#moji jr
mojimallow · 2 years
think of the children
the apocalypse doesn't leave a lot of room for a childhood, but leo does his best to give casey the bonding time he had as a kid. usagi is fond of his attempts. ~1k words. [ao3]
Usagi found Leo in the cobbled-together bunker-turned-dojo, sprawled flat on his back in front of a giggling Casey Junior.
The toddler- wait, when is a kid a kid, not a toddler? Was five too old for a toddler? It almost certainly was, Casey was a kid now, how did that happen- was holding a banged-up wooden sword and grinning widely as Leo theatrically clutched his hand to his chest.
"You've bested me once more, great warrior!"
"Mama said I would," Casey said, wiggling happily where he stood. "Said I would annotate you."
Leo chuckled, letting his arm drop to the floor beside him. "I think she might have said annihilate, kiddo."
"Oh. A mile late?"
"An-high-uh-late," the turtle enunciated patiently, rolling onto this side- away from the doorway Usagi was peeking through- and propping himself up with his elbow. "Means to beat somebody badly."
Casey grinned again, smug right to his toes in a way that seemed much older than he was. "So she was right."
Leo's breath of laughter was so fond it made Usagi's heart flip in his chest. "She was right, Case. Good job."
"I'm gonna go tell her! Bye Sensei!" He paused briefly on his way out the door to turn his sun-bright smile on Usagi. "Bye 'Sagi!"
"Seeya, Casey," he responded, ruffling the child's hair as he rushed past him.
"Hey, 'Sagi," Leo called, mimicking Casey's tone on the nickname and rolling to sit with his legs crossed. The "sparring" match left him softer than Usagi usually got to see him, and it left the samurai with an extra dose of affection for little Casey. "What is it?"
"I was planning to stretch before I realized the dojo had turned into a battlefield," he answered truthfully. "But I'd be happy to come back later if you're still using the space."
"I have six siblings. I know how to share."
Usagi toed off his shoes and padded across the worn mats, settling down in front of Leonardo with a raised brow. "That number seems to change every time I hear it."
"We seem to collect them. Stray humans, mutated fish, enemy-henchmen-turned-sisters," he counted, ticking a finger for each. "You know how it is."
"Enemy-henchman-turned-sister, yeah."
"So you do know how it is."
"Can't say I've had the mutated fish thing happen, though."
Leo let out a snort of laughter, rolling his eyes and spreading his legs into a wide stretch that Usagi mimicked. "Piebald likes you enough that it's only a matter of time until she brother-adopts you, don't worry."
Usagi thought that sounded like plenty of reason to worry, but didn't point it out. Instead, "So, that makes Casey your nephew?"
"Close enough. I haven't given it a lot of thought." He paused, stretching his arm towards his right foot. "Family's family. Haven't bothered with it much past that in a long time."
It wasn't like familial titles meant much in the current day and age anyway, Usagi figured. The Resistance looked out for each other, regardless of clan.
Especially the children.
"He's a good kid," Usagi said, jerking his head towards the door. "Seems like he's got the makings of a real swordsman one day."
Leo hesitated. "Yeah, he does."
"He's a good kid," he repeated quietly.
Usagi sat silently, stretching out the stiffness in his hip from spending his young adulthood getting tossed around by Yokai and Krang alike. Silence was hardly his strongsuit- but given the furrow to the leader of the Resistance's brow, Usagi suspected there was more to hear.
"He deserves more," Leo admitted under his breath, proving Usagi's hunch correct and catching him off guard all at once.
He glanced up, unsure how to proceed, how to keep Leo comfortable enough to continue with his unusual vulnerability. Stay silent? Say something? Agree? Offer an anecdote of his experience with Hana? Reassure him that Casey was getting the best opportunities possible?
Leo saved him, exhaling sharply through his nose. "He deserves the world, but at this point I'd settle for some crayons." He looked up with a wry smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "They're a little hard to come by these days."
"If I see any, you'll be the first to know," Usagi promised.
His tone was more serious than Leo had expected, judging by the way his eyes went wide. But as always, the turtle recovered quickly- quickly enough that Usagi didn't have a chance to regret it. "Thank you," he smiled, genuinely this time.
A warm beat passed.
"Well then," Leo smacked his leg, smile morphing to a familiar smirk. "Care to spar? Casey softened me up- you might stand a chance now."
"I see he's surpassed you in smack talk."
"I think you're biased."
Usagi rolled his eyes fondly, pushing himself off the ground and extending a hand to Leonardo. "C'mon, old man. Time to get annotated. Again." 
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bluescreen-menchii · 9 months
Some interesting things I found in the code of Secrets of Legendaria (for the 3 fans of the actual game and not the TCG that still exist here)
I got a bit curious and started going through the game’s files, partially to see what went wrong and partially because I can’t stop thinking about how much wasted potential this game was (and a lot of Lionel Snill’s other games, for that matter)
Here’s a list of the most interesting stuff I found:
Moji doesn’t have an actual death animation for some reason, even though his death was kind of a defining moment in the plot as a massive change in tone. Either this was an oversight by the devs (unsurprising) or it was a really weird design choice.
Remember that disturbing, random secret you can find where you can buy the key to the smithy’s house only to find him dead? There’s actually some unused dialogue where he upgrades Lazarus’ sword. I have no idea why this could have been removed, since the sword upgrade as it is makes no sense as there’s no dialogue to explain it. This is also apparently where you were meant to get some of the correct answers for the Sphinx bossfight.
On a related note, that upgraded sword is referred to in the files as “Endervale Blade.” Could this be related to the Entervale bug where entering it as Chandrelle’s name freezes the game on a purple mist screen?
On yet another related note, there’s an unused map also titled Endervale, which also freezes the game on the purple mist when loaded.
The talking slime that refuses to fight you as you approach the dragon’s mountain actually does have code for a battle, but it’s not anything more interesting than the other slime fights earlier on.
Remember that theory that Jay from Vicious Galaxy is also the janitor in the temple in SoL because they look the same and he happens to have some silly meta dialogue about it? The janitor is referred to in the files as Jay, meaning that they might actually be the same character. Now, seeing as Lazarus and Moji Jr. also star in VG, it may very well be the case that SoL and VG take place in the same timeline. In this essay I will-
The Missingno enemy is not a bug, but a completely intentional easter egg. The weird game crash with it and the doppelgänger charm item was not intended, however.
Lazarus has a separate inventory, but we can’t access it normally within the game. The only time we get to interact with it is when Chandrelle gives him the locket half. It’s empty, save for the sword, though, so not much else to say about it.
The locket, on the other hand, is interesting. It has a description written in binary, but when translated it’s just nonsense letters. There is no second half of the locket.
The guard for the Sphinx’s boss room is named Jack, and he has an unused battle sprite for some reason. It’s really silly, actually; they just rip his door out and put it on the battlefield.
This one’s really weird: Chandrelle and Rebecha still have leftover code from when they were in Combat Arena X (I still can’t get over how SoL is technically a CA:X spinoff, it haunts me every day). This makes sense, they were probably just copy pasted over—but for some reason, in the buggy, unfinished, fog-hidden Kraken bossfight, Chandrelle’s fighting game functions get activated. This might be why you stop being able to use her moves in the middle of that fight.
Unfortunately, you can’t remove the fog from the Kraken bossfight, because it’s basically just a cutscene with buttons you can press that have no effect on the gameplay, as far as I can tell.
I would have loved to solve the mystery of the tiny hooded character who steers Chandrelle and Lazarus out of the fog, but they don’t actually appear in the files at all for some reason? If I had to guess, it’s probably Captain Barnay, recovered and wrapped in a cloak. He’s short because he’s hunched over and hurt, I would guess.
Finally, the matter of the ending, and perhaps the most annoying discovery of all: There’s an unused good ending in the game’s files, but no way to ever trigger it because it requires the old man to be in the temple before Vallamir. This can never happen in game, meaning there’s no way to actually seal Vallamir away at the end.
Now, that’s all that I, an amateur when it comes to this sort of thing, could find. If I missed anything or got something wrong, please be sure to let me know!
