findmeinshattrath · 11 months
Not sure how likely or how practical it would be, but if they continue making neutral playable races in the future, I think it would be cool if they implemented Half-Orcs and Half-Elves some day.
If anyone is curious about why I think Half-Elves should be neutral too, I firmly believe that there would be at least some with the Blood Elves in Quel'thalas proper. Ones who were raised there, or ones from outside that maybe identified more with their elven heritage or made their way there after the Scourge's attack; something along those lines.
Plus there is Dalaran to consider, as well as the possibility of undead ones in the Forsaken. There was at least one officially in the old RPG books: Oni'jus, second in command of the Royal Apothecary Society and a master of mundane poisons whose idea it was to add "Royal" to the Society's name. She is sadly no longer canon (for now). There might even be some in the Trade Cartels, same for Half-Orcs too.
I don't know if any from the Night Elves and Nightborne would be likely, there would have to be a big time-skip to justify it. Though, Night Elves have had contact with the factions for about two decades or so as of Dragonflight, so it isn't impossible. Nightborne aren't happening without a time-skip though.
Mok'nathal would also be an amazing option for a Half-Orc origin, naturally, but they would probably only be Horde.
I don't know, this thought just occurred to me the other day and I'm just kind of spitting out my train of thought.
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khanlusa · 2 years
The Burning Crusade - Part 6 (Warcraft Reimagined)
Hi, this is your friendly reminder that I’ve been working on a youtube channel where I reconfigure whatever is going on in WoW’s story into something that feels a little more coherent.
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swampgallows · 11 months
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trickerycleric · 7 months
there's a few ppl on mok'nathal/connected servers who i always see in trade chat and they're famous to me slash negative. torag-skywall if youre reading this im putting you in a nutri-bullet
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clarenecessities · 9 months
idk who wow toons is but you blinked so nicely asking for asks so: 🧠 what do you like most about this thang
anon i want you to know i laughed out loud at this like a goober <3 thank you vm
i have absolutely no idea why, but 'toons' are what you call different characters on world of warcraft.
in the interest of not Drowning mobile users i'm putting most of them under a readmore but these are my three favs! sétanta, his mom seidrin, and seidrin's brother ulfhedrinn.
the thing i like most about wow toons is you can literally do whatever the fuck you want :) seidrin and ulfedrinn are children of the canonical Wild God (who came back recently! yippee!) Goldrinn, who's an enormous wolf spirit that loves being badass. so those two are technically also wolf spirits who have troll & orc visages respectively
sétanta was my first toon, he's my little baby boy. his dad is a priest of elune (who Goldrinn thinks is a pushover liberal and has no respect for) so he doesn't have a wolf spirit form/visage situation, he's just kind of recreated the worgen curse wholesale. it's awesome. and i can do what i want :) he's not like the other werewolves. he's specifically cursed.
ulfhedrinn is newer but i kind of love him. his visage is technically a Mok'Nathal orc (they're part ogre) (like Rexxar, who's literally Darkwolf from Fire and Ice) but for some reason the game won't let you do "hybrids" with "unplayable races" so whatever u know. whatever. he reproduced asexually by mixing his dna with some demon blood, which is highly inadvisable, but he was like "um no son of mine is going to be so fucking weak that Sargeras could corrupt his mind" and he was right. his son Galdrulf is basically a demon hunter (the class, not like, professionally) and sooooo fucking stupid. but he's good at fighting and loves being a badass, so he's a credit to the pack <3
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Garrosh Mok'nathal by Tolkarg
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shirodai · 3 years
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Trolltober day 23: Hybrid Garkinu, son of Dai, half troll, half mok'nathal he earned Bethekk's favor to protect the beasts like his grandfathers did long time ago.
