#modernhotdau: aegon
sansaorgana · 19 days
I was wondering if I could request something for modern!gwayne. perhaps a conflicting dynamic with helaena/aegon's friend from college if you're not uncomfortable with the age gap. if you are, perhaps something with him and a friend of alicent's - just something where we have the opportunity for a gentle, slow development <33
hi, darling! sorry that you had to wait a few days but I had a migraine on the day you sent it to me (and I was after my first ever botox appointment 🙈) and yesterday I was working on my thesis and ended up with a migraine again lol I was wrapping up my thesis today but, thankfully, I feel much better this evening 💚
thank you for sending this and I am fine with such an age gap, I think, since The Reader is supposed to be in college/uni whatever (I still don't get the difference 😂 in English)
just a reminder that this modern hotd au is supposed to be something quick and fun, so mostly headcanons and ideas, not full fics! 😊
more under the cut ✂️
-> I think it has more potential if you would be a friend of Aegon. 👀 More drama, if you get me… Because when you befriend Aegon and he starts to bring you home to do projects or presentations together, everyone thinks that you are his girlfriend and when you say "no, actually, we are FRIENDS" ,they just think you two need some time to realise that you are made for each other… 🙄
-> One time after classes when Aegon takes you home, his uncle Gwayne is there. and OF COURSE Alicent whispers to him that you are Aegon's "new girl".
-> Gwayne smirks at that and he teases both you and Aegon all the time but he is meaner than other family members… and it's not because he's from the mum's side of the family but it's because he finds you attractive and he's kind of butthurt that you are Aegon's "girl".
-> He wouldn't try to flirt with his nephew's girlfriend and steal her – he wouldn't want to hurt Aegon… So, he is just bitter and he hates the fact that the more he gets to know you (against his will), the more he likes you and the more attracted he seems to be to you…
-> And you? You instantly find him attractive. A handsome, rich, older guy who looks at you LIKE THAT? (it's difficult to hide the way he's staring).
-> At first, you didn't want to tell Aegon that you had a crush on his uncle because it would be awkward. But also, you thought there was no point of mentioning it because Gwayne was mean to you anyway… Not extremely mean but you know, he was teasing a lot and making ironic comments here and there. You knew that he fancied you but you thought it was purely physical and that overall he didn't like you at all.
-> However, one time you just admit to Aegon that you… KIND OF… have a crush on Gwayne Hightower and poor Aegon nearly chokes on his energy drink when he hears that. He looks you up and down because at first he wanted to laugh at you but then he realises that hey, you would actually make a good pair???
-> Because to Aegon you have always been "one of the boys" since you liked to joke around with him and all that but now, seeing your pretty little outfit, your make-up, your hands squeezing all those important books to read before the exam… Well, he has to admit that you look pretty mature and very feminine. Something he has never noticed before. 😂
-> Aegon assures you that it's not like Gwayne doesn't like you but he just acts this way towards everyone. You are not convinced but Aegon knows that his uncle probably thinks you two are dating, so he comes up with an idea.
-> He finds himself a girlfriend (it's easy for a guy like Aegon) and he starts bringing her around. Gwayne PANICS at first and keeps asking does it mean that you will not be showing up anymore??? But Aegon says that "no, of course she's gonna keep coming, she's my friend?".
-> So you do. You keep coming but now Aegon's girlfriend is jealous and acting like a bitch because you are everywhere and you are more comfortable at her boyfriend's house than she is. Not to mention, Aegon kiiiiiinda prefers to spend time with you.
-> Next part of the plan comes up to Aegon's mind. He asks his uncle to help him and to spend more time with YOU so his girlfriend is no longer jealous. Gwayne pretends that he agrees only for the sake of his nephew.
-> Few days later there's a big barbecue party in the garden of The Targaryens' mansion and you are invited, of course. You are standing by yourself and Aegon's girlfriend is killing you with her eyes when Gwayne approaches you and starts a kind conversation. He asks about your studies and talks about his job.
-> Before you realise, you have already walked away from the rest of the people and wandered with Gwayne to the more remote part of the garden. Without witnesses, he becomes a little bolder and starts to pay you compliments here and there and to his surprise, you seem to like them.
