#mo sallah
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fieteontour · 2 years ago
Mosalla ( nicht Mo Sallah) Skärgardens Ringväg 14.7.2023, km 3.892
Bevor ich jetzt weiterschreibe: Mein Text und die ausgesuchten Fotos nach wiederum zweistündiger Arbeit sind mal wieder verschwunden. Habe keine Ahnung, woran das liegt. Www halt. Oder hat jemand ne Idee?
Es war eine sehr gute Entscheidung, diese Tour durch den Schärengarten zu machen. Nach einer Umrsonstübernachtung im Golfresort Archipelagia begeben wir uns durch die Inselwelt. Eine davon gehört Martins Onkel. Wer jetzt fragt: „wer ist Martin?“. Es ist unser netter Nachbar, Halbfinne und Ehemann von Steffi, Vater von Lauri und Lynn. Wir werden wohl noch mehr von den Vieren berichten.
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Die gelben Fähren (kostenfrei) unterbrechen die Fahrbahnen, werden aber vom Navi wie Straßen behandelt.
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Unser Navi wollte uns über Mariehamn und Stockholm führen, wir waren eine Weile im Fahrwasser der Fähre Turku - Stockholm.
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Die Haare wehen im Sommerwind. Ja,ja, auch die von Hans.
Apropos Autofahren, in Finnalnd sehr entespannte, 80 außerorts, 40 innerorts. Unglaublich viele installierte Blitzer. Die allermeisten AutofahrerInnen halten sich dran. Ein Grund könnte sein, dass die Strafgebühr einkommensabhängig bezahlt werden muss. Was für ein Aufschrei würde in D entstehen?
Auf dem Weg in Korpo treffen wir auf eine alte Feldsteinkirche, die Hans mit ihren Malereien und dem Gewölbe - an die Kirche in Loxstedt bei Bremerhaven erinnert. Seine erste Stelle als Diakon.
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Hier wird die Welt mit Bildern und Geschichten erklärt, Bücher und Internet gab es noch nicht. Schlicht, gut und böse waren klar zu definieren. Angst und Unterdrückung ebenfalls. Ich liebe unsere Freiheit und Vielfalt heute, auch wenn ich mir manchmal einfache Erklärungen wünsche.
Mossala Island Resort ist unsere Bleibe für die Nacht, mit 40 Euro Gebühr über Gebühr bezahlen. Aber mit Sauna, die in Finnland mit Badeanzug zu betreten ist. Das schreckt aber Angela nicht ab. Ab in die Sauna, sonst keiner drin, Badeanzug aus, zwei Gänge.
Der Blick in die Schären entschädigt für die Übernachtungsgebühr und das Anmeldeformular, in dem wir zum ersten Mal unsere Ausweisnummern angeben mussten. Finnland mal pingelig. So wie eine ältere Dame auf einem Parkplatz, wir standen mit unserem etwas größeren Gefährt nicht innerhalb der ausgewiesenen weißen Linien. Sie klopfte an die Scheibe und meinte in verständlichem Deutsch, dass wir hier nicht parken dürften.
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fortunetellersdilettante · 4 months ago
