#modern sand snakes
westerosoliviapope · 9 months
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He will die with Ellaria's name on his breath, but Jolona Qo remains the most impressive lover he's ever had, an umber-toned incarnation of the Princess Nymeria herself. Intelligent. Confident. Poised and fierce. Made even more beautiful by what laid beneath her statuesque frame. When he learned that powerhouse of a woman carried his child, he was almost giddy to see what they'd made together. And Sarella, possessed of all her mother's beauty and ambition with his mind and insatiable curiosity, surpassed his wildest dreams.
If he's honest with himself, Sarella is the first child he anticipated. Obara came to him an abandoned three-year-old of a whore who drank herself to death. Nym and Tyene were welcome, of course, but unexpected.
He will die with Ellaria's name on his breath, but Jolona Qo remains the most impressive lover he's ever had, an umber-toned incarnation of the Princess Nymeria herself. Intelligent. Confident. Poised and fierce. Made even more beautiful by what laid beneath her statuesque frame. When he learned that powerhouse of a woman carried his child, he was almost giddy to see what they'd made together. And Sarella, possessed of all her mother's beauty and ambition with his mind and insatiable curiosity, surpassed his wildest dreams.
He longs for the knobby-kneed, wild-haired girl he brought to Sunspear all those years ago. The way her onyx eyes, his eyes, blew wide with wonder the first time he walked her through the royal library. His little archery champion who memorized volumes of Dornish poetry before she was 10 and ran Doran off the Cyvasse table at thirteen.
The woman before him—in bare feet and an oversized Dornish Marine Corps shirt with freshly-fucked hair—makes Oberyn's eye twitch.
His brilliant baby. His greatest creation. A disloyal little fool who turned his best weapon into a simpering pup on a leash.
Warrior in a Suit (Scandal Westeros - Finale) on AO3
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anxiousnerdwritings · 3 months
Quick question, quick question!
What if Dream/Modern!Reader have similar features of… for example… House Baratheon????
I mean just imagine. House Targaryen saying that Reader as their sacred treasure, but Reader didn’t look like any one of them. But Dream/Modern Reader has some features of House Baratheon and imagine Baratheons wanting to spend their most time with the Reader, who is “one of their own”. It’s a great problem as Targaryens don’t share their Dream/Modern Reader to anyone, but it can also be a great advantage. House Baratheon will support whoever Dream/Modern Reader supports.
Dream/Modern Reader: support Greens/Blacks.
House Baratheon: support Greens/Blacks.👀👀👀👀👀
Dream/Modern Reader doesn’t support anyone in this bs.
House Baratheon doesn’t support as well.
I really like the idea of Dream!Reader looking similar to one of the great houses. To the respective house that the Reader shares similarities with outside of House Tragrayen immediately solidifies that houses claim to the Reader no matter what anyone else says. I love the pack mentality that it gives off too. Like, if Dream!Reader doesn’t like you then we don’t like you either.
This how I pretty much imagine all the great houses being with (House)-looking!Dream!Reader when the Reader doesn’t like someone.
House Targaryen: Fire and Blood, they will paint the land in whoever’s blood and then burn everything they have to the fucking ground
House Baratheon: If Baratheon-looking!Dream!Reader has beef with you then so do they, square up bitch
House Stark: Bombastic Side-Eye of whoever and their entire ancestry
House Lannister: Petty, Petty. PETTY! Takes ‘you can’t sit with us’ too literally.
House Martell: If Martell-looking!Dream!Reader hates you, you’re getting buried somewhere in the Dornish sands. Alive. And surrounded by nothing but scorpions and snakes.
House Greyjoy: Murder. Murder. And more MURDER. Like, I imagine the same type of relationship (or rather lack of) that the Blackwoods and Brackens have with each other but with the Greyjoys and whoever dared get on the bad side of Greyjoy-looking!Dream!Reader.
House Arryn: Another Bombastic Side-Eye who also takes ‘you can’t sit with us’ literally. (But not nearly as literal as the Lannisters.)
House Tyrell: Petty. Petty. And even more petty. Some side-eyeing but not quite as bombastic but certainly still very effective.
House Tully: Tully-looking!Dream!Reader is baby and House Tully will protect them at all costs. If their darling’s got beef then so do they.
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whats the difference between a viper and python ?
Important question, thank you for asking! Those are two of the major snake families; I know you only asked about two, but I'll discuss the big ones!
Pythons are a family of non-venomous constrictors. They're primitive snakes, meaning they have less stretchy skulls than modern families and they still have the vestigial remnants of a pelvic girdle. Pythons all have heat pits (except for the two members of the genus Aspidites) and those pits are set into the scales on their lips. Ball pythons, Burmese pythons, and rock pythons are all examples of snakes in the python family!
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Boas are also non-venomous, primitive constrictors, and are closely related to pythons. They're distinguished, though, by having a couple fewer bones in their skulls and less teeth. When they have heat pits, they're between the scales instead of in them, and they're generally ovoviviparous and give live birth instead of laying eggs. Boa constrictors, anacondas, and rainbow boas are examples of this family!
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Vipers are modern, venomous snakes. They have fewer bones in their skulls and less teeth than boas and pythons, and they lack vestigial pelvic girdles. Vipers tend to have primarily hemotoxic venom, and they're often heavy-bodied. When they have heat pits, they're located on their cheeks. Their fangs are hinged and swing out. Rattlesnakes, tree vipers, sand vipers, and copperheads are all members of the viper family!
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Elapids are modern, venomous snakes who tend to have primarily neurotoxic venom. They tend to be diurnal and more slender than vipers, and lack heat pits. Their fangs are always set into position. Cobras, mambas, and sea snakes are members of the elapid family!
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Colubrids are a large family of modern snakes. Most colubrids are non-venomous, and those who aren't are rear-fanged venomous, with a less sophisticated venom delivery system than elapids and vipers. They're a very diverse family of snakes! Hognose snakes, garter snakes, watersnakes, and ratsnakes are examples of colubrids!
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There are other snake families, but those five are the really big ones. Understanding the differences means you also understand a lot of the commonalities and distinctions between common snakes!
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snapdragonessart · 7 days
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Ancient dentition time! Descriptions under cut~
Aberrations are meant to be an ever-changing species, and mutate slightly each time they return to the cauldron. I imagine each time their dentition would change slightly as well. For this generation, their teeth would be most similar to dinosaurian raptors. They have that long muzzle that velociraptors in particular are well known for, but the number/size of their teeth varies. Each head could have different dentition too; eg. one would have all uniform teeth while the other would have long canines. Unlike velociraptors, Aberrations are omnivorous and will eat anything, but this kind of fits with their whole “becoming stronger” thing.
Aethers are… a tricky species to pin down. They’re cat-moth-dragons with the diet of a small lizard - insects and plants. Although their diet is more similar to geckos, based on their art I think their teeth would be a mix between gecko and domestic cat; they wouldn’t have molars and premolars, but they’d have feline-like front canines and incisors. The rest of their teeth would be enlarged, dragon-ified versions of a gecko’s itty bitty conical teeth.
Auraboas next! Although they definitely were designed more with boas in mind based on the name and their body shape, all boas are nonvenomous. There are some species of constricting snakes that are venomous as well, such as those in the genus Ovophis (mountain pit vipers; found in Asia) and Pseudonaja (Australian elapids), so with all that considered Auraboas probably have a mix of boa and pit viper dentition. They’d have fangs for injecting their venom, and sharp, recurved teeth behind the fangs and on the lower jaw.
Banescales are yet another hard species to assign a real-life counterpart to. They look like what you’d see if you searched up “wyvern” in the dictionary, the perfect quintessential example of one. They eat seafood, insects and meat. Their head shape brings dinosaurs to mind, specifically dromaeosaurs (raptors) and small tyrannosaurs. With all this in mind, I think their teeth would be closely packed and serrated, similar to both dinosaur groups. As shown in their art, they’d also have caniniformes (canine-like teeth). 
Dusthides look like skinks to me, specifically desert skinks and night skinks. Like skinks, Dusthides dig and burrow, and prefer to stay underground. Skinks are insectivorous too, so they’re a perfect match! Dusthides would have conical teeth like skinks, with caniniformes.
Gaolers are a weird mish-mash of different animals. They have moose-like antlers, reptilian faces and feet, and big fluffy tails that really remind me of snow leopards or arctic foxes, not to mention those paw pads on their wings. Since they eat both meat and plants, I think they’re teeth would be like an arctic foxes; one of the only omnivores native to the Arctic circle. Their canines would be larger though, more similar to snow leopards.
Sandsurges, similar to Dusthides, prefer living underground and are expert burrowers. Unlike Dusthides, they can actually swim through the sand. Their behaviour is similar to the sandfish skink, known for its ability to swim through sand. Their fans call to mind several species of sail-backed extinct animals - like dimetrodon - and also the modern basilisk lizard. Lastly, their concept seems to be based off of “sand sharks”; a group of fantasy sharks that swim through sand, but also a real group of mackerel sharks known to swim in shallow waters. However, the dentition of sand sharks doesn't really fit with Sandsurges; these sharks have 3 rows of sharp teeth that stick out in multiple directions, very much unlike the art depicting the dragon. I think the Sandsurge’s dentition would be a mix of basilisk and great white shark; both animals have serrated saw-like teeth. Their diet would be more akin to the basilisk, which eats both meat and insects. They’d also have caniniformes.
Undertides, our serpentine friends, are based off of moray eels! They pull from several species, particularly the ribbon eel (specifically the protrusions on the lower jaw) and the giant moray. They have large razor sharp teeth and, like real moray eels, would have a hidden pharyngeal jaw!
