#mom neku
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nyaboshi · 6 months ago
I think one of the biggest moments I felt loved by my Mom was when I was having a really rough day emotionally wise (I don't even remember why, I was just really struggling) and she pulled me aside and was like, "Hey, so, I was going to wait until your birthday to let you see this, but you seem like you could use some cheering up."
She pulls up this picture on her phone of an art piece she commissioned of me with the main character from The World Ends With You, my absolutely favorite game series of all time
She told me she found a way to commission an artist to draw in specific arts styles and print the piece on a canvas. It was going to be delivered in a couple weeks.
The way my mood FLIPPED and for the rest of the day I was riding that brainrot high
But like. The biggest thing about it for me was that I didn't mention that this would be something I was interested in. I had rambled about the game to her on multiple occasions, sure, but she remembered the name of it, remembered that I really liked the main character, and figured, "Yeah. My nerd daughter would love to see herself drawn in an art style mimicking TWEWY." And boy was she right.
She listened to me and like. Actually remembered the stuff I said, and that is just so important to me. She's done this on multiple occasions too, but this was the first time it super stuck out to me.
I love my mom.
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dehliadelights · 2 years ago
happy birthday to my favorite edgy emo boy Neku Sakuraba as he ages ONCE AGAIN.
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princeofcyberpunk · 8 months ago
twewy characters according to my non twewy fan brother:
neku sakuraba = not neru, thats the vocaloid producer- neku.
shiki masaki = "alicia" (??????)
joshua = "the gay guy from evangelion"
beat = "ive met this guy before. thats team skull grunt number 31 with the hammer treads from Splatoon"
rhyme = "thats a transfem that named herself bridget after guilty gear. i have also met her before."
rindo = "thats just me if i went full blonde. (pause) like thats just me if i bleached my full head"
fret = "his name is jordan and he's a white boy rapper. like plugs his soundcloud at every party."
nagi = "her name is vivi and shes the vice president of the anime club"
shoka = "thats also a transfem, cmon. i feel like her name is Tiffany."
sho minamimoto = "his name is braden and he works at Dollar Tree and he vapes outside the store."
neku sakuraba (neo) = "thats neku's older brother Meku and he's cursed with Kingdom Hearts Outfit Disorder"
kanon: "her name is Tasha and I would say I would want her to be my girlfriend but you said you dont like her so I trust your judgement"
shiba: "That's Gladion's gay cousin Maddion who mines Bitcoin in the back of his van."
susukichi: "thats bungus."
tsugumi: "thaats,, melody. and she hasn't been diagnosed with autism yet but she will."
uzuki: "I would say she's my wife but I don't trust she's an adult. (me: she is dont worry) oh. all i'll say is that that is Ebony Darkness"
kariya: "that's Neku and Meku's straight cousin Keku because he hangs out on 4chan a lot."
coco (twewy): "She's cute!! Her mom won't let her go to conventions but she really wants to show off her decora and fairy kei outfits."
coco (neo): "I don't want to name her something flower related that's cliche. uh Her name is Harmony and honestly I just want to be her friend (me: trust me no you dont) you dont know me!!!"
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yoroshiu · 2 years ago
Random Things I Found Fun/Interesting in JPN Kingdom Hearts (Part 2)
In Dark Road, MoM says he could be named “Theodore or Jack” in ENG but in JPN, while Jack is still the same, “Taro” is the other name.