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hexagonalhavoc · 9 months
In Remembrance 
Reggie x Reader 
[Author’s Note: So I heard the song Copacabana by Barry Manilow and now I have to write this. This is the first songfic I’ve ever wrote and I had fun writing it! Also I promise I’m going to get to my inbox 😅
⚠️ Mentions of injury, death, guns, and mentions of traumatic experiences, this is pretty angsty overall]
     Sometimes Lazarus preferred to be in the heat of battle. It was filled with fear and uncertainty but at least he had an objective. 
When he wasn’t on missions raiding alien bases he was at home base, a giant spaceship that cruised by the galaxy with leisure. There were utilities and individual rooms but it didn’t make him feel comfortable. Going from a fantasy setting to a sci-fi setting wasn’t easy to get used to. 
Lazarus wasn’t quite sure what to do with his time at home base. Socializing didn’t come to him naturally and most of the people here annoyed him. Moji Jr. had invited him to hang out in the gun range but working with him on missions is exhausting enough. 
So he navigates through the hallways and goes to the only room he feels at ease. He knocks once and then his hands fold together in a manner of courtesy.
You open the door and once you see who’s on the other side the annoyance melts off your face. Despite being an outcast among the other space marines, Lazarus had made a friend with the commander of essentially everyone on the ship: You. 
“Something bothering you, Laz?” You move back from the doorway and allow him to enter your private quarters. It’s a lot more spacious and decorated than the simple room he was given but it makes sense. He was a pawn on the chessboard and you were the strongest piece. Even with a lavish leather couch at your disposal you sit on the floor and Lazarus sits across from you to give you some distance out of respect. 
“I guess not, I was just wondering if I could trouble you with my company.” Even if you’re a lot nicer to him than you are with other people he’s still respectful towards you.
You took it upon yourself to train and guide the new “recruits” and even if you were harsh at times you looked after everyone’s physical and emotional wellbeing. It was easy to be selfish and let every person fend for themselves but you maintained order in this digital hell and tried to make it easier for all the characters that were banished here. Your kindness hidden behind a cold expression had been what earned his respect.
You shrugged your shoulders, silently letting him know you didn’t mind his presence. 
It was strange to see you without your space marine armor. With your helmet removed he was able to see the wear on your face caused from age and years of battle. There’s a few scars littered on your body from alien raids and missions of those sorts but there’s also a tattoo that no one would be able to see because of your bulky armor.
“Who’s Reginald?” Lazarus doesn’t mean to blurt it out and he immediately feels like a fool. He sees how the expression on your face changes and he speaks quick to correct himself. 
“I’m sorry- that wasn’t appropriate, I-“ 
You put your hand up to silence him and then shake your head. “You don’t have to be so formal with me.” You tilt your head back against the structure of the couch behind you, your hands pick at the carpet you’re settled on. 
“Just someone from my original game.” The melancholy is evident in your voice. It’s something Lazarus can understand. Chandrelle could be irritating at times, she was the whole reason he was here but he still missed her. He couldn’t help but wonder how she was holding up, hopefully having Vallamir in her conscience wasn’t as bad as it sounded.
He looks back at you and takes a moment to process your words. To the rest of the space marines, you were essentially a legend shrouded in mystery. He had always assumed that you were made in this game but apparently that wasn’t the case. 
“Was it easy to adjust?” You made it look easy with how you could effortlessly man a gun with one hand while carrying an injured teammate over your shoulder. You could hack through security doors with aliens firing at you without losing concentration. 
You chuckle and shake your head. “Hell no it wasn’t. I was a singer in a bar in an inn before all of this.” You move your head back to its original position as you hug your knees to your chest, it’s easy to tell how you’re feeling by the reminiscent look in your eyes. “But that was a long time ago.” 
Back then you were younger, skin free of any sort of imperfection. You knew that other games existed beyond your own but you didn’t have the ability to comprehend how bad it was out there. You had been sheltered in the confines of the cozy little inn with no cares in the world. You thought that you’d spend your days singing on stage, helping Jeremiah clean around the place, and shyly flirting with the love of your life behind the counter.
The harshness of reality fell upon you on the day where the doors were flung open, threatening to be ripped off the hinges. You can hardly remember the details. You wonder if your mind purposely blocked them out the sight of Reginald mangled on the floor. Even if you couldn’t remember what he looked like in that instance you remember the sounds of bone crunching and wood splintering. You remembered the way your hands shook and despite feeling heavy on your feet, you grabbed an empty glass mug and slammed it against the blue man’s face.
You surprised yourself that day. You never thought that you would be capable of doing anything like that. That newfound confidence disappeared when the man you now know as Irving put a hand on his bloodied face in shock. He reeled his fist back as if he was about to send you to the ground like he did with Reggie but at the very last minute a wicked grin spread on his face. 
“I have a better use for you and that temper.”
With a painful grip on your wrist you were dragged away from the only home you knew. Jeremiah grasped the broom tightly as if it would protect him from the wrath of Irving. He was just as shaken up as you were, maybe even guilty that the only thing he could do was stand there and watch.
As you’re dragged closer to the door you see Reggie’s hands tighten around the wooden floorboards. He manages to pull his upper half up from the shallow pool of his own blood and despite your situation you’re filled with relief. He’s alive. 
As much as you want to run to him, holding him tight and promise everything will be okay you know you can’t. The only thing you can muster is a shaky smile as you try to silently reassure him. This time your smile isn’t enough to comfort him. 
You weren’t the young filly you used to be. The light in your eyes would never be as bright. You remember the first time you held the heavy gun in your hands on your first mission, you thought you were going to suffocate in your own armor. 
You were the first character to be jailed in Vicious Galaxy. In a morbid way, you were its play tester to make sure it was at least habitable for its future prisoners. For so long you were alone in that game.
You remember those times that you would put on the outfit that you used to wear when you resided at the inn after your missions. You would hum the love songs you used to sing for Reginald as you looked at him from across the room as he served customers. 
You wondered what he would think of you now. Would he love the person you were now? The one who didn’t smile or blush, the one who was constantly tired, the one who could hold a gun and pull the trigger with ease. It wasn’t as easy to be hopeful now but you hoped that he was alive and that he was living as happily as he could. And yet, you grieved for him as if he was dead. Sometimes it felt like he was as you lost hope that you would ever see him again. 
Despite that hopelessness you never lost the love you had for him. He would always hold a space in your heart and your memories. It’s why his name was inked into your upper arm. It reminded you that even in this cruel place, you still had love.
“Are you okay?” Lazarus’s concerned tone brings you out of your thoughts. 
You smile apologetically at him. “Sorry, I got a little caught up in my thoughts.”
He shakes his head, the sympathy evidence on his features. “Don’t worry about it…I’m sorry, it seems like you’ve been through so much.” 
You nod. You wanted to open up to him, to find the words for everything you were feeling but you kept your emotional distance from your friend. You knew you could trust him but it didn’t feel right to burden him with all of your feelings, especially when you were his commander. 
The only person you would let into your heart was Reginald and if you were never going to see him again then you would keep your heart locked up forever. 
Your face hardens again but it doesn’t fool the man in front of you who’s already seen a glimpse of the grief you hide from others. 
“I think you should rest. We got a big mission tomorrow.” Lazarus knows your words are just an excuse but he still nods and stands up.
“Right. Rest well.” 
“You too.” 
And when the door closes you’re completely alone. On one hand it’s welcoming but it’s also painful. 
“And while she tried to be a star,
He always worked the bar,
Across the crowded floor,
They worked from eight till four,
They were young and had each other,
Who could ask for more?” 
You were surprised to find out you still had the musical talent that you possessed decades ago. And yet the melody didn’t sound the same when you sang it this time. It was one of Reginald’s favorite song and despite singing it a hundred times, you never realized how sad it really was until now. You couldn’t bring yourself to continue the song as you sat there in silence. 
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leafytaffyart · 2 years
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superpixie42 · 2 years
Pixelicious, 🤭 Do you have a favorite tag to use when posting your works? and 🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants? for the moji ask game, please and thank you 💓💓💓
! @anisaanisa ! Oooh you picked two of my favorite from this list and answering the second one includes major spoilers sooooo the full answer is under the cut :)
🤭 Do you have a favorite tag to use when posting your works?
So my most common non-setting based tag (au/canon/etc) is "tumblr/based on a tumblr prompt" which makes me weirdly happy? I love answering prompts and I love feeling inspired by this community. I also love the idea of a fic being made specifically to make someone happy. Yes, it's public and it's for everyone, but sometimes in the big wide world it's just really fuckn nice to know someone thought about you and cared for a minute, right? So yay prompts and yay gift fics.
