Sebastian Moran, at your service. Bartender. Ex-colonel gun for hire. Though you'll have to talk to my boss first. And you need to find him to do that. ((Indie rp blog for Sebastian Moran.FC: Michael Fassbender. Mun and muse 20+ Multi-fandom))
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
BBC Jekyll Sentences
"Do you want to play lions?"
"Who the FUCK is Mister Hyde?"
"Just once...Just bloody once, could you tell me where you parked?"
"Oh, Mary Poppins! I love Mary Poppins! I could EAT Mary Poppins!"
"That's got to be handy."
"Why did you lie to me?
"Rule one: don't lie to me! I can smell lies."
"Don't ever lie. to. me."
"Why do you really want this job?"
"Don't open your mouth unless you're telling me the truth."
"Love a girl with secrets."
"As long as the lights and cameras are on, you're safe."
"The lights are off...and you're dinner."
"Welcome to the company, Mary Poppins."
"I don't drink whiskey."
"'He' drank! 'He' took the car! Why am I getting the look?!"
"It's always the same tea."
"You don't do crosswords."
"And why not?"
"They're for fun."
"Good lord, really?"
"I'm fairly certain you used to have some sort of ego."
"First fag of the day, always hits the spot!"
"Don't worry. I have a good doctor."
"The night is young, there's a beautiful girl, and somebody is going to die. That's you, by the way."
"Trust me, the neck's good: quick for me, easy for you...everybody's happy!"
"I don't get a lot of pleasure from killing children...but I get enough."
"Let's play llliiiiiiioooonsss!"
"Billy! What do you think? Could I be a Billy?"
"My liver applied for a transplant."
"I hope I didn't catch you in the middle of someone."
"That's interesting because I've always thought of you like a bit of a hard-on."
"Usually disappointing."
"He has Disney favorites?"
"My dark side likes Mary Poppins. No wonder I was bullied at school."
"It's raining, it's pouring _____ is boring!"
"Is he doing you?"
"I'm your new nanny."
"You must have quite an appetite."
"The most powerful creature on the planet, that's what I'm lookin' at. The fastest. The smartest. The best. And you’re British – so it’s even funny."
"You put my SON in a cage with LIONS."
"You've heard of good cop, bad cop? This is the movie!"
"Don't lie to me! Don't annoy me."
"Entirely up to you of course, but I'd say...the front of the queue!"
"Oh, ______, alone at last!"
"Don't play these games. Not with me."
"Know what've I got? You."
"Yep. Took your keys."
"Took my keys too."
"You won't hurt me!"
"I know how he thinks."
"Then you have a problem because he likes me."
"She's running, she's crying! She turned off the lights and she's DYING!"
"Come to daddy!"
"Time of the month?"
"Bit rich coming from the wolf-man."
"You're missing out. It's like sex. But there's a winner."
"Kids a bit...freaked."
"Well, yeah, what can you do? Someone tried to feed him to a lion."
"Then he will kill you."
"Then I won't die! I don't have the time."
"I don't want a drink."
"Sit! On! The chair!"
"You could have killed me!"
"Yes and this is my good side."
"Listen, can I tell ya, I haven't fucked anything in days, seriously a gust of wind and I go off! "
"So, nothing personal but I hope you don't have any plans that involve walking straight."
"Well stop me in the middle if I'm doing it wrong."
"No. We just share a dick."
"First one of you that starts getting nervous, starts pulling that trigger? Dead."
"Hope you have a nicer boss."
"Yes, I'm a doctor. Know what I do with symptoms? I look them up on the internet."
"Did I bring the wrong thumb?"
"Sorry, hun. I should have mentioned I'm Dracula!"
"Oh this feels good--roomy! I could put up shelves!"
"The wife, and the ex, girls together, all friends now - the bastard's dead."
"The thing about consuming an alter-ego, bit like a Chinese, a minute later you're hungry again."
"Talk to me like you know me again, in public, where people can see, and the next sound you hear will be your own neck snapping. Do we have a basis for communication?"
"Hello, Mister Tumor. Goodbye, Daylight!"
"I've got rewind. Look at that. I've got digital rewind - It's like Sky Plus in here!"