Sora’s voiceline when throwing Goofy in their team attack (Goofy Bombardier) is a very enthusiastic “Yoroshiku!” (I just thought he sounded really cute lol)
Neku is also voiced by Kouki Uchiyama (Roxas and Ventus) 
In the KH4 trailer, “Afterworld” is a pretty fitting translation for 「死の世界」(shi no sekai) as a literal translation would be “world of death/death’s world”
“My friends are my power” is actually “Connecting hearts is my power” in JPN 「繋がる心が俺の力だ!」
Ven says the exact thing too in BBS, though ENG added the “and I’m theirs,” which I found to be such a cute and touching addition
I don’t know why this specifically caught my attention but in the end of BBS, when Ven goes back to Sora’s heart, in ENG he asks “Would you mind if I stayed here, with you?” while in JPN he asks “Is it okay if I become one with your heart again?”, both have a warmth to it that differs from each other, and I just love that lol
In JPN, Roxas is the one with the huge voice drop. If you listen to KH2, Kouki Uchiyama still had a higher pitched voice but it you go watch/play 358/2 Days, BBS, and beyond , you’ll hear his more current pitch 
For the seiyuu enthusiasts (just like me fr lol), young Luxu is played by Kenjiro Tsuda (the KH JPN cast is wild in general but it’d be funny to spread that list out lol). You might know him as Dainsleif from Genshin, Nanami from JJK, Overhaul from BNHA, etc. 
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belog-grada-crna-princeza · 5 months ago
lights are on, but nobody's home. [13.09.2024.]
Osećaj plutanja kroz stvarnost. Zastanem da se slika iskristališe i čini mi se da je ovaj život niz buđenja i prelazaka iz jednog polusna u drugi. Novo jutro, ista pitanja, drugačiji odgovori. Ne želim da priznam koliko je stabilnosti bilo u nestabilnom i koliko je nestabilnosti ostalo ...vidiš svaki dan je novo rađanje i umiranje. Tražim u njihovim očima neko objašnjenje, ali nema ga. Nema ni u mom svetu više ni jednog oštrog predmeta u vidu drugih ljudi, svi su sada jedino u meni; ja sam oštar predmet. Ne igraj se sa mnom. Povredićemo se. Je l sam ti rekla.. da sam bila napušteno štene u prošlom životu? Prvo sam jurila za svakim ko bi prošao kraj mene, ukazao mi gram topline ili neku lepu re��, željna doma, prihvatanja. Neke moje osobe. Onda bih završila prebijena, krvava, nepoželjna. Pa sam ujedala ruke koje me hrane, iz straha, nepoverenja. Sklanjala se od ljudi, bežala, povijenog repa. Ustuknula bih kad bi pokušali da me pomaze, misleći da sledi udarac. Sada više ne ustuknem, ne sklanjam se s puta kad čujem da dolazi automobil. Ali sam slobodna jer shvatam sudbinu nas lutalica. Da smo recimo slatki mali bišoni ili impozantni haskiji, neko bi nas želeo, ali mi smo samo čupavi, neuredni mešanci. Nismo ono što deca požele za svoj šesti rođendan, o čemu sanjaju velike srećne porodice. Mi zavisimo od dobrote sentimentalnih, usamljenih ljudi koji znaju kako je to biti na marginama, s kojim nam se putevi sretnu na kratko, ali nas ne povedu kući. Zato se tome više ni ne nadamo. Kaže neka objava na društvenim mrežama: ko vas vidi onako kako želite da vas vide svi? Pomislim niko.. ko je sada tu. Nije problem u njihovom viđenju, već u raskoraku, u zavesi koju sam prebacila preko ogledala i velu koji pokriva to između nas. Ali pusti to. Bar se više ne plašiš skoro ničega što se tiče tebe jer ti je sada.. svejedno. Nisi vezana za ovaj život, al' u njemu ostaješ dokle god je neko vezan za tebe, dokle god ima ko da ti ne oprosti bilo kakvo dizanje ruke na / od sebe. Nisam se odmakla ni korak od onoga ko sam bila, a opet sam kilometrima daleko. I voleću to mesto, sve dok u njega ne može da dođe niko čija bih senka postala i na kraju nestala kada svane. Ja sam se zaljubila u mrak i sebično ga čuvala, sjedinila se s njim. Znaš šta? Ni ne trebaju mi odgovori. I onako je svaki laž koju prodam sebi... Do istine ne mogu ni dopreti. Istina je da sve ovo želim da ti ispričam, jer pričala sam ti skoro 5 godina i razumela si i da ništa nisam govorila. Razumela si me bolje od mene same. Ti. Ti si me videla onako kako želim da me svi vide. I od kad nisi tu, nisam sigurna ni da sam ja.