-> He picks up a flower from the garden to give it to you!!! And he playfully makes you promise that you won't tell Alicent about it (she would kill him).
-> He asks you to have a dinner with him soon and you agree. You exchange phone numbers but you don't actually expect him to call because why would such a cool man even call you? His nephew's college friend? No, it seems unlikely.
-> But he does. On the next Monday he calls you and invites you for dinner at the restaurant and you are nervous but you agree. Aegon is no longer in his relationship (lol), so he helps you to choose a dress and all that. You both decide that it's better to keep this whole thing a secret from Alicent so far.
-> Gwayne shows up in his expensive car to pick you up and he is a gentleman but he still jokes here and there in his typical way but you no longer mind that since you already know that he actually likes you. You even tease him back a few times, which he seems to enjoy.
-> The dinner goes well and he kisses you goodnight after taking you back home! You watch him drive away and the moment his car disappears from your eyesight, you take your phone out and text Aegon: "I'M GOING TO BE YOUR FUCKING AUNT."
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sansaorgana · 2 years
I made little moodboards of how I imagine our modern!Greens (fashion wise).
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sansaorgana · 2 years
all those posts about modern hotd made me think about my own modern college/uni AU where Reader is Helaena's friend. no one likes Helaena at uni. I mean, at first, all the girls want to be friends with her because she's from a rich family but soon they realize she's a "weirdo" and they start talking shit about her. Reader is her only friend and Helaena invites Reader to her mansion to do the uni project together.
and from now on, you can imagine many scenarios, really.
• you can be Helaena's sweet girlfriend that is always hanging around and having sleepovers together while you cuddle and watch the documentaries about bugs.
• or you can just be friends and still always hanging around to have sleepovers anyway. you find yourself befriending Aemond who dresses all in black and leather and he looks super scary but actually he catches you in his father's library staring at the books and he's surprisingly courteous as he speaks softly and asks you about your interests. you know him from uni, too, but everyone says he's a freak and they avoid him even more than Helaena. however, you get to know him better and fall for him as he falls for you.
• or you can fall for Aegon AKA the eldest brother who is a college dropout and spends his whole days in his room smoking weed, playing video games, masturbating and sexting girls. at first, he wants to only fuck you so his list of all the girls he had is longer but with time he realizes you mean more to him. maybe he's jealous of your friendship with Aemond and he tries to prove he's not such an asshole everyone thinks he is as he is trying to improve for you. he might even clean his room.
• or you can seduce their mother Alicent as she drinks wine most of the time and flirts with the bodyguard Criston Cole when her husband is literally never at home because he's working. she would totally go for it. she is so bored and done with life, that poor woman.
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sansaorgana · 2 years
In the modern au, sunfyre and dreamfyre are medium sized dogs while vhagar is a wholeass mastiff who used to be a service dog who bit someone's thigh but instead of the dog getting put down, aemond adopted it (and maybe paid good money for it) just so aegon would be a little more scared around the house😂
Oh! I love the idea!
• Aegon and Helaena got some super expensive dogs as gifts.
• Aemond was told he would get one when he'd be older.
• But when he got older, Alicent told him that Sunfyre and Dreamfyre are enough. She doesn't want more dogs at home. Like, it's understandable but Aemond is heartbroken.
• Helaena allows Aemond to play with Dreamfyre but Aegon doesn't want his brother anywhere near Sunfyre because he's a little shit.
• Eventually, in his late teens, Aemond comes back home with a huge beast and everyone is like "mum's going to kill you".
• But since the dog is already at home, Alicent won't do anything about it. She's not a type to throw the dog outside. She tells Aemond he is now responsible for it and she only hopes it doesn't bite.
• Vhagar (the new addition to the family) doesn't bite but she looks scary as fuck. Helaena mostly ignores her but Aegon is terrified although he's trying to pretend he's indifferent. Alicent grows used to her and even pets her just like the other dogs.
+++ Imagine dating Aemond and Vhagar absolutely adoring you. (Aegon can't understand it.)
+++ If you're dating Aegon, he's "protecting" you from the dog and tries to convince you that his brother is a psychopath, meanwhile Vhagar actually likes you and wants you to rub her belly.
