trvefemcel · 13 days
“you evil misandrist b word!! you hate men!!”
meanwhile the woman in question simply brought up the fact that males make up over 90% of all sex crimes committed or something 😭
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trvefemcel · 13 days
Men are lonely
Okay? Feels like if a bunch of men are lonely, they should, idk... hang out with each other.
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trvefemcel · 15 days
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trvefemcel · 15 days
People on this website are like reversed racism and heterophobia aren't real you dumbass, those are just lies created by the oppressors to discredit the fight against racism and homophobia! but misandry is so so real and a serious problem btw
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trvefemcel · 15 days
4% conservative feminism too, lol. I guess this kind of tests give you points for one category if you choose 👍 instead of 👍👍 for the opposite category.
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I loved these questions btw because they summarize my entire way of thinking. Male identity is built around the dominance of both the environment, which is perceived as resources for them to exploit, and women, who are perceived as objects just as the rest of the environment instead of equals. There's a clear link between techno-industrial society and the misogyny inherent to the male identity.
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Feminist perspective test
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Conservative feminism is an oxymoron. Where did that 4% conservative feminism came from?.
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trvefemcel · 15 days
Funny how they try to paint us as this heartless bigots when a lot of us gave them a chance out of empathy until we got fed up with their misogyny 😭
questions for the gendies: when you remove the female body from the definition of woman, what else remains besides sexist feminine stereotypes?
when a male says he identifies as a woman, what exactly is he identifying with? you can’t identify with a organs you don’t have, so what is he actually identifying with, if not sexist feminine stereotypes?
and how is it progressive to say that a man who identifies with feminine stereotypes is a woman? is it not more progressive to say that a man who identifies with feminine stereotypes… is simply a feminine man?
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trvefemcel · 15 days
when are people gonna wake up and realize that misogyny isn’t some mystical hypothetical concept, and that it’s actually the deadliest form of oppression that exists? misogyny is the reason women are murdered by their male partners multiple times everyday in femicide, misogyny is the reason female infants are murdered the second they come out of the womb, misogyny is the reason little girls are denied education simply on the basis of being female, misogyny is the reason the female body is able to be commodified by males for sex (as well as for birth, in surrogacy), misogyny is the reason young girls are taught to run a sharp razor against their skin and participate in feminine practices the second they start puberty, misogyny is the reason women are denied autonomy and are brutalized under islamic regime, misogyny is the reason males are responsible for nearly 100% of all sex crimes (rape and sexual assault) committed (as-well as the reasoning for sex crimes being one of if not the most common type of crime done to women & girls, especially when at a young age), misogyny is the reason male health issues have so much more documented research then female health issues, misogyny is the reason young women and girls have their genitalia mutilated for “cultural/religious” purposes, misogyny is the reason males systematically rape and sexually abuse women and girls during conflicts and war, misogyny is the reason menstrual products are costly material items that many homeless women out there don’t have access to & also why women/girls are ostracized in many cultures for starting their periods, misogyny is the reason women are taken less seriously compared to men in literally every profession, misogyny is the reason gender non-conforming lesbians are being chemically castrated and having their breasts cut off by doctors in the name of trans ideology (on the largest scale we’ve ever seen), misogyny is the reason incestuous abuse is one of the most common types of sexual abuse and is nearly always committed by fathers/uncles/grandpas, misogyny is the reason catcalling women and young girls has somehow managed to become a socially acceptable form of sexual harassment, and misogyny is the reason women and girls are blamed by men for half of the issues on this list occurring.
all of these issues are caused by misogyny, and perpetuated by males.
i know it’s a difficult reality for most people to come to terms with, but these are the realities for hundreds of MILLIONS of women and girls around the world.
misogyny can’t being trivialized, it’s evil, and deadly.
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trvefemcel · 15 days
Many people on the internet these days are comparing “spicy” booktok romance slop with porn and asking what’s the difference. Well i think the females that are obsessed with thinly veiled dramione fanfiction are annoying and weird and I probably don’t want to discuss reading with them. Males addicted to pornography should be shot in the head.
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trvefemcel · 15 days
Dear misandrists,
In case you haven't heard it today, you're all smart, wonderful, intelligent and absolutely correct in regards to men.