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fisticuffs-bee · 8 months ago
Favorite Character Poll (:
I'll even get Into It i have Reasons
Have you seen sonic. he's so cool. i literally keep getting the reputation of being The Sonic Guy because i do NOT shut up about that series when given the chance.
I simply have a tendency to love protagonists and watanuki is the protagonist of what is my favorite manga ever
You guys have no idea how much I think about vanitas. It's incredible I haven't posted more about kingdom hearts in general actually. but i think that's mostly because the only kh thing i think about is a massive au that is Such an undertaking that i dont really want to have to bother explaining it more than once akshfalksda
unfortunately, persona 5 left a huge impact on me when i was in high school. i wish that game was actually good for the hold that it still has over me.
i experienced twewy when i was an edgy middle schooler (hes a bit older, granted, but. lol just like neku) and it changed me forever. (i only said "and neo" bc i really like his design in neo it inspired me to use my adult money to go out and buy clothes that i actually like and not just wear whatever i still had of stuff my mom got me when i was in high school)
my favorite character of all time ever is my own blorbo salem jastres who is my oc ive had for nearly over a decade at this point. i have literally considered changing my last name to his whenever i get it legally changed. he is the guy i absentmindedly doodle in notebook margins. because i used him for a dnd campaign, i've got two versions of him running around and im equally obsessed with both. my friends jokingly accused me of kinning him. i literally never stop thinking about him. i HAD to give him some sort of mention here. but he's not a real option hes just the "i dont know these guys / i dont care / i just want to see the results" option
some honorable (or not so honorable, depending) mentions include: chai from hi-fi rush, zangetsu from bleach (hollow zangetsu), junpei tenmyouji from zero escape, and jak from jak and daxter (fun fact: zangetsu is the dishonorable mention i have a love/hate relationship with bleach)
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tvoja-tt · 9 months ago
Dan #2
Opet ja vama, o njoj. Mirisala je na parfem i dim cigarete, nekako strastveno. Njen osmeh i njen glas slušam svaku noć pred spavanje dok prelistavam galeriju u onom tamo našem folderu na telefonu koji je ona napravila. Nikada nisam ni voleo da se slikam i snimam a danas bih sve dao za neku novu sliku sa njom ili neki novi mini video film njenog najboljeg trenutka sa mnom. Eh, njene oči sjetne i sjajne ja, ne izbacujem iz glave.
Vino, rakija, pivo – ma sve što si volela, sada su mi samo uspomene, bez ukusa stvarnosti pravog trenutka. I ona muzika tvoja koju si slušala one Barbarine pesme sada bez tebe zvuče drugačije, nekako prazno i hladno. Tvoje ime na usnama, ostalo mi ali postalo nedostižno, i nedodirljivo.
Pišem o tebi kao da si postala deo nekog drugog sveta. Možda i jesi, možda si se udala, možda sada imaš nekog novog, zgužvao sam ovo. Besan sam, skrhan, ne nemaš ti nikog. Na samu pomisao ubio bih ga, razbio bih ga ako bi samo ikada zaplakala zbog nekog tamo majmuna. Uh! Aaaa! Nekada smo bili bliski i srećni zajedno, sada si samo senka u mom srcu. Nisam te zaboravio, niti ću ikada, ali moram da idem dalje, bez tebe. Moram da pronađem negde sebe. Gde sam ovo sada ja? Postojim li ili sam i ja iluzija u nečijoj glavi? Ostaće mi misterija.
Naravno, da ne znam kako da vam je dočaram na najbolji mogući način, vi ne znate kako je njen osmeh bio kao sunčev zrak koji probija sve oblake. Sećam se kako bi se smešila, a njene oči bi se sijale kao dragulji. Bila je ta koja je donosila svetlost u moj svakodnevni dosadni, isplanirani život.
tvoja. t. t.