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sansaorgana · 2 years
one thing I can't get out of my head, how do you think the Targaryen family in modern au would react to the news of a new addition to the family? Like, Aemond or Aegon gf found out she was pregnant. Honestly, I feel like if it were Aegon gf Alicent would be surprised it took so long because of Aegon's fuck boy history.
awwww 🥺 I have huge baby fever atm btw because my period is coming lol 👶🏻👶🏾
Aegon's gf is pregnant:
• Alicent is shocked but not surprised. She has known for a long time it would happen eventually – him getting one of hif girls pregnant. But she is happy that it's you. Because she adores you and he treats you seriously and you make him a better person. She might whine jokingly that you're making her a very young grandma but she would support you all the way through that. I doubt Aegon would want to get married so fast – he would want to marry you but not now, not like this, not only because of the baby. It wouldn't matter to her, though, and she would already treat you like a daughter-in-law.
• Helaena is just very happy. She's not questioning anything, she's not disgusted, not surprised. She's just very happy and asks you about the baby all the time and starts knitting blankets.
• Aemond congratulates you both but he's a bit surprised that you're happy to be pregnant with his trainwreck of a brother. He would also keep telling Aegon that he should marry you lol He'd also secretely do a Google research on pregnancy just in case if something happens and only he is around.
• Viserys doesn't give a fuck, honestly. When Alicent tells him, he would ask "How much does the girl want?". Alicent would give him a deadly look and leave the room in a hurry after that.
Aemond's gf is pregnant:
• Alicent's mouth drops as she freezes for a long while. She would never suspect her mummy's boy to get a girl pregnant at such a young age. She would be nothing but supportive, though. I strongly believe Aemond would want to marry you as soon as possible – he just feels it's the right thing to do. You're both scared and nervous but Alicent helps you with organizing everything and Aemond listens to her when she instructs him what pregnant women need and want.
• Helaena is in awe as she congratulates you both and gives you sweet hugs. She spends most of her time now with you, doing online shopping and choosing things for the baby.
• Aegon is honestly grinning like an idiot because he cannot believe it wasn't him who "fucked up" but his younger oh-so-perfect brother. He would tease you both a lot but he would care. Like, if you suddenly felt dizzy or something, he'd be worried and he'd help you. He might be a jerk but he cares for you and his brother. You are now family.
• Viserys doesn't react at all. He blinks a few times and then he changes the subject.
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sansaorgana · 2 years
Hii !! I Love your modern au so much
I was thinking if u can write sth about reader and aegon modern when thet like hooking up of course bc aegon is not boyfriend material and reader doesnt want to get involved but aegon is slut for her and he falls in love and prove her that he can be good boyfriend and stops looking at girls and stuff :(((
hi, babes! a little disclaimer here: in general I don't feel very comfy writing one night stands and fwb dynamics etc., I prefer steady relationships. but Aegon is just screaming fuck buddy, doesn't he? 🤣
• he would tell you jokingly once after you had sex that he would want to be your boyfriend
• you laughed and it hurt him. of course he knows why you don't believe him but it still hurt
• he would ask Helaena and Alicent what do girls like and want. Helaena wouldn't be much helpful and Alicent would start talking from the middle aged woman's point of view, so that wouldn't be much helpful either
• so Aegon tries on his own to become a better person for you
• it starts with cleaning his room. he is even willing to throw away some things like playboy magazines and porno mangas he has been hoarding for years
• speaking of porn, he stops watching it. of course he's addicted so it's not easy but every time he feels like watching porn, he chooses to work out instead (of course he has a punching bag inside his room)
• he deletes all his tinder-like apps and blocks all the girls he is and was actively sexting with
• he tries to drink less and to smoke weed less. once again – it's an addiction and it's not easy to overcome but he wants to be more sober. with that, maybe he would even ask his mother for help so he'd start attending some therapy.
