#mob club owner curtis
1000night · 2 years
Hairy Girl
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Warnings: smut, hairy female Chubby reader, size difference, self insecure
Pairing: Club owner and Mafia boss! Curtis Everett
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Since you have the memory, you noticed your body is kind of different to other girls.
When you start growing, you can see your hair on your body is more than others.
Well, most of them could be hide, but you can't wear shorts or short skirts without leggings or long socks...
And the situation is worsen when your body is larger than your colleagues. You don't like to wear skirt anymore, and you only wear short pants in home.
You accidentally let one of the girl see your calf's one time in your middle school.
You can't forget the embarrassed scene when she squealed "Eww, leg hairs!!"
You know she didn't have propose but the squeal really hurt you.
The self depression continued to your college.
Today is your friend's birthday Party in your last year, you agreed your girlfriends and some boy-friends to come here since it's the last time in college.
You standing in front of the mirror and glared at your reflection of the mirror.
You wear a long sleeve hoodie and a long skirt, the length is near your ankles and hide most of your legs.
You courged yourself that you look not bad, maybe not pretty, but at least not weird and won't have unwanted attention.
You pick up your bag and meet your friends in the front door of the bar.
You've heard this club, its owner is familiar with the cops and the gangs in this city. So you don't want to earn the unnecessary attention.
That's why when you nearly bump into a man and you're in panicked.
“Oh shit...I am so sorry, sir. Are you alright?”
You scan his face when his large hands steady you and shrink of his touch.
“I am good, miss. Next time, you can wait in the guest room if your friends not come yet.” His cobalt blue eyes stares at you and you nod eagerly while you shift to side to menage more place to let him walking away.
“I-I am sorry again, sir.” You hold your bag and want to flee out here now.
The brunette hair man doesn't bugging you, he shakes his head one more time to tell you it's nothing to worry about before he enter the club. The guards all bow to him and call him “Sir!”
When your friends arrive all, you ask them if you can enter other place but not this club.
Of course, they reject you and pull you in even though you told them what's happened before.
You duck your head down and try to stay in the crowds. Checking your watch from time to time, you order yourself a cocktail with low alcohol. You don't like the taste of alcohol and you don't think it's a safe place to drink to you.
Across the room, the brunette hair man sitting on sofas. His eyes wandering and sways the glass of Whiskey.
“Today we have some special guests, don't scare them and don't cause any trouble. Especially Barnes's girl, or I would send the troublemaker to him and let himself dealing with you.”
He shifts his eyes and spots you in the corwds, you are chatting with your friends and sipping your drinks.
Curtis suddenly feels his throat dry. To be honest, your wearing is nothing special. A common hoodie, a long skirt and a pair of Rome sandals. You're not special but somehow you catch his eyes.
He drinks your curvy inch by inch, and he gulps his whiskey without move his stares.
“Freya...” Curtis speaks under his breath before he whispers something to his man. The man nodding and leaves to do his orders.
Your friends now all down to the dance floor. Just when you think you should go home after you drink your cocktail, the bartender comes to you.
“Do you want another one, miss? This one is free?”
“Huh? Ugh..why?” The bartender just send you a small piece of paper.
There's a text "Call me" with a phone number and a name
Curtis Everett
You freeze when you read his name, and you lift up your head.
“You sure you don't send it to wrong people? It's... it's might not for me, I mean this should give to another woman...”
“I...I don't know, miss. But Mr.Everett told me, if you have any problem, just tell him yourself, he's in the end of the hallway.”
The bartender is nearly crying.
You receive the letter eventually, but when you try to find your friends and told them you're leaving. You bump into a man's arms again.
“Ohhh! Sorry, sir. Are you...alright?”
Curtis smirks and his hand tuck into his pockets of his pants. He smiles down to you, and you suddenly notice how tall and giant he is. You can barely reach his chest.
“Already tired, Freya?”
“I-I am not Freya, I am afraid you're mistaken me as someone else, Sir.”
He chuckles and shakes his head, “No no, the Freya is beyond the name of our family, it would only give your mate.”
You blink your eyes once, and twice.
“I know it's sounds creepy and too fast, but...I also know I could make you be my mate and the time would prove that. Of course, as long as you allow me.”
Though his words are polite, but you can hear that he won't take “no” as answer.
You bite your lips and nodding slowly. Curtis lift up your hand and kiss the back of it. Your face heating up and you don't know how to react.
“This is just begin, Freya. Now, I would let you go with your friends. But next time...”
He lean to you without warning and you can smell the spicy taste from the whiskey.
“I would escort you back to your home myself.”
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NPT: @sapphire-rogers @royalwriteroftheuniverse @jamneuromain @sweater-daddiesdumbdork @madscape @ronearoundreads @sunshine-on-my-mind
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andydrysdalerogers · 10 months
Presley ~ A Curtis Everett AU ~ Part One
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Curtis Everett x OFC Presley Adams
Curtis Everett is a hard working man. As the head of the mob of Concord, he does everything he can to provide for his wife and children. His life is perfect. Until it's not.
After a devastating accident, Curtis is alone with his children and needs some serious help.
Presley Adams needs to find work and fast. Running from her past she just wants to lay low and earn enough to get her out of town. Until she starts working for Curtis as his live in nanny.
As she falls in love with this family, can she stop her past from finding her? Or will her past be the end of the Everett reign in Concord?
Book two of the Five Kings of Boston series
A/N: It's here!
