#mobile redirect
oceandiagonale · 6 months
Generic Protagonist Masterpost
Part I: Contains Intro, SWSH run, General Worldbuilding
Part II: Contains PLA Run (Hisui Arc), non-plot-posts that I like
Part III (You Are Here)
Contains: the aRRRc, Ultra Flare Finale, Paldea(?)
The aRRRc (Reunions, Redemptions, and Reminders) 
reference of guzma's aprons lol
Part 1: Hiding in Po Town
Title Card
time travel has left me a sad and lonely man
normal times at the shady house: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 3.5, plumeria outfit ref, part 3.75, part 3.8
cyrus and his little buddy
getting over it challenge level impossible: part 4, part 5
before he returns there's a bit: part 1, part 2, end of the bit, (it's canon fr), behold our heroes' middle names!
gee it's great to be back home: part 1, part 2, vidya meme
Part 2: Taking Care of Business
they say you can never go home again.
only semi-related; maybe they're right...
(In the meantime 1) (Flashback in the meantime)
Sycamore time!
Part 3: Well Well Well, If It Isn't Mr. Consequences!
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unknownlinguist · 5 months
"Tumblr works great on Mobile, what are all you guys even talking about?"
---Me; using tumblr via Firefox(mobile)
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flamewyrmz · 18 days
really funny that tumblr thinks i'm going to keep using the app if it's going to autoplay ads with sound while i scroll
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omnificent-orion · 2 years
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The Quest For a New Computer
The 2010 Dell Inspiron desktop I migrated to a few years back and have been using since is still chugging along, but it is well past showing its age. It’s clear that my art career has hit an unmovable wall because of technological limitations, so now I have no real options beside saving enough money to build a new machine. Here’s a post about how you can help me out.
I’m currently available for several different types of commissions
At ko-fi.com/loxocosm/ you can get sketch style commissions
At inprnt.com/gallery/loxocosm/ you can get prints on-demand
At patreon.com/loxocosm/ my $1 tier has several years of backlog of full resolution images, process shots, and commentary
And finally, reblogging this post is the easiest way to help me: it costs nothing, and it fills me with feelings of hope! Thank you so much for sharing.
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petermorwood · 1 year
Hello! I happened to notice again today that your blog address (petermorwood.tumblr.com) automatically redirects to tumblr.com/petermorwood, again, even though there was a period in which that didn't happen. I've just checked dduane.tumblr.com and that works, but (this may be completely unrelated, but I thought I might test with another famous author) neil-gaiman.tumblr.com also redirects. This seems to be the same problem as last time, but I thought I'd ask whether it's just my phone being upset with me or if it's something more widespread. (For reference, I'm using Chrome on an Android phone, and I have the same problem on Firefox on the same phone.)
Wishing you a good day! (Or night, or evening, or dawn, or whatever time it is.) And sorry for bothering you about technical problems again...
I've no idea why this should be happening.
I get the same on my own phone (Android / Firefox).
I just now opened my Tumblr on the phone, got this page (image below) tapped the link for tumblr.com and got that page again, as confirmed by the address bar at the bottom.
This problem also occurs on my tablet (Android / Firefox) - also checked just now - but doesn't occur on my laptop (Win10 / Firefox) where I'm currently writing, so it's a mobile glitch. Not a feature. Anything that compulsory and unavoidable is a glitch.
And it needs fixed.
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produk029 · 1 year
welcome 🦄
check out my about page: https://produk029.tumblr.com/about
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kingofthering · 8 months
i keep trying to search for ur blog writing pgslays btw
I first read this when I woke up and neither my brain or my eyes were truly awake because I kept reading it as my normal name and was utterly confused with what was wrong here.
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herawell · 2 years
allegoriesinmediasres -> herawell
Signal boost!
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whumpacabra · 4 months
On my hands and knees begging writeblr blogs to activate their blog’s custom theme to a) make permalinks easier to find and b) ensure their blog archive is accessible.
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enchantedmirage · 5 months
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I made a retrospring :3
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steakout-05 · 10 months
does anyone have any information about this "Age Of Zombies Beer Stein" that was mentioned in a contest Halfbrick did for the game's iOS release? it's mentioned in this page as one of the first place prizes, but i've never seen a single image of it anywhere, and searching for it yields no results.
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it's not on their Cafepress so it must have been something exclusive. i'm just curious to know what it looked like because you'd expect something like this to pop up as a photo somewhere. the section screenshotted seems to imply that there was a photo of it up on the page at one point, so i thought i'd look on the Wayback Machine to see if it was archived, but the one snapshot from 2020 has nothing. is this like, a piece of physical lost media or something? why is this so interesting?
(important note: i tried to have a look at the page announcing the winners to see if there was any info about the mysterious stein, but for some unknown reason, the link keeps redirecting to "Dog playing Fruit Ninja" which i find to be both kinda annoying and extremely funny. i keep getting my path blocked by some dog on an iPad and i don't know how to get around it....)
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jolikmc-thoughts · 10 months
[Gaming] Mega Man X DiVE Offline - It's No Joke  
"The biggest joke isn't the price [of Mega Man X DiVE Offline].  It's the fact that people will actually pay it and ask Capcom to do this again to them."
No no, my friend.  The biggest joke isn't the price.  It's that people like you think that, just because this is (based on) a free-to-play mobile "gasha game", it's not worth the price of admission.  (:
  If that's the 'joke', what's the 'punchline'?   I'd rather have a real Mega Man X game.
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omnificent-orion · 1 year
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Thanks everyone :D
Want a doodle? Go check out ko-fi.com/loxocosm
Commissions | Support My Work
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petermorwood · 1 year
I get the tumblr redirect, too, despite having the unwelcome dashboard interface turned off. But if you do have it turned off, you can at least cut&paste [username] from the end and replace the www with it and get your custom blog while still logged in! Works for me via mobile, at least. c:
I'll give that a try, but I don't do any serious Tumblr work on mobile devices: usually no more than checking my dash, adding a (short) comment, that kind of thing. In addition I hardly ever use the app; I prefer browser access.
However when constructing a typical "Long Post With Pix™" I'm invariably on my PC. Multiple reference tabs, bookmarks, etc., etc. are far easier to work with that way, as are reference books on shelves near the desk.
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jiaoliqiao · 9 months
also i've decided to keep using my old url in the links of the pathetic wet man collection because i'm sure i'm sure i'll go back to it at some point, and it's easier to keep track of one url than multiple
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kingofthering · 6 months
trying to find an available motogp username that I would like and currently struggling™️
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