you don't like that then that's your problem" With nothing more to prove, you decided to leave but stopped yourself when you were close to the door.
"Oh and... it had nothing to do with the comics. I've always felt this way" You added with your back turned to her. The second you were out in the canteen you couldn't help but stop for a second to catch your breath.
It actually felt like you were breathing right for the first time ever.
It felt so good.
You felt so weightless.
"(Y/N)? You okay?" You look up ahead to see Abby. Her hair a bit messy from just waking up but you could tell she just smoothed it over to make it work.
"I'm so fucking great" You approached her and threw your arms around her but she was fast to observe the hand print on your face. Her face clearly full of worry.
"Who did this to you?" Her tone clearly indicating she's not gonna let this slide.
"It's my mom. I just came out to them" You smiled and she looked at you like you were kidding.
"Without me? I thought you'd want me to support you—?"
"Its fine— but you can support me now. I'm starving" You smiled and seeing how overjoyed you are, she couldn't help but let you have your moment. Not wanting to disrupt this euphoric memory of yours.
"Alright baby" She said before gently kissing you on the lips and you smiled when kissing her back. An obstacle in your life finally dealt with.
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sailorstarr-chan4 · 6 months
Anime Titles Summarized (Poorly)
Vampire Knight: *insert Twilight joke here* Ouran High School Host Club: *small child voice* There's debauchery here! Sailor Moon: Everyone's bi. No, I mean it. EVERYONE. Clannad: I'm not crying yOU'RE CRYING Your Lie in April: Mommy Issues & Lots of Tissues Fruits Basket: MOMMY ISSUES ON STEROIDS Yuri on Ice: Sexy gay figure skating Sk8 the Infinity: Sexy gay skate-boarding Blue Exorcist: "[Satan] may have been your father, but he wasn't your daddy." FullMetal Alchemist: Family is your best ally Trigun: Family is your worst enemy Kaguya-sama Love is War: Idiots to Lovers the anime The Ancient Magus Bride: What if a monsterfucker romance was also Ace? Violet Evergarden: Gorgeously animated ✨TRAUMA✨ Made in Abyss: Adorably animated ✨TRAUMA✨ Madoka Magica: *Admiral Ackbar voice* IT'S A TRAP! My Hero Academia: X-Men alternative universe where mutants are the majority of the population Yu Yu Hakusho: Yusuke came here to chew bubble gum and kick ass. And he's all out of bubble gum. Inuyasha: Time travel, youkai, and jewel shards, oh my! Ranma 1/2: The original bisexual harem Urusei Yatsura: Crack. Just pure, unadulterated alien crack. MAO: Feral Catgirl x Tired Catboy Tokyo Mew Mew: Cute girl fursonas are named after food Shugo Chara!: His Dark Materials magical girl!AU Kamisama Kiss: The How to Train Your Dragon of shoujo Noragami: Girl adopts homeless god Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle: Eat your heart out, Doctor Who Skip-Beat!: Eat your heart out, slow burn fanfiction Kiss Him Not Me: Losing weight = gaining a harem Baccano!: Murders on the Immortal Mafia Express Cowboy Bebop: Bounty hunters need therapy Attack on Titan: EVERYONE NEEDS THERAPY Alice in the Country of Hearts: The sexiest and unhealthiest escapism Cardcaptor Sakura: Beautiful gay representation, terrible Elephant in the Room Fushigi Yuugi: Look, when I said falling in love with a fictional character, I didn't mean that LITERALLY-- Angel Sanctuary: Mutual incest destroys the world as we know it Guilty Crown: Unrequited incest destroys the world as we know it Zombie Land Saga: The undead as cutesy idols. That's it. That's the show. Yurikuma Arashi: Lesbian bears Princess Tutu: Duck becomes ballerina
Part 2 Here!
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kazutora-kurokawa · 7 months
Toman Headcanons
I forgot posts had link limits, so I'm breaking down my masterlist into smaller pieces (don't worry about any missing links, I'm just taking forever to add things lol)
*non-Toman Hanma headcanons are in the Tenjiku section*
New Years Resolutions (SFW)
Oral Headcanons (NSFW)
Kazutora Relationship Headcanons (SFW+NSFW)
Pah-Chin Relationship Headcanons (SFW)
Breeding Headcanons (NSFW)
Corrupt Toman!Takemichi Headcanons (SFW+NSFW)
Draken Relationship Headcanons (SFW+NSFW)
TokRev x Shy!Kinky!Reader (NSFW)
Corrupt Toman!Kisaki Headcanons (SFW+NSFW)
Baji Relationship Headcanons (SFW+NSFW)
Toman Captains + VCs x Short!Curvy!Reader (NSFW)
Horny!Corrupt Toman!Hanma x Reader (SFW->NSFW)
Rockstar!Draken Headcanons (NSFW)
Rockstar!Baji Headcanons (NSFW)
Horse Groomer!Baji x Farmer's Daughter!Reader (SFW)
Rockstar!Baji x Chubby!Reader (NSFW)
Poly Relationship w/ Baji, Chifuyu, and Kazutora (SFW)
Corrupt Toman!Kisaki x Chubby!Reader (SFW+NSFW)
Poly Relationship w/ Baji, Chifuyu, and Kazutora pt. 2 (NSFW)
Timeout w/ Hanma (NSFW)
Poly Relationship w/ Mikey and Draken (SFW+NSFW)
Corrupt Toman!Hanma x Dom!Reader (NSFW)
Pervy Boyfriend!Kazutora Headcanons (NSFW)
Kazutora x Tomboy!Reader (NSFW)
Hakkai x Black Cat!Reader (SFW)
Hakkai x Black Cat!Reader: First Time (NSFW)
Draken x Independent!Sick!Reader (SFW)
Period Comfort w/ TokRev Boys (SFW+some NSFW)
Corrupt Toman!Kisaki x Friendly!Reader (SFW->NSFW)
Grumpy!Cuddly!Baji x Reader (SFW+suggestive)
TokRev x Reader Who Unknowingly Turns Them On (SFW->NSFW)
Boyfriend!Hanma x Reader: Psych Ward Shenanigans (SFW)
Baji x Reader w/ Humiliation Kink (NSFW)
Pah-Chin NSFW Headcanons (NSFW)
Being Friends w/ The Kawata Twins (SFW)
Idol!Hakkai Headcanons (SFW+NSFW)
Yandere!Baji Headcanons (NSFW)
Corrupt Toman!Kisaki x Zombie!Reader (SFW, violence)
Poly Relationship w/ Zombie!HanKisa (SFW, violence)
TokRev x Reader Who Matches Their Energy (SFW)
Pent Up!Model!Hakkai x Reader (NSFW)
Possessive!Kazutora x Reader (NSFW)
Draken x Shy!FoulMouthed!Reader (SFW)
Rockstar!Baji x Popstar!Reader (SFW)
Baji x Rockstar!Reader (SFW+NSFW)
Baji x Cheater!Reader (SFW)
Pussy Drunk!Hakkai x Reader (NSFW)
Cocky!Model!Hakkai x Assistant!Reader (NSFW)
TokRev x Reader: Flashing Them During An Argument (NSFW)
Pah-Chin x Piercing Covered!Reader (SFW+NSFW)
