❖ EXOtic Drabbles ❖
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Welcome to my haven of EXO drabbles. Blog is dedicated to writing EXO-related stories. This is collection of my own stories and sometimes requested ones. It's however, important to read rules, before sending in requests. :)
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kyunshiesdrabbles · 4 years ago
Title: Sing For You
Type: One shot / Drabble
Genre: Angst / Fluff
Ship: Zhang Yixing x Reader
Word count: 1,804
Author's note: I have been feeling very depressed lately.  I might just start crying without reason, so I wanted to write something, that would comfort anyone in need of love. Feel free to change pronounce as you see fit.
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" The day was gray and dark, like your mood. Walking back to home from school you almost dragged your feet, because they were feeling very heavy. You got scolded by teacher and your classmates were laughing at you. That was more than enough to put you on a bad mood. As you got into bus and sat down you felt your phone buzzing, informing about incoming call: "Yixinggie <3" said the screen.  
You just declined his call, because you didn't feel like talking to anyone. Not even to your boyfriend, Yixing. Putting on your headphones you put on music and looked out from window. It has started to rain. Very suitable for your mood right now. You listened to EXO's "Sing For You" and did all you can to hold yourself from bursting into tears. "
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You were laying on your bed, staring up to ceiling, unable to fall asleep, because you were feeling very worthless and miserable. You even have muted your phone, because you really didn't wanna talk to anyone right now, you just wanted to vanish without anyone missing you. Tears fell down your cheeks, as you saw your phone's screen lit up again. Someone have been spamming you with messages. Sighing heavily you turned on your rib and grabbed your phone, checking the messages:
[Yixinggie <3] Where are you, baby????
[Yixinggie <3] Why aren't you texting me back??? :/
[Yixinggie <3] Please, answer to me, baby...  
[Yixinggie <3] Pick up the phone, please... I'm worried... TT TT
[Yixinggie <3] Are you mad at me??? Did I do something???
[Yixinggie <3] Baby...? Please, pick up the phone... :(
[Yixinggie <3] Please... Be alright...
[Yixinggie <3] I love you, baby... <3
Reading the messages didn't make you feel better. You actually felt yourself the worst possible girlfriend in the world, because you kept ignoring your boyfriend, that was caring about you and worried about you. Putting down your phone you curled up to ball, and tears kept falling down your cheeks. You somehow ended up falling asleep for a moment, but got woken up by hearing the knock from your door. Snapping out you opened your eyes, and checked the clock. It was almost 11pm. Who could come visiting you this late? Forcing yourself up you made your way to the door and were about to give the person piece of your mind about bugging you this late, specially when you didn't feel like socializing.
You opened the door and were about to open your mouth, when you saw who was standing behind the door. Your eyes widened, when you saw Yixing standing there with bouquet of flowers and heart-shaped box filled with your favorite cupcakes. "Y-Yixing...? What are you doing here this late? I thought you were supposed to be at studio tonight..." You say then quietly, feeling very surprised about this visit. He just looked at you with his warm eyes. Situation felt little awkward for you, so you decided to break the silence.  
"I... Uh..." You started but no words came out. "Since you didn't reply to my messages and kept declining my calls, I knew something was off. So, I decided to come and see you by myself. Now, you can't ignore me, so... May I come in?" He then asks and looks at you. Giving him small nod you moved away, so he could enter.
He entered the apartment and placed the bouquet and cupcakes down to the table, turning to look at you as you closed the door. "You know... About the earlier, I..." You started, trying to explain yourself, but your words got stuck to your throat. For your luck, Yixing seemed to understand the point, so instead of saying anything he just took your hands to his, rubbing your back of the hands gently and looked at you with his warm brown eyes.  
"Baby... You don't need to explain yourself. I can tell by just looking at you, that you didn't have the best possible day. So, wanna talk about what happened? Or should we just cuddle?" He asks then, placing his other hand on your cheek, leaning in to place soft kiss on your forehead, waiting for your response. Yet again you felt like you just wanted to burst into tears, but also you knew you had to get it off your chest, before you'd lose your sleep completely for the night.  
"Well... Just... At school I got scolded by teacher about not focusing on the studies enough, and my classmates laughed at me... In all honest... I felt myself biggest loser in entire class..." You then explained, while trying to hold back your tears, that were burning in your eyes. You were mentally and almost physically exhausted. Frown appeared to Yixing's face and he pulled you into warm embrace, running fingers through your hair.
You just allowed yourself to cry against his chest. "It's alright, baby... I'm here now." He whispered softly and kissed your head, closing his eyes, leaving his lips lingering against your messy hair for a bit, and held you in his arms, just letting you know, that he was there for you. You were blessed by such an amazing and understanding boyfriend.  Sometimes words weren't needed, when actions spoke for one other.
Once you were done crying, Yixing moved a bit to wipe off your tears. "Feeling better?" He asks then, moving strand of your hair away from your face, leaving his hand resting against your cheek, keeping his eyes on you. You gave him small nod. "Yeah... A bit better, thank you..." You said then and met his eyes. Offering you soft smile, he moved his face closer and placed kiss on your lips. Kissing him back you couldn't help but smile a little about the tender feeling, that his lips on your caused. "So, how about movie and cuddles?" He then asks with smile, resting his forehead against yours, his arms now on your waist.  