maine senin keneshindi kabyl alyp, oiron bolup kaldym meni uzumo kaltyr, uzumo kaltyr maine senin keneshindi kabyl alyp, oiron bolup kaldym meni uzumo kaltyr, uzumo kaltyr o, maine saincise zhashaganga zharaktuu boldum birok maine ecs kachan tushunbuym, ecs kachan tushunbuym o, maine saincise zhashoo uchun torolgom birok maine ecs kachan tushunbuym, ecs kachan tushunbeymmen bugun uzumo zian keltirdim daga ele ozumdu sezip zhatamby maine ouruga kunul buram realduu bolgon zhalgyz nerse iine teshik zharylyp ketet eski taanysh zhalgyz baharin zhok kiluuga araket kyl birok bardygy esimde maine emne boldum menin ain suyuktuu dosum maine taanygandardyn baari ketet ayagunda zana baorino ee bolo alasyn menin topurak imperiam maine seni konumumdu kaltyram maine seni oorutup salam maine bull tikenektuu toozhyny kiyem zhalganchy oturguchunda buzulgan oilor tolgon maine ondoy albaim ubakittin taktarynyn astinda sesimder zhogolot seine bashka birousung maine daga ele ushul zherdemin maine emne boldum menin ain suyuktuu dosum maine taanygandardyn baari ketet ayagunda zana baorino ee bolo alasyn menin topurak imperiam maine seni konumumdu kaltyram maine seni zhasheim
maile tapainko sallah lien r nash bhaen mujhe khud ko chhod do, mujhe khud ko chhod do maile tapainko sallah lien r nash bhaen mujhe khud ko chhod do, mujhe khud ko chhod do oh, m timibina baanchnako lagi banaieko thio tar m kahilyai bujhdinan, kahilyai bujhdinan oh, m timibina baanchnako lagi janmeko hun tar m kahilyai bujhna sakdin, kahilyai bujhdinan maile aaj afailai chot pur yaeko chhu m ajhai pani mahsus garchhu ki bhanera hernko lagi m pidama dhyan kendrit garchhu kewal ek cheez jo wastawik hai suile pwal parchha purana parichit dunk yo sabai tadha marne prayas garnuhos tar malai sabai kura yad chh main kya bun gaya mera sabse pyara dosta maile chineka sabai janaa janchhan antama r tapaain yo sabai hun sakchha mero fohorko samrajya m timilai nirash parnechhu main tumhen chot pahunchaaunga m yo kandako mukut lagaunchhu mero jhooto ko kursi ma tutefuteka vicharharule bharieko m marmat garna sakdin samayako dagmuni bhawanaharu haraera janchhan tum to aur koi ho m ajhai pani yahaan chhu main kya bun gaya mera sabse pyara dosta maile chineka sabai janaa janchhan antama r tapaain yo sabai hun sakchha mero fohorko samrajya m timilai nirash parnechhu main tumhe banaa doongaa
moon tumar paramarsha nei nust hebaku asili mote niz upper chhadi diya, mote niz upper chhadi diya moon tumar paramarsha nei nust hebaku asili mote niz upper chhadi diya, mote niz upper chhadi diya oh mote tum bina banchibaku badhya karagala kintu moon kebe boojhibi nahin, kebe boojhibi nahin oh moon tum bina banchiba pain janma neichi kintu moon kebe boojhibi nahin, kebe bujhiparibi nahin moon azi nizaku durkh deichi moon ebe bee anubhav karuchhi key nahin taha dekhiba pain moon yantrana upper dhyan diye ekmatra jinish yaha bastab aute sui ek gatru luh jharuchhi puruna parichit danga samastanku hatya karibaku chesta karantu kintu more saboo kichhi mone achhi moon ka'na hoichi more sabutharu madhur bandhu moon janithiba samaste chaliahanti sheshare ebang tume eha saboo piparib more maila samrajya moon tumku nirash karibi moon tumku aghat devi moon ehi contar mukut pindhichhi mo mithya chair upper bhanga chintare paripurna moon maramati kariparibi nahin samayar dag tale bhavana adrushya hoiaiah tume anya kehi moon ebe bee ethare achhi moon ka'na hoichi more sabutharu madhur bandhu moon janithiba samaste chaliahanti sheshare ebang tume eha saboo piparib more maila samrajya moon tumku nirash karibi moon tumku tiari karibi
