#mod ales speaks
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yeah-im-takahashi-yukarin · 9 months ago
The Flower of Evil Blooms.
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Hey everyone, I'm Takahashi Yukari, 17 years old. It's nice to meet you! I guess you can call me one of the Yuus in Ramshackle. Anyway, feel free to drop a chat or text.
The mun behind this TWST OC blog is Mun Alestra! Or you can call them Ales. When mun is speaking, the text will start with a bracket, ((like this! Main blog is @alestrameria btw!))
Mun is an adult, but Yukarin is 17 so we don't accept NSFW asks and such. Slight suggestive jokes and innuendo is still okay
Strictly no homophobia, transphobia, racist, sexist, islamophobes, p*dophiles, incest-shippers, proshippers. DNI.
No death threats and no hate speech to mun. I am completely okay if your oc hates on Yukari (she's a bad person, we get it dw) but mun has the mental willpower of a wet paper bag and alr has enough of that from karens at her workplace ty for understanding 🙏
Sometimes responses will be slow, please be patient, tysm!
So far will only do platonic asks, will not do romantic relations or asks for now tho! Small flirts and teasing is fine tho
Always open to other blog interactions!! Don't be scared, we don't bite! ...much, anyway.
OC Blogs can totally interact!! The more tools friends the better ♡
Heads up before you follow: Yukari is...not a good person, to say the least. We'll put trigger warnings as needed, but be aware that some of Yukari's responses can come of as triggering or manipulative. Again, we'll tag tws, but if you're not comfy with it just dni or block us if it makes you feel comfortable. Your safety comes first ok 👍✨️
Generally be civil and nice!
We'll update as we go along! It's been a really long time since we were on tumblr like this yea
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Tags Used Here!
#yukari-speaks: general in-character ramblings
Anway, have fun! And be careful. Don't trust appearances.
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yourfavehatesautismspeaks · 2 years ago
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Skipper Dan from Weird Al Yankovic hates Autism Speaks as much as he hates his job!
[Image Description: Two images set to the background of a flag with three stripes; the upper and lower stripes are both light red, the middle stripe is a darker red. The first picture has Skipper Dan, a drawing of a man, clearly dead inside, wearing a khaki shirt, brown shorts, and a pith hat with a leopard print band. He is also wearing a name tag that reads “Dan”. The second image has the Autism Speaks logo crossed out with a ‘no’ sign. End Description.]
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weird-al-song-tourney · 2 years ago
i did not know i needed this tourney in my life thank you so much, what inspired you to do this
well doing the @selfindulgentsillinessbracket bracket was the first thing to inspire me to wanna do a bracket liike this but its mostly bc weird al was always my favorite musician as a kid & his music therefore means a lot to me on a personal level, so now i want to honor him & his music for all the good memories they gave me
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thehordemultimuse · 4 months ago
😳😳 Allllluminum
For Al? Sure!
Al is pretty straightforward. If she wants you, she'll tell you, 9/10 times. So Al is approaching you with something burning in her eyes, you can make a fairly educated guess. But if Al isn't feeling all too chatty, maybe she'll start curling up to you, big fluffy tail holding you in place so she can cuddle her victim, I mean, her partner into a barely standing melted pile of goo.
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sgiandubh · 3 months ago
Savannah you are still a rude bitch. O and if you are going to make allegations, back ot up with documents, evidence. You know like marriage licenses, posts by friends, cast members, mentioning the father and husband's name in congratulations. If he's such a con, bad business person, prove it. You are the one who is making the statement, you need to provide the documents. Tell others to go look it up doesn't cut it.
Dear Savannah Anon,
I have a surprise for you, darling:
If you don't understand anything, this is normal. It was my wicked pleasure to record this in my first native language - Romanian. But since I don't suspect you do speak or understand it, I will first transcript it as is and then translate.
Sinceră să fiu, nu știu cum unii oameni nu se rușinează de propria prostie. Savannah! Nici mai mult, nici mai puțin - serios? Însă asta este, puișor și regrete eterne: după cum poți constata, ai scris din nou tâmpenii, fără să verifici. Pentru că, hai să fim măcar o dată cinstite - sunteți speriate de nu mai știți de voi de apariția mea pe ecranele ordinatoarelor voastre.
