Greetings readers and writers, welcome to No Context Writer. You may wander upon this page, read something, and think, huh, what the hell is this? Is this supposed to be from something? Don't worry about it, it isn't from anything unless you consider my brain to be a thing, (Which I often do every now then.) The inception of this page comes from me having so many story ideas, concepts, and characters floating around in my head that I just needed a place to put them. Give them a world to exist in for a while, maybe their stories will never have a begining or an end, maybe they'll never even get a chance to live beyond the little scenes I craft for them. But at least they'll get a chance to exist in some way... I just want to share my imagination with people hoping it can spark something in their own imagination. This isn't the first time I've tried to share these excerpts and poems with the world, but every time I tried I just couldn't find my people, ya'know? At the end of the day, all I really want is for people to make fanart for the things I write and come with their own theories on what comes next or what came before. That's all I want, is that so much to ask? Oh and for people to buy my book someday when I finish writing one (eventually) but that's it. So I guess I'll try this again.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Well there it goes, I did it again. Indulged in the lust, the calling of sin.
The outside of me contradicts what's within,
and I'm praying that it goes away.
But all my plees just go to waste, the heavens won't yield, still I'm bound to faith.
Yet saints can't heal what I'm bound to face.
The face that's snarling inside.
The face that emarges and calls to the sky, for the devil-white moon that reigns in the night.
It howls as it hunts, brings pain with delight, its feral fangs dripping, while I'm caged from the light.
Still all it's disfunction remains in my sight, so all of the guilt remains on my mind.
The dismay and shame decays on my mind
and the only thing that helps is releasing what is mine:
The will to resist, the beast as it feasts. Let myself go, I can sleep while it eats.
Forget myself a minute just a couple hours, decend into the darkness, surrender to the power.
Ignore the discomfort, ignore all the fault, let it run its course, when I wake I'll resolve
Repent and repeat, my decent into madness over and over a creature of habit.
Okay I need to see a graphic novel about a nun who is also a wear wolf. It will focus on her trying to keep her secret, her failed attempts at curing herself with both religion and science, and carry undertones and metaphors for religion banning some peoples natural state (gay, trans, ect.) and coming to terms with that in the context of faith. And maybe some crime fighting idk. But the main point will be that it will be called
Creature of Habit
#no context writer#nocontextwriter#creative writer#writing#writing prompt#werewolf#faith#poem#inspiration#inspired#nun#cure#madness
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Mobbing Fanart

#Art#Nocontext#No context writer#Nocontextwriterfanart#Fanart#Crow#Bird#Bird art#Mobbing#Ink#Sketch#Doodle#Writing#creative writing
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they were pristine and unmighty and their speckless feathers shimmered even in the shade of the Tall Oak’s branches.

#Mobbing#magpie#beauty#birds#writing#writer#Nocontextwriter#No Context Writer#creative writer#fiction#creative writing#flying#flight#qoute#Excerpt#zero context
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Excuse me sir, but I’ll have you know, amongst The Flock Of The River Wind, I am renown as the swiftest and most courageous and I rebuke your words.

#Steller's Jay#Blue#Mobbing#No Context Writer#Nocontextwriter#Writing#writing prompt#Writer#creative writer#bird#courage#pictures of birds#quote#fiction#Excerpt
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Corvus was one of a kind, even though his feathers dripped with darkness like the rest of them, his heart was full of light and humility.

#Mobbing#Crow#Bird#Black#Flight#sky#wild#fiction#Nocontextwriter#No Context Writer#storytelling#quote#story#Writing#creative writer#Writer#writing prompt
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You two seem pretty unrattled, been to many mobbings have you?