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horde-fan · 4 years
Other Races in the Horde
So everyone knows the main races in the Horde, but I think whats not given enough credit, heck not even shown enough, is all the other races that exist. I mean sure there is plenty of content for say the Nightborne and other allied races, but theres so many possibilities that just get overlooked! I mean one of the good things in BFA, one of my absolute fav things? The Unshackled! I mean first off we have the Horde helping out a group of former slaves, helping them break free of there masters and if that isn’t just perfect for the Horde. Second the sheer variety of races found within! I mean the Unshackled have Gilgoblins, Makura and Sea Giants! And what I think should be talked about, is how these races fit into the horde! Like imagine a Makura walking around Echo islands, hearing about how the trolls defended their home from Naga! Gilgoblins trying to fence underwater pearls and such in Silvermoon! All these possibilities with other races that we will probably never see in game. (But like if I were to run a warcraft rpg campaign anyone interested) OR the fact that the Grookin Hozen Tribe have been a part of the Horde since mists! Imagine Grookin who swing around the jungle of Zandalar, or hanging out on the roofs in Orgrimmar! The Stonemaul tribe of Ogres has literally been a part of the Horde since Warcraft 3! Ogres should be seen in both Thunder Bluff and Ogrimmar! Interacting with the new races in the Horde! It would be a ton of fun! And those are just the start! Theres the Taunka, who we saw take the Horde oath! The Mok’Nathal that have been aligned since Burning Crusade! In BFA the Fogsail Freebooters, humans, aligned with the Horde! Humans! Technically even the San'layn were a part of the Horde before the alliance just killed them all! Maybe there are survivors who could still be a part of it because again that makes perfect sense! The Horde like always gives people a chance to redeem themselves! There are so many races other races that are part of the Horde that we sadly don’t get to see after the one expansion they debut in. Still I like to think differently. Heck for fun, if you feel up to it tell me what kind of character you would make if you weren’t constrained by game mechanics. I personally would absolutely have loved to make a San’layn Warlock, or perhaps a Grookin Hunter! Maybe I will and make a post about them later....
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primordialcore · 5 years
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Summer boi Joktan and his ice cream vending skills
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Haven't been feeling too confident in art lately. Been real uninspired and bored with everything. Super busy all the time too, but, with the small burst I've had, here are a couple doodles. I found a pose reference for gracewalker, and the orc is going to be a Mok'nathal. My big buff boi.
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Lore Fact of the Week #30
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Half-breeds in the Warcraft universe are quite rare, but not unheard of [Twitter: Dave Kosak]. The most common types of half-breeds are half-elves and half-orcs, although any half-breed is possible with magic [Ask CDev, Round Four].
Garona Halforcen and Lantresor of the Blade are half-orc and half-draenei, however it may be worth noting that they both use the orc model in-game [World of Warcraft, Chronicle Volume II, pg. 78, NPC: Lantresor of the Blade Dialogue]. Additionally, Med’an, who may not necessarily be canon anymore since his involvement in specific events was retconned, is half-human, quarter-draenei, and quarter-orc [Page: Med’an]. Despite his half-human lineage, Med’an takes after his mother, Garona, in appearance. Med’an’s green skin, combined with the fact that Garona and Lantresor have orc models, may imply either that orc genetics are strong or that the fel taint that changed their skin color is so pervasive it effects even their offspring [Page: Orc]. 
Garona was the unique product of an encounter between an orc warrior and a draenei prisoner, although she was not the first half-breed to be born into the Bladewind clan [World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume II, pg. 78]. Most other half-orc, half-draenei were either killed long ago or did not survive past childhood [NPC: Lantresor of the Blade Dialogue, World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume II, pg. 78].
Although her heritage was recently retconned to half-draenei rather than half-human, it was once canon (and still canon in the film universe) that Garona was half-orc and half-human. Medivh attributed her supposed human heritage to a near-human or human-passing race that lived on Draenor [The Last Guardian, Chapter Ten, Chapter Eleven, Page: Garona (Film Universe)]. In the film AU, Medivh is actually Garona’s father, making her half-human [Page: Garona (Film Universe)].
Despite the fact that there are no other half-orc, half-human hybrids in the game, the non-canon RPG actually states that half-humans are more common than half-draenei or half-ogres of orcish descent [RPG: Horde Player’s Guide, pg. 139]. One such example is Drann, who was the result of a union between a male orc and a female human [RPG: Shadows & Light]. 
The Mok’Nathal clan mostly consists of half-ogre, half-orc hybrids, the most notable of which is Rexxar [Page: Mok’Nathal]. The RPG information on the creation of the mok’nathal was retconned by the second Chronicle volume, which states that the ogres sought to increase their population numbers by conducting experiments to create new creatures for their labor force. The most promising results, the mok’nathal offspring, came from selective forced breeding between ogres and enslaved orcs. These half-breeds were kept in chains and continuously bred together to produce even more servants for the ogre empire [World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume II, pg. 66].
