#modern house plan arizona
resdraft · 5 months
Exploring Arizona's Unique Architecture: Drafting Homes in Arizona
The drafting and design plans of Arizona's homes reflects the state's rich cultural heritage and its unique relationship with the desert environment. From historic adobe dwellings to modern eco-friendly designs, Arizona's homes are a testament to the ingenuity of architects and builders who have adapted to the challenges of living in one of the most extreme climates in the United States.
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rolandsbeanies · 1 year
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Exterior - Stucco Mid-sized minimalist two-story exterior stucco home design example
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sgtpeppersofab · 1 year
Exterior - Stucco
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Mid-sized minimalist two-story exterior stucco home design example
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batboyblog · 4 months
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week #20
May 24-31 2024
The EPA awards $900 million to school districts across the country to replace diesel fueled school buses with cleaner alternatives. The money will go to 530 school districts across nearly every state, DC, tribal community, and US territory. The funds will help replace 3,400 buses with cleaner alternatives, 92% of the new buses will be 100% green electric. This adds to the $3 billion the Biden administration has already spent to replace 8,500 school buses across 1,000 school districts in the last 2 years.
For the first time the federal government released guidelines for Voluntary Carbon Markets. Voluntary Carbon Markets are a system by which companies off set their carbon emissions by funding project to fight climate change like investing in wind or solar power. Critics have changed that companies are using them just for PR and their funding often goes to projects that would happen any ways thus not offsetting emissions. The new guidelines seek to insure integrity in the Carbon Markets and make sure they make a meaningful impact. It also pushes companies to address emissions first and use offsets only as a last resort.
The IRS announced it'll take its direct file program nationwide in 2025. In 2024 140,000 tax payers in 12 states used the direct file pilot program and the IRS now plans to bring it to all Americans next tax season. Right now the program is only for simple W-2 returns with no side income but the IRS has plans to expand it to more complex filings in the future. This is one of the many projects at the IRS being funded through President Biden's Inflation Reduction Act.
The White House announced steps to boost nuclear energy in America. Nuclear power in the single largest green energy source in the country accounting for 19% of America's total energy. Boosting Nuclear energy is a key part of the Biden administration's strategy to reach a carbon free electricity sector by 2035. The administration has invested in bring the Palisades nuclear plant in Michigan back on-line, and extending the life of Diablo Canyon in California. In addition the Military will be deploying new small modular nuclear reactors and microreactors to power its installations. The Administration is setting up a task force to help combat the delays and cost overruns that have often derailed new nuclear projects and the Administration is supporting two Gen III+ SMR demonstration projects to highlight the safety and efficiency of the next generation of nuclear power.
The Department of Agriculture announced $824 million in new funding to protect livestock health and combat H5N1. The funding will go toward early detection, vaccine research, and supporting farmers impacted. The USDA is also launching a nation wide Dairy Herd Status Pilot Program, hopefully this program will give us a live look at the health of America's dairy herd and help with early detection. The Biden Administration has reacted quickly and proactively to the early cases of H5N1 to make sure it doesn't spread to the human population and become another pandemic situation.
The White House announced a partnership with 21 states to help supercharge America's aging energy grid. Years of little to no investment in America's Infrastructure has left our energy grid lagging behind the 21st century tech. This partnership aims to squeeze all the energy we can out of our current system while we rush to update and modernize. Last month the administration announced a plan to lay 100,000 miles of new transmission lines over the next five years. The 21 states all with Democratic governors are Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Washington, and Wisconsin.
The Department of Transportation announced $343 million to update 8 of America's oldest and busiest transportation stations for disability accessibility. These include the MBTA's the Green Line's light-rail B and C branches in Boston,  Cleveland's Blue Line, New Orleans'  St. Charles Streetcar route, and projects in San Francisco and New York City and other locations
The Department of interior announced two projects for water in Western states. $179 million for drought resilience projects in California and Utah and $242 million for expanding water access in California, Colorado and Washington. The projects should help support drinking water for 6.4 million people every year.
HUD announced $150 million for affordable housing for tribal communities. This adds to the over $1 billion dollars for tribal housing announced earlier in the month. Neil Whitegull of the Ho-Chunk Nation said at the announcement "I know a lot of times as Native Americans we've been here and we've seen people that have said, ‘Oh yeah, we'd like to help Indians.’ And they take a picture and they go away. We never see it, But there's been a commitment here, with the increase in funding, grants, and this administration that is bringing their folks out. And there's a real commitment, I think, to Native American tribes that we've never seen before."
Secretary of State Antony Blinken pledged $135 million to help Moldavia. Since the outbreak of Russia's war against neighboring Ukraine the US has given $774 million in aid to tiny Moldavia. Moldavia has long been dependent on Russian energy but thanks to US investment in the countries energy security Moldavia is breaking away from Russia and moving forward with EU membership.
The US and Guatemala launched the "Youth With Purpose” initiative. The initiative will be run through the Central America Service Corps, launched in 2022 by Vice President Harris the CASC is part of the Biden Administration's efforts to improve life in Central America. The Youth With Purpose program will train 25,000 young Guatemalans and connect with with service projects throughout the country.
Bonus: Today, May 31st 2024, is the last day of the Affordable Connectivity Program. The program helped 23 million Americans connect to the internet while saving them $30 to $75 dollars every month. Despite repeated calls from President Biden Republicans in Congress have refused to act to renew the program. The White House has worked with private companies to get them to agree to extend the savings to the end of 2024. The Biden Administration has invested $90 Billion high-speed internet investments. Such as $42.45 billion for Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment, $1 billion for the The Middle Mile program laying 12,000 miles of regional fiber networks, and distributed nearly 30,000 connected devices to students and communities, including more than 3,600 through the Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program
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creative-anchorage · 1 year
If you were to imagine the first car-free neighborhood built from scratch in the modern US, it would be difficult to conceive such a thing sprouting from the environs of Phoenix, Arizona. [...] But it is here that such a neighborhood, called Culdesac, [...] an unusual experiment has emerged that invites Americans to live in a way that is rare outside of fleeting experiences of college, Disneyland or trips to Europe: a walkable, human-scale community devoid of cars.
[...] The apartments are also mixed in with amenities, such as a grocery store, restaurant, yoga studio and bicycle shop, that are usually separated from housing by strict city zoning laws. ... “It’s positively European, somewhere between Mykonos and Ibiza,” said Jeff Speck, a city planner and urban designer who took a tour of Culdesac earlier this year. “It is amazing how much the urbanism improves, both in terms of experience and efficiency, when you don’t need to store automobiles.” ... [C]ar dependence has been reinforced by zoning laws that not only separate residential from commercial developments, but require copious parking spots added for every new construction. “The result is a nation in which we are all ruthlessly separated from most of our daily needs and also from each other,” Speck said.
Culdesac can be seen, then, as not only a model for more climate-friendly housing – transportation is the US’s largest source of planet-heating emissions and, studies have shown, suburban sprawl fuels more of the pollution causing the climate crisis – but as a way of somehow stitching back together communities that have become physically, socially and politically riven, lacking a “third place” to congregate other than dislocated homes and workplaces. ... Vanessa Fox, a 32-year-old who moved into Culdesac with her husky dog in May, had always wanted to live in a walkable place only to find such options unaffordable. For her, Culdesac provided a sense of community without having to rely on a car every time she left her apartment. “For some, cars equal freedom, but for me, it’s a restriction,” she said. “Freedom is being able to just simply walk out and access places.” ... Driving to places is so established as a basic norm that deviation from it can seem not only strange, as evidenced by a lack of pedestrian infrastructure that has contributed to a surge in people dying from being hit by cars in recent years, but even somewhat sinister. People walking late at night, particularly if they are Black, are regularly accosted by police – in June, the city of Kaplan, Louisiana, even introduced a curfew for people walking or riding bikes, but not for car drivers.
If neighborhoods like Culdesac are to become more commonplace, then, cities will not only have to alter their planning codes, but there will also have to be a cultural switch from the ideal of a large suburban home with an enormous car in the driveway. [...]