Ani de zile și cam de când cu jocul absolut murdar al unui bătrân fără minte care a jucat într-un serial SF de succes, cam pe când Mama Shipper era la liceu, v-ați permis cam orice, fericite și numaidecât consolate de liniștea consensuală și lașă a echipei de producție, a presei, a actorilor principali: am mai scris chestia asta și am să o tot scriu de câte ori am chef, până vă intră în cap. V-ați crezut apoi protejate de șmecheria la fel de fără minte a cuiva care s-a lăudat că vă denunță și apoi, din câte înțeleg, a fugit cu banii trimiși de către o mână de oameni naivi și disperați „să afle adevărul”. Și ați continuat, pentru că știți foarte bine că foarte puțină lume ar fi, în fond, dispusă să vă dea în judecată, peste mări și țări, pentru un motiv atât de pueril, expunându-și familia, viața personală și cheltuind aiurea pe avocați, expertize și așa mai departe. Asta nu înseamnă că lucrurile pe care le faceți nu se constituie într-o infracțiune, și încă una în formă continuată, cu pedepse substanțiale în mai toate sistemele de drept în care trăim: și eu, și voi. Ceea ce faceți voi se numește hărțuire, zi de zi de zi: puțină lume rezistă și, din punctul ăsta de vedere, mă tem că ați încurcat-o, fetele. Cu mine, v-ați găsit nașul, în sensul în care voi răspunde absolut de fiecare dată la porcăriile pe care le trimiteți, cu riscul de a trece drept nemernica de serviciu.
Este dreptul vostru cel mai strict să rămâneți la fel de tâmpite, chiar și în momentul în care veți vedea foarte clar că ați speculat în gol. Este dreptul meu să nu cred o silabă din câte scrieți, iar motivul pentru care nu am să dau niciodată un ban găurit pe ce spuneți, este unul foarte simplu și evident. Cum să cred ce spuneți despre doi oameni complet străini, când am văzut din prima secundă a mea în această comunitate ce tâmpenii spuneți despre mine? Pe care apropo, nu mă cheamă Savannah, dacă nu ați priceput încă chestia asta (știu vag despre cine ar fi vorba și nu, nu sunt eu, slavă Domnului!). Așa că va trebui să vă hotărâți dracului odată: ori trăiesc la Boston, ori la Sydney, ori naiba mai știe pe unde. Ori habar nu am ce spun, ori sunt o cățea brutală, ori sunt nebuna de serviciu, ori inventez. Înțelegeți măcar că prostiile astea nu fac decât să mă informeze că aveți în mod clar o problemă personală cu mine și ați fi nemaipomenit de fericite dacă aș dispărea, intimidată și dezgustată de atâta răutate fără nume. Ar fi, poate, mai înțelept, să nu judecați pe toată lumea după prostiile pe care le faceți și minciunile pe care le spuneți. Cât despre mine, a fost și încă este o mare plăcere să vă fac de râs, total și iremediabil.
And here is the translation, just to make sure the above was in no way a friendly message: but really, darling, what were you expecting from a rude bitch, anyways?
'I honestly don’t know how some people manage to not feel ashamed by their own stupidity. Savannah! Nothing less than that - seriously? But it is what it is, pumpkin and I am sorry to say one more time: as you can see by yourself, you wrote again some mighty bullshit without even checking. Because, let’s be honest, at least for once: my apparition on your screens seems to have scared the shite out of you.
For years in a row, just about the same time a mindless old man (who starred in a successful sci-fi series when Shipper Mom was in high school) was playing a very dirty game with this fandom, you thought you were allowed pretty much anything. Happily comforted by the consensual, cowardly silence of both OL’s production team (and main cast) and the press: I wrote that before and I will write it again, every single time I feel like it, until you get it. Likewise, you felt somehow protected by the mindless trickery of a person who bragged about denouncing you and then, if I understood correctly, ran away with the money she collected from a handful of naive people, desperate to ‘find out the truth’. And on and on you went, because you know very well that few people would eventually be able to sue faraway you, for such a puerile reason, exposing their family and private life, and spending foolishly on lawyers’ and expertise fees. That does not mean, however, that what you do is not a continuous offence, punished as such by pretty much all our countries’ legal systems. What you guys do, on an almost daily basis, is called harassment: few people can stand it, but unluckily for you, I am afraid you’re screwed, girls. You’ve just met your match, in the sense I shall always answer to all the garbage you send and I really don’t give a damn if I am just the bitch you love to actively hate, or something.