According to the RPG, there are also half-human, half-ogres, most of which are the products of ogre aggression on human villages [RPG: Horde Player’s Guide, pg. 7]. Half-human, half-ogre hybrids typically take on the characteristics of their human parent, although they are not without ogre attributes [RPG: Horde Player’s Guide, pg. 7].
Half-night elves are virtually unheard of because the humans and night elves met for the first time during the Third War a little over ten years ago, however there is record of one half-night elf, half-human in the non-canon RPG [RPG: Shadows & Light].
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Half-elves, the offspring of quel’dorei and human pairings, are by far the most common type of half-breed in the Warcraft universe. Ever since the high elves started interacting with the humans a little under 3,000 years ago, there have been half-elf children [World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume I, pg. 126-131]. Unfortunately, even though they are most certainly longer-lived than their human parent, the exact lifespan of half-elves in unknown [Twitter: Dave Kosak].
Some notable half-elves include Arator, the son of Turalyon and Alleria Windrunner, and Vereesa Windrunner’s children, Galadin and Giramar [Page: Half-elf]. Although in-game lore may suggest otherwise, the RPG posits that half-elven children are treated poorly [RPG: Alliance Player’s Guide, pg. 132].
While it is never directly stated, it’s possible that a portion of the Kul Tiran population is part Drust, since the Drust Thornspeakers joined and mingled with Kul Tiran society [NPC: Ulfar Dialogue].
No half-human half-dwarves currently exist in lore [Ask CDev, Round Four].
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kayorrii · 7 years
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Getting ready for the allied races, A.K.A thank god I play on a small, conjoined realm :^} 
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wyrmguardsecrets · 2 years
I really want Mok'nathal to be playable in thr future. I wanna make a giant muscular half ogre lady. Alliance can get Vyr'kul for their giant race.
The only thing I would worry about are the people who growth pot already large races...
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fitzefitcher · 4 years
Honestly I love seeing the flood of gentle horde content. Sometimes being a fan of this can be a bit stressful so seeing nice stuff is just so good. Also reading through the expanded races for both the horde and the alliance is kind of awesome and slightly miffing since theres so many races we just don't see after their obligatory expansion/patch. Like the horde has Ogres, Mok'nathal, Hozen, Unshackled with Makura, gilboblins and sea giants!!!, human freebooters! So many races in the horde!
so much of the fandom is really fucking negative, all the time, and it’s been that for ages. it really fucking damages the way you think about and process shit in the longterm, and it’s really bad for your lifetime ability to actually be happy. I’m just really tired of it and embarrassed that I ever took part in it bc it definitely damaged my ability to enjoy a game that I grew up with and really like and also just damaged my ability to enjoy things in general
I don’t want to contribute to that mindset anymore and if I don’t have anything useful to say, I refuse to be anything but relentlessly positive about a game I like to play with my friends
anyway! I would fucking love to see some more of the extended canon races of the horde milling about orgrimmar. the nightborne tourists are a great fucking start, we can deffo build from there
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dylan-grimmkell · 3 years
Why did Zhu-shi join The Horde , rather than The Alliance ? What were his reasons for making this choice?
"I was raised with some of the values the Horde share. Being raised with the Huojin philosophy by my mother and mogu culture by my late father I identify mostly with them. They are honorable and are quick to act. They have accepted me for who am both my Mogu heritage and my Pandaren heritage. I have found that I fit in with the Horde and despite set back, their faults, corrupt leaders we continue to persevere. I am also not the only hybrid member of the Horde there are a few of Mok'Nathal half ogre half orcs within the Horde along with other mixes I have been able to meet and compare heritage to. I will defend my Horde family with my life no matter what enemies we face. FOR THE HORDE!
OOC. So the real reason why Zhu-shi is Horde is because I wanted to play with my buddy who main Horde and I didn't have a Horde toon at the time so Zhu-shi was really Horde just because. However as you can see he has developed his reasoning for joining.
Thanks for the ask @jacobdcheshyre
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simpingforaymeric · 6 years
Look I'm not one of those theorycrafters, but looking at rexxar getting a completely new, unique model with unique animations and I'm slowly realizing I would not say no to mok'nathal allied race.
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