Banners by me! Dividers by @firefly-graphics
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
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Series Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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Part One – The Boss 
Welcome to Concord.  An up-and-coming town outside of Boston.  Where kids can play with their friends and shop owners advertise with signs on the street.  It’s a quiet town.  An unassuming town.  A town where one-man rules and no one forgets it.  This town, Concord, is Curtis Everett’s town. 
“Anna, come back to me.”  A man slept in his bed, tossing and turning, reliving an old nightmare.  
Four Years Prior... 
Curtis’s POV 
“Are you sure you’re gonna be ok?” 
I could see that my wife is exasperated with me. “Honey, it's just to see my parents and back. One weekend. You can last one weekend with the kids.” She took in my grumpy face and smiled. “Curtis, I would take them with me but...” 
“I know, it's for their safety,” I grumble.  Anna giggles at me.  I love that she giggles at me. Her big scary mob husband. 
My name is Curtis Everett, head of the Everett family of Concord, mob boss and King of this town just outside of Boston. Most people would consider me a scary sight.  Tall, brooding with a buzz cut, beard and piecing blue eyes that, more than a few people have said, seemed to be able to suck out your soul. I took over for my dad a couple of years ago. My business in the city is protection, that everyone paid, gambling, which Sherrif Bodecker turned a blind eye to for a fee, and clubs, strip or otherwise.  I ruled with a ruthlessness that could make a man piss himself.  
But I know my place. I have four other equals that answer to a higher power.  
But in my town, Concord, I am the head of our town, the law, the savior and the devil.  
I only have three weaknesses in the entire world: my wife and children. I just don’t like being away from you, sweetheart. 
“I know, my love, but daddy is sick, and momma just needs a break for a few days.” Standing on the curb at the airport, Anna Everett knows me very well. Her big, surly, bossy of a mob boss is truly a teddy bear underneath, she would tell her mother.  Her father had been the same until he had stepped down to her brother.  She married into the Everett family to tighten the alliance between families from Chicago and Boston, so she was well versed in protection and sacrifice. It was just chance that Anna and I had met in college before and were already in love when the alliance was made. I still think that Dad and my father-in-law set us up, hoping that Anna and I falling in love, would be the outcome. 
I pulled her back into my arms and kissed her forehead. “I know. Just hurry back to me, Mrs. Everett. I love you.”  
“I love you, Mr. Everett.” She kissed him slowly and passionately. “Take care of my babies.”  
I’ve been in love with that woman since freshman year in college.  I saw her for the first time at the coffee cart, her long blonde hair pushed away from her face with a blue head band and green eyes enhanced with glasses. She had been laughing with her girlfriends, looking so naturally happy; it was love at first sight. It took two weeks for me to work the courage to ask her out. I had never drunk so much coffee in those two weeks. Cup after cup, waiting for the moment, hoping it would be the day until I saw her again. When I approached her, she blushed from the attention.  Her hair was up that day, her glasses on top of her head. “Hi,” I said. She smiled and I was a goner.  
I asked her to lunch and from that day, we were inseparable. We had never been away from each other for more than a day in 10 years. I watched as Anna walked through the terminal and security. She turned around and waved, blowing me a kiss.  I caught it and kissed my hand, waving goodbye.  
It would be the last time I would ever see her.  
I jolted awake from the dream. Every once in a while, I would still dream of that last day with Anna. How much I wished I had insisted she fly private instead of commercial, forced her to stay home and fly her parents to us, so she didn’t have to leave.  
You’re supposed to grow old with the love of your life. 
Raise your children and then watch them raise their own children.  Hold hands in the cold. Kiss in the rain. Dance in the sunshine. Make love in the moonlight. Live the life you had planned out.  
The love of your life is not supposed to die in a plane crash.  
Now I was left with two small children. The lights of my life. Joshua, my eight-year-old son, and Everly, my five-year-old girl, had grown up without their mother.  I wasn’t even sure if Everly remembered her at all. She had been just one when the accident occurred.  
I tried so much to keep her memory alive. Anna had been the best mother, the best wife, the best partner any man could have asked for, especially for the life I led. Being one of the five kings had its perks, of course, but it left my family in constant danger.  
I had the crash investigated for sabotage, but none was found. We took precautions when we traveled, made sure my wife flew under an assumed name because of her status.  Not just as my wife but also because she was the daughter of a former head of a family as well. The Monteleones were strong out in the Midwest and when Anna married me, I made a promise to her father that I would do anything to protect her. I would go in guns blazing if anyone dared tried to hurt my family.  My Anna. 
A plane crash was something I couldn’t predict. I couldn't control it. I couldn’t protect her from that.  
I failed. 
I sighed as I stretched and got out of bed. I went to the bathroom and then checked on my children.  Everly and Joshua still shared a nursery, but I knew it was time to let Joshua have his own room away from his little sister. I chuckled quietly when I saw Joshua half off the bed, tangled in his blankets, mouth slightly open. I shook my head and gently adjusted his son back into his bed, laying the blankets back over him. My daughter stirred slightly. “Daddy?” 
“Morning princess,” I whisper. “Shh, let's stay quiet to let brother sleep, ok?”  I picked up my little girl, a perfect duplicate of my Anna. She yawned and curled into my neck as I walked us downstairs. I sat in my chair by the fire, early November bringing a chill in the air, enjoying her cuddles into me as she woke up. “You want some breakfast, Evie?” She nodded and I carried her to the kitchen.  “Morning Ma.” 
Sylvia Everett smiled at her son and granddaughter. “Morning Curtis. Morning my Evie doll. I made cinnamon rolls. Just need to fry up some bacon.”  
