#molly connell leverage
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thebiballerina · 1 year ago
Tags from @heerecomestheweirdo: #it was the snow job #he was in the waiting room while the others were securing the chamber #the patient next to him was side eyeing him the entire time #leverage
Personally, I assumed that the Leverage team is typically speaking very quietly when they are saying something for the comms, and they are at normal volume in the show for the same reason scenes taking place outside in the dark have (or should have) lighting: because the alternative would be awful for the audience. The first episode has the pre-heist scene which establishes that the comms are sensitive enough to pick up whispers (something to do with bone-conduction, if I remember correctly). If ballet performances have taught me anything, it is that someone absolutely can yell at you without literally yelling in volume.
Of course, even if that is true, it doesn't necessarily help if someone is focused enough on one of them to notice even a whisper or their mouths moving, especially if someone is alone with them or spends an extended period of time with them. Hence Hardison ducking his head behind a cabinet door while he is in the break room during "The Mile High Job" in season 1. Or Molly noticing Eliot talking into the comm in "The Carnival Job".
Which, now that I think of it, two of the three episodes we have mentioned here are in season 1. It would make sense for the team to improve and develop the habit of speaking into comms unnoticed, as time goes on. (Since pre-canon habits of working alone would not necessitate that particular skill.) I would surmise that it becomes rather natural to do so, and their later season slip-ups tend to be when they are already rattled or very distracted. The moment @my-beloved-lakes describes in "The Carnival Job" would have happened after Molly has already asked about Parker by name and (correctly) suggested Eliot had "a secret radio". And he's currently responsible for supervising a child, which is likely to affect him more deeply than most other cons.
That being said, I do still think there is great potential for an outsider POV Leverage fic with the premise of the original post. Or maybe a crossover, especially with characters are very observant or trained.
please. i just want one bit character in this goddamn show to be like "who the fuck are you talking to." when they're full-volume yelling at each other through the earpieces in public
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lindseymcdonaldseyelashes · 4 months ago
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Leverage 4x6- "The Carnival Job"
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spdraws · 8 days ago
I love Leverage: Redemption but a Leverage 2.0 would have been so cool. I want a spinoff where the Leverage team trains apprentices. Obviously we keep Breanna as Hardison's. Parker canonically teaches crime to every child she meets so literally any kid would do.
But for Eliot, I want him to have a teenage girl as his apprentice. Someone who is a total opposite of him at the beginning of the story, then it is slowly revealed to the viewers, and Eliot himself, that this kid is a lot more like him than he would expect. It starts with things like her avoiding people's help when hurt, her having an easily riled temper, or her picking up some subconscious habit from him like his signature hair flip or "it's a very distinctive..." line.
Also, there are many obligatory digs from Hardison about Eliot's new mini-me. Breanna and Eliot's apprentice agree their mentors are idiots and are always talking trash about them.
Or just have his apprentice be Molly.
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ghostlyarchaeologist · 2 years ago
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"Every game is rigged. It's a waste of time unless you cheat."
Leverage S04E06 The Carnival Job.
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scotchiegirl · 5 months ago
Eliot would have said his life was pretty well settled by now. Well, as settled as you could be when your chosen family is the greatest group of thieves this side of the Atlantic and possibly in the whole world. The brewpub is booming, jobs are regular, he gets to practice his skills, and despite Nate's whole... thing he has going on, life is good. Which is why Eliot never expected Molly Connell's voice on the other end of the phone call. The now fifteen year old has just recently been orphaned, and she knows who did it. All she needs is a little bit of... Leverage. (Set in Season 5 of OG Leverage)
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leverage-ot3 · 1 year ago
the kid from the underground job could be the hitter if he ever feels like he wants to pursue a career outside the mines and is looking to blow off some steam (I think his name was cory???)
that OR molly from the carnival job ends up becoming the hitter for that team
sterling would HATE it but I would think it was funny if olivia ended up being the mastermind of the group
I feel like some of the kids that the OG Leverage crew interact with (mostly Shorty & the kid from the Potato Job) grow up and join Leverage International in some form or another.
Shorty does take over the landscaping business eventually and expands it, but she lets International crews use the trailers/equipment for a distraction, or recon. She might also be a part-time thief. 
The Potato kid is a combo Thief/Grifter, where his type of Grift is to be as loud/cause as much chaos as possible so The Mark’s attention is on him and not whatever the crew is after.
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filibusterphil · 3 years ago
I’ve read some fantastic second generation Leverage fanfics and I do love the choices made about the kids they’ve interacted with who become the next generation. Josie (thief), Olivia (mastermind), Molly (hitter), Trevor (hacker), and Widmark (grifter) are great choices that I’ve seen. But I think that another excellent option for hacker is Jenny Sanders from The (Very) Big Bird Job. Personally out of the above listed kids I always thought that Trevor was the weakest link, in his episode he just hung around and watched them do a bit of crime with very little context. Though he bonded with Hardison and sat with him at the security room, he didn’t actually do anything tech related himself. But Jenny was shown to be at least pretty good with some sort of video editing application, showing some tech proficiency. I think she’d be a good option for a member of a second gen Leverage crew.
