spiderton · 8 months
What do you think was the timeline like for the entire Patapon history? Like when did the Patapons fight the Aah-Ooh dynasty and how was the Karmen war linked? How long were the Patapons in exile and why is every leader so old?
oh ! this is a really good question actually and made me think. im going for canonical information bc my hcs and all are incredibly different (also going in order)
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for the start theres obviously ah-oohs and patapons (incanon they were wiped out by the patapons in the past) although karmens are ever rarely mentioned. id go on the rant but theres hardly any info and i find that shitty we dont really get the karmens view on the ah-oohs considering the subject matter, but its easy to assume that the moment the ah-oohs were gone the karmens were freed theres also the box where the archfiends and released, and its. not really explained so much? i feel covet hiss and co were released alongside the archfiends but it isnt explained further.
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we then move to pata-pole and ormen, where the world egg was broken.. i actually thought ormen tricking hero was misinfo but it wasnt.. oops. anyway hero had broken the world egg and released the world into horror with demons and the patapons had to retreat theres also hukmen (and as much as i dont like this canon lorefact i have to go with it here) its possible he was there during patapoles destruction and murked the remaining patapons out. hes also called old so for all we know hes on the same age range as ormen (but maybe younger, who knows)
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to the exile its possible the karmens kicking the patapons out was centuriess ago so its kinda fucked to realize the patapons themselves were fucked over by the zigotons before eventually leading to earthend. the boat and the rainbow bridge are also timegaps before to each game the boat i feel was less time than the bridge but the game doesnt really signify how much; but considering how the rainbow bridge was over thy sea.. yeaaah. theres the events of pata3 but i feel afterwards is present-time for them
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anyway heres a badly drawn timeline of events simplified. things are a lot different in my hcs but heres how it went within the lores canon
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corvuscorona · 3 months
AFM sequel - had some fun w/ this one over the weekend. it's like:
[ ❚_❚__||||____|||❚||❚|❚|❚❚❚ ] ← it's this many done. p.s. why won't tumblr let me use red at all what ....... dude.
Long Thing - chunk 1 (small) and chunk 2 (medium-big) have a HEAVY-DUTY outline with almost no bullshit in it now. chunk 3 (BIG) might also have that; I just haven't actually manifested it into a document yet (ran out of sunday). chunk 4 (medium-big again) has the makings of Real Outlineability as well but it'll probably fight me more when I start actually trying to make it real. chunk 5 (medium?) is slowly orbiting closer and closer to me in my dreams. 6 (???) and 7 (small) are phantoms still; don't rush them. they're shy.
Highly E-Rated Thing - haven't worked on it because the 2 above projects are so Perfectly Balanced. it will choose its moment.
AFM chapter 5 - similarly it will choose its moment. for instance a moment when I am like way too full of beans & need something to put a lot of brain thoughts into.
I may not have anything specific to contribute to Jackstos June or most likely Jackstos July either but everyone else has been BRINGING IT so hey. *offers a gay little applause that pisses you off*.
next: I'm gonna talk to myself below the cut I'm thinking about THE PROCESS.
*elaborates on Long Fucking Thing some more because that's what I use like 3/4 of my brain for all the time now* it's interesting to see plot arcs shape up / to have a way to really consciously note "this part still might need This kind of thing," for reasons:
because both the story & the way I'm working on it are nonlinear, sometimes the note I'm making is "if you haven't established that Event A happened by this point, the scene that has to go here for thematic coherency reasons will not make. logical sense" (genuinely very funny thing to have to consider)
a LOT of the places where I currently have "uh think harder about this later" types of notes are like. have directly to do w/ Facts And Lore that are tangential to the story but critical to the worldbuilding (which REALLY makes them NOT tangential to the story. they're formative and important it's just that I have to Decide Them backwards to make sure they're forming the story elements in the direction I already want those to be going)
I'm realizing by thinking about the Process in this way that this is all very related to the Reasons the latter half of the fic is still pretty up in the air. It works like this okay bear with me:
I start with emotional beats I find compelling. Then I string together facts and events that make them important + create a compelling narrative arcs-and-themes-ways. Then I retroactively define the worldstate and LoreFacts based on "what would make this string of happenings happen in a way that isn't stupid". (I Am Currently Here). As the World Facts become more rigidly defined, I run into "things I should either address or change an existing Something to avoid addressing," and like this the places where there aren't currently things like "scenes" or "concrete events" gradually get filled in.