I also enjoy "you can't prove it's not canon" because those little in between fics are some of the most satisfying (in my not so humble opinion).
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
I vaguely outline, but not with any kind of structure like gets taught in creative writing courses. For "longer" fics aka more than 500 words, I usually make a "guidepost" for myself at the top of a fic document to remind myself of why I'm in this fic.
For example this was the top of the doc for Snoring:
Prompt: And A snored all night while B went slowly insane
Immediately after Sango gives birth to the twins, Miroku can't come with for an exorcism but an overly emotional Sango refuses to let Inuyasha go alone. So he brings shippo, who does surprisingly well in the fight. Rain forces them to stay in the village overnight (empty hut at the edge of the village). There Shippo’s snoring and snuggling makes Inuyasha realize just how attached the kit is to him and how much they both miss Kagome (who used to snuggle him every night).  
Funny. Then grumpy. Then not really sad, but more a chance to overcome the sad with some acknowledgments. Fuck me this is gonna take some brain power.
Rounding it out: 
Inuyasha has been avoiding Shippo because Shippo represents too many icky feelings aka his mixed feels on Kagome being gone. Yes MirSan are allowed to move on, but is Shippo? Is he?
Shippo is going to go to the fox academy thing but Inuyasha decides he’s going to talk him out of it because he doesnt want the kit to leave (will shippo be awake for this revelation? Who knows, certainly not me, the author.)
All the dad and found family feels. 
and this was What's Eating You--which is even less formal..
The Plan: Kagome and Inuyasha bunker together at work. They only know each other passively through work, and are not friends but instead find the other annoying. When she has a breakdown thinking she’s gonna die and she has only ever had sex with one person, he jokingly shows her his dick to calm her down. But as the time ticks away and panic rises, they decide the best way to go out is with a bang. 
all the oral sex because yes finally they are getting jiggy with it all clear sounds door opens Miroku - aka Inuyasha's friend and a member of the Cleaning Crew (they make the zombies go byebye) is like "oh, well, dont stop on my account. but ps its all clear so if you didnt use a condom now is the time to fix that because you're not gonna die. have fun kids"
"As he shut the door behind him, Kagome realized maybe being eaten by zombies wouldn't have been so bad after all" 
Epilogue: maybe a mini scene that opens like a horror movie. there's screaming and shes disoriented and theres a useless body next to her and then she turns on the lamp and lets Inu Jr chow down on her breast while Inu snores like a bastard XD
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poddyshobbies · 3 years
JR九州 YC1系6両 甲種輸送 ~ 門司・西小倉
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Type A Transport, JR Kyushu Electric train YC1 ~ Moji・Nishi-Kokura
2021 12/2 兵庫 ~ 12/3 姫路貨物 ~ 幡生 17:26 - 17:42 北九州貨物ターミナル 19:21 - 19:33 西小倉
西小倉 ~ 上りソニックの通過を待って小倉工場へ
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wnbf · 5 years
If this post doesn’t raise the hair on your neck we don’t know what will! The pressure and prestige to win the Natural Muscle Mayhem. History has proven that the amateurs and pro’s on this specific stage DO NOT PLAY! They are the best of the best, and the best will be featured on Saturday, July 20, 2019 in Sacramento. WHO WILL WIN? Athletes appearing in order; Philip Ricardo Jr. Kiyoshi Moody Moji Oluwa Marshall Johnson Chris Nsubuga Bada Lekan Sam Okunola Rodney Helaire Alberto Nunez Cecil Green Kevin Riley Jeff Nippard Nsima Inyang Mischa Janiec Kendall Richmond Ace Baldwin #INBF #WNBF #NaturalMuscleMayhem #inbfNaturalMuscleMayhem #inbfCapitalCity #Mayhem #GoldStandardBB #BestOfTheBestNaturalBB #Sacramento #California #NorCal #SoCal #SacramentoFitness #CaliforniaFitness #LAfitness #fitness #fitspo #motivation #workoutMotivation #EliteCompeteWNBF #CaliforniaEliteBB #NewYorkWorlds #NYworlds #NewYork #NewYorkFitness #RealDrugTesting #WNBF30 (at Natural Muscle Mayhem Pro Am) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0ChXSvDSNG/?igshid=17qt9l8uj2bl9
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Lt Col Samuel Wesley Freeny Memorial at St Marks, Ralph, Delaware
Samuel Wesley Freeny/Freeney was the son of Samuel Wesley Freeney (1860 - 1899) and Martha Anne Ralph (1859 - 1933). He was born and raised in Wicomico County, Maryland, and received his early education there. He would later attend and graduate St. John's Military Academy in Delafield, Wisconsin. The 1900 US Census shows the family as living in Delmar, Wicomico County, Maryland. Samuel's mother was a widow at this point. The following family members were living in the home at this time: Head Martha A Freeny F 41 Delaware Son Barton R Freeny M 17 Maryland Son R Lee Freeny M 14 Maryland Dau Bessie E Freeny F 10 Maryland Son Samuel W Freeny M 4 Maryland Sam was the husband of Bertha S. Obery who he married in Maryland, and was the father of a son, Samuel W. Freeny, Jr, (he would actually have been the third). Sam was commissioned an Officer of Marines effective 4/19/1917. His first assignment after he completed his officer training at Quantico, Virginia, was with the 93rd Company, 7th Marine Regiment, Deer Point, Guantanamo, Cuba. He had a distinguished career serving both stateside postings as well as overseas posts in the Haiti, back to Cuba, Philippines and China. He steadily rose in rank and was a Lieutenant Colonel by 1941 stationed in China. In November, 1941, orders were given for the 4th Marine Regiment to depart from Shanghai, China, where they had been operating for the previous 15 years. This departure was due to the growing Japanese military influence in the area and the fact that the marines were grossly outnumbered. The Regiment, consisting of two small battalions, a headquarters unit and the regimental band, left China on the 27th and 28th and sailed to the Philippines. LtCol Freeny was the Executive Officer of the regiment and was assigned to the Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 4th Marines (Commander was LtCol Curtis T. Beecher) and they were sent to the Marine Barracks, Olongapo Navy Yard, Philippines. At approximately 0300 hours on the morning of 12/8/1941, word was received of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Reveille was sounded and LtCol Freeny addressed the men of his unit while still in his nightshirt, about the attack and that the United States was at war with the Empire of Japan. On 12/14/1941, Japanese bombers attacked the Olongapo/Subic Bay area. Ten days later, the order was given to burn the Subic Bay Navy Base and withdraw. Olongapo was set aflame in anticipation of Japanese troop arrival. The USS NEW YORK was scuttled in Subic Bay to prevent it from falling into Japanese hands. When the American forces made a last-ditch stand on the Bataan peninsula, the Naval Station was abandoned and most of its facilities were burned before the Japanese arrived. The 11,000 defenders fought bravely for 6 months with their final battle being conducted at Corregidor when they finally surrendered to the Japanese forces. LtCol Freeny had been wounded on 4/29/1942. During the battle at Corregidor, LtCol Freeny organized a platoon of men he gathered from the Malinta Tunnel, to reinforce the beleaguered 1st Battalion. One of the U.S. Army enlisted men he acquired complained, "I've never fired a rifle before. I'm in the finance department!" Freeny replied, "You just go out and draw their fire and the Marines will pick them off." LtCol Freeny was captured by the Japanese after the fall of Corregidor, on 5/6/1942. After two years of imprisonment in the Philippines, the decision was made to move the POW's to Japan where they would basically be used as slave labor. The Oryoku Maru was a Japanese passenger cargo ship which was commissioned by the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II as a troop transport and prisoner of war transport ship. Japanese POW transport ships are often referred to as "hell ships", due to their horrendous living conditions and the many deaths that occurred on board. The Oryoku Maru left Manila on 12/13/1944, with 1,620 prisoners-of-war, mostly American, packed in the holds, and 1,900 Japanese civilians and military personnel in the cabins. As the ship neared the naval base at Olongapo in Subic Bay, US Navy planes from the USS HORNET attacked the unmarked ship damaging it. The Japanese civilians and troops were immediately evacuated back to shore. After two days, the Japanese told the POW's they had to take off their shoes and hats and swim to shore. Soon thereafter, American planes again attacked the ship, causing it to sink on 12/15/1944. At the time of the attack, about 100 prisoners had already died from suffocation or dehydration during the two nights at sea. Nearly 200 others were killed in the bombing or shot in the water as they tried to escape. The survivors of the sinking were held for several days in an open tennis court at Olongapo Naval Base. While there, the prisoners were afforded no sanitary conditions whatsoever. Prisoners experienced severe mistreatment, and several deaths occurred. The remaining prisoners were later transported by train to San Fernando, La Union. About 1,000 of the survivors were loaded on another Japanese ship, the Enoura Maru, while the rest boarded the smaller Brazil Maru. Both ships reached Takao (Kaohsiung) harbor in Taiwan on New Year's Day, where the smaller group of prisoners was transferred from Brazil Maru to Enoura Maru, and 37 British and Dutch were taken ashore. However, on January 9, the Enoura Maru was bombed and disabled while in harbor, killing about 350 men. The survivors were put aboard the Brazil Maru which arrived in Moji, Japan, on 1/29/1945. Only 550 of the 900+ who sailed from Taiwan were still alive. 