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trvefemcel · 15 days
I was a TRA because of empathy towards trans people and maybe social pressure to be politically correct. They use hyperbolic language to make you feel like you're killing them if you don't support their insane claims. I opened my eyes when I realized I couldn't talk about basic feminism without being called a "transphobe" lol
And the reason I sometimes entertain those ramblings is that I got to a point where I genuinely believed those excuses to be a misogynist myself. That guy is blocked, I'm not interested in what he says, but I have some hope for the women who just may be as brainwashed as I was
questions for the gendies: when you remove the female body from the definition of woman, what else remains besides sexist feminine stereotypes?
when a male says he identifies as a woman, what exactly is he identifying with? you can’t identify with a organs you don’t have, so what is he actually identifying with, if not sexist feminine stereotypes?
and how is it progressive to say that a man who identifies with feminine stereotypes is a woman? is it not more progressive to say that a man who identifies with feminine stereotypes… is simply a feminine man?
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trvefemcel · 16 days
I used to spit that pseudo intellectual bullshit too when I was a transactivist. If there's no essence, just definitions made up by different cultures (which is true), the conclusion that identity, therefore, is no less "fake", and gender identity is not an abstract essence within ourselves to be discovered. "Man" and "woman" are clear social categories defined by perceived body features, and being caged into either of them will define the multidirectional relationships that constitute your sense of self. Ray mentioned race in one of their reblogs; just as racism is real even if race is a man made concept, misogyny is real even if gender is a man made concept too. And you can't address misogyny if you treat "woman" as the only concept that, for some reason, can't be defined, when you're perfectly fine using every other equally arbitrary concept that refers to anything. It's dishonest and an attempt to silence women's voices in order to appeal to what's more politically correct nowadays.
questions for the gendies: when you remove the female body from the definition of woman, what else remains besides sexist feminine stereotypes?
when a male says he identifies as a woman, what exactly is he identifying with? you can’t identify with a organs you don’t have, so what is he actually identifying with, if not sexist feminine stereotypes?
and how is it progressive to say that a man who identifies with feminine stereotypes is a woman? is it not more progressive to say that a man who identifies with feminine stereotypes… is simply a feminine man?
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trvefemcel · 16 days
just watched a tiktok with a message “maybe he is not a red flag, maybe he is just dumb” and scrolled through a lot of comments of women saying “this is exactly what happened with me and my bf/fiance/husband, i thought he was a red flag, turned out he is just shy/anxious/autistic/dumb”. and i don’t even want to discuss the implication behind this statement, that maybe with the increasing gap in political stance of young men and young women (where men are more conservative, women are more liberal) this might be not the best advice. no, i want to discuss how when i was scrolling through all these comments telling me how good their bfs or husbands are, i caught myself thinking “i don’t believe you”. because i actually don’t. i remember too many stories from different women of different ages from different backgrounds saying how good and wonderful and amazing their bf is only then in the next sentence say something akin to “he killed my whole family” and the follow up of “but he is such a good dad and he loves me!”. i’ve seen so much of these that when i actually hear someone saying she got a wonderful partner i severely doubt that.
it’s so sad to see so many women defending their deadbeat male partners so much that i even stopped believing them. is he actually great or does he forget her birthday every year? is he actually great or does he think her place is in the kitchen? is he actually great or does he watch porn? is he actually great or does he dump all the responsibilities and chores on his wife? is he actually great or does he punish his wife when his favourite team loses? is he actually great or does he think he has a right to rape her at any moment because they’re married? is he actually great or is she brainwashed?
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trvefemcel · 16 days
"The argument between wives and whores is an old one; each one thinking that whatever she is, at least she is not the other." - Andrea Dworkin
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trvefemcel · 16 days
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trvefemcel · 16 days
one of my biggest gripes with bdsm & "taboo" kink discourse was the overused "coping mechanism" defense that i hear oh so much. especially on twitter, from women in heterosexual relationships.
i won't go into the "not all coping mechanisms are good coping mechanisms" argument, but i will propose this;
when you are allowing a man to engage in a non consensual fantasy, or incest fantasy, or otherwise violent and abusive fantasy, what trauma is he coping with and relieving?
is he getting off to helping you re-contextualise a situation where you lost all control, in a controlled and safe environment? or is he enjoying the power to hurt & abuse you that you are offering to him on a silver platter?
and do you think, that at the end of the day, your safety & healing is what turns him on? or the fact that he can freely abuse a traumatised woman, under the guise of "fantasy" and "sexual liberation"?
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trvefemcel · 16 days
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trvefemcel · 16 days
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