It is your strictest right to remain idiots, even when it will be very clear that all you did was just empty speculation. It is my own right not to believe anything you write, and the reason for it is very easy to understand. How could I ever believe what you are saying about two perfect strangers, when I could see from my very first moment in this fandom all the idiocies you wrote about me? And by the way, in case it wasn’t already crystal clear for you, doll: my name is not Savannah (I vaguely think I know who that is and thanks God it’s not me!). So you’d better decide: I either live in Boston, Sydney or God knows where else. I am either clueless, or a rude bitch, or insane, or making things up. It is high time you understood that all these idiocies tell me you and I clearly have a personal problem, and that you’d be over the moon if I disappeared, intimidated and disgusted by all this nameless malice. Well, it would be wiser not to judge everyone by your own drivel and lies. And it was and still is one of my greatest pleasures to make a complete fool of all of you, over and over again.'
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hello-ello-ello · 10 months ago
Movement name: Maggotism
News reporter: @cawdra
Press reports:
Maggot revolution:
Leader: @patoslover
Known revolutionaries: @lxvenderjewel @garnetgoose0-0 @ivory--raven
Lawsuit establisher: @howmanyholesinswisscheese
Case helper: @an-ace-on-the-case
Lawsuit endorser: @eybefioro
Devil's advocate cum Court Fool: @samlikeslawnchairs (SUCK IT SAM'S MIDDLE SCHOOL COUNSELLOR)
Maggot union:
President: @sounds-void-fishy
President's emotional support cat: @apollos-dodgeball-target
Secretary: @dandelionchaos
Union notes:
Official Song: Unioning is hungry work (sung to the tune of Hozier's take me to church)
Official Bard: @koboldkatalyst
Official logo: FISHFLOPS
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Songstress and Gartic phone rep: @lxvenderjewel
Snacks committee: @ivory--raven (head), @just-a-bloody-bagel
Official Diplomat: @random-doctor-on-the-internet
Official Cheshire Cat: @voids-ideas
Official bagel: @just-a-bloody-bagel
Other Instigators, insurrectionists, revolutionaries, union members, bewildered witnesses and general chaos-maggots: @queermarzipan @thearoacemess, @goodomensduh @soleilpirate @prettycottagequeer @the-beard-of-edward-teach @empressumbreon @harbinger-of-existential-dread @im-sorry--what , @robinprinceofchaos et. al. (make yourself known if you should be in the list, or if you want a different role, this is a living document)
Union Demands:
1. Snacks (we now have @just-a-bloody-bagel and Eccles cakes from mod @orpiknight)
2. Asmi takes proper care of himself so Tommy can scarper
3. Francois be the mascot of our discord server something something (we don't want to displace Dissapointment)
4. Infinite Hugs (and chocolate malt milkshakes)
5. Ability to speak (void and moot now lockdown is over)
6. Financial compensation (still needs figuring out: @garnetgoose0-0 and @arkytiorlecter bring up valid logistical points )
7. Bragging rights
8. Maggot summer camp
9. Granddyke for president of the galaxy 2024
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appaloosawhims · 1 year ago
types of love legacy challenge
roughly inspired by the joy of life legacy challenge challenge by @simelune and time of your life legacy challenge by @aliennooboo
- feel free to use mods, i would recommend deeper conversations and nraas story progression
- i know all the expansions so i used the majority for them in the rules but not into the future because i dont know where that would fit into the legacy
- play on whatever lifespan suits your gameplay and adjust the lifespan to your liking
- this is more based on storytelling rather than completing goals and lifetime wishes but some generations do require you to finish them
- this challenge does require you to live in other towns for some generations i would recommend using nraas porter to move your sim families to prevent file bloating
- for some generations i only had a few required traits, feel free to choose whatever traits you would like to feel the extra spots
- feel free to add rules to a generation if you please
- i only included three generations for now but if i see people playing this ill probably add more
- post your gameplay and tag me and use #typesoflovelegacy so i can see 🫶🏽
generation one
ever since you were a child you have been lonely always looking for someone or something to make you less lonely but eventually everyone you let in left and you where alone again. despite your attempts to make a family it always felt like you where doing something wrong. why would everyone leave you? where you not good enough?