Nahoya x Reader: Sending Him Nudes While He's Working (NSFW)
TokRev x Straightforward!Reader (SFW+suggestive)
Cocky!Incubus!Hakkai x Reader (NSFW)
Jealous!Hakkai x Artistic!Reader (SFW)
Prince!Hakkai x Commoner!Reader (SFW)
Sub!Pah-Chin x Reader (NSFW)
Vampire!Baji x Vampire!Reader (SFW)
Baji x Reader: Wedding Bells (SFW)
Poly Relationship w/ Izana and Kakucho (SFW+NSFW)
Vampire!Hakkai x Human!Reader (SFW->NSFW)
Highschool!Hakkai x Manga Artist!Introvert!Reader (SFW)
Best Friend!Hakkai x Artist!Reader (SFW)
Vampire!Hakkai x Reader on Her Period (NSFW)
Magician!Hakkai x Assistant!Reader (NSFW)
Werewolf!Mikey x Vampire!Reader (SFW+suggestive)
Needy Dom!Hakkai x Reader (NSFW)
Perv!Hakkai w/ Reader Who Is Yuzuha's BFF (NSFW)
Model!Hakkai x Shy!Biggest Fan!Reader (SFW)
Mikey w/ A Mommy Kink (NSFW)
Bodyguard!Baji x Idol!Reader (SFW+NSFW)
Tarzan!Baji x Jane!Reader (SFW+NSFW)
Kazutora x Gamer!Reader (SFW+NSFW)
Boxer!Baji x Girlfriend!Reader (NSFW)
Yandere!Baji x Reckless!Reader (SFW)
Toxic!Boyfriend!Draken Headcanons (NSFW)
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hutchersonsgurl · 9 months
Somethin about you Shane Walsh x reader
Paring yn greene with shane walsh
Synopsis you and Shane were together before the world fell and now you are meeting again when it ended. So now that the world has fallen you do everything in your power to protect your daughter
Special thanks to my bb @taylormarieee
⚠️ warnings blood smut 18+ graphic violence MDNI.
Word count:
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🥀Shane was the type of person where you can look at him and he'll either break your heart or fulfill it. You were one of those people who tried to guess. And believe it or not, the guess you made was completely wrong. He fulfilled your life with love. He didn't break it until later. Now the end of the world has happened and you could only imagine if he's either alive or one of these brain-dead zombies. 🥀
You were outside milking the cows when your dad came outside to tell you that your daughter Faith had woken up you walk into the house as you pick Faith up you hear screaming coming from outside you walk outside the front door to see two people you never thought you'd see again
"Rick? Carl? Oh my God what happened?" you ask
"He's been shot, please help us," Rick says shaking
You don't even see who's running in the background you tell your dad to help Carl
You gave Faith to Beth to watch her as you helped your dad get Carl stable you walked Rick out of the room to go sit down
*Maggie goes out to find lori to bring her to the farm*
"Here you go," you say as you hand Rick something to drink
As you stand up you see Shane standing in the doorway
"Holy sh--------" Shane says as he sees you
You walk away to go check on Maggie Beth and your daughter
You hear Shane and Rick talking as you walk into your bedroom
You pick up Faith from the bed and you walk out to see what is going on in the living room Otis your dad and Rick are talking
"What's going on? "You ask
"I need a respirator to be able to do surgery on Carl "your dad says
"What do we do? "You ask
The old high school they should have supplies there Otis says
"Well I said leave the rest to me is it to late to take that back?" Shane says jokingly
I'll go with you I know my way around you otis says
"Are you sure?" Shane asks
"We can talk about this till the sun comes up or we can get it done right quick" Otis says
"I'd take right quick" Shane says
"I'm coming with you two" you say going to your room for your stuff
"Honey why won't you let the boys handle it" your dad says
"No dad they'll need back up and like momma always said never let a man do a female's job" you said
You walk over to maggie who's holding Faith "mommy is gonna be right back I'm gonna help some friends okay?" You say as you give your daughter a kiss on the cheek
You give your dad a kiss on the cheek and hug him as you turn around you see shane staring at Faith like he knows something
I can't thank y'all enough rick says
No problem rick you know I always have your and Carl's back
"Honestly yn you really don't have to go "lori say as she comes up behind rick
"I got this lori and If you could help keep an on faith that would be great " you say
"Of course lori says as she hugs you"
The three of you head outside and get into the truck
"Are you sure about this?" Shane asks
"Of course I am I ain't no damsel in destress" you say as you roll your eyes
"You two know each other? "Otis asks
"Yeah this is my ex boyfriend remember"? You ask
"Oh the dude who couldn't keep it in his pan- oops sorry" Otis says as he continues to drive
"You know something about you seems different yn" Shane says
"What's different besides the fact I ain't waiting on you to change" you respond back
The rest of the drive was quiet until you guys reached the high school
You open the door to get out grabbing your knife from your back pocket
"Yn you really should stay behind us" Shane says
"I'm good I can handle myself thank you" you say
"You really are your mother's daughter "Otis says
As you start to walk towards the back door you notice that there's two walkers hanging by the door
"Yn wai---" Shane says as he cuts off to chase after you
You walk up to one of the walkers and kick one in the knee and and stab it in the back of the head same with the other one
"Holy shit you took down two walkers "Shane says in shock
"Told you I can handle myself" you say as you walk into the school
Part 2 coming soon
Not edited
Lemme know what y'all think
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shortstrawberry · 9 months
I lowkey feel despite all her efforts Miranda wouldn’t be completely satisfied with MC, even in the good ending. Yes, MC is the reincarnation of her lover, and does get these memories back - but MC isn’t really her lover. Raised by different people, in different eras, surely there are some differences - despite the looks, they cannot be carbon copies of another. Things MC might have been okay with decades ago, they might not be okay with now etc
Spoilers ahead, warning.