min naseehat shama raa pathariftham wa bah tabahi recidam mera bah haal khodam bagzari mera bah haal khodam bagzar min naseehat shama raa pathariftham wa bah tabahi recidam mera bah haal khodam bagzari mera bah haal khodam bagzar ah min sakhteh shadeh umy kah bedon thu zindagi kanam amaa min hargaz nemi fahmamaj hargaz nemi fahmam ah min bah donya aamdam ta bedon thu zindagi kanam amaa min hargaz nemi fahmamaj hargaz nemi fahmamramruz bah khodam assib resandem ta bibinam aya hanoz ehsas may kanam ya kheyr min roy darad tamarkoz may kanam tanha ciesi kah waqee ist sozan surakh may kand nish ashena ghadimi sai kned hameh cheese raa bakshid amaa hameh cheese raa bah yaade daram min cheh shadeh umy shirin train doust min har cassie kah may shanasim may rhode dar payan wa shama may thuanide hameh cheese raa dashteh bashid imperatorie khak min min thu raa naamid may kanam min thu raa azaar may daham min ain taj khar raa may posham roy sandali deroghgoyme par az afkar shakesteh min nemi tawanam tameer kanam zir lakeh hai zaman ehsasaat napdid may shond shama shakhs digri hastid min hanoz inja hastam min cheh shadeh umy shirin train doust min har cassie kah may shanasim may rhode dar payan wa shama may thuanide hameh cheese raa dashteh bashid imperatorie khak min min thu raa naamid may kanam min thu raa may sazam
Posłuchałem twojej rady i doszedłem do ruiny Zostaw mnie samego, zostaw mnie samemu sobie Posłuchałem twojej rady i doszedłem do ruiny Zostaw mnie samego, zostaw mnie samemu sobie Och, zostałem stworzony, aby żyć bez ciebie Ale nigdy tego nie zrozumiem, nigdy nie zrozumiem Och, urodziłem się, by żyć bez ciebie Ale nigdy nie zrozumiem, nigdy nie zrozumiemZraniłem się dzisiaj Żeby zobaczyć, czy nadal czuję Skupiam się na bólu Jedyna rzecz, która jest prawdziwa Igła wyrywa dziurę Stare, znajome żądło Spróbuj to wszystko zabić Ale pamiętam wszystko Kim się stałem Mój najsłodszy przyjaciel Wszyscy, których znam, odchodzą W końcu I mógłbyś mieć to wszystko Moje imperium brudu Zawiodę cię Sprawię, że będziesz zraniony Noszę tę koronę cierniową Na krześle mojego kłamcy Pełen złamanych myśli Nie mogę naprawić Pod plamami czasu Uczucia znikają Jesteś kimś innym Wciąż tu jestem Kim się stałem Mój najsłodszy przyjaciel Wszyscy, których znam, odchodzą W końcu I mógłbyś mieć to wszystko Moje imperium brudu Zastanę cię Sprawię, że
من نصیحت شما را پذیرفتم و به تباهی رسیدم مرا به حال خودم بگذار، مرا به حال خودم بگذار من نصیحت شما را پذیرفتم و به تباهی رسیدم مرا به حال خودم بگذار، مرا به حال خودم بگذار آه من ساخته شده ام که بدون تو زندگی کنم اما من هرگز نمی فهمم، هرگز نمی فهمم آه من به دنیا آمدم تا بدون تو زندگی کنم اما من هرگز نمی فهمم، هرگز نمی فهممامروز به خودم آسیب رساندم تا ببینم آیا هنوز احساس می کنم یا خیر من روی درد تمرکز می کنم تنها چیزی که واقعی است سوزن سوراخ می کند نیش آشنا قدیمی سعی کنید همه چیز را بکشید اما همه چیز را به یاد دارم من چه شده ام شیرین ترین دوست من هر کسی که می شناسم می رود در پایان و شما می توانید همه چیز را داشته باشید امپراتوری خاک من من تو را ناامید می کنم من تو را آزار می دهم من این تاج خار را می پوشم روی صندلی دروغگویم پر از افکار شکسته من نمی توانم تعمیر کنم زیر لکه های زمان احساسات ناپدید می شوند شما شخص دیگری هستید من هنوز اینجا هستم من چه شده ام شیرین ترین دوست من هر کسی که می شناسم می رود در پایان و شما می توانید همه چیز را داشته باشید امپراتوری خاک من من تو را ناامید می کنم من تو را می سازم
