criminalsandtea · 8 years
for every ‘@’ sent (anon or not) I WILL mention and post some positivity about a fellow tumblr user | Open
I was actually planning on cheating this if I only got one @ and just mention all the people, but this is even better!
Some people come into your life, and the moment the first ‘hi’ falls, you know the stars aligned just for two souls to meet. I do no know what forever holds, not for me, for you or for us, but I know that for as long as you and I are given together, the flowers will continue to bloom and the sun will continue to rise. We all know the famous poem starting with the words ‘shall I compare thee to a summer’s day’, well, my dear, there is nothing in our universe I can compare you with. No words to express the beauty you are, no language to say how thankful I am for your presence. Forever may or may not be ours, but I know our souls have rubbed off on each other, so a piece of you will always be me and a piece of me will always be you. Thank you for your presence in my life, thank you for your existence and thank you for being my friend. ♥
I know you so often doubt yourself, and I want to tell you that you really must not. You are a wondeful person, an incredible writer and you are a brave soul. The stars come out every night for you to see and the birds sing you a good morning every day. Remember that you are loved, by me and by the world in its whole, always. Thank you for being a part of my life ♥
Your soul is filled with endless love and it is beautiful to watch you give it away so freely. Remember to love yourself the way you love others, for you are deserving of every bit of warmth and every bit of kindness. Thank you for who you are and thank you for allowing your soul to bring something good to our world. I am grateful to have met you and I am forever thankful for all you have given me. You are a blessing to the world, my dear ♥
Our path together, even if it shows its gaps, is one I will forever cherish. You are and will always be a fantastic writer, a fantastic being and a precious soul. You have a heart of gold and the wisdom of elders. You are strong and you are brave, yet you manage to remain humble and gentle. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life, I will adore every moment of it ♥
I know you suffer and it pains me to see so. You are deserving of all the good our world can offer and it is a shame that it is not always given to you. Continue fighting as bravely as you are already doing and I promise you that the sun will give you its warmth soon. I am so proud of you and I am so thankful that you allow me to form a part of your story. Thank you for all that you are and all that you give to the world ♥
I cannot begin to express in words what you mean to me. Your soul is filled with warmth and love and you never hesitate to give it away. The amount of times I’ve felt down or doubtful about my writing, only to find a message of yours in my askbox, or even just a meme. I may not always say it, but it truly means the world to me. You are so supportive and so loving, always. Thank you ♥
I know we have met only shortly ago, but you are such a lovely presence upon my dash. I continuously look forward to your writings. We have yet to speak in person, but I can feel that you have a loving soul. I am thankful that you have given me a chance to write with you and I hope our adventures will continue for as long as possible. Thank you for all and I hope we will get to know each other even better over time ♥
Your creativity is beyond measures. You are a brilliant writer and your ability to take on just about any character is absolutely mesmerizing. I adore you and I adore your writing to no end. You are also a wonderfully kind human being. Thank you for all that you have given me, I hope I can return all the kind gestures, always ♥
Your writing is absolutely brilliant. It is obvious from all you do that you find joy in what you are doing, and that is the most beautiful to witness as a reader. You create a Sherlock that feels so real and it is beautiful to watch. Thank you for allowing me to write with you, I am honoured to be a part of it all ♥
It is noticable in all you write that you have a great understanding both of the power of words and the behaviour of your character. To read your replies is to see a scene play before one’s own eyes, so real and so unbelievably good. You are, beside a fantastic writer, also a generous and kind soul. You suffer at times, yet you find the ability to keep going every single day. Remain brave and strong and you will get where you are going eventually. Thank you for all you do ♥
Somehow it won’t let me tag you, but of course I cannot leave you out of this list. You are one of the most wonderful people I have met in my life. I know you continuously speak kind of me, yet you so often find it hard to say those same words about yourself. Therefore, I will say them to you. You are a gentle soul, you have a heart of gold, you have the bravery and fierceness of a lion (and the manes, let’s be honest ;-) ) and you are so caring of those around you. Never let others silence you or tell you you are unworthy of your place on our earth, because you deserve everything good the earth has to offer. I am so grateful that you have come into my life and I will forever be thankful for the kindness and love you have given me. You will forever have a place in the gardens of my heart and I will always be happy to sit there with you ♥ 
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poxsonmenace · 8 years
“—Mhh, well you know how old people are; they spend THEIR days all cooped  up IN THEIR flats, COLLECTING dust,” drawled he IN some PARTIAL moan. “Only a matter OF TIME before they self DESTRUCT.”
[ @mollyhooperthoughts ]
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moriartyproperty · 8 years
The check-ups and medication were nothing new, however, Sebastian had picked up some news while wandering about the hallway. Rumor has it, that he’d see a new face. Although he knew very little about this new person, like what tasks they’d be preforming, he supposed it could be positive news. Perhaps they’d understand him better than most. A huff of air escaped his lips as he was escorted to the room where he was supposed to meet said new person. The door was opened for him so he could step inside the room and was closed mere seconds later. “Hello.” he simply said, unsure what else to say. His plan was to simply go along with whatever was suppose to happen, as long as it’d be something reasonable. 