• you catch him one day laying on his bed and reading some classic book like Shakespeare or Edgar Allan Poe or Ernest Hemingway and you're like... shocked
• he blushes and he admits he doesn't understand much and that he sucks and that he's stupid... you know, he'd vent
• you'd sit next to him and take the book gently from his hands. you'd ask why is he reading that and he'd admit he wants to be more educated, which you find adorable
• you go through the book with him, reading it out loud and analyzing together page by page and chapter by chapter, googling together all the meanings and metaphors. it becomes a new fun activity for you both – reading classic books
• with time he starts to get really into that and he keeps coming to Aemond to recommend more titles. he even starts to find the new ones by himself
• and one day, during that reading session – your private book club for two as Alicent likes to call it as she brings you snacks to Aegon's bedroom – you look into his eyes and fix his hair before leaning in to kiss him softly and sweetly
• Aegon is surprised but very pleased. "it's all for you, you know that?", he shyly asks
• "I know," you say
• on that day you don't have sex. you make love for the first time being together and nothing is the same ever since. you're his girl 🤍
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sansaorgana · 2 years
modern au has me on a choke hold
i was thinking about their social media, take your time answering, just rumbling
aegon is a tiktoker, and kinda of famous and loves pranking everyone and they are all done with his bs💀also he definitely has a yt channel and its always in everyone's personal space with his camera doing vlogs and wtv. he also has a instagram for thirsty traps all day everyday (yes he posts them on ttk too)
i feel like helaena has a tumblr where she posts a lot of pictures of flowers and all her bugs and she is like, really famous there, also i agree with you, she loves cats and post a lot of pictures of dreamfyre, really cute shit and she posts the same thing on her insta along with pictures of her and reader bc i love their friendship and i want be friends with her so bad </3
aemond is just like ewan lets be honest 💀 boy has a instagram with no picture and like 3 followers who are consisted of: helaena, reader and alicent (its private and he blocked aegon for obvious reasons) and i feel like when he started dating reader he changed his profile pic to a pic of him and reader, just really cute shit
(also, sorry for the long ask)
oooooh social media 👀
Aegon is a fuckboy from Tik Tok and most of his followers are thirsty teenage girls. No, despite him being an asshole, he doesn't take advantage of that because he knows they're still kids. He rather seeks one-night stands on Instagram while flirting with women in the DMs. I also have a feeling he'd be into women older than him. He loves a good milf. Yes, he would be a prankster but he'd also make gaming videos. Everything teenage boys like, too. So, he's one of those content creators who are kinda trapped with a teenage audience lol However, I don't think he'd be massively popular because it requires time and patience, meanwhile Aegon is lazy as fuck. He would also lose a bunch of heartbroken teenage followers after posting his videos with you.
Helaena is a Tumblr girlie 100% but, once again, I don't think she'd be popular at all. Plenty of blogs posting cottagecore aesthetics + bugs are rarely anyone's cup of tea. She wouldn't care, though, because she's not doing it for the notes. And she would have some online friends from Tumblr who were her only friends for a long time (I can relate lol)
Aemond blocking Aegon on social media is so true, omg! And yeah, he totally wouldn't post anything or he'd have like three posts on a private Instagram account (of his dog Vhagar). All would have sweet comments from Alicent. On Facebook he would have a screenshot from some cartoon as a profile picture. He's secretive but he also doesn't want to gather even more attention than usual. But, yes, for his girl he would change a bit. He'd let you post a picture with him once in a while and maybe, eventually, he'd change his Facebook picture to the one of you and him. He's also the type to have his sweetheart's picture as a Facebook header. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if Aemond had a Tumblr blog, too.
Alicent would have an Instagram only to follow her kids (and their girlfriends) and she always leaves cringe but sweet comments and she's posting things like her kids' pets, flowers in the garden etc. and the pics aren't edited and they're often out of focus. On Facebook she would share memes all the time because she's bored at home and she doesn't have much else to do. She would also spam her kids' messengers with links to some memes and scam articles from Facebook ("You're only wearing black? Find out what it means" @ Aemond for example). Oh, and she would think Aemond is super mean for blocking Aegon and keeps telling him to unblock his brother because she thinks this silly thing is a symptom of them hating each other for real or something like that (she's read somewhere that young people treat social media too seriously).