The concrete Things That Need To Happen in the final 3 chunks of this fic depend so heavily on the WORLDSTATE that it's been impossible to generate most of them up until now. I have to finish (~) defining Facts (based on the emotional beats I already know how I'll be covering in the first half of the story) before I can get my gay little fingers in there and start tying things into cute little bows. THIS MAKES A SHOCKING AMOUNT OF SENSE SOMEHOW I'M so used to writing smedium-length things where half the time I write the VERY end first because that's where ALL the emotional payoff lives.
NOT SO THIS TIME. THERE IS EMOTIONAL PAYOFF ALL OVER THE FIRST HALF OF THIS THING & it would probably be difficult and inadvisable to do a whole lot more with the second half before I make sure I know what shrimplications I'm shrimplying based on (checks my watch for some reason) like 3 entire Structural Plot Arcs of Gay BullShit. huh.
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daikaiju-chaos · 1 year
Anthology lore for kaiju origins and nomenclature.
So... I just dropped a lorefact that Scylla has the "genera name" of Thalassogigas, I should probably explain that.
So, kaiju in my anthology are not 100% natural, they didn't evolve, moreso they're akin to elementals, being born from a high concentrated amounts of mana/aether/magic energy getting trapped in a spot and turning into a living thing.
The process of a kaiju's birth goes as so: First, there has to be a lot of life energy flowing from living to dead (there were no kaiju existing in the early eras of Earth). Second, the life energy gets trapped somewhere inside the Earth's crust, and or any solid space, it can get trapped in a glacier if ya wanted. Next, the energy has to grow past a certain threshold, WAAY past the amount needed for an elemental to be born. The pocket of trapped energy will then form into an "egg", usually called a "Gaia core", "kaiju seed", whatever, developing an embryo like any egg would. How does the embryo develop into a specfic form? Well that's usually dependent on elemental and attribute contributions, the surrounding wild-life of the surface, its depends and unconfirmed. Then, bada bing bada boom, the egg has hatched and we got ourselves a baby "Gigas", usually just feeding off of aetherically dense forms of food, usually sunlight, radiation, other kaiju, etc.
Now the nomenclature: There's two rankings on determining the kaiju's name: Gigas and Titanus. Gigas are the standard kaiju, usually not too special. But with enough energy (and usually some mythological significance) they are instead called Titans (thanks Monstersverse).
Now the naming scheme goes as so: [prefix that classifies what type of creature the gigas is]-[gigas/titanus] "a name that's given to that specific kaiju". Back to Scylla for an example: "Thalasso-" as a prefix means she's a water kaiju. The suffix "-gigas" puts her as a standard kaiju. And of course, Scylla is just her name.
Currently, I have a couple suffixes rn: Draco-, kaiju resembling dragons. Petra-, kaiju that associated or are literally made of stone. Thalasso-, marine kaiju, be it fish, octopi, jellyfish, etc. Glacio-, usually ice-based kaiju. Sauro-, reptilian kaiju that aren't specifically draconic. Dendro-, plant-like kaiju or kaiju plants. Therio-, mammalian kaiju. Aevi-, bird-like kaiju. Gastro-, slug and snail-like kaiju.
There'd be more, but they'd be VERY specific to like kaiju of celestial bodies and elemental composition. I also need some help figuring out a name for insectoid and arthropoda-like kaiju without resorting to Armagigas or Arthrogigas... I might go with Arthro-, dunno.