You're right on the cash! I agree that Miranda and MC are really only tightly bound by Eva. That's not to say Miranda doesn't love MC. She does! But is the love unconditional as it should be? Absolutely naaaah! Case in point: in the cult ending, the MC picks interests and choices that don't match up with the idea of MC Miranda has. Miranda actually points this out, by saying "MC isn't right in this round". That shows MC needs to fit this mould that Miranda has for her. Or she will get rejected and Miranda will reset again. Remember, Miranda had thrown hot coffee on MC if you teased her a lot. It got the MC in hospital. But hey, Miranda can always reset again so who cares if MC gets stabbed, burnt or eaten by a zombie blondie?
(I'm sorry Bela)
Still, Miranda is a hawt murder mommy and we stan her.
(please don't kill me Miranda stans)
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checkoutmybookshelf · 10 months
From Criminial Mastermind to Fairy Tale Hero: The End of Artemis Fowl
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Here we are, everyone: The final Artemis Fowl book. It has been a journey revisiting the first series I was old enough to follow and fandom, and it's wild to me that we're finally at the end. Especially since I picked up the first Artemis Fowl book in late elementary school (I'm genuinely not sure when though, because the first book came out in April of 2001, when I was in fifth grade and it's very possible I didn't pick the book up until sixth grade, which would have put me at 11, same age as Artemis in that first book) and the final book came out in 2012, when I was in my junior year of undergrad. So at that point, Artemis, Holly, and Butler had been part of my life for a long time. And now here we are, to say goodbye to them again after this leisurely re-listen/read. Let's talk Artemis Fowl: The Last Guardian.
Artemis grew and changed so much across eight books, which makes sense because holy cow do kids change a LOT between 11 and 15. We get so busy living life in those years that we don't really think about how much we truly learn and grown between prepubescence and full-on teenagerhood, but that is a time of massive change, and I think that more than anything else really justifies how Artemis goes from a chillingly vampiric child to a teenager with enough compassion and empathy to understand that sometimes the right choice is a heroic self-sacrifice for the people that your people (both humans and the people, in this case) love. Artemis also did a really interesting version of that thing so many teenagers do where they hit a point where they can't just phone in their abilities anymore and have to actually put effort in, but for Artemis it was emotional rather than intelligence. And yet even when making said heroic sacrifice, we have the absolutely beautiful callback to the end of book one, where Artemis drugs his mother, Butler, and Juliet to keep them from being harmed by the bio-bomb. To stop Holly from preventing him from stopping Opal, Artemis sedates her. The more things change, the more they stay the same...
Except where best villain ever Opal Koboi is concerned. By this book, Opal is so disconnected from reality that she is willing to risk literally going nuclear to escape captivity, and then just...casually sparks off the apocalypse because if there is one thing our girl wants, it's to be Empress of the World, and if that means using spirit zombies and an ancient fairy doomsday device, then I guess it's a good thing she's already versed in black magic. Or something. Opal is fully and completely off the rails at this point, and if you catch yourself referring to yourself as "Mommy" in reference to the spirits of several scores of ancient elven berserkers who would--barring a geas--murder you for it, you might want to stop and take a long, hard look at your life choices. And maybe don't forget that you've cloned yourself, because that's the kind of little detail that can completely ruin your chances of being Empress of the World.
Holly quite possibly deserves every medal that exists for managing to drag Artemis's extremely out-of-shape butt through increasingly dangerous and high-stakes missions while navigating fairy politics and *checks notes* breaking up with her commanding officer after a disastrous date where they both got kicked out of a crunchball match. (And once again...HOW DARE Colfer leave this in exposition and not show us this amazing disaster of a date!?!?) Holly has also just been through the emotional wringer with Artemis and every time he decided to double-cross or lie by omission to bring off a plan and every time he does something infuriatingly human that drives up her blood pressure and yet makes the mission succeed. And then she has to sit there and watch him die to save humans and fairies. Seriously, the fact that Holly Short is a functional being rather than a hot mess is nothing short of a miracle.
And then we come to Butler. Long-suffering, super fucking over it, broken-hearted Domovoi Butler. Artemis got DAMN lucky that the whole "put my spirit in a clone of me" plan panned out, because if it hadn't, Holly was entirely correct: Butler would never have recovered. Butler and Opal might be my two favorite characters in the entire series at this point. That's not where I started--for a very long time, Holly was my favorite character, and Commander Root still gets an honorable mention--but as a grown-ass adult (I'm not doing that math for you, if you want to know that I'm old, you do the math), I cannot escape how dedicated, competent, kind, and just AWESOME Butler is. I feel like the vibe here is very similar to the thing that happens when you watch Sound of Music as a kid and either Maria or one of the kids is your favorite character, but when you come back to it as an adult, Captain Von Trapp is EVERYTHING (RIP Christopher Plummer, we loved you). Butler has a similar vibe but in a different genre.