#Mobbing#Jackdaw#Black#Crow#Story#Writing#Fear#First Time#Bird#Birds#No Context#No Context Writer#Nocontextwriter
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“So we're really doing this?”
“We have no choice, it’s the only way we can keep the territory safe for the offspring.”
“You’re right. I just hope we aren’t the only fools to show, otherwise this will turn to a quick tragedy.”
“Others’ll show, just learn to have a little faith for once.”
-Tall Oak: 9:32 am-
Corvus was right. He was always right. Even as they circled overhead Rook could see half a dozen feathered forms fluttering amongst the west branches of the tall oak.
“Let’s hurry, we're already late,” said Corvus diving for the canopy, beak steadfast, wings decisively folded. Even under these circumstances, the grandiose fool showed no reservations, no hesitation. Rook shook his head and dipped his beak as he banked into his brother's slipstream and followed him down.
“Ah good Corvus you made it,” Cawed the Warchief turning his good eye towards the two of them as they landed.
“Yes, of course, sorry we were late. I brought Rook too,” announced Corvus as if Rook needed validation to be there.
Rook scanned the other crows on the branches, not including him and Corvus there were two others, three if you included their single-eyed commander. Other than them there were three jays and two magpies, they were pristine and unmighty and their speckless feathers shimmered even in the shade of the Tall Oak’s branches.
“Raah! Thank the winds more black wings showed!” cawed one of the crows, he was the smallest of their kind, with white eyes and a grey body that contrasted well with his black beak and wings. He fluttered over to them landing precisely between the space of Rook and Corvus as if the spot had been reserved for him. Corvus moved over an inch to give their new branch-mate some space. Rook did not.
“Name’s Jackdaw, You two seem pretty unrattled, been to many mobbings have you?” asked the little grey crow.
“This’ll be our first,” replied Corvus witlessly exposing their weaknesses before the other tribes.
“HAHA! You hear that Hood? Their first mobbing and they aren’t the least bit shaken, theres some true black beaks for yah!” Screeched the obnoxious little bird.
Rook didn’t need to turn his eye to his fellow passerine to know what they were likely thinking right now. Don’t worry, thought Rook, Corvus would do the right thing, he always did the right thing.
Corvus gave his fellow crow a courtesy titter, “While I appreciate the vote of confidence, many birds have black beaks, not just crows, and so too do they have the courage to set aside their fears and differences to band together for the sake of the greater good.”
Rook could practically see the shift in the other bird’s perceptions, as Corvus suddenly went from a strange, nobody-blackbird to a blackbird deserving of their admiration and respect.
Even the chuckle of disagreement that came from the crow sitting between Rook and his brother was done in a respectful unobtrusive sort of way, “Hehe yeah well, we’ll see if you’ll be singing the same tune when the spectrum brigade loses their nerve and fly off before the job is done,” said the small crow.
Rook had to hold back a laugh of his own, not necessarily because he agreed with the little crow, but because Jackdaw himself wasn’t any bigger than the birds he was insulting. He wished he could share the ironic amusement with Corvus but when he looked over to his brother his facial expression was less of amusement and more similar to the one they often received when they weren’t living up to mother’s expectations. But Rook knew Corvus’s look wasn’t meant for him. In Corvus’s mind Rook carried the same principles and virtues as him, so the thought that Rook might be amused at one bird taunting another would never cross his mind.
“Stellar, don’t,” peeped one of the jays to another.
The jay called Stellar fluttered forth, his body was a rippled blue, while his head was a stark black with a crest that pointed to the higher heavens. “Excuse me sir, but I’ll have you know, amongst The Flock Of The River Wind, I am renown as the swiftest and most courageous and I rebuke your words.”
“Is that so?” Replied Jackdaw, with condescending amusement.
“Indeed it is, I would argue none who have shown their beaks here today is any less courageous than the bird sitting beside them,” Chirped the little jay with the pride of a peacock.
Rook always use to wonder why Corvus dragged him everywhere instead of seeking out virtuous like-minded companions like Steller back home. It was only now in this exchange between Jackdaw and the jay that he realized there weren’t any birds like Steller back home, in fact, most crows were more like him or Jackdaw, or even Hood who Rook was slowly starting to suspect was actually a small raven based on his size and still had yet to utter a peep. Corvus was one of a kind, even though his feathers dripped with darkness like the rest of them, his heart was full of light and humility. Perhaps that was why their mother treasured him so, and why everywhere he went he earned the respect of those around him.
“Beaks up birdbrains!” Two Swallows came swooping down from higher branches, “We got eyes on the target, gliding south carried by southward winds,” said the first swallow.
“We move now we can ride the currents; reach him before he hits the High Nests in Red Garden,” suggested the second.
There was an understandably sudden sobering shift in the air around them as the time for action was finally upon them.
“Then let’s do what we came here to do!” cawed Corvus wearing his valor on the tip of his beak, as his wings fluttered with anticipation.
The Warchief flew up to a branch right above them, expressing his authority over the mob, “Alright pheasants listen up. Make every strike as impactful as possible, but remember the goal is to make this area an disagreeable hunting zone for the beast, we aren’t aiming to kill it, so don’t take any unnecessary risk.”
The Warcheif flew into the upper branches prompting the other birds to follow, he stopped at the top of the Tall Oak where the sun lit up the warm green canopy. “And most importantly, if anyone does lose their nerve out there, I ask that you maintain formation instead of fleeing. If you choose not to attempt a strike that’s fine, but the moment our numbers dwindled we lose or advantage and or efforts will be fruitless. I believe we all came here because deep down we all possess a courage and wisdom that exceeds the expectation of our individual tribes and genus. We know preservation of our future is far more paramount than the preservation of our present, that together we are mightier than the wind, and that birds of a feather flock together!”
#Writer#Nocontextwriter#No Context Writer#writting#Excerpt#crow#bird#mobbing#to be continued#?#Scene#fiction#creative writer#concept#pt1#group#teamup#squad
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