"I finally found the adult channels."
"You know the way you sometimes think men are mentally undressing you?"
"She switched channels!"
"Fantastic arse."
"Trust me, I'm a psychopath!"
"I've got him sitting in a helicopter. No it's a moped, no it's a helicopter."
"Actually, it could have been a horse."
"Sorry, but you won't be dealing with Junior anymore. Daddy's home."
"People think that ____ is Rage. Or Hate. Or Greed. Or Lust. But _____ is far worse."
"Love is a psychopath."
"He's a psychopath for God's sake!"
"Look at that... Look what you did... This was CLEAN ON THIS MORNING!"
"Here it comes...tickles."
"A good man until the day he died."
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Beauty and the Beast Lyric Meme
"Little town its a quiet village."
"Every day like the one before."
"Every morning just the same since the morning that we came to this poor provential town."
"Look there she goes. That girl is strange, no question."
"There must be more than this provential life."
"Its no wonder that her name means beauty. Her looks have got no parallel."
"Behind that fair facade, I'm afraid she's rather odd."
"Be our guest."
"Tie your napkin 'round your neck cherie and we provide the rest."
"We only live to serve."
"Try the grey stuff, its delicious."
"A dinner here is never second best."
"We'll prepare and serve with flair a culinary cabaret."
"If your stressed it's fine dining we suggest."
"Life is so unnerving for a servant whose not serving."
"I'll be courting again, chic and sporting again. Which should cause several husbands alarm."
"I'll wear lipstick and rouge and I won't be so huge."
"When the world once more starts making sense."
"In my shack by the sea, I'll sit back sipping tea."
"Let my early retirement commence."
"If it all goes planned our time may be at hand any day now."
"Gosh it disturbs me to see you looking so down in the dumps."
"Every guy here'd love to be you, even when taking your lumps."
"There's no man in town as admired as you."
"For there's no man in town half as many. Perfect, a paragon."
"As you see, I've got biceps to spare."
"My, what a guy!"
"But he was mean and he was course and unrefined."
"Now he's dear and so unsure."
"I wonder why I didn't see it there before."
"No it can't be, I'll just ignore...but then she's never looked at me that way before."
"True, that he's no Prince Charming, but there's something in him that I simply didn't see."
"Well who'd have thought?"
"Who'd have guessed they'd come together on their own?"
"There may be something there that wasn't there before."
"Tale as old as time, true as it can be."
"Barely even friends, then somebody bends."
"Just a little change, small to say the least."
"Both a little scared, neither one prepared."
"Ever just as sure as the sun will rise."
"Bittersweet and strange finding you can change. Learing you were wrong."
"It's a nightmare but its one exciting ride."
"Say a prayer then we're there. At the drawbridge of a castle."
"There's something truly terrible inside."
"Hear him roar, see him foam but we're not coming home til he's dead."
"Kill the beast."
"Raise your torch, mount your horse."
"Something's lurking there you don't see everyday."
"We won't rest til he's good and deceased."
"We don't like what we don't understand, in fact it scares us."
"We'll save our village and our lives."
"Lights ablaze, banners high we go marching into battle."
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Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End Sentence Meme
“All persons convicted of piracy, or adding a person convicted of piracy, or associating with a person convicted of piracy, shall be sentenced to hang by the neck until dead.”
“A dangerous song to be singing, for anyone ignorant of its meaning.”
“What makes you think I need protecting?”
“An unexpected death would cast a slight pall on our meeting.”
“He’s much like myself, but absent my merciful nature and sense of fair play.”
“You think because she’s a woman we would not suspect her of treachery?”
“This is the thief. Is his face familiar to you?”
“As one of the nine pirate lords, you must honor the call.”
“There’s more to you than meets the eye, isn’t there? And the eye does not go wanting.”
“Kill him, he’s not our man.”
“There is an evil on these seas that even the most staunch and bloodthirsty pirates have come to fear.”
“There must be a good reason for our suffering.”
“It signals when a soul comes back to this world from the dead.”
“It’s not getting to the land of the dead that’s the problem. It’s getting back.”
“We need prisoners to interrogate, which tends to work best when they’re alive.”
“How long do we continue not talking?”