So, I was an adult and had enough experience of watching fandoms to see the mixed reactions to this book being released. People were sad the series was ending, people were disappointed because the series had seemingly drifted, and people loved it. My reaction was pretty mixed, because I had a lot going on, I knew there were good things here but I was also kind of missing the heisty, criminal mastermind vibes, but also OPAL KOBOI. So I was pretty unsure how to feel about this book when it came out, and then I didn't reread it for literal years because I went to grad school.
Returning to this book now, I have suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch respect for how Colfer tied up the series and how he pulled off a new Irish mythological cycle, but updated for the twenty-first century. I have enough life on me to appreciate the changes Artemis goes through, and enough literature degrees to have a new and deeply fulfilling perspective on the series structure. Last Guardian is not my favorite book of the series--it's not even in the top three--but I think that what it does is genuinely impressive and I love how you can finish this book and go instantly back into the OG Artemis Fowl. The story does not, strictly speaking, have to end. And that is a vibe I can 100% get behind.
I deeply love the Artemis Fowl books, and I cannot recommend the series enough. They have so many strengths, are incredibly well-written, and they live rent-free in my head even now as an adult.
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dragubel · 4 months
hii I just wanted to say I really love your writing and I was wondering if I could please request sfw + nsfw dating headcanons for Munky? It's completely fine if not but I'd absolutely love it if you could <3.
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James “Munky” Shaffer x Fem Reader Headcannons!
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Notes at end☀️
Headcannons: Dating SFW+NSFW
The dude will NAG you whenever you leave the house until you tell him where you're going then ask to go with you right after. And when you tell him he can't go, he sighs dramatically and goes back to whatever he is doing
(I'm smelling attachment issues..)
He may be the silliest most goofy man but at the same time could be fucking serious if he wanted to but.. He is more on the goof side in front of you because he doesn't wanna seem like an edge lord but at the same time, he wants to show you how serious he is.
Almost TOO protective.
Munky would sure have an eyebrow raised if a man was even too close to you. He would 100% do anything in public to show that you're his.
PDA is a yes, mall, park, store restaurant, after or before, even during a show, this man is willing to show the world how much he loves you
Munky loves calling you sweet names on the bases
He would 100% call you babes, baby, baby girl, beautiful (sometimes Mommy.)
Makes you breakfast in the morning, even if his cooking is shut, he just wants to make you happy
He’s a big and little spoon, he could be any. It’s what you want. He would prefer being a little spoon but, if it comes to him stroking your hair and holding you, he is WILLING to be a big spoon
Munky loves it when you do his hair in different styles. You like to tease him by putting his hair into pig tails. He calls them his Fag-tails (he secretly loves it)
Takes you out on surprise/expensive dates even though you would get a tad upset for spending all his money on you, but later it’s all worth it when you both spend quality time together without his friends bothering you two.
Munky absolutely loves exploring your interests and hobbies together. For example, drawing, he would teach himself how to draw your favorite things. Singing, he would sing with you. Collecting, he would help you find/buy all the shit you want
(When he was unsober) he used to love drinking and smoking around you because of how comfortable he was with you.and if you smoke/drinked, god, he would be the happiest person on earth
If you were on your period, he will be on your side 24/7 with you and only you. If you ask something, he’ll go get it for you. He’d cuddle up in bed with you all day and all night with a heating pad on your stomach probably watching zombie movies (if you're into that)
All that matters to him is your happiness, health, and you in general ❤️
He’s can be very.. very shy around you during the first few weeks of your relationship
You were the first one to say I Love You
You both are sitting in bed
Munky: “can I..”
He gestures towards your lap, You smile.
You: “yes. Yes you can munks.”
He smimmies his body down, placing his head onto your lap as you watched the TV. You placed your hand onto his Dreads, playing with his hair softly.
You: “I love you baby..”
Munky: “I.. I love you too ___”
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─🩵─ ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──
He would be very sweet and vanilla during sex.
If you’re a top, he could be a bottom, if your a bottom, he could be a top.
Baby is a switch
Whenever you want it, just give him a hint and hell fuck you on the spot or find somewhere secluded and make out with you.
When it comes to cockwarming, my lord you’ll have him throbbing inside you for possibly hours and you slowly grind onto him
If he’s a bottom with you, he will be loud and a moaning mess.
If he’s a top, he’ll be a huge degrade with you (if you’re into that)
During sex, his focus is on you and only you. He just focusing on your pleasure
Poor baby becomes confused when you tell him you wanna make it about him when you had sex one night. “Wha?.. me? Why me? Are you sure?”
He would have a bit of a Mommy kink, maybe breeding 👀
Munky loves any sex position where he can look into your eyes.
Phone sex is one of his favorites. Whether it’s a kinky phone call or sexual photos you’d send to him, especially when he’s on your and you send him a risky message or a needy voice message, you’re going to have atleast 7 missed calls from him and multiple desperate texts.
Even if he’s the one sending dick pics or risky pictures/videos/messages munky is still going to get incredibly turned on, definitely more than he already was
Name calling is a must. Doesn’t even have to be degrading. Mommy, mama, ‘ma, baby, doll shit like that, he just wants to show you his love.
Sex is one of his ways of showing you he loves you, Munky has trouble finding ways to show affection in your relationship. Especially during the first few weeks of it.
Could be a huge beggar and needy person if you’re top. “Mama.. p-please~ I can’t hold it in, I’ve been a good boy, i beg mama!~”
He’s to scared he might actually hurt your feeling if he degrades you too much to he keeps it to a minimum “fuck yeah, you like that, huh baby?~ fuckin.. b-beg.” He will stutter when degrading you.
If you’re both in public or with his band mates, he’ll always be close and physical with you. Such as a lot of waist holding and thigh grabbing.
He is 100% willing to mark you up if it means keeping people.. such as his band mates, away from you.