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Lore Fact of the Week #75
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Kaldorei traditionally exchange small tokens, such as jewelry or accessories, to show their affection for one another [Page: Hairpin of Silver and Malachite, Item: Eternal Bride’s Wedding Ring]. The giving of bracers in particular is a gesture that symbolizes a sacred bond of friendship, trust, and love amongst night elves [Quest: A Cry For Help]. One elf even gifted her husband with a “pendant of bonding,” though it is unclear if that is standard practice for romantic partners in kaldorei culture [Quest: Mortality Wanes].
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red-catmander · 4 years
extremely important lorefact
did you know Destiny’s Edge got matching tattoos?
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kasimova-dariia · 7 years
Hey, could you maybe post the link to the bluepost about the lorefacts and the troll lifespan? I want to show it to friends who are sticklers for source, thanks!
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((Friend has me seriously contemplating a Nier Automata AU
have some fun with the lore and twist a few lorefacts to make some good Plot Ideas))
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Lore Fact of the Week #72
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According to one dreadlord, night elf virgins are in short supply these days [Item: Diabolical Plans].
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Lore Fact of the Week #74
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According to the non-canon RPG, the Jaserplode and Fargodeep gold mines in Elwynn Forest were seized by the orcs during the First War to fuel their war efforts [RPG: Lands of Conflict, pg. 49]. When the humans finally routed the orcs out of their lands after the end of the Second War nearly four years later, they successfully recaptured the mines, only to lose them again to the forces of the Defias Brotherhood some time following the Third War [RPG: Lands of Conflict, pg. 49, World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume II, pg. 175, 177, Item: Wiley’s Note, Quest: The Fargodeep Mine, Quest: The Jasperlode Mine]. Kobolds, working at the behest of the disgraced stonemasons, invaded the mines, although exactly what they were doing for the Defias is unclear [Item: Wiley’s Note].
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Lore Fact of the Week #73
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Banshees have access to the powers of those whose bodies they possess so long as they are inhabiting them [Quest: Reading the Bones, Page: Baroness Anastari].
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Lore Fact of the Week #68
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Most Darkspear trolls refuse to worship bird spirits because they believe them to be fickle and weak [Quest: Spirits of the Feralfen]. Forest trolls, however, have no such reservations. The Amani, Revantusk, and Vilebranch tribes all openly venerate and pay homage to either Akil’darah or Akil’zon, both of which are renowned eagle loa [NPC: Kotonga Dialogue, Page: Akil’zon].
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Lore Fact of the Week #71
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Although it stood as virtually the last great human city of the original Alliance after the Third War, Stormwind City still relied heavily upon other kingdoms for several of its main imports [Book: The Alliance Splinters, World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume III, pg. 112, Cinematic: The Destruction of Dalaran]. In fact, when both Dalaran and Quel’Thalas fell during the Third War, merchants found it incredibly difficult to come by certain magical wares, especially enchanting supplies [Classic NPC: Jessara Cordell Dialogue]. What Stormwind’s craftsmen lacked in those, however, they made up for in other areas. The elves supplied the humans with an abundance of alchemical goods specially crafted in Teldrassil and brought over as a gesture of good will between the two races [Classic NPC: Eldraeith Dialogue].
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Lore Fact of the Week #69
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CW: Please be aware that this lore post discusses a practice involving gaslighting, torture, and confinement. 
The banishment ritual practiced by the Adherents of Rukhmar was an exceptionally brutal custom. Designed to punish those who spoke up against the Adherents’ rule and discourage others from doing the same, the arakkoa exiling ceremony was a highly public, yet gruesome affair that lasted over the course of several days [Short Story: Apocrypha]. The ceremony, in which dissenters among the arakkoa were sentenced to a life as outcasts on the ground, was practiced for at least 600 years before the Adherents of Rukhmar were finally ousted from power [World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume II, pg. 44, Short Story: Apocrypha, Page: Order of the Awakened].