161 more men died in Japan, Taiwan, and Korea in the coming months leaving only 403 survivors of the original 1620 to be liberated from camps in Kyushu, Korea, Manchuria, and Taiwan in August and September 1945. However, LtCol Freeny was not among them. On 12/21/1944, while still housed in the POW camp at the Olongapo Naval Base, Col. Beecher and the POW doctor's, were ordered by the Japanese to select the 15 most ill prisoners for transport to Manila for medical care. One of those selected was Col. Beecher's XO, LtCol Freeny. He was very weak and was suffering from partial paralysis by this time and was the only Marine selected to go. The men were loaded up on a truck at 1900 hours on the 23rd and driven about two miles away from the camp to an old cemetery. A large pit had been dug and the men were forced to kneel at the edge of the pit and each one was bayoneted and/or beheaded and thrown into the pit. After the war the bodies were recovered and the families of those who could be identified were notified. LtCol Freeny's wife Bertha, requested that his remains be returned to the United States for burial at the U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland, were he now lies next to her (she died in 1980). Lieutenant Colonel Samuel W. Freeny earned the following badges/decorations for his service during World War I and World War II: - Combat Action Ribbon - Purple Heart Medal with Gold Star (2nd Award) - Prisoner of War Medal - China Service Medal - Marine Corps Expeditionary Medal - American Defense Service Medal with device - Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal with bronze battle/campaign star(s) - World War I Victory Medal - World War II Victory Medal - Philippine Defense Medal with bronze campaign star - Philippine Presidential Unit Citation Ribbon - Marine Corps Marksmanship Badge
Write up from find a Grave
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chatchalita · 7 years
My (almost half) Kyushu Trip
This trip is the most unprepared trip and the trip that “unlike me”
I like to spend more than 1 day in certain place, just to see the city, relax, and sightseeing at my own pace rather than move around every day.
This probably text-heavy rather than pictures heavy due to my laptop not cooperate and the pictures from my phone didn’t import properly and you probably will see pictures I posted before because of the above reason.
I went to Kyushu via Peach Aviation on Jan 15-20, 2018. A first trip of the year, yay.  On the 15th, I flew from Bangkok to Okinawa. And wow, I shook a little from cold weather in Okinawa.  The plane was so warm.  The flight supposed to arrive at 8am, but my flight was 15 minutes delayed. I was in a rush because I have another flight to catch at 9:50am, but it not a connection flight, which mean I have to check-out and check-in again. The immigration person keep asking me what am I doing here this time, I would like to think that he just doing his job to make sure he gives the right amount of days allowed in Japan rather than thinking that he suspect that I would ran away and overstayed in Japan.  I was really worried that I might miss the flight since most of the time the international flight and domestic flight are in separate building. When I got out, the check-in counter is right in front of my eyes and the gate is close by. Because the airline is low-cost airline. They have their own separate building that every single one of their flight will be here (to be fair, they share with another airlines). So, I made it in time and once I arrived at to Fukuoka, I rushed to Fukuoka City Museum to find that it close on that day. See  So on the first day, I went to Kokura Castle and Moji Port in KitaKyushu and then stay in Kitahama, Beppu.  
*Note I bought JR North Kyushu pass, 8500 yen for 3 days, I think it worth the money since I don’t have to buy ticket every time and I can ride Shinkansen
Second day, Jan 16.
The original plan was to visit Kitsuki castle and walk around the castle town because I came to love Japanese castle and later visit Beppu Hells, but I’m me, I can’t force myself to wake up early for the sake of sightseeing and ended up sleep in.  And I think it was the right choice...if the guide said 2-3 hours in sightseeing, I will took 3-4 hours or even longer than that.  I took a bus to Kannawa to see “Jigoku” or hells, the name was taken from that fact that all the hot springs here are too hot for human to enter and probably hot like hell.
I think I visited the place in different order than most ppl do, it seem like they usually walk for 10 minutes to reach the farthest hell first then go back to the same route to visit the rest.  Let’s just say I do the opposite...
*all the descriptions taken from English sign*
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The first hell I visited is called “Shiraike Jigoku or the white pond hell, whose boiling spouting up water turns blue-white colored when falling down upon surface of the water.  There is also a tropical aqurium where a ‘king fish’ of prarucu’ ‘man-eating fish’ of piranha and several other tropical fish have been raised.”
After I got out of this, I was hungry since I have not eat anything yet and it was 11am almost 12pm, and I just walk in the nearest store and order the first food I saw, which happen to be the food of that area
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Dangojiru, a ramen made from dango I think and this food is put together with Kyoto’s black ramen in the list of food I will never eat again.  It’s very plain and too much vegetable I guess, I rather eat a weird hint of burnt bitter sweet and super salty black ramen more than this.  Maybe I dislike it due to its plain taste and the lack of meat...
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Next stop, “Oniyama Jigoku (Oniyama Hell), the force of the steam is so strong here that about one and a half train cars can be pulled by its pressure, and it creates ideal conditions for breeding crocodiles.”  This place probably a place that I didn’t took a picture of onsen with its name because this place is known for crocodiles, the temperature of the onsen is 99.1 C
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And the real hell start here, “Kamado Jigoku (Oven Hell)  This jigoku derives its name from the fact that it used to be used for cooking foods long long ago.  The great red demon standing on an enormous cooking pot is the symbol of this jigoku”  That picture probably more appropriate than this picture, but the tour groups were there, there are a lot of people and they loud.  They also have a shop there for souvenirs and I just wanted to get out of this place as soon as possible.  Hey, I’m an introvert and I like quiet place.
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“Umi Jigoku (Sea Hell) so called because this jigoku looks like the sea, which emerged after an explosion of a volcano 1,200 years ago and because the color of the boiling water of the pond is cobalt-blue.”  
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Oniishi Bozu Jigoku, it seem like I forgot to take a picture of the sign, but the name came from the fact that the little bubble popping up looking like head of the monk.  This place was so relaxing and nobody there, there is a footbath in here, which they put some kind of citrus in it and it was really nice.  The previous two jigoku also have footbath but there are too many people around.  So these 5 jigoku are the one within walkable distance, the other two is 3km away and riding bus there is the best option
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Tatsumaki Jigoku (Geyser), I don’t have a trivia for this because I don’t remember and the sign was cut off otl  
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Chinoike Jigoku (Blodd Hell), it named after the redness.
Overall, I think the jigoku are pretty interesting, definitely a tourist trap, but it was fun to take pictures with all of them.  Not a place I would visit again unless I want more of their skin-care product :p
After I finish journey through hells, I decided to go for a sand bath, which I got covered in black sand.  The temperature is too warm, it not like hot like the sand bath in different prefecture that I saw in one of the youtube video, which is kind of disappointment since I expected sauna temperature in a cool weather.  Then I went back to my hotel to relax and go out again to find food; I ate seafood ochazuke and Tamayaki (like takoyaki, but use scallop instead), then I finally went to Family Mart to print out Ogo-tan’s conbeni print.
Asahi Tower Beppu Tower is located near my hotel, so I decide to go up there on my way back, I think I got sold because they said the tower was kind of old or something, but it was not worth it, there’s nothing up there, the night view can be seen anywhere, not unique to Beppu.