Smiling softly back at him you nodded. "Sounds like an good idea." You then admitted and couldn't help but smile. He was so silly sometimes, but that's why you loved him. He then took your hand, placing kiss on back of your hand, and smiled winking at you, causing you to blush and you playfully hit his shoulder, causing him to chuckle as he picked you up to his arms and carried you to bedroom, placing you down to bed and you took out your laptop and turned on Netflix. You agreed on watching some funny Chinese dramas and cuddle under the covers. He warped his arm around you, running his hand up and down your rib, placing small kiss on your shoulder.  
Enjoying the movie along with his company you have forgotten all the negativity. All you needed was Yixing and his warm gaze he only showed to you. His eyes were always filled with love and warmth, everytime your eyes met. After some while the two of you decided to just cuddle, and you put away your laptop. You weren't tired yet, so you and Yixing just enjoyed each other's company. "You know... I still feel a bit guilty for not responding to your messages and calls..." You admitted then, rubbing back of your head a bit, feeling embarrassed about it, because you knew how much he cared for you.  
Shaking his head he moved closer to you, warping his arms around your waist. "You don't need to... I understand. But let's not think about it any more." He says then, smiling warmly as he looked at you. Blushing a bit at his smile you bit your lip. "But I..." You started, but Yixing cut you off, by placing his lips against yours, kissing you deeply and lovingly. "Shh, baby... No more of it. I'll give you something else to think about." He says with playful wink, as he got on top of you and started to trail soft kisses down your neck, making you blush more and chills ran down your spine as you started to squirm a little.  
"Yah, Yixing... You know how sensitive my neck is." You said, biting your lip a bit as the kisses were tickling you. He smirked against your neck, and placed kiss on it. "I know, baby. Your reactions are priceless." He admits then with chuckle and ends up getting pillow stuffed against his face. "I'll show you..." You growled and spun around, that you were now topping him. Getting little surprised about your actions he smirked. "Well isn't this quite interesting situation." He says then and makes you blush more as you hit him with a pillow. You both then started a pillow fight and ended up embracing each other's with chuckles.  
"I love you, Yixing..." You whispered softly, smiling warmly. Yixing smiles and leans down to kiss your lips softly, running his thumb down your cheek. "I love you too, baby." He whispers against your lips, kissing you again more deeply and lovingly, holding you in his arms.
After some time you started to feel tired and snuggled against your boyfriend's chest. "Getting sleepy, baby?" He asks, running his fingers down your arm gently, while kissing your forehead. Giving him a small nod you looked up to him. "A little bit... But I fear you'll be gone in the morning..." You said quietly, not wanting him to leave while you'd be asleep. Smiling softly to you Yixing placed hand on your cheek, resting his forehead against yours. "I won't be." He then says quietly and pecks your lips gently. 
"Do you promise...?" You asked him, looking up to him with little frown on your face. Chuckling he gave you nod. "I promise." He then says with smile and settles better down beside you, pulling you closer to his body and warps blanket around your bodies, softly singing "Sing For You" in Chinese.
His soft voice makes your mind and body relax. While he was singing softly he ran his hand up and down your back, soothing you into sleep. It was his voice and touch that made your eyes grow heavy and you just smiled, listening to his voice, while closing your eyes. Didn't take long until you were asleep. Even after you fell asleep, Yixing stayed up to admire your sleeping and peaceful figure beside him. After finishing the song he let his fingers brush through your hair and kissed your forehead, before laying his head to pillow as he looked at you with soft and loving smile on his lips.  
"我爱你 (I love you)..." He whispered into your ear softly and places loving kiss on your lips, before closing his eyes and after a while he also ended up falling asleep, holding you in his loving arms the whole night.
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kyunshiesdrabbles · 4 years ago
Incoming: Yixing-fluff
Title: Sing For You
Type: One shot / Drabble
Genre: Angst / Fluff
Ship: Zhang Yixing x Reader
Author's note: I have been feeling very depressed lately.  I might just start crying without reason, so I wanted to write something, that would comfort anyone in need of love. Feel free to change pronounce as you see fit.
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“ The day was gray and dark, like your mood. Walking back to home from school you almost dragged your feet, because they were feeling very heavy. You got scolded by teacher and your classmates were laughing at you. That was more than enough to put you on a bad mood. As you got into bus and sat down you felt your phone buzzing, informing about incoming call: "Yixinggie <3" said the screen. 
