#molten core
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resto-druid · 5 days ago
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torbjornspeaks · 1 month ago
Do ya think a nail says ouch when I hit it with a hammer? asking for a friend
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graceling95 · 2 years ago
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Ella's alt form! Just ripped off the band aid with this one.
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wowscenery · 2 years ago
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lendasdeazeroth · 11 months ago
Núcleo Derretido (Molten Core)
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O Despertar do Fogo O Surgimento de Ragnaros Milênios antes dos conflitos que marcariam as disputas modernas em Azeroth, uma batalha de proporções cataclísmicas foi travada nas profundezas do mundo. Essa batalha culminou com o aprisionamento de Ragnaros, o Senhor do Fogo, um ser elemental de poder incomensurável, nas profundezas do Núcleo Derretido sob a Montanha Rocha Negra. Ragnaros foi t...
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sw5w · 1 year ago
Returning to Naboo
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace
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cyborg-hydra-girl-thing · 2 years ago
i think being lobotomized and having anything resembling human surgically removed and and then integrating whatever’s left of me into a finely tuned machine honed to excel at carnage on a scale that’s hard to reckon would fix me, actually
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starry-bi-sky · 8 months ago
Stillborn? No, still born au - Danny’s ghost form
Nothing too fancy here. Just me detailing Danny’s ghost form in the stillborn au :]. My first rule of thumb for every dp au i make is that danny’s gotta have a different design for each ghost form. It doesn’t have to be super drastic depending on the au (like for my dp godling au his suit remains relatively unchanged).
This is mostly so I can mess with character design and also so each Danny can have his own unique ghost form for identification reasons. And because I just want to, which is the most important part :].
Stillborn Danyal, unlike Things in Threes and Yaelokre Danyal, is the first to not have an assassin-based ghost form due to obvious reasons. He was raised in foster care all his life, the League has had no impact on his life beyond being the place where his mother is. But it’s not like he knows that.
As a result he gave me some trouble, and it took me a few days and a ton of frustration to figure out how I want him to look as a ghost. I could just keep him in the hazmat suit and mess around with the detailing, but i’ll be frank, I hate doing that.
Stillborn Danyal, unlike all his other au counterparts, is a fire core ghost like Vlad is. As a result, in his ghost form he can reach extreme temperatures with just a flick of his hand or a switch in his mood. His emotional regulation is shit, and as a result it’s not uncommon for him to let off heatwaves in either form. They’re just more intense as a ghost.
His hair is made of molten lava, and unlike the other Dannys, is not white as a result. It’s an ever constant flow as well, meaning it doesn’t stop flowing where his human hair ends. It just keeps “growing”. Danny routinely keeps his hair braided back because it slows the lava flow and keeps it off his face and arms. When it reaches his past feet, that’s when Danny superheats his hands and “cuts” his hair by yanking it off. It’s completely painless if he gets the right heat to do it. Afterwards, Danny either uses it as a weapon — braided whip, anyone? — or disposes of the excess lava somewhere it can’t hurt someone.
Molten lava ranges around 1,300 to 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit and can either be very fluid or very viscous and stiff. The heat of his hair, naturally, means that the living cannot physically get near him without proper covering. So Danny tends to keep a distance as much as possible during fights so he doesn’t burn anyone.
His emotions also affect the heat and fluidity of his hair. Which isn’t that great considering he can be pretty emotionally volatile thanks to all of his ✨trauma✨. The angrier or more emotional he is, the hotter and more fluid his hair is, meaning it burns brighter and flows faster. It’s very much possible for the lava to cool down enough to solidify into volcanic glass or igneous rock, but considering Danny’s mental state? He just isn’t capable of doing that on his own. Vlad’s hair is also molten lava, but he’s perfected how to keep it in an igneous rock state. His hair also glows bright enough that it’s impossible to see his face from a distance, and seeing it up close is equally as impossible considering all the ambient heat he gives off.
That’s not the only part thats made of lava and magma either. Danny’s hands and feet don’t have skin covering them, it’s crumbled and melted away into molten lava too. They’re the second hottest parts of his body only to his hair. Around his elbows is where his skin begins to crack and crumble into magma, and as a result he wears welding gloves in order to interact with the living world (and some ghosts) without melting anything. He can also run so hot that he can melt a blob ghost.