Third day,
It’s a day, I actually waking up early (to catch the train back to Hakata)  for the sake of everything yay.  The plan, was Nagasaki...and I was going to get through with this plan until I ride the train and changed my mind.  It was very last minute, I had no plan.  I thought that 3 hours in Nagasaki is not enough and not worth it to ride 4-6 hours of train (two-way) from Hakata.  I have to hurried back to Hakata before Fukuoka City Museum close.  So, I went to Kumamoto Castle, which happened to be under construction due to earthquake, like I said in one of my post before, I knew it was under construction, but I didn’t know it was all the area.  At that point, I was regretting the fact that Fukuoka City Museum closing on Monday ruined my plan, I could have ride a ferry from Kumamoto to Nagasaki and actually enjoy Nagasaki until night time, but I have my sword priority.  So, I went to Tamana to see Doudanuki since I already in Kumamoto.  The museum was really really nice, I enjoyed it a lot despite the fact that I couldn’t read Japanese.  The dedication that I rode taxi there because the bus do not reach that place.  And the station person in Tamana station was so helpful, what a good place.  And then, I rode shinkansen back to Hakata again and finally able to see Hasebe in Fukuoka City Musuem.  See I took better pictures of the swords, like zoom in and such, but I’m too lazy to post it so that post ended up with generic sword pictures.
My hotel is in Tenjin, which has Animate there, something I couldn’t find and ended up spent money in Book-off instead.  The food that day was Mos Burger during lunch (Idk why I craved for Japanese-western food, don’t judge me) and Oyster tempura-don plus karage.
Fourth day, another unplanned day
I flew back to Okinawa and sat at Naha airport for 2 or was it 3 hours because I don’t know what to do.  I was looking at the brochures and tried to come up with a plan for today.  My original plan was to go the south and go to Okinawa world and I just ended up too lazy to go.  In the end, I decided to go to my hotel and walk around that area.  My hotel happen to be within the walkable distance from Animate, I always picked the best location for my hotel eh?  The street that I was walking was Kokusaidori street, which is a shopping street for souvenirs.
Although, it’s unplanned it was great, I enjoyed looking in each shop and eat whatever food I found on my way Animate.
Fifth day, each day’s adventure is getting shorter and shorter
I bought a day tour to Okinawa’s aquarium because I’m too lazy to do my research for the bus.  This day tour is so rush, I didn’t spend enough time in the aquarium, two hours include lunch is not enough.  The taco rice in the aquarium was great though, I can see whale shark while I ate.  The other place include in the tours are Kadena, a place where you can see American’s air force plane, Cape Manza, a place that related to Urashima Taro (If my Japanese is corrected, I mostly sleep through the bus ride) and American Village, a shopping place that the tour let people be in for 50 minutes, I cannot do anything during that period of the time. Sadly, it was raining that day and I’m not feeling very happy about it.
Sixth day, visited 3 world heritage
The last day in Japan,  visited Shirikinaen Garden, Shuri Castle, Tamadun, and Naminoue Shrine - Beach.  Shirikinaen was beautiful, I loves Japanese garden.  Shuri Castle was too large and I was too tired to explore all the area, is I visit Shuri Castle on the first day of my trip, I probably able to finish the stamp rally.  Naminoue beach is the only beach I went although I went to Okinawa,
Overall, I did enjoyed this trip a lot.  There’s a point that I was worn out enough to just want to stay in the hotel and not going anywhere, but it was a fun alone time trip.  In all the prefectures I visited, I probably will visited them again some day because I feel like I didn’t see enough, but it probably won’t be my priority since I rather visit other prefectures and complete my bucket list (visit all prefectures in Japan)
Oita, definitely will visit again for onsen-escape, maybe not Beppu, maybe it would be Yufuin next time.
Kumamoto, in 2019 when Kumamoto Castle is complete, let’s do it since it one of Japanese’s greatest castle...and maybe Mt. Aso...
Fukuoka, if I have a chance, might have a proper sightseeing here in the future
Okinawa, if I go there again, I want to stay near Ocean Expo park or something, it seem there’s a lot of interesting place in there.  Might go there in Spring because Summer is too hot and probably too crowded.
4/8 Kyushu visited, need to clear the rest the next time.
When I read this in the future, I probably regretted this for writing too little haha.  But I’m kind of tired half way through and it ended up the way it is.
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hanaminatatami · 7 years
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Čtvrtek 21.9.2017: Dnešek byl poslední den platnosti našeho týdenního JR passu a proto nás čekala nejdelší 5h cesta zpátky na jih. Po prohlídce Hiroshimy, která zahrnovala Letzluv památník míru a zahradu Shukkei-en, jsme se musely dopravit do místa našeho ubytování na další 3 noci - Utazu na ostrove Shikoku. Bydlíme v soukromí a máme k dispozici kola, neboť na nádraží je to 3,5km. Splnil se tak sen moji spolucestovatelky podívat se na venkov. S cílem pobýt pár dní na pláži ji náš hostitel vyvedl z omylu. Japonci jezdi za mořem do Thajska, neboť to zdejší není ke koupání příliš vhodné. Na další dny jsme se dohodly na individuálních plánech. Bydlení je skromné, ale majitel v místě výhodou, už ubytoval na 200 návštěvníků, dokonce jednu dvojici z Čech. Také jsme se dozvěděly, že jsou zde lázně s horkým pramenem. On tam ale nesmí, protože má tetování - to je zde spojováno s mafii Yakuza. Tak snad dnešní noc přežijeme :)
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ownerzero · 5 years
A Slug Disables 26 Trains in Kyushu for About an Hour
May 30. Kitakyushu City. At about 9:40 in the morning a power failure occurred on the JR Kagoshima Line between Moji Station and Space World Station. This also happened at the Nippo Line running between Kokura and Jono Stations. In total, 26 train routes were affected running in all directions and approximately 12,000 people were […]
The post A Slug Disables 26 Trains in Kyushu for About an Hour appeared first on AWorkstation.com.