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lifeinbooks · 1 year ago
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Jednom kad te svijet umori, ti mu reci. "Svijete, ne želim više ovako. Namećeš mi pravila za savršenstvo, norme kojih ne bi smjelo biti. Pokušavaš me ukalupiti, izraditi po nekom svojem kriteriju ljepote. Želiš da ti, kao svi drugi, i ja budem po mjeri. Tjeraš me da brišem suze, kao da je plač znak slabosti. Očekuješ od mene da svaku nepravilnost na licu prekrijem kao da jedino s takvim maskama mogu negdje pripadati. Govoriš mi kako su moji ožiljci neprivlačni i očekuješ da ih sakrijem. Kao da ne pričaju neku priču, kao da nisu dokaz svake moje pobjede. Želiš da su mi usne punije, a ne znaš da je smijeh najljepši onda kada je srce ono koje je puno. Namećeš mi tuđe standarde za opseg mojih prsa, struka i bokova. Kakvi su to standardi koji ništa ne govore o opsegu zagrljaja? Izruguješ se strijama, tim valovima na mom tijelu. A zašto? Jer to tebi nije lijepo. Želiš da promijenim svaki dio tijela koji se ne uklapa u idealnu sliku ovog vanjštinom zaluđena čovječanstva. I da budem manje ja, jer nisam ja ovdje da budem cjelina, ja sam ovdje samo da tebe budem dio. Zar ne, svijete? E pa ne želim više ovako. Ostavi mi sve nepravilnosti na ovoj mojoj koži, ostavi sve greške na ovome mome tijelu, ostavi sve što po meni ispisuje život. Najsavršeniji su ionako oni koji uspiju ostati svoji.
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stupidtwewymemes · 1 year ago
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Neku had a secret Myspace account in middle school where he took pictures using his mom's camcorder dressing emo and had to stop after literally everyone in school called him out for being a poser. (didn't listen to the music) After he literally mastered the smoky eye at 13, just from watching youtube tutorials. L
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bojesvemira · 6 months ago
Hej ti meda, najplišaniji na svijetu. Nisam ti nikada pisala ovdje jer uvijek nekako ovako javno pišem za ljude koji mi okrenu leđa pa mi se nikada nisi uklapal u to. Ali sada moram, duši će mi lakše znaš... Nekako uvijek u ovim trenutcima upravo ovakvim, si me sklanjala od sebe jer si jedina znala da od mnogo doze stresa moj mozak može da se ugasi i jedina si se nekako plašila od toga da se curica u meni ne ugasi. No sada me nisi pomakla, nisi stigla i neka nisi sada se mogu izboriti sa stresom zbog tebe znaš? Znala sam oduvijek da imaš tog glupog gospodina šećerku isto je glup kao tete iz telekoma, znam da ti prija kad ih vrijeđamo zajedno. I taj gospodin šećerko nekada zna baš da podivlja ovaj put ali je imao pomoć tvojih malih pluća. Jesu mala, ćuti. Sve na tebi je tako malo i te jordanke 35.5 broja. Hej ali moraš da ustaneš sada zbog onih forsica što si neki dan kupila, neće se one same iznosati. Moraš i zbog Kaye, Mile iznaš.... Pepita, i ako on više nije sa nama znam da navija za tebe trebaš nam tu baš. Moraš i zbog Decembra kojeg ne voliš nužno ali eto voliš ga. Nisam pisala o tebi jer uvijek si bila posebna emocija, znaš? Upravo sam to i tebi vješto krila, radila suprotno voljela sam da ti jebžim u okovima u onim krivinama kojima smo se vozile tvojim polom do Jahorine. Jer me je bilo strah bilo me je strah da se ne izgubimo. Znala sam da si uvijek bila prijatelj kojeg je nemoguće izgubiti, i znam to sada. Neću da ti pišem kao neko pismo previše je depresivno i patetično znaš.... Hoću da ti kažem da ne glumiš tu da imaš neku tuberkulozu puno, znam da je od dima. Ustani, hajde moramo brati trešnje u našu crvenu času sad je već prazna nekoliko dana, usamljena je a ne voli biti usamljena kao ni ja. Svijetlo si u mom životu, i tvoja poruka i osmijeh mi poprave dan i način na koji postojiš tako skroz mala mekana, i tvoje srce... dobro srce mi dušu liječi. Bez tebe ne mogu, dozovi se idemo u Irsku reći ću ti što tamo kada me nazoveš znam da hoćeš , nikada me nisi isfurala. I možda nije ni vrijeme ni mjesto, i znam da ti teško padaju ove riječi moje. Ali volim te, samo sijaj pokraj mene . Molim te dozovi se jer ja bez tebe mora u Oktobru ne vidim 🐻🤎
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advertisesouls · 9 months ago
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#𝐀𝐃𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐒: an independent, private, selective and mutuals only blog for my h.azbin h.otel oc xifeng. please note that i am unaffiliated with the fandom and do not condone anything that v.ivziepop has done and continues to do. my name is solar, 31, and i use they/them as my pronouns! thank you sm for your interest! ♥ please also note that everything here is still a huge wip, too! also, with the nature of xifeng's character, there is a dead dove warning on her.