Johnson, who said he is planning to bring the Culdesac concept to other cities, is upbeat about this. “This is something that the majority of the US wants, so they can work all over the country,” he said. “We have heard from cities and residents all over the country that they want more of this, and this is something that we want to build more.”
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The ”Circular Sun House” in Phoenix, Arizona is the last house Frank Lloyd Wright designed. It was built in 1967, has 3bd. 3ba. and for sale for $8.950M.
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This is one of only 14 circular homes that Wright designed.  Overlapping concentric circles create a flowing, open floor plan with every room featuring stunning views of Palm Canyon and the city below.
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The interior features Philippine mahogany handcrafted throughout and comes with all the mid-century modern furnishings that you see in the photos.
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Most of the home’s windows avoid direct sunlight, yet the interior is filled with light.
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The library features a tribute to Frank Lloyd Wright.
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Even the kitchen is circular. 
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The long circular hallways have lots of storage cabinetry.
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The main bd. is light-filled and spacious.
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The en-suite bath is huge and circular.
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Look at the copper colored mosaics. 
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An additional home office.
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This 2nd bd. is a good size and also has good natural light and an en-suite.
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Stairs lead to this home office on the 2nd level. It kind of resembles a space ship.
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The crescent-shaped pool is lined with mother-of-pearl!
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The house sits on a 1.32 acre lot, but this is the entertaining space. 
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The concrete block construction is meant to resemble the surrounding boulders.
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mariacallous · 7 months
“After years of accusations of financial mismanagement, the Republican National Committee is overhauling its 2024 election operations—a full-on MAGA makeover that the RNC claims will curb excessive spending and steer as much money as possible to supporting Donald Trump’s campaign,” the Daily Beast reports.
“But it appears that one of those strategic spending moves may have a profound effect on a successful minority outreach program, potentially erasing gains with groups of gettable new voters who have cooled on the Democratic Party.”
After years of accusations of financial mismanagement, the Republican National Committee is overhauling its 2024 election operations—a full-on MAGA makeover that the RNC claims will curb excessive spending and steer as much money as possible to supporting Donald Trump’s campaign.
But it appears that one of those strategic spending moves may have a profound effect on a successful minority outreach program, which two people with knowledge of the plans characterized as self-defeating, potentially erasing gains with groups of gettable new voters who have cooled on the Democratic Party.
As one of the sources put it to The Daily Beast, the tagline might as well be “Make the RNC White Again.”
The program at issue is an initiative from the 2022 midterms where RNC field staff engaged voters through gatherings and events held at community centers in areas with heavy minority populations, most specifically Latino communities.
In January, The Messenger reported that the RNC had already shuttered most of the nearly two dozen Hispanic Community Centers that served as the base for the program, leaving just five open. (The Messenger’s content vanished when it went out of business shortly thereafter, but the article was captured by the nonprofit Internet Archive.)
At the time, however, the RNC chalked the closures up as a temporary byproduct of its budget cycle. However, the organization also announced that it was preparing to double down on these efforts for 2024, opening 40 new centers in Latino, Black, Asian American, Native American, Jewish, and veteran communities across the country. That would include establishing outposts in key battlegrounds like Las Vegas, Nevada, Tuscon, Arizona, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and Allentown, Pennsylvania, The Messenger reported.
Jaime Florez, the RNC’s Hispanic communications director, told The Messenger that “Democrats have taken the Hispanic community for granted for far too long” and vowed that the RNC planned to capitalize on those opportunities.
“Republicans will continue to make historic investments in Hispanic voter outreach, from opening more community centers to launching ‘Deposita Tu Voto’, that will further our gains with Hispanic voters and deliver Republican victories in 2024,” Florez said at the time.
But two people with knowledge of the plans told The Daily Beast that the RNC has decided to scrap that effort. Instead, the people said, the community center program now appears to be another casualty of the RNC’s recent restructuring—a bloodbath that has already claimed several dozen jobs, including senior leadership posts, along with the apparent decimation of field operations and other strategic realignments that could come at the cost of Republican candidates across the country not fortunate enough to be named Trump.
Instead of going after minority voters, the RNC apparently plans to remake itself even more in Trump’s image.
While the size and complexity of modern presidential races demands close coordination between the candidate’s campaign and the national party, the unique pressures on Trump and the RNC—external and internal—forced a reckoning that has taken that standard teambuilding exercise to a new realm.
The catalyst for those events is the very real prospect of financial crisis now facing the two groups, thanks to stratospheric personal legal costs on Trump’s part and unsustainable fundraising and spending for both organizations. Coupled with demands for unconditional fealty to the MAGA brand—which have exacerbated fault lines within the party—the RNC found itself at an inflection point coming into 2024.
To resolve the tension, Trump essentially took control of the RNC. He forced out longtime chair Ronna McDaniel, replacing her with a trio of MAGA loyalists—including his own daughter-in-law, Lara Trump—who uprooted some of the RNC’s most experienced staff and welded the two organizations into what amounts to a single-purpose machine designed to fuel Trump’s attempt to reclaim the White House.
While one short-term goal is to minimize costs, the moves could come at great political expense in the long term, especially for down-ballot candidates who depend on the RNC for critical funding and other resources. But there are other intangible losses, like the exodus of talent, a blooming vacuum of institutional knowledge, and sapping momentum from field projects like the community center program.
That project not only had promise, it came at the right time. After ignoring their own “autopsy” of the GOP’s 2012 presidential loss, many Republicans began to court minority voters in the wake of Trump’s 2016 win. As paradoxical as that may seem, given Trump’s rhetoric and policies, those efforts appear to be bearing some fruit.
Today, a sizable portion of minority voters—historically a reliable well of Democratic support—have exhibited a disaffection with the party, particularly in younger demographics, drifting towards Republicans who champion conservative ideologies that have long been culturally ingrained in those communities but had not in themselves inspired voters to change parties.
There are competing explanations for this shift. For instance, some analysts argue it’s more an expression of educational shifts than of racial realignment. But no matter the underlying cause, after Trump’s decisive 2020 defeat in the popular vote, the RNC set about trying to connect with Hispanic groups on the grassroots level.
The community centers were key to that effort. They were viewed as a success and point of pride, sources with knowledge of the project told The Daily Beast. The Messenger described the project’s pitch as “a dream intersection of fun, civic life, candidate recruitment, and GOTV muscle,” reporting that in the midterms the centers hosted events like toy drives, religious services, holiday meals, cultural celebrations—and, for some reason, cryptocurrency workshops.
“Community centers continued to pop up in Hispanic communities and positive headlines continued to flow,” The Messenger reported.
While it’s difficult to measure the cost of these programs, people familiar with the effort shrugged off the expenses as comparatively minimal, especially given the positive preliminary returns. Most of the overhead, they said, would be related to renting space for the centers, along with staffing expenses and incidentals for events.
The RNC previously indicated that the rationalization for temporarily closing the centers was financial, considering the party’s cash woes. But if that’s also the explanation for a permanent shutdown, the savings would be thin.
Federal Election Commission filings show that in 2022, the RNC spent a grand total of just over $2 million on rent, with much of it going to campaigns and state and local parties for joint field work in the midterms. But some outlays give an idea of the cost—such as the $3,500 per month that the RNC paid to “No Limits Community Development” in Georgia. By comparison, around the same time, the RNC agreed to pay $1.6 million to cover Trump’s personal legal costs.
These rent payments also wouldn’t divert a penny of the RNC’s political money. Instead, the rent expenses came out of the party’s “building” account, a specially segregated bank account that can only be tapped for expenses related to buildings and maintenance.
The Daily Beast reached out to an RNC spokesperson for comment, who provided a statement from Trump campaign communications director Steven Cheung. The statement called the criticism of the community center closures “racist” and “complete bullshit,” but did not deny that the program had shut down.
“The racist accusations about the RNC and Trump campaign are complete bullshit, President Trump did more to benefit minority communities during his first term than any other President, especially Crooked Joe Biden, and that’s why he’s polling better with Black and Hispanic Americans,” Cheung said in the statement. (The metric Trump most favors to measure his efficacy as an advocate for the Black community—Black unemployment—reached new record lows under Biden.)