ما ستا مشوره واخیسته او تباه شوم پرېږدئ چې ځان ته مې پرېږدی ما ستا مشوره واخیسته او تباه شوم پرېږدئ چې ځان ته مې پرېږدی زه ستاسو پرته ژوند کولو ته چمتو یم هیڅکله نه پوهیږم ، هیڅکله نه پوهیږم زما د نوی کال به تاسو پرته نیمګړی وی زه به هیڅکله نه پوهیږم ، زه هیڅکله نه پوهیږم چې نن ورځ زه ځان ته زیان رسوم. چې زه اوس هم احساس کوم زه د درد په اړه فکر کوم یوازینی شی چې واقعیا دی د یوې ټوټې ټوټې ټوټې کول د پخوانی اشنا په زړه کې هڅه وکړئ چې دا ټول لرې کړئ همه چی یادم څه چې زه جوړ شوم زما تر ټولو ګران دوست هرڅوک چې زه پوهیږم لاړ شه په پای کې او تاسو کولی شئ دا ټول ولرئ زما د خاورې امپراتورۍ زه به تاسو ته اجازه ورکړم زه به تاسو ته زیان ورسوی زه دې د تورو زما د دروغو په سر باندې د خراب فکرونو څخه ډک زه نشم ترمیم کولی د وخت په تیریدو سره د ونو لاندې احساسات له منځه ځی تاسو یو بل کس یاست زه لاهم دلته یم څه چې زه جوړ شوم زما تر ټولو ګران دوست هرڅوک چې زه پوهیږم لاړ شه په پای کې او تاسو کولی شئ دا ټول ولرئ زما د خاورې امپراتورۍ زه به تاسو ته اجازه ورکړم زه به تاسو جوړ کړم
ମୁଁ ତୁମର ପରାମର୍ଶ ନେଇ ନଷ୍ଟ ହେବାକୁ ଆସିଲି ମୋତେ ନିଜ ଉପରେ ଛାଡି ଦିଅ, ମୋତେ ନିଜ ଉପରେ ଛାଡି ଦିଅ ମୁଁ ତୁମର ପରାମର୍ଶ ନେଇ ନଷ୍ଟ ହେବାକୁ ଆସିଲି ମୋତେ ନିଜ ଉପରେ ଛାଡି ଦିଅ, ମୋତେ ନିଜ ଉପରେ ଛାଡି ଦିଅ ଓହ ମୋତେ ତୁମ ବିନା ବଞ୍ଚିବାକୁ ବାଧ୍ୟ କରାଗଲା କିନ୍ତୁ ମୁଁ କେବେ ବୁଝିବି ନାହିଁ, କେବେ ବୁଝିବି ନାହିଁ ଓହ ମୁଁ ତୁମ ବିନା ବଞ୍ଚିବା ପାଇଁ ଜନ୍ମ ନେଇଛି କିନ୍ତୁ ମୁଁ କେବେ ବୁଝିବି ନାହିଁ, କେବେ ବୁଝିପାରିବି ନାହିଁ ମୁଁ ଆଜି ନିଜକୁ ଦୁଃଖ ଦେଇଛି ମୁଁ ଏବେ ବି ଅନୁଭବ କରୁଛି କି ନାହିଁ ତାହା ଦେଖିବା ପାଇଁ ମୁଁ ଯନ୍ତ୍ରଣା ଉପରେ ଧ୍ୟାନ ଦିଏ ଏକମାତ୍ର ଜିନିଷ ଯାହା ବାସ୍ତବ ଅଟେ ସୁଇ ଏକ ଗାତରୁ ଲୁହ ଝରୁଛି ପୁରୁଣା ପରିଚିତ ଡଙ୍ଗା ସମସ୍ତଙ୍କୁ ହତ୍ୟା କରିବାକୁ ଚେଷ୍ଟା କରନ୍ତୁ କିନ୍ତୁ ମୋର ସବୁ କିଛି ��ନେ ଅଛି ମୁଁ କ'ଣ ହୋଇଛି ମୋର ସବୁଠାରୁ ମଧୁର ବନ୍ଧୁ ମୁଁ ଜାଣିଥିବା ସମସ୍ତେ ଚାଲିଯାଆନ୍ତି ଶେଷରେ ଏବଂ ତୁମେ ଏହା ସବୁ ପାଇପାରିବ ମୋର ମଇଳା ସାମ୍ରାଜ୍ୟ ମୁଁ ତୁମକୁ ନିରାଶ କରିବି ମୁଁ ତୁମକୁ ଆଘାତ ଦେବି ମୁଁ ଏହି କଣ୍ଟାର ମୁକୁଟ ପିନ୍ଧିଛି ମୋ ମିଥ୍ୟା ଚେୟାର ଉପରେ ଭଙ୍ଗା ଚିନ୍ତାରେ ପରିପୂର୍ଣ୍ଣ ମୁଁ ମରାମତି କରିପାରିବି ନାହିଁ ସମୟର ଦାଗ ତଳେ ଭାବନା ଅଦୃଶ୍ୟ ହୋଇଯାଏ ତୁମେ ଅନ୍ୟ କେହି ମୁଁ ଏବେ ବି ଏଠାରେ ଅଛି ମୁଁ କ'ଣ ହୋଇଛି ମୋର ସବୁଠାରୁ ମଧୁର ବନ୍ଧୁ ମୁଁ ଜାଣିଥିବା ସମସ୍ତେ ଚାଲିଯାଆନ୍ତି ଶେଷରେ ଏବଂ ତୁମେ ଏହା ସବୁ ପାଇପାରିବ ମୋର ମଇଳା ସାମ୍ରାଜ୍ୟ ମୁଁ ତୁମକୁ ନିରାଶ କରିବି ମୁଁ ତୁମକୁ ତିଆରି କରିବି
Ndinatenga uphungu wanu ndipo ndinawonongeka Ndisiyeni ndekha, ndisiyeni ndekha Ndinatenga uphungu wanu ndipo ndinawonongeka Ndisiyeni ndekha, ndisiyeni ndekha O ndinapangidwa kuti ndikhale popanda inu Koma sindidzamvetsa konse, sindikumvetsa O ndinabadwira kukhala popanda inu Koma sindidzamvetsetsa, sindikumvetsaNdimadzipweteka lero Kuti ndione ngati ndikumvabe Ndimaganizira kwambiri za ululu Chinthu chokha chomwe chiri chenicheni Singano imagwetsa dzenje Kuluma kwakale kozoloŵereka Yesetsani kupha zonse kutali Koma ndimakumbukira zonse Kodi ndakhala chiyani Mnzanga wokoma kwambiri Aliyense amene ndimamudziwa amachoka Pamapeto pake Ndipo mukhoza kukhala ndi zonse Ufumu wanga wa dothi Ndidzakukhumudwitsani Ndidzakupwetekani Ndimavala korona wa minga ameneyu Pa mpando wanga wabodza Wodzaza ndi malingaliro osweka Sindingathe kukonza Pansi pa mawanga a nthawi Malingaliro amatha Ndiwe munthu wina Ndidakali pano Kodi ndakhala chiyani Mnzanga wokoma kwambiri Aliyense amene ndimamudziwa amachoka Pamapeto pake Ndipo mukhoza kukhala ndi zonse Ufumu wanga wa dothi Ndidzakukhumudwitsani Ndidzakupangani