The elaborate ritual began once an arakkoa suspected of treasonous behavior was captured. To justify the victim’s impending banishment from high arakkoan society, the Adherents of Rukhmar would publicly denounce them as a heretic afflicted with the Curse of Sethe. They maintained authoritarian control over their people in this way by dictating that “heretical” activities – such as questioning one’s elders – were a sign of the curse. Moreover, although the curse could only be contracted by coming into contact with Sethe’s blood in Sethekk Hollow, the Adherents claimed that it was contagious, allowing them to swiftly silence and permanently exile any who dared challenge their leadership [Short Story: Apocrypha, pg. 2, 4].
Following the victim’s apprehension, their beak was bound, and their head covered with a blinding hood so they could not speak or see [Short Story: Apocrypha, pg. 2]. They were then placed in a cage hanging over Skyreach’s highest terrace. A dark cloth magically enchanted to keep out all heat and light was draped over the cage, which served to prevent the arakkoa within from feeling the grace of the arakkoan sun god, Rukhmar. This part of the ritual sometimes drove arakkoa mad, causing them to pluck out their own feathers [Short Story: Apocrypha, pg. 3-4].
After several days, the sound of windchimes during sunrise signaled that the victim was to be exiled the following day at the break of dawn [Short Story: Apocrypha, pg. 3]. Once that time had come, the arakkoa, still bound, was removed from the cage and taken to a ceremonial chamber in the Grand Spire, where all of the Adherents were required to attend and witness this final part of the ceremony. As soon as everyone had gathered, the High Sage, leader of the Adherents of Rukhmar, publicly condemned the victim as a heretic and cut off both of their wings for all to see [Short Story: Apocarypha, pg. 4]. The wingless arakkoa was then dropped into the pools of Sethe from a great height [World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume II, pg. 45].
Assuming they survived the fall, the newly made outcast would then actually contract the Curse of Sethe. The magical curse tormented the fallen arakkoa, ravaging their mind and causing them a great deal more pain. Many died or went insane as a result, but some of the strongest persevered and went on to join the outcasts [Quest: Banished from the Sky, World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume II, pg. 45].  
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Lore Fact of the Week #70
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Few artifacts are as well-known as the Demon Soul, a relic so powerful that it could not only vaporize entire armies in an instant, but also control and enslave any dragon, including the aspects themselves [The Demon Soul, Chapter Twenty]. What some may not know, however, is that the Demon Soul was once fastened to an elementium chain named the Demon Chain [Quest: The Demon Chain]. Not unlike the Soul, the Demon Chain alone gave its wielder the ability to project their will like a physical force and compel dragons to do their bidding, although it is loosely implied that the chain did not always have these powers [NPC: Nakrall Rakeclaw Dialogue]. Rather, some claim that the magical artifact came by its unique abilities from being attached to the Demon Soul for so long [Quest: The Demon Chain].
While the Demon Soul has long been destroyed, the whereabouts of the Demon Chain are currently unknown [Quest: The Demon Chain, Page: Demon Soul].
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Lore Fact of the Week #66
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With the exception of one, all Alliance military units enlisted in the war against the Lich King were named after Alliance towns [Quest: Lost and Found, Quest: A Deserter]. As part of the war effort, each unit was assigned to a specific region in Northrend and given a mission to carry out against the Scourge. The Westfall Brigade, for example, was sent to Grizzly Hills to secure strategic resource points and look for a safe path into the northernmost territories while the Darkshire and Goldshire regiments were sent to Dragonblight and Howling Fjord respectively, although the exact task they were given is unclear [Quest: The Hills Have Us, Quest: Report to Gryan Stoutmantle… Again, Quest: A Deserter].
The only regiment not named after a town, Unit S, was an elite strike force charged with infiltrating the temple city of En’kilah in northern Borean Tundra and collecting any scourge technology found there to use against the Lich King himself [Comic: Death Knight, Chapter Five, Quest: Cowards and Fools].
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Lore Fact of the Week #67
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Before Halaa became a battleground between the Alliance and the Horde, it was the draenei’s primary research center for the study of naaru crystals [Quest: Oshu’gun Crystal Powder].
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