“Thanks Ma.” I kissed her cheek and went to set up Everly in her booster and her colors. I returned to the kitchen and poured myself a cup of coffee. “How’d you sleep Ma?” 
“Ok, I guess.  Still weird not to have your father next to me.” My dad had been diagnosis with cirrhosis of the liver.  They caught it pretty late, so there wasn’t much more we could do but make him comfortable until he passed.  It was hell for my mother. Her entire life had been devoted to my dad and now here she was, a widow, just like me.  
“I know Ma but its only been six months. It doesn’t get easier, you just get used to it.”  
Sylvia’s heart broke for her son again. While his father had died from illness, Anna was taken from then suddenly and that was crueler and harder. “I know, my boy.” She patted my hand. “What’s the plan for today?” 
I made a face. “I’ve got meetings today.”  
“With who?” She took as sip. Ma had been like a consigliere or counselor for my father as he grow the family business.  She would lend her advise from time to time but mostly she. supported my dad in any way she could. It had been unheard of in the old days, but my dad embraced it. Just like Anna, Ma was raised in this world and understood it better than my father sometimes. When I took over and Anna was gone, she did the same for me. I’m forever grateful that she stepped in to help me with my family.  
“Some guy from Jersey, Giovanni, I think. He’s looking for some help with something. Who knows, Anthony’s got all the details. I have a call with Barber and with Rogers. I’m hoping to get it all done before lunch so I can throw the ball around with Joshua. And Miss Everly has requested cupcakes.” I sighed. “Not sure how I’m going to pull that one off.”  
“You’re a good father Curtis.” Sylvia put her cup down. “I’ll make the batter for you and leave instructions.”  She played with her hand. “I did want to talk to you about something.”  
Concern flooded my body. “What is it Ma? You ok?” 
“I’m fine. It’s just,” she sighed, “I’ve been thinking about moving back to the Paris property.” 
I stopped mid sip. “You want to leave?” My head was spinning. Yes, I had been the head of our family for several years, having taken the reigns three years after we had got married from my father.  My father had developed a distaste for the family business and could no longer hold up the demands of being the Don. He had spent years training his only child to take over. And had great joy when I fell in love with the heiress of the Monteleone family. I took the reins, stepped in and the transition was smooth. Nothing kept the family down. Until the loss of my queen. “Ma...” 
"Son, you have done a terrific job raising your children and running the family business.”  
“Yes, because you have been here to help me.”  
“I know, but I would like to retire and enjoy my time now. I think you should hire a cook and a nanny for the children.”  
“Curtis, it’s not like I am asking you to fall in love again. I am asking you to find help while you work. It’s the best thing for all of us. I want to retire, enjoy the last years of my life.  I don’t have to stay at the Paris property forever, but I need time to grieve and resettle into my new life.” 
I couldn’t ignore her argument. She had been with me through my grief, taking care of my father when he was sick and helping raise my children.  She had earned the right to be a bit selfish and live in her favorite estate. I pulled her in for a hug. “You won’t leave until I find someone right?” 
“Of course, my son. I need to make sure they are the best fit for my grandchildren.”  
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My mother is a smart woman. I didn’t delay. I took her advice seriously and found a chef for the house right away. Adam Jones had been highly recommended from Andrew Barber’s wife, who was a baker herself. He came in to interview and I found him direct and agreeable. “I have two small children and they usually will eat whatever I put in front of them, but you understand that there will be some aversion to things.”  
Adam nodded. “Of course, sir. I had a lot of time, working with children to know how to make the food great. What ages?” 
“Eight and five. My five-year-old is the one that can be the pickiest.”  
As I finished the sentence, Everly ran into the room. “Daddy, Joshie is trying to put a bug in my hair!” She climbed into my lap.  
“Evie, sweetheart, I’m in a meeting.”I saw Clint chase after her and stop but I waved him off to stand by the door.  Clint was my right hand and was protective of the children. We had been best friends since grade school and was the children’s godfather. He would wait until Everly came out to take her back to the yard.  
“But Daddy...” 
“It’s alright Mr. Everett,” Adam interrupted.  “Hi Evie, I’m Adam.”  
Everly, like every little girl who found a handsome man, became shy and curled into me. “Hi.”  
Adam chuckled. “Do you like cupcakes?” 
Evie perked up a little.  “Yes. My nana makes me pink ones with a strawberry on top.”  
“That sounds so good.  I make some with little flowers and sprinkles that make it sparkle. I used to cook for a princess. Maybe I can make them for you?” 
She nodded with enthusiasm and turned to me with her big green eyes that she knows I can’t say no to. “Daddy, can we?” 
“Of course, princess.” I kissed the top of her head. “But I need to speak to Adam a little more so go play for a little bit and then I’ll come have a tea party with you. Sound good?”  
“You’re the best daddy ever!” She hopped down and made her way out of the room.  She turned back. “Bye Adam!” I saw Clint take her hand and walk away. 
“Bye Princess Evie.” Adam smiled and turned back to me. “Sorry, my girlfriend, she has a daughter a little older than Evie but every girl loves a little sparkle.”  
I laughed. “Yes, they do. She is like her mother.  Joshua, my son, takes after me. Very athletic and opinionated. I’ll introduce you on the way out. Otherwise, any questions?” 
Joshua ran into the room at that moment. “Dad, Evie was lying about the bug.” He took note of the man sitting in front of his father. “Oh sorry.” He made to move to back out of the room.  