Jeg fulgte ditt råd og kom til undergang Overlat meg til meg selv, overlat meg til meg selv Jeg fulgte ditt råd og kom til undergang Overlat meg til meg selv, overlat meg til meg selv Å, jeg ble skapt for å leve uten deg Men jeg kommer aldri til å forstå, aldri forstå Å, jeg ble født til å leve uten deg Men jeg kommer aldri til å forstå, aldri forståJeg skadet meg selv i dag For å se om jeg fortsatt føler Jeg fokuserer på smerten Det eneste som er ekte Nålen et hull Den gamle kjente brodden Prøv å drepe alt Men jeg husker alt Hva har jeg blitt Min søteste venn Alle jeg kjenner forsvinner Til slutt Og du kan få alt Mitt imperium av skitt Jeg vil svikte deg Jeg vil gjøre deg vondt Jeg bærer denne tornekronen På min løgnerstol Full av ødelagte tanker Jeg kan ikke reparere Under tidens flekker Følelsene forsvinner Du er en annen Jeg er fortsatt her Hva har jeg blitt Min søteste venn Alle jeg kjenner forsvinner Til slutt Og du kan få alt Mitt imperium av skitt Jeg vil svikte deg Jeg vil gjøre deg
मैले तपाईंको सल्लाह लिएँ र नाश भएँ मुझे खुद को छोड़ दो, मुझे खुद को छोड़ दो मैले तपाईंको सल्लाह लिएँ र नाश भएँ मुझे खुद को छोड़ दो, मुझे खुद को छोड़ दो ओह, म तिमीबिना बाँच्नको लागि बनाइएको थियो तर म कहिल्यै बुझ्दिनँ, कहिल्यै बुझ्दिनँ ओह, म तिमीबिना बाँच्नको लागि जन्मेको हुँ तर म कहिल्यै बुझ्न सक्दिन, कहिल्यै बुझ्दिनँ मैले आज आ��ैलाई चोट पुर् याएको छु म अझै पनि महसुस गर्छु कि भनेर हेर्नको लागि म पीडामा ध्यान केन्द्रित गर्छु केवल एक चीज जो वास्तविक है सुईले प्वाल पार्छ पुराना परिचित डंक यो सबै टाढा मार्ने प्रयास गर्नुहोस् तर मलाई सबै कुरा याद छ मैं क्या बन गया मेरा सबसे प्यारा दोस्त मैले चिनेका सबै जना जान्छन् अन्तमा र तपाईं यो सबै हुन सक्छ मेरो फोहोरको साम्राज्य म तिमीलाई निराश पार्नेछु मैं तुम्हें चोट पहुंचाऊँगा म यो काँडाको मुकुट लगाउँछु मेरो झूटो को कुर्सी मा टुटेफुटेका विचारहरूले भरिएको म मर्मत गर्न सक्दिन समयको दागमुनि भावनाहरू हराएर जान्छन् तुम तो और कोई हो म अझै पनि यहाँ छु मैं क्या बन गया मेरा सबसे प्यारा दोस्त मैले चिनेका सबै जना जान्छन् अन्तमा र तपाईं यो सबै हुन सक्छ मेरो फोहोरको साम्राज्य म तिमीलाई निराश पार्नेछु मैं तुम्हे बना दूँगा
Мен сенин кеңешиңди кабыл алып, ойрон болуп калдым Мени өзүмө калтыр, өзүмө калтыр Мен сенин кеңешиңди кабыл алып, ойрон болуп калдым Мени өзүмө калтыр, өзүмө калтыр О, мен сенсиз жашаганга жарактуу болдум Бирок мен эч качан түшүнбөйм, эч качан түшүнбөйм О, мен сенсиз жашоо үчүн төрөлгөм Бирок мен эч качан түшүнбөйм, эч качан түшүнбөймМен бүгүн өзүмө зыян келтирдим Дагы эле өзүмдү сезип жатамбы Мен ооруга көңүл бурам Реалдуу болгон жалгыз нерсе Ийне тешик жарылып кетет Эски тааныш жалгыз Баарын жок кылууга аракет кыл Бирок бардыгы эсимде Мен эмне болдум Менин эң сүйүктүү досум Мен тааныгандардын баары кетет Аягында Жана баарына ээ боло аласың Менин топурак империям Мен сени көңүлүмдү калтырам Мен сени оорутуп салам Мен бул ��икенектүү таажыны кийем Жалганчы отургучунда Бузулган ойлор толгон Мен оңдой албайм Убакыттын тактарынын астында Сезимдер жоголот Сен башка бирөөсүң Мен дагы эле ушул жердемин Мен эмне болдум Менин эң сүйүктүү досум Мен тааныгандардын баары кетет Аягында Жана баарына ээ боло аласың Менин топурак империям Мен сени көңүлүмдү калтырам Мен сени жасайм
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mcbitchtits · 2 years ago
and now it’s time for silly songs with larry minnesota cuke, the part of your dash where i keep talking about indiana jones, forever.