source https://aworkstation.com/a-slug-disables-26-trains-in-kyushu-for-about-an-hour/
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shibaracu · 5 years
◆八 - 8 - Wikipedia   https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/8 8(八、はち、は、ぱ、や)は、自然数または整数において、7の次で9の前の数である。ラテン語では octo(オクトー)。 性質 8 は合成数であり、正の約数は 1, 2, 4, 8 である。    半素数でない合成数のうち最小の合成数である。    約数の和は15。 7 ← 8 → 9 素因数分解 23 二進法 1000 六進法 12 八進法 10 十二進法 8 十六進法 8 二十進法 8 ローマ数字 VIII 漢数字 八 大字 八 算木 Counting rod v8.png 八進法   ◆八 | 漢字一字 | 漢字ペディア 八 常用漢字 教育漢字 10級 画数:(2) 部首: 部首内画数0 4012 482C    音    ハチ    訓    や・やつ・やっつ・よう    意味    ①やっつ。数の名。やっつめ。「八景」「八方」    ②多くの。たくさん。「八百万(やおよろず)」「八千代」    「八」の全画が片仮名の「ハ」になった。    下つき    尺八(シャクハチ)    なりたち    出典『角川新字源 改訂新版』(KADOKAWA)    指事。たがいに背き合っている二本の線で、わかれる意を表す。借りて、数詞の「やつ」の意に用いる。   ◆八咫烏 - Wikipedia   https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/八咫烏 八咫烏(やたがらす、やたのからす) 日本神話に登場するカラス(烏)であり神。 神武東征の際、高皇産霊尊(タカミムスビ)によって神武天皇のもとに遣わされ、 熊野国から大和国への道案内をしたとされる。 一般的に三本足の姿で知られ、古くよりその姿絵が伝わっている。 八咫烏は、日本神話において、神武天皇を大和の橿原まで案内したとされており、 導きの神として信仰されている。また、太陽の化身ともされる。   ◆八    部首: 八 + 0 画    総画: 2画    異体字 : 捌(大字)    字源    指事。二つに分けたさま。 日本語 フリー百科事典ウィキペディアに 8 の記事があります。 発音    音読み :        呉音 : ハチ        漢音 : ハツ    訓読み : や、やつ、やっつ、よう 数詞 八(はち)    二の三乗、即ちやっつを表す数。七の次で九の一つ前。8。   ◆パー [1] 【八】 〔中国語〕 八。 ・はち [2] 【八】 数の名。七より一つ多い数。末広がりの字形から、縁起のよい数とされる。や。やつ。やっつ。 〔大字として「捌」の字を用いる〕 → 八の字 [句項目] 八を寄せる ・【はち】[漢字] ・【八】 [音] ハチ 数の名。やっつ。また、多数。 「八逆・八道・八難・八苦・八卦(はつけ)・八景・八州・八節・八達・尺八・八大地獄」 ・【鉢】 [音] ハチ ・ハツ ① 僧侶の食器。 「衣鉢(いはつ)((えはつ))・托鉢(たくはつ)」 ② 皿より深く、口の開いた容器。 「乳鉢(にゆうばち)」 ・や [1] 【八】 〔「よ(四)」の母音交替形で、倍数を表す〕 ① はち。やっつ。 「いつ、む���なな、-、ここの、とお」 ② はち。名詞の上に付いて複合語を作る。 「 -歳(とせ)」 ③ 名詞の上に付いて数の多いことを表す。 「 -重(やえ)」 「 -千代(やちよ)」 「 -雲(やくも)立つ」 「 -衢(やちまた)」 ・やあ [1] 【八▽】 「や(八)」の長音化した語。数を数える時に用いる。 「いつ、むう、なな、-」   ◆八 意味 ①やっつ。数の名。やっつめ。「八景」「八方」 ②多くの。たくさん。「八百万(やおよろず)」「八千代」 [参考]「八」の全画が片仮名の「ハ」になった。   ◆はち 〖八〗 ハチ・や・やつ・やっつ・よう    《名・造》ものの個数を数える時、七の次の、すなわち7に1を足して得る、数(に等しい値や順位)。    「年は二八(=十六)か二九(つまり憎)からぬ」   ◆や【八】    《造》「八(はち)」の和語。    「―島が連なる」   ◆第23回 漢数字「八」のめでたさ | 漢字の現在(笹原 宏之) | 三省堂 辞書 https://dictionary.sanseido-publ.co.jp/column/kanji_genzai023 2008/10/16 その開会式は、8月8日の午後8時にスタートした。暑い日の遅い時刻に設定されたのは、その数字に因るものだという。つまり、その日時が選ばれたのは「八」という数字に意味があった。中国の浙江財経学院で会った大学生や大学院生も、開幕式に「八」が選ばれた理由を皆そのように認識していた。中国の人は「八」という数字を好む。それは漢数字に限ったことではなく、ナンバープレートでもアラビア数字の「8」が含まれるものは高値で取引され、「8888」と並べば、もう大変な価値が生じるプレミアものだという。 その理由は、「発財」(ファー・ツァイ fa1cai2)の「発」(发 發)、つまりお金を儲ける、金持ちになるという漢字と、「八」(バー ba1)との発音が互いに近いことにある。発音が似かよっているために、縁起が良いといって好まれているのである。広東語でも、この二字がやはり類似する発音であるため(ともに末尾に「t」という子音が残存している)、特に香港辺りでの「八」への投機熱は相当なもののようだ。このように中国語圏では、漢字は往々にして発音を重視して使用されている。 一方、日本人にとっても「八」という数は縁起が良いといって好まれてきた。めでたいことの日取りにしても、金額にしても、よくそのことが話題となる。その理由は、古くは「や」という語自体に数が多いという意味があったことなどによるようだが、現在ではきまって「八」という漢字の形が末広がりであって、次第に繁栄していくようでおめでたいからだ、とよく言われる。   ◆ 「8」という数字にまつわる味わい深い薀蓄100 日本でも中国でも「縁起が良い」とされるワケ    http://bit.ly/2w2CNa3  モノ・マガジン編集部   2018/03/02 モノ情報誌のパイオニア『モノ・マガジン』(ワールドフォトプレス社)と東洋経済オンラインのコラボ企画。ちょいと一杯に役立つアレコレソレ。「蘊蓄の箪笥」をお届けしよう。
蘊蓄の箪笥とはひとつのモノとコトのストーリーを100個の引き出しに斬った知識の宝庫。モノ・マガジンで長年続く人気連載だ。今回のテーマは「宮大工」。あっという間に身に付く、これぞ究極の知的な暇つぶし。引き出しを覗いたキミはすっかり教養人だ。 この連載の一覧はこちら 1. 8は整数のひとつ  2. ラテン語では「Octo(オクト)」  3. 「octo」、「oct」は8を表す接頭辞として使われている  4. 「octagon」(八角形)、「octagram」(星形多角形)、「octopus」(タコ)などがその例  5. 8人組、8重奏を「octet(オクテット)」と呼ぶ  6. 8倍、8重は「octuple」  7. Octoberは10月だが、ローマ帝国のカレンダーでは8番目の月だった  8. 正八面体からできる唯一の星形多面体は「Stella octangula(ステラ・オクタンギュラ)」。ヨハネス・ケプラーが発見した、最初の星形多面体といわれる  9. 八角形の内角の和は1080度 縁起の良い数字  10. 古来より日本では2の立方である8はすべての方位や広がりを表わす数として好まれた   ◆【8の数字】スピリチュアルパワー神秘的な5つの意味とは | SPIBRE https://spirituabreath.com/8-suuji-imi-21606.html 2019/05/01 数字の8については、「末広がり」で縁起の良い数字ということを聞いたことがあるのではないでしょうか?ほかにも日本には数字の8に関する色々な言われや意味があるようです。では、日本だけ��はなく、世界で、あるいはスピリチュアル的に8にはどのような意味が存在しているのでしょうか? 目次 1.8が意味するもの 2.八角形が意味するもの 3.宗教における8の意味 4.タロットカードにおける8 5.ラッキーナンバー8の意味 6.まとめ   ◆末広がりじゃないの?数字の「8」って縁起がいいの悪いの ? https://engimono.net/luckycharm/jlfxe/ 2016/02/04 8は「末広がりの8」と言われて、縁起がいいというのは聞いたことがある人は多いと思いますが、不吉な数字という話も聞きます。実際にはどちらなんでしょうか。普段考えることのない数字の8について調べてみました。 もくじ    1 末広がりの8    2 中国の「8」    3 ノアの箱舟には「8」人    4 風水での「8」    5 え?「8」は縁起が悪いの?        5.1 西洋では「8」は不吉とも言われる        5.2 ちなみにミツバチも「8」を描く わが国最初の書物「古事記」、また「日本書紀」には、八へのこだわりが多く見られます。大八島、八尋殿、八咫烏、八十建,八衢、八重雲・・・、三種の神器は、八咫鏡・八十握剣、八坂瓊勾玉と、鏡、剣、玉にみな八の形容詞を冠らせています。八は多大の意の日本における聖数であり、呪力のある数といえるのです。   ◆古代における「八」の意味を考える その1 : 日本の古代を推理する http://blog.livedoor.jp/t_tera1040/archives/31949145.html 2013/08/22 古代の事柄には、何となく「八」という数字が付くものが多いように思います。思い出すものを挙げると、八岐の大蛇(やまたのおろち)、八咫烏(やたがらす)、八咫鏡(やたのかがみ)、八坂瓊曲玉(やさかにのまがたま)、八幡の神(宇佐)とか、猿田彦が邇邇芸尊(ニニギノミコト)の天降りの際にと出会ったされる場所-天の八衢(やちまた)などです。聖徳太子に関連のある法隆寺の「夢殿」も八角です。 この「八」の意味については、色々な意味があると思いますが、まず私が思ったのは、よくいう「四方八方」の八-つまり東・西・南・北と、北東・北西・南東・南西の八つの方角がその元なのかなということです。例えば、現在はスサノオと同一とされている「牛頭天王」ですが、その王子は八人で「八王子」と言われ、陰陽道における「方位神(八将神)」になっています。方位と占いは関係が深いと思われますが、古代には、「太占(ふとまに)」という亀の甲羅をつかった占いが行われていました。それと関係があるのかはわかりませんが、同じ読みの「フトマニ図」というホツマツタヱと同様の文字ヲシテで書かれた図もその形が八を基にできているように思います。   ◆二八そばの名前の由来 - イトメン https://www.itomen.com/product/brand/28soba/history.php 二八ってどういう意味? 落語にもなった二八そば 「時そば」と言う、有名な落語があります。 そば16文の支払いを1文ずつ数え、8つまで数えて「今なん時だい?」 そば屋が「九つ」と答えると、以後10、11・・・と続け、1文ごまかす話です。 下げは、それを真似した男が、九つ時まで待てず四つ時にそばを食べに行き、8つの次が「四つ」、以後5、6となって・・・お後がよろしいようでとなります。   ◆『助六、助八、助十の意味、ご存知ですか?』by 行列のできるさんが訪問 https://tabelog.com/ehime/A3801/A380101/38009944/dtlrvwlst/B211656106/ 持ち帰りの寿司はないかなと思ってフロアを歩いていると、鮮魚売り場にちゃんと売ってましたよ。しかも割引中!