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about | history / involvement in the series!
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rules are underneath the read more!
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considering the nature of xifeng's character as well as hazbin hotel as a series, there's a good amount of topics that i'll be tagging for in threads. these are, but will not be limited to: cannibalism, gore, murder, suicide, attempted sexual assault—amongst a handful of others. i will always tag for these if they come up in threads!
i must ask for my own comfort, however, if you would like to follow me, please be mindful and tag for the following: adultery/cheating/infidelity, domestic abuse, gaslighting, sexual harassment and alcohol abuse/alcoholism (i am completely fine with casual drinks in threads. this is mostly stemming from angry drunks!) thank you for keeping these in mind when we're interacting — it does mean a lot!
if there's a specific thing you'd like for me to tag for, then please let me know! your comfort always comes first! ♥
as far as my dni criteria goes, it's the usual: no racism, lgbtq+phobia, ace erasure, etc. i will also make it abundantly clear that  i, in no way, will tolerate proshipping in any form, so if you do support this, then please do me the favor and kindly hardblock me. 
i do not want to hear your justification as to why proshipping should be allowed on this platform, thank you.
besides that, please be mindful that i am only here to have fun. this is a hobby and will be treated as such. please do not badger me for replies (a small reminder here and there is fine, though) as i suffer with chronic fatigue and pain and also have to be my mom's caretaker 24/7, so i may also be away from my pc at times. i also suffer from adhd, major depressive disorder and general anxiety disorder and my spoons are virtually nonexistent all the time.
please do not use me as a meme/aesthetic resource, do not like every post i make, etc. shipping requires both chemistry and effort as i do not want to be the one solely expressing interest in continuing said ship. if no interest is expressed within a couple of months, i will consider the ship to be dropped. you are more than welcome to approach me to ask to continue the ship, however! as far as romantic shipping is concerned, it's very unlikely to happen as i ship xifeng with @praeteritus-memories' alastor and we've plotted extensively for them to where i consider lu's alastor to be both my main and exclusive alastor.
also, please do not drag me into drama. i don't care for it. i don't have time for it. i don't have spoons for it. If there is someone that i’m interacting with that is considered a threat to the RPC, then by all means, feel free to privately contact me to give me a heads’ up. I am pro-callout to a degree, but only when there’s irrefutable evidence in the callout itself. lastly, please don't use my tumblr ims or discord dms as your personal venting space. i'd prefer to be asked beforehand if it's alright to vent to me because my spoons are always low. another thing that i would like to emphasize is if you interact with or condone the actions of the following, then please, hardblock me as well: aku, damon / omen / rxgelord (eyesofbluebitch/burnyoubastard), hearty, zero / kign typo, myers, loke / neku, miles, shannon / pink. this list will be periodically updated should further callouts emerge.
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psd / template credits go to @frcknbats, @robsources, @queenofseouls, @carestuff, & @supersources!
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oveliagirlhaditright · 9 months ago
Huh. So, it looks like my most popular stories on AO3 are (at least based on hit count) "The Mom Friend," that I wrote about Neku after Neo TWEWY came out. And that one doesn't surprise me. I knew that this one remained everyone's favorite story of mine. I fully support that decision, as I still really love this fic, too. LOL.