current state of the view count:
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here be spoilers. i might say i’d stop tagging after we cross the month threshold but tbh the way i keep writing novel-length nonsense it will probably just stay under a cut regardless
i know we got the wilhelm and the milennium falcon/plane engine noise (can’t remember where, on the latter) but i avidly watched the credits last time and ben burtt was not involved in this one. dunno how much of this is lucasfilm restructuring under disney or them handing it over to a mostly fully new team (like new costumers being mostly disconnected from the old ones), but it’s a little sad to see. it’s not like he’s retired. (I mean, maybe he was overbooked or didn’t want to work on it, but still!) (i may be the singular person out here regularly making raiders foley art jokes around the internet, so, you know, forgive me on my frustration with this point.)
what do you think happened to that poor italian pilot after everything? are they long-distance friends now, a la sallah or presumably renaldo, etc? (which, by the way, I can’t remember if I ever speculated about it on here, but I was hoping we’d meet up with one of Young Indy’s FFL friends in Morocco. I was clearly wrong about that.) or do you just go back to your italian pilot life trying not to think about how you went 2200 years into the past? i mean, shit gets weird with pilots. so it’s not like he’d be an odd man out just ranting paranoically about watching out for dangerous cloud formations at altitude. (and when i say “shit gets weird with pilots”, i also mean, like, it’s a personality thing. SO.) (i mean...)
been trying to pay more attention to the score on subsequent viewings because it hits so differently for me. I think, other than Helena’s Theme, that it just uses older cues a lot more? which, arguaby, it’s not like the past sequels haven’t done that, but much like my script complaints it feels like it’s Oops! All References. which I did notice— pretty sure when the bomb drops in the intro, it’s the ants swarming cue from Crystal Skull. (which is kind of an interesting comparison, musically, thematically!)
on the flip side, I was dinking around with Helena’s Theme on the keyboard— I’m fairly but not 100% certain it’s just the Raiders March notes rearranged. which is sweet, and I like that it went someplace different musically, but also it’s interesting to note how that’s such a musical diversion from John Williams’ other work. Star Wars intertwines themes a lot, but so has Indiana Jones; notably with Mutt’s theme in Crystal Skull but iirc also with Henry Sr in Last Crusade? now i’m second guessing myself. ANYWAY. Williams does it a lot, frequently in little ways that are just a bar or two or four, so it’s notable to me that Helena’s doesn’t.
which is fine; it’s a good theme. on the other hand, I feel like that reinforces again my structural complaints with Dial of Destiny, in that things just seem tacked on together in a pile and don’t really mesh; and moreover, that we frequently are given Helena’s Theme when we want to hear the Raiders March. intertwining them as countermelodies or harmonized or whatever would have given us both. and 1) it’s interesting that they chose only to give us Helena and not Indy, musically, and 2) this echoes the structure of not actually actively resolving (or, uh, even really addressing forthrightly) their character arcs/conflict!
