hazeljeanganz · 4 years
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Molloscum contagiosum!
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mrbabit-blog · 6 years
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mzcheryllynn-blog · 7 years
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ystorprof · 4 years
Le molloscum chez bébé
Le molloscum chez bébé
Le molluscum contagiosum est une maladie de la peau courante et sans gravité causée par le biais d’un poxvirus. Cette maladie peut se déclarer à tout âge, mais elle est plus fréquente chez les enfants entre 1 et 10 ans environ. Quels sont les symptômes? Au début, de petites « piqûres » apparaissent sur la peau de 1 à 6 mois après l’exposition au virus. Puis, elles se mutent en petites bosses…
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Molluscum contagiosum - symptoms, causes and its complications
Molluscum contagiosum - symptoms, causes and its complications
This is a very common viral infection of the skin which results in round, firm and painless bumps that can range in their sizes, such as from a pinhead to a pencil eraser. If these bumps are injured or scratched, then the infection can spread to the surrounding skin. Molluscum contagiosum is caused by a virus. This virus is called Molluscum contagiosum virus and it is producing bening raised lesions or bumps on the upper layers of your skin. These small bumps are usually painless. This condition is most common in children but also it can affect adults, particularly people who have weakened immune system. In adults who have normal immune system, when they are affected by the Molluscum contagiosum, then this infection is involving the genitals and it is considered as a sexually transmitted infection. This infection can spread through direct person – to – person contact and through contact with contaminated objects. Bumps which are associated with Molluscum contagiosum usually disappear within a year without treatment from doctor but the doctor – assisted removal is also an option for Molluscum contagiosum. There are many medications which are available for Molluscum contagiosum but in the most cases there is no need for it. These bumps disappear on their own and there are rare cases when they leave scars when they are left untreated. The length of this virus can last different for each person but these bumps can last from 2 months to 4 years.
Symptoms of Molluscum contagiosum
If you or your children had come in contact with the Molluscum contagiosum virus, then you may not notice symptoms of this infection for up to 6 months. The average incubation period is between 2 and 7 weeks. There can be a small group of painless lesions and you may not notice them. They can appear alone or they can be in a patch of as many as twenty. Signs and symptoms of this infection include bumps on the skin which:
May be seen on the genitals, lower abdomen and inner upper thighs in adults if the infection was sexually transmitted
They are present anywhere except on the palms of your hands or the soles of your feet
Usually appear on the face, neck, armpits, arms and tops of the hands in children
They can be easily removed by scratching or rubbing, which can spread the virus to adjacent skin
May be itchy
They are between two and five millimeters in diameter, or between the size of the head of a pin and size of an eraser on the top of a pencil
They are firm and shaped like a dome with a dent or dimple in the middle
Can become red and inflamed
Characteristically have a small indentation (umbilication) or dot at the top near the center
They are flesh – colored, white or pink
Are small – typically under about ¼ inch (smaller than 6 millimeters) in diameter; also they are very small, shiny and smooth in appearance
Are raised, round and flesh colored
They are filled with a central core of waxy material
If you or your children have weakened immune system, then you can have symptoms which are more significant. If you suspect that you or your child has Molluscum contagiosum, then you need to talk with your doctor about this condition. The bumps are usually appearing on the face and they are typically resistant to treatment.
Causes for Molluscum contagiosum
The virus which is the cause for Molluscum contagiosum spreads easily through:
Sexual contact with an affected partner
Contact with contaminated objects, such as toys, towels and faucet handles
Direct skin to skin contact
If you rub or scratch the bumps, then this will spread the virus to the nearby skin. Risk factors: People who have atopic dermatitis and people who have weakened immune system are having increased chances of developing Molluscum contagiosum. Complications: The skin around them and the bumps may become red and inflamed. This is thought to be an immune response to the infection. If these bumps are scratched, then they can become infected. If the lesions appear on your eyelids, then the conjunctivitis (pinkeye) can develop.