Cheung was apparently referencing a recent New York Times/Siena poll that put Trump 6 points ahead of President Joe Biden in Hispanic voters—a major shift, but in line with the recent inroads that Trump and the GOP have made in certain Latino communities, like southern Florida.
However, the same poll showed that, while Biden’s support among Black voters has appeared to weaken, he still holds a 66-23 lead in that demographic over Trump, who has repeatedly expressed that his multiple criminal indictments are something he has in common with the Black community.
“I think that’s why the Black people are so much on my side now," Trump told attendees at an event for Black conservatives in South Carolina last month. "Because they see what’s happening to me happens to them.”
“President Trump will only continue to make gains with minority communities, just as he did from 2016 to 2020, no matter what the lowlifes at the Daily Beast report,” Cheung added.
The shuttered community outreach program would certainly be one way to do so. But that program was not an entirely smooth ride. It had its critics even within the GOP, who argued that while the initial effort was commendable, minority outreach works best as a long-term, continual investment, not an election-year burst of interest.
“They tried; we appreciate that,” Daniel Garza, executive director of grassroots Latino outreach group the LIBRE Initiative, told The Messenger in January. “But you have to have people on the inside who can advise you—these are long-term things that need to be backed by resources.”
In fairness, some projects themselves had setbacks. In Oklahoma City, the RNC Hispanic Community Center—which has since shuttered—got off to a rocky start.
At the opening of the site in July of 2022, the RNC honored Jonathan Hernandez, president of the Oklahoma College Republicans and a political operative in the state. But Hernandez was arrested less than a week later on charges of indecent or lewd acts with a minor and forcible oral sodomy. He pleaded guilty, got a five-year suspended sentence, and was ordered to register as a sex offender.
After the charges, he had no further involvement with the community center. Now, no one else will either.
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waterfrontrentalsmesa · 2 months
Luxury Riverfront Getaway with Private Pool in Arizona
Welcome to our Luxury Riverfront Getaway with a Private Pool in Mesa, Arizona! Nestled in the heart of Mesa, AZ 85202, our exquisite lake house offers an unparalleled vacation experience. Imagine waking up to serene lake views, enjoying a refreshing dip in your private pool, and unwinding in a beautifully designed, spacious home.
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Our Arizona lake house vacation rental is perfect for families, couples, or anyone looking to escape the hustle and bustle of daily life. The property features modern amenities, stylish decor, and all the comforts of home. Whether you're planning a relaxing retreat or an adventurous getaway, our riverfront haven has something for everyone.
Explore the natural beauty of Mesa, with nearby hiking trails, water activities, and vibrant local culture. After a day of exploration, return to your luxury rental to relax by the pool, cook a gourmet meal in the fully-equipped kitchen, or simply enjoy the stunning sunset views from the patio.
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Located just a short drive from Phoenix, our lake house offers the perfect blend of tranquility and convenience. Book your stay at our Luxury Riverfront Getaway today and experience the ultimate Arizona vacation rental. Discover why our guests rave about this hidden gem in Mesa, AZ!
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Is Havasu a good place to live?
Lake Havasu City is an exceptional place to live, boasting 300 days of sunshine annually, a low cost of living, and a vibrant community. Its proximity to various social clubs and a plethora of outdoor activities, including kayaking, Arizona golfing, fishing, and boating, makes it an ideal spot for both adventure and relaxation. While it's often celebrated as a premier retirement destination in Arizona, the city's dynamic atmosphere and diverse recreational opportunities appeal to residents of all ages.
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Is Lake Havasu family-friendly?
Lake Havasu is an ideal family-friendly destination, offering a plethora of activities for all ages. Families can delight in water-based adventures such as swimming, boating, paddleboarding, and fishing, while those who prefer staying on land can enjoy hiking, offroading, and mountain biking. The city is dotted with parks and playgrounds, ensuring kids have plenty of space to explore and play. With its diverse range of attractions and scenic beauty, Lake Havasu promises a memorable experience for every family member.
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bad-fucking-omens · 10 months
The Witch Twin (Alec V. x OC) - Chapter 20 - Home
Summary: When I thought about my future, I was sure that I had the rest of my life vaguely planned out.
Then, my older sister moved up from Arizona to stay with us — and turned my entire life upside down.
I had no idea just how bad it had gotten until I was standing in a castle in Italy, convinced that I was about to die.
Length: 3.1K words (Complete fic 71.8K words)
Fic warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, death, explicit smut (M/F), referenced/implied past child abuse, emotional manipulation by sibling
Chapter warnings: Explicit smut [M/F, oral (fem receiving), P in V sex]
Read on AO3 or read below
20. HOME
Alec held my hand in his as we drove through the gates of Volterra, towards the rolling Italian countryside that surrounded the small city.
We were going to look at a couple nearby villas that Heidi had scouted for us. We had explained to her what we wanted in a home and she had compiled a list of ten villas for us to look at. Both of the villas we were looking at today were close to Volterra and fairly secluded, as they each came with a big estate that would not allow any humans to see or hear us from the boundaries of the property. Heidi had arranged for us to tour each property without a realtor and she had given us the keys yesterday.
We pulled up to the large, wrought iron gate that belonged to the first property we were touring. Alec quickly got out of the white Lamborghini he was driving to unlock the gate and push it open. He returned to the car and drove us up the long, smooth driveway.
“Oh, it’s gorgeous,” I breathed when the villa finally came into view.
The two-story, Renaissance era villa was made of a light beige colored stone and roofed with red terracotta tiles. There was a separate, smaller, one-story building that seemed to be a garage a bit further down the driveway. The grounds that surrounded the house consisted of a neatly trimmed lawn and, beyond that, lots of trees that would provide us even more privacy.
Alec parked the car in front of the villa and we got out. We walked towards the large, double doors of the front entrance. Alec unlocked them and pushed the door open, gesturing for me to enter the villa first.
The interior of the villa was mostly modern, though it was clear that whomever had updated the villa had tried their best to keep the original walls and architecture — old wooden beams crossed along the ceilings, the walls were a cream-colored stucco, and the floors were made of a dark grey, polished stone.
The foyer that we had stepped into allowed us to see up to the second story, which was lined with a wrought-iron railing that also lined the staircases on either side of the mezzanine.
“It really is beautiful,” Alec murmured softly as we moved to the living room, which was to the left of the foyer.
Bright sunlight poured into the room from the tall arched windows that stretched almost the entire height of the walls. The room was decorated with modern, light-grey, plush couches, a matching armchair, and a large oak coffee table. A stone fireplace was on one of the interior walls, with beautiful, Renaissance paintings hanging on either side of it. An ornate, iron chandelier hung from the ceiling.
“There’s so much light.”
I stepped into one of the sun spots. Thousands of tiny rainbows scattered across the walls and floor of the room from my crystalline skin.
Alec wrapped his arms around my waist. “I wish we never had to hide. . . . I wish I could show you the world without having to hide under clouds or in the middle of the night.”
I leaned back into him and replied softly, “I don’t care how I see the world — in sunlight or darkness. As long as you’re by my side, I’ll be perfectly happy.”
He huffed out a soft laugh, then pressed a kiss to my cheek. “You’re adorable and incredibly sweet.”
We stood there for a few more moments, simply soaking up the sun and each other’s love. Finally, we broke apart and began to tour the other rooms.
The room that led off from the other side of the foyer was a library the size of the living room. Every wall was lined with expensive, dark oak bookshelves that were currently empty. The plush carpet that covered the floor was a light grey that matched the curtains that hung over the tall, arched windows. Two very comfortable-looking, brown, leather armchairs sat in front of the windows with a small side table placed between them.
There were two more rooms on the first floor. One was an office that had a single wall lined with bookshelves, and a beautiful view to the grounds behind the house.
The other room was a large bedroom that had an ensuite bathroom and a walk-in closet that was nearly double the size of the one we had at the castle. The floor of the bedroom was made of the same dark stone as most of the villa. A king-sized bed was pushed up against one of the walls, beneath a large, horizontal window. A single glass door led out to the back of the patio.