At last we arrive at Veilspuns, which were by far the hardest one for me to figure out. They’re like… fairy kelpie deer dragons?? With their ears, horns and snout shape in mind, I think their molars and premolars would be most similar to the marsh deer of South America. Seeing as they also eat flesh and bugs in addition to plants, they’d also have sharp elongated canines; similar to how kelpies are usually depicted in art. 
Thanks to everyone who put in their input on what Veilspuns most looked like! Deer and horse definitely seem like the two most likely creatures for their inspiration. 
I hope y’all enjoyed this series! I’ve been thinking of doing sheets going into each dragon breed's body plan (and also some headcanons of mine) if that is of any interest! ^^
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meowmeowmeowmeow4x · 5 months
Dark Blue Moon and the Suffering Sun Chapter 19
Danny woke from his little cat nap soon after, stretching his tail out like a lounging snake. Damian sat next to him, characteristically unimpressed as the teenager cracked his knuckles and shook off the remaining grogginess.
“Are you done?” Damian asked.
Danny yawned again. “Yeah what time is it?”
“It has been about two hours. We are wasting time.”
Damian swam to Danny’s left side and nudged him with his head. Danny bonelessly flopped to the side without moving. “Dude, what’s the rush? I thought you liked animals.”
“The whales have been amenable company, but my father needs me back as soon as possible. In addition, we have entered a coral reef.”
Danny blinked, and got up. The boy leaned his head over the edge of the mother whale. Seemed Damian was right. The waterscape in front of them was filled with tall kelp forests in the distance. Below the, the sea floor housed miles of vibrant coral in all sorts of colours. Red, purple, yellow and green coral spiraled and twisted and grew from the rocks and sand, living alongside schools of big and small fish. Clownfish peeked in an out of anemones. Little critters like shrimps and lobsters crawled in and out of crevices, sheltered from predators.
Damian apparently thought he was taking too long. Danny belatedly realised his harness was untied, just as Damian rammed into his back and pushed him off the edge.
“We need to replenish our supplies.” Damian said. “Teach me how to gather forage and hunt.”
Well that was a slight issue. Being a modern American teenager with access to such things as fridges and a global supply chain meant that he was perhaps less suited to roughing it than the younger boy might have assumed. It was not like he never had to live off the land, but the less said about long swim home after Vlad happened, the better.
“Well?” Damian repeated, arms crossed, looking down Danny expectantly.
“Alright then. I’ll teach you silly human what it’s like to live off the land, like your ancestors long before you.” He said sagely.
The whale pod crooned a deep farewell as the continued on their journey. He and Damian waved them off, before returning to their own needs.
He led his young charge to perch atop a cliff overlooking the reef. The boys laid their fins flat so as to avoid drawing attention. Danny scanned the landscape, settling his eyes on a lobster hiding underneath a rock. Despite their reputation these days, lobsters did not look nearly as appetising raw and alive. From the bottom, they looked more like cockroaches than delicacies. Plus, they were literally the worst possible travelling food ever. No.
Instead, Danny caught sight of his real prize. Mussels!
“You good with shellfish?” He asked the younger boy. Damian turned up his nose, looking haughty like Sam’s parents were it not for the adorable pout he’d put on too.
“If the only other option is starvation.”
“We’ll keep an eye for more plants on the way.” Danny said, preparing to descend.
The thing about mussels was that you didn’t need to kill them to bring them along. They came with their own natural packaging, even if it was a bit heavy. Danny stuffed his pockets with a couple handfuls of the shellfish, leaving space for a more varied diet, and leaving the rest to stay and reproduce. He wasn’t greedy! Sam had taught him about these things. Mussels were very important to the environment. Evidently Damian was aware too. The boy nodded in approval as Danny continued his search.
Damian’s sword came in useful as well (he would’ve taken it away if he wasn’t sure that the kid would slash him for it) for harvesting kelp and seaweed. The pair snacked on kelp strips as Danny took them to their next prey.
However, Damian protested. “I do not wish to kill this one.”
The huge trout, easily as big as Damian, floated blissfully ignorant of the two predators eyeing it like hawks. Danny ‘s head spun as he tried to keep track of Damian’s seemingly endlessly shifting opinion towards eating fish or not. “That thing could feed us for like 300 miles.”
“The largest fish also reproduce the most. This one is a female.” Damian continued. Now that he thought of it, didn’t Sam make a whole protest about this in the beginning of summer? “Many oceans are in danger due to overfishing from humans. As a human myself, it is my responsibility to fish sustainably.”
The boy’s fins puffed with pride and conservationist fervor, a quiet determination that reminded him of Sam. Danny had some doubts. “If we eat the small fry, there won’t be many left to grow big and ‘reproduce’ as you say.”
This point seemed to put pause on Damian’s previous showboating. The boy gritted his teeth, looking for a comeback. “What about invasive species? Those that threaten the natural balance.”
Danny shrugged. That was a good point, except Danny didn’t know how to identify any of those.
“But you live in the ocean!” Damian protested when this point was brought up.
“Yeah. You live on land. Does that mean you know about every species that lives on Gotham?”
“Yes.” Well he kinda walked into that one, didn’t he?
“Well if you know so much about invasive species, why don’t you look for them?” Danny challenged. Animal hyperfixation or not, surely this kid couldn’t identify the hundreds of species that lived in this reef.
Damian’s ear fins tensed, something he’d noticed in himself whenever he was concentrating on something. The boy turned away from Danny and to the reef in front of them. Suddenly, the boy’s body slumped.
A smug grin split open Danny’s face.
Damian groaned, as if his next words were like Soviet torture. “There are no saltwater invasive fish near California, to my knowledge.”
“Hah! Suck on that, fishboy!”
Damian mewled angrily. His hand drifted down to the hilt of his sword. On dear.
“Alright, alright, alright. What about a compromise?” Danny waved his arms defensively.
“We grab the fish that we were gonna grab before you interrupted.” Damian hissed at that. “BUUttt only one. And we fill our pockets with small fry. A balanced fishing diet. What do you say?”
The grumpy child pouted one more time for good measure, before sinking back to the floor. “Fine. You still need to teach me how to make a kill.”
“You sure you won’t get attached?”
“I can suppress my emotions to complete the mission.” It spoke something about Damian that Danny wasn’t even that phased this time. That being said please let that just be a boast with nothing to back that up.
Danny lay prone, fins flat, head down, like a tiger about to pounce. In the entire conversation they’d had, the trout had drifted about five inches from its previous position. Survival instincts this poor girl had not.
“All you need to do is shut your gills, like holding a breath. Just get closer… and closer… and POUNCE!”
Danny leapt at the trout, using his powers to accelerate into a blur. His hands pinned it down in an instant, the trout thrashing and slapping him, trying to escape. With a swift motion, Danny bit clean through its gills. The trout rapidly lost strength, slowly fading until it went still.
He held the trout up like a trophy. “Tada!”
Damian frowned deeply. “That was an unclean kill. It suffered immensely.”
“Ughh!” Danny groaned. “What do you want from me. I’m a siren not an assassin.”
Damian unsheathed his sword, looking about 50% more menacing as any other six-year-old Danny had ever met. “It seems I will have to show you, instead.”
Five minutes later, his idea of showing Danny how to kill resulted in a fresh bruise and a bent fin. The carp he had tried to pounce managed to escape with a shallow cut on its side.
“I’m very educated now, Damian. Thank you.” He snickered as Damian roared in anger.
“Shut your mouth! You have an unfair advantage, seeing as you can use your powers, while I am hampered by my body.”
“You’ll grow into them. I think. I dunno I haven’t met a lot of siren kids.”
“I am not a child!” Damian said, pouting very maturely.
The rest of the morning was spent like that, roaming the reef in search of food and bickering over this and that. At one point they debated over dolphins were whales or not (Danny personally thought whales were too nice to encompass dolphins under their umbrella).
Their food supplies replenished and energy still raring to go, the boys sealed their satchels shut, and continued south.
Hundreds of miles away in the ocean, Bruce stands at the helm of the Fenton Family SAV, its modified engines going at full throttle.
In a hidden compartment in his room, Tucker Foley slams into the firewall of the Fenton’s new database with everything he has. Schematics, blueprints, notes. He needs that data and he needs it now.
Sam Manson meditates on her bed, surrounded by candles. She recites warding spells, a staple for any young magician.
Skulker sits in his private yacht, bandaging his wounded leg, sliding the pieces for his next upgrade. Behind him, an ornate fish tank sits empty, awaiting its guest.
Agent K and Agent O monitor the news. The sonars around Amity. A report sits on the desk. The Fentons have just left town? That will be interesting… 
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crepesuzette2023 · 4 months
hello, I was wondering if you have any fics you like where Paul is the one pining?
Thank you so much for this question, and sorry to have taken so long to reply. I hope you still find these useful!
The lovely thing about J/P fic is that both John and Paul excel at pining. Scholarly tomes should be filled with arguments about who does it better. (Is Mutual Pining really the ultimate, or can something be said about the solo work of either man surpassing their 'collaboration'?)
As per your ask, it's Paul turn in these recs. I've decided to include fics in which they are in a relationship, of sorts, but where there's an element of Paul feeling that John is out of reach, or that Paul doesn't have enough of John — there's a distance to be bridged (but how?).
Early Days: Before the Fete
I've Just Seen a Face (sleepprettydarling): Five times Paul sees John before the Woolton Fete, one time he doesn't. G-rated, but the longing is *everywhere*.
Early Days
Two of us (burning matches) (@scurator). John corrupts/awakens Paul.
Above us only sky (candle_beck). "Paul is tired of being so good."
The first year (candle_beck). "They didn't get along, Stuart and Paul."
Lifting Latches/Sending Postcards (thinkpink20). Swapping clothes and becoming lovers...slowly. You can feel Paul's heartbeat when you read this.
On Menlove Avenue (thinkpink20). One of my favorite summaries ever: "It's a dark, dark night in Woolton."
