#jeffrey page architect
bigbitchmarii · 11 months
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Roofing in Phoenix Example of a tuscan two-story house exterior design with a tile roof
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rolandsbeanies · 1 year
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Exterior - Stucco Mid-sized minimalist two-story exterior stucco home design example
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sgtpeppersofab · 1 year
Exterior - Stucco
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Mid-sized minimalist two-story exterior stucco home design example
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kushitokiku · 1 year
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Phoenix Wine Cellar Inspiration for a mid-sized modern wine cellar remodel
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Metal Roofing Phoenix Mid-sized modern orange two-story house exterior idea with a metal roof
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chordati · 1 year
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Mediterranean Exterior - Tile Example of a large tuscan two-story house exterior design with a tile roof
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francinesoleil · 1 year
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Phoenix Wine Cellar Inspiration for a mid-sized modern wine cellar remodel
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uwmspeccoll · 2 months
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Cannupa Hanska Luger, New Myth, Future Technologies, 2021
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Dana Claxton, Headdress-Jeneen, 2018
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Teresa Baker, Hidatsa Red, 2022
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Raven Chacon, For Zitkala Sa Series, 2019
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Caroline Monnet, Echoes from a near future, 2022
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Marie Watt, Skywalker/Skyscraper (Calling Sky World), 2021
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Anna Tsouhlarakis, The Native Guide Project, 2019
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Meryl McMaster, Harbourage for a Song, 2019
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Marie Watt, Companion Species (Calling Back, Calling Forward), 2021
Staff Pick of the Week
An Indigenous Present proposes that a book can be a space for community engagement through the transcultural gathering of more than sixty contemporary Indigenous and Native artists. Published by BIG NDN Press and Delmonico Books in 2023, An Indigenous Present was conceived of and edited by Mississippi Choctaw and Cherokee artist Jeffrey Gibson (b. 1972) over the course of nearly two decades. 
In Gibson’s own words, “An Indigenous Present celebrates the work of visual artists, musicians, poets, choreographers, designers, filmmakers, performance artists, architects, collectives, and writers whose work offers fresh starting lines for Native and Indigenous art. But the book does not attempt comprehensiveness. Rather, those included here are makers I admire, have collaborated with or been inspired by, and who’ve challenged my thinking. . . . These artists and what they make will guide us to Indigenous futurities authored by us in unabashedly Indigenous ways.”  
An Indigenous Present features over 400 pages of color photographs, poetry, essays, and interviews resulting in a stunning visual experience for readers and a shift towards more inclusive art systems. The front cover art shown here is by Canadian artist Caroline Monnet entitled Indigenous Represent. 
View other posts from our Native American Literature Collection.
View more posts featuring Decorative Plates.
View other Staff Picks.
– Jenna, Special Collections Graduate Intern 
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news24fr · 2 years
Un rapport de 800 pages qui doit être publié jeudi par les enquêteurs de la Chambre conclura que Donald Trump a comploté criminellement pour annuler sa défaite électorale de 2020 et « a provoqué la violence de ses partisans » au Capitole avec de fausses allégations de fraude électorale.De Liz Cheney à Donald Trump : gagnants et perdants des audiences du 6 janvierLire la suiteAvant la publication, mercredi soir, le comité du 6 janvier a publié 34 transcriptions de 1 000 entretiens menés sur 18 mois. La plupart des personnes interrogées étaient des témoins qui ont invoqué leur droit du cinquième amendement contre l'auto-incrimination.D'autres transcriptions et quelques vidéos devaient également être publiées."Je vous garantis qu'il y aura de nouvelles informations très intéressantes dans le rapport et encore plus dans les transcriptions", a déclaré Adam Schiff de Californie, membre démocrate du comité, à CBS.Les sujets des transcriptions des entretiens publiés mercredi comprenaient Jeffrey Clark, un haut fonctionnaire du département de la justice de Trump qui a travaillé pour faire avancer les efforts de Trump pour annuler l'élection, et John Eastman, un avocat conservateur et un architecte des efforts ultimes de Trump pour rester dans Bureau.Chacun a invoqué son droit du cinquième amendement contre l'auto-incrimination.Le communiqué comprenait également des témoignages de témoins associés à des groupes extrémistes impliqués dans la planification de l'attaque. Le fondateur de Oath Keepers, Stewart Rhodes, reconnu coupable le mois dernier de complot séditieux, et l'ancien chef des Proud Boys, Enrique Tarrio, ont tous deux parlé au comité. Tarrio et quatre autres membres du groupe extrémiste comparaîtront devant le tribunal pour des accusations similaires ce mois-ci.Les membres du comité espèrent des accusations criminelles contre Trump et ses principaux alliés. Seul le ministère de la Justice a le pouvoir de poursuivre, de sorte que le panel a envoyé des renvois recommandant une enquête sur Trump pour quatre crimes, y compris l'aide à une insurrection.Lors de la réunion de lundi pour adopter le rapport et recommander des accusations, le président démocrate, Bennie Thompson du Mississippi, a déclaré: «Ce comité approche de la fin de ses travaux, mais en tant que pays, nous restons dans des eaux étranges et inexplorées.«Nous n'avons jamais vu un président des États-Unis fomenter une tentative violente de bloquer le transfert de pouvoir. Je crois que près de deux ans plus tard, c'est encore un moment de réflexion et de calcul.Mercredi, MSNBC a demandé à Thompson s'il avait confiance que le ministère de la Justice poursuivrait les accusations.Il a déclaré: "Je suis plus à l'aise avec le fait que l'avocat spécial" - le procureur Jack Smith, nommé le mois dernier - "s'est activement engagé à rechercher toutes les informations disponibles. Ils ont été en contact avec notre comité, nous demandant de fournir diverses transcriptions et ainsi de suite. »On a demandé à Thompson si le comité coopérait avec le ministère de la Justice.Il a dit : "Oui... nous avons pris la décision [with] consultation avec d'autres membres que nous coopérerons. Mais dès le début… nous avons estimé que nous devions faire le rapport. Nous devions le faire déposer, ce que nous ferons jeudi matin, pour que tout le public y ait accès.« Il y avait des gens que nous avons déposés que la justice n'avait pas déposés. Il y avait des électeurs dans divers États que la justice n'a pas pu trouver. Nous les avons trouvés.« Nous les avons déposés. Nous avions donc beaucoup d'informations, mais maintenant nous mettons toutes ces informations à la disposition de [the justice department]. Et s'ils reviennent et souhaitent interroger le personnel ou des membres, demander des informations supplémentaires, nous serons plus qu'heureux de le faire.Selon le résumé exécutif du rapport, qui a été publié lundi, « la cause centrale du 6 janvier était un homme, l'ancien président Donald Trump, que beaucoup d'autres ont suivi.