You just declined his call, because you didn't feel like talking to anyone. Not even to your boyfriend, Yixing. Putting on your headphones you put on music and looked out from window. It has started to rain. Very suitable for your mood right now. You listened to EXO's "Sing For You" and did all you can to hold yourself from bursting into tears. “  
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kyunshiesdrabbles · 4 years ago
Hey there. :-) I just came across your blog and I think you're doing amazing job with your writing. I have read your rules, and I was thinking about request a story. Maybe one shot. Would you write Chanyeol x Reader fluff drabble? ^o^ I'd really appreciate it. <3
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Heya. 😊 Yeah, I can do that one. I hope you're not in hurry, because I have one story work in process first. But I will do that after I finish my other one. 😘💋
0 notes
kyunshiesdrabbles · 4 years ago
Oh Sehun x Reader
Title: Give Me A Chance
Type: One shot / Drabble
Genre: Angst / Fluff
Ship: Oh Sehun x Reader (change pronounce as you see fit)
Word count: 3,080
Warnings: Mention of self-harm
Author's notes: You have broken up with Sehun, but you still can't stop loving each others, knowing it would never work out again. But he is eager to get you back. Will you end up giving him another chance?
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" It has been a year, since you have broke up with Sehun. It wasn't an easy thing for either of you, because you were so in love with each others, he was even planning to marry you, but all that got ruined, because you two got caught about it and his agency didn't like the idea of you two dating, so he was forced to break up with you. You still remembered that day like yesterday. The pain, the misery... All of it. The scars on your wrist was reminder of the heart ache you felt. Despite all you lost, you needed to continue with your life. "
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You were making your way to works, when you heard someone calling your name. Turning around you saw Lay - your bestfriend, running after you. "I'm glad I found you, Y/N! Something has happened, you need to come with me at once." Why? What was going on? Lay seemed to be really in a hurry. "But I am already late for works... My boss will kill me, if I go to works late one more time... I'm sorry, but I really need to get going." You said as you turned to leave, but felt Lay grabbing your wrist, stopping you on your tracks. What was wrong with him today?  
"Yixing, let go. I really need to..." You were about to protest, when he cut you off. "It's Sehun... He's in hospital." Hearing his words made your heart almost stop. Sehun is in hospital? You looked over to Lay��s serious expression, and it made you feel really concerned. "What happened?" You asked, and looked over to Lay. You knew your boss wouldn't be happy if you were late again, but you needed to go see what have happened. You were worried. "I don't know, he just asked me to find you, so I did. Come on! I'll drive." He said as he half dragged you towards his car, that he have parked nearby. Once inside the car he started to drive towards the hospital.  
Every moment closer to hospital, you felt your stomach drop. What could have happened, since Sehun ended up into hospital? Lay noticed how nervous you seemed, and placed his free hand gently on your knee. "Are you alright?" He asks, frowning a bit. He was concerned about you. You offered your bestfriend small smile. "Yeah... Just a bit nervous." You said, and Lay nodded. He knew about yours and Sehun's break up, obviously. He was the first person you told about it. He was the first person to see what it made you do to yourself. He was the first person, that was there to comfort you. Lay never left your side after hearing about it. He always checked up on you. You were very grateful about having such an amazing bestfriend, as he was.
Once you reached hospital Lay parked his car near the entrance and you got out of the car. He looked over to you. "I need to go back to studio for a while... Will you manage to go without me? I mean,  I can always call others that I can't come, if..." He started, but you cut him off. "No, you're needed there. I'll manage on my own. Don't worry." You said, trying to sound positive, but you really wasn't so certain about your own words. Lay noticed that, and he turned off the engine, and got out from car. "I'm coming with you. With that state of mind, you are not able to face him alone." He said as he took your hand, and started to walk towards the doors.  
"Yixing, you really don..." You started, but he gave you his famous "once over" look, so you just nodded. "Alright... Let's go..." You said then and so you two entered the hospital and after asking for the room number Sehun was held at made your way towards the second floor. Lay was holding your hand all the time. "Y/N... You're shaking..." He said with frown on his handsome features, as he gave your hand small squeeze. "Sorry..." You said quietly, looking down and felt Lay stopping. "Come here." He said and pulled you against his chest, warping his arms around you. You simply just remained silent and buried your face to his chest. "It's alright, little rose... I got you." He whispers, placing tender kiss on your head, hugging you for a while. He knew you needed power hug, so that's exactly what he was giving to you.
After you calmed down, you pulled a bit back to look at Lay. "Any better now?" He asks, lifting his hand to rest it on your cheek. After taking deep breath you gave him a nod. Then you proceeded to the room where Sehun was held. As you opened the door nurse greeted you. "He's over here." She said and showed you way to Sehun. When you saw him laying on the hospital bed, you felt like your entire world has crushed. Hesitating to go closer you felt Lay's hand on your shoulder and he gave you a nod.  
"Go... I'll wait here." He says, making you feel even more nervous, you wanted him to come along. "But Yixing, I..." You started nervously, but he cut you off, by placing hand on your cheek, looking into your eyes. "I'll not be far, okay?" He says then, moving strand of your hair away from your eyes. "Now, go... He needs you." Lay continued softly and swallowing you turned your face towards the male on the hospital bed, feeling your chest aching. Was it my doing? Am I  the reason for this? You felt a bit guilty for no reason, as you slowly made your way towards his bed.