We stepped through the door onto the patio. A large pergola covered the patio, its wooden beams wrapped in fragrant honeysuckle that kept the area well shaded. Two cream-colored couches that were meant to be out in the mild Italian weather were arranged in an L-shape around a white marble table. The tiled patio extended beyond the pergola and surrounded a large, rectangular pool.
“Mm, that pool would definitely get a lot of use,” I commented, throwing a smirk over my shoulder at Alec.
“Oh, is that so?” he replied, a smirk curling on his own lips as he approached me. Alec set his hands on my hips and pulled me back against his chest.
“Mhm,” I hummed and leaned into his touch. I enjoyed teasing him. “I mean, I doubt either of us will be able to keep our hands off each other when all we’re wearing is a swimsuit . . . or nothing at all.”
“Fuck.” Alec’s grip on my hips tightened. I could feel him start to harden as he pressed closer to me.
I giggled as I stepped out of his grasp, leaving him groaning. I turned and walked backwards towards the house.
“Come on, love. We’ve still got the second floor to see.”
Alec rolled his eyes, though he followed me back into the house. I reached out and snagged his hand in mine. He linked our fingers together and pressed a kiss to my cheek.
There were three rooms on the second floor. Two of them were bedrooms that looked nearly identical to each other, with tall, arched windows and glass doors that led out to the balcony they shared. There was a shared bathroom between the bedrooms.
The third room was a home theater. A large projection screen covered one of the walls, and two rows of couches were lined in front of it, the second row about half a foot higher than the front row.
Alec leaned close to whisper in my ear, “We could put a bed in here. . . . Could cuddle together while we watch a movie or something. . . .”
“I’m sure cuddling would be all we would be doing,” I replied sarcastically. Alec nipped my shoulder teasingly and I laughed.
“We could turn the two extra bedrooms into something other than bedrooms,” he suggested.
“Like what?”
“Whatever we want. A game room, another library, an art studio.”
I leaned into his side and said softly, “I think I’d like an art studio.”
He hummed and pressed another kiss to my cheek. “Then that’s what you’ll get.”
“You’re so sweet to me,” I said, turning to face him. Alec grinned and held me closer to his chest when I wrapped my arms around his neck. “I don’t want to look at the other house. I want this one.”
“Whatever you want, princess.”
“Are you sure? It’s your house, too.”
Alec chuckled. “You forget how long I’ve been alive, love. They’ll all look mostly the same to me. As long as you’re happy with the house, that’s all I care about.”
I stood on my toes to kiss him fiercely. Alec laughed when we broke apart. He gently brushed my hair behind my ear and stared down at me with a soft smile. There was so much love in his gaze that it sent butterflies fluttering through my stomach.
“I’ll tell Heidi to tell the realtor that we want this one,” he said. “Hopefully, we’ll be able to close within the next couple weeks and then it will be all ours.”
“We’ll finally have somewhere to escape to whenever we want to be all alone.”
“Our escape from the real world,” he said with a smile.
I kissed him one more time before we finally headed back down the stairs and out of the house.
I sat lightly on the hood of the Lamborghini as I watched Alec lock the house back up. I leaned back, pressing my hands against the warm metal when Alec turned around. I smirked when I saw him pause in his step for a moment when he saw me. I watched his crimson eyes drag along my body before he looked up again.
He walked slowly towards me and, when he reached me, gently pushed my legs apart so he could stand between them. Alec leaned down over me, his lips barely brushing mine as he breathed, “If I remember correctly, I promised to make up for our interruption yesterday.”
“You did,” I said.
My eyes flicked up to meet his. I could still see the unconditional love in his ruby irises, but it was quickly becoming clouded with lust.
Alec pressed his lips to mine and my eyes fluttered shut. I wrapped my arms around his neck, one hand drifting up to card through his curly hair. Alec leaned down over me, forcing me to lay back on the hood of the car.
One of his hands trailed down my side until he reached the hem of my white sundress, which he hurriedly pulled up so it was bunched around my waist. He groaned when his hand slipped between my thighs.
“No panties, princess?” he breathed against my mouth. He circled his fingers lightly around my clit and my breath hitched in my throat. “You had this all planned out, didn’t you?”
“It’s been too long,” I replied, tugging at his hair. “I’ve missed you, Alec.”
He hummed and pressed a kiss to my forehead. “I know, princess, I know. I’ve missed you, too.”
My mate trailed kisses along my cheeks and down my neck. When he reached the neckline of my dress, he gently slid the straps down my arms and pulled the dress down below my breasts. His mouth traveled across my chest and I moaned when he wrapped his lips around one of my nipples. My fingers tightened in his hair as he teased the sensitive bud with his teeth. His hand had wandered back between my thighs and he gently rubbed my clit again.
“Alec,” I whimpered. “Please.”
He laughed against my chest. “Easy, sweetheart. I just wanna take my time with you. . . . You deserve to be savored, Eve.”
Alec ran his tongue slowly up through the valley between my breasts. I shuddered at the feeling, arching my back. Alec’s fingers slipped away from my clit to gently press into me as he sucked a hickey onto my neck.
“Oh,” I gasped.
My hand slipped down to grasp the hair at the back of his neck. Alec groaned against my throat as I tugged at his hair. He moved his mouth up to my jaw and kissed my lips again. Eventually, my lips parted and his tongue pushed into my mouth. Our tongues slid together slowly, our makeout languid and lazy. I had to admit that Alec had a point — it was so much better to savor the moment than rushing through it.
Smoldering fire trailed everywhere that his skin touched mine. I could feel the reverence and affection he had for me in every touch, in every kiss. I hoped that he felt just as loved as I did at this moment.
“My sweet girl. . . .” Alec bit my lip gently. “Stay just like this for me. Don’t move.”
I nodded and he kissed me one more time before he made his way back down my neck. I groaned, tilting my head back against the hood of the car. I felt Alec smile against my skin as he continued to kiss a path down my chest and stomach.
He pushed my dress up again as he knelt on the ground, between my legs. He brushed his lips lightly across my inner thighs, still slowly thrusting his fingers in and out of me. Alec scraped his teeth gently against the sensitive skin of my thigh. My breath caught in my throat as my stomach fluttered with pleasure.
Finally, Alec ran his tongue through my soaked folds. A breathless gasp left my mouth and I arched my back as he locked his lips around my clit, gently sucking on the small bundle of nerves.
‘You taste heavenly, princess. Absolutely divine.’
A shiver ran through my body as Alec’s words echoed through my mind. I sucked in a breath and let it out shakily as he ate me out, using his skilled mouth and fingers to bring me closer and closer to the edge. I moaned out his name and reached down to tangle my hand in his hair once again. He groaned against my pussy.
‘Close, princess?’ he asked in my mind when my moans picked up and I began moving my hips into his movements.
“Yes,” I breathed.
‘Cum for me, then, sweet girl.’
Alec curled his fingers inside of me and I finally fell off the edge. I gasped as my back arched again and my pussy fluttered around his fingers. He groaned, nuzzling against the inside of my thigh. My entire body tingled warmly as my orgasm ran through me.
When I finally started to come down from my high, I noticed that Alec was pressing soft, feathery kisses to my thigh. He slowly pulled his fingers out of me and I whined softly at the loss. He rested his head against my thigh and smiled at me.
“Ready for me, love?”
“Mhm,” I hummed. “C’mere and kiss me.”
Alec laughed softly and pulled off his shirt as he stood again. Then, he leaned down over my body to press his lips to mine. I lazily wrapped my arms around him and pressed my tongue into his mouth. I moaned when I tasted myself on his tongue.
He reached between our bodies and shoved down his jeans and boxers. He grasped himself in his hand and moved so that the tip of his cock was just resting between my slick folds. I shivered as anticipation built in my stomach.
Alec finally thrusted slowly into me. We both moaned, our kiss breaking as he dropped his head into the crook of my neck as he bottomed out inside me. I curled my arms around him tightly. I loved feeling his body on top of mine and his cock inside of me. 
‘You feel so good wrapped around me, princess.’