on my last viewing i went to see it in this theater that used to be an indie/art theater and got bankrupted by covid and resold, and it was very nice internally but i spent the whole movie wondering what the fuck kind of weird vignetting was going on with the film/lenses. finally made it to the underwater scenes and it was just dark as shit, so I suspect, looking back, it was just that the projector had bulb issues, which is frustrating on its own but even moreso as a purportedly indie/art theater. (also i got a trailer for that theater camp movie this time, which is a hilarious pre-roll choice? lol)
i cannot stop thinking about the whole Science But Also We’re Going To Nod Vaguely To Athena And Put Moons On Shit design premise. i get the moons if you’re trying to make everyone remember that the dial is a celestial body calendar calculator (which it was!) but WHY JUST THE MOON. WHY EVEN BOTHER PUTTING ATHENA IN THERE. if it’s SCIENCE then put THE MOON AND THE STARS AND THE PLANETS. if it’s MYTHOLOGY then PUT IN ARTEMIS AND APOLLO/ETC. AND IF IT’S ABOUT TIME THEN YOU SHOULD HAVE GIVEN ME KRONOS AND THE TITANS GOD DAMNIT
anyway. lazy production design (and/or writing/plot choice if it was them) in my opinion.
I think they melted it... digitally? The fire looks digital, and the melted wax looks digital, and there’s a notable texture difference from the shot of the disc in the melted wax vs. the subsequent shot of Indy pulling the disc out. So I’m very curious to know if it was actually digital or practical. Generally, yes, safer for fire. My preference obviously as a Raiders/etc fan specifically is that it should have been practical to the extent they could have. And of course we can argue maybe the shot difference is just waiting for the wax to cool enough to pick it out the disc safely, but, eh. idk. it didn’t feel tactile, you know? That’s part of what these movies are about.
(I mean, likely, lighting some 151 or whatever on a Wide Candle would probably not burn sufficiently long to melt it? But COME ON, THE POWER OF EDITING, I BELIEVE IN YOU) (also perhaps i will try lighting one of my junk candles on fire later with the power of rum. just for experimental purposes. SCIENCE, YAKNOW)
side note, historically, i want to say a wax tablet like that would have had a wood frame? also, i don’t know what kind of wax they would have made it out of. i could easily go research this, so i guess that’s going on my list next.
So the big thing I keep chewing on is the contrast-not-contrast of Voller and Indy, and what the fuck the plot was actually trying to say. (and, frankly, as I have mentioned, I keep coming up with ????? because I think they didn’t have a good thesis and thus the structure floundered and the point is kind of lost, aside from the broad strokes of what we already “know” about Indy, both the person and the character.) Voller’s Mediterranean look is interesting to be because it seems like a pallette-swap of Indy. Light toned fedora, light toned jacket, slacks and a shoulder bag, all still in natural, earth tones, but not dark browns. To me this is a more interesting contrast than is happening almost anywhere else, because it’s reminiscent of Belloq’s pallette (usually whites and creams, both with pith helmet and later a fedora) and also Panama Hat’s (love those serial flick names). Belloq and Indy are explicitly very close to the same, “rational” archaeologists in pursuit of some academic fame or notoriety, and also a little bit in the realms of questionable ethics. (Until it turns out, of course, that Belloq would sell his soul to the Nazis, and Indy wouldn’t, though let’s not get into the depths of that examination here.) Voller also consistently sees Indy as a comrade-in-arms, the rational scientists whose pure pursuit of truth (and their own goals) is above all else.
And, of course, in the end, we see how that plays out more explicitly, Voller in the plane says “I can’t stay here,” while moments later Indy begs to be allowed to; “let me stay.”
Of course Indy would never be a Nazi so it’s necessary both structurally (and, uh, because otherwise this would be a literal disaster of a movie) for them to be counterpoints. But while this holds in the production design and the general basic structure, again, I think they really lost the plot in the nuances.
Indy is a man of science. Even all the while he’s come to appreciate (in past adventures) the existence of some mysticism. This movie, so much thematically, is about Science (Archimedes and the antikythera) and Indy being a scientist and also Voller being a scientist. It’s also as much about belief; Indy in Science AND ALSO His Marriage, and Voller in Science. But, structurally, it keeps trying to pit Science against everything else; this in part is why the “dial” is the least interesting macguffin we’ve seen so far— it’s not really resonant to the story. (Mostly this failure belongs, as I’ve said, to the lack of character arc that should be underlying everything.)
Indy insists on being a scientist, despite the fact that he’s also willing to write off everything he’s seen as “how hard you believe in it”. Is that not worth examining, as a central thesis of the series?! Why does it get such a cop-out line?! (Again, because I think they didn’t know what they wanted to say, so they waffled on everything, and instead you get a hemming and hawing script without resolution.)
As a scientist, at the very least, I think he would be more intrigued by everything that has happened to him. Scientists love when things yield unexpected results, because that’s something new to explore.