"Hey..." You quietly said, trying to smile a little even it was painful thing to do, when you saw him there, as you took a seat from the chair on his bedside. There was few bruises on his face, and few scars. Was he in a fight? With who, and why? Whatever the fight was about it must have been very dangerous, since he ended up into hospital because of it. Sehun carefully sat up, looking over to you. "Thank you for coming, Y/N..." He said quietly as he offered you genuine smile, even he was in pain. But seeing you made him forget about it. Trying to smile through the sadness you shook your head. "No need to thank me... How are you doing?" You asked softly, letting your eyes fall on his chocolate brown ones, feeling your heart sink a bit. He still had that effect on you. Trying to stay strong for him you bit your lip, even your emotions were kinda all over the place right about now.
Lay was sitting on the chair nearby the door, keeping his eyes on you all the time, in case it would start to seem like, that you couldn't manage. He knew how hard this was to you, so he was obviously worried. Sehun couldn't take his eyes off you. He wanted to say just how happy he was about seeing you after such an heartbreaking day, that you had. The same feeling he always felt towards you, was still there. The same warmth, the same thrill. He wanted to kiss you, so he could taste you once again, but hew knew it was forbidden, but he couldn't help himself. "I'm feeling much better now, that you are here. I thought I'd never see you again." He said as he reached out for your hand. His words made your heart jump, and as he reached for your hand, you hesitated a moment. Frown was visible upon Sehun's handsome face, as he saw your reaction.  
"What's wrong, Y/N?" He asked, keeping his eyes on yours, not making you feel any better. It's over for us... Why am I still so nervous? Sure holding his hand isn't that bad, right? You thought to yourself, as you bit your lip, averting his gaze. "N-nothing... It's just..." You started, but went quiet, because you just couldn't  come up with any reasonable excuse, why were you so hesitant. You hated yourself more than anything, but you feared what would happen, if you'd take his hand. You feared, that it'd cause your feelings, that you've kept to yourself burst out, and there'd be yet another scandal for Sehun's name, you didn't want that. You wanted to protect his career and him from the misery, that would follow.  
"What, Y/N? What is it? Do you still hate me?" He asked, his eyes not leaving you, until you met his gaze. That was the moment, that you swore, that made your heart just stop for a moment. That misery and pain in his eyes. Why? Why did you feel this way? Why was it effecting you so much? Swallowing you tried to come with good excuse your lips parted, but no words came out. You were trapped. That was moment Lay knew he needed to move. Getting up from chair he walked to you and warped his arms around your shoulders, giving you 'You can do it, little rose. I'm right here'-kind of look. Turning to look over to your bestfriend, you let out deep sigh and tried to collect yourself. You wanted to tell him how you felt, but you were afraid. He knew what you were trying to say, he knew what you felt towards Sehun. You told him about it. Closing your eyes for a second you took deep breath. You knew, that you couldn't hide it any longer.  
"Tell me, ja-... Y/N what is it, that you're trying to say." Sehun spoke, feeling the air suddenly getting heavier inside the room. "Patience, Sehun... Let her take her time." Lay then said politely, because he knew rushing in this kind of situation would lead to nowhere. Giving his elder a nod Sehun leans back down, closing his eyes as the pain rushed through his body. You tried to think how you should say it, but it seemed like your head was empty. You didn't know how to say it without sounding hesitant. "I really don't know how to say this discreetly, so I'm gonna be honest here..." You started, opening your eyes, and moved them over to Sehun, that lifted his head a bit. Biting your lip you tried to hold yourself back from bursting into tears. Lay rubbed your arms soothingly, assuring you that it was alright and that he was right there beside you.
"Remember the day, when you broke up with me? It was unbearable to me... It felt like someone would have dug knife deep into my heart and twisted it. It was so painful, that I thought I'd die right there... But there was still little voice in back of my head saying: 'There's still hope'... First I thought it was nonsense, that I was too blinded by the sorrow, that I didn't think clearly, and I'm sure that indeed was the case, but still... The voice sounded like yours, as crazy as it sounds... Maybe it was just wishful thinking, but at that moment I realized one thing..." You spoke quietly, your voice dying in the end as you felt the tears burning in your eyes.  
It was the moment, that you knew that despite all the pain and sorrow you felt that day, you still were madly in love with him, but you knew it would never work out again, his agency made it very clear. But you still couldn't stop yourself from loving him and hoping to get him back. Sehun has sat up and his eyes were locked into you, but he didn't say a word. Lay kept rubbing your arms. "It's alright... You can do it..." He whispered to your ear and kissed your temple gently. After taking couple of deep breaths you were facing Sehun again, this time allowing the tears fall down your cheeks. "... I was still madly in love with you... T-there... I said it... I'm still in love with you, Sehun-ah..." You said then, but that was were your powers ran out and you bursted into tears. Instantly Lay warped his arms around you, and rubbed your back soothingly. 
"You did well..." He whispers, placing a soft kiss on your head, as you buried your face into his chest. Sehun were processing all you said and he found himself feeling little shocked. He didn't expect you to still love him, even he was the one that left you, well not willingly. He feared that you'd let him know just how much you despised him for what he did, but this was the complete opposite. Laying his head to pillow he felt his eyes tearing up. He thought he was the only one still being in love. He felt a bit confused, but also relieved at the same time. Turning to look over to you in Lay's arms, he knew you needed time to calm down, and he'd allow you to take all the time you need with it. But he also wanted to do his part in the case, but it could wait for now. After some time passed and he was 100% certain, that you have calmed down Sehun decided to make his move.