Hamburg Era (roughly)
Mistletoe (thinkpink20). Paul observes John at Christmas, and finally takes action.
Like Love, the Archers are Blind (@dailyhowl). "He can’t ever be truly mad at him. Because his frustration melts like sugar on his tongue when he thinks about them sat across from each with their guitars and a notebook between them. Thinks about riding on the bus together with greasy packets of chips, stalking through record stores and strolling by the docks. How familiar and comfortable it feels to be together. What they have is too golden, too warm to ever stray from. And now he’s drowning in it." Come onnnn
Sinful (thinkpink20). "He tells himself it's just the grime around him, dirtying up his mind."
Beginning Fame
the touch of the velvet hand (downtothelastdrop). “Well then,” Paul countered, “you’ve not felt what I can do.”
I'm Telling You (aceonthebass). Paul pitches a 'soft' love song to John.
wouldn't it be nice? (@pauls1967moustache). John marries Cyn. What about John&Paul?
Geodesic Dome Era
open heart (@revollver). Vampire AU. Paul needs John—in more than one way.
Way up Top (@boshemians). The Beatles in Greece. "Underwater Paul snakes his arm around John’s wrist and presses their chests together, struggling for something."
Days Like This (@eveepe). "His mouth was strangely dry, and he could feel his heartbeat pulsing in the scar on his lip."
Bad luck to talk (7intheevening). Paul is yearning for what he and John used to have—without being quite aware of his feelings. (Subconscious pining?)
Lost (@ohjohnnysblog). Paul needs a reminder of his and John's happier past. He goes to see Astrid...
Wings Era
Red Lights, Green Lights, Strawberry Wine (@savageandwise). Paul is with Linda and Denny, but waiting for John to call him back again...(Linda POV).
Later Days
Nude (@ohjohnnysblog). Paul buys nude pictures in a gallery and thinks of John.
Modern Love (caesdoublesteps). For a lighter touch: Paul negotiates with Yoko to give him Self Portrait, the movie about John's semi-erection. Yoko has a counter-offer.
Sleeping Sand, Morning Moon (@dailyhowl). Playwright Paul grieves a dear friend and the end of a relationship. He escapes to a Scottish village and falls in love with resident eccentric John—but his heart is not ready. (It will be.)
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thelaithlyworm · 4 months
Daomu Biji Watcher’s Guide, May 2024
A few new entries have been popping up lately, and I’m always hopeful new fans will stumble into the pits and never leave so I thought I’d paste up a rough map.
(Obviously the best watching order, like the best reading order of Discworld or the Aubrey-Maturin books, is ‘whatever first comes to your hand’ but for the people who don’t like that…)
Daomu Biji is a series about tomb raiding. Think Indiana Jones or Lara Croft but much, much longer. The protagonist Wu Xie is deeply in love with BFF1 Zhang Qiling, a hundred-year-old cryptid, and BFF2 Wang Pangzi, who was stolen in a raid from another book series. It’s comic, tragic, horrific, zany, prone to musings on life, love, desire, attachment, and has many, many piss jokes. (‘Journey to the West but modern’ is maybe the other comparison I’d make.)
– This guide is not talking about “quality”. All of the adaptations have their own strengths and weaknesses and tone can vary a great deal, which is to say, if one of them doesn’t suit you it’s likely something else will.
– Wacky endings, and plot threads that disappear unfinished and get picked up a long time later, are as inherent to the franchise as the piss jokes.
– It’s common for the dramas to introduce characters and subplots a lot earlier than the books do. Sometimes we’ll see a character introduced ‘for the first time’ on multiple occasions and strangely familiar scenes. I’ll try to point out the biggest continuity clashes as I go.
The Soft Entry:
There are a few movies that are entertaining as standalones but will introduce various characters and background. I would recommend:
Escape from the Monstrous Snake + Mystery/Grave of the Abyss – two monster movies featuring Hei Xiazi, a supporting character. He’s a pragmatical mercenary who’s going blind in kind of a weird way, and goofy as hell when he isn’t tiptoeing over a vast abyss of existential dread. So many fun action scenes.
Time Raiders (2015) – so there are some textual clues that late in his career Wu Xie wrote this story as a memory-jogger for an amnesiac friend. The plot is a freewheeling wild ride which doesn’t directly match any book plot but introduces some major characters and how they relate to each other. It’s colourful and fast-moving. Enjoy, enjoy.
Conjuring Curse and Misty Creed are… theoretically set late in the series even if the actors look about twelve. Both work as stand-alone adventures, though Misty Creed is maybe a little deep in the lore. Again, colourful and fast-moving.
The Chronological Order
You could honestly start with most of these – they tend to come with a ‘what has gone before’ at the start or a newbie character that things get explained to. The only one I wouldn’t start with is Heavenly Palace in the Clouds, which is lovely but also the second half of a set and things won’t make sense if you haven’t seen Lost Tomb 2 first.
Lost Tomb 1 – a highly digestible 10-12 episode version of the Seven Star Lu Palace arc, ie. Baby’s First Adventure. Introduces A-Ning, Xie Yuchen, and Huo Xiuxiu early and a couple of og characters for Wu Xie to talk to instead of monologuing to himself. The restaurant scene at the end was raided from a later arc and you’ll see it again in Ultimate Note. A book character, Da Kui, was cut which is a small problem because how he died is a minor plot point discussed in Lost Tomb 2. 
Lost Tomb 2 – covers Raging Sea, Hidden Sands (underwater tomb) and Qinling God-Tree (weird bronze tree in the mountains) plus a whole lotta side stories and original content exploring the world and foreshadowing later plots. Mooostly in continuity with Lost Tomb 1 (see Da Kui above) and made as a set with Heavenly Palace in the Clouds – they share resources and a lot of actors, and some threads begun here are finished in Heavenly Palace.
Heavenly Palace in the Clouds – covers the Mt Changbai arc, a journey up a mountain to find a very old, very grand tomb. This was made so close to Lost Tomb 2 that LT2 borrows shots from Heavenly Palace and not the other way around, which is fascinating because it pointedly contradicts the last five episodes of LT2. It also brings forward some plotlines originally from the Tamutuo and Zhang Family Old Pavilion arcs (San-shu’s past in the underwater tomb, and the Huo Family videotapes) dragging some characters on-screen and forcing them to talk about their feelings, which they would clearly rather die than do. Given those plot-tweaks and the early, deliberate continuity clash, I’m tempted to call this a Canon Parallel Universe. Got some interestingly chewy character dynamics and luverly, luverly set design.
Mystic Nine – This is a prequel about Zhang Qishan – Fo-ye – and his peers, but later dramas expect us to know who Fo-ye was so I’m sticking it here. Kinda… picaresque? Lots of action scenes and Republican-era flavour and various factions jostling for power – kinda feels like an old-school wuxia story, only set in the 1930s with all that glorious Republican-era styling. Has some unfortunate cut scenes – the details of how Fo-ye recovered at his family’s house don’t make a lot of sense in the aired version, and there are a couple of missing fights in the penultimate episode. Shrug. Still a lot of fun. Comes with four side movies about supporting characters.
Ultimate Note – Covers the Tamutuo arc (a trip through the jungle) and two-thirds of the Zhang Family Old Pavilion arc (investigating Zhang Qiling’s past is like kicking a hornet’s nest). Very, very flirty and has some zippy-zip action choreography. Politely ignores Lost Tomb 1–Heavenly Palace continuity (Xie Yuchen is, once more, introduced for the first time, now with a romantically coded friendship arc) and brings in a lot of cameos from Mystic Nine and Sand Sea, which it was filmed after. Kinda tiptoes around parts of the book plot, which I suspect would be hard for anyone to film, re: Fo-ye’s actions in the 1960s. Fair warning, this ends on a cliffhanger. This is also where the Xinyue Restaurant scene appears again – two cakes!
Tibetan Sea Flower – If Tibetan Sea Flower ever airs, it will go here.
Sand Sea – Based on the Sand Sea novel. After Tibetan Sea Flower, Wu Xie goes into a bit of a decline and makes that the world’s problem. We the audience, plus Li Cu and Liang Wan, EDIT: a lovely doctor, are pretty much dropped in media res into a number of ancient conspiracies and complicated plots coming to a head in the manner of a boil. It’s weird; it’s messy; it’s mad fun. Like Mystic Nine, has a lot of factions jostling for power and colourful jianghu characters. We will, once more, see the Xinyue Restaurant scene. Also has some side movies.
Time Raiders – The textual hints that suggest Wu Xie wrote this, suggest he wrote it around Sand Sea-era, when his life was a bit complicated. I’m putting it after Sand Sea because I believe it caps a conversation that, ah, doesn’t quite make it into the drama. But notionally this is where it should go. Ah…. at one point, someone tells a story about an ancient ruler, King Mu of Zhou, who sought immortality from the Queen of the West in Tamutuo. The longer book conversation suggests that a) King Mu of Zhou engineered a “trap” for someone like Wu Xie to fall into in the future, and b) that Iron Mask Scholar, a villain from Lost Tomb 1, was an alias that King Mu of Zhou used in the Warring States Era. Which makes some of Iron Mask Scholar’s appearances in Time Raiders… interesting.
Reunion: Sound of Providence – sometimes known as Reboot. Having peaked in badassery in Sand Sea, Wu Xie has to consider what his life is going to be now, and also, he would like to track down a missing family member. So this was tweaked to make it more accessible to new viewers (so some parts of the back-story are not mentioned or conflated for simplicity) and that mostly works but I did find watching this first and then picking up the earlier dramas a bit of a mindscrew. Zhu Yilong is, however, a powerful draw and the rest of the cast sparkles. Probably best to think of Season 1 as two short seasons jammed together, which is to say, once the Warehouse 11 arc starts there are a number of characters who won’t reappear until Season 2. It’s a fun arc even so. Season 2 ends with a badass action scene and then a big party, which I think is a great way to end a story.