traits: hopeless romantic, family oriented, natural cook
lifetime wish: heartbreaker
- live in riverview
- get cheated on at least 2 times in your life
- stay loyal to whatever sim you romance at one time never cheat
- only get married AFTER you finish your lifetime wish
- have at least 3 children all from a different partner
- only have a part time job as a young adult when you are an adult quit, go to university for culinary arts and then get a job at one of the restaurants in town
- try to pick al of your childrens traits (if you cant pick the ones from newborn-toddler thats fine)
generation two
you grew up always around a different step parent which desperately changed your perspective on love. you saw your parent (the one who raised you) always with someone else making you think the only real way to be loved is to be loved by multiple people.
traits: commitment issues, diva, great kisser
aspiration: either master romancer or superstar actor you choose
- live in bridgeport
- have only one child
- never get married
- never get past the ‘friend’ relationship with your child bonus points if you have a negative relationship
- join the actor career
- become at least a 3 star celebrity
- get caught cheating at least once
- have a negative relationship with all past romances
generation three
you saw your parents terrible relationships and vowed never to go down that road. you would stay loyal and always have a loving relationship with each and everyone around you.
traits: family oriented, shy, dog person
aspiration: big happy family
- live in appaloosa plains
- as soon as you age up into a young adult move out and never speak to your parent again only invite them to your birthday parties
- get a dog when your first born is a toddler when that dog dies get a new one and so on
- never have ‘distant friends’
- go to the festivals for each season everytime they are in town
- join the education career
- go all out for each holiday
- have one romance your entire life
- have a child marry their imaginary friend
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sun-to-the-sky · 7 months ago
Sure! What do ya wanna watch:D?
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Hai Daddy! We haven't talked in a while? How have things been? :3
Heyy Sunshine!! Its been..great!! how about you? ^v^
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vyorei · 1 year ago
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Have yall ever heard him speak? Abu Obeida has one of the most enchanting voices I have ever come across in my life. I have a background in music (mod lore omg) that resulted in a fixation on Voice and hearing the way he talks is akin to a religious experience. Wise, musical, inspirational, his words are always eloquently chosen and delivered, he's a fantastic spokesman for Al-Qassam.
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bluepwnsu · 11 months ago
Xelzaz Version 1.11.0 is now live!
Xelzaz Version 1.11.0
Bug Fixes and Typos
- Altered Xelzaz's Apple Ale's mesh to make it easier to place on a surface.
- Fixed some typos.
- Altered the scripting for Nirnroot tracking in the ‘Of Crimson’ quest.
- Altered the scripting for adding and removing the ‘Use Roovi’ power.
- Added a condition to prevent Xelzaz from Force Greeting you at the Abandoned Shack should you not have had him along for the DB questline.
- Altered the scripting that plays Xelzaz’s theme when you first meet him to prevent it from stacking.
- Added a new dialogue option to Roovi where you can ask Xelzaz to drop everything he is doing. This will forcefully kick him out of scenes he may be stuck in and make him reevaluate his packages. 
- Added a new unique model for Xelzaz’s drink Kyne’s Kiss.
- Added a new unique model for Xelzaz’s drink Fire Salts Cocktail.
- Added more specific location comments.
- Added new general idles.
- Added new combat lines.
- Added new greet lines.
- Added bleedout lines for Xelzaz.
- Added lines for when Xelzaz is healed by the player. (Spells using the ‘RestoreHealthConcActor’ or ‘RestoreHealthFFActor’ magic effect)
- You can now ask Xelzaz where he is residing should you dismiss him. (As long as it is in a Skyrim Hold or Solstheim)
- Xelzaz will now drape his scarf over his face when it snows or there is an ash storm. (This can be toggled on/off)
- Xelzaz may now use some of his own potions when he deems it appropriate. These are on a cooldown. You can adjust the length of the cooldowns in his 'traveling rules' dialogue as well as turning it off completely.
- Added a new interaction that may happen after midnight in Falkreath.
- Added new interactions with Remiel ~100 new lines.
- Added new greet lines for Xelzaz in relation to Nebarra.
- Added a new quest for Xelzaz when you bring him to a meadery: 'The Good Stuff'.
Quest Commentary
- Added commentary for ‘Siege on the Dragon Cult’.
- Added commentary for ‘Distant Memories’.
- Added commentary for Forelhost.
- Reduced the disposition gained when telling Xelzaz he's sweet for joining in the songs with his family from +5 to +2. (Translators may need to update this script.)