“It's fine. Joshua, this is Adam Jones. I think he might be our new chef.”  
Adam took note of the boy who looked just like his father. “Hi Joshua.”  
“Hello Mr. Jones.  You can call me Josh. Dad is the only one who calls me Joshua.” The little boy stuck out his hand. Adam took it a shook it, noting the force the boy had put into it.  
“Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” He gave him the once over. “You look like a boy who thrives on burgers and fries.”  
Josh nodded. “That’s my favorite. Well, that and pizza. I hate Brussel sprouts.”  
Adam chuckled “Good to know. I’m sure I’ll learn all the things you like to eat.” Adam winked at him, and Joshu nodded.  
“I’m sorry for interrupting Dad. I’ll go check on Nana and Everly. It was nice to meet you.”  
“Same.” Adam watched the boy leave. “He looks just like you.”  
“Poor bugger,” I replied with another laugh. “Now where were we?”  
We discussed the finer details of the job, salary, hours and whatnot. I walked the man out the door and was shaking his hand when I noticed a young woman wandering outside the gate of my home. She looked about 24 or 25, with dark brown hair and glasses. She wore a black peacoat with long black boots. Something about her reminded me of my Anna.  As Adam walked past her with a nod, she approached the steps to the house. “I apologize, is this the Everett residence?” 
I couldn’t help but stare at her. Dark curls hung down her back with blue green eyes framed by black framed glasses. Her full lips were a sweet pink, and I had the sudden urge to feel them against mine.   
What the fuck? 
I mentally shook myself and cleared my throat. “Yes, and you are?” 
She gave me an earth-shattering smile and I was blown back. It was a smile that was just like my Anna’s. 
“My name is Presley. I am here for the nanny position.” 
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sunshinebuckybarnes · 3 years
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A new month means a new fic rec list ✨ I am constantly blown away by the talent on this site, if I could give each of you a kiss I would 💕 as always please check individual warnings for each fic. You are responsible for your own media consumption. This blog, and the majority tagged, are 18+ only and most of these fics contain adult themes.
Once again the talent of these people is awe inspiring and I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I did! And remember to reblog and give them some love ✨
*part of a series
Bucky Barnes ✨
The forever collection by @drabblewithfrannybarnes
Bucky Barnes x female reader
*Born in flames by @vibraniumcollar
Bodyguard!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Pleasure by @buckycuddlebuddy
beefy!bucky barnes x reader
Caught! by @jobean12-blog
Bucky Barnes x reader
Crescent by @bonky-n-steeb
bodyguard! bucky barnes x popstar! reader
Picture perfect by @jobean12-blog
Bucky Barnes x reader
*Ronly friends by @metalbuckaroo
Roommate!Bucky x Camgirl!Reader
*Your filthy heart by @sweeterthanthis
Stepdad!Bucky x 18+F!Reader
Undress me by @breakablebarnes
bucky barnes x female!reader
*Heartbeats and flatlines by @cockslut-padalecki
Mob!Alpha!Steve x Sex Worker/Dancer!Omega!Reader
In you I find solace by @msmarvelwrites
Bucky x reader
Hours and hours by @angrythingstarlight
Chubby Baker Bucky x Reader
They were roommates by @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog
Bucky Barnes x Reader
You deserve a soft epilogue, my love by @sweetdreamsbuck
beefy!bucky x f!reader
Starved by @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
Bucky Barnes x reader
Nick Fowler ✨
Gratification by @navybrat817
Nick Fowler x female reader
As you're told by @jamalflanagan
Nick Fowler x woc!reader
A most wanted man by @jobean12-blog
Nick Fowler x reader
Steve Rogers ✨
*His inheritance by @jtargaryen18
Mobster Steve Rogers x Mobster daughter reader
*Rumors by @xbuchananbarnes
Professor!Steve Rogers x reader
Home by @steviesnight-time
steve rogers x reader
New perspective by @velvetichor
Dark!Steve Rogers x Reader
What bad girls get by @kinanabinks
Mob Boss!Steve x Reader
Hey, stranger by @musingsinmoonlight
Steve Rogers x female reader
Show some respect by @thanatosfic
Dark! Steve Rogers x Avenger! Reader
Artist!Steve by @angrythingstarlight
Artist!Steve x Reader
Beefy lumberjack!Steve by @angrythingstarlight
Beefy Lumberjack Steve x Reader
Ari Levinson ✨
Impressive / Friday night by @beelicious-barnes
Dilf!Ari x babysitter!reader
Mafia!Ari by @angrythingstarlight
Mafia!Ari x reader
Ransom Drysdale ✨
Broken wills by @buckybarneschokeme
Ransom Drysdale x Female Reader
*Ransom's revenge by @rustytricycle
Ransom Drysdale x MILF!Reader 
Destroyer!Chris ✨
A lover's lament by @navybrat817
Destroyer!Chris x female reader
Nick Fowler & Bucky Barnes ✨
Push and pull by @navybrat817
Club Owner!Nick Fowler x Female Reader, Bouncer!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader, Nick Fowler x Female Reader x Bucky Barnes
Jake Jensen ✨
Smell it on me by @chrissquares
Jake Jensen x f!reader
Curtis Everett & Ari Levinson ✨
Caught in a snare by @dreamlessinparis
Curtis!Everett x F!Reader, Mob!Ari x F!Reader
Thor ✨
No church in the wild by @jamalflanagan
old god!Thor Odinson x black!reader
Curtis Everett ✨
*Wilford's demands by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork
Curtis Everett x you
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opedguy · 4 years
Justice Begins in George Floyd’s Murder
LOS ANGELES (OnlineColumnist.com), June 3, 2020.--Murdered by former 44-year-old white Minneapolis Police Depart cop Derek Chauvin May 25, protests around the country erupted decrying racism and police brutality.  Watching the video of Chauvin kneeling for nearly nine minutes on Floyd’s neck sickened everyone, demanding justice. When Hennepin County Prosecutor Mike Freeman arrested Chauvin May 29 and charged him with third-degree murder and manslaughter, it looked like Justice would prevail.  When Freeman didn’t arrest the three other officers at the scene, the public continued convulsing with riots, looting, arson and anarchy. Taken out of Freeman’s hands, Minnesota Atty. Gen. Keith Ellision announced today the arrests for accessory to murder Thomas Lane, Tou Thao and J. Alexander Kueng, the angry public finally started to get justice.  Ellison, too, upgraded Chauvin’s charge from third-degree to second-degree murder.