Escape from the Monstrous Snake, Mystery/Grave of the Abyss, Conjuring Curse, Misty Creed – these are all theoretically set around or after Reboot-era, though they can certainly be watched as stand-alones.
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writers-potion · 6 months
hey, can you do a circles of hell post like the heaven one?
The Nine Circles of Hell 😈🔥
Dante Alighieri’s The Divine Comedy is divided into 3 parts: Inferno, Purgatorio and Paradiso. The Inferno presents us with the popular concept of Nine Circles of Hell.
Think of this as the Ground Lobby for Hell.
The Gates of Hell have this inscription: "Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate" (Abadon all hope, ye who enter here)
Souls who couldn't choose between good and evil reside here, tortued and chased by hornets and snakes. (Seems like indecision is also a sin, haha)
There are angels here as well who chose to be on the side of neither good and evil, and they're also tormented.
After crossing the river on the boundary for hell with Charon, you meet the first level of hell:
First Circle: Limbo
The first circle is home to the unbaptized and virtuous pagans, who simply didn't know that Christ exist.
These souls have lived morally, but failed to accept Christiantiy as a religion
No physical torture, but waves of sadness flow through the souls, lamenting the fact that they're close to Heaven but aren't in it.
Retirement community of the afterlife: Hippocrates, Aristotle, Virgil, Homer, Horace, Ovid, Socrates, Plato, Saladin
Second Circle: Lust
The wind-buffeted second circle of Hell is the final destination of the lustful and adulterous.
Souls are blown about in a violent storm, without hope of rest. They are torn in a raging storm and thrown against rocks.
Cleopatra and Helen of Troy were among its most famous residents. Francesca da Rimini and her lover Paolo.
Third Circle: Gluttony
Those who overindulge themselves are forced to lie in vile, freezing slush, guarded by Ceberus
Unable to move, they lay on the ground forever while being hurled with sweage and dirt.
Ciacco of Florence is here.
Fourth Circle: Avarice & Prodigality
This section of Hell is reserved for the money-grubbers and overly materialistic among us. Those who hoarded money come here.
The greedy battle each other, forever rolling giant boulders on each other. When they push the heavy weights, it rolls back and the process starts all over again.
Plutus guards them.
Fifth Circle: Wrath & Sulllenness
Dante tells us that the wrathful and angry souls of this circle spend eternity waging battle with each other on the banks of River of Styx.
The sullen are forced to breath below the dark waters, chocking on the black mud derived from the world above.
Fillippo Argenti is here.
───〃★ Door to Lower Hell: gate guarded by fallen angels ★〃───
Sixth Circle: Heresy
Heretics spend eternity entombed in flaming crypts in the sixth circle. Think of a graveyard with burning tombstones.
Heresy is the sin of having beliefs opposed to the Christian belief, which can be a little vague in modern times.
Florentines Farinata degil Uberti and Cavalcante de' Cavalvanti are here.
Seventh Circle: Violence
The Seventh Circle is sub-categorized into 3 smaller rings: Oter, Middle and Inner.
The outer ring is filled with blood and fire and reserved for murderers and thugs. Centaurs guard the Outer Ring, shooting criminals with arrows.
The middle ring is where, according to Dante, suicide victims go. They’re transformed into trees and fed upon by harpies.
The inner ring, a place of burning sand, is reserved for those who are violent against God and nature (blasphemers)
Eighth Circle: Fraud
Geryon, a creature symbolizing fraud, welcomes you to the eighth circle. He has a human face, a scorpion tail and giant wings.
The eighth circle is subdivided into ten trenches, where you’ll find con artists of all sorts. These trenches are called Malebolge (Evil pockets) and each contains different types of criminals who commited fraud.
Panderes and seducers, flatterers, sorcerers, false prophets, liars, thieves, people who created false money, counterfeits, impersonators, schismatics, etc. reside here.
Ninth Circle: Treachery
The final circle is a frozen wasteland occupied by history’s greatest traitors. Betrayers of are frozen in a lake of ice, and most of Satan's body is also immersed in ice.
It is divided into 4 stages: (1) Caina - traitors to family (2) Antenora - traitors to nation or politicians (3) Ptolomaea - hosts to betray theiur guests (4) Judecca - those to betray their lords/masters.
In the very center, Satan punishes the greatest betrayers of all time: Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Christ, and Brutus and Cassius who betrayed Julius Caesar.
Satan has three mouths, each of which eats a specific person: with left and right devouring Brutus and Cassius and the centre mouth devouring Judas. 
If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! 📸
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centurydraws · 20 days
NightWing headcanons!!!
so I know NightWings are one of the most developed tribes in canon, but I feel like they could use something more. We barely know anything about any tribe's day to day life, common jobs, ancient practices, or religions. So, I'm going to make a few posts about my headcanons and ideas about every tribe. Feel free to use these in stories or for designs, credit is appreciated but not required.
NightWings have goat eyes
They also have oryx / ram horns
Their horns have to grow in, similar to teeth (this is a headcanon I have for every tribe, not just exclusive to NightWings)
It's possible for them to have star patterns like under their wings in other spots, star freckles and birthmarks are the most common
NightWings will scar their scales instead of getting tattoos, due to their usually very dark colors
When albino dragonets were hatched, they were seen as bad luck in some regions and would be killed. This has changed recently, though
NightWings used to sacrifice wolves and cattle for good luck on the new year, but this ceased soon after the NightWings moved to the volcano island, because of the lack of wolves and grazing ground for cattle.
Snakes are a sacred symbol for NightWings, and dragons can commonly be seen with snake scars and/or snake jewelry.
The reason snakes are sacred is because of an influx of SandWing refugees during an ancient, bloody but short-lived civil war.
NightWings used to have a profession called a nameteller, a future seeing NightWing who was trained to look into the future of specific dragons, and would give name suggestions for eggs and newly hatched dragonets. This job is resurfacing, though slowly.
NightWings used to believe that blind dragons would have stronger mind reading and future sight. They were half right, but after a trend of blinding dragonets to give them stronger abilities turned out to be useless, this belief faded away.
NightWings are naturally more anxious during the day, which is hypothesized to have been a factor in the poor health of the NightWings when they lived on the volcano island.
NightWings are kind of the Germany of the wof universe (wofverse??), they like efficiency and have really disturbing dragonet's tales.
One of said dragonet's tales is one where a fledgeling wandered too close to the ocean alone when the adults said not to, and got eaten alive by the sea.
NightWings typically name areas after their founders, or after the dragon who discovered there. Major NightWing exports are goat's milk and cheese, wool, and wine. Think anything desired by nobles to eat, and the NightWings probably manufacture it. There are a few important places, such as:
KINDNESS: Named for its founder, this large city is located in a valley on the border with the Sand Kingdom, and was one of the places SandWing refugees fled to during the Serpent's Fang war (the ancient sandwing civil war mentioned before). In the modern era, it is still occupied by many SandWings, and Night/Sand hybrids are a common sight. It is known for its many vineyards right outside the city gates, and is said to produce some of the best wine in Pyrrhia.
AVOIDED: This isolated village sits in the harsh, jagged cliffs facing the southwestern ocean. The village isn't on top of the land, but beneath it, with its entrance in a hidden cave. Its inhabitants have lived there for generations, fishing and gathering mushrooms. They did not go with the rest of the tribe to the volcano island, and instead opted to hide away and preserve their culture. The best nametellers come from here.
BATTLECRY: A bustling city which manufactures weapons, armor, and has the best NightWing military academies. It has multiple walls, one thick inner and two outer, which are equipped with advanced technology to ward off attackers. It is a valuable target in war, but no other tribe has managed to get past it, since it is in the middle of the kingdom, protecting the capitol.
DIVINE: Rumored to be where the moons first blessed the NightWings with their powers, this is the religious center of the NightWing kingdom. They manufacture texts and are responsible for spreading information across the continent. When the NightWings moved to the volcano island, Divine's bards became assassins, skilled at spreading lies.
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maniculum · 4 months
Bestiaryposting Results: Hraetnug
We've got a good variety of results here, so I'm just going to run through the usual stuff and get to them.
If anyone isn't sure what this "bestiaryposting" thing is about, you can find an explanation and previous entries at https://maniculum.tumblr.com/bestiaryposting.
All of the art below is based on this entry:
If you want to participate, next week's bestiaryposting will be based on this entry:
And the art is below the cut:
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@silverhart-makes-art (link to post here) decided something with wings that doesn't fly might well be a flightless bird, and has drawn a very good penguin/auk/thing. I really like how it's posed against the starry sky; it's evocative. For additional details, check the linked post.
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@ectocs (link to post here) thought of sea turtles instead -- which I can totally see. I've had the good fortune to witness a few sea turtle hatchings, and the description of the eggs in the sand absolutely tracks. However, there's the issue that the idea of wing-shaped fins is not compatible with "its feet are like those of a camel" -- hence the very cool shell design. I like it; it's quite clever. The linked post contains some additional discussion of the thoughts and inspirations behind this design, go look at it. (Also, thank you for providing alt text.)
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@cheapsweets (link to post here) has taught me a new word with this post -- xerocolous. Also, we have a medieval-style dragon here, complete with that ubiquitous wavy-eared head -- it does fully fit the description, too. Always appreciate a little medieval styling; those damned ears made me smile. There's additional explanation in the linked post -- also, thank you for providing alt text.
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@sweetlyfez (link to post here) has laid out a brief but excellent explanation of their design process. It seems to have gone like this:
"What animals do this with their eggs?" "Snakes do that." "But snakes don't have wings or camel-like feet." "This one does."
Brilliant. Love it. No notes. (Also thank you for providing alt text.)