Aucun des événements du 6 janvier ne se serait produit sans lui.Les huit chapitres de conclusions du rapport refléteront en grande partie neuf audiences qui ont présenté des preuves issues d'entretiens et des millions de pages de documents. Le résumé de 154 pages détaille comment Trump a amplifié de fausses déclarations sur les réseaux sociaux et en public, encourageant ses partisans à se rendre à Washington et à protester contre la victoire de Joe Biden, et comment il leur a dit de « se battre comme un enfer » lors d'un rassemblement devant la Maison Blanche. puis n'a pas fait grand-chose pour les arrêter alors qu'ils frappaient la police, pénétraient par effraction dans le Capitole et envoyaient les législateurs en fuite.C'était une "conspiration en plusieurs parties", a conclu le résumé.Trump se présente à nouveau à la présidence mais fait face à de multiples enquêtes, notamment sur son rôle dans l'insurrection et la présence de documents classifiés dans son domaine de Floride. Un comité de la Chambre devrait publier ses déclarations de revenus, des documents qu'il s'est battu pour garder confidentiels. Il a été blâmé par les républicains pour une mauvaise performance aux élections de mi-mandat, le laissant politiquement vulnérable.La plupart des républicains sont restés fidèles, mais les audiences du 6 janvier ont été regardées par des dizaines de millions de personnes.Trump a qualifié le comité de "voyous et de scélérats". En réponse aux renvois criminels, il a déclaré : « Ces gens ne comprennent pas que lorsqu'ils viennent après moi, des gens qui aiment la liberté se rassemblent autour de moi. Cela me renforce. »Les républicains prennent le contrôle de la Chambre le 3 janvier. Le comité sera dissous.
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fashionbooksmilano · 2 years
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The World in Vogue
Seven momentous decades of the namnes, the faces, and the writing that have held the public eye in  The Arts Society Literature Theatre Fashion Sports Worls Affairs
Secker & Warburg, London 1963, 416 pages, 25 x 33 cm.,
euro 90,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
 A stunning collection of 300 photographs of some of the most celebrated actors, artists, models, First Ladies, and social figures from around the world, drawing on stories from the pages of Vogue as well as never-before-published images by iconic photographers. These trendsetters and newsmakers are captured by such famous photographers as Cecil Beaton, Jonathan Becker, Eric Boman, Horst P. Horst, Edward Steichen, Irving Penn, Richard Avedon, François Halard, Helmut Newton, Stephen Meisel, Snowdon, Toni Frissell, Bruce Weber, Herb Ritts, and Annie Leibovitz. Not only did these photographers take dazzling portraits—in studios or on location—that caught these iconic figures in classic, playful, or dramatic moments but they also documented their parties, weddings, houses, and gardens. Writers like Hamish Bowles, Paul Rudnick, Truman Capote, Francis Wyndham, Jeffrey Steingarten, Joan Juliet Buck, William Norwich, Gloria Steinem, Georgina Howell, Vicki Woods, Marina Rust, Michael Specter, and Jonathan Van Meter tell you the stories behind these figures and events. Here are the glamorous weddings of Plum Sykes in Yorkshire, Lauren Davis in Cartagena, and Minnie Cushing in Newport; Truman Capote writing about cruising the Yugoslavian coast with Lee Radziwill, Luciana Pignatelli, and the Agnellis; gardens from East Hampton to Corfu designed by landscape architect Miranda Brooks; Inès de La Fressange’s apartment in Paris; Gloria Steinem reporting on the 540 masked partygoers at the Black and White Ball Truman Capote threw for Katharine Graham at the Plaza hotel; the gardens of Valentino’s seventeenth-century Château de Wideville, outside Paris; the designers, the best-dressed, and the stars at the annual Costume Institute party at the Metropolitan Museum; Mick Jagger and his family in Mustique; Jacqueline Kennedy and Michelle Obama; Kate Moss, Madonna, Angelina Jolie, Cate Blanchett, Ali MacGraw, Anjelica Huston, Nicole Kidman, Cher, Iman and David Bowie, Penélope Cruz, Charlotte Rampling, and many more. Richly illustrated in black-and-white and color, The World in Vogue: People, Parties, Places is a stunning look at portraits, houses, gardens, and parties of celebrated figures from many worlds.