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sansaorgana · 2 years
Hi there! How do you think Modern Aemond and Aegon would be if their s/o grew up with a love language being food? She’s always making them extravagant dinners, and baked goods because it genuinely makes her happy and is in her mind one of the best ways to show she cares? If you feel like it, maybe in HOTD times as well? I could see her being a lady but having been raised that those in the kitchens aren’t beneath them? Her sneaking around Alicent etc, to the kitchens where she’s often seen covered in flour herself for making her sweet boys their favorites by hand?
hi, love! 🥘🥗🥞
oh, this is very cute! especially in a canon storyline where ladies aren't supposed to spend time in the kitchens, however I think even Alicent would find it adorable!
Aegon would want you to feed him all the good things you made, he'd just watch lovingly as you put more pieces of cake and cookies into his mouth and he'd make sure to lick your fingers in the meantime as your cheeks start to burn at that 🤭
Aemond wouldn't know what to say at first, he'd be stunned and you'd be scared that perhaps he finds it weird or inappropiate. however, he would quickly smile gently at you and offer to eat it together. he would want to make something for you as well in return.
in modern!AU, they'd watch you in their kitchen lovingly, humming a song while you bake/cook. Aemond wouldn't want to interrupt and he'd offer help. Aegon however would interrupt you all the time and he'd cuddle you from behind, tickle you and kiss your neck because he cannot help himself 😏
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sansaorgana · 2 years
how do you think modern au Aegon and Aemond would react to their gf (separately) having a miscarriage? Since we're on the subject of pregnancy...
oh... 💔
because it might be triggering , it's under the cut ✂️
• after you got pregnant, Alicent forced Viserys to buy you two a flat for your own in the city. she would of course come to visit often but she knows Aegon needs to feel more mature and independent
• he's also trying to find a job so he doesn't only rely on his father's money
• in general, he's slowly turning into a mature man you need him to be for you and the babe
• but one night you wake up abruptly with overwhelming pain in your abdomen and when you turn the light on, you see blood all over the mattress
• Aegon wakes up, too, and he's paler than a ghost. he's panicked and scared and calls for the ambulance and then his mum
• he suddenly realizes how in fact unprepared he is for an adult life but then again... is anyone prepared for something like this?
• he's with you in the ambulance as he bites his lower lip to the point he's bleeding
• when you wake up again after losing consciousness, Alicent is sitting next to your bed in the hospital, holding your hand and caressing you with her thumb. you can see her eyes are red and swollen from the dried out tears
• "I'm sorry," is all you can say but she shushes you
• "Where's Aegon?" you ask and she tells you that he's outside the room. he couldn't be in the same room as you because he was too heartbroken and he also felt like he failed at being a good partner
• "But there wasn't anything else he could do..." you point out.
• "You tell him that yourself," she sighs and stands up to tell Aegon that you're awake. when he enters the room, she leaves to give you some privacy
• it's a bit awkward between you two at first
• "What now?" you ask. your lives have recently changed so much for the baby... who was never coming.
• "Now we mourn and then we go on. Together," he sits next to you and squeezes your hand. "I'm sorry."
• "You couldn't prevent it," you assure him with a weak smile. "Thank you for being with me."
• Aegon leans in to hug you, his eyes are full of tears. but you know that despite this horrible thing being the worst thing that has ever happened to you, it somehow made your relationship with Aegon stronger
• Aemond wouldn't want to stop studying because he knows he must finish uni to get a good job
• therefore, after the quick wedding, you move in to the Targaryens' Residence but Alicent gives you both one of the biggest guest bedrooms since his old room wouldn't be spacious enough
• you actually don't mind living with them because you're always in the presence of someone, which gives you a sense of security
• it happens in the morning, when Aemond is preparing to leave to uni soon. you chat with him in the kitchen and suddenly you freeze as you gasp out of pain
• Aemond stops all his movement and hurries to your side. he asks what's wrong and you tell him about the pain but you bravely pretend it's nothing serious
• but he knows already what's happening. he's read so much about pregnancy that he knows exactly what's happening and his heart is breaking. but he's trying to be calm, not to alarm you
• he insists on calling the ambulance and your eyes widen, you don't understand all the fuss. a panicked and desperate look in his eye however tells you the truth and you realize you're about to lose your baby
• Alicent comes inside the kitchen after hearing Aemond calling the ambulance. she asks what's wrong but then she freezes because there is blood on the floor below you
• "Oh no... It's too late," is all you say before bursting into tears. Aemond and Alicent hush you as they help you to get in the living room and carefully lay you down on the sofa, not caring at all about the blood stains that won't come off
• they both hold your hand and caress your head while comforting you but you know there is nothing to comfort, nothing to save
• when the ambulance takes you to the hospital, they are both with you and they're with you throughout the whole process, holding your hands
• when you're already in the hospital bed, left to rest, Alicent leaves to give you privacy. she says she goes to drink some coffee but in fact she goes to the bathroom to cry
• "You've married me..." you start with a weak voice as Aemond furrows his brow, "because of the baby."