- Added a distance check to Xelzaz's post Meridia quest dialogue so he won't say his line while you are falling from the sky.
- Added a description file allowing Xelzaz’s misc items to have a description when used with Description Framework. (Not included in Bethesda.Net version)
- Nexus files are now BSAs rather than loose files.
- Resized Roovi’s in-world model. (Increased her size by 3x)
- Downscaled many textures, reducing Xelzaz’s size by about 250mb
- An optional HD Texture pack is now available for high-res textures of Xelzaz’s models.
- Altered the way ‘Xelzaz is waiting’ quest marker is triggered. The objective is now triggered when Xelzaz begins one of his waiting packages, rather than via his wait dialogue.
- Altered the triggerbox script at the Hammerfell Gate to prevent Xelzaz from triggering the 'Speak with Xelzaz' objective should he leave prior to you taking him there the first time.
Thank you to wSkeever for their shovel furniture marker used in their mod 'Shovels Bury Bodies'.
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a-very-feeble-scholar · 3 months ago
“ I'm Al Haitham, the Akademiya's scribe. If you wish to access an archived file, please submit an application according to the prescribed format. Oh, your form isn't ready? Not to worry. You can come again on the next working day. My work hours are posted outside the office. ”
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Pronouns used will be he/they, Al Haitham has sensory issues (mainly sound and sometimes touch), has autism, and they are twenty-three.
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The images used in the banner of this blog and the profile picture were created by @vinnncentias , as are any adaptations or headcanons. This is a personal use blog and is not connected to the Genshin Impact universe. Al Haitham is simply a scholar with a loud roommate and has not met the Traveler in this universe. They are completely detached from Genshin Impact
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This blog is okay with multi-shipping, and any ships (as long as they are legal) are welcome. Each ship will have its own universe, and will not be interconnected with each other in any way. Suggestive themes and maybe NSFW could be featured.
Crossover and OC-friendly!!
I don't have anything against straight ships, but I'd like to avoid them since I'm not exactly comfortable with them. (It's a personal thing.) I'd also prefer if you were to talk to me about shipping your blog with mine beforehand so that I am aware. I also won't push Alhaitham into a relationship unless there is plotting and chemistry beforehand, the same with anything NSFW. I headcanon Alhaitham to not find it necessary so there will be very little of it.
Mod is also 18 but I am fine with interacting with anyone!
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(Image above is also made by @/vinnncentias)
The scribe has a few words 📗 (IC Interactions)
Mod wants to speak 🔊 (OOC)
Now is not the time. 🌧 (Angst posts)
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None yet
None yet
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Other Links:
{ Headcanons }
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( This blog may be OOC in some cases, I ask that you ignore this since I am not very well-versed with Al Haitham's behavior and am going off my own interpretation.)
Tag list: @not-the-darknight (Not sure if it's okay to tag you but I wanted to let you know that this is my new Al Haitham blog and is open for any interaction-)
Like and reblog if interested in interacting!
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gwendolynstark · 2 months ago
Hello! Welcome to my blog, I am still getting a hang on this ‘social media’ business, but I think I am getting used to it.
A little background about me; My name is Gwendolyn Rei Stark, yes I am a Gwen Stacy variant. If that is how you call it. My mother: Virginia “Pepper” Potts-Stark and my father: Anthony Edward Stark. My grandfather-esque figure: Jarvis, I do not know his full name, but ever since I was young I call him that.
A spider amulet gave me these odd and overwhelming powers, I have been calling myself Spider-Maiden since. It is quite a terrifying name, but it is the effect I want to have on my nemeses.
[Hey! @chooeychoco, AKA her creator here! I just wanna clarify some things, Jarvis is an actual person in her universe, I'm kinda going for the plot of Iron-Man Noir (really good comic that you should check out btw) but it's not the same, I'm just taking some parts in it to add to her character!]
[Her universe is set in the 50’s—1952 to be exact, the start of the cold war. Pepper in this is a Japanese-American emigrant, and Tony is of Arabic descent in Howard's side of the family, whilst Maria is a white American woman. I'm still trying to learn more about the Cold War era, and I will be correcting myself if I make incorrect statements.]
[I will be posting more art/lore about her! I would love to add more Spiderverse OC roleplayers.🖤]
I am 22 years old, I am okay with suggestive asks, but plain on Not Safe For Work messages are prohibited in my blog. Please, respect my [and mod’s] boundaries. Thank you and have a nice day.