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myhauntedsalem · 4 years
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Horror Movies Based on True Events
Open Water (2003)
When a couple goes scuba diving in Open Water, their boat accidentally leaves them behind in shark-infested water. It’s based on something that really happened to American tourists Tom and Eileen Lonergan, who were left behind by a diving company off the Great Barrier Reef. By the time the mistake was realized two days later, it was too late, and they were never seen again. A shark attack seems not to have been the cause of death, however, as the couple’s dive jackets were eventually found. The jackets weren’t damaged, which suggested that the Lonergans likely took them off, “delirious from dehydration,” and drowned.
Borderland (2007)
When three friends head to a Mexican border town to have some fun in this movie, they get mixed up with a cult specializing in human sacrifice. The concept loosely stems from the life of Adolfo de Jesus Constanzo, a drug lord and cult leader who was responsible for the death of American student Mark Kilroy.
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
The iconic baddie Freddy Krueger kills teenagers via their dreams in Wes Craven’s franchise-launching film. Craven told Vulture that the idea stemmed from an article he read in The Los Angeles Times about a family of Cambodian refugees with a young son who reported awful nightmares. “He told his parents he was afraid that if he slept, the thing chasing him would get him, so he tried to stay awake for days at a time,” said Craven. “When he finally fell asleep, his parents thought this crisis was over. Then they heard screams in the middle of the night. By the time they got to him, he was dead. He died in the middle of a nightmare. Here was a youngster having a vision of a horror that everyone older was denying. That became the central line of Nightmare on Elm Street.”
Black Water (2007)
Set in the swamps of Australia, this movie sees a group of fishers attacked by a humongous crocodile. It was inspired by an actual crocodile attack in the Australian outback in 2003 that killed a man named Brett Mann in an area that his friends said they’d “never, ever” seen a crocodile before.
Dead Ringers (1988)
In David Cronenberg’s movie, Jeremy Irons plays twin gynecologists who do messed up things with patients and ultimately die together in the end. Cronenberg adapted the movie from Bari Wood and Jack Geasland’s novel Twins, which was inspired by the lives of actual twin gynecologists Stewart and Cyril Marcus. TheNew York Times noted that the Marcuses enjoyed “trading places to fool their patients” and that they ultimately “retreat[ed] into heavy drug use and utter isolation.”
Deliver Us From Evil (2014)
The movie follows a cop and a priest who team up to take on the supernatural. It’s based on self-proclaimed “demonologist” Ralph Sarchie’s memoir Beware the Night, in which he tells supposedly true stories, such as the time he found himself “in the presence of one of hell’s most dangerous devils” possessing a woman.
Poltergeist (1982)
In Poltergeist, a family’s home is invaded by ghosts that abduct one of the daughters. The film was inspiredby unexplained events, such as loud popping noises and moved objects, that occurred in 1958 at the Hermanns’ home in Seaford, New York.
Psycho (1960)
Alfred Hitchcock’s essential film traces a woman who embezzles money from her employer and runs off to a mysterious hotel where she is (58-year-old spoiler alert) murdered by the man running it, Norman Bates. Bates is said to have been based on Ed Gein, a Wisconsin man who was convicted for one murder in the 1950s, but suspected for others. He also was a grave robber, and authorities found many disturbing results of that in his home, including bowls crafted from human skulls and a lampshade made from the skin of someone’s face.
Scream (1996)
The classic ‘90s slasher flick uses dark humor to tell the story of a group of teens and a mystery man named Ghostface who wants to murder them. But the real story ain’t funny. The movie was inspired by the Gainesville Ripper, real name Danny Rolling, who killed five Florida students by knife over a span of three days in August 1990.
The Conjuring (2013)
The movie stars Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga as ghost hunters helping out a family in a haunted 18th-century farmhouse. The hunters, Ed and Lorraine Warren, are real people, as is the Perron family that they assist. Lorraine was a consultant on the movie and insists that many of the supernatural horrors really happened, and one of the daughters who is depicted in the film, Andrea Perron, says the same. She recalled an angry spirit named Bathsheba to USA Today:“Whoever the spirit was, she perceived herself to be mistress of the house and she resented the competition my mother posed for that position.”
Annabelle (2014)
The creepy porcelain doll from The Conjuring gets her terror on in this spin-off of The Conjuring. The ghost-hunting Warrens have claimed that there was a real Raggedy Ann doll that moved by itself and wrote creepy-ass notes saying things like, “Help us.” The woman who owned it contacted a medium, who claimed that it was possessed by a seven-year-old girl named Annabelle who had died there.
The Disappointments Room (2016)
Kate Beckinsale stars in the movie as an architect who moves to a new home with a mysterious room in the attic that she eventually learns was previously used as a room where rich people would cast off disabled children. It was reportedly inspired by a Rhode Island woman who discovered a similar room in her house that she says was built by a 19th century judge to lock away his disabled daughter.