“For what we want most, there is a cost must be paid at the end.”
“Don’t be so unkind! You may not survive to pass this way again and those be the last friendly words you’ll hear.”
“Dead men tell no tales.”
“It is neither proper nor suitable, or, it is neither acceptable nor adequate. It is in obvious fact an abomination.”
“This truly is a Godforsaken place.”
“You lend an agreeable sense of the macabre to any delirium.”
“Leave you people alone for a minute and look what’s happened, everything’s gone to pot.”
“The world needs you back something fierce.”
“I just thought with the captain issue being in doubt, I’d throw my name in for consideration.”
“The man has become a monster.”
“Forever seems to be arriving a mite too soon.”
“I prefer rum. Rum’s good.”
“Ten years is a long time, but eternity is longer still.”
“If we don’t stand together, they’ll hunt us down one by one ‘til there be none left but you.”
“The world’s still the same. There’s just less in it.”
“You paid me a great insult once.”
“I’m not certain I can survive any more visits from old friends.”
“Despair leads to betrayal.”
“You and I are no strangers to betrayal, are we?”
“Close your eyes and pretend it’s all a bad dream. That’s how I get by.”
“The goddess herself, bound in human form.”
“I’ve had more than enough experiences dealing with pirates!”
“You may kill me but you may never insult me.”
“Do you think he plants it all out or makes it up as he goes along?”
“You should never be anything less than what you are.”
“Words whispered through prison bars lose their charm.”
“I offer simply my desire.”
“You are not my captain.”
“If he saves me, he loses you.”
“He won’t pick me. I wouldn’t pick me.”
“If you choose to lock your heart away, you’ll lose it for certain.”
“Death has a curious way of reshuffling one’s priorities.”
“You have to ferry souls to the next world.”
“Immortal has to count for something, okay?”
“It’s too late to earn my forgiveness.”
“Our destinies have been entwined, but never joined.”
“No one leaves the ship.”
“For all that pirates are clever cobs, we are an unimaginative lot when it comes to naming things.”
“I don’t reneg on a bargain once struck.”
“Do not forget it was by my power you return from the dead, or what it means should you fail me.”
“I cannot be summoned like some mongrel pup.”
“She pretended to love me! She betrayed me!”
“Better were the days when mastery of seas came not from bargains struck with eldritch creatures, but from the sweat of a man’s brow and the strength of his back alone.”
“It has been torture, trapped in this single form.”
“Would you love me if I was anything but which I am?”
“Many things you were, but never cruel.”
“You have corrupted your purpose and so yourself…and hid away what should have been mine.”
“I will be free and when I am, I will give you my heart and we will be together always.”
“My heart will always belong to you.”
“Pen ‘em up together and they’ll devour each other without a second though. Human nature, isn’t it?”
“Can we in fact pretend that she is anything other than a woman scorned, in which fury hell hath no?”
“I have only ever embraced the oldest and noblest of pirate traditions.”
“That’s the trick isn’t it? To survive.”
“He was merely the tool of your betrayal.”
“No course is lost if there is but one fool left to fight for it.”
“Too long me fate has not been in me own hands- no longer.”
“Dying is a day worth living for.”
“Cruel is a matter of perspective.”
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Sebastian shook his head, closing his eyes and sighing. “Yeah, things that that don’t always work out, though, do they? But you really could do anything. Sure you’ll have people after you, but you could just keep me around to keep those threats away,” he suggested.
❝ daddy doesn't need to know. ❞
((Out of context, this sounds like some taboo step siblings thing and my brain can’t think of anything else. Either relationship or illegalities - not surprising with them - or drugs or something. Teen AU?))
“True, but he’s bound to find out.”
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He still had a hard time believing this was actually possible and happening. Sebastian found himself nodding, though, “Yeah, I guess the states would work. It’s far enough away and I doubt he’d ever think of looking for me there,” he added in an aside, “If he ever came looking anyway.”
"I've never really belonged anywhere."
“Who says you have to belong anywhere in particular? I had to learn a long time ago, that life isn’t about b e l o n g i n g anywhere. It’s about finding a purpose in your life, fulfilling it, and sticking to it. You live for yourself. Nobody else.”
