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marta-bee · 7 years
I'm really enjoying the @inceptionpositivity blog, and I'm missing the fun of @sherlockiansbepositive. (Not to criticize, we all need breaks and changes. ) So, I know I'm not a huge blog, but if you want to put a few sentences into a PM n why a particular fandom member, group or the fandom as a whole rocks, I'd welcome the chance to post it. All Sherlocks welcome.
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ivyblossom · 10 years
I was reading one of your fics today, ivy, and I was grinning like a madman and kept making little squealing noises, and so my friends kept glancing at me. It was great :)
Hahahhaa! Well I’m glad to hear that! It’s really nice of you to say this today of all days, because I’m feeling a bit freaked out. Fandom is showering me with affection on a day when you couldn’t have known I’d need it! How extraordinarily kind!
I officially accepted a new job today in another country (the US). I haven’t quit my current job yet, though. I’m working myself up to it. That’s going to be a tough conversation. I know it’s a good opportunity and I’m lucky to get it, but I’ve been here for nearly 9 years and I’m sad to leave and kind of scared of what’s ahead of me. The move and the border and finding a place to live and selling my current place, to say nothing of the actual job! (PHEW.)
Thanks everyone for your kindness to me today. I really appreciate it.
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blueyedcas · 10 years
sherlockiansbepositive is one of those blogs that everyone needs to follow, it's such an amazing idea
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observingwatsons · 10 years
this -> sherlockiansbepositive <- is one of the best tumblr blogs I've ever seen, it spreads so much love and it's just so amazing for someone to come up with the idea to take in submissions about how wonderful someone are. It's so beautiful and just breathtaking how so many sweet and kind people there are in this world, stay positive and stay happy because this blog is just so wonderful.
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ageofzero · 10 years
Apparently unreasonably sad was 100% true because
I just burst out crying at the end of Gattaca. And I don't know exactly why. I'm not even joking, there are full on tears and sobs and I don't know why.
wow I really don't know! I'm pretty good with being emotional with movies and knowing what exactly touched me about the story. But this, I have no idea at all. It was like a hair trigger, too; one moment I was like "wow that was really spectacular oh yeah he's just a leftie all over and no one noticed and he's gonna go to space!"
And then
Tears. Just flat out tears.
(The movie was pretty good, to be honest. Alarming but something I like as fiction, also heck yeah for the underdog. I just. There was no reason for that one moment to just cause tears in me to such an extreme.)
Of course, then I saw the SBP message in my tag and it exacerbated the situation. Thank you 1000000000000% whoever wrote that. Even if it was because I was upset that there wasn't a message for me so I whined about it, thanks. Doesn't make it any less important.
(nope, still tears. Why, wHY, movie???)
But thank you, anonymous person. I'm really happy. And if I really did make you feel better because of my art, then thank you again. I don't get that said to me very often.
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SBP is back and call for co-mods
Hello Sherlockians!
Thank you so much to everyone who wished me well and sent good thoughts my way during my hiatus. They were much appreciated.
SBP is open once again, so feel free to submit away!
I’m also interested in finding a couple of new co-mods. It’s not a very demanding position, but I find myself on the edge of the Sherlock fandom, so it’d be good for the blog to have a couple of people who are more involved in fandom.
If you’re interested in being a co-mod and would like to learn more, please send a fanmail with why you would like to be an SBP mod. If you don’t hear back in 24 hours, please feel free to submit again.
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marta-bee · 9 years
This post over at sherlockiansbepositive​ made me quite upset. I’ve found so many lovely Sherlockians through that comm, and the one time I was mentioned there was probably one of my nicest fandom memories to date.
The temptation is to comment on the substance, but I suspect if I went down that road I’d get all too close to the line this post is about avoiding: taking something aid in a comm that’s not mine, and using it to grouse over my personal gripes about the fandom, which is part of what I think is so wrong. I’ve helped run fannish spaces in other fandoms, and I can only imagine how I would feel if this kind of thing happened there. (Luckily, for the most part, I would have to use my imagination here.)
But my main reason in posting this is a proactive one. If you feel I ever cross a line or just attract a bit of controversy please just do me one favor. Doubly so if you think I’ve been wronged and need defense. Don’t go into someone else’s space to defend me or call me out. If you think I’m wrong, I’d actually appreciate hearing it to my face, and if you don’t want to go that route you have your own space to say whatever you like. But using someone else’s site that way strikes me as incredibly presumptive and entitled. Please don’t use them, or me, that way.
And if you’re not already, please do follow the blog! They’ll be back in three weeks or so, and the regular shot of egoless positivity is actually really nice. Well worth the space on your dash.
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Alright Sherlock fandom. I have a couple important things to say, but first I want to give you a little background.
SBP started in the spring of 2013 during a particularly wank saturated moment of the Great Hiatus. I wasn’t a part of the blog’s inception, but joined soon after. (Actually, I’ve been a mod here for 2 years as of this past Sunday.         °˖ ✧◝(○ ヮ ○)◜✧˖ °)
Since then my goal and the goal of this blog has been to provide a space for people to anonymously thank and praise members of the Sherlock fandom.  I (naively) thought a consequence of this goal was that SBP would be a wank free and safe space. Unfortunately this doesn’t seem to be the case.
Over the past month or so there’s been a sharp uptick in the number of messages that are more about scoring points in fandom battles or passively-aggressively attacking the “opposition” rather than about the people they’re supposedly for. People are creating sock puppet accounts so that they can add nasty comments to cards. I’m getting messages arguing about the content of cards and/or telling me that so-and-so is actually a horrible person.
None of this is okay. And even though the vast majority of people aren’t a problem, these few bad apples are ruining the batch. I’ve heard from a few people who no longer feel that this is a safe and/or welcoming space for them because of the above or messages that have been published. Quite frankly, I’m not sure this is currently a safe and welcoming space for me.
So since the inbox and queue are empty as of this morning and my co-mod is already taking a break, I’m going to put SBP on hiatus for the next couple of weeks. The inbox will remain open; we just won’t be responding to or publishing anything before June 15.
But before we go dark for a bit, I wanted to let everyone know what a generally rewarding and wonderful experience this has been. There were days and weeks when curating this blog was the only thing reminding me that I had some sort of purpose. Even now it continues to be an honor and a privilege to help spread joy and happiness.
Finally, though I wish it didn’t have to be said, please do not go on a crusade to call out or black ball the people who you think caused this. I’m responsible for this decision, and I absolutely do not want wank—even well-meaning wank—to be a result.
Please be kind and good to each other and may your days be filled with squee and delight.
-admin cp <3
tl;dr: SBP is on hiatus until June 15. Inbox will be open, but we won’t be responding. Why? Fandom wank and bullying gets to the best of us.
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