• "No. I've married you because I love you," he insists. "I don't care that we're young. I already know I'll spend the rest of my life with you," he assures
• "But you wanted this baby. And so did I," you sniffle back all the fresh tears
• "I did but it doesn't make me love you any less. One day we are going to have children together, I promise," he leans in to kiss your forehead. you can feel the warm tears on his cheeks as you bury your face into his chest to seek comfort in your husband's arms
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sansaorgana · 2 years
I enjoyed your hotd modern au so much! Do you think modern Aegon could be a gamer? Not really a streamer but plays those first person shooting games and maybe rage quits a lot especially when playing against helaena bc although she rarely plays she always defeats aegon in games😂
Hi! Thank you so much! 🥰
Yes, totally! I even mentioned playing video games as one of the things he would do all the time in my modern hotd au headcanons.
• You and Helaena mostly play The Sims 4. Her favourite is Cottage Living.
• Aegon makes fun of you two whenever he sees his sister and her best friend playing The Sims 4. He says it's not a real game.
• He's totally playing games that are full of violence and Alicent thinks it can actually do him some good to have this sort of outlet for his anger like that.
• However, he gets extremely angry when he is losing. That boy's got 0 patience and gets frustrated easily. I bet he's even got a hole in his wall from the punch.
• First time it happens around you, you're with Helaena in her room and you're terrified of the noises coming from Aegon's bedroom. She is, however, just sick of his bullshit.
• She goes to Aemond. Actually, he is more than irritated every time Aegon acts this way, which results in him unplugging the internet router. So, Helaena asks him to do that again.
• Aegon is even more furious now. He opens the door loudly and he is fuming. He starts threatening his young brother until he sees that you're there, too, and you look quite scared.
• He gets embarrassed and goes back to his room. Aemond comments that he's never seen him withdrawing so quickly and gives you a meaningful look, which makes your cheeks burn.
• When you and Aegon are dating, he tires not to react so emotionally while playing his games and he even is willing to play The Sims 4 with you. He searches through TikTok to find fun hacks and tutorials.
• Also, yes, despite him playing his games daily and being so emotional about it, whenever Aemond or Helaena join him, they always win and it frustrates Aegon more than anything. How can they win when they rarely play?
• And then you play his game with him for the first time and... you guessed it, you win! Aegon turns into a whiny baby; he lies down on his bed with face pressed to a pillow and whines that he is bad at gaming, while you laugh at his dramatic reaction and try to convince him that it is not the case, he just reacts too emotionally.
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sansaorgana · 2 years
Some domestic Aegon? Like what it would be to live with him( the gf doesn't have to be pregnant yet)
• when you first move in together, it's a nightmare
• that boy is nastyyyy, he doesn't clean at all and his dirty socks are all over the place
• he spends all days on playing games on the couch and the couch is now stained with food and full of crumbs
• the crumbs are in bed, too
• he whines when you ask him to take the trash out or help you with groceries
• you are so mad that you contact Alicent about it and she storms in, making big drama and you both end up yelling at him and giving him a lecture about being an adult and a partner
• poor man gets scared that you might actually leave him
• he's trying from now on, he really is!