"Lay-hyung... Could you step outside for a moment?" Sehun then asked politely, looking over to older male, that seemed to be a bit hesitant, as he looked over to you, wanting to hear your opinion. You turned looking to your bestfriend, and gave his hand a gentle squeeze. "It's alright, Yixing. I'll be ok." You said, offering him assuring smile. Lay then gave you a nod and went outside the door for a moment. Once he was out Sehun stood up from the hospital bed, even you tried to stop him. "S-Sehun-ah... You really shouldn..." Your sentence was cut off as you saw him kneeling down in front of you. You got flustered and confused about what was gonna happen, so you just stood there quietly and stared at him. "Since you already told me how you feel, I thought I should do my part also..." He says as he turns to look up to you. You didn't know at all what was going to happen, but you waited quietly.
"The day when I broke up with you... It wasn't voluntarily done... My agency forced me to end it... It was the most hardest and miserable day in my entire life, which there have been many... I felt so much pain, that I thought this was my end... This is where I die and go to Hell... And knowing, that you probably hated me the most in the world at that day, I still had pledged my life and love to you, I knew I'd never find anyone like you again... So, I was afraid to contact you, because I thought you'd hate me forever... And there was this one thing, that I always wanted to do and didn't get to do... So, now that I know, that you're feeling the same..." He says as he reaches for your hands, and locks his eyes with yours. It was the time. He knew it was the right time. Feeling your cheeks flush up, you looked deep into his eyes, feeling your heart beating rapidly against your chest. His hands felt as soft and delicate as they used to. What was going on? What was he trying to say?
"Y/N Y/S... Will you marry me?" He then asked, keeping his eyes locked with yours. That moment felt like time around you two would have stopped. Your heart was about to explode and you felt tears burning in your already sore eyes, and your cheeks were bright red as the rose. You were so messed up, that you thought you were dreaming, but feeling Sehun's fingers intertwining with yours made sure, that it was real and this was really happening. After collecting yourself you gave him a nod. "Of course... Of course I will marry you, Sehun-ah!" You said then as tears fell down your cheeks. Sehun's eyes turned teary too and he stood up, pulling you into his embrace, placing multiple kisses on your head, as you buried your face into his chest.  
"I don't have the rings with me now, but when I get off this place, I'll make sure I won't sleep until the golden ring is shining in your finger and everyone will know, that I, Oh Sehun am married to most amazing woman in the world. And no one... Not even my agency will take you away from me again. I love you, Y/N-ah..." He says with confident smirk on his lips, as he lifts your chin, locking his eyes with yours once again, but he won't kiss you, until he hears same words from your lips. Smiling through the tears of joy you met his eyes. "I love you too, Sehun... So much!" You said and he pulled you into deep and loving kiss, his arms resting around your waist as he closed his eyes, smiling against the lips of the woman, that he lost and got back. All the pain and sorrow was washed away in the moment, where your lips met. All the pain and sorrow you two went through was just a end of old chapter in your lives, and today started new and better chapter in your lifetime.
Once you were done embracing each other, your visit time was over, but Sehun still had to stay in the hospital for couple more days, but you promised to visit him everyday. You knew your boss was unpleased with you skipping a day, but for your defense... You have worked overtime for many hours. After telling the good news to your bestfriend Lay, he took you to cafe to get your mind off all the negativity of the day, and to celebrate your happiness.  
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kyunshiesdrabbles · 4 years ago
Title: Rainy Morning Cuddles
Type: One shot / Drabble
Genre: Fluff / slight angst
Ship: YeoHun (Yeosang (ATEEZ) x Sehun)
Word count: 1,711
Warnings: Extremerly fluffy and wholesome, slight nudity & swearing.
Auhtor’s Notes: I came up with this idea, after reading some Sehun x Reader fics in Tumblr. This story is inspired by one of mine and my friend’s shipping. Sehun is an wolf.
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Autumn. Yeosang's favorite season of the year. Perfect reason to wear over-sized sweaters and build blanket forts, and burn some candles. He loved Autumn the most. Quiet patter of raindrops against the window screen, made Sehun awakening from his slumber. He snuggled closer to his sleeping boyfriend next to him, burying his face into nape of his neck, breathing in his scent. Soft smile appeared to his lips as he felt Yeosang turning, and was now burying his face into his chest. Chuckling softly he let his fingers brush through his messy hair, while kissing his forehead gently. This made younger one open his eyes, and sleepy smile formed to his lips as he snuggled closer to his partner.
"Good morning, princess..." Sehun whispered softly, keeping his eyes on Yeosang, admiring his sleepy form, while rain patted against the window screen, and leaves were falling from the trees. Smiling Yeosang lifts his head up to kiss tip of his partner's nose. "Morning to you too, my wolfboy." He whispered, only to get pulled against Sehun's warm and bare chest, while his arms snaked around Yeosang's waist. Chuckling younger one snuggled against him. Mornings like this were something they both cherished, since they were often busy with their careers and schedules.