I groaned. I dragged my nails across his back as he began to slowly thrust into me. Alec brushed his lips against my neck, right over the silvery, scarred bite mark that remained from my transformation. A soft moan fell from my lips. He knew that spot was particularly sensitive for me.
“My perfect, sweet girl,” he murmured against my skin. Alec rubbed his hand along my thigh, gently gripping it and moving my leg so that my knee hooked on his hip, which allowed him to thrust even deeper.
I groaned and tipped my head back against the car. “Fuck.”
Alec huffed out a strained laugh against my shoulder and nipped at my skin. “Tell me how good you feel, love.”
“Feels so good, Alec,” I whispered. “Perfect. . . . You’re perfect. . . . I love you.”
Alec groaned and kissed me fiercely. His gentle grip on my thigh tightened as he fucked me harder and shoved his tongue in my mouth. I gasped into the passionate kiss and scratched my nails across his back.
A few moments later, I came for the second time. My back arched up, my head tipped back, and I clung tight to Alec as wave after wave of intense pleasure flooded my body.
Alec followed me quickly off the edge, moaning as he thrust as deep as he could. His hips stuttered slightly and his cock twitched as he filled me with his seed.
I watched him with half-open eyes, slowly and lightly dragging my nails along his bare sides. He shivered at my touch before he looked at me. He kissed me again, this time all soft and sweet, before he rested his body on top of mine. I giggled quietly and reached up to brush my fingers through his messy curls.
“Well, I think I made up for our interruption the other day,” he teased.
I rolled my eyes, but I was smiling. “You certainly did.”
I lifted my head up slightly to press a kiss to his forehead. Alec hummed quietly. His eyes fluttered shut as he rested his head on my chest. I laid my head back on the hood and closed my eyes, continuing to card my fingers through his hair.
“I love you so much, Eve,” he whispered. “So beautiful and smart and sweet and perfect.”
My heart swelled with love and I said softly, “I love you more than anything, Alec.”
Alec rested his hand on my side, his thumb just below the curve of my breast. He slowly swiped his thumb along the soft skin on the underside of my breast and I moaned lightly.
This was one of the few private moments that I wished time slowed down so we could remain in our own little world for just a while longer. We were entirely alone and basking in the afterglow of amazing, passionate sex and soaking up all the affection and love we had for each other.
A few more minutes passed before Alec sighed and reluctantly said, “We should head back to the castle.”
I frowned, but nodded in agreement. He carefully lifted himself off of me, but before he fully stood up, he bent his head down to kiss me. I smiled when he finally pulled away and Alec laughed.
He pulled his clothes back on, then offered me his hand to help me sit up. I let him pull me up and he kissed my forehead, his hand caressing my cheek lovingly.
My smile grew even bigger when he began to fix my sundress for me. He gently pulled the dress back over my breasts and slid the straps up onto my shoulders again. He pulled down the fabric that had been bunched up around my waist, smoothing his hands over it to ensure that it all fell back into place. He even knelt down and strapped my heels back onto my feet. Alec pressed a gentle kiss to my knee before he stood up again.
“Ready, my love?”
“One more kiss and I will be,” I replied with a teasing grin. Alec smirked and rolled his eyes, then kissed me again. When we broke apart, I said, “Let’s go.”
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acemapleeh · 2 years
Alfred Home Headcanons
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We see Alfred with quite a few houses throughout the series so I think it’s fair to say the man gets around and lives all across the country. It was difficult pinning down just a few for this post and even more so for the photos to go alongside it.
I’m going to be narrowing things down to regions of the United States but I think this man has at least one home in every state. We’ll be here a lifetime if I had to describe his home in Ohio vs Indiana.
We’ll start with New England.
His oldest homes are located here, the most noteworthy is his white colonial home in Massachusetts just outside of Boston overlooking the bay. This is the one he was raised in for a large part of his youth under Arthur’s care and tutorage. Think of the house that we see in the episode of America’s Storage Room Cleaning with the wrap-around porch and expansive garden. It’s an honestly massive home for just one person to be living in. During the mid to late 1800′s when people like Lovino, Tolys, and Morgan came to work in the United States, this was the main residence that Alfred lived with them in. Finally felt a little less lonely.
I think Cape Cod or Georgian is the best fit for the style of house in this region, like, to be more specific.
Traditional accents rather than it being the main focus.
Similarly to Arthur's dust-covered archive of an estate, this is where Alfred stores a lot of his things from the days of old. Unlike his father, he doesn't put much out on display. A couple pieces of memorabilia here and there but for the most part, he's got it in a box shoved in a corner of a room he hasn't opened in half a century.
What once was Sir Lord Kirkland's bedroom when staying in the colonies, has the largest upstairs balcony that looks over the garden and on clear days, out to the harbor. A telescope perched on the railing always on the lookout for father's return home.
I think something of old he does have out on display is a massive quilt he has up and framed in the living room. It's something that took him ages to finish back in the 19th century and the fabric is far too fragile for him to use it practically anymore.
For New York, he lives in a high-rise apartment in Manhattan. Big, open floor plan, and lots of large windows, and it's perfect for entertaining guests. This is his most modern and luxurious residence. Beautiful view of the city and Central Park. Think of the apartment that we see in Hetalia of the Living Dead.
Back in the 20s he 100% had one of those big Gatsby mansions out in the Hamptons and threw parties all of the time but got rid of it all towards the latter half of the decade. Think of the ridiculousness of Mansion Party by Ninja Sex Party
The last one for this area will be the brick row house in West Philadelphia. This is likely his second oldest home and where he spent a lot of his time during the Revolution. This is where he feels like where he was really born as a nation so he has a lot of deep ties here.
I want to give him an attic bedroom with a desk by the window that can see the steeple of Christ Church near the Delaware River. The same desk he's written pamphlets for the Revolution, letters to his brother, and for even a time, a typewriter when he was feeling a resurgence of literature and poetry in the early 20th century is still there.
I don't which state exactly has that beautiful blue suburban with the big pool. Somewhere there's not a lot of snow year-round and gets those hot summers where all you want to do is submerge yourself in water. Somewhere in the South, I'm thinking either one of the Carolinas or Georgia.
He feels like the type of person to have ranches all across the central US. Most of the year he has other people working on them to take care of the animals.
The one he frequents the most is the working cattle ranch in Arizona.
Time capsule midcentury house out in the Midwest. I want to say somewhere in the Chicago area. I want to put it in Southern California where this style of house first started to get popular but going to give some love to other parts of the country.
Floor-to-ceiling windows, a sunk-in living room pit, short staircases connecting rooms throughout the house, partial brick walls, fireplaces centered in rooms, and several doors and windows to access the outdoor living space.
If you've been on my blog for a while then you might have noticed I love making Alfred a California Beach Boy. I can give him so many houses in just this state alone but I'll keep it short and sweet.
His bum-out beach cottage is located in Santa Monica and he's been located there since the 1890s. The house itself has been remodeled and updated several times over the past century. The materials he uses for the house as well as the layout stay fairly consistent, with lots of natural, light wood and open space to allow in lots of sunlight and central airflow. It's also a small space; you open that front door and right away you can already see the living room, kitchen, dining room, and out to the ocean out back. The entryway is the house.
It's almost purposely made so you can see the wear on the floors and furniture. If he drops a surfboard on the floor and there's some damage left behind, he'll leave it there. You can see the wood frames have been handmade and have some flaws and mistakes if you run a hand over them.
It's also very analog with most of the tech in the house dating to maybe the mid-90s at the latest: VHS and record player, rotary phone, etc. No AC either but he does have a great internet connection.
If I cannot fulfill my lifelong dream of having a colorfully painted Victorian house in San Francisco then Alfred can have one. I think he spent a lot of time in the 80s in the Bay Area and this old house was just a constant project of fixing up and refurbishing.
Okay, the last one I'll talk about for the time being will be his house up in Washington State.
I just really love Contemporary houses and Alfred had one built for him when they first started gaining popularity in the Pacific Northwest in 1935. Large windows invite the beauty of the region into the house while complementing the natural landscape. The Pacific Northwest features steep, rugged terrain that encourages post and beam architecture.