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Sebastian quickly talked to the operator, not wasting any more time than he already had. He kept a tight hold of Elizabeth’s hand, worriedly watching her. After he’d hung up, he shook his head.
“The ambulance is on its way. I can’t help you here, I’m sorry. But you’ve gotta stay with me until then, alright? I can’t give you cpr with poison, then we’d both be dying and I can’t have that.”
“i can’t breathe, i can’t –”
Sebastian was instantly alert, slowly helping her to sit. “Look at me. Focus on me. Take a breath for me.”
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Let’s look closer
So, I was watching the first Iron Man again and got to thinking how the electromagnet and subsequent arc reactor would fit inside a human male chest. What would be the complications? What bones, muscles, etc would be affected? How would this all go together for human anatomy?
Let’s take a look.
First things first, let’s dig into the first couple images we are given of the electromagnet:

Right away, you can see that the skin is actually being forced away from it’s natural position covering the sternum. The shadows in the first picture in particular show it almost bunched up or rolled almost, being pushed out of it’s natural position by this giant chunk of metal. And it’s obvious by the blood that this is still a very clear and open wound. In a dirty, damp cave in Afghanistan. The risk for infection at this moment is through the roof. Over the three months, it’s able to heal and the skin fits into it’s new position, where it started to look like this:

But, until that time, just imagine the level of pain that would give. There is a chuck of metal inside your chest that has no business of being there. Your body is going to naturally want to push it out. The skin is going to regrow around and maybe even into the housing that holds the magnet/reactor. Just thinking about that hurts!
Let’s go deeper. Let’s look at the muscular system of a human male

Now that reactor/magnet is not small. It sits right in the middle of Tony’s chest. Meaning it has either gone through or has pushed back the pectoralis major muscle group and possibly i even pressing down on the rectus sheath. Your muscles look like that for a reason, they’re supposed to be in this position. So to have a holding chamber and magnet disturb that probably doesn’t feel too nice.
Let’s go even farther and check out the skeletal system:

This is a diagram of the average male skeletal chest system. Tony’s arc reactor is located in the center of his chest. And if we look, the arc reactor goes in pretty deep.

Pepper is able to fit almost her entire hand into Tony’s chest. Now, if you take your own hand and press it to the center of your chest, you can clearing feel your sternum. Meaning, not only did the reactor affect the muscles, but it virtually destroyed Tony’s sternum, either in part or completely. The wideness of the housing chamber also pretty much guarantees that a few of Tony’s ribs are no longer connected to his sternum and are most likely pressed against the chamber. The integrity of Tony’s chest bone is basically non-existent once that thing gets put in.
The average thickness of a human sternum doesn’t go above 17 millimeters. Meaning the arc reactor is not only touching the sternum, it went straight through it.
And finally, the heart:

A human’s heart is typically located right behind the breast bone and slightly to the left. Now, taking into account how big the reactor/holding chamber is and how thin the sternum is, it’s entirely possible the reactor could be partially inside Tony’s heart, or at least touching it.
Just imagine that. A giant piece of metal that folds your skin, messes up your muscles, destroys your sternum and possible reaching your heart. No wonder Tony is so protective of it!
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"Hey! Why'd you do that?!"
((Maybe a high school/uni verse?))
Sebastian shook his head, gathering up his books. “Sorry, didn’t see you there.”
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"...But how did this happen? I don't remember anything..." drunken Lizzy times..
Sebastian looked at her, still waking up and trying to piece things together himself. “I don’t know. I don’t think I was with you all night.”
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Helpful Reminders for Paragraph-Based RPing
Hello friends! I’ve been RPing for at least 7 years with many different characters, and one thing that I find pretty common is nervousness/insecurity about para-based RPing. So I decided to make a quick guide of things to keep in mind and little bits of etiquette too, because even seasoned folks want some pointers now and then.
(I am by no means an authority on this! Obviously these rules aren’t universal, but they’re a good starting point!)
What to include in your post:
What your character says- This is generally the most important aspect of the RP. The dialogue between characters is important as it guides the flow of the thread. (Obviously not if your thread is more action-based, like a fight or sex, but this rule generally applies.) If you don’t have enough dialogue, it may be harder for your partner to think of a way to reply. But if you have too much dialogue, it may be difficult for your partner to get a word in edgewise where necessary. Instead of filling your whole post with dialogue, consider these other things to add..