            Finally, the public’s outcry was heard after five long days since Chauvin was arrested and charged.  Video clearly showed Lane, Thao and Kueng aided-and-abetted the murder, making them culpable of accessory to murder, a charge that carries equal penalties to the one who pulled the trigger, this time the lethal chokehold. Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D-Minn.) authorized Ellison to take over where Hennepin County Prosecutor Mike Freeman failed to deliver justice.  Five nights of violent protesting finally got Walz’s attention, assigning Ellison to take over where Freeman failed.  Hopefully the governor’s actions will help to defuse the angry mob currently terrorizing American cities, causing untold property damage.  Floyd’s brother, Philonise Floyd, worked with Walz to get justice to prevail.  Philonise said the day Floyd was murdered that Chauvin should get the death penalty.
          Philonise said protesters were “torn and hurt because they’re tired of seeing Black men die.  Constantly, over and over again,” using Floyd’s death to protest racism and police brutality around the country.  Restoring order hasn’t been easy for local, state and federal law enforcement, including the National Guard.  In spread out places like Los Angeles, rioters, looters and arsonists were several steps ahead of the police, causing widespread property damage.  Violent protests outside the White House forced 73-year-old Donald Trump into the White House bunker for a short time.  Violent protesters in the Washington, D.C. defaced the Lincoln Memorial and torched St. John’s historic Episcopal Church across from the White House.  Trump said in a nationwide address Monday, June 1, that he accepted peaceful protests for Floyd’s death but would never tolerate the rioting, looting, arson and mayhem.
            Upgrading Chauvin’s charge to second-degree murder and charging Lane, Thao and Kueng with accessory to murder should go a long way in satisfying the angry crowd’s need for justice.  Chauvin’s second-degree murder conviction should have him spend the rest of his life in jail.  His partners in crime, Land, Thao and Kueng, should also get stiff penalties for aiding-and-abetting Chauvin’s grisly murder.  Listening to Floyd beg for mercy, “Please man, I can’t breathe,” horrified onlookers, rendering the murder an unforgivable act of pure evil.  Whether Chauvin cracked is anyone’s guess.  Some speculated that the murder was payback for some unknown incident between Chauvin and Floyd when they worked as security for Minneapolis’s El Nuevo Rodeo Latino nightclub.   Nightclub owner Maya Santamaria didn’t think the two knew each other at the club, working different events.
            Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), a former Hennepin County prosecutor, said Ellison’s decision to upgrade Chauvin’s charge and charge the three officers was “another important step for justice,” praising Ellison for taking over charging decisions.  Klobuchar hopes that getting the charges right will satisfy angry crowds protesting around the country.  Floyd’s murder prompted wholesale attacks on the nation’s law enforcement community. I do not believe this incident should be allowed to define our profession or the Minneapolis Police Department, but there is no doubt that this incident has diminished the trust and respect in our communities for the men and women of law enforcement,” said Fraternal Order of Police President Patric Yoes in a statement. One bad apple can ruin the barrel.  Chauvin’s public murder on video for all to see hit law enforcement with a big black eye.
            Minnesota’s Atty  Gen. Keith Ellison may have saved billions of more dollars in property damage from violent protesters.  Now that Ellison’s made a good-faith effort to administer justice, it should soften the angry mob now looking for revenge.  When Chauvin lost his job and was charged May 29 with third-degree murder, it wasn’t enough to satisfy the angry mob crying out for justice.  “These officers, they need to be arrested right now. They need to be arrested and held accountable about everything because these people want justice right now,” Floyd’s brother Philonise said last week, calling for the death penalty.  If Minnesota officials had their act together five days ago when they charged Chauvin, they might have prevented multiple deaths and untold property damage.  Now that the Minnesota Atty. Gen. Keith Ellison has done the right thing, it’s possible violent protests will eventually stop.
About the Author  
John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of OnlineColumnist.com and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.