You and Munky sit in a bar together with his friends. He has his head on the table, looking up at you than sitting up whispering in your ear
Munky: “‘cmon baby~ let’s just head to the bathroom and do a quickie~ I’ll make ya feel good.”
He was drunk out of his mind off beer and shots, he places a hand onto your thigh, gliding it up closer to your crotch. You smirk as he was just a ball of giggles.
You: “you’re going to have to do waaay more convincing Munks.”
You back away to stare at him with a grin. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a condom. You laugh, holding his hand and rising him out of his seat.
You: “let’s go baby…~”
He was just a ball of joy and giggles.
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─🩵─ ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
9JHSAYJTJYV1CKJH omg I just had to make this bc of my passion for munks <3 also sorry if I was all over using “he/him” “munky” “James” lmao, sorry it took me a while! Been busy with graduation, work, hospital shit AND SSRY IF THIS WAS TO SHORT LOL (hope you enjoy the bonuses✌🏼🩵
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vampiremillk · 2 years
Oh my freakin gosh u are so pretty and mommy material first of all. Secondly can I request some nsfw headcanons of a dom Michael Myers? Can be any version and I'm so bad at coming up with scenarios so forgive me 😭😭😭
╰┈➤ 𝗣𝗔𝗜𝗥𝗜𝗡𝗚 : michael myers &&. bratty female reader
𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚(𝘀) : MINORS AND BLANK BLOGS DO NOT INTERACT , spanking , teasing , rough handling
𝗔𝗨𝗧𝗛𝗢𝗥'𝗦 𝗡𝗢𝗧𝗘 : jsbdnsn thank you so much !!! and don't worry, i got this >:) i personally couldn't choose between, so you can either interpret this as the original, rob zombie's or both ! there are times where i like to contribute aspects from both and write it into one michael because it's easier, so i do hope that's okay with you ! congrats on being the first on my blog to request for mike, by the way ! 🎃🔪
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• it was the third time that night that you raised your voice at him or gave him one of your feisty, little attitudes. he was essentially lenient, but now you were beginning to cross over an already thinning line. it was time that he'd have to remind you of who he was—more so, what he's capable of doing.
• you didn't notice the darkening flare in his eyes when you turned to walk away. not only were you idiotic enough to turn your back on a killer, let alone him, but in the middle of an argument? nah, lady. right when you opened the entryway to exit, his large hand was a bullet that grazed just above your shoulder and slammed the door shut again. even if he didn't speak at all, you could clearly hear a 'you aren't going fucking anywhere' radiating just from his actions.
• with the use of his other hand, your head was then yanked aback roughly by the hair only for your eyes to greet his own, and though his expression seemingly presented itself as calm and emotionless behind that mask, the firmness of his grip presented otherwise. you were quite literally dragged away from the door, letting a yelp claw against your throat as your scalp began to burn.
• you suddenly find your stomach swung across his thighs, your breasts pushed up against the arm of a couch and your pants pooled around your ankles. his finger then curiously hooks underneath the string of your thong and pulls, letting go to view the fabric snap back against your skin. you hissed and struggled, and his hand pushed down upon the center of your back after your attempt to rise from his lap.
• you huffed. "michael! what the fuck are you—?!"
• before you could process much else, you felt a sharp sting that collided with your left asscheek. your body jerked forward and your loud shriek of pain echoed back at you within the empty expanse.
SMACK ! another.
• you wailed again, and it was followed by his signature head tilt and a harsher grip within your hair. he was thinking—plotting. he desired to feed his curiosity for the rest of the way; he wanted to see exactly how loud your vocals allow you to be, or maybe how many of his swats you can endure until you're pleading him to stop. you had just better be grateful your mouth had only gotten you a spanking and not wrapped around his cock. he isn't the most merciful when it comes to fucking your face.
• he loves watching how your ass jiggles after each slap, the ripples that his hand is able to conjure. he isn't concerned that he may just be using all of his strength; you got on his final nerve and he was going to show you how much you did.
• trying to hold back your moans or yelps will only make him hit harder, if such a thing is possible.
• occasionally, he will softly caress the sore, plush flesh of your ass for a few moments . . before another vile smack suddenly comes again. he likes you to feel that he has finally stopped before crushing that hope to pieces. it's for his own, secretive entertainment.
• if he's feeling up to it, he won't miss a chance to tease you, stopping to reach and press a finger against your clothed womb. it was instinctive that your hips pressed back against it, desperately craving to somehow have it inside of you, but he would always quickly pull his hand away. remember, darling, it's punishment. not a reward.
• it may seem like he hates when you give him attitude, but quite the contrary, he actually has some sort of thing for women that have a bit of spice to their personality. giving him a difficult time can be enthralling on his end, and it gives him all the more reason to punish and take his frustrations out on you, especially in the bedroom.
• when he's done, he lets you sit properly in his lap, if you can even sit. with how harsh he was being, it's possible that you were going to have troubles with putting your butt in a chair for several days. but perhaps it taught you not to pull that brattish stunt with him ever again.
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thatbadadvice · 2 years
Help! All These Boring, Ugly Bitches Won't Hang Out With Me
Care and Feeding, Slate, 23 January 23:
Dear Care and Feeding: I live in the very lonely overlap of a Venn diagram, and I need help figuring out how to fix it. To keep it short, I’m a mom who was on the fence about having kids, so I’m not a very ‘mom-y’ mom. My kid isn’t my life or my identity, and while I think I’m a caring and attentive parent, I’m not the primary parent, and I like it that way. I lost most of my non-parent friends when I had my kid. However, my appearance and interests still very much scream “non-parent.” My kid is off-putting to the people most like me (many are overtly judgmental), but my looks and lifestyle are off-putting to other moms (for example, I prioritize my appearance, have a lot of tattoos, and value my work). This has left me very lonely and isolated. Finding friends as an adult is so hard, so please don’t suggest “finding my people” as I’m very extroverted and have been trying to make new friends for years. It’s not working. If I’m honest, I think my childless friends think I’m stupid for having a kid, while my mom acquaintances are jealous of my appearance and judge my choices. It really sucks. —The Worst Venn Diagram
Dear The Worst Venn Diagram,
Holy shit, a mom ... but with tattoos? Is that even possible? You think you've heard everything at a gig like this, but then someone as incredible as you comes along with such an unusual life story! What a remarkable woman you are.