But also, this one SoKai fic I wrote with some FFXIII characters (and the Master of Masters) in it... Definitely wasn't expecting that one. Maybe this is because people are just looking for FFXIII stuff in general (I'm just guessing here). Or not? I'm not sure.
A CloTi story I wrote... Also didn't expect that. But then again, with how popular FFVII and CloTi are, maybe I should have. I also still like this story, I think, and am more than cool with this. And I'm glad that you guys like this piece so much<3 But maybe I should try my hand at CloTi again and try to do even better? Because your first attempt at writing a fandom is never your best.
And then finally, the Namiku multi-chapter story that I was writing for a while. Aww! I'm glad you guys enjoyed this! And I'm so sorry I ended up abandoning it:( I should probably try to get back to it.
And I guess I'll admit what the fifth one is. LOL. It's some SoKai smut that I wrote anonymously, some years ago. That until now, I honestly had no idea was doing well. Because stories you post anonymously don't show up on your list of stories (obviously). And because of that, it's actually pretty easy to lose track of them.
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ha-youwish · 2 years ago
Neku signed up to the mentor program to try and make it better. Rindo’s mom signed him up hoping it would fix him.
But the city is full of things unknown, hiding in plain sight and shadows. When the two of them meet, the city might just let them uncover it.
hiiiiiiiiii i’m starting yet another au thing and you Will read it 👁️👁️
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subasekabang · 1 year ago
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Author: AstrienLuna @astrienluna
Partner: citrusytears
Rating: M - Mature
Characters: Rindo, Shoka, Fret, Rhyme, Beat, Neku, Nagi, Shiki (mentioned), female OCs (Rindo's mom and sister).
Warnings: Nightmares, Night Terrors, PTSD, Depression, Emotional Child Abuse, Blood and Gore (from nightmares), panic attacks, suicidal thoughts, parental neglect.
Author's Note: I want to thank every mod in the TWEWY Bang server for being so kind, compassionate, and organized with this whole project. I've met so many amazing people from my time working on my fic, and I genuinely hope I can continue to keep those friendships even after the event has come to an end. Writing this fic in general has been... very difficult. Not necessarily because of the material (writing angst is easier than fluff for me by a good 1000%), but IRL just kept getting in the way!! I'll be finishing this fic within the next week or so, since the last few chapters are almost done but just not quite there as I've gotten sick right in-between work deadlines and that's a stupid bummer, but I was glad to hit word count and get these chapters ready for posting so people can start reading all the hard work I've put in haha. Special shoutout to Poddopetals for hearing out my rambles and helping me figure out a lot of this fic even if they didn't realize; our random conversations have inspired so many tiny parts of this fic that I could not have done it without them. <3
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nostalgicandecko · 1 year ago
Ne bih voleo da me sretneš danas
Čak iako se nismo videli dugo
Ne bih voleo da me na ulici vidiš
Kako besciljno lutam
Obilazim iste knjižare
U kojima znam svaku policu napamet
Ne bih voleo da me ugledaš
Pa da tvoje nežne oči
Izgore od moje crnine
I crvenila
Koje me je opet izbilo po licu
I za koje nikad nisu ustanovili zašto se pojavljuje tu
Iako sam ja siguran da je od stresa
I da
To je još jedan razlog zbog kojeg ne želim da me sretneš
Niti pronađeš
Niti vidiš
Nasmejaću se ja
Biću onaj isti stari ja
Sa osmehom na licu
Imaćemo dosta tema
Ja uvek nađem neku glupost da odvalim
Ali ipak
Ne želim da me vidiš
Barem ne u ovakvom stanju
Pod stresom
Kako brzo hodam ulicama
Kao negde žurim
A da me zaustaviš i pitaš gde toliko žurim
Ja bih stao
I zapitao sebe isto
Pa bi to prouzrokovalo pometnju u mom mozgu
I počeo bih da razmišljam o tome previše
Znaš kako je to sa mnom i overthinkom
Zato me nemoj zaustavljati
Ako me slučajno vidiš
Dečka u crnoj majici (iako gledam da nosim i bele)
Sa crvenilom na licu
Koje krijem pognute glave
Pogni i ti svoju
Pređi na drugu stranu ulice
I pusti ludaka da luta
Možda nekad i nađe ono što traži
Ili možda ipak ne
~ D.K.