The Exorcist (1973)
Two priests attempt to remove a demon from a young girl in this box office smash. The movie was based on a 1949 Washington Post article with the headline “Priest Frees Mt. Rainier Boy Reported Held in Devil’s Grip.” Director William Friedkin spoke about the article to Time Out London: “Maybe one day they’ll discover the cause of what happened to that young man, but back then, it was only curable by an exorcism. His family weren’t even Catholics, they were Lutheran. They started with doctors and then psychiatrists and then psychologists and then they went to their minister who couldn’t help them. And they wound up with the Catholic church. The Washington Post article says that the boy was possessed and exorcised. That’s pretty out on a limb for a national newspaper to put on its front page… You’re not going to see that on the front page of an intelligent newspaper unless there’s something there.
The Girl Next Door (2007)
The movie follows the abuse of a teenage girl at the hands of her aunt, and it was inspired by the murder of Sylvia Likens in 1965. The 16-year-old girl was abused by her caregiver, Gertrude Baniszewski, Baniszewski’s children, and other neighborhood children, as entertainment. They ultimately killed her, with the cause of death determined as “brain swelling, internal hemorrhaging of the brain, and shock induced by Sylvia’s extensive skin damage,”
The Possession (2012)
Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Kyra Sedgwick star in the movie as a couple with a young daughter who becomes fascinated with an antique wooden box found at a yard sale. Of course, the box turns out to be home to a spirit. The flick’s “true story” basis came from an eBay listing for “a haunted Jewish wine cabinet box” containing oddities such as two locks of hair, one candlestick, and an evil spirit that caused supernatural activity. The box sold for $280 and gained attention when a Jewish newspaper ran an article about its so-called powers.
The Rite (2011)
In The Rite, a mortician enrolls in seminary and eventually takes an exorcism class in Rome, where demonic encounters ensue. The movie was based on the life of a real exorcist, Father Gary Thomas, whose work was the focus of journalist Matt Baglio’s book The Rite: The Making of an Exorcist. A Roman Catholic priest, Thomas was one of 14 Vatican-certified exorcists working in America in 2011. He served as an advisor on the film and told The Los Angeles Times that in the previous four years he had exorcised five people.
The Sacrament (2013)
In the movie, a man travels to find his sister who joined a remote religious commune, where, yep, bad things happen. It was inspired by the 1978 Jonestown massacre, in which cult leader Jim Jones led 909 of his followers to partake in a “murder-suicide ceremony” using cyanide poisoning.
The Shining (1980)
Stanley Kubrick’s horror masterpiece is about a man who is driven to insanity by supernatural forces while staying at a remote hotel in the Rockies. The movie Derives from Stephen King’s book of the same name, which was inspired by the Stanley Hotel in Colorado, where plenty of guests have reported seeing ghosts. The Stanley wasn’t actually used in the movie, however, because Kubrick didn’t think it looked scary enough.
The Silence of the Lambs(1991)
The Oscar-winning film tells the story of an FBI cadet who enlists the help of a cannibal/serial killer to pin down another serial killer, Buffalo Bill, who skins the bodies of his victims. FBI special agent John Douglas, who consulted on the film, has explained that Bill was inspired in part by the serial killer Ted Bundy, who like Bill, wore a fake cast. Ed Gein is also believed to be an inspiration, what with the whole skinning thing. And per Rolling Stone, 1980s killer Gary Heidnik was a reference for how Buffalo Bill kept victims in a basement pit.
The Strangers (2008)
Three killers in masks terrorize the suburban home of a couple (played by Liv Tyler and Scott Speedman) in this invasion thriller. Writer-director Bryan Bertino has said the film was inspired by something that happened to him in childhood. “As a kid, I lived in a house on a street in the middle of nowhere. One night, while our parents were out, somebody knocked on the front door and my little sister answered it,” he said. “At the door were some people asking for somebody that didn’t live there. We later found out that these people were knocking on doors in the area and, if no one was home, breaking into the houses.”
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974 & 2003)
Ed Gein also reportedly inspired elements of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and its remake. The movies are about groups of friends who come into contact with the murderous cannibal Leatherface. The original film memorably features a room filled with furniture created from human bones, a nod to Gein’s home.
The Town That Dreaded Sundown (1976 & 2014)
The original film follows a Texas Ranger as he tracks down a serial killer threatening a small town, and the 2014 sequel of the same name essentially revives the same plot. Both are based on the Texarkana Moonlight Murders of 1946, when a “Phantom Killer” took out five people over ten weeks. The case remains unsolved
Veronica (2018)
The recent Netflix release follows a 15-year-old girl who uses a Ouija board and accidentally connects with a demon that terrorizes her and her family. The movie’s based on a real police report from a Madrid neighborhood. As the story goes, a girl performed a séance at school and then “experienced months of seizures and hallucinations, particularly of shadows and presences surrounding her,” according to NewsWeek. The police report came a year after the girl’s death when three officers and the Chief Inspect of the National Police reported several unnatural occurrences at her family’s home that they called “a situation of mystery and rarity.”
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architectnews · 3 years
The Verandah Restaurant, Mandarin Oriental
The Verandah Restaurant, Mandarin Oriental, Bangkok luxury five-star hotel, Bang Rak Dining, Chao Phraya River Photos
The Verandah Restaurant, Mandarin Oriental, Bangkok Hotel
8 February 2022
Design: DESIGNWILKES, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Address: 48 Oriental Avenue, Khwaeng Bang Rak, Bang Rak, Bangkok 10500, Thailand
The Verandah, the high design restaurant at the renovated Mandarin Oriental, Bangkok, designed by the Kuala Lumpur-based hospitality design firm DESIGNWILKES.