I can see why it would be difficult for someone as hot and interesting as you to make meaningful connections when you yourself are so special and have a lot of tattoos, and moms are always so ugly and boring and worthless and don't have any tattoos, let alone a lot of them. It might help take the sting off to reframe it this way: it's actually a much bigger bummer that all those sad, frumpy mommy-bots are missing out on an amazing opportunity to befriend a mom with tattoos. Can you imagine how enriched their lives would be if they could get over themselves for just one minute and try to understand you as a person, rather than making a bunch of generalizations and assumptions based on surface-level observations? But here they are, writing you off as soon as they see how beautiful and covered in tattoos you are when you walk around with your important briefcase from work. It's really their loss.
You're practically a unicorn! I mean, okay — unicorn is hyperbole. But you get what I'm saying! You're probably one of a handful of women anywhere who has a kid and also cares about the way she looks, and when you add in the fact that you work and have just so, so many tattoos? I don't know, unicorn might not be far off.
In light of that, you've set for yourself a really hard task here. It's not going to be made easier by the fact that the dull and homely stay-at-home moms who stupidly chose to contribute nothing worthwhile to society are being so judgmental about the way you live your life as a gorgeous, professional cool girl who just happens to have a kid. You have such a neat and fun lifestyle and other women don't! Why should you be punished for being a valuable person who, more importantly, values herself, unlike the other moms, who look like absolute shit and never have anything interesting to say and don't have tattoos and are so mean and critical of your choices and the way you look?
Never forget this: you are exceptional. It's not such a mystery that you've been trying so unsuccessfully to make friends for so long. Of course you can't "find your people." There are none. You're a sexy mom with tattoos and a job, and that's always going to be hard for the two kinds of women on earth to understand, whether they're the kind of woman who is a judgy, child-free asshole or the other kind of woman: a jealous, kid-obsessed mommy zombie.
You are one of one — wild and precious and brave and free and so, so pretty, and with so many tattoos. You must never let motherhood define you — only everyone else.
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wysteria-clad · 2 years
Ya'll know that reader has two kids with moon boys in my headcanons. This is another goofy one based on that.
loosely based on a funny reel i saw on ig
for context, Theo is 7, Matthew is 5 here, and they can see Khonshu
Y/n: Theo, do you love daddy or mommy?
Theo: Both!
Y/n: Okay, if there were zombies attacking everyone, who would you save?
Theo: You!
Steven: He didn't even hesitate.
Marc: ......
Jake: I'd chose my princesa too
Marc: I'll ask him. Matthew, do you love daddy or mommy?
Matthew: Mommy!
Y/n: *chuckling* Would you trade daddy for Superman?
Matthew: Yeah
Y/n: *laughs*
Jake: I'm gonna fight that Superman
Steven: I mean, Superman is pretty cool
Matthew: Daddy, superman can fly!
Marc: Yeah? I can fly too. Does superman have an Egyptian God on call?
Khonshu: You work for me. I am not on your call!
Matthew: Khonshu is so cool! *hugs his legs*
Khonshu: *freezes* *stands still for few seconds before awkwardly patting Matthew* I..I must leave now.
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Come Home: Single Mom AU
Blake: (sets serving tray on the table and pours two cups of tea) How are things back in Menagerie?
Kali: They're going just fine, dear. How are things here?
Blake: (pauses) They've... uh... been better.
Kali: Oh?
Blake: (sighs) The landlord sold the building to a new company, and they're raising rent. I can't afford it with my current job.
Kali: I'm so sorry, dear. (sips tea) ...I know this might not be what you want to hear, but have you thought about coming home? You and Kela can live with your father and I until you save up enough money to buy yourself a house, Kela won't be bullied at school anymore, and I'm sure your father can get you a job working in the liaison office.
Blake: (worries lip) If you had asked me that a few months ago, I would have jumped at the offer....
Kali: (arches eyebrow) Oh, what changed?
Blake: (blushes and tucks hair behind her ear) I... uh... I met someone...
Kali: (deadpans) Blake.
Blake: Let me explain, please. She's a wonderful woman. She didn't run away like other dates when she found out about Kela. In fact, she ran down to the flower shop to pick her up her own bouquet of flowers. She even let her come with on our first date. She's been so kind and patient with both of us, and Kela thinks the world of her.
Kali: Hmm... (sips tea) She sounds interesting. When did you intend to introduce this mysterious Faunus girl to us?
Blake: (sweating) Uhm... She's actually a human...
Kali: (spits out her tea) A human?
Blake: That's actually better than I thought you'd react (sips tea timidly)
Kali: Blake-
Kela: (entering the apartment) Mommy, we're home!
Blake: Hi, baby. You're home early. How was school?
Kela: I got a gold star on my book report! Hi, Grandma!
Kali: Hello, little cub, my how big you've gotten! (stares pointedly at Yang) And who is this you've brought home with you?
Kela: That's Ya- oops... Uh, that's Ms. Yang! She's dating Mommy.
Kali: (eyes narrow) Ms. Yang? Why do you call her that?
Kela: Because Mommy says I need to be polite and show my manners when talking about her around adults. When we're alone, I can call her Yang.
Kali: Really? And do you like Yang?
Kela: Mmhmm! She picks me up from school every Thursday, and helps me with my homework when Mommy's too busy. We all spend Saturdays together and go to parks or the library. She offers to make dinner those days so Mommy can have a break on those days.