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poeticlicense12345 · 1 year ago
Kad god je trebalo da donesem neku odluku, a sve odluke su važne, nema malih i velikih, jer svaka bar nešto izmeni u tvom životu, imala sam sukob racionalnog i emotivnog .I to bude baš dramatično, jer se setiš nečijeg iskustva, koje je nastalo iz pogrešne odluke, a nešto ti u stomaku prigovara da uradiš kako ti misliš, jer ti tuđa pamet i tuđe greške ne pomažu ništa.
Ne znam kad su uspostavljeni ti standardi dobrih odluka koie važe za sve. A,iskreno,ako izabereš jedno rešenje, propustiš drugo, koje bi, nekad se i to pokaže, bilo bolje. Te moje “stomačne” odluke nisu se uvek pokazale kako treba, ali moj stomak, moj život, moje odluke-pa šta mi bog da. Otvorim povremeno ormar i zagledam se u te moje pogrešne odluke, roze haljinu, neobučenu nijednom, trava zelenu košulju, koju ću pokloniti komšinici, koja, nekom svojom neverovatnom veštinom, složi na sebe bar desetak boja.
Suština je u tome šta god da sam odlučila, trudim se da se ne kajem.Pokušavam da živim život i pojma nemam da li su te odluke bile ono pravo, ali sam ih prilagodila sebi ili sebe njima, živimo u simbiozi, mada se često ljutim na njih. Često mi se dešavalo da kad želim prijateljicama da saopštim neku svoju “genijalnu” odluku,koja se dugo dinstala u mom stomaku, neko vrisne :Šta?! Ni slučajno!-pa počnu neku svoju priču kao da moj život nije moj nego njihov, a sve u stilu “da mi je ova pamet, a one godine- posle čega ide lamentiranje nad godinama i glupim odlukama.
Gotovo! Ne može više one godine, koliko god ih priželjkivali. Pamet još može al’ vidim neće, jer za čim bi se kukalo, bio bi to nekima dosadan život. I sve mi dodje da kažem – gospodjo (ovo uglavnom izgovaraju žene), Vi ste, izvinite na mojoj drskosti, i dalje glupi i to gluplji nego što ste bili pre pedeset godina, i sad mene upozoravate da ne ispadnema glupa kao Vi , iako ja mislim, osim toga što ste shvatili da ste bili glupi u tih pedeset godina, niste ništa drugo uradili. Zanimljivo mi je kako to tvrdite da ste sad pametniji, pa možete da delite savete tipa “da mi je ova pamet bila.”
Vođena ovim svojim jutarnjim filozofiranjem, shvatih da pamet nema veze sa godinama, već sa obrazovanjem, školskim i životnim. Iskustvo bi trebalo da ima veze sa godinama, ali ništa ne vredi, ako ga ne primenjuješ.Tuđe iskustvo drugima ne vredi, kao što se ne može učiti na tuđim greškama.
Takođe me nerviraju te, “da mi je ova pamet bila”, kada tvrde da je život predviđen za mladost, a u starosti kažu: moje je prošlo…Jedna moja prijateljica za takve kaže, istina grubo: Pa ako je prošlo, neka umru, grehota je da troše vazduh ni za šta!Prilagodi život sebi, a ne sebe životu. Nažalost, ima onih koji se nikad nisu sreli sa svojim životom, slušajući one koje su govorili da nešto što su želeli nije za mlade godine, a kada su došli u zrele godine opet mnogo toga, govorili su, nije za njihove godine, “jer šta će svet reći…”
Živite svoje živote! Nema to veze sa godinama. Sa pameću možda.
text author: Tanja Petrović Krivokapić
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