divorced-slenderman · 6 months
I've been out here so divorced you have. No clue.
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all-mighty-axle-arc · 6 months
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hey i'm back! accidentally found my lost phone while making my way to the store :D
weirdly enough, my phone feels tacky, but i don't see any substantial damage on it yet, so i think we're good!!
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Hey, Venti, hanging in there?
“As usual!”
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kyogre-eater · 2 months
Hey, Pinky. Dad duty: Nugget has something to tell you, be calm when he does it okay? He's nervous.
If he's gay I don't care I'm not homophobic
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thebolter1904 · 9 days
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669 notes hehehe
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ask-the-attorneys · 6 months
to any of the gavins;
how in the fuck do you style your hair like that
I twist it and add some hairspray. Not rocket science.
Except it, uh, doesn't make any sense, sir…
Oh, you're one to talk.
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despairs-memorial · 8 months
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I genuinely just... lost a lot of drive to use the muses on this one, but at the same time, I don't feel like it's fair to just drop these threads. So, I'm going to just... put everything on hold until I can muster up something for them. I'm sorry, really, just... even thinking of an in character response for some of these is tiring right now.
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fellowhonest · 19 days
"You like apples, right?" They say, pushing an apple into his hands before (gently) offering Gidel one as well. "Welcome to the dorm. You want a room on the ground floor or upper floor? And no, you can't turn the building into an attraction. I won't stop the ghosts from pranking you if you try." (From the Director)
" You know what they say, an apple a day keeps the doctor away ! " he hums in a sing-a-song tune as the apple in his hands is thrown for a spin, safely landing right back into his hand and rolling smoothly across his whole arm and coming onto the other. Warm orange hues glance at the other apple rolling towards Gidel as the child gently stops the apple on the table then silently glances up at him. A small nod of his head is granted and the child offers him a warm smile back and takes the apple into his hands, wasting no time in taking a few bites.
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" Tsk figures, oh come on my friend, where is your entrepreneur spirit ! You have a nice little spot on your hands, you should make the most out of it ! "
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wishmaker-astra · 3 months
Oh, yeah, I'm deleting a number of asks from around the time of the incident to clear out things. Sorry if you sent an actually worthwhile thing and I chuck it while cleaning out the toxic crap.
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// btw when flower anon tells you what’s been happening with ena. just know that i’m the one who started it ♡
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Can I come to the picnic it's totally fine if you don't want me to but can I? I'll bring my Dedenne
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all-mighty-axle-arc · 6 months
sword, guess what?
its my BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
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dontcxckitup · 1 year
@lady-llewellyn cont. from (X)
His concern is noted and adorable; making her smile brighter as he says they should be looking for something proper to eat. As if this was a place where one could find more than finger foods and nibbles. Ellyn snickers softly and daintily licks her thumb as she hums in consideration. “Live off of them? Oh, gods, no. But, they’ll work out alright until I go home and probably devour the rest of the leftover pizza in my fridge. Though it all depends on how tired out I am when this is all over.”
With a small shrug, she pops another berry into her mouth and grins. Her gaze drops to his holding that glass a bit tighter and she finds herself humming along softly with a song until he asks her about her wings. “Mmm, I thought about taking the tube, but, that’d be utter madness. So, I called an Uber and waited to put the wings on until I got here. They have little eye hooks to attach to the dress. The only other downside is how much bloody glitter they shed–you’ll have to have your outfit drycleaned or something, I’m sorry to say.”
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Well, now he isn’t even hiding his staring at her lips when Ellyn licks her thumb again. Only slowly his gaze shifts up to meet hers. “I think I have some…leftover Indian in the fridge,” Gareth muses, smiling. Though his gaze moves to his shoulder and arm. Well, there indeed is a bit of flitter and glitter on his black suit. Nothing a good cleaning can’t get rid of, however.
“It’s fine,” he lifts his arm and chuckled. It does look somewhat funny, he has to admit. A glittering priest. Surely a rare sight. “I hope you don’t mind me asking why you chose this costume?”
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balloonboyismyson · 6 months
I HAVE to say the age old joke before the day ends........
What does the Moon do to the Sun's hair when they complain it is getting too long? ...
'E clipse it!
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ask-the-creatures · 6 months
Goo goo ga ga 🤤🤤🤤 I wan
I want MILK
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I’m most definitely shorter than you mama, I’m 4’11” and a half
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