Blake & Yang: (sigh in relief)
Kela: She's stayed overnight a couple of times too! I saw them wrestling on the couch one night when I went to get a drink of water. She makes the best pancakes!
Blake & Yang: (silent screaming)
Kali: It sounds like you like her very much.
Kela: (nods)
Kali: Does she make you happy?
Kela: Yes!
Kali: Does she make your mommy happy?
Kela: She's happier when Yang's around. (whispers) Even though she tries to hide it.
Kali: (laughs) I believe it. Well, how about you go to your room and put your stuff away while the adults talk for a minute.
Kela: Okay, Grandma! (gives her a hug, rushes to give Blake a hug, and finally gives a shell shocked Yang a hug before running to her room)
Kali: (sipping her tea) Well, Yang, you might as well have a seat. Now that I've gotten my granddaughter and daughter's opinion of you, I think it's time we've had a chat.
Yang: (shuffles over to the table like a zombie and sits down) Am I going to die?
Kali: Oh, hardly. I just want to formally welcome you to the family. I haven't had that much fun in ages. I think I'm already beginning to like you.
Part 2
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starfirette · 2 years
daryl dixon nsfw alphabet
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❄️ 17+ | masterlist
❄️ I remember staying up past my curfew every Sunday to watch this show. I was convinced that I could audition to be a Walker and make it. I was also convinced that Norman Reedus would see me, a 13 year old in zombie makeup, and be willing to commit crimes to be with me. Anyways here's this. Veterans to this blog May remember my old Daryl fics and I hope to god I've deleted every trace of them so yahoo and tallyho I guess. Requests are open and I'm going to post two of them tomorrow!!!! 🥳
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
It took time for him to warm up to you, but eventually he became comfortable enough to carefully pull you against him. Falling in love with you and warming up to you were two different things for him. The first time you two have slept together he felt awkward and he pulled away, sitting on the edge of the bed and dressing before leaving with a mumble. He returned to find you crying. "You just left," you had sniffed out. It was painful. You'd been through total hell: hoards of walkers, trapped in abdandoned houses, fights with random survivors. But this had you crying. Still naked in the bed, body bruised and hickied, and tears standing your face.
Daryl scrambled to grab you. He pressed a kiss both wet eyes. He laid with you, fully clothed with the night air in his beard and hair. Your naked self curled up against him, but the grasps were chaste and loving.
Daryl felt guilty beyond measure.
It is now custom for every night that he kisses his chapped lips on your body. Soft. Careful. Slow. He eases you back to the earth. Daryl never thought he was capable of being tender until he first held you in his hands. Covering you in blankets or helping you get redressed. Passing you water. Then kissing your forehead before tucking you in for the night. When you've fallen asleep he'll tell you he loves you. He doesn't like to do it often because he feels almost uncomfortable to say it, out of fear that he's going to be rejected. At least when you're sleeping he can say it over and over.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Your tittiesssss. It's a primal urge to love and be loved by a comforting woman. I wouldn't say that he outwardly has a mommy kink. I don't think he'd ever call a girl mommy, actually! But he finds relief at the end of the day by laying on your stomach and sucking your tits into his mouth. Groaning and swirling his tongue around your nipples as your hands comb the knots out of his hair.
He worships them.
"Best pair I've ever seen," he promises, each and every time.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Also on your tits. Massaging the slick seed over your nipples while your lashes catch tears like drops of water on a spiderweb. It's mesmerizing and it's enthralling. It magnetizes on his cock to hear his skin sticking to yours with the semen between them, or to see your pretty breasts glisten in the lanterlight.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
That he was morbidly inexperienced in the area of romance. I think he's had plenty of sex but I don't think it really had feeling. I think that brought him down. All Daryl ever really wanted was to feel loved. It's so much better to fuck while knowing you're his woman.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Again, I think he's fairly experienced. I think he's not exactly happy or proud by the situations he's been in, but he also knows what he likes in the bedroom.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Missionary is likely, however I also think that he likes to stand behind you. Pinning you to his chest so he can look over you and watch your face control and your tits jiggle while your cute pussy keeps him in a chokehold. Actually, I know it's this position.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
When he cracks a joke or laughs then you know all is well in the world. That you and your people are safe; that you won't go to bed hungry; that you'll have a proper breakfast with Daryl come morning before parting ways for 'work'.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
I personally doubt that he bothers to trim or shave anything and idk if I'm weird for thinking it's hot, but 🤷‍♀️🫡
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Very much extremely so 🥳
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
I imaging that Daryl looks so delicious when he's touching himself. He's all alone and he's vulnerable. He's himself without any fear or worries. His mouth parted, maybe he'll even let out the smallest of moans as he thumbs his slit. And he's not afraid to keep going. He will make himself cum over and over until he feels satisfied.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Size difference 😜 or when you're crying. When you're face is just streaming with tears while your cunt and thighs are slick with cum, after hours of being fucked and worshipped. And he's going to keep going. So also overstimulation ☺️
But please. I implore you to turn the tables. Sneak up on him and worship this man. Kiss him all over. Make him feel good. Please. He needs it. Pleasure him and most of all PRAISE HIM. He has a HUGE praise kink that he didn't even know about!