Tucked away in cozy woods and nestled along a majestic river.
Decor often brings nature indoors using live-edge wooden furniture, stone and wooden accents, and other cozy touches.
I don't see Alfred as being a big log cabin person but incorporate the coziness of one into this house. Place that Twilight filter on and it's his most aesthetic getaway.
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squeakyfir · 1 year
I'm your huckleberry (Tombstone 1993) (Doc Holliday)
The joys of modern inventions and miracles are often taken for granted. Your hungry or thirsty? Get something from the fridge or make it. You need to go somewhere? Drive or call an uber. Your hurt? Go to the doctor.
Your bored? Watch a movie, play video games, watch videos on the internet, talk to people without ever leaving your house.
Some much time is in our hands... but back in the 19th century... you wouldn't last very long.
Diseases are rampant, gun violence is higher, no modern technology, barely any good medicine, almost all of your favorite food doesn't exist and most of the people are rude as hell. But... That doesn't mean all of them were so bad. Love was not something most people in this time really cared about. At least, in the town of Tombstone, Arizona.
After falling asleep with a nice looking stone you bought at a small stand at the carnival, your whole world becomes the opposite. Six people from the past discover you unconscious and alone in the blistering heat and offer help but it was their help that let you meet the most amazing man you've ever met.
John Henry "Doc" Holliday.
Chapter 15
Previous ~ Next
There would never be enough tears to let go for what happened two nights ago. Morgan was killed and Virgil lost the use of his left arm. When Doc heard about it he made sure you were ok and helped you and the Earps pack up. You were all leaving Tombstone and Morgans corpse would be taken to California for burial. It would be two days to get to get to Tucson at the train station and they wanted you to come with them but Wyatt had a different idea.
Wyatt had tried to have the cowboys sentenced for this but they were acquitted. Everyone knew they did it but they still got away with it. After the trial, Wyatt was fuming and had taken you and Doc aside. "I'm taking matters in my own hands. I need you both with me". You both agreed but so did Creek Johnson, Texas Jack and the cowboy known as Sherman McMasters. The same cowboy who gave up his title as cowboy the night that Morgan was murdered.
Wyatt was making sure that the wooden coffin of his brother was secured to the back of a wagon and only looked at Doc for a brief moment. You helped Mattie up to the back of the wagon as she then held Louisa close as she was still crying. Across the street was Josephine, who gave a glance to Wyatt and you, then she crossed the street and didn't dare to look back. "And so she walked out of our lives forever" you heard Doc say. Wyatt had gotten on the wagon that held his brothers coffin and you mounted up on Sylvie.
Wyatt started to move out with Virgil in his wagon right behind him and you following closely but Wyatt stopped his wagon in front of some of the cowboys, most noticeably Curly Bill, Johnny Ringo and Ike Clanton, and said, "Just wanna let you know it's over". Virgil stopped his wagon besides Wyatt's.
"Well... Bye" was all Curly Bill said.
"Smell that, Bill" Ringo said. "Smells like someone died". Curly Bill only laughed and you quickly responded with, "You better shut the fuck up, Ringo". Ringo only scoffed as some of the cowboys only raised their brows in confusion and slight shock. Wyatt continued the wagon and so did Virgil as you followed after them. You looked back at Doc for a moment and he gave you a blank stare. You did the same look and continued onward. The plan was simple but what was coming was putting you over the edge.
After two days, you all made it to the train station. Allie was about to guide you on the train but you stepped back. "(Y/n)? Come on".
"No. I'm not going".
"Oh, don't be ridiculous. Come now-"
"No, Allie" you said sternly. "I'm staying with Wyatt. I'm going with him". Allie and Louisa pretty much jumped off the train and Virgil and Mattie stood in place. "No! (Y/n), please, come with us" Louisa begged. "I lost Morgan and I will not lose you either"!
"I've made up my mind already, guys. I have to do this. Look, for so long, I never knew what to do with my life back home. But this, this is something I'm for certain gonna do". Louisa then hugged you tightly with Allie following along as well. You hugged them both so tightly, this may be the last time you'll ever see them. "I have to do this. I promise, I'll never forget any of you. I promise". The hug felt like it ended so soon and you wished it lasted longer but time wasn't on your side since the train was leaving. "Hey Virg" you said. "I don't get a hug from you" you faked gasped. "I thought you was my fwiend"!?
Virgil only laughed and stepped off the train to hug you with his only good arm. "I'm gonna miss you, old man".
"You don't know how much I'll miss you". You held onto him tightly and held back your tears so you wouldn't appear weak but a part of you was telling you that he wouldn't mind. But if you did start crying, you wouldn't stop. You said your goodbyes to Virgil and Mattie but Mattie didn't seem to care that much. You may not have been on the best of terms with her but you knew you'd still miss her.
They all got on the train and you went to go back to Doc who was on standby with Creek Johnson, Texas Jack and Sherman McMasters. Wyatt was further away down the station, waiting. And so were two cowboys. Frank Stillwell and Ike Clanton. "That's Virgil with the women" Frank said to Ike.
"He's mine" Ike replied and revealed he was carrying a shotgun. "Hey Mattie" Frank called out, "Where's Wyatt"?
"Right behind you, Stillwell".
Frank whipped around and was met with a shotgun blast to his chest which killed him instantly and making Ike drop his gun and get to the floor in fear. Virgil popped his head out the train window beside him to see what happened and Wyatt gave him a sendoff to which Virgil waved him off and wished him good luck. Wyatt still had his shotgun pointed at Ike with one hand as he approached him to then bring his boot up to his mouth and using his spur to slice his mouth. You, Doc, Creek Johnson, Texas Jack and McMasters came forward but still stood back.
"Alright, Clanton" Wyatt threatened. "You called down the thunder, well, now you got it"! Wyatt pulled his coat flap back to reveal a badge. "You see that? It says "United States Marshal"!
"Wyatt! Please don't kill me! Please" Ike begged so pathetically.
"Take a good look at him, Ike. 'Cause that's how you're gonna end up". Wyatt took a step towards Ike and put his boot on his neck, pinning him to the wooden platform. "The cowboys are finished! You understand me!? I see a red sash, I kill the man wearing it! So, run, you cur! Run"! Ike quickly got up and ran off. "Tell all the other Cur's the law's comin'! You tell 'em I'm comin'! And hell's comin' with me, ya hear! Hell's comin' with me"!
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kevinwingo · 4 days
Find Your Dream Home: Best Mobile Homes in Arizona – WIN Mobile Homes
Win Mobile Homes offers the best mobile homes in Arizona for your dream home search. With various options and affordable pricing, you can find your perfect mobile home in no time.
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Are you searching for a new place to call home in Arizona? Look no further than Win Mobile Homes. They offer a wide selection of mobile homes to fit any budget and lifestyle. With options ranging from one bedroom to four bedrooms and various amenities, you can find the perfect home for you and your family.
Plus, their team is dedicated to helping you through the entire home buying process. From financing to delivery and set up, they are there every step of the way. Don’t wait any longer to find your dream home, visit Win Mobile Homes today.
Why WIN Mobile Homes the Best Mobile Homes in Arizona?
Discover your ideal home in Arizona with Win Mobile Homes. Explore the best mobile homes in Arizona and find the perfect match for your lifestyle. With a range of options and beautiful locations, your dream home is just a click away.
When it comes to finding your dream home, affordability is often a top priority. In Arizona, mobile homes offer an incredibly cost-effective solution without compromising on quality. These homes are significantly cheaper than traditional houses and can provide the same level of comfort and convenience. By opting for a mobile home, you can save a substantial amount of money, allowing you to invest in other important aspects of your life.
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Arizona is renowned for its breathtaking natural beauty and diverse landscapes. From the stunning deserts to the majestic mountains, this state offers an abundance of picturesque views. Living in a mobile home allows you to immerse yourself in this scenic beauty, as these homes are often situated in prime locations. Whether you prefer to be nestled in the heart of the desert or surrounded by mountains, you can find a mobile home that perfectly matches your preferences.