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@pomrania (link to post here) also went with "flightless bird" and admits the inadvertent resemblance of their design to Big Bird -- it does have a certain Muppet-like quality, I must say. For additional information, please see the linked post. I particularly like the note that giving it a "no thoughts head empty" facial expression was fully intentional.
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@coolest-capybara (link to post here) also thought of sea turtles and then questioned how this could be compatible with the camel feet. Their solution, which I think came out extremely well here, was to simply draw a camel/turtle hybrid. I kind of love this design -- and, of course, the stylized art.
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@strixcattus (link to post here) has drawn a very charming flightless bird. I really like the sort of shaggy design, which I assume is indicative of kiwi-style feathers. As is normally the case, Strixcattus has also included a modern naturalist-style interpretation of the animal, which I, as usual, recommend reading via the linked post.
To the Aberdeen Bestiary...
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Once again, this is basically the same bird we see in a bunch of these, with the exception of its (surprisingly accurate) camel-like feet. However, this is in fact the ostrich. (I have no idea why one of them appears to be eating the eggs.)
I honestly don't have a lot to add here. Bit surprising to see a different set of myths about the ostrich rather than the "head in the sand" thing.
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Webnovel Carrd Links [Part 1]
I usually use Novel Updates, but Carrds are great to support the author, find translations not on NU, find Content Warnings, and learn more about the story / other adaptations. If there's a novel not here, it can be helpful to search the name of the novel + "carrd" or "novel updates"
Library Carrds / Carrds with Multiple Novels
Completed Baihe Carrd (click the sunglasses)
Baihe Novels Carrd 
Baihe Support 
Novel Carrd Library (Danmei & Baihe)
Aelia’s Library (Modern & Historical Danmei)
Unlimited Flow Danmei Carrd 
Danmei Recommendations List
Underrated Danmei 
Modern Danmei 
Twitter Thread with Danmei Carrds 
Author Carrds
(These authors have more works - I just listed the most popular ones/the ones I knew)
Cang Wu Bin Bai - author of Golden Stage and Fight the Landlord, Fall in Love
Cyan Wings - author of Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know, High Energy QR Code, They All Say I’ve Met a Ghost, etc.
Feitian Yexiang - author of Dinghai Fusheng Records & To Rule in a Turbulent World
Huai Shang - author of the Sword Named No Way Out
Jiang Zi Bei - author of PUBG: Online Romance of the Century, I Can Do It, and I’ve Liked Your Boyfriend for a Long Time
Liu Bing Jie - author of The Wife is First, Peach, and The White Cat’s Divine Scratching Post
Man Man He Qi Duo - author of Those Years In Quest of Honour Mine 
Meatbun Doesn’t Eat Meat - author of The Husky and His White Cat Shizun
Meng Xi Shi - author of Estranged, Peerless, Thousand Autumns, The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua, etc.
Mo Chen Huan - author of The Earth is Online and the Villain Has Something to Say
Mu Su Li - author of Panguan and Copper Coins
MXTX / Mo Xiang Tong Xiu - author of MDZS, TGCF, and SVSSS
Please Don’t Laugh novels - author of FGEP, Ruzhui, and JQWS
Priest - author of Guardian, LHJC, Can Ci Pin, Mo Du, Gumen, Liu Yao, etc.
Shui Qian Cheng - author of Wu Chang Jie 
Tang Jiuqing / t97 - author of Qiang Jin Jiu & Nan Chan
Wu Zhe - author of Unbridled, Sa Ye, Antidote, etc. 
Zhichu - author of Fanservice Paradox
Danmei / BL
2ha / the Husky and His White Cat Shizun (1, 2)
Bat / Bianfu 
Can Ci Pin
Carven Jade / Zhuo Yu 
Cold Sands
Copper Coins 
Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know
Dinghai Fusheng Records
Di Wang Gong Lue / The Emperor’s Strategy 
Don’t You Like Me? 
Encountering a Snake 
Everyone Thinks That I Like Him
Fake Slackers
Fanservice Paradox 
Fight the Landlord, Fall in Love
Fox Demon Cultivation Manual / FDCM 
Global University Entrance Examination / QQGK / Global Examination 
Golden Stage 
Green Plum Island 
How to Survive as a Villain 
Jun You Ji Fou / How is the Gentleman Feeling? 
Lie Huo Jiao Chou / LHJC 
Little Mushroom 
Liu Yao (press the 3 circles) 
MDZS / the Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (1, 2, 3)
Mist (CW: glitch effect, flashing lights)
Mistakenly Saving the Villain / MISVIL
Mo Du / Silent Reading 
My Junior Still Hasn’t Killed Me
Nan Chan 
[Part 2]
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westerosoliviapope · 4 months
Her baby sister, still draped in the shimmery purple gown she wore at dinner, stands next to the pool, her mother's features, heavy brows, full lips, and fiery eyes, mottled in concern. She was wary of taking her on as an assistant but Loreza Princessa Sand took to the role with the same focus and resourcefulness that put her at the top of her class at River Royne Academy and made her fluent in four languages—including YiTish.
I love doing canon nods with the Sand Snakes' middle names.
Obara Olyvia and Nymeria Morraine (for Olyvar and Mors, the two boys Oberyn's mother lost before Elia was born).
Tyene Aliandra (for thee Aliandra Martell)
Sarella Morgana Xanai (of course, Sarella's mother would insist she have a Summer Isles name—Xanai. Morgana for Morgan, the founder of House Martell).
I haven't thought of names for Elia, Obella, and Dorea yet. But Loreza Princessa just feels perfect.
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deadboyfriendd · 1 year
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Cochise l: Nellie
Summary: A dark stranger blows into town, bringing Hell with him. Little did he know, Hell was already here, in the form of you. The air here is stale and the residents stagnant. This town was as wild as the west was able, and you are the most wild thing about it. 
Warnings: Fem!Reader, Outlaw/Doc Holliday!Eddie Munson x Reader, wild west/Tombstone AU!, Sherrif!Steve (he has a mustache), guns and gun violence, death of minor original characters, period-appropriate death, drug use, angst, fluff, save a horse, ride a cowboy, wet dream, smut included, feminine rage embodied and I gave her a gun
My content is 18+ Minors DNI
Word Count: 4.4k
Author's Note: This is for Drac <3 thank you for beta reading!
Find the series masterlist here!
When the dust blew in from the East, Hell came with it. 
And Hell hath no fury like a woman’s reproach. 
1890. From the ashes of the Civil War rose a phoenix of economic expansion and spurs the great migration west. Farmers, ranchers, prospectors, killers and thieves seek their fortunes. Cattle drovers turned cow towns into armed camps with murder-rates higher than those of modern-day New York or Los Angeles. Silver is discovered in Arizona, and the prospectors dragged their young wives and their Parisian fashions with them. Siphoned together out of greed, hundreds of Texas outlaws banded together to forge a new way forward, resulting in the birth of early organized crime. 
Out of this chaos came the great legendary lawmen, and none as mean as you. 
The air was stale this time of year, heavy enough to flatten a lizard, when the turn of the season brought the green back to the ironwoods and the snakes back from their hides. When it brought the heat back with a haughty laughter and a heart full of vengeance. The sun cast down a glare that warped the mirage of the desert backdrop of Cochise County, turning from a comforting radiation to a wasp sting when the night turned. The cereus blossom fragrant with rot that filled the stagnant night air and its timely beauty– and ultimate untimely death. 
He reaped a certain morosity with him, spurs scraping across the floor like a toll, steps sure as snow in the northern country– as they dragged the dust from his heels eastward. His skin was of alabaster, and his clothes of obsidian. He was not from here, and it drew a shudder from the mesquite doors upon their sun-dried hinges. The dirty faces of prospectors, drunks, and cattle drovers turning to peer at him under sweat-laden brows. 
The Whispering Sands was not the ritzy bar, no, that was the bar located in the lobby of the Grand Hotel up the holler. No, Your dealer was as straight as a Christmastime wreath, your doors hung as crooked as your dealer, and if you didn’t carry when you walked through, you had spares. There would be no clean men and women with their Parisian dresses and costly hat pins occupying this place. This was the lowest of the low. 
He peers at you from under the brim of a coal-stained, honest-to-God gunslinger wool Stetson, lined with the hammered silver and turquoise-inlaid band. It laid flat across the top and around the brim. You hadn’t seen one like it since your wedding night on the ritzy hardwood grounds of the Grand Hotel herself. He takes a seat in a singular fell swoop, frock coat flaring outwards and casting a soft breeze over your presence. Single-breasted, large notch lapels. Beneath it, his dark pinstripe trousers folded under the weight of his body, the silver brocade vest above the black cravat remaining stiff. From where your eye connected with him, you could see the nickel plating of a Colt 1873 single action revolver, sheathed under the oiled ellipse of the leather-bound shoulder holster. It was apparent he wasn’t here to push cattle. 
It was a fleeting gaze, the kind that rattle each of your vertebra and settled in your coccyx. A single golden curl slipped over a broad shoulder and swung heavy in the tension between your two bodies. 
There was a resonant patriarchal tenor that buzzed amongst the patrons in this space, tense on the outcome and flat-lining in deliverance. They tried to avert wandering gazes from this new resident— strung together words in staccato, interrupted by morbid curiosity and on-looking eyes. Michael Doten– amicably monickered “Mudsill”, shattered this hum like china. He was a worm of a man, slimy in all of the worst ways, and, on this day in particular, aptly under the impression of laudanum and drink. He shared these sympathies with his own father– a man no more than fifteen years his senior. 
He slinked through the door with the demeanor of an old tom-cat, crooked in stride and greasy to the touch— not that you could fathom anyone wanting to touch him at all. He demanded a house whiskey with a slovenly belch– a concoction made from your own sarsaparilla, burnt raw sugar, and chewing tobacco. 