"I wish every morning would be like this with you, Sehun-ah..." Yeosang mutters, smiling sleepily as he warped his arms around his partner's neck, while nuzzling against the crook of Sehun's neck. "I hope the same, my princess..." He then admitted, before leaning in to place soft and loving kiss on younger's lips, tasting the honey of his lip balm, that he used. Smiling against his partner's lips Yeosang kissed him back. As the kiss deepened, he felt Sehun pulling him closer by the waist, sweet scent of his cologne filling his nostrils. He didn’t want to change anything, he was enjoying this moment from bottom of his heart. The sweet scent was making him feel like home, and he was at home in Sehun's arms.
As the kiss was broken, Yeosang almost whined, because he wanted so much more kisses, but he just smiled, snuggling against his partner's chest. He didn't want to get up yet, but he needed to use the bathroom. He was about to get up, when he felt Sehun pulling him back to his arms. "Where do you think you're going, princess? I'm not finished yet." He whined, offering younger one the cutest pout, that he could, as he nuzzled against his crook of the neck, placing small kisses there. 
"A-ah, Sehun... W-wait... I need to use the bathroom." He says then, feeling his cheeks warm up, as he felt his partner softly nibbling on his neck. Such small acts of intimacy and affection was enough to make Yeosang's heart flutter. Hearing his comment, made Sehun lift his head and pouted as he hesitantly let go from him.
"Alright then... But you better be quick, because I'm not done cuddling you." He says then with smirk, and stole quick kiss, before fully letting Yeosang to actually go to bathroom, and grabbed his phone, checking if he have gotten important messages from the agency or other members. He haven't. Scrolling through his phone he waited for Yeosang to return. He got a bit frightened by sudden scream. Instantly dropping his phone he pushed blanket aside and rushed towards the door, stumbling upon pieces of clothing, that were laying on the ground, rushing to bathroom. "Princess, what happened?!" He asks with concerned look on his face, as he saw Yeosang's frightened figure sitting in the corner of the bathroom.
"T-there's a big spider, right next to the sink..." He mutters. He hated spiders or any other insects. Sehun had to hold himself back from laughter, when he saw that the spider wasn't that big as it seemed. It was just the reflection of the mirror, that made it look bigger. But he didn't want to make Yeosang feel bad, so he just took piece of paper and grabbed the spider and flushed it down from toilet, washing his hands and dried them, turning to Yeosang then. "Danger is over. You can calm down now, princess. Your prince is here." He says then with soft smile and grabbed Yeosang, lifting him up to his arms bridal style. "Let's go back to bed." He says, kissing his mate's forehead gently, carrying him back to bedroom, where they could cuddle up and enjoy the rainy morning under the warm covers.
Once they settled down to bed, Sehun put blanket over them and warped his arms around Yeosang's figure, peppering his face with soft kisses, while letting his fingers run up and down his mate's spine. Since they rarely had time for mornings like this, they both wanted to enjoy it the fullest. Chuckling at the kisses Yeosang warped his own arms around his partner. There was no other male in the world, that would make Yeosang feel the way Sehun is doing.
"I love you, Sehun-ah..." He whispered, looking up to his partner with soft smile forming to his lips, while he pressed his body closer to Sehun's, just enjoying the warmth. "I love you too, my princess..." He whispers, before capturing Yeosang's lips with his, kissing him deeply and lovingly, his other hand resting on his cheek, while his other hand was still moving up and down his spine, providing warmth and affection to his mate. 
Everytime their lips met, Yeosang felt his heart skipping a beat, the sensation taking over. He loved how soft Sehun's lips felt against his own. Pulling younger closer by the waist, Sehun put more effort into the kiss. However, he was careful, not wanting to get carried away and make Yeosang feel uneasy. Upon the kiss Yeosang felt his cheeks heat up again, and he felt the thrill run down his spine, when he felt his partner nibbling on his bottom lip. 
"Sehun-ah... What are you...?" He started, but wasn't able to continue, when he was already going with flow, and deepened the kiss aswell, before pulling back for air.
"Shit, princess... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to..." Sehun started, feeling embarrassed now, that he feared he made his mate feel uneasy, but instead he felt Yeosang placing finger on his lips. "Shh... It's alright. I liked it." He heard his mate saying, and seeing that smile on his lips made Sehun feel relieved, while warping blanket better around younger's body, warping his arms around him, and kissed his head gently. 
"That's good... I was worried, that I made you feel uneasy." He says then, and felt younger one snuggling against his chest, placing small kisses on it, before lifting his head to look at his partner. "But you didn't. So, no worries." He says then as he then pecked Sehun's lips couple of times, then he heard his phone buzzing on the night stand, informing about incoming call. 
"Who the hell dares to disturb my..." He starts, but falls silent as he saw it was his manager. Sighing heavily he picked up the phone and answered. While he was talking with his manager Sehun kept his arms around his mate, chin resting on his exposed shoulder, since he was wearing a loose shirt as his pajama, that kept falling off all the time, not wanting him to leave, now that they finally had morning together. 
