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jokotten · 4 months ago
NRW ist zum Hotspot der organisierten Kriminalität geworden
NRW ist zum Hotspot der organisierten Kriminalität geworden. Clan-Kriminalität und Mocron-Mafia versetzen die Bürger in Angst und Schrecken. Trotzdem würden nach wie vor 40 Prozent der Wahlschafe die CDU in NRW wählen. Das schwarz-grün regierte Nordrhein-Westfalen entwickelt sich in atemberaubender Geschwindigkeit zu einem Hotspot der arabischen Clan-Kriminalität und Mocron-Mafia. In welchem…
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#craterelluscornucopioides #cantarelluscibarius #trombettedeimorti #galletti #mushrooms #mushroomlover #funghi#fungifreaks #fungiphotography #fungi #fungus #finferli #mocrone #lunigiana #toscana #tuscany (presso Malgrate Lunigiana Toscana) https://www.instagram.com/p/CW258yJsbGw/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lutin-des-bois · 8 years ago
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444names · 2 years ago
countries BUT excluding "a"
Bekin Bekis Belgius Beli Belicon Bell Benti Berites Bhund Bhundinds Bhungo Bhuthe Bhuti Bodi Bodivenei Boldi Bonic Bosothe Bosovo Bote Boted Botei Both Bots Bourg Bourk Bouru Bouth Bouthe Bouti Boutin Boutium Brungo Brus Budi Bulger Burgeon Burin Burine Burk Burkinei Burkme Burkmeros Buru Buruniste Burus Cedongo Cent Chel Chelice Cheriten Chil Chine Chinon Chted Chtemeny Chtent Chtes Chtesh Cipe Cippind Cippinte Cith Coldones Colithe Coly Come Comin Comortu Conds Coteny Cotes Cots Crocro Crocros Crome Crone Crones Croon Cros Cubli Cublivo Cypribots Cypru Cypt Czechil Czego Czegoly Czerdes Czerity Czerunes D'iverite D'ivine D'ivo D'ivoiren Dembodi Dene Denstogo Dent Dentium Dentre Domicen Domire Domontius Dondi Donds Dontice Dor-lesh Doree Doren Doro Doveston Dovo Echile Echines Ecublipe Egoly Egyzste Elles Emen Emenic Emibelipe Emon Emont Eque Eritze Esotswi Etho Fijikin Fijikind Fincel Fino Finor Frite Genic Geon Geri Geric Gerittswi Gero Gerzece Gree Grel Grelgenti Gren Greni Grentic Groccon Groccos Grom Gron Groondi Groongo Groont Guin Guinew Guint Helle Herde Heritiger Herond Herus Holdon Holomerde Holovoire Hundi Hundurk Hune Hunew Hungoly Hunisin Icede Ince Inegrenin Inezue Intes Iree Ireecel Iren Irenes Irin Irinin Isier Isiether Islomore Issince Istesh Isti Istri Ited Itze Jore Jorent Jorenti Kene Kenew Kenis Kenistogo Kenstic Kent Kente Kentius Keny Keychel Keychtes Kind Kint Kislom Kistre Kites Korg Korth Kortu Koso Kosots Kyrg Kyrgium Kyrice Kyrith Kyriti Leon Leongoli Leor Leoroon Lesh Lesierin Lesoth Lesothe Leste Lesteniti Leswede Liethe Liethont Lipe Lizericro Luciti Lucity Luxemin Luxemor Menew Merines Meritrine Meru Mine Minon Mire Mocco Moccos Moccots Mocrocro Mocron Moldosni Moly Mond Monei Mones Monesh Moneso Moneste Monew Mongdor Mongo Moni Morde More Morenic Morg Morgium Moro Moroment Negrent Negro Nesh Neso Neston Neth Nezue Nicelles Nigente Nity Nonds Nongo Nontic Nor-le Nor-les Nor-leso Norg Norom Nortune Omon Omongo Omorin Peri Phil Philes Phiopince Poldi Polomon Por-les Pordeny Pordes Pore Poree Poren Porgent Porind Printe Prit Prus Reeced Rene Ricenes Rinegreny Ritic Rocco Roccon Roccones Rome Roon Seece Seeced Seechte Sent Senti Seny Serinego Sero Seyche Seychile Seychin Seychte Sieth Sine Slom Slome Slomon Sloves Slovo Soldi Somon Somor Somorth Soted Sotedom Sotes Sotesh Sothe Sourkire Sourus Sovieth Sovo Sovoire Strice Sudi Sudine Surk Surkene Surkit Suru Surus Swed Switi Switius Swity Syrg Syrgeor Syrgerity Syrgypru Syrgypt Syri Thilesh Thinds Tholi Thonds Tiger Togoly Togovisti Tomic Tomind Tond Tone Tongo Tonigeri Torde Tordeswi Tore Toro Toron Torthond Tric Trind Trite Trity Tund Tunds Tune Tunew Tunigenti Turgypt Turkme Turus Undor Uneth Ungo Unisti Urkey Urkme Urundin Urus Uzbekis Uzbel Uzbene Uzber Vent Veny Verburund Verit Verity Veru Vested Viece Viechil Vier Vieth Vince Vinciten Vinezue Vini Visri Vistes Yembourk Yeme Yement Yemin Yemoldin Yemon Yemonego Yemonew Yemor Zego Zerde Ziles Zilites Zimoldi
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iimissakuraii · 5 years ago