The Verandah Restaurant at the Mandarin Oriental, Bangkok
Recognized for his ability to blend cosmopolitan influences with local tradition, founding principal Jeffrey Wilkes’ work can be admired and experienced across five continents and 19 countries where his team has created environments reflective of indigenous art, craft and historic architecture.
His distinguished portfolio includes the Mandarin Orientals in Dubai, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur and Tokyo in addition to his work on the Bangkok location.
Overlooking the Chao Phraya River, guests can dine outdoors or indoors at the all-day dining restaurant. Upon walking into the restaurant, diners enter a bright open space surrounded by windows with picturesque views of the lush greenery.
The room is filled with vibrant greens and earthy tones to match the exterior. The highlight of the restaurant is the commissioned mural painted in traditional temple technique that spans 17 metres long and wraps around three walls by Bangkok artists Anusak Paowpusri and Manussanun Wongrianthai.
While designing the restaurant, Wilkes was sure to maintain the history and culture throughout the hotel, paying homage to the property’s heritage. He emphasized thoughtful details such as the pineapple symbol, which is a superior and important fruit in Thailand.
The thorough interior overhaul included an updated lobby, common and corridor spaces, dining venues, as well as new visions for the guest rooms and suites.
More details online soon
Previously on e-architect:
Mandarin Oriental Bangkok Luxury Hotel
Mandarin Oriental, Bangkok luxury five-star hotel
A luxury five-star hotel in one of the world’s most exciting cities
The Verandah Restaurant, Mandarin Oriental, Bangkok luxury five-star hotel building on the Chao Phraya River images / information received 080222
Restaurant building designs
Address: 48 Oriental Ave, Khwaeng Bang Rak, Bang Rak, Bangkok 10500, Thailand, South East Asia
Phone: +66 2 659 9000
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leeblog2022 · 3 years
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Top 5 Richest People in The World
From political decisions to social and economic transformations, billionaires play a critical role in influencing the world. According to Forbes, there are 2,755 billionaires in the world. Only a few of people—ten to be exact—have a net worth of $100 billion or more. Many of these billionaires are the founders of technology companies, and their fortune is mostly invested in the businesses they founded.
According to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, the 10 wealthiest people in the world at the time of editing this article—Jan. 19, 2022—are listed below.
1. Elon Musk
Net worth: $269 billion
Elon Reeve Musk FRS is an entrepreneur and business magnate. He is the founder, CEO, and Chief Engineer at SpaceX; early-stage investor, CEO, and Product Architect of Tesla, Inc.; founder of The Boring Company; and co-founder of Neuralink and OpenAI.
After car rental firm Hertz announced its plan to acquire 100,000 of Tesla's electric vehicles on Oct. 25, 2021, shares of the automaker jumped 12.7 percent and achieved a $1 trillion market valuation. Tesla CEO Elon Musk's fortune increased by almost $36 billion in a single day as a result. 1617 Musk's lead as the world's richest person continues to expand, thanks to a jump in Tesla shares and a deal with investors in October 2021 that boosted SpaceX's valuation. Musk's net worth had increased by $72 billion in the previous year as of Jan. 19, 2021. 
2. Jeff Bezos
Net worth: $187 billion
Jeffrey Preston Bezos is an entrepreneur, media mogul, investor, computer engineer, and commercial astronaut from the United States. He is the founder and executive chairman of Amazon, where he formerly served as president and chief executive officer.
Bezos took Amazon public in 1997 and went on to become the first guy to reach a net worth of more than $100 billion since Bill Gates in 1999. 2526 Other projects by Jeff Bezos include the aerospace company Blue Origin, The Washington Post (which he bought in 2013), and the 10,000-year clock (also known as the Long Now).
Blue Origin's first successful crewed flight took place on July 20, 2021, with Bezos, his brother Mark, aviation pioneer Wally Funk, and Dutch student Oliver Daemen, reaching an altitude of slightly over 62 miles before landing safely.
3. Bernard Arnault
Net worth: $187 billion
Bernard Arnault, a French national, is the chairman and CEO of LVMH, the world's largest luxury goods conglomerate. Some of the world's most recognizable brands are owned by this company, including Louis Vuitton, Hennessey, Marc Jacobs, and Sephora. 33
However, his large position in Christian Dior SE, the holding firm that owns 41.2 percent of LVMH, accounts for the majority of his riches.
34 His family-owned holding business, Groupe Familial Arnault, owns 6.2 percent of Christian Dior SE and another 6.2 percent of LVMH.
4. Bill Gates
Net worth: $133 billion
Bill Gates started to work with his childhood buddy Paul Allen to build new software for the early microcomputers while attending Harvard University in 1975. Following the success of this effort, Gates dropped out of Harvard during his junior year and joined Allen to create Microsoft.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, of which he and his ex-wife, Melinda Gates are co-chairs, was formed in 2000 when Gates' two philanthropic organizations, the William H. Gates Foundation and the Gates Learning Foundation, were united to become the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.  He has spent billions fighting polio and malaria through his organization. In 2014, he also contributed $50 million to assist battle Ebola. 50 The organization has spent approximately $1.9 billion to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic as of 2021. 