Placing kiss on his shoulder he waited for Yeosang to finish the call. As he did, he could see how his mate’s expression have changed. He knew Yeosang had to go. "You need to go, right?" He asked then as he heard frustrated sigh escaping Yeosang's lips as he placed his phone down, rolling onto his back, staring up to ceiling.
"Yeah... Our group have urgent meeting at the agency... Something about comeback preparations..." He says then quietly, hating that he needed to leave Sehun's arms. Disappointment was visible on his face, and Sehun didn't like seeing his mate like that. But duty was a duty. That was the curse about being idol.
"I know you're disappointed, and so am I, but... We can always cuddle, when you come back. I don't think your meeting will last that long anyway." He says as he moved closer to his mate, letting his fingers brush away some hair, that was on his eyes, and kissed his cheek softly. 
Yeosang turned on his rib and placed kiss on Sehun's lips, before forcing a smile, as he thought about leaving his side. "Yeah, I don't think it will last that long." He then says with smile, but even through the smile Sehun saw how miserable his mate was and he hated seeing that.
As Yeosang was about to get off the bed, he felt Sehun's arms snaking around his torso. "Hey... Don't feel bad, princess. We have plenty of time to spend together after your boring meeting. I'll try come up with something special for you, when you come back, alright?" He then whispers softly, placing a kiss on his cheek then, giving him comforting squeeze. Shaking his head with small smile Yeosang turned looking to Sehun over his shoulder. 
"Alright, I'll try my best not to get too gloomy. For your sake." He says then and felt Sehun's lips on his, kissing him back, before he got up and got dressed. Since it was just meeting up with the group, he didn't need to do make up or his hair. He just grabbed facemask from the package and returned to Sehun, kissing him one more time.
"I'll see you later, my wolfboy." He then says with small smile and left, feeling Sehun's eyes on his back. He knew that he would miss him, and Yeosang felt the same way, but he took comfort to idea, that he'd be able to spend more time with him once he comes back. 
By that thought Yeosang made his way towards the agency and the meeting.
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kyunshiesdrabbles · 4 years ago
Title: Your Touch Is All I Want (Chapter 1/3)
Type: One shot / Drabble
Ship: Jongin x Female reader
Genre: Angst/Fluff
Word count:  1,780
Author’s Notes: I read some fluff fics about Jongin & reader last night and got inspired by them to write my own. I hope you enjoy, because I sure did have fun writing this. ^^
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It was one of those days, when everything seemed to go wrong. She have been feeling totally miserable and useless. Walking back to her apartment from works she let out deep sigh. Even her working place wasn’t far from the apartment walk seemed to last forever. As he passed the park she heard someone calling for her. Stopping on her tracks she spun around to see happily smiling Chanyeol approaching her, followed by Baekhyun and Sehun. “Hey, Y/N-ah. Where are you going?” Baekhyun asked as he was resting his elbow against Chanyeol’s shoulder, smiling his stupidly adorable smile. She really wasn’t on the mood to socialize, but she couldn’t show her misery to her squad. So, she faked a smile, in order to cover her true emotions. “I just got off the works, so I am going home. I am kinda exhausted. Can’t we talk later?” She then asks, trying her best to hide her misery with genuine smile, even it was hurting. She just wanted to get away as quick as possible, before she’d blow her cover.
Frown upon their faces were visible and it didn’t make her feel any easier. She hated letting her squad down, but today she just wanted to be alone. She didn’t really wanna talk with anyone. She just wanted to go home and hide from the world. “What’s wrong, Y/N? Usually you’d love to hangout with us.” Sehun whined as he walked over to her. Here we go. Soon she didn’t have other choice than tell. Biting her lip, she tried to come up with quick excuse to leave. Before she was able to say a word she heard way too familiar voice coming from behind her. Crap... It’s Jongin. What do I do?! She tried to come up with plan to just slip away, before things would get out of hand. As Jongin walked to scenario other’s expect female greeted him. She just hoped, that she could just vanish without a trace.  This situation was overwhelming her right now.  
"What's going on here?" Jongin asked, feeling confused by the whole situation. But more confused he was about the fact, that she wasn't greeting him, even she usually always did.  "We have no idea. She seems a bit off today. Usually she wants to hangout with us after works, but today looks like she's just trying to avoid us." Chanyeol says, pouting a bit as he looked over to female and then to Jongin, that arched a brow, turning to the female. "Y/N-ah...?" He calls out for her, as he'd be expecting her to confirm their story. Biting her lip she averted his gaze, only to feel Jongin lifting her chin to face him. She felt bang inside of her chest.  
It felt like her heart would have exploded. She felt her cheeks flushing up as she was looking into deep brown eyes of the male, that she had known since the kindergarten. During all the years her feelings towards him grew deeper. "I had busy day at works, so I am kinda exhausted now. If you'll excuse me, I'd really need to go." She said as she pulled away from Jongin's reach and dashed away, feeling tears in her eyes. She knew Jongin would never feel same way as she did towards him. Besides, he already had an girlfriend.  