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
MAYBE on a run. MAYBE. I imagine that the minute you two almost get caught by another group or by walkers, he's banned the both of you from fondling while on a run. I think he'd like the idea of having a secret hideout. A place with the essence of just you and him, decorated only for two pairs of eyes.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
His own mind. But sometimes he won't even have dirty thoughts, however, and then you'll whisper the filthiest thing in his ear. Then he can't think of anything else.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Impact play. Aside from clit or tit spanking, just sexy spanking, things like whipping or slapping is a no. It's too personal and he'd never get off on it.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Prefers giving because he's silently insecure. He's meticulous in his tongue strokes. Presses kisses to your puffy lips and licks between them before nuzzling your clit with his nose. His scruff feels so ticklish against you. It makes you squirm. He'll use his rough hands to pin your hips down, forcing you to bear the pleasure he bestows while tongue fucking your tight hole or sucking your clit like a lemon slice. This is what I mean when I say size difference, btw. Man handling might be a better term. I wholeheartedly want Daryl to throw me around like a rag doll and use me the way he needs 🥹
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
I think he typically ends up in a slow and steady jackhammering motion. I can't explain this right. Like a dotted quarter note in music theory...? That's the best way I can start to explain. Like every thrust has to settle for a second before he goes again-he wants to revel in the feeling. But it gets to a point when he's on the verge of cumming that his pace might get uneven. He'll push forward with choppy thrusts that take you higher and higher (deeper and deeper as the wise Kate Bush once said)
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Occasionally he gets in a cheeky mood. He'll probably do this while on watch at a more se the settlement, like the prison or Alexandria. He'll lick his two fingers before shoving them down your panties. Sometimes he'll fuck your throat while he's on watch, trying his hardest to keep an eye out. It's sexy when he grunts and muffles his own cries.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Probably not. Once you two have established a comfortable rhythm, he gets attached to it and he wouldn't want it to change. He'd be a little sad if you ever told him you weren't satisfied with the sex life you two have
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Oh my god he can last forever
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
In the sense of "punishments" he might, but generally he gets off on making you squirm or cum
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Can be very loud or very quiet. He typically is good at keeping quiet. It's pornographic when he lets himself make sound. It's all groans and grunting, growling and dirty talking. "Little girl" is his go to sex pet name.
I was heavy stalking the Daryl fanfic tag the other day and saw one where he says "cuntmuffin" and I can't get that out of my mind
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
When Daryl got the hang of the punishment-dom/sub dynamic he absolutely had a field day. He's GOOD at it. Total brat tamer. He's an amazing dom and he doesn't even realize it. He's just naturally in tune with you. He enjoys having someone to love and someone to tease. When he trusts you, the sky is the limit
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
HUNG KING. I cannot even lie, I know that he's gigantic. Long AND thick. The only man whose balls I'd ever fondle 10/10
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
He's a horny bastard when he lays his eyes on you. I'm sure when he first met you, at whatever point you joined the group (you may choose but I personally give myself too much credit and imagine I joined straight out of Atlanta), he totally imagined you in all sorts of nasty situations. Watching you with the other ladies washing laundry? He jerked off in the tent, took about 60 seconds. Merle had no clue.
When you first got an attitude with Shane? Okay, he took his sweet time and groaned your name. Edges himself a couple times.
When you opted for a long dagger rather than a shotgun, going for close range kills? Okay, he was in officially in love.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He'd be more than happy to snuggle up and fall asleep, but more often than not he's going to count ammunition stocks or take watch. He can't help but want to contribute morning, noon, and night.
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kissesdarlingxo · 10 months
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noxioussim · 1 year
Hello! I was wondering if I could request any headcanons for gonner (mummy I'm a zombie) x male zombie reader?
Like, reader recently became a zombie and he doesn't speak he just sounds like those dall of duty zombies and is super clingy 😭, But he talks sometimes but only for gonner
Please and thank you!
P.S. Sorry if you don't write for mummy I'm a zombie but thank you for taking the time to read!
OMG!!! I love mommy I'm a zombie! It's one of my favorite movies ever! I'd be happy to do this request<3
⚠️Warnings⚠️ Male reader, fluff :D
Not really warnings but whatever 😋
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(Instead loud bash)
Ringing noises and mumbled voices were all I heard.
"Is 'e dead?" You heard a raspy voice say
"No, he's here in a tombstone for no reason- of course he's dead!" A high-pitched female voice said angerly.
Your eyes shot open, your arms crossed like a mummy and your head felt dizzy.
You sat up immediately obviously spooking the people around you.
"Hiya there matey'! I'm gonna' (gonner)" he held his hand out to you. "And I'm isis!" She looked proudly and smiled triumphly.
You looked at them uncomfortably and smirked slightly.
*Flashback over*
It's been 2 years since I've died, I don't talk much. No I'm not shy I just don't like talking - it wears me out.
(I feel like the reader would wrap both of his arms around gonners waist, not in like a weird way just because- kinda like this, 'gonner is Cleo and frida is you - anyways)
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I was watching Dixie and gonner getting alittle to close for comfort, it's not like me and gonners are dating but I wish we were.
I grumbled pissed off, isis heard me and turned towards me.
"Are you okay y/n?" She looked concerned
I shrugged and groaned/moaned. (Like the zombies not weirdly you fuckers 😭😭) she followed where my eyes were look up Infront where gonners and Dixie were being touchy.
"Oh..maybe you should talk with gonner, I can assure you, Dixie doesn't feel attracted to him I promise!" She tried reassuring me but it didn't work I was still pissed.
I groan and walk up to gonner and Dixie.
"We need to talk." I whisper so others don't hear me. Only gonner. I grab his arm and pull him away while isis tries to distract Dixie.
I'm still holding onto his arm as I look down/up at him.
"I don't feel comfortable with you and Dixie being so close to eachother" I glared slightly looking away upset.
"What's wrong? If you tell me what's up we can deal with the situation!" He smiles and looks down/up at me.
I hold on to his waist and pull him closer to me
"I like you. But I don't think you feel the same for me." I hold him tighter not wanting to see his face.
I feel him hold me.
"Why do you say that? I never said I didn' like ya' did I?"
I look at him.
"You like me aswell?"
All he did was smile and hold my hand. I hold his hand and put my arms around his waist as we walk back to Dixie and isis.
Dixie looks concerned while isis is telling her exciting story's since she was alive.
"Oh hey guys your back!" Dixie smiles and starts walking again and isis doesn't stop talking.
"Oh yeah one time-"
Isis continues but I stop listening and hold gonner closer as gonner keeps his eyes on isis as she talks laughing ever so often as I relax and blink slowly.
Looking at gonner with love. I hold him tighter.
Oh how I love this boy. I never wanna let him go.
(Proud Dixie h8er)
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