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andrewuttaro · 5 years
New Look Sabres: GM 42 - EDM - Thirsty Thursday
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3-2 OT Win
When I was an undergraduate in college there was this special night of the week called Thirsty Thursday. A lot of my classmates created their schedules, so they had no classes on Fridays creating a prolonged weekend for all the activities Animal House taught you college students do. Thirsty Thursday was the beginning of that debauchery. Specifically the mid to late evening as the party people dressed to the nines emerged from their dorms, already tipsy, and climbed into Ubers, Lyfts and Cabs to go to the skankiest clubs and try to cross the border into Canada. Niagara Falls is pretty lit on the other side in case you weren’t aware. The Buffalo Sabres had themselves a bit of a Thirsty Thursday yesterday. This time however I’m excited for the consequences. I drew attention to GM Jason Botterill’s planned 5:30 radio appearance before the game against Edmonton so that when it was called off it seemed cowardly. Not that my lone tweet riled up an angry mob like the gif I used implied, but the timing seemed… well very bad. Dalton Smith was put on waivers the day before after an embarrassing affair on New Year’s Eve against Tampa and it all seemed for nothing: as if our GM had no clue what he was doing and now he was hiding from facing the fans. In reality perfect setups like that never happen. When WGR550 was told Botterill couldn’t make his regular radio hit the negativity around the team right now would naturally make you think of that dodging the press theory. Us wild and crazy optimists hoped against hope he was busy working on… dare I say… a trade!? The whispers came in as game time approached and Thirsty Thursday kicked off with a three-way (Normally something reserved for the end of the night if you know I mean). At about 6:40 pm the team announced a 2020 fourth round pick had been acquired from the Montreal Canadiens for Marco Scandella. The next part unfolded when the team announced at about 6:50 pm that the same 2020 fourth that was yielded from the Scandella trade was going to the Calgary Flames for RW Michael Frolik. No salary retained or conditions, it was essentially Marco Scandella for Michael Frolik.
Set aside all your newfound appreciations for Scandella, even his revitalization was to inflate his trade value. Not to be harsh but he won’t be missed; especially when Jeremy White’s Super-Secret Sabres Source (SSSS) then tells him they’re not done, and they want to bring Lawrence Pilut up from Rochester. This humble blogger says good and good. Scandella for Frolik constitutes a wash in terms of salary if not a little bit more taken on by Buffalo. However, if it gets Pilut back up to Buffalo and or Colin Miller out of buying tickets out of town then it’s a win in my book. In spite of how few trades we saw in the last five months of 2019 it does make a lot of sense that this is the prelude to bigger trades. One can only hope. I hope this analysis of it is outdated by the time I post it. Although we all thought the Jokiharju trade was the prelude to a bigger trade that never came so it could go both ways I suppose. All this figuring out distracted me from the actual game unfolding. I looked up and suddenly the Sabres were down 2-0 to the Oilers at home and certainly a blood bath was to ensue if another egg was laid in downtown Buffalo. Then as soon as I had that thought Thirsty Thursday ticked up again, but this time with some good clean action: Marcus Johansson disposed an Oiler along the wall in the offensive zone and went around behind the net. Johansson got it to Curtis Lazar who tapped it in past Mike Smith in net. It was now 2-1 and Jason Botterill had that much more cover to come out and face the press in the first intermission like we hadn’t gotten three hours earlier while trades were unfolding.
Jason Botterill spoke for about seven minutes saying a lot of things you might expect: Michael Frolik will bring even strength scoring, he’s won a Stanley Cup, has playoff experience and what not. Perhaps the most important things Botterill said is the special teams have to be better. He said that Frolik could help on the penalty kill and could be a bit of a rover on the wing. Botterill spoke to greater roster competition as something of a rationale for seeing as many players publicly want out. Assuming this isn’t the only move to be made its just refreshing to hear that the GM does understand what’s going on. The Dalton Smith Fiasco will probably be pushed under the rug 1984 style and that’s probably the only way to handle it at this point but pushing forward the point that there is in fact a plan here will allow some optimism, however scant, back into the fanbase. Once again, assuming there are more moves coming this move helps. The move itself is more or less whatever. If you get what Frolik was in years past then maybe he’s not just another piece to be traded at the deadline. Getting Frolik was one of those rumors from months ago and evidently the conditions on this Thirty Thursday were just right to make it happen. Conditions were not just right in the second period and apart from a slash on Jack Eichel and the Sabres taking over the lead in shots on goal, nothing really happened. Then it creeps into your head, like I hear it does for the party people at some point in the early morning hours on Thirsty Thursday, that all this momentary excitement could just melt away with nothing truly rewarding coming from it unless… unless you kiss that hot little number down the bar. It was unlikely another trade would happen as the clock ticked past 9pm last night but the clap-back Sabres awoke again. As an early offensive push unfolded in the third period for the home team they began cycling the puck around in the Oilers’ zone. Zach Bogosian took a shot that Sam Reinhart redirected in for the 2-2 equalizer and… well what do you know: Reinhart’s 100th NHL goal. For a moment try not to think about the impending second coming of the Reinhart contract drama and just savor what Samson does and who Samson is. But just like most things with this team, darkness follows close behind and Victor Olofsson was escorted out of the game after a weird fall all on his own just after he got the secondary assist on the equalizer. No new word on that today either mind you, just Scott Wilson getting called up because you can’t let us get too high, right?
The third period went on and the Sabres threw everything and the kitchen sink Zemgus Girgensons at Mike Smith. Nothing went through and we found ourselves in overtime. To Ralph Krueger’s credit most of the Sabres overtime periods have been tight possession affairs like they should be, even when they’re losing efforts. The same happened last night until an absolutely bonkers ten seconds about a minute into the extra frame. Jack Eichel went end to end, like from behind the Linus Ullmark net all the way to Mike Smith’s mouthguard on the other end. Along the way he drew a penalty when Oscar Klefbom hooked him on his final approach. That was good for a penalty shot but before the play was even over Jack almost scored on the rebound. This Thirsty Thursday was about to see it’s last act. That hot little number down the bar I mentioned earlier, that was Jack mother fucking Eichel, and we kissed his greatness to cap off the night. He took the puck, skated in and snapped it far side past Mike Smith, 3-2 Sabres in Overtime! And so the inebriated masses stumbled out of their rides in the wee hours of the morning; still concerned about their future but sated for just a time until the next party comes. Hopefully more parties to come then sadness they hope.