• he can't make you as tasty sandwiches as you always make him but he makes you tea and he orders your favourite food
• he washes the dishes often
• he learns what vacuum cleaner is for
• no more dirty socks on the floors either
• he also takes you out once in a while (whenever Alicent reminds him to treat you with something nice)
• he loves to sleep until noon, though, and he loves it even more when you can stay in bed all day long with him
• he also loves to listen to music with you together and dance with you in the kitchen
• he might even learn how to take care of the plants and water them regularly. i can imagine this becoming his new hobby and it would make him feel important; to be responsible of something
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sansaorgana · 2 years
Heyy! I just wanted to see if you'd do a headcanon for me?? I haven't done this before but I love your modern au's so freaking much!!
So, if you were to do one could you do it about how, separately, Aegon and Aemond would look after a sick reader? Would they go out and get stuff for them to make them feel better, like sweets and medicine? Keep them at their house so they could keep an eye on you? Help you get to sleep? Watch stuff they know they'll like? It's just that I'm really sick at the moment and I'd really like to have this written out and I love your style so much!
aww babe, I hope you get well soon 🤒
• he's a big baby so he'd be scared that he's going to be sick, too
• so, when you call him that you're sick, he says he is sorry and that he wishes you to be back in health asap
• alicent overhears that and after he hangs up his phone, she scolds the hell out of him for treating his girl this way
• he's at your place an hour later and you are shocked seeing him with a hot meal for you and a bunch of snacks and basic meds to make you feel better
• he makes sure you spend all the time in bed and he even cleans around for you and does your laundry (he sucks at it but the boy's trying, okay?)
• he would visit you every day with a hot meal and to make sure you're fine
• you'd also watch lots of movies together
• honestly, he's not even scared about getting sick anymore. and he gives you a lot of forehead kisses
• he might even take a nap with you and hold you close
• when he doesn't get sick, he's bragging that he is immortal
• after hearing that you're sick, Aemond packs his bag and goes to your place to move in for the time of your sickness
• he's doing everything for you, you don't have to leave the bed
• honestly, he even wants to carry you to the bathroom if you need to go there
• he makes you change your pyjama every day and washes your sheets every day, too
• you're joking that you could be sick all the time if that's how he is but he doesn't find it funny
• he's also sleeping with you so he can check on your temperature at night
• he's just so scared of losing you, okay? he has never expected to meet someone like you and now he hates seeing you in pain
• he would watch movies with you but also read books to you if you wanted him to
• cooking is not something he can do well so he orders you good and tasty food every day
• he eventually ends up sick, too, and now it's your turn to take care of him and baby him as well (he never blames you for getting sick, though)
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sansaorgana · 2 years
i need you to make a drabble out of this please 😩😩 lovers to exes to lovers again bc i can't stand angst and i want pathetic aegon begging for reader back
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I'm probably fucked up but he's the hottest when he's pathetic like that. Like, look at him. Such a pretty, pretty boy.
After breaking up, he would have a breakdown and he'd go back to all his old habits. He'd smoke weed all day, play games and sleep, going out late at night to have one night stands with the girls from Tinder or idk what people like that do because that ain't me. 😂
Everyone would be worried about him and Aemond would propose contacting you but Alicent would forbid him to do so. She loves her son and doesn't want him to suffer but she also knows it is not your responsibility to clean up his mess.
However, Aegon can't stand it anymore one time and he calls you in the middle of the night. His voice is hazy and raspy, he's crying and begs you to come back to him. You want to hang up on him and you do after telling him to never call you again (what he doesn't know is that you don't want to hear his voice because you still love him and it hurts too much).
So, after that, he does something even more stupid than usual and ends up in huge trouble. Maybe he'd try some more dangerous drugs than weed, maybe he'd end up arrested for the night, stuff like that. The first person he calls is not his mum, though. He calls you again. He knows you don't want to receive these calls but his sick mind is telling him that you should be *punished* by seeing what a disaster you have made of him.
And this time you just can't leave him be because he needs you to help him so you go to him in the middle of the night, cursing under your breath. When you finally see each other, he's a mess, looking up at you with wet puppy eyes. "Do you love me?" he dares to ask and you just stand there, stunned, not knowing what to say. "I need you. Please, don't leave me. I need you," he's desperate as he clings to you like a whiny child.