What your character does- When you’re having a real conversation with someone, you don’t stand there motionless. You may be walking somewhere, you might move your hands, you’re almost always going to have a facial expression. Describe these things! It helps to make the thread more realistic, and it helps your partner to get an idea of what you were thinking when you wrote your post.
Icons and GIFs are really helpful tools for this! If you have some of your faceclaim, use them! Otherwise, make some or search Tumblr tags for reaction images. (never claim something as your own if it isn’t!) Most posts will limit the amount of icons to one or maybe two so as not to distract from the thread.
What your character feels- Important to give readers and partners an insight into why your character says/does what they do. This helps to discern voice tone, too- if your character is being sarcastic, you don’t want your partner to think they were being intentionally rude!
What your character thinks- This is similar to the above point. But take caution when using thoughts/inner monologue- since your partner will almost never be able to know exactly what your character is thinking, it is important to also give your partner something in the post that they are able to play off of and respond to.
It takes practice to find a good balance between these aspects, but I find it helpful to run through all of these and see what I can add if I find my response is too short.
Length! When writing a reply, it is helpful and considerate to try and match the length of your partner’s reply. They took the time to write it out, and it makes everyone feel good to see that you took just as much time. It also makes it easier for them to reply in return. Obviously it is sometimes difficult to match the length of your partner, but most RPers use the general rule that you try to at least match half of their length.
If you still struggle with length, look at the above list of things to include in your post and see what you can add. Or consider…
Description! Describing your character’s surroundings is also a helpful tool. Your character is probably 99% of the time not going to be in an empty void. What do they interact with? What do they see? Think of the five senses. This is a great way to add length to your post if you are struggling.
When using description, one must still be careful. Try to avoid purple prose, and don’t spend so much time describing the environment that you neglect to move the plot along or give your partner something to respond to.
Also keep in mind that setting the scene is important when starting a thread.
Other guidelines/etiquette to keep in mind:
Godmodding- Most people are familiar with this. Basically, godmodding is when an RPer takes control of/decides the actions of another player without permission. It’s like the biggest faux pas in the RP community. So just be careful, ask your partner if you’re unsure of something, and don’t make too many assumptions about your partner’s character.
Threads with more than 2 characters- It happens sometimes and can be really fun! If you plan something out, make sure all players involved are aware of it. Also, it is Very Important to set a reply order to avoid accidentally skipping turns, or worse- people replying to different people and the thread splitting and nobody knowing who replies to what when. I can’t even explain how confusing and frustrating this is, so avoid it at All Costs if you can.
Don’t jump into someone else’s thread. This also can make things awkward. Two characters might even be talking about your character, but threads are closed and don’t involve you. If you want a part in the action, it is best to privately message the player(s) involved and discuss it with them then. They might just do a new separate thread with you.
If you have questions, ask. Confused about your partner’s reply? Want to plot? Wondering what to do next? Just message your partner. It’s always okay, honestly. So many people just Don’t Do This and I have no idea why.
Check out your partner’s about and rules page, if they have one. Do this BEFORE you start interacting with a new character. The player might have specific rules that apply to you, triggers you need to know Not to Use, or helpful headcanons that might make your replies a lot easier if you know them. I can’t stress enough: please do this. We all put a lot of time into these pages so that they can be a resource to our partners.
That’s honestly all I can think of right now, but I hope this is helpful to some people! Please feel free to reblog this, and if anyone has anything to add, don’t hesitate to do so!
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My boss called me on discord and he’s asking me Serious Work Questions but I’m nearly choking to death and he keeps asking me what’s wrong but I
how am I supposed to be professional when his icon is THIS
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If you start the Panic! at the Disco song “I Write Sins Not Tragedies” at exactly 11:58.53 on New Years Eve Brendon will say “Pour The Champagne” right when the clock strikes midnight and that is the real way to start the New Year.
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Robin Williams
I’m goin back to 2010 y’all want anything
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You did good Jonghyun Kim. You worked hard.
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