5. Larry Page
Net worth: $124 billion
Larry Page's claim to fame, like that of several other tech billionaires on our list, began in a college dorm room. Page and his friend Sergey Brin came up with the notion of increasing data extraction skills when using the Internet while at Stanford University in 1995. The team created "Backrub," a new form of search engine technology named after its capacity to examine "backing links." After that, Page and Brin co-founded Google in 1998, with the former serving as CEO until 2001.
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Useful tips to help you create good habits as a web designer
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A great economist said that over twenty years prior. Today there are more than 644 million dynamic sites on the Web and website specialists turned into a focal piece of any organization’s promoting methodology. This all makes website specialists popular.
Assuming you need to turn into a website specialist, yet you have no clue about where to begin, this aid is intended for you. Beneath you’ll discover a bit-by-bit guide that assists you with understanding the fundamental information and abilities you’ll have to construct a fruitful vocation in website architecture.
1. Learn website architecture hypothesis
With regards to learning another discipline, it’s fundamental to learn essential standards first. Very many planned sites adhere to severe principles of UX plan — they have great convenience and decent visual allure. A decent UX configuration will make guests stay on your site while an awful one will make them head off to someplace else.
Before attempting to make something you need to gain proficiency with the guidelines of how sites ought to be coordinated. Any individual who needs to turn into a website specialist ought to figure out how to make clear and vigorous data engineering. UX and UI creators help in the customer experience plan.
To make an eye-getting website architecture, it’s fundamental to learn the shading hypothesis and the essential standards of the visual pecking order. There’s a fantastic plan movement considered Day by day UI Challenge that guarantees that you’ll improve as an architect in 100 days. Check it out!
2. Figure out how to code
It will be difficult to work in the website architecture industry without knowing any of the programming dialects. It’s feasible to make a site utilizing web designers like Wix or Squarespace. Yet, you will battle to know the potential outcomes of the web when you work just with website manufacturers. Realizing how to code will give you a lot of advantages. For instance, you’ll have the option to shape a significantly more exact thought of whether your plan is plausible.
You need to have the essential abilities in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Falling Templates). HTML sets the design and content of the page, while CSS characterizes the styling alternatives. I suggest instructional exercises by W3schools: instructional exercise on HTML and tutorial on CSS.
It’s additionally desirable to learn JavaScript — it’s quite possibly the most sought-after programming dialect. It’ll be a lot simpler to make progress in sites utilizing JavaScript. Significant learning stages give admittance to JavaScript courses for free. Look at it as a prologue to JavaScript courses by Codecademy and Udacity.
3. Get the right apparatuses
In each industry, becoming familiar with the fundamental instruments is the initial move towards progress. You can’t anticipate being a fruitful website specialist without knowing the business standard devices.
However, since website architecture is an expansive discipline, website specialists must be comfortable with various parts of the plan, for example,
Graphical plan. Notwithstanding that visual depiction and website composition are two separate fields, website specialists frequently need to jump into visual communication to settle a specific plan issue. Hence, figure out how to utilize a designs supervisor like Adobe Photoshop. The most widely recognized assignment website specialists do in illustrations editors is picture altering — resizing or trimming pictures so they fit appropriately inside explicit spaces or compacting pictures so they’ll be more reasonable for web seeing. Here is a brilliant instructional exercise for Photoshop by Tutorials.
Prototyping. Prototyping is the foundation of website composition. At the point when website specialists have strong prototyping abilities, they don’t need to hang tight for the last website architecture to approve their presumptions; all things being equal, they can approve their plan choices in practically no time. Look at Mockplus, an amazing asset for prototyping. Utilizing Mockplus it’s conceivable to make a completely intuitive model in minutes.
Coding. As I’ve effectively referenced, website specialists ought to see how to code. Get yourself a decent code proofreader like Radiant or Particle.
Prototyping in Mockplus
Website specialists additionally need to get comfortable with mainstream CMS (Content Administration Framework) — programming that is utilized to make and oversee advanced web content. CMS makes a technique of content administration substantially more agreeable for the site’s proprietors. While there are many various CMS accessible available today, there are three driving CMS — WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal. Having active involvement in one (or all) framework is fundamental. You can begin with basic exercises, for example, presenting minor changes in the webpage’s plan and move to further developed exercises, for example, making a format for a site or fostering a module.
4. Learn essential Web optimization rules
Part of being a popular website specialist is having the option to accomplish something beyond plan. Sites must be organized such that makes them amicable for clients as well as for internet searcher bots. Web optimization is a course of webpage enhancement that has an objective to make better online perceivability of a site. Website specialists should zero in on “normal” advancement by working webpage hand’s presentation, enhancing it for various stages, and focussing on content — making it significant for the intended interest group. Such exercises can assist with expanding the site’s rankings with web indexes. Peruse The Total Novice’s Manual for Website optimization and 15 Guidelines for Ruling On the Web Indexed lists for more data on the Web optimization theme. A Web Designing company is responsible for improving the designs of your company over the web.
5. Assemble a propensity for testing your plan consistently
The course of website architecture requires assessment and investigation of completed work. Architects need to test a site to be certain that pages load rapidly and a site is available both for work areas and portable clients. Today it’s a lot simpler to take a look at that. You can utilize apparatuses like Google Pagespeed Bits of knowledge.
6. Further develop your relational abilities
Web planning is infrequently a small-time show. Regardless of whether you work in a major plan office or a little plan studio, cooperation is inescapable. Website specialists need to speak with customers, engineers, or different creators consistently. That is the reason website specialists ought to figure out how to introduce their work in the best light.