That is the moment when you realize that you have this boy absolutely wrapped around your little finger and the decision is up to you now.
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sansaorgana · 2 years
Aegon with a nerdy gf?
-> he likes you because you don't like him and because you're a challenge
-> he wants aemond to help him but aemond says no because he knows you deserve better
-> however his brother doesn't want to give up
-> eventually, aemond gives him the most difficult books and the most difficult movies to consume, hoping it would scare aegon off
-> imagine aegon reading nietzsche by the breakfast table dfghjkl
-> baby boy's trying to impress you so badly
-> you'd start to find it adorable
-> when you're finally dating, he constantly wants to learn new things because he doesn't want to feel like he's much more stupid than you
-> and the more he learns, the more he changes as a person. for the better of course, although aemond says that he's becoming a snob lol
-> aegon never lets anyone call you a nerd or make fun of you. he admires you for your brain, knowledge and intelligence
-> he feels like a himbo sometimes but you remind him that himbos are nice and he gets offended xd
-> no, but for real, he grows softer and kinder and much more respectful & mature
-> i don't have to add that alicent adores you, right?
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sansaorgana · 2 years
aemond/bimbo!reaader thoughts? 👀👀👀
(also. imagine... watching bojack horseman with aegon. he'd get into it because of the vulgar humour and cry so much later)
(it would be one of his fave shows!)
Aemond Targaryen x Bimbo!Reader headcanons:
• you are Hela's only friend. they make fun of her at uni for being a weirdo and they make fun of you because they think you're way too dumb to be there because they cannot understand how your interests can be both academic and fashion/make up oriented
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• Hela invites you over and everyone is shocked that YOU are her friend because you're like complete opposities
• Aegon thinks you'll be an easy girl for him to check off his list, meanwhile Aemond doesn't trust you and he also avoids you because he expects you to treat him like a freak
• to their surprise, you keep avoiding Aegon because he is a bit creepy and you are not planning to give yourself to him any time soon. and Aemond seems to be shy and soft, which fascinates you. you follow him around (like an adorable, naive puppy) and ask him questions about him
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• at first he thinks it's some sort of a prank but when he realizes you are actually curious about him and your eyes sparkle when he talks about his interests (even if they're very academic), he's starting to fall in love. when one day you answer to his philosophical question with a philosophical answer, he's completely in love
• your relationship is awkward at first but you're completely in love with each other at this point without any prejudices
• he always wears black clothes, leather, chains, even handcuffs (Alicent hates it) and you love pink and girly outfits, which makes everyone stare at you both
• he's going shopping with you and he doesn't complain. actually, you two might have intellectual conversations about literature while you try on the sluttiest outfits ever
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• you always sit on his lap and he feels like the luckiest man on earth for having a gf like you loving him so much
• he's the most insecure about his eye and he doesn't want you to see him without an eyepatch but you finally convince him to take it off and you kiss him all over his scar and healed wound while telling him how handsome he is
• Alicent doesn't know what to think about you at first but she quickly realizes how happy you make her son and she wants to befriend you, too
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sansaorgana · 2 years
What about Modern!Aemond, Modern!Aegon and Modern!Helaena with a really shy reader?
Aemond is soft and gentle, careful and patient with you. He respects your boundaries and he never pushes you into something you're uncomfortable with. He offers help with the things you're struggling with like asking for an extra ketchup at McDonald's or buying tickets. He's got your back, holds your hand and never lets you be stressed about anything.
Aegon teases you a lot for being shy but he finds it adorable and he makes sure you know that. He would also be willing to help you with stressful social situations but he'd be playful about it. He might sometimes push you to the limit on accident and he'd always feel very guilty after and bad about himself. He would of course apologize to you with hundreds of sweet kisses all over your face.
Helaena doesn't even realize that you're shy. For her, the way you act is completely normal. If you asked her to help you in social interactions with strangers, she would be a bit surprised but she would do that for you although she'd also be awkward about it. I don't think she's shy in general, though, she just doesn't like to interact much, so it wouldn't be a problem for her to help you out. She would never tease you nor make you feel bad. She probably wouldn't even mention that trait of yours.
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