バッテラ4個といなりが3個。安いです。   ◆尺八 - ウィクショナリー日本語版 - Wiktionary https://ja.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E5%B0%BA%E5%85%AB 日本語 名詞 尺八(しゃくはち). 1.日本の伝統的な木管楽器の一種。 2.書画に用いる幅1尺8寸の紙や布地。 3.竹製の花器の一種。 4.(隠語)陰茎への口淫。フェラチオ。古くは口取り、雁が音などとも。 語源    標準の長さが、一尺八寸であることから。   ◆今年は5月2日! 「 夏も近づく八十八夜~」の本当の意味を知っていますか? https://tenki.jp/suppl/okuyuki/2015/04/30/3351.html 2015/04/30 そろそろ新茶が出回る季節。普段はあまり日本茶を飲まない人でも、コンビニで「新茶」のペットボトルを手にしたり、スーパーやデパ地下などで、どこからか漂ってくるお茶のいい香りに思わず立ち止まったり……なんて経験があるのではないでしょうか。 新茶といえば、思い出すのが「八十八夜」。 この日に摘まれたお茶を飲むと縁起がいい、と言われています。 でも、それは一体どうしてなのでしょう? 昔の人びとが「八十八夜」にこめた意味に迫ってみました。 ポイント解説へ    「八十八夜」とは、いつのこと?    「別れ」に「泣き」……八十八夜にまつわる伝承いろいろ    「別れ霜」から生まれた、現代のユニークな記念日    八十八夜に摘んだお茶を飲むと「長生き」できる? 「八十八夜」とは、いつのこと? 立春の日から「八十八日目」であることからその名がついた「八十八夜」。その年によって日にちが変わり、今年は、5月2日が「八十八夜」にあたります。立春や啓蟄、春分といった「二十四節気」を補完するものとして、言いならわされてきた「雑節」の一つです。   ◆「二八(にっぱち)」って聞いたことありますか?|その他の研究 ... https://www.meti.go.jp/statistics/toppage/report/minikaisetsu/hitokoto_kako/20160802hitokoto.html 2016/08/02 この記事をお読みの皆さんは、「二八(にっぱち)」という言葉を聞いたことがありますか。「二八」とは、2月と8月は商売が低調で売上げが下がるのが常だという意味の言葉です。その原因については様々いわれますが、そもそも本当に「二八」現象は発生しているのでしょうか? 今回はこの「二八」現象について、第3次産業活動指数などを用いて検証してみます。 まずは、第3次産業活動指数の動きを「小売業」全体といくつかの内訳業種ごとにみてみましょう。   ◆「一か八か」の語源は何?|日本語・日本語教師|アルク https://www.alc.co.jp/jpn/article/faq/04/90.html  「一か八か」は、「結果がわからぬまま運を天に任せて勝負を試みること」という意味の慣用句です。「一」と「八」がなんであるのかについては、いくつか説があるようですが、いずれもカルタ賭博から発生した言葉であるとしています。  一つは、賭博における「丁か半か」の「丁」「半」という字のそれぞれ上部をとったものであるという説です。  また一つは、「一か罰か」、すなわち「賽の目で一が出るかしくじるか」によるものであるとするものです。  一見、前者の説が有力のようにも思われますが、この表現を用いた過去の用例として、「一かばちか」と「ばち」のみを平仮名表記したものが見られます。「ばち」が「八」であるとの認識があれば、わざわざ平仮名表記が選ばれることに疑問が生じますし、また「八」の語頭が濁音化していることにも疑問が残ります。  語源の特定にはなかなか難しいものがあり、ここでもこれというものを提示しかねますが、以上の点を考えあわせると、もともと「丁か半か」の意味で用いられていた「一か八か」が、「八」と「罰」との語呂合わせの末、「八」の語頭が濁音化したという推論も成り立のではないでしょうか。   ◆「東トウ」「八ミツ」…電車の車体に謎の文字列 どういう意味? 2018.12.27 乗りものニュース編集部   https://trafficnews.jp/post/82493 tags: 鉄道, 鉄道車両, JR東日本, JR西日本, JR東海, JR九州, JR貨物, 285系(JR) JRの電車には、車体の端に「東トウ」「八ミツ」のような漢字1文字+カタカナ2文字が記されています。何を意味しているのでしょうか。 カタカナ2文字は国鉄時代から続く略号  JRの電車をよく見ると、車体の端に漢字1文字とカタカタ2文字が記されて���ます。たとえば山手線のE231系電車500番台は「東トウ」、中央・総武線各駅停車のE231系電車は「八ミツ」、埼京線のE233系電車7000番台は「宮ハエ」などです。この文字は、その車両がどの車両基地に配置されているのかを意味しています。   ◆八村塁、背番号「8」に決定! 実際のユニ姿に現地反響「ハチは日本語で8を意味する」 https://the-ans.jp/news/64954/ 2019/06/27 - 米プロバスケットボール(NBA)のウィザーズから日本人初の1巡目指名を受けた八村塁。25日からミニキャンプに参加しているが、注目の背番号が「8」に決定した。チームが公式SNS ... 実際のユニ姿に現地反響「ハチは日本語で8を意味する」.   ◆【道路の云われ(東京)】環七、環八は知ってるけど、環一~環六はあるの? https://gazoo.com/drive/iware/190416.html 2019/04/16
普段何気なく通っている道。会話の中で「〇〇通り」「〇〇道路」とその名を呼ぶ事はあっても、その由来や意味を深く考えたことはあるだろうか? その意味を知ったとき、おそらくあなたは、その道を、その街を、より好きになるだろう。 首都圏にお住まいの方でなくても「環七」「環八」という言葉を聞いたことあるのではないだろうか。両方とも東京を走る幹線道路だ。 さて、環七、環八、ともに数字が付いているが、環一から環六というのは聞き馴染みがない。 環一から環六は存在するのだろうか? 結論から言うと、環一から環六は存在する。しかし、その名は浸透していない。 正式名称は「東京都市計画道路幹線街路環状第○号線」。これらの道路は昭和初期に計画された道路整備計画に端を発する。   ◆「八」の漢字の意味や音読み・訓読み・名のり・人名訓から、「八」の ... https://b-name.jp/赤ちゃん名前辞典/all/八/?o=moji 赤ちゃん命名ガイドでは「八」の漢字を使った女の子の名前例や漢字の意味、訓読み・音読み、画数や電話での説明例などを紹介しています。その他にも無料で姓名判断が出来ますので、子供の名前を決める際や姓名診断をしたい時に活用ください。 意味‎: ‎数の名。やっつ。,八番目。,八回。 音読み‎: ‎ハチ‎,‎ハツ 漢字の説明例‎: ‎漢数字の「ハチ」 訓読み‎: ‎や(つ)・や(たび)・よう・やっ(つ)   ◆2020年の針供養はいつ?意味や由来、針供養のやり方、事八日(事始め・事納め)との関係を紐解く 2020.1.29   https://precious.jp/articles/-/16754 針供養(はりくよう)とは、使えなくなった針を供養し、裁縫の上達を祈る行事です。当記事では、針供養の意味や由来、2020年の針供養の日はいつなのか、なぜ2月8日や12月8日が針供養なのか、事八日(事始め・事納め)と針供養の関係をご紹介します。また、「浅草観音 浅草寺」(東京都台東区)、「鐡砲洲稲荷神社」(東京都中央区)、「浄土宗八幡山浄光院 森巖寺」(東京都世田谷区)など、2020年に針供養を行う東京の有名な寺・神社や、「厳島神社」(神戸市兵庫区)、「大阪天満宮」(大阪市北区)、「若宮八幡社」(名古屋市中区)、「淡嶋神社」(和歌山市加太)など、2020年に針供養を行う近畿・中部の有名な寺や神社をピックアップしました。
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leafytaffyart · 2 years
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A story in two panels
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Johnny’s Related Stores in Osaka
営業時間 : 10:30am~6:30pm
〒530-0017 大阪市北区角田町2-15 シログチビル1F,2F
行き方 : JR大阪駅/御堂筋南口より徒歩6分。 地下鉄梅田駅/6号出口より徒歩4分。 阪急梅田駅/3階改札口より徒歩5分。 阪神梅田駅/東口より徒歩7分。
インフォメーションコール : 06-6147-7296 ※番号をよくお確かめのうえ、お間違えのないようお願いいたします。