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He had been half awake and half asleep on the sofa when Sherlock felt the weight of a blanket being laid over his body. He shifted slightly burrowing a little deeper under the fabric that was placed over him to keep him warm 
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torturedtiger · 9 years
Meme || Accepting
Hozier – Foreigner’s God
Link to starter. – [ X ]
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tigerwithasniper · 9 years
♖ My muse having their hair washed by your muse
((Up to you whether it’s AU or what. Could be shifter/college/mainverse/other.)) 
Sebastian leaned back into her touch, eyes closed in relaxation. Playing with his hair always did this to him. It was one of the most sensitive parts on his body and it made him practically turn into a cat. He let out a sigh, wishing this could go on forever.
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“There really was no need for that, who the hell do you think you are?”
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criminalsandtea · 8 years
Shuffle tag
you can tell a lot about a person by the music they listen to. put your mp3 player, itunes, spotify, etc. on shuffle & list the first 10 songs & then tag 10 people, no skipping !!! remember to REPOST not REBLOG !!!
Clocks go forward - James Bay
Lost boy - Ruth B
Rebel Rebel - David Bowie
Welcome to the show - Adam Lambert & Laleh
Pumped up kicks - Foster the people
Faith - George Michael
Seaside Rendezvous - Queen
Stayin’ Alive - Bee Gees
It can’t rain forever - Oh Honey
Who wants to live forever? - Queen
tagged by : @doctxrwatsxn tagging : @bullterrierboy, @salvatiicn, @itsnotmyrealname, @mollyhooperthoughts and anyone else who wants to do this ♥
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mistersexmoriarty · 9 years
“If it isn’t the lovely Molly Hooper... To what do I owe the pleasure, dear?”
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Sex dice
// Your random Click & Drag gave me ‘Squeeze Ass.’
What a gentleman.
Molly may be one of the most useful tools in his kit, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t aim to embarrass her whenever possible. Countless hours he endures being kept in her small, boring flat, watching telly and suffering as that annoying furball leaves its hair all over his clothes, and surely he knows exactly what he’s doing. 
He is just innocent looking enough to pull it off; any act of his can, if he spins it right, be seen as playful humor or a cute joke. They flirt - god, do they flirt - all the time, even if his own advances must be watered down a bit to suit such a mousy girl. Every now and then he will surprise her, and she doesn’t seem to mind. 
Now they are in the break room at Bart’s, and though the other IT blokes have their own small room for storing food and the like, it is in horrible disrepair and smells like old curry. Jim takes his breaks here for the sake of spending time with his ‘girlfriend,’ and now that Molly is busy talking to a colleague about one of the blood samples she had examined earlier that day, Jim is in the mood for a bit of mischief. He is partially hidden where he is, seated at the table and behind Molly, blocked from view. 
He reaches out to lightly brush his hand against her hip, but as it is covered by the folds of her lab coat, she does not seem to feel him. Jim smirks and gives the coat a slight tug, but she pays him no mind; likely she knows he wants her attention, and intends to give it to him as soon as she is finished with her conversation. 
Third time’s a charm.
Without warning, he grasps a handful of her arse and gives a squeeze, making her yelp loudly and nearly drop her coffee, which still manages to slosh out of the cup she is holding. The man she had been speaking to is confused, and when Molly turns around, red-faced, Jim is innocently eating a sandwich.
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lestradable · 9 years
~ mollyhooperthoughts ~ "Do you want to grab a coffee?" [ He realises how forward that must sound and he briefly panics. ] "It doesn't gave to be now, um, we could get a coffee, uh, anytime?"
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rchardbrook-blog · 9 years
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     “ So it’d be great if this wasn’t about the Sherlock/Jim thing “
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torturedtiger · 9 years
Foreigner’s God || Molly and Sebastian
He stood over the body next to Molly Hooper inside of her own morgue. The body. Jim’s body. Black eyes opened into a world Sebastian could no longer reach. He glanced at Molly as she stood to the side. The two of them had an uneasy alliance.
At least for today.
As per Sherlock Holmes’ wishes, Sebastian’s command to kill all things close to the detective, and really all things in general, were now canceled due to the lack of living bosses. Sherlock would allow Sebastian to live in peace, past offenses forgotten. So long as he didn’t make himself known to the public, Sherlock would even allow the sniper one last goodbye.
“Still,” he started, grazing the back of his fingers along the edge of Jim’s jaw. “My heart is heavy,” his eyes lifted to meet Molly’s, “with the weight of some other man’s belief.”
With a deep sigh, Seb closed the black bag and covered Jim’s face for the last time. “But his convictions are not my own. You have a deal. The two of you will not have to examine another of my victims.”
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tigerwithasniper · 9 years
Send me “♥” to see how my muse reacts when your muse suddenly kisses them.
Sebastian was not expecting the kiss, but quickly kissed her back, hands flying to her hair. 
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devilsxtiger · 9 years
“We could kiss right now, and no-one would know”
“And does that matters? I mean, the fact that there’s no people in here?”
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moriartyproperty · 9 years
[text] I’m at home but awake, you are right. [text] A drink sounds nice, though I’m not sure about you using that information for good things.
[Text: M. Hooper] Define ‘good’. -S [Text: M. Hooper] Don’t you worry, love. All I’m after is knowledge. -S [Text: M. Hooper] What can I say? I simply enjoy learning something new. -S 
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