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lindseymcdonaldseyelashes · 5 months ago
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Leverage + Mirrors
1x13 - “The Second David Job”
4x2 - “The 10 Li’l Grifters Job”
4x6 - “The Carnival Job”
4x18 “The Last Dam Job”
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thieves-never-say-die · 6 years ago
AU where Molly from The Carnival Job is distantly related to Katie Bender from And The House Of Refuge
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dirtbagdefender · 7 years ago
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  @hittcr req’d     ↳   Leverage         ↳   4.06 – The Carnival Job              ↳   the nicknames
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scotchiegirl · 3 months ago
Chapter 2: Extremely Stubborn and Suspicious
Molly meets an old acquaintance
Chapter 2 is live! No appearance from the team yet but don't worry! That's next chapter <3
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red-bat-arse · 8 years ago
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So, in the future Eliot gets old just like anyone, moves town less and less, helped along by the CIA level hacker who set up his fake IDs. One day comes a knock at the door, and it turns out to be Molly Connell, the girl he watched over during a job way back when. Molly emulated Eliot after he left, and eventually gets into a line of work similar to his. It was hard not to when she got in deep enough and actually found out who he was; when all her hard work pays off and she finds out where he is, of course she’s going to visit him. I also saw a fic where a few kids the team helped ended up becoming the next gen of Leverage Inc and Molly was the hitter, so that too.
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inklingdancer · 3 years ago
[ID: screenshot of tumblr tags reading:
#this would be so dangerous tho bc if quinn met toby his brain would just instantly start pressing the hero worship button #CLICKCLICKCLICKCLICKCLICK TOBY PLS SHOW QUINN THAT KICKING THING AGAIN :'3
End ID]
au where quinn & taras branch of leverage international is the one with the highest success rate but it’s also the highest rate of just absolute chaos (aka giving eliot a headache). they are both very proud of both statistics.
honestly quinn & tara (and their team of all lesbians, not sure if i’ve mentioned this specifically but my exact vision for their international team is tara and her squad of lesbians + also quinn. this concept came to me in a dream and will not leave) WOULD BE SO EFFECTIVE you’re so right. terrifyingly competent. efficient to the absolute maximum. they have never not completed a job within 3-5 business days. but also,
they are uhhhh AN INCH AND A HALF AWAY from PURE CHAOS at ALL TIMES absolutely they have blown up buildings they have totalled cars they have given quinn access to a paintball gun,
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pagerunner · 7 years ago
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Make Way for Ducklings by page_runner
Rating: Teen
Pairing(s): Alec Hardison/Parker/Eliot Spencer, Sophie Devereaux/Nathan Ford
Major Warnings: Major Character Death (sorta)
Characters: Nathan Ford, Sophie Devereaux (Leverage), Eliot Spencer, Alec Hardison, Parker (Leverage), Olivia Sterling, Widmark Fowler, Molly Connell, Trevor Dawson, Josie (Leverage), Maggie Collins, Amy Palavi
Other Tags: Leverage: The Next Generation, Found Family, Major character death but off screen and none of these characters, Sterling. I kill Sterling, Case Fic, biblical artifacts, Smuggling, readers may detect feelings about a certain craft store
Summary:  It's been seven years since Nate and Sophie walked away; two since circumstances forced Hardison, Parker, and Eliot into retirement. Meanwhile, the kids they met during jobs have grown up, influenced by the strangers who briefly entered their lives, and who are about to make a reappearance.
Art by @ponderosa121 who is absolutely AMAZING, do you see that BANNER?? (and there’s another cool one hidden inside the fic!)
Thanks to @leveragebigbang for hosting this awesome challenge! (what would I do without deadlines?)
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lindseymcdonaldseyelashes · 4 months ago
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Leverage 4x6- "The Carnival Job"
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pass-the-bechdel · 8 years ago
Leverage s04e06 ‘The Carnival Job’
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Does it pass the Bechdel Test?
How many female characters (with names and lines) are there?
Four (40% of cast).
How many male characters (with names and lines) are there?
Positive Content Rating:
General Episode Quality:
Forget the plot; the emotional beats are on point.
MORE INFO (and potential spoilers) UNDER THE CUT:
Passing the Bechdel:
The female characters do interact variously, but never with a non-dude-related conversation.
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Female characters:
Sophie Devereaux.
Molly Connell.
Male characters:
John Connell.
Nathan Ford.
Alec Hardison.
Eliot Spencer.
I love Eliot the most. Y’all know I love Eliot the most.
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Give Eliot a kid to protect, and you’ve pretty much got a successful episode right off the bat. I mean, the set-up was pretty messy and they really did not try to link ‘guy steals random chip - guy is sad because his wife died - long-term nanny of guy’s child conveniently turns out to be working with Russian villains who double-cross him to get the chip’ in any way that isn’t ridiculous and plot-holey, but still. Eliot got to bond with a kid and then do his angry super-badass thing, and that hits the right notes regardless of the context. I would, however, like to take this opportunity to complain about this show REALLY not giving me anything to discuss re: the whole ‘female representation’ aspect of this blog. I mean, I’ve reviewed shows that do a shitty job of that, shows that do fantastically, and shows that have some episodes/story arcs that lean in one direction while others swing the opposite. This show is just sitting dead-centre in a way that is almost creepy. 
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