“Michael, I’d say you’ve about had enough today.” You chided, firm in your answer. The stranger peered a doting gaze towards you, then turned it toward ‘Ol Mudsill from a downturned hat– wistful in demeanor and daring in residence. He watched as Michael cast a thumb of brown saliva onto your floor, intentionally ignoring the existence of the spitoon a mere few feet from it. 
He sneered towards you through leather-laden eyelids, a protuberance straight from the aforementioned spittoon, and filled with piss and vinegar, “Now,” He started, “ – if I wanted an old bitch telling me what I can and can’t drink, I would have considered marrying.” It was a slimy statement with a profound lack of remorse. It dripped from the gaps of his rotting teeth like a tar. 
“I wouldn’t marry you, even if I was fixin’ to face death herself.” It wasn’t the first time you had denied him a drink, nor was it the first time he had spoken ill toward you. You doubted it would also be the last. You were a harum-scarum, devil-may-care woman, tough as nails and pretty as a mink stole.
“You don’t listen too good, now do you?” Mudsill spit back, standing now. Your fingers grazed the pearl handles of the Remington Model 1890 tucked away in the fold of your dresses. You hoped to God you didn’t have to use it. 
Before ‘Ol Mudsill could think of something to say back, the dark stranger stood, “That’s no way to talk to a lady.” 
“Is that a fact?” Mudsill raises a wiry brow towards the man, standing erect in front of him. 
“Yeah, that’s a fact.” He said back, quietly. It was a discerning quiet, the kind where you figure trouble might be brewing. 
“Well, for a man that don’t go heels, you run your mouth kinda reckless there, don’t ‘ya?” The stranger said, standing a little more erect– like he was fixing for trouble, though, by the context of the rest of the conversation, you’d say trouble had already been brewing. Now, you waited for the pot to boil over, “No need to go heel to get the bulge on a tub like you, huh?”
Mudsill glared toward him though tight lids, a reckless abandon only a drunk could possess, “Is that a fact?”
“That’s a fact.”
“Well, I’m ‘real scared.” Musill replied with a bobbling nod of his head, reaching for the firearm tucked away behind his waistband. 
“Damn right, you’re scared. I can see that in your eyes.” The stranger followed the movement of his hand momentarily, eyes settling over the worn wood of the stock before meeting back up with his eyes,  “Yeah, go ahead, skin it. Skin that smoke-wagon and see what happens.” 
“Listen Mister, I’m gettin’ awful tired of you–” He was cut off, the stranger landing a stinging, open-palmed blow to his face. 
“I’m gettin’ tired of your gas, now jerk that pistol and go to work.” Mudsill stared back, stunned. Frozen like a scared lizard. Another blow. “I said throw down, boy.” A third blow landed across his cheek, harder this time. You could see where the blood filled his mouth and covered his teeth. “You gonna do something or just stand there and bleed?” 
“No?” The stranger raised an eyebrow, reaching upwards to put a forceful hand on mudsill’s shoulder, “Now, come on, Junior.” 
The wire snapped behind ‘Ol Mudsill’s eyes, and with a sleight of hand, he reached for the worn pistol tucked into his overcoat. The dark stranger was fast, but you were faster. The pearl grips cold and smooth against the sweat of your palms. Quickly and in one motion, you stepped out from the bar, hand forced steady only in fear alone. 
“You’re bluffing.” Michael sneered towards you, taking a step forward, closer to you with the barrel now in your direction. It was enough for the stranger to bear his arms as well, though, he wouldn’t need them today. The barrel met Michael’s forehead. 
“I don’t bluff.” Your thumb met the hammer, pulling it back enough for a deafening swell click, “Now your family may be back to rush me, but that won’t stop me from blowing a canoe through your head first, y’hear?”
His eyes widened, and he pulled the barrel back from you, finger leaving the sheath of the trigger and thumb only staying tucked around the grip enough to keep it held. 
“Don’t come back here. Ever.” You ordered, and he nodded slightly. 
The stranger spoke then, pistol still planted firmly against the back of the offender, “And you’re gonna drop that weapon right here, Michael.” He ordered. 
The worn colt clattered against the floor as he tossed it from his waist-height to the ground. The stranger took this as the opportunity to grab Michael by the collar and drag him out the front doors like a calf. You could see the durst stir from outside, but didn’t sense a further commotion. You sat idly in one of your stools, letting free an exasperated sigh as you threw your head down against the bar. You didn’t sign up for this when you found yourself out west. 
You felt the stock of a pistol press into the meat of your upper arm, “Here. Keepsake. Hang it over the bar, Nellie.” The stranger spoke back to you, sliding the firearm across the worn mesquite bar top. 
You raised a brow at him, more at the moniker, but also at his enthusiasm, “Nellie?”
“I had a horse like you once,” He released a breathy laugh between his words, maybe more nervous at the fact that he was comparing you to a horse, “ —even after she broke she was meaner than hell, but prettier than a mink stole. It’s a pleasure, Mrs–”
He thought it was foolish, comparing you to that mean old mare, but he didn’t have time to dote on it before you stopped him mid-sentence. 
“Ms.” You corrected. 
He couldn’t help the way his eyes flitted down to the ring on your finger, a single thin gold band that he dwelled on for just long enough for you to notice the cogs attempting to turn in his head. 
 “Dead.” You clarified, and he felt his heart contract as the word left your lips. 
“Sorry to hear that.” He dips his head low, only now taking off the Stetson to greet you properly, “Name’s Munson. Edward Munson.” 
You shook your head, forcing that still-bruising ache away to push a smile, “Ain’t no changin’, may God have willed it, Mr. Munson.” 
He matched your smile, handsome cheeks creasing deeply around the curvature of his mouth, “Just Edward will do, ma’am.” 
You pulled open the humidor, nimble fingers gracing along the stack of cigars beneath its lid. You chose the one with the cleanest-looking wrapping, one that looked sufficient enough as a thank-you, before offering it to him. He took it with a nod of his head, thick fingers wrapping around the base gently before pulling the kerosene vase near him. You watched the smoke roll from between his lips in a vapid crescendo, all too graceful and all too beautiful. 
“I take it you're not a prospector?” You questioned him gently, voice sure, yet smaller than his resonating alto. 
He laughed softly, the kind that heaves itself from the chest. Hearty, “No ma'am.”  
“Then how does someone like you find yourself in a place like this?” You leaned an elbow on the bar, chin resting firmly in the warmth of your palm. You tried to ignore the sweat building between the flesh. 
He looked down at the cigar between his fingers, twirling it around and feeling the paper it was rolled in, “Well I find I could ask you the same thing–”
The bell above the door was shrill in the staleness of the air, the resonance of the prior entanglement floating back up in a cloud in an attempt to re-settle over the old furniture like silt. The man that waded through its wake was tall, but not gangly, no, he did not share the demeanor of a scarecrow. He looked like he meant business.
You pulled your attention away from Edward for a brief moment, your eyes tearing from his personage and settling over the familiar face, “Hello, Sheriff.”
“Hello, ma’am.” The sheriff tipped his hat towards you in greeting, peering briefly at the man sat at the bar in front of you, “‘Ol Mudsill seems pretty shaken up, did somethin’ happen again?”
“Nothin that Edward here couldn’t handle.” You watched as his eyes flicked back and forth between you and Edward, like he was trying to piece a puzzle together but there were too many missing pieces, “Sheriff, this is Edward Munson, just unloaded from the train in Tucson.”
“Pleasure’s all mine.” He reached a broad hand out to meet with the sheriff’s. 
He accepted the offer, hands locked together in a firm grip, “Steve Harrington.” 
“Pleasure.” Edward mentioned, politely. 
“You have a place to stay, Edward?” He asked, hand still interlocked with his for a brief moment. 
“Not as of yet. Know of anyone housing?”
“I’d say the Grand Hotel just across the way.” 
The walk to the other side of the road is brief, but the sun beat down against Eddie’s back like a brand– the eyes that followed his movement, the hands that held the iron. The dust kicked up behind him and collected at the bases of his boots seemed to slow his stride as he sunk into its softness. He would have to have them polished tomorrow. 
Steve turned to him, boots casting a hollow thud as they stepped up onto the decking of The Grand Hotel, “I am inclined to ask, what exactly happened back there?”
Eddie cleared his throat, righting himself, “Just some drunk. Got all riled up when she wouldn’t serve him and started waving his gun around.”
Steve shook his head, removing his hat to run a finger through the hair beneath it, sand ripplying against his scalp beneath his finger, “Christ, well, thank you for handling that for her. She’s been through too much this year.”
“She dealt with that right on her own, sheriff, the only part I took part in was getting him out.” 
Their boots made a clunk against the sun-rotted wood on the staircase of The Grand Hotel, stairs creaking in affliction. There was a moment of silence between the two men, tense and fleeting, like there was still something to be said. 
“Her husband died last spring.” Steve finally mentioned, understanding that it wasn’t his place to tell. 
“She mentioned it.” Steve felt a relief at him knowing. He didn’t want to be the one to have to bear the shock of the statement. 
He sighed before continuing, “Shot and killed on that bar floor. ‘Couple of bandoleros robbing the place.”
“Chist–- She seemed capable.” Eddie mentioned to him, raking his hair back under his hat. He felt the sweat bead around where the band met his skin. 
“But still, no woman should ever have to bury her husband.” The sheriff said, reaching up to place nimble hands on his hips, “‘Specially not that young.”
The Grand Hotel is the essence of luxury in the west. Well, as luxurious as they could ship by train. Mahogany covered the expanse of the palace in a grandeur scale, only being broken by the pin-striped wallpaper covering the upper half of the wayne-scotted wall on the second floor. The taxidermied elk that hung above the bartop was shipped from the northern country, as were many of the axis and whitetail deer that hung on other walls. 
This seemed to be the only place in this town that a fine layer of dust hadn’t settled over. 