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When it comes to finding the perfect mobile home in Arizona, there are various types available to suit different preferences and needs. Whether you’re looking for a cozy single-wide home or a spacious luxury mobile home, you can find the ideal option to call your own.
Single-wide Homes
Single-wide mobile homes are an affordable and compact housing solution. They typically measure around 18 feet wide and 90 feet long, providing a cozy living space for individuals, couples, or small families. These homes often feature open floor plans, functional kitchens, and comfortable living areas, making them an ideal choice for those seeking simplicity and affordability.
Double-wide Homes
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Key Features To Look For In Your Dream Mobile Home
Key Features to Look for in Your Dream Mobile Home
Space And Layout
When browsing for your dream mobile home, space and layout are crucial factors to consider. Look for a home that offers an open floor plan, providing ample room for comfortable living and entertaining. Additionally, consider the arrangement of rooms to ensure that the layout suits your lifestyle and needs.
Modern Amenities
Modern amenities are essential for a comfortable living experience. Look for mobile homes equipped with modern amenities such as updated kitchens with stainless steel appliances, spacious closets, and luxurious bathrooms. These amenities can enhance your quality of life and add value to your home.
Energy Efficiency
Energy efficiency is an important consideration for cost savings and environmental impact. Look for mobile homes with energy-efficient features such as insulated windows, energy-efficient appliances, and proper insulation. These features can contribute to lower utility bills and a reduced carbon footprint.
Top Mobile Home Communities In Arizona
If you are searching for the perfect mobile home community in Arizona, you’re in luck! This state is home to a variety of exceptional communities that offer an array of amenities, prime locations, and top-notch safety and security measures. In this article, we will explore the top mobile home communities in Arizona, highlighting their unique features and benefits.
Community Amenities
When it comes to community amenities, these mobile home communities in Arizona truly stand out. They offer a wide range of facilities that cater to residents’ needs and enhance their quality of life. From spacious clubhouses and fitness centers to swimming pools and sports courts, these communities provide an abundance of recreational opportunities for residents of all ages. Additionally, many communities feature beautifully landscaped common areas, walking trails, and picnic areas, allowing residents to enjoy the natural beauty of the Arizona landscape.
Location Benefits
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In conclusion, the top mobile home communities in Arizona offer an exceptional living experience with their impressive amenities, prime locations, and commitment to safety and security. Whether you are seeking an active lifestyle, convenience, or a serene retreat, these communities have something to offer for everyone. Take the first step towards finding your dream home by exploring the incredible mobile home communities in Arizona.
Navigating The Buying Process
Discover the best mobile homes in Arizona at Win Mobile Homes and navigate the buying process effortlessly. Find your dream home with ease and make the experience enjoyable and stress-free.
Buying a mobile home can be an exciting experience, but it can also be overwhelming if you’re not prepared. Navigating the buying process requires careful planning and attention to detail. In this article, we will guide you through the process of buying a mobile home in Arizona. From budgeting to financing options, inspection to insurance, we will cover everything you need to know to make an informed decision.
Budgeting For Your Mobile Home
Before you start shopping for a mobile home, it’s essential to determine your budget. You must know how much you can afford to spend on a home. Keep in mind that the cost of a mobile home varies based on various factors, such as the size, location, age, and features. Therefore, it’s crucial to research the average cost of mobile homes in Arizona to determine a realistic budget.
Understanding Financing Options
Financing is an essential part of buying a mobile home. There are various financing options available, such as personal loans, dealer financing, and mortgage loans. You must research and compare the different financing options to determine which one works best for you. Consider factors such as interest rates, repayment terms, and down payment requirements when choosing a financing option.
Inspection And Insurance
Before you finalize the purchase of your mobile home, it’s essential to have it inspected thoroughly. A professional inspection can help you identify any issues or repairs that need to be addressed before you move in. Additionally, you must have insurance for your mobile home to protect it from any damages or accidents. Research different insurance providers and compare their coverage and premiums to choose the best option for your mobile home. 
In conclusion, navigating the buying process of a mobile home requires careful planning and research. By budgeting for your mobile home, understanding financing options, and ensuring inspection and insurance, you can make an informed decision and find your dream home in Arizona.
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In conclusion, at Win Mobile Homes in Arizona, we understand the importance of customization and personalization when it comes to finding your dream home. With our wide range of options, you can create a home that is uniquely yours. Contact us today to learn more about our customization and personalization options.
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arizonapestcontrol · 16 days
Complete Pest Control Solutions in Southern Arizona: AZPest
At AZPest, pest control is part of home comfort and safety in Southern Arizona. From termites to bees and wasps, these everyday bugs can create disastrous damage and disrupt your life. Thankfully, AZPest will provide effective, non-toxic pest control options for effectively keeping your property truly protected. Whether in Green Valley, Tucson, or Catalina, we have you covered with a host of services that are suited to what you need.
Termite control in Green Valley
Termites are some of the most dangerous pests a homeowner can face. These wood-destroying insects can subtly take over your home unnoticed, having already eaten away at the wood and created massive structural damage before anyone would even notice. At AZPest, we are specialists in Termite Control Green Valley by utilizing the most advanced techniques of identification, treatment, and prevention against termite infestation. Our professionals apply treatment to the root to wipe out colonies save your home from huge repair costs and keep long-lasting ease in your mind.
Home Termite Treatment in Tucson
Whatever the case, termite prevention in Tucson should be a homeowner's ever-present concern. AZPest Control offers Home Termite Treatment in Tucson to protect your property from future termite infestation. We introduce state-of-the-art modern and innovative detection instruments while detecting the action of active colonies, with further effective treatments applied against termites without causing harm to your family, pets, or the environment. Regular inspections added to tailored treatment programs will help you keep your home termite-free.
Honey Bee Control in Tucson
Honey bees play a great role in our environment, but once they build their hives too near your residential home, things can get deadly. At AZPest, we have Honey Bee Control in Tucson that places your safety and the preservation of the bees' lives first. We have well-trained professionals who will relocate these bee colonies without causing harm to them while keeping your home safe from stings and possible further property damage.
Wasp Control in Tucson
Wasps are highly dangerous because of their aggressive temper and pose a grave threat, especially if their nests are not really far from your house. AZPest offers reliable Wasp Control in Tucson, locating the nests of wasps at the earliest to avoid attacks. We implement environmentally responsible methods for the safe removal of wasp colonies and the prevention of their recurrence. Your outdoor space can be enjoyed without running any risk of wasp encounters with the help of our professionals.
Catalina Exterminator
Here at AZ Pest, Catalina, and other surrounding communities can have peace of mind with our extended services. Our Catalina Exterminator services are designed to handle the various types of pests in this region, including, but not limited to, termites, bees, wasps, and many more. Whether you find yourself dealing with an active situation or looking to take proactive measures against an infestation, our technicians will design a personalized service plan tailored to ensure your residence is pest-free for the entire year.
Why Choose AZPest?
Eco-Friendly Solutions: We make use of treatments that are safe for your family, pets, and the environment.
Experienced Team: Our technicians are highly qualified, certified, and experienced in managing a wide array of pests.
Customized Plans: We know that every home is not alike, and because of this, we can give you customized services according to your needs.
Customer Satisfaction: We strive to provide the highest level of customer service, along with ensuring services for effective solutions to pest control.
How to Contact Us Today!
Are pests taking over your house? From Green Valley Termite Control to Tucson Home Termite Treatment, from Honey Bee and Wasp Control to expert Catalina Exterminator services, AZPest is here for you. Call us today for an inspection to ensure your home stays out of unwanted invaders.
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luxremodelscompany · 1 month
Elevate Your Home with Premier Interior Design Services in Scottsdale and Arizona
A beautifully designed interior can transform a house into a home, reflecting your personality, enhancing functionality, and creating spaces that are both inviting and inspiring. For homeowners in Scottsdale and throughout Arizona, investing in professional interior design services is the key to achieving a harmonious and stylish living environment. Whether you're looking to update a single room or undertake a comprehensive redesign, expert interior designers can bring your vision to life with creativity and precision. 
Why Choose Professional Interior Design Services?