All fire core ghosts lack iris and pupils, it’s all one solid color. It is possible to shift their eyes into looking more “human like”, but there’s really no point to it and takes more practice and effort to achieve than its worth. Danny’s eyes are all green just like Vlad’s are all red.
Now for his clothes! Danny used to wear the hazmat suit, paired with an old hoodie he owned but didn’t wear often. Uppp until he was brainwashed by Circus Gothica. Afterwards, the only thing that transferred over was the color scheme.
Danny’s new Phantom outfit is designed more for looseness and breathability, but also means that as a result he gives off even more heat. His hazmat suit trapped most of it. He’s now wearing a white, sleeveless turtleneck (yall know the type. I am not immune to tropes and I think it looks good) with black harlem pants with an open slit up both sides and green flames running from his ankles to his knees, and spandex shorts underneath. He’s also wearing white stirrup socks. He wears green welding gloves. Due to the lack of proper footwear he tends to float everywhere otherwise he burns the ground thanks to the exposed skin. It’s significantly less “hero-like” or “scientist” and more resembling something a performer might wear.
As a result however, Danny is consistently cold. He struggles with his own thermal regulation and keeps trying to balance it between his own comfort and the comfort of the living around him. If he retains his own heat and keeps himself warm, he’s too hot for anyone to come near and he melts everything he touches, but if he cools down in order to interact with the world without his gloves and come near the living and only be “uncomfortably hot”, he’s freezing. He’s frustrated by the lack of balance. It was easier to interact with the hazmat suit, but he doesn’t want to go back to it and it’s not like he can either. The exposure allows him easier access to his powers.
Warm, sunny days are his favorite. He’ll sit out on the pavement and soak in the heat like a lizard. Catch him sitting on top of cars during 90 degree weather and just utterly content. It’s not as nice as the ghost zone’s Molten Springs but it’s the second best he can get without going into the infinite realms. The first best thing is going somewhere secluded and safe and just heating himself up into something that’s comfortable and letting his hair free. Nothing like cocooning yourself in your own magma flow.
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secriden · 3 months ago
I genuinely feel like I'm losing my mind about the opening scene in THK's Episode 6. Like, look at them, just look at them!!!?
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Style is all playful, anticipatory defiance at first. He's just teased Fadel about falling for his "overdramatic" antics and has been shoved back onto the bed to wait with bated breath for Fadel's response.
And rather than getting annoyed, Fadel teases him right back, takes on that same flirtatious tone and actually escalates things. This is Fadel not merely appreciating the way Style is -- the way he never quits, and the way he is always eager for more -- but welcoming it and responding in kind.
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Style's gaze goes half-lidded, already tipsy-drunk on the thrumming energy between them. I won't screenshot the whole exchange, but Fadel continues the metaphor, talks about the importance of exercise, of building up stronger muscles, and Style's eyes throughout are glinting in delighted amusement.
Fadel has learned to speak the same language that Style does. This goes beyond a knowledge of mutual desire and attraction, this is them falling into patterns of communication that celebrates who Style is as a person. Fadel has come so far from the man who rolled his eyes in annoyance at Style's obnoxious flirting. Fadel would never have spoken this way before he knew Style, but here he is playing Style own game brilliantly.
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Style teases Fadel more, plays coy and innocent like they don't both know this is about sex and the natural progression of the metaphorical glove Style threw first. He wants to see how far Fadel will take this, wants to see if Fadel is going to back off or if he'll really see it through.
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But Fadel doesn't crack, doesn't change the topic or dismiss the moment. Instead, he turns earnest and, I think, slightly catches Style by surprise here. The words he says are still in line with the metaphor, but Fadel's eyes run over Style's face like he's taking in each precious feature and his tone is all whisper soft and warm; it’s sweetly affectionate in a way that suddenly makes this flirtatious moment feel tender and fond and soft.
And the words themselves: “you need to exercise daily" -- an unspoken commitment, the domesticity of it all, the implicit acknowledgement of belonging. The suggestion of a permanent future with Style.
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God I wish I could gif this specific 1-2 seconds so badly. I don't even have the right words to describe what's going on?? It's the way Style's eyes turn molten with intent, the way he ever so slightly tips his head upwards towards Fadel, the way something about his expression is suddenly broadcasting desire for Fadel to reach out and take.