The velveteen nature of the drapery that hung over the stage to the left in a heavy abismality had remained nearly untouched by the traces of the desert around it. The gold of the drawstrings that held them back still contained the luster under the light. 
He couldn’t help but to search for you in the madness of coiled, unabashedly tentative curls piled on the heads of the women in the large bustles that scraped between tables and each other. You looked like you belonged here, but he knew where you would be. 
This night’s show had ended already, the lingering patrons also taking residence within the palace. The backing curtain drawn to a close and the actors retired to their quarters. Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus, overrun, overplayed. Edward thought about it. Of all the things in the world to know, why learn The Devil’s craft? He figured if it was the only thing left to know, he’d probably learn it, too. 
There is a man of about five foot, ten inches sat at the bar, elbows rested against the glossy finish of the bartop. He is a burly man, Eddie can see that even from his sitting position. Steve guides Eddie towards him, taking his own seat next to him. Eddie stayed standing. 
He looks back behind him, Steve muttering a few words that Eddie couldn't seem to hear over the drabble of lobby patrons, “Milt. County Marshall.” 
He sticks a rough hand out, and Eddie takes it in a firm clasp. 
“Edward Munson.” He shakes his hand once, Milt was a man of few words. 
Steve buys Eddie a drink. A golden bourbon, not watered down like many of the bars out west did for reserve. Real golden bourbon. An import. A thanks. 
They settled on a less-occupied corner of the palace, one that lacked faro tables and drunk patrons. On the opposite side of the baby grande that played anything its player knew how. 
“Her husband was a good man.” Steve said between sips, sweat dripping down the crystalline glass like glitter, “Too good if you’d ask me. It’s what got him killed in the first place.” 
He felt the pang in his chest, a tightening of muscles like tears, “It’s a shame. Pretty woman like that having to run that place by her lonesome.”
Steve chucked a bit in agreement, looking back over his shoulder like you would somehow appear, “That isn’t by our choice. She could have her pick if she wanted it.” He took another sip of his drink, and Eddie knew he was right. You were pretty, sullen skin like satin, hair like ribbon. He’d pay all of the money in his pocket just to touch. 
“She doesn’t?” Eddie questioned, looking over to meet Steve’s eyes. 
“I’d reckon not.”
He tried not to think about it, instead focusing on the piano. He watched the woman sat on top, the way the lace of her undergowns flowed upwards with the swing of her ankles. He watched the man play with skilled– albeit drunk– fingers. 
This place was lively, perhaps a little too lively for the hour. People still yelling obscenities and praises over faro, ice in glasses. He felt the sweat from the glass beneath his fingers, and it matched the band of it building beneath his cap. His collar felt tight, like someone had been pulling it from the back. Shouldn’t it have gotten cooler when the sun went down?
“I’d reckon I’d better turn in for the night.” He said suddenly, placing the glass down on the bar in front of him, about a milliliter of fluid left watered-down and pooling at the bottom. 
He ascended the mahogany staircase to his quarters, where he would retire for the night. However, as he stripped himself of his frock coat and underclothes, he couldn’t help to peer towards the luminescent glow coming from The Whispering Sands upper floor across the bend. 
The curtains billowed outwards towards the street below, casting a light over the sand beneath it like a halo. White linen backlit by yellow butane lighting. And there you sat, all woman. He’d have half a mind to buy you some night clothes, and the other half a mind to burn them if you even had them. 
He watched the way your skin rippled at your lower back as your bare skin pressed against your vanity stool, and the way your skin stretched over your shoulder blades as you pulled your hair to the side, raking through it with the brush in front of you. Your lips fell into a supple pout in concentration, and your lashes kissed your cheeks as you looked down. He could feel the windowsill digging into his palms, it grounded him– kept him from free-floating into the stagnant desert air. 
The Grand Hotel is a loud place, and it never sleeps. The faro games did not stop on his account, and he didn’t expect them to. He closes his eyes, a glass breaks. A fight breaks out downstairs in a triad of commotion, shuffling, and yelling. This was the first time he had been in a bed in days, yet, it felt horrendously unceremonious. Sleep would not evade him in the way he willed it. 
The flooring creaked, drunk patrons hit the wall outside of his quarters with intense, muffled thuds. Two people in the suit next to him were clearly of relation. He tried to ignore the way the oak headboard creaked and hit the wall in a rhythmic fashion. He tried his hardest not to think of you. 
This place did not sleep, and he knew he wouldn’t either. So instead, Edward collected his hat and gun, pulling his trousers back on and lazily doing his shirt back up. 
The night air had cooled some, less blistering than when the sun was out, yet it remained stale. He walked a bit, eyes still shimmering with the adjustment of light from the palace to the stark darkness of the desert. Light traveled a lot further here, darkness even further. The hum of the palace dimmed as the distance between them grew, air heavy like a barrier that stopped the noise from traveling. 
He settled himself in the soft sand beneath him, back planted firmly against the knotty base of that twisted old ironwood. Someone else still awake at this unholy hour plucked delicately at old piano keys– these ones slightly more out of tune and reverberated off of the walls with a static hum that resonated through the otherwise empty streets. Sleep evaded in a thankless percussion. 
And there you were. 
He allowed his fingers to trail over the delicate expanse of your shoulder, brushing soft curls over its bridge. Soft presses of his mouth trailed from your year to the valley of your clavicle. He pressed your gowns down your shoulder as he went, the loose garment sliding off with ease.
In your glorious, supple nature. All woman all the time. Your hands, nimble and soft, were forceful against his chest as you pushed him back against plush white linens. Fingers as sure as death and as right as rain. The haze from the butane lamp cast a glow around you, baby hairs illuminating around your head like a halo. 
Slowly now, but with an urgency, you right yourself in between his knees, undoing the buttons of his shirt in a way that made him want to beg just to feel a finger brush against his skin. He whined as he watched you with wide eyes.
His buckle made impressions on the inside of your thigh, a welcome breeze blew through the open window, gracing the overlaying flesh in a ritual of human intimacy. Songs of “Oh- Gods” and small giggles creating perfect songs- a gathering drum backing and an underlying hum of the desert around you. You could feel his hands on your back, fingers his fingers unwrapping you from linen bed sheet confines and introducing you to your own bedroom like an heirloom– a home in which you yourself haunted. The palms of your hands feeling the smooth surface of stone beneath the skin, and the dewey droplets from his own flesh dampened them with a waxy residue. 
His fingers pressed firmly into the plush of your outer thighs, and your skin was soft. Calves skin, another import. Too soft for this place. Too soft for this sadness. 
“So soft.” He whispered, voice a tenor to its usual pitch. 
He watched where your bodies connected, the way you slid up and down on him, the way his fingers rippled your skin where they dug in, the gyration of your hips. Your hair is down this time, braid long since combed through, and the ends of it tickle as they brush against him. 
“God, Nellie.” He isn’t particularly introspective or anything, but he does know that he’ll never feel something like this again. 
Your tender touch a velvety petal trailed down the expanse of his chest where it heaves, nothing left to impede your touch. No overcoats, no holster or gun. Your hands like the claws of the bobcat pawing into the sand where his heart lay in an unmarked grave.
“Edward,” You whispered against the shell of his ear, his hands pressing the center of your back to bring you close against your chest. It was a plea. It read like a prayer. “Take me, please.” 
His upward thrust slowed from long, meaningful bass crescendos to harsh uneven staccatos. Your breaths became erratic in nature to match. Your release washed over you like a storm, rolling and violent and all at once. His own followed suit. 
Edward realized then that this was how the west would be won. If it wasn’t, he’d wage the war himself. 
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Island of Glass--
Why would Aphrodite emerge here-- on coasts of broken glass, shattered prayer beads, and bullet casings taken from the last gun?
A lonely island born out of octopus ink-- names written on bleached beaches, sand drifting away to concrete temples to an aborted modernity.
Silence dances with the scent of mandarin oranges; snakes slither across fig trees, tempting the next person to take one, then curse its branches to wither until only the roots sing feeble laments of a sweeter time,
before the clocks stopped and their arms, broken.
Taking ambrosia only dooms one to the wretched fate of watching a sword lay on the grass, but preferring a grenade to cause damage.
To be eternal is to be martyred, with a halo of tangled dark hair, nets meant to capture fish bones with landmines and pencils and uranium alike.
Why would Aphrodite make herself known here? Somewhere where even the Panagia cannot make miracles, one where even the softest of hearts are still made of opal. --Elda Mengisto
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lieslab · 3 months
The depths between: Chapter nine
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Trigger warning: Animal death
Chapter eight
꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎ ꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎ ꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎
Deep in the woods, it finally sunk in. It was a baseball bat to the pit of your stomach. You were on some sort of island all alone. You didn’t have another human around and the truth? You had no idea how to survive. 
Sure, you had learned about shipwrecks before becoming a crew member on the ship. You learned about survival, but you barely paid attention. It was rare, people had told you. The ship is so big and with radio signals and fellow boats, there’d be nothing to worry about. 
The ship had life vests and extra boats. Ever since the Titanic, and with the help of modern innovation, protocols were put into place. You knew how to help rescue someone who had fallen overboard, but you never thought it’d be yourself. You never thought you’d be the one lost at sea. 
Tropical plants were overgrown. Out here, they received plenty of sunshine and rain. You glanced around, but nothing caught your eye. Even if you managed to gather sticks to start a fire, you didn’t know how to. It was a lie, you knew how, but you didn’t have anything to start it with. 
Sure, you could try classic friction and rubbing two sticks together, but you doubted it. Felix was a siren who lived in the water. There’d be nothing to help you on his end. 
A siren. You blinked your eyes, trying not to cry. You tried to seem so put together, but it was so bizarre. Sure, you knew so much of the ocean was unexplored and you knew that people talked about them, but to know they truly existed? It was flabbergasting and beyond your capabilities of knowledge. 