7. Watch out for coming patterns
Motivation is fundamental for all innovative individuals, and website specialists are no exemption. Website specialists ought to be acquainted with the most recent website composition patterns to comprehend the always changing requests of web guests. It’s prescribed to go through 30 minutes every day on watching the best plans.
8. Join website architecture networks
The most ideal approach to take in is to gain from the best. It’s critical not exclusively to join website architecture networks yet, in addition, be a functioning part:
-Join well known online networks like Sitepoint or Uxmastery
-Follow web specialists like Sara Soueidan, Brad Ice, Jeffrey Zeldman, and Jesse James Garrett on Twitter.
In any case, remember about disconnected exercises. Zero in on acquiring disconnected contacts. Recall that numerous extraordinary positions are accessible just for reference. Subsequently, join neighborhood meetups and gatherings and begin gathering significant contacts. Meetup is an incredible asset that assists you with tracking down an applicable movement in your locale.
9. Look for study and figure out how to repeat
Configuration is an exceptionally abstract matter, and website architecture is no special case. That is the reason when planners make something they need to look for input from others — different originators, partners, clients. You can find out about methods of getting criticism from the article The Significance of Getting Incredible Input in Website composition.
It’s additionally fundamental to keep away from the scourge of imaginative compulsiveness. A large portion of the creators are sticklers; they attempt to make things ideal right from the primary endeavor. In any case, it tends to be difficult to accomplish this objective particularly when you as of late joined the website architecture. Along these lines, don’t stress a lot over making your plan wonderful the first run-through. It’s in every case better to make something unmistakable and get input on your work from genuine clients as opposed to investing a great deal of energy cleaning something just to understand that your plan choice was not spot on. Perhaps the best thing about website composition is that sites can generally be improved whenever.
10. Zero in on making your portfolio
To employ a website specialist, organizations or customers should be certain that a web originator has every one of the necessary abilities to accomplish the work. That is the reason when organizations/customers search for a planned originator they need to see unmistakable consequences of their work, not simply to hear the inside and out comprehension of the planned hypothesis. The most ideal approach to demonstrate your website architecture abilities is to make a solid portfolio.
In any case, what to do on the off chance that you don’t have any models for your portfolio? Start this cycle by making your very own site. Make a virtual presence for yourself as an expert — show your abilities and level of craftsmanship. Flavor your plan with components of personalization (add something exceptional to your site, something that can be found uniquely on your site).
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specialebookforyou · 3 years
^E.B.O.O.K. DOWNLOAD# The Nature of Home Creating Timeless Houses !READ NOW!
^E.B.O.O.K. DOWNLOAD# The Nature of Home: Creating Timeless Houses !READ NOW!
The Nature of Home: Creating Timeless Houses
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[PDF] Download The Nature of Home: Creating Timeless Houses Ebook | READ ONLINE
Author : Jeff Dungan Publisher : Rizzoli International Publications ISBN : 0847863069 Publication Date : 2018-9-4 Language : Pages : 256
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Synopsis : ^E.B.O.O.K. DOWNLOAD# The Nature of Home: Creating Timeless Houses !READ NOW!
Light-filled houses built with an emphasis on natural materials by award-winning Southern architect Jeffrey Dungan.Following in the tradition of populist architects Gil Schafer and Bobby McAlpine, Dungan designs new traditional houses for today--houses with clean lines, made with stone and wood, that carry an air of lasting beauty and that are made to be handed on to future generations. In his first book, Dungan shares his advice and insight for creating these 'forever' houses and explores eight houses in full, from a beach house on the Gulf Coast to a farmhouse in the Southern countryside to a family home in the Blue Ridge Mountains. All speak of authenticity, timelessness, and lived history that reveals itself through the rich patinas and natural textures that come with age. Layered in between are thematic essays and imagery celebrating the importance of elements such as light, stone, and rooflines in creating a home.
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rinovarka · 6 years
some little known scifi books i  have read and what i think of them
(Scifi in regards to like, aliens and robots. Not dystopias such as 451 or 1984, or oddballs like SH5, or medicine/biology like Frankenstein, though I certainly COULD do short reviews on them, tho those are well known…This list will be expanded the more I read lol)
The Wild Robot by Peter Brown
The story of this one revolves around a ROZZUM (ha, love the archaic R.U.R reference there) robot named Ros, who emerges from a crate lost at sea. She learns how to survive in the wild and understand animals and live among them, gaining a son and friends along the way. Pacewise, the story goes by somewhat slowly. Some themes briefly encountered are technology vs nature and “the circle of life”. The simplistic art implies that the robots in this world are high tech, but designed in a retro fashion, which I think is a cute choice! If you are looking for action, this book, and The Wild Robot Escapes, is NOT for you. If you are looking for heavy scifi, this and the second book are NOT for you.
The Wild Robot Escapes by Peter Brown
This is a sequel to The Wild Robot, which deals with Ros in human society. She goes through different facets, from rural to urban, and has some thoughts of morality along he way. Pacewise, this goes very quickly. Very. All the thoughts of Ros that could have some deep thought into it do not get expanded upon. Themes briefly encountered are technology vs humanity, do robots have feelings/morality, should robots have rights, and etc. Personally, I would have been fine had the story taken a darker tone with these themes, but given this book duo was written for young audiences, I am not surprised. 