"Well, I guess we have to go to the dinner without her." Baekhyun says, shrugging his shoulders. Sehun felt bad, because he really wanted her to join them, but he didn't wanna pressure her too much. Chanyeol were visibly hurt and disappointed. He'd let her know about it next day. The trio left, and Jongin was only one left standing there and watched towards the direction female had just dashed to. Why was he feeling sting inside his chest? He heard his phone ringing, causing him to snap out from his thoughts. It was his girlfriend. Sighing heavily he picked up the call and walked away.  
Once female got back to her apartment she unlocked the door and went inside, dropping her back to floor and removed her shoes, before making her way towards the bedroom. Flopping down to bed she buried her face into pillow, letting the tears flow. She wasn't able to hold it in any longer. So, she cried until falling asleep somehow. Some hours passed and it was getting dark already.  She slowly woke up and checked the clock from her phone, also seeing missed calls. 2 missed calls "Yeoliepollie" and 3 missed calls "Jonginnie" said the screen. She just put her phone down and curled up to ball, still feeling miserable mess after everything, that happened at works and that moment with Jongin in the park. She felt like someone had pierced her chest with the sharp knife as she thought about it, causing her flinch and curl up even more. Someone like Jongin would never ever date someone like me. Still... I can't stop myself from dreaming about it.
She laid there for a moment and then heard the doorbell ring. What now...? Sighing heavily she forced herself up from the bed and dragged herself to the door. Maybe it was Chanyeol, coming to complain how she just left them behind without explaining herself better. But she was shocked as he saw who was behind the door. Why is he here? She thought, at the sight of Jongin. Trying to collect herself she took deep breath, before slowly opening the door. "Oh, Jongin-ah... W-what brings you here? I thought you were supposed to be with your girlfriend." She said, trying to smile a bit, but it seemed harder than she originally thought.  Jongin stood there quietly for a while, as if he'd be trying to read her.  
"I was, but since you didn't answer my calls, I decided to come over to see you." He then says, keeping his dark  brown eyes on her, making her cheeks flush up once again. "Uh... I passed out once I got home, and my phone was muted, so I didn't hear your calls. But I'm alright." She says then faking a smile. Jongin wasn't buying it. "No, Y/N, you're not. I'm not blind, you know." He then says sternly, making female swallow. There was something in his voice, that made her feel a bit nervous. Trying to crack a smile she looked away. "I have no idea what are you talking about..." She says quietly, avoiding his gaze only to feel Jongin grabbing her chin once again, making her heart skip a beat. "Judging by the stains on your cheeks, and your smudged make-up... You've been crying., haven't you?" He then comments with serious expression on his face. It was like someone had hit her to head with frying pan. Damn it...! I forgot to wash my make-up... She thought to herself, biting her lip. She knew there was no point trying to deny it. He already caught her.  
Sighing heavily, she gave up from the pretending. "You know... You're right... I have been crying. I had terrible day at works... Seemed like all went wrong and I just got negative feedback about all I did. I really wasn't on the mood to socialize with anyone after works. I just wanted to be alone... I didn't want to let my squad or you down, so I was pretending to be alright and..." Before she was able to continue she felt Jongin's arms warping themselves around her. Her cheeks flushed up and her heart was about to jump off her chest. Feeling his warm embrace made her feel so vulnerable, so she just couldn't hold it back, she bursted into tears. Burying her face into Jongin's strong chest she allowed herself to her emotions, her fingers grasping into fabric of Jongin's long coat, as she warped her own arms around him.  
"It's alright... Just let it out... I'm here for you, Y/N... I'm here..." He whispers soothingly, before placing his lips against her hair, kissing top of her head gently, holding her against his body, while his other hand was running soothingly up and down her back. How he hated to see her like this. It was also hurting him. He cared so much about her and seeing her in state like this was unbearable for him.  After some while she managed to collect herself. "Feeling better?" He asks then, wiping off the remaining tears from her cheeks, while looking at her with his warm eyes. As much as she hated to cry in front of him, she couldn't deny the fact of letting out her emotions actually helped. Nodding she offered him small smile.  
"Yeah... Thank you, Jongin." She says then as she looked up to the tall man before her.  Resting his hands on her shoulders Jongin looked into her eyes, smiling softly. "Will you be alright now? I need to go back to studio for a bit." He says then, keeping eyes on his friend, while rubbing her shoulders gently. Honestly she wished he could've stayed, but she knew importance of his works too. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Thank you for stopping by. I'm feeling better now." She says with smile as she looked into his eyes, feeling her cheeks flush up again. Every time their eyes met she felt the warmth inside of her chest.  
She would never be feel the same towards anyone else. "That's good to hear. You know I always got your back." He says as he once again pulled her into his warm embrace. She warped her own arms around him and hugged him tightly back. "I'll text you later, okay? Stay safe and don't overthink anything." He says, poking her nose softly before turning to leave and waved at her with bright smile. Female waved back and stood there, watching after him until he was out of the sight. Sighing heavily she closed the door and went to finally wash away her smudged make-up.
After showering she went to make herself cup of tea to relax more. As she didn't get the message from Jongin she thought, that he was busy, so he just went straight to bed, curling up, burying herself into blanket as she fell asleep. After an hour or so her phone's screen turned on, informing about the message, but she was already in dreamland.  
Chapter 2 coming soon...
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