Like, Comment and Share this blog now because some of you will not like what I say next. The game on Saturday was moved to 1pm in the afternoon because the Buffalo Sabres organization shares an owner with the Buffalo Bills and is therefore allowed to be self-aware. You probably already knew that. To those of you whom pointed to that move as a sign of the Pegulas caring more about the Bills I’d just ask you to take a deep breath, maybe play your favorite video game and relax. There is good evidence that theory is true, but the Buffalo Bills also happen to be in the playoffs for only the second time in twenty years. Forgive the whole City around you if they want to focus on that team when they come on at 4:35 tomorrow! I know its 90s night… or afternoon now tomorrow, but please, let good things be good. Enjoy yourself a little bit. The Florida Panthers will be a challenge and then they’ll be off for four days, hopefully while Botterill is making more trades and Michael Frolik is getting his Visa figured out so he can actually come and play. Then its six games leading into the bye week of varying difficulty but mostly difficult. I would guess even if the Sabres miraculously won eight straight going into that break they still might only crack the top three in the Atlantic Division given the spaces between games. Nonetheless the tide of this dissent into another lost season we’ve been experiencing since before Christmas can be reversed this month. It will likely take more work on the part of the GM even though the deadline is still several weeks away. Yesterday’s Thirsty Thursday events were not enough for me to fully get back in the conductor’s chair of the hype train but whether it be for hoped for trades or just the first Buffalo Bills Playoff win since I was in diapers I can enthusiastically say right now: Let’s Go Buffalo!
Thanks for Reading.
P.S. According to NHL PR that OT Penalty shot goal by Jack Eichel made him the first player in Buffalo Sabres history to do such a thing. That is some kind of surprising stat.
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theseaeaglelives · 6 years
Round 11
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19 May 2018
Manly Sea Eagles 24
FWRCL Storm 4
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Regrettably the Sea Eagle was unable to watch this game live due to the insistence of Mrs. Eagle that he watch a procession of rugby loving inbreds, ex beautiful game players and people condemned to hell by Izzy Falou at the wedding of Ed Sheerin to Serena Williams and also Price Harry to Meghan. Both Ch 7 and Ch 9 made a good fist of the coverage of the wedding, with the Sea Eagle’s only complaint being that both coverages were not extensive enough, restrained, to the point and far too short. What was disappointing was the clash not only with the Manly game, but also to the Bond movie OHMSS starring Aussie George Lazenby and former (and very spunky) Avenger Diana Rigg and Telly Savalas (not so spunky). What a night of viewing it was.
Thankfully however, the game (and the Bond movie) was taped allowing the Sea Eagle to catch up on this fixture (and Bond’s work with the girls) sometime shortly thereafter.
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Truly, there is no greater feeling than to beat the FWRCL (Filthy Wrestling Rorting Cheating Lifting) Storm particularly on their home turf. Some say history never repeats, but it is worth recalling the last time Manly fronted up against a FWRCL Storm team without a suspended Cameron Smith resulted in one of Manly’s finest moments – that being the 40-nill thrashing in the 2008 premiership decider.
The first half was a pretty dour affair, plenty of stoppages, errors and of course the obligatory and mandatory penalties as the refs continue to blow the pea out of the whistle. This was reflected in the 2-2 score at the break.
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The second half however was a different affair altogether, especially from Manly. While errors continued to flow these were in the main made by FWRCL Storm and Manly took the ascendancy. The game erupted 10 minutes into the second half with scenes not dissimilar to those seen at the now infamous Brawl of Brookvale in 2011. FWRCL Storm centre Curtis Scott was sent off (the first player since 2015) for punching Dylan Walker. Walker was binned for being punched in the head and was also joined in the bin by Nimby Koriasu who appeared to throw a punch.
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This incident seemed to fire Manly up and they ran away with a well-deserved and much needed 24-4 victory.
Whilst Manly will be happy to take the win and take a further step away from the spoon, without Cameron Smith FWRCL Storm are a rudderless ship and when he finally hangs up his boots they will be history. And thankfully so as FWRCL Storm are a blight on the game and represent all that bad in rugby league.
It is fair to say Manly and the FWRCL Storm hate each other.
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A lot has previously been written noting the fall from grace of former Manly players when they leave the nest. In this regard let us quickly consider the following examples
Bob Fulton – and immortal of the game and Manly legend. Premiership winner at Manly went to the Roosters and achieved little but returned to the nest to become premiership winning coach.
Paul Vautin – premiership winning captain and Manly life-member went to the Roosters and ended up on the bench in reserve grade.
Ronnie Gibbs – premiership winner, left Manly at his peak went to the Goldie and was never heard from again.
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Anthony Watmough – Manly local junior born and raised in the Narrabeen. Multiple premierships at Manly, SOO, Kangaroo etc, went to Eels and lasted one year into a 3-year deal spending most of it in the stands injured.
Keirin Foran – a poster boy for leaving the nest.  Premiership winner at Manly, went to the Eels and ended up with a brothel owner as his only friend, allegedly living in his car and front and centre with the NRL integrity dept. Has followed this up with unsuccessful stints at the Warriors and Dogs.