(Not spoilery, but Ros encounters robot workers in a sewer and acknowledges that they may never go to the surface, only working in the sewage until they basically broke down. As well, she learns that odd robots such as herself are melted for “public safety”, and even notes that all she wants to do is go home and isn’t a threat. For me, this leaves me wanting to write my own thoughts on this, but through my own plans…)The ending is sweet hearted, but does leave for room for more story in he future.
Robot in the Garden by Deborah Install
This story is kind of an oddball. Our main character is Ben who is on the verge of a divorce with his wife because of his lack of resolve to do anything, and he eventually sets out on a journey to help a dilapidated retro robot named Tang that showed up in his garden and caused the wife to leave. There is some domestic squabbling and some minor adult humor, and settings and events that just kind of happen by random chance. However, Tang’s origin is discovered, the human relational problem gets solved, and its all light hearted and kind of cute. 
Not to vague any characters but, a lot of times when there is a quirky, sort of annoying yet endearing character in stories, the character is really just there to be a “cute” factor to get the attention of a general audience. Tang here actually is his own character, and is annoying in a childlike way, but serves a plot purpose, and goes through their own personal growth. 
If you are looking for action or heavy sci fi, this is NOT for you. The sci fi aspect of the world itself is not expanded upon beyond the fact that there are androids and robots. Many themes found in robot and human stories are not really developed here. A few are noted, but even less so that in The Wild Robot Escapes, in my opinion.
The Rapture Effect by Jeffrey A Carver
The setting in this story is incredibly interesting, what appears to be a country in futuristic South America, with all kinds of lights and technology. Our main cast is diverse in nature, and include a Brazilian architect/dancer, a Hawaiian art director, a Native American undercover overthrow-the-government agent, and etc. We also have an AI who turns from their moraless “destroy all alien” manufactured default to a very young-minded, very anxiety-riddled, naive AI system who yearns to learn about the world. 
The story itself is interesting, as we have a human vs alien war that humanity doesn’t know about until it’s almost too late, and we even get some insight into the alien’s way of life. We get perspectives into the alien’s lives, our main character’s lives, space traveler lives, and our world wide long AI’s perspectives. Such scenes include including running away from the government into a guerilla camp out, attack by rabid monsters, space warfare, and technological tinkerings.
HOWEVER, this story has a lot of issues. As much as I love the details about machines and aliens, it is somewhat confusing, and drags on for pages. Flat, stereotyped characterization is here, from basically all the women characters, to “sensual Brazilian man” and “black mammy” to “women’s goals revolving around attracting men and babies”. ALSO the incredibly cheesy resolution and ending. I can’t say what it is without spoiling it, but its just so cheesy.
This story can work well if it had like a huge modern update. Maybe Mr. Carver got better in this as time went on, as this book was written in the 80’s, and he has written more stories, I can’t say for sure.
If you like moderate sci fi and action, this IS the book for you, though the action happens towards the last half of the book, and some tension is dragged out too long.
Dragon’s Egg by Robert L. Forward
The author of this book is a scientist and you can tell. There is a bunch of science lingo that I was only able to decipher having taken two astronomy courses. There is also a lack of casual writing, (which is something I want to explain but I don’t have the book. A lot of the dialogue between humans is just written weirdly). If you know what all of the lingo means, then you have to get through the story. The story tells of a tiny sized groups of lifeforms called Cheela who live on a neutron star, and their development from mere molecules to complex society, alongside humanity, and first (and final) contact.  
We meet lots of different Cheela from many backgrounds, from the one who discovered numbers to a outcasted religious fanatic, these characters written more fleshed out than the humans. We also follow the line of humans who first spot the neutron star to the ones who visit it, and through them we see how time differences and planet differences would realistically affect human to alien communication.
It is explained scientifically how the Cheela are different than humanity is various ways, such as their environment and appearance, such as being the size of a sesame seed and having various eyeballs. Most scifi stories design aliens that just “look cool”, or humanoid, but are not based on a logical reason, or a planet that vastly differs from humanity.  There is even a manual in the back full of info goodies!
HOWEVER, among the issues already pointed out, there is one major dealbreaker here, and that is the amount of human influence that drives the story. I mean this in two ways. One, I find it quite lame that such a different life form would have some male and female gender division. Why this division exists is not really explained and I don’t know I feel like this category wasn’t explored so well. Also, lack of cultural info. Two, the major one, is how the development of Cheela was sped up by humanity. As in, when Cheela and humanity made communication, the Cheela basically was sent all kinds of human information, and went and based their scientific discoveries and culture around what was given. After this section of the book, there is less speculation on Cheela life, which wasn’t super fun. The author also lacked a lot of details in general as to basic things, such as how buildings would look like for paper flat Cheela, or how other lifeforms on the planet looked like.
Overall, I really liked Dragon’s Egg, and stands out to me as the most unique book I have read. If you like heavy scifi, this IS THE BOOK FOR YOU. Not so much for action, to be honest. Drama, yes tho.
AAAAaaand that’s all I have for now! I hope to find some other scifi books to review. 
One book that I really want to read is a book called Solaris, about a living planet that basically messes with human explorer minds in order to try to discover them, and they are so different its a weird experience for all involved. Its an interesting concept, but my library does not have it  and I don’t want to watch the movie :(
If you want to recommend something, I am cool with that!
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