#Stark's Mail : for asks
#Maiden's letters : some writings that resonates
with her
#Stark reblogs. : reblogs.
#Maiden speaks. : random posts from her
#Chooey talks ✿: mun!!
[down below is her VA claim that I've been thinking about:)]
Yasmine Al Massri
[Much like my own version of Gwen, Massri too is a woman who is Arab; specifically also Palestinian descent. I think she's the perfect candidate for my character, I love her voice and her history just resonates with my version of Gwen.]
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northgazaupdates · 1 year ago
10 January 2024
Journalist Mahmoud Abusalama interviews Um Samir Al-Najjar, who recounts atrocities committed by the IOF against her and her family. Special thanks to Instagram user faridaek for the full English translation, found under the cut. “M” stands for Mahmoud and “U” stands for Um Samir. The addendum with the asterisk was added by the mod of this blog for context.
M: We are reporting from the scene of a new crime committed by the occupation against the Al Najjar family. We are here in the house of Um Samir AlNajjar, who witnessed the execution of her own son Munir AlNajjar, a father of five. His wife and their children are now displaced in the south of the Gaza Strip. He was executed in the Jabalia camp in Al-Qassasib neighborhood. Here with us is the mother, a witness to the execution of her son, recounting the details of this massacre committed in cold blood by the occupation, in front of his mother's eyes in Al-Qassasib neighborhood in the Jabalia camp. My sincerest condolences.
U: May God reward your effort/endeavour
M: Can you tell us what happened the night Munir was executed?
U: I was sleeping with him at his brother's house. We had our breakfast and he said, “Mom, let's go to your house”, so we took our stuff and left. We stood for a while in front of the bathroom and he told me, “Mom, raise your finger,”* but he didn't speak directly or say it out loud, he just motioned for me to do it. He said, “Those are the Israelis, they've surrounded the door.” We went into the room where I had a bed, and we both slept on it. We thought they had left the house, but he signaled to me that they were coming into the house. He told me to get up. They came in and they started speaking to Munir, but I don't know what they said, I just heard him tell them, “my mother”! I got up, he brought my cane and placed it in front of me, to show it to them. They pushed the room door fully open and entered. They didn't say a word. They didn't ask for his identity card, his name, or who he was, nothing. They pushed us behind the door. Two Israelis stood there, one tall and blonde, and the other short and dark. The blonde shot my son in the neck immediately, without saying anything.
M: Did he place the gun/rifle directly on his neck?
U: No. He did it from a distance, the Israeli soldier shot him, fired a single bullet into his neck, and he fell. I then fell next to my son. They kept yelling at me to get up, but I kept saying I couldn't. I told them I couldn't get up because my son was lying on the ground. They both grabbed me by the arms and tried to lift me up, but I couldn't stand. They told me to hold onto the edge of the bed. I held on, but I still couldn't stand. They both lifted me up then one of them told me to lift my dress up, and I did.
M: So you're saying the army asked to strip search you, they asked you if you could lift your clothes?
U: Yes, I lifted my robe, and thankfully, I was wearing pants underneath. I lifted it and he said, “Higher, higher”, they saw my stomach and then told me to lower my clothes.
M: So we're saying that the army also strips women inside their homes?
U: Yes. Yes.
M: This is what happened to you?
U: Yes. They made me lift it and looked at my stomach. After they saw my stomach, they told me to get out. After my son was executed, they took me out of the house. They executed him, just like that. He told me to get out. I walked through the corridor and found every single Israeli soldier on earth inside my house. They were in the kitchen, both bathrooms, the rooms, the living room. Everywhere.
M: Were there any weapon in the house?
U: Nothing at all. By God, not even a knife in the room. Just a bed and a couch. Nothing. We didn't have any weapons or anything.
M: How old was Munir, may God have mercy on him?
U: He would have been 42 on the 19th of the month. May God have mercy on him.
M: Munir was also previously injured by the army correct?