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itsekaterinazen · 6 years
Male Organ Bumps - All About Molloscum Contagiosum
Male Organ Bumps – All About Molloscum Contagiosum
Male Organ Bumps – All About Molloscum Contagiosum
Male organ bumps are often a source of great concern for a man, but they are not always a sign of something serious. For example, sometimes the male organs bumps may be more than molloscum contagiosum (MC), a skin issue that is annoying and unattractive but not dangerous. Recognizing MC and knowing how to take care of it is part of any man’s…
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Male Organ Bumps - All About Molloscum Contagiosum
Male Organ Bumps – All About Molloscum Contagiosum
Male Organ Bumps – All About Molloscum Contagiosum
Male organ bumps are often a source of great concern for a man, but they are not always a sign of something serious. For example, sometimes the male organs bumps may be more than molloscum contagiosum (MC), a skin issue that is annoying and unattractive but not dangerous. Recognizing MC and knowing how to take care of it is part of any man’s…
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sgan777-blog · 8 years
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kkeicher · 9 years
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jaswilreview-blog · 9 years
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myhealingcrisis-blog · 11 years
Day 3 - Water fast for systemic candida, adrenal fatigue, leaky gut, and hormonal imbalances.
Well, it's officially been 3 days! Hurrah! As of 9 tonight, I've entered into day 4. Today was significantly easier than I ever thought it would be. In fact, I woke up, and was like, "That's it?" I was expecting severe nausea, etc. It was relatively uneventful. I'm still very weak, and I don't think I'll ever get used to that. It is a serious drag. Some people say they get more energy by now but I seem to be an exception. I think it's me really feeling the adrenal fatigue. I kept compensating for my lack of energy before by smashing through tons of fruit, etc.
I had two bowel movements today which I'm SO happy about; to think that stuff was just hanging out inside me for god knows how long. I hope I can continue to see waste matter leave me through the bowels, as opposed to through my skin or urine. It's the easiest way. I think it's a pretty good sign that my body is starting to heal my digestive system too which is great. 
One of the more unfortunate developments: Not long ago I got the molloscum contagion out of nowhere. As of last night, it has spread into the worst case it's been. It is all down my left arm, partially on my chest and stomach, and my FACE. My FACE. My...FACE!!!! :( :( :( I couldn't be more embarassed or depressed about this. There's simply too many spots I can't go around lancing them off and treating each one directly like I did before.  I already have ruthless cystic acne that's been getting worse and worse the cleaner and cleaner I eat, and now I have molluscum on my face too. On the bright side, this only has encouraged me to stay with the fast for as long as possible. IIf there's anything that will provide a miracle, it's this. Molluscum is notoriously hard to be rid of. Hopefully once my immune system starts healing it will swing into action. I've also been reading about how a fasting body will literally CONSUME bacterial infection, tumorous tissue, and any general inflammation within your body that isn't meant to be there! Amazing. The miracles of fasting are endless and I can't believe this isn't a more common practice. I know it USED to be, but it just further solidifies to me how far out of touch with nature we are becoming everyday, and how much SICKER we are as a result. 
The weird sensations in my abdominal cavity (liver and GI tract) have greatly subsided today, and i have experienced no more releases in my joints (sadly).  I think my body has switched over to ketosis. I'm extremely happy about that. The hard part is done (hopefully!). I know some people can have seriously intense detox reactions later on too, but the battling with hunger pains and what naught is now a thing of the past. Like I said, I am still alarmingly weak, and I did have great difficulty falling asleep last night. Plus, I woke up early today. I remained seated all day, but I think I should stop using my brain so much now. It can use up to 35% of our energy and here I am playing puzzle games to pass the time sedentary, lol. It's certainly not facilitating but I just can't seem to force myself to stay in bed as recommended. I just woke up from a nap, which only lasted a little over an hour. I haven't even got 10 hours of sleep today total. Weakness did not subside after the nap, I'm really hoping for some relief from that soon.  I can't imagine getting used to it. I just feel so helpless and unmotivated...but I guess that's exactly what you want when you're healing. Still, I wish I had the energy to do some dry skin brushing, maybe clean the tub to run a bath, etc.  I really wish I could just fall asleep and stay that way for 12 hours, gr. 
Oh, my stomach is as flat as ever now especially after those BM's, haha. I can't believe how bloated I was before. I actually can see my ab muscles. I always knew I had some sweet muscles under there. Yoga really works the core, and it's one of the only forms of exercises I've stuck with over the past year. My stomach really does look and feel fantastic compared to before when I constantly sucked in and still looked about 5 months pregnant in comparison to my actual body size/weight, which isn't big at all. 