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first drawing/watercolor painting of Cotton my oc for 2020. I have been working on her design and so far I'm settling on this but it may challenge on the future lol She appears much older then I was trying to draw but meh I'll make a younger looking version. - #watercolor #watercolour #painting #art #artwork #traditionalartwork #tradtionalart #traditional #oc #originalcharacter #furry #femalefurry #sexyfemalefurry #sexyfemale #commission #commissions #openforcommissions #openforcommission #commisssionopen #commissionsopen #artist #followers #reesewatercolor #mocron #microns #reeseart #fluidwatercolorpaper #fluidhotprocess #fluidart https://www.instagram.com/p/B6_DtF_B-T7/?igshid=f754y4qk7ceu
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powermagictwar · 5 years ago
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#ALLMAX LEUCINE . 🏋 لكل من يبحث عن البروتين والمتشوق إلى الحفاظ على العضلات الهزيلة 💪وإستعادة قوة العضلات لا داعى للقلق باور ماجيك لديها الحل 😲100%Pure Mocronized Powder والتى تعتبر واحدة من أقوى مكملات بناء العضلات الطبيعية هذا المنتج يمنحك هذه الطاقة الهائلة فى زجاجة واحدة .🏋هو عبارة عن حمض أساسى متفرع السلسلة من الأحماض الأمينية (BCAA ) وهو الخيار الأول لكل لاعبى كمال الأجسام حول العالم .👈فوائده ، ومكوناته : يحفز بناء البروتين العضلى 🍠 يعمل على توازن النيتروجين الإيجابى لبناء عضلات خالية من الدهون 🎚هو عنصر طبيعى يمكن تواجده ف المكسرات🏺 ، الأرز البنى 🍛، القمح🌿 لذا فليس له أى أضرار على الجسم .يحتوى على مسحوق أبيض بلورى مثالى وفائق النعومة يتيح مستويات إمتصاص مثالية .👈لمن هذا المنتج ؟ هذا المنتج ينصح به للرجال 🚹والنساء🚺 المهتمين بممارسة الرياضة🏋 بشكل منتظم إلا النساء الحوامل أو المرضعات فلا ينصح بإستخدامه .🍷طريقة الإستخدام : فى أيام التدريب🏋 ينصح بتناول جرعة واحدة 5 جم بعد التدريب مباشرة أو جرعة فى الصباح والأخرى فى المساء . 👌100% PURE MICRONIZED LEUCINE POWDER could be hailed as one of the most potent natural muscle building supplements known to man. ALLMAX brings you the purest and most powerful single ingredient to build hard, lean, dense muscle – FAST!🕭LEUCINE (C6H13NO2) is an Essential Branched Chain Amino Acid (BCAA) known throughout bodybuilding as the ultimate muscle builder. 😲Consume one serving (5 g) of LEUCINE twice per day. 🍷Take one serving immediately following a workout. On days that you don’t train, take one serving in the morning and the second in the evening.🚹Anyone can take LEUCINE from those who exercise 🚺to athletes and bodybuilders 📞 +971 4261789 .▶Website:www.powermagicnutrition.com .▶Home Delivery 🚚 ✈ ⛴ Available .#powermagicnutrition #powermagic #fitness .📣#supplement #bodybuilding #uaebodybuilding #Bodybuildinglifstyle #Gymlife #Sportslife #Gymbody#Workout #dubai #dubaifitness #uae #dubaibodybuilding (at MOL Tas'heel, Al Twar) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7lOzG_JNtw/?igshid=1xoziyovgdunm
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twenty-minutes-to-nine · 10 years ago
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#tramonto #biedal #mocrone #instagood #instalike #instaphoto #fiume #river #photography #photooftheday #photo https://www.instagram.com/p/BPAq4PeDcgL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13cr18t8pf3p
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#mocrone #lunigiana #toscana #tuscany (presso Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxIE3YInNw9/?igshid=1hdzbpyu5hv2g
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#mocrone #lunigiana #toscana #appenninotoscoemiliano #tuscany https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt-nO5YH9T1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ww647a7neyhw
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#autumn #mocrone #lunigiana #trees #instaphoto (presso Malgrate)
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#mocrone #lunigiana #cloud #trees
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#winter #lunigiana #mocrone #instavideo (presso Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/Btvm_r8o7MR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11ndn13r1b5kl
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#wildappletree #mocrone #lunigiana #trees https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo6FOqpCofP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qf04fzf5ji4d
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#deadnature #mocrone #lunigiana #tuscany https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo6Aq0wiZQg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1llvdp4mftmch
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#mocrone #lunigiana #tuscany (presso Villafranca in Lunigiana)
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