Personalized Design Solutions
Every homeowner has unique tastes, needs, and preferences. Professional interior design services in Arizona offer customized solutions that align with your individual style and lifestyle. From selecting the perfect color palette to choosing furniture and accessories that complement your space, interior designers work closely with you to create a cohesive and personalized design plan. Whether your taste leans towards modern minimalism, classic elegance, or anything in between, professional designers have the expertise to curate a space that feels distinctly yours.
Enhancing Functionality and Flow
Interior design isn't just about aesthetics; it's also about improving the functionality and flow of your home. A well-designed space should not only look good but also work well for your daily life. Interior design services in Scottsdale focus on optimizing the layout and organization of your rooms, ensuring that each space serves its intended purpose while maintaining a sense of balance and harmony. Whether it's creating an open-concept living area, designing a functional kitchen, or maximizing storage solutions, professional designers have the skills to enhance the usability of your home.
Increasing Property Value
A professionally designed interior can significantly increase the value of your home. In competitive real estate markets like Scottsdale and Arizona, a thoughtfully designed space can make your property more attractive to potential buyers. High-quality finishes, cohesive design elements, and attention to detail all contribute to a home that stands out in the market. Even if you're not planning to sell anytime soon, the immediate benefits of living in a beautifully designed home make the investment worthwhile.
For homeowners in Scottsdale and Arizona, professional interior design services offer the perfect opportunity to elevate your living spaces. By working with experienced designers, you can create a home that not only looks stunning but also functions seamlessly for your lifestyle. Whether you're embarking on a small update or a full-scale redesign, investing in interior design services is the key to achieving a home that truly reflects your personality and enhances your everyday living experience.
To know more about interior design services in Scottsdale please visit the website
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mysteamgreenccphoenix · 2 months
Discover the Thrills at State Farm Stadium in Glendale, AZ
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State Farm Stadium in Glendale, AZ, stands out as a top destination for sports enthusiasts and event-goers. Renowned for its innovative design and top-tier facilities, this stadium hosts a variety of events that attract visitors from near and far. Here’s a closer look at what makes State Farm Stadium a must-visit attraction in Glendale, AZ.
Iconic Sporting Events
State Farm Stadium is the proud home of the Arizona Cardinals, offering fans the excitement of NFL games in a cutting-edge environment. The stadium has also had the honor of hosting the Super Bowl several times, cementing its place as a key venue in American sports. In addition to football, State Farm Stadium welcomes a range of major sporting events, from college football championships to international soccer matches. The energy and thrill of these events make it a premier destination for sports fans.
Concerts and Entertainment
State Farm Stadium is not just about sports; it’s also a prime venue for concerts and entertainment. Hosting some of the biggest names in music, the stadium provides fans with unforgettable live performances. Its impressive acoustics and large seating capacity create an ideal setting for enjoying your favorite artists. The venue also hosts a variety of entertainment shows, including monster truck rallies and rodeos, ensuring there’s always something exciting happening in Glendale, AZ.
Innovative Design and Features
What sets State Farm Stadium apart is its architectural innovation and modern features. The retractable roof and roll-out natural grass field are pioneering elements that allow the stadium to adapt seamlessly to different events and weather conditions. Every seat in the house offers a great view, enhancing the experience for all visitors. The stadium's amenities, including ample parking, premium seating options, and diverse dining choices, further solidify its reputation as a top venue in Glendale, AZ.
Community Events and Activities
State Farm Stadium also serves as a vital community hub in Glendale, AZ, hosting a variety of local events and activities. From health and wellness expos to holiday celebrations and local sports tournaments, the stadium is a gathering place for residents and visitors. These events foster community spirit and provide opportunities for people to come together and share experiences. Engaging in these activities is a wonderful way to connect with the local culture and meet new people.
State Farm Stadium in Glendale, AZ, offers a vibrant array of events and activities catering to diverse interests. Whether you’re a sports aficionado, a music enthusiast, or looking to participate in community events, the stadium provides a dynamic and engaging environment. Plan your visit to State Farm Stadium and immerse yourself in the excitement that awaits in Glendale, AZ.
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smatmaysum · 3 months
Meritage Homes Corporation: A Comprehensive Overview
Meritage Homes Corporation is a prominent American homebuilding company known for its focus on energy-efficient homes and sustainable building practices. Founded in 1985 and headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona, Meritage Homes operates in numerous states across the United States. This article delves into the history, business strategy, notable projects, challenges, and future outlook of Meritage Homes Corporation.
History and Evolution
Meritage Homes was founded by Steve Hilton and John Landon under the original name Monterey Homes. The company quickly established a reputation for high-quality construction and innovative home designs, leading to significant growth and expansion.
Key Milestones
1985: Meritage Homes was founded as Monterey Homes in Scottsdale, Arizona.
1997: Monterey Homes went public through a merger with Homeplex Mortgage Investments Corporation, adopting the name Meritage Homes Corporation.
2006: Meritage Homes entered the Fortune 1000 list, marking its position as a leading homebuilder in the U.S.
2013: The company became the first national builder to install spray-foam insulation as a standard feature, highlighting its commitment to energy efficiency.
2020: Meritage Homes was recognized as the ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year for its efforts in sustainable building practices.
Business Strategy
Meritage Homes Corporation's business strategy centers on innovation, sustainability, and customer satisfaction. The company focuses on delivering high-quality homes that cater to the needs of modern buyers while incorporating advanced technologies and sustainable practices.
Innovation and Sustainability
One of the key pillars of Meritage Homes' strategy is its commitment to sustainability. The company has been a pioneer in building energy-efficient homes, integrating features such as spray-foam insulation, advanced HVAC systems, energy-efficient windows, and water-saving fixtures. This not only reduces the environmental impact but also provides homeowners with significant cost savings on utilities.
Customer-Centric Approach
Meritage Homes places a strong emphasis on understanding and meeting the needs of its customers. The company offers a range of home designs and customization options, ensuring that buyers can find a home that suits their lifestyle and preferences. Additionally, Meritage Homes prioritizes quality construction and reliable customer service, aiming to provide a seamless homebuying experience.
Strategic Expansion
Meritage Homes has expanded its presence across the United States through strategic acquisitions and organic growth. The company operates in key markets including Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas. This broad geographical footprint allows Meritage Homes to tap into diverse housing markets and mitigate regional economic fluctuations.
Notable Projects and Communities
Meritage Homes has developed numerous notable communities that exemplify its commitment to quality, innovation, and sustainability. Some of these include:
Verrado (Buckeye, Arizona): A master-planned community featuring a range of energy-efficient homes and amenities such as parks, trails, and schools.
Bristol Meadows (Cary, North Carolina): A community known for its modern home designs and proximity to the Research Triangle Park, a major employment hub.
Watermark (Winter Garden, Florida): A community offering eco-friendly homes with access to recreational facilities, shopping, and dining options.
Challenges and Criticisms
Despite its successes, Meritage Homes faces several challenges and criticisms:
Market Volatility: The homebuilding industry is subject to economic cycles, with factors such as interest rates, housing demand, and material costs impacting profitability.
Regulatory Compliance: Navigating complex building codes, zoning laws, and environmental regulations can be challenging and costly.
Labor Shortages: The construction industry often faces labor shortages, which can delay projects and increase costs.
Future Outlook
Meritage Homes Corporation continues to focus on growth and innovation, with several initiatives aimed at strengthening its market position and enhancing its offerings:
Expansion into New Markets: The company plans to enter new geographical markets to diversify its portfolio and capitalize on emerging opportunities.
Enhanced Technological Integration: Meritage Homes is investing in smart home technologies and advanced construction techniques to improve efficiency and customer satisfaction.
Sustainability Initiatives: Continuing its leadership in sustainable building, Meritage Homes aims to further reduce the environmental impact of its homes through new technologies and practices.
Meritage Homes Corporation has established itself as a leader in the American homebuilding industry through its commitment to quality, innovation, and sustainability. By focusing on energy-efficient homes and customer satisfaction, the company has built a strong reputation and achieved significant growth. As Meritage Homes navigates the challenges of the industry, its strategic initiatives and dedication to sustainability position it well for continued success.
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