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So Fadel does, but the way he does is just so delicate?? He touches his lips to Style's almost like a prayer, gaze locked to Style's before both their eyes fall shut into the kiss. This moment is so exquisitely fragile, threaded through with this sense of something like wonder.
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Fadel presses his lips down, first to Style's lips and then his cheek and the vulnerable bared column of his neck; slowly draws himself closer and closer until he has his whole weight pinning Style down, skin to sun-warmed skin (and heart to heart).
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And Style welcomes every moment of it; tilts his head to give Fadel more access to his neck, runs his hand up along Fadel's back to cradle his head and pull him closer as he lets Fadel settle himself more firmly between his legs because he just can't get enough.
This scene is less than 30 seconds long, but there's something about it that makes me feel insane. It didn't have any of the heated passion and ferocity of so many of their other scenes, but there was something just so tender and lovely and soft and calm and sweet about this.
I'm just-- gonna-- *buries my face into a pillow and sCREAMS*
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llamaisllama777 · 8 months ago
Starting off with a wholesome one
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Aw, Lunar and Earth show, when the other shows give us chaos, you give us wholesomeness. Earth and Eclipse's friendship is just amazing! She's the only person who ever gave Eclipse a chance and proved to himself that he can be good and that he does care, even if he wants to believe he doesn't. Earth, you did the impossible! 👏 👏 👏 I also loved the little talk with Earth,Lunar, and Monty at the end. I just like it when the characters interact and have normal experiences and not have to worry about monsters, or villains, or other dimensions. They deserve a little break by the end of all this.
Next show!
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and about the Stitchwraith none the less.
So massive spoiler 3,2,1,
The red crystal that gave Stitch his power that is now in F.C. ya, that one...
So, F.C. is in more danger than we thought! If Taurus or Creator find out about this, let's just say it won't be pretty! And to make matters even more interesting, Molten was MADE by the Crystal or from it. This star power is some crazy stuff if it can create a being that is effectively a living portal!
Molten has proven to be a great ally so far, we're gonna need all the help we can get if we want to stop Dark Sun and the other villains. Also, Molten is beginning to piece together why he was made and what he was built to do. He may have been built to hunt down and capture/kill anyone who posed a threat to the Creators, making ya wonder who these threats were? Are any of the still around? Are they betteror worse than Creator? Let's hope we don't find out.
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or something like that? She cut her strings! Is this like if Shadow takes off his cuffs he gets more powerful is it like that? But does it come at the cost of everyone's memories of her? Cause she said she'd have to restring 40 years of her life? What does that mean? Did she just pull a "No way home?" In exchange for more power?
The fight between Puppet and Puppetmaster is gonna be some dragon ball level poo!
Puppet is done playing nice, and I'm genuinely scared of what she'll do and what she'd be willing to sacrifice to win. Eclipse, you have really proven your metal out there helping Puppet and the others even though you don't have to. 👏👏👏👏 Eclipse whether you like it or not. You're one of the good guys now! Davis, thank you for the Eclipse redemption arc.
11/10 👏 👏 👏
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torbjornspeaks · 6 months ago
Every time I see your blog on my dash it's like the gods have sent me rain after many years of hard drought. You're my favorite blog on here and the only overwatch content worth staying for. Hope you're doing well!!
//////I just saw this I’m so sorry! i am doing well! Joined speaks when I was 17 and I think I’m the only blog still kicking every once in and while after these 7 years!! I have fallen out of Overwatch (that game has gone money hungry) but I still love my angry short boy!!
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0vergrowngraveyard · 1 year ago
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au doodles
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augustameretrix · 5 months ago
put on drive away dolls and while I wasn't expecting it to be quite as silly as it was (for some unexplainable reason margaret qualleys stupid grimaces while in the throes of pleasure were very funny to me) the flashbacks of little marian peeping at her naked neighbour and tuning in her lesbian desire... I dunno they really moved me somehow. also directed by ethan cohen?????
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warmcoals · 7 months ago
now listen. the thing abt the no doubles rule is that im wrong. we do in fact as girlies have a whole lot of doubles and overlap and thats actually a good thing and as an adult woman im working very hard to be niceys about it. it's good to share. we can be known together.
but you bitches cannot have ranma. you cant. im sorry. from my cold dead fingers. hissssss
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clancyycat · 2 months ago
some things really be tempting my father’s anger out of me if i’m being honest
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shallowseeker · 7 months ago
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