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ショップ店員の誘導により順番にご案内させていただく場合がございます。 混雑時には、指定場所(※1)にて整理券を配布させて頂き、規制入場とさせていただく場合がございますことを、あらかじめご了承ください。(※2) 整理券配布状況に関しましては、上記インフォメーションコールまたは、ジャニーズグッズサポートセンターにてご確認ください。 ※1:指定場所に関しましては、ショップ店員にご確認ください。 ※2:整理券は配布終了となる場合もございます。
地下鉄御堂筋線/心斎橋駅 8号出口徒歩2分 
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年中無休 AM10:00~PM7:00 (オーダー受付時間AM10:00~PM6:30)
コンサート期間などはオーダーを行なっていない場合もございます。 またオーダーを行っている場合でも混雑時などは オーダーされた商品受取日が 翌日以降になる場合もございます。 予めご了承下さい。
駐車場・駐輪場はございません。 お近くのコインパーキング等をご利用下さい。 
所在地:大阪市中央区西心斎橋1-12-8 大美建築ビル1階(大阪元ジャニショ跡地)
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最寄駅:JR環状線天満駅より南へ徒歩7分 地下鉄堺筋線扇町駅より南へ徒歩5分 地下鉄堺筋線・谷町線南森町駅より北へ徒歩7分
定休日:年中無休 ※臨時休業の際は、ジャニランドツイッター、サイトにてご案内いたします。
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大阪府大阪市浪速区日本橋東1-1-3 ビリーブ日本橋1F 
営業時間:平日12時〜18時(買取:12時〜17時)      土日祝11時〜18時(買取:11時〜17時) ※16日と毎水曜はお休みです。
クレジットカード【ご利用可能カード】 ・Visa ・MasterCard ・JCB ・American Express ・Diners Club ・Discover
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 〒530-0013 大阪府大阪市北区茶屋町1-27 ABC-MART梅田ビル B1
所在地:〒542-0086 大阪府中央区西心斎橋2-9-22 
営業時間:12:00~20:00 / 年中無休。
〒530-0027 大阪府大阪市北区堂山町9-28 
最寄り駅からのアクセス JR大阪駅もしくは御堂筋線梅田駅が最寄り駅。 地下街のホワイティうめだを通って、「M6」の出口を出るとすぐの東通商店街の一番奥にあります。
営業時間 12:00~20:00 / 年中無休。
〒542-0071 大阪市中央区道頓堀1-10-1道頓堀観光ビル 4階
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〒542-0086 大阪市中央区西心斎橋1-16-10-2 ロンコート2.5階
〒556-0005 大阪府大阪市浪速区日本橋4-10-4 日本橋太平ビル 
営業時間12:00 ~ 20:00 年中無休 (棚卸を除く)
アクセス南海難波駅 徒歩5分
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1、BOOKOFF PLUS なんば戎橋店 
営業時間:10:00~23:00 (2F)本・CD・DVD・ゲーム 売場
〒542-0076 大阪府大阪市中央区難波1-5-16 大阪B&Vビル2・3F
【徒歩①】『戎橋』から『戎橋筋商店街』を南へ50m進んだ左手 【徒歩②】『千日前通り』から『戎橋商店街』を北へ50m進んだ右手【徒歩③】地下街『なんばウォーク』の『14出口』よりファミリーマートさん横、南地中筋商店街を東に50m進んだ右手。カラオケ館さんの2階、3階。【電車(各線最寄の改札口)】御堂筋線「なんば駅」北東改札口/千日前線「なんば駅」東改札口/四つ橋線「なんば駅」北東改札口/近鉄線・阪神線「大阪難波駅」東改札口/南海線「なんば駅」北改札口/JR「難波駅」北改札口をご利用ください。
2、BOOKOFF 大阪心斎橋店
所在地:〒542-0081 大阪府大阪市中央区南船場3-6-21
3、BOOKOFF 天王寺駅前店
所在地:〒543-0055 大阪府大阪市天王寺区悲田院町9-21
4、BOOKOFF 大阪難波中店
所在地:〒556-0011 大阪府大阪市浪速区難波中3-1-15
【電車】南海電車「なんば駅」の中央改札を出まして、1番左側の階段を下りますとすぐ左手に西出口があります。西出口を出て左手に約10m進んだところにマクドナルドがありますので、その交差点を右手に進みますと、すぐ左手に店舗がございます。 なんば駅から徒歩約5分
所在地:大阪府大阪市天王寺区悲田院町10-39 天王寺駅ビル・ミオ8F
アクセス:JR環状線 天王寺駅 徒歩1分;近鉄南大阪線 阿倍野駅
所在地:大阪府大阪市中央区難波5-1-60 なんばシティ 本館地下2階
アクセス:南海本線・高野線 難波駅 徒歩1分;大阪市営地下鉄御堂筋線 難波駅 徒歩5分
1、 難波店
〒542-0075 大阪府大阪市中央区難波千日前 12-22 難波センタービル5F、6F
2、 梅田大阪マルビル店
〒530-0001大阪府大阪市北区梅田1-9-20 大阪マルビルB1F
3、 梅田NU茶屋町店
〒530-0013大阪府大阪市北区茶屋町10-12 NU chayamachi 6F
阪急梅田駅前「NU chayamachi」6F 
4、 あべのHoop店
〒545-0052大阪府大阪市阿倍野区阿倍野筋1-2-30 あべのHoop 6F
〒542-0071 大阪府 大阪市中央区道頓堀1-8-19 
営業時間 :朝 10:00~朝 04:00
1、 HMV SPOT あべのキューズモール
〒545-0052 大阪市阿倍野区阿倍野筋1-6-1 あべのマーケットパーク キューズモールB1F 
近鉄あべの橋駅 徒歩約1分 大阪市営地下鉄天王寺駅(御堂筋線、谷町線) 徒歩約1分 JR天王寺駅 徒歩約1分
2、 HMVグランフロント大阪
〒530-0011 大阪府大阪市北区大深町3番1号 グランフロント大阪ショップ&レストラン北館5F
JR大阪駅より直結 阪急梅田駅、阪急中津駅より徒歩で約3分 地下鉄梅田駅より徒歩で約3分 阪神梅田駅より徒歩で約5分
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wnbf · 5 years
If this post doesn’t raise the hair on your neck we don’t know what will! The pressure and prestige to win the Natural Muscle Mayhem. History has proven that the amateurs and pro’s on this specific stage DO NOT PLAY! They are the best of the best, and the best will be featured again on Saturday, July 20, 2019. WHO WILL WIN THIS YEAR? Athletes appearing in order; Philip Ricardo Jr. Kiyoshi Moody Moji Oluwa Marshall Johnson Chris Nsubuga Bada Lekan Sam Okunola Rodney Helaire Alberto Nunez Cecil Green Kevin Riley Jeff Nippard Nsima Inyang Mischa Janiec Kendall Richmond Ace Baldwin #INBF #WNBF #NaturalMuscleMayhem #inbfNaturalMuscleMayhem #inbfCapitalCity #Mayhem #GoldStandardBB #BestOfTheBestNaturalBB #Sacramento #California #NorCal #SoCal #SacramentoFitness #CaliforniaFitness #LAfitness #fitness #fitspo #motivation #workoutMotivation #EliteCompeteWNBF #CaliforniaEliteBB #NewYorkWorlds #NYworlds #NewYork #NewYorkFitness #RealDrugTesting #WNBF30 (at Natural Muscle Mayhem Pro Am) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0CZORXDW9H/?igshid=i0y7yfjo0a0v
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