Speaking of weight, I haven't dropped as much weight as I thought I would. Only about 4-5lbs so far, which is a little strange, but it will be less alarming to Jay at least. I have a very very large body fat percentage, but a "skinny" body in the eyes of most people who are not educated on what health looks like. My body has stored a lot of physical fat (A LOT!) because of how obscenely toxic my life was before. Mine has pooled in under my arms heavily over the years, which I'm actually happy about because my body tried to keep it away from my abdominal cavity as much as possible, as is traditional with heavy toxicity in a smaller frame. As we all know, fat functions as a toxic waste dump, to keep the toxicity away from important organs, etc. . It's why we can eat all the raw organic fruit and vegetables we want and literally not gain a pound of fat our entire lives. Clean burning fuel.  Whatever is in excess, is burned up through dietary thermogenesis completely. I can't wait to shed the toxin bullshit, and start working on building strong, beautiful, CLEAN muscle mass!! :) 
My computer chair is still uncomfortable by the way. I've put blankets down and everything and I just can't get comfy in it. It's really bothering my lower back and my knees and shoulders. Any suggestions to remedy this?
All in all, I am exceptionally proud of myself for getting through the first 3 days and settling into ketosis! Onward to recovery! :) I love you all. 
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jaswilreview-blog · 9 years
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myhealingcrisis-blog · 11 years
Symptoms, Causes, and Plans of Action!
I'm a 23 year old (mostly) raw vegan from Ontario and for the last year I have been healing my body from severe abuse.  In April 2012 I "woke up", and I have been evolving rapidly ever since. My life has been changing dramatically, and I currently find myself at a proverbial "breaking point" where I seem to have to lose everything I know...in order to begin my TRUE path! :) I won't go into detail as to how circumstances in my life lead me to spiritual awakening at this point, that's for another time or another blog, but I am eternally blessed. If I had continued with the path I was on, I may be dead right now, if not from continually abusing my body, then by the depression that was consuming me. 
What am I healing?
Systemic Candida
Severe adrenal fatigue
Muscle abnormalities (spasticity, misalignments, etc)
Vision abnormalities
Kidney issues (Protein in urine, calcium is getting used up too fast, etc)
Dramatic hormonal imabalances
Leaky gut syndrome
Digestive issues and sensitivities
Lingering depression
Inability to focus
Severe brain fog
Severe cystic acne
Neurological disturbances (twitches, etc)
Temperature issues. (always cold)
Sinus issues 
Weak immune system
I am aware that all symptoms can be interrelated and this is why I am taking a holistic approach to healing! 
What caused this?
Consuming 6+ cans of diet coke a day for 10+ years resulting in kidney damage from the aspartame as well as a multitude of neurological issues.
Consuming food products with aspartame as a sweetener as well.
Eating disorder which resulted in destructive cycles of starvation and binging. 
The only food I would eat, if I was eating at all, was unhealthy, processed, chemical-laden junk, and fast food. 
I went out of my way to abuse my body - no sleep, no nutritious food, no relaxation, no positive thinking, no routines. I felt I deserved the abuse.
Laxative abuse.
Sat in front of a computer screen for years of my life and hardly moved whatsoever. It also caused terrible posture and pain in neck/shoulders/back.
Self harmed (cutting). 
Suicidal thoughts and attempts.
10 years of birth control pill use.
Prolonged antibiotic use.
Use of anti-seizure medication for migraines.
Mercury fillings.
My body is highly sensitive as it is, and leading a lifestyle so destructive is bound to inundate even the healthiest of people with dis-ease! I am just so tremendously thankful that I woke up out of that nightmare before it killed me. 
It should be noted that my severe cystic acne is brought on by quitting the birth control pill, and is probably aggravated by my ongoing detox. Although it is not necessarily directly caused by the years of abuse, it is still a very destructive symptom to have and I am prioritizing correcting it because of how mentally and emotionally draining it is on someone who is already struggling with other physical symptoms and stressful life circumstances.
Plan of Action:
I am going the all natural route for the first time in my life. I have been transitioning to fully raw 80/10/10 style veganism and using this lifestyle as my primary healing modality. I will be using this blog to track my food, exercise, sleep, sunshine, herbal remedies, various healing modalities, emotional and mental well being, and all other aspects of my health.
Healing modalities: I will be using various miscellaneous healing modalities as I discover them, but the following will always remain consistent plans of actions
High carbohydrate low fat raw veganism (80/10/10)
Daily dry skin brushing
Daily oil pulling
Epsom salt baths
Exercise everyday
Bentonite clay masks for acne
3L+ water a day
10+ hours of sleep a night
Sunshine everyday, and IF cloudy, use tanning bed! 
Yoga 3 times a week
Meditation and breathing exercises daily
I am tremendously motivated to dive into this with everything I have! No cutting corners - I deserve health! :)
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