U: He was injured at the age of eight. His leg was weak, paralyzed. He walked on it, but it had no muscle. He went to America for surgery and had eight operations in Tel Aviv. May God have mercy on him. After this, I got out of the house and they made me sit in my son's house next door, the wall there was shattered. As I sat there, I saw them bring down my other son and his two sons, in their boxers and nothing else. They told me to sit and stay there. A tall soldier came and gave me water and I sat there until Maghrib (sunset prayer). At Maghrib, they told us to get up and go back to the house. I didn't realize my son was still laying there. I thought maybe he was martyred and they had taken him away. But I found out they just left him lying there until the next morning. My other son came and said he wanted to go see his brother, and they threatened him, “Do you want us to shoot you like we shot him and put you right next him? Do you want us to shoot you in the head here and lay you beside him?” So he didn't get to see him. Then they took me and my son to my daughter's house in Block 2. Her son was martyred the same day as my son Munir. Munir and his nephew were martyred on the same day, in the same hour. I stayed the night at my daughter's house and then went to a shelter/displacement centre in the morning. After that, I went to my daughter's house in Gaza city on a donkey cart. And that's what happened to us. May God give have mercy on their souls.
M: This is one of the testimonies of the Israeli army's field execution of a member of the Najjar family in front of his mother's eyes. This is the testimony of Hajjah Um Samir Al Najjar, who narrated to us the story of the execution of her son, Munir Najjar, a brutal and bloody execution inside her house and in front of her own eyes.
*This probably refers to the Shahada, a profession of faith which is a cornerstone in Islamic worship. It is recited many times throughout the day and throughout life, and many Muslims try to have it be the last thing they say before death. It involves raising a pointer finger and reciting “There is no god but Allah, and Mohammad is the messenger of Allah” in Arabic. Munir likely heard the IOF approaching and feared for all their lives, hence warning his mother, who could not hear the approaching IOF, to recite the Shahada in case it would be the last thing she did. The bodies of many martyrs have been found with their finger raised, likely having been performing Shahada at the time of their death. Journalist Ali Jadallah’s mother almost died beneath the rubble of her home after it was bombed, but rescuers found her in time to save her life because they heard her performing the Shahada.
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thehordemultimuse · 11 months ago
when your muse enters a grocery store, what's the first section they walk to and why? + is your muse a note taker? list maker? do they keep their life organized, or are they more of a go with the flow type of person? + does your muse keep track of their family ancestry? why or why not? how much do they know about their family history? [For Al]
Hm, the first section Al goes to... produce. She goes to Produce. Fruits and veggies can be pricey but are good for you so it's important to catch those sales when you can. Her roommates may protest when she brings home way too much broccoli but they have to try and eat healthy, damn it! Al would love to be organized but, with her depression and time powers and generally disorganized nature, she can't just set a pattern. She tries to be understanding with herself for that. Al knows her extended family, to a degree. Probably as far as... hm, her third cousin twice removed. Ancestry, not so much. She can tell you about Great Grandpa Copperfield but that's as far as it goes.
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fandomshatepeopleofcolor · 1 year ago
Al Jazeera English has videos about West Papua situation, its called "Selling Out West Papua | 101 East" and "Indonesia to deploy more troops to troubled Papua region". There they explain that Indonesian soldiers monitor and attack indigenous people and allow the deforestation of the lands selling it to several South Korean companies. West Papua is the land of indigenous black people, anti-blackness is huge in south Asia too. I saw Indonesians speaking about Papuans like they are wild animals😭
here's the first video
and here's the closest I could find to the second one
thanks for giving me the heads up I'll try to keep a closer eye on al jazeera.
mod ali
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year ago
What r/Fakedisordercringe doesn't want you to see.
I came across a post on FDC with a removed comment. Luckily, there's a site called Reveddit that can show you removed comments, like this one:
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This was in response to a post about a system with 14 alters, and that was the official reason given for fakeclaiming.
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Keep in mind, again, plenty of academic papers have documented alter counts in the hundreds. "Polyfragmented" was a term made to describe these high-alter count systems.
And the system in this post had... only 14?
So what "misinformation" was this comment spreading?
Why did the r/FDC mods see it necessary to remove this particular comment?
Oh yeah, it went against the narrative.
Als, I haven't been able to find papers specifically into alters dating each others, but this just feels like a case where one could apply even a fraction of common sense. Because it is very well-documented that alters can communicate internally. And guess what? If two individuals can communicate, they can date. (Even if the only communication is writing.)
A lot of DID treatment involves encouraging communications and that means being able to speak with each other. And it's also very well-documented that many systems have inner worlds where their alters can interact internally.
Notably, the uneducated post claiming this would be too complex of an interaction for alters was not deleted.
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