Were you sure that you weren’t dead? The more you thought about it, the more it made your stomach twist. Stuck on a physical island and a metaphorical anxiety island, you were doomed. You could feel it in the pit of your stomach. 
Even if you wrote a signal for sos, how many planes had you seen on the cruise? Barely any. They all had their own paths and not every plane soared across the ocean, there was always a hint of danger. 
“It’s okay, just breathe,” you mumbled out loud. “You’re perfectly fine and just stuck on an island in the middle of nowhere. Surely, someone will realize you’re missing and alert the captain. Someone will have to find you.” Your hands reached up and rubbed your face. 
In a time of terror, you needed to be optimistic, for your own mental sanity. If those what-ifs flooded in, you’d break down. You needed to focus on the positives and try to stay upbeat. Sucking in a deep breath, you were about to walk further into the forest when something slithered across your bare foot. 
In response, your foot jerked. A blur of green and a small hiss filled the air. When you saw the green begin to slither towards you, you shrieked, spun around, and ran for your life. 
On the shore, Felix was pinching the heads off shrimp. Maybe fish was a bad idea and shrimp were simpler. Without you being around, he was popping off the heads, consuming them, and placing the meaty tails in a pile. It was going well until your shriek caught his attention. 
He looked up with wide eyes to find you rushing from the treeline. Still screaming at the top of your lungs, you rushed across the sand and dived headfirst into the water. From the distance, Felix’s body tensed up. He waited for a person or an animal to rush out from behind you, but nothing happened. 
“Are you okay?” He called out and shifted to glance over at you. 
You were breathing heavily with your wet hair sticking to the sides of your face. You frantically shook your head and paddled in the water. 
“What happened?” 
His eyebrows furrowed and he pushed his pile of shrimp off to the side. “Did you get bit?” 
You shook your head and swallowed. “I don’t think so, it just…” You trailed off realizing how foolish you must have looked. You shut your eyes and let your body sink into the weightless water. “It scared me.” 
“As long as you’re not injured, that’s all that really matters. Did you find sticks for a fire?” 
“Screw that! I’m not going back there! That thing was huge!” You shivered just thinking about it. “It ran over my foot and I kicked it accidentally.” 
Felix had to bite down on his bottom lip to stop himself from laughing. You must have been terrified, but your fear paired with the image of a snake soaring through the air made him want to laugh. What a sight it must have been to see. 
“Well, I’m sorry. Are you okay now?” 
“Yeah, but I suppose I’ll just lay here on the beach or whatever.” You sighed and began to swim back towards the shore. 
“I made you some shrimp! Well, it’s more like I collected them for you. They’re not cooked, but you can eat raw shrimp.” 
“Doesn’t that risk food poisoning?” 
“You are stranded on an island with nobody around. Desperate times call for desperate measures.” He shrugged and held up one of the pale pink creatures. “How bad could it really be?” 
| ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ |
Next part: Chapter ten
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Pairings: Aemond Targaryen x Reader, Daemon Targaryen x Reader (MODERN)
Description: A new promotion at work prompts you to move into a small modest town with your boyfriend, Aemond Targaryen. There you meet a few friendly faces. It seems like life is going where it's supposed to. That is until you meet your new boss, Daemon Targaryen, who is your boyfriend's estranged uncle.
It doesn't help with the fact that you've been having dreams about him since birth.
masterlist | chapter twenty
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After the conversation, Olenna left the both of you alone - she figured that giving you time to think was important. "He murdered someone. Bloody crazy." you mumbled, retracing the conversations that you had with him - searching for signs that he was only showing you a facade of what he was.
"I knew that he was unhinged, but not fucking mad." he replied rubbing circles on his palms.
When a Targaryen is born, the gods flip a coin - madness and greatness are their two sides.
"That could've been me," you huffed, forgetting about the coffee in front of you. Aemond has always been - different, anger pumped through his veins and his emotions changed as easily as he breathed. "I wanna get the hell out of here, Daemon." you added, finding comfort in his presence.
"I don't want to see anyone that we know. I don't wanna see Aegon, or Helaena or Alicent." you rambled off, remembering the times that they defended Aemond's hostility towards you. They didn't harm you - but they tolerated the harm that was happening to you.
He would scream at you in front of them, talk about indecent things in your presence, and all that they could say was: it was normal.
Yes, it was normal.
It was normal for Aemond to act that way, but it didn't make it right.
Daemon watches you descend into the past. His hands snake towards the small of your back, comforting you silently with his warm palms. He could see right though you - every neuron and thought that went through your brain.
"Did they know about the murder?" you ask, eyes narrowing at the thought of death. Alicent was a good person, but a mother will go through lengths to protect her children.
He leans into his chair. He takes a deep breath before opening his mouth. "Apparently, Aegon testified in his defense." he answered truthfully, recalling the words that were written in the report. "Fuck, that's messed up." you cursed, burying your head in your palms.
"I-I don't think I can ever look at them in the same way again." you stuttered, a permanent title was etched above their names. Criminals and defenders.
"You don't have to look at them again. We can move away from here - and forget all about them. You studied five-years in law. You can continue studying if you want to." he offered, retracting his hand and playing with his watch.
He's been thinking about leaving for a long time. He's been wanting to finish his Ph.D since he's stepped foot inside Dragonview. He only stayed because there was a reason to stay.
"I'd love that."
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(Five-Years Later)
It's been five years since you disappeared off the face of the earth. You can still remember the day that you left: May 8, 2023 - and everything after that was pure bliss.
You and Daemon quickly moved into Switzerland, enjoying the snow - and the scenery around you. He finished studying for his Ph.D a few years quicker than he was supposed to - you however postponed finishing your law degree. Instead, you focused on teaching kinder-gardeners and healing from your scars. The both of you were lucky to welcome your first child, Maekar Targaryen.
After Switzerland - you moved to Siargao.
The warm sand was kissing your barefoot. The shoreline was beautiful in the morning, but the sun was far different than what they had in Canada. There was humidity in the air, and the sun felt like razor blades in the afternoon.
"Do you wanna go for a swim?" Daemon asks while pulling your hand closer to the water.
"It's not safe yet, I don't want to get stung." you whined but he keeps laughing and pulling you inside the water.
The water was warm - slightly colder than the sand. It was comforting to be in paradise - the constant feel of the current on your legs, and his warm hands that were wrapped around yours.
"They're not gonna bite you, I promise." he smiled, placing a soft kiss on your cheek. He was enjoying life - the both of you were. "The last time we took a morning swim, I had to get hauled to the hospital." you recall and he shakes his head.
"I'm sorry for that," he laughed, as the both of you walked deeper into the water. The seaweed was tickling your feet. You tried to avoid the corals and the fishes. The smell of salt-water flooded your nose. You remove your hand from his own. You lift both of your arms, holding onto him for balance.
You couldn't reach the water anymore - and he was the only person tall enough to reach it at this point. "It's nice here," you mumbled, burying your face in the crook of his neck. He smelled like home.
"Let's stay here for a while." you add, his hands wrap around you for balance. "We should live here - I'll buy a house right there, beside the celebrity's house - so Maekar can swim whenever he wants to." he imagined, earning a playful glare from you.
"And who's going to watch him?" you huffed, his hands wrap around you tighter. "Me." he answered, reaching for your jaw with his free hands - pulling you closer and bridging your lips together.
His lips tasted like salt, but his mouth was sweet.
"I love you, Dae."
"I love you too."
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You walked slowly to your beach-chair - hair dripping with water. Maekar and the maid were sitting on one of the chairs, watching the sun shine. Your little boy liked being on the beach - he also hated wearing sunscreen, much to your dismay.
He was wily, and talkative. He blabbered about a subject, but none could understand what he was talking about - he was only four months old anyways. He always reached for your hair, bite his father's fingers - and laugh at everything he saw.
He was half of your soul. You love him with all of your heart.
You fish for the phone inside of your bag. There were a few notifications from work and pilates, but one of them managed to catch your eye - it was Rhaenyra messaging you from the abyss.
NYRA 5:49AM It's been a while. I was hoping that you and Daemon could come back here. It's very important. NYRA 5:49AM As you know...Alicent's been struggling with her disease for a long time now. She died peacefully inside her house. Aegon and his kids were there, but she's getting buried a few days from now and none of us know where you are. NYRA 6:00AM It would mean the world for us if you attended. The funeral's being held in the Clubhouse, come whenever. 💚
You read out the long message, tears flooding your vision as the news became too heavy for you to bear. "Daemon!" you call out to him and he emerges from the waves, wearing a badge of confusion.
"Yeah?" he asked, reaching for the towel on the sand. He wraps it around his torso - eyebrows merging into each other as he sees the tears that were flowing from your irises. "Alicent's dead." you informed, before wrapping your arms around him in grief.
"Oh no," he replied, combing through your hair.
He didn't believe that Alicent was part of the family - but she was the mother of his niece and nephews. She suffered under the abuse of her husband, his brother, and that earned her respect. Her existence didn't leave a mark on his life - but it left a mark on yours.
"We need to be there, I need to see her." you pleaded and he nodded his head. He could never disagree with you. "I'll book the tickets. We'll take the quickest flight out of here." he promised while turning his head towards his baby boy. "Hello, Maekar." he leaned down on the chair, taking the boy out of Liz's hold.
"We'll bring him. His cousins should meet him." you inform, staring lovingly at the little boy. He tried to reach for your hair, but Daemon pulls him away.
"You silly boy, always reaching for mama's hair." he chuckles, rocking the baby gently.
next chapter>>
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taglist: @urmomsgirlfriend1 @namelesslosers @immyowndefender @ammo2022 @perihelioneclipse @gracielikegrapes @joliettes @ammo23
ONE LAST CHAPTER (for my own self-indulgence)
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