Will Hopoate (and father John) – premiership winner in his first year in the top grade, as well as graduating to SOO, Went to Eels [don’t they all], stunk up the joint and is now struggling at the Dogs. And let’s not forget father John, also a premiership winner at Manly, went to the Tigers and is now only remembered for shoving his finger where the sun don’t shine
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Tony Williams – a lazy and useless winger when he arrived at Manly but a coaching master stroke by Des Hasler saw him transform into a less lazy and less useless impact bench forward, culminating with a premiership win where in the decider he was smart enough to stay out of the way when the whips were cracking
Des Hasler – premiership winner as both a player and coach at Manly. Went to the Dogs stunk up the joint, f#$ucke$d up their salary cap and was sacked leaving the club in turmoil.
There are more examples but space limits it.
As detailed above, in virtually all instances when a player/coach leaves the nest they regress …. in most cases alarmingly. Last week the Sea Eagle identified Jarrod Warea Hargreaves as possible the only player in living memory to buck this trend, but unlike those detailed above Warea Hargreaves was an up and coming, non-premiership winner when he left Manly squeezed out by salary cap pressure. But even he is now struggling at the Roosters to get a starting spot.
The return of Trent Hodkinson to Manly in this fixture and hopefully more, now begs the question - Do they get any better when they return to the nest? Hodkinson a former Manly player, was a solid performer who never achieved any great heights during initial stint in 2010, when he transferred to the Dogs and went okay but followed this up with a shocker at the wooden-spoon winning Knights where he spent much of his time on the bench or at the feeder club.
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Coming off the bench Hodkinson was solid in his return to Manly and hopefully will fill a role similar to that done by Blake Green in recent years. That said only time will tell if they do indeed go better when they return to the nest. One thing is for sure, he can kick goals, and he was the half when NSW last won an Origin series, so there is something to work with. A start would be using him to take the 2 every time Manly get a penalty at least 30 metres out and anywhere 10m in form the sidelines.
Last week the Sea Eagle noted that Australian Super Rugby teams had lost 30 consecutive games to their NZ opponents. At the time the Sea Eagle privately had reservations as to the accuracy of this stat, given that this was likely to be an exaggeration. Sadly, on further review the Sea Eagle has discovered that the figure is nowhere near 30 and is in fact now closer to 40 consecutive losses. The Sea Eagle prides himself on accurate and factual reporting and is embarrassed by this misrepresentation, so much so that after considering whether or not there was a Peter Beattie type moment, he issues to the following apology to NZ super rugby and its supporters.
“You can have a blame game from now until eternity but the reality is, the buck stops with me. I’m not interested in blaming anyone but me,” The Sea Eagle said.
Did I stuff up, yes? Could I have done better, yes. It’s my fault and I take this opportunity to apologise to NZ rugby, its supporters and all those affected by this gross inaccuracy”
 Footnote – led by noted gay-hater Izzy Falou, the NSW Waratahs have apparently ended this streak of consecutive losses beating some NZ mob during the course of the weekend.
The less said about this debacle the better. Still, the Australian government gift of Two Akubra hats to the wedding couple was something to behold. Not that there is anything wrong with Akubra Hats. They are fine headwear, tough and true blue. But really, they are more suitable as a gift to an visiting Asian dignitary than a Prince and his Hollywood actress wife.
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For a nation in debt to the tune of around ½ a trillion dollars, this is the sort of spending restraint that needs to be replicated in all areas. Still, the Sea Eagle can’t help but wonder where this is just sour grapes from a bunch of useless latte sipping republicans who don’t have the capacity to put forward a simple and self-evident proposition such as that, and convince the Australian public to vote for it.
As for Meghan Markle’s dad, and her half-sister, the Sea Eagle can reveal the Director of Controversy was up to this one to his eyeballs. The Royals dd not see it coming, and his efforts in getting her dad and half-sister to sell their story to the Paparazzi for a few slimy pieces of silver, was truly something to behold. The great man, is, as Tina Turner sang, Simply the Best.
During the week Allens confectionary released this promotion on Facebook, are you a biter, stretcher or nibbler.
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Allen's Lollies 
The nation is divided! Are you a stretcher or a biter? A splitter or a nibbler? Join the debate - tell us how you eat your Allen’s? 
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Yet again, Rugby League central have missed this opportunity. Let’s face it, no sporting code is as steeped in the tradition of biting, stretching and nibbling than Rugby League.
As for biters, over the years many a player has had a good old chomp. Going back to the glory days of Bumper Farrell, and most recently James Graham biting into Billy Slater’s ear in the 2012 GF.
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As for stretching, the Melbourne Storm are experts are pulling a players legs in the areas they are not supposed to go, with Captain Camron Smith suspended this week for a so called wishbone tackle on a Gold Coast opponent.
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Why isn’t the NRL teaming up with Allens on this one? As Tooves says, they’re has to be an investigation.
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FORGET the punches, the NRL suffered an embarrassing black eye even without the biff over a horrible oversight that saw both Dylan Walker and teammate Api Koroisau, who were sin-binned for their role in a second-half brawl, return before 10 minutes had lapsed. It has been reported that the Manly players had returned to the field one minute and 41 seconds early.
This is yet another embarrassment for the under-fire Peter Beattie led NRL with Beattie issuing the following statement.
“You can have a blame game from now until eternity but the reality is, the buck stops with the NRL. I’m not interested in blaming anyone but me,” Beattie said.
Did we stuff up, yes? Could we have done better, yes. It’s our fault and we take this opportunity to apologise to all those affected by this stuff up”
 The Sea Eagle says – someone has to go !!
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