Which, in that same vein, I can’t buy that he wouldn’t think the moon landing or space exploration was interesting. I can’t buy that he’d feel “replaced”— obviously, this is very much an angle on heroism and culture that is used by nazis and other cultural supremacists— but Indy is a guy who wants to learn, to teach, to engage with the world, to go on adventures. (If he’s jealous, show us that?)
And again, again, again, one can certainly argue that this is all specifically not him, not himself, because of the depression of losing Mutt and his marriage; that’s fine, but I think the script does a shit job of establishing that or doing anything with it.
And if Indy feels “replaced” (which, again, this thing they kept telling us in the promo material I don’t think was borne out well in the actual text!), and he’s longing for some lost era of himself (except, again, that he pushes everyone away and continues to claim “this isn’t an adventure”), what the fuck is the actual text of the movie structurally trying to say by bringing him “back” at the end? If he’s not actually a relic of the past (uh, literally and figuratively), and we still need heroes of his type today, why do we not spend more time and finesse with that character arc??????? You cannot posit this as your central thesis and then nearly forget about it until the last five minutes. I mean, you can, I guess. They maybe did. And it sucks all the more for it.
If Voller’s obsession with science is what gets him stuck as a literal and figural relic, and Indy gets to look to the future to continue to be a hero and be needed in the world around him, why do we spend so much time valorizing the antikythera as a scientific object instead of a more mystic one, if Indy needs Belief and Awe and The Power of Friendship and The Power of Punching Nazis and so do we?! Again, and I know I’ve said this a billion times already, but WHY DO HELENA AND INDY NEVER HAVE THAT MOMENT OF RESOLUTION??? Helena needs to realize it too! Indy needs to stop being so cynical and see what he already knows!
I just. urgh. like I said. it’s hard to write about with clarity because I think they lost it themselves. And, more objectively, the script is narratively fighting itself on these themes in part because “making the antikythera scientific and not very mystic” is a reaction to Crystal Skull more than it is a reflection on the rest of the series or letting it stand on its own merits. And, again, I think that not only creates a story that is at odds with itself constantly and messy as a result, but it also does no service to Raiders as a story nor the other entries in the series, nor to Indiana Jones as a concept or a franchise. (And, most notably, it makes a bad “finale” entry!)
I’ll probably have more to say on this later, and, you know, eternally, because every time I sit down to write out what I’m trying to say I end up saying something completely else so I’m just over here piling up disjointed comments on top of disjointed comments.
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cianuretto · 2 years ago
_ É muito importante saber que somos passagem na vida de alguém, apenas passageiro numa linha eterna de evolução, sim, criamos espectativas, natural e não adianta você dizer que não cria, por que você cria sim, você começa a conhecer alguém, se interessa por essa pessoa e ela já não tem mas nome, passa ser: Amor, vida, mo, paixão,etc.
_ O tempo vai passando e as coisas vão mudando e esse sentimento muda, migra e as vezes some, se acaba e esse amor,vida,mo volta a ter nome próprio como lá no começo de tudo e vocês se separam e com o passar do tempo ambos não lembram que um dia se conheceram e se amaram,
Quão breve é o amor.
Próxima estação; coração alheio
Diogo Abdull Sallah - Um Rio que passava atrás da colina
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bensalah96 · 7 years ago
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Mo Salah ♥️
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amr-zohdy-blog · 6 years ago
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@mo-salah11 ❤
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bob-650 · 7 years ago
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sadiiomane10 · 5 years ago
hello zeena! since a couple of days ago you mentioned u follow lots of blogs i was wondering if you could suggest some lfc & bayern blogs, my dash has been dead since ucl ended and that's ridiculous! it would be nice to start the upcoming seasons with an active dash (extra credit if they support both haha)
yh i can, here u go
@germanynts @thomas-mvller @alabaeforever @dangerouslyaddictivethings @brokenbyfootball @anja-mittags @lucashernandzz @wrenards @xliverpool
bayern fans
@alcantarafc @euro2016changedme @buyerns @kimmearth @arduango@kimmichsworld@joshskimmich  @manuelmueller @gnabrie @andrewryanandme@sevendifferentwinners @draxlerr @schwein-ski @ctolisso @miasandumm @bayernmunichlove  @villaneelle @zirkzees @kimmichsworld  @bayernity @leongoalretzka @gorxtzka @niklasuele @elishamanning @javisglasses @chrsitophwaltz @football-obsession@fcbayernmess @edvandersar @little-wise-acre @rowan-fcb @32kimmich @fc-bayern-munich @thomasmxller @scrgegnabry @unicorns-are-friends @touch-me-without-using-your-hand @joshiikimmich @vivalachampions @fantaesticbxyern @footballpancake
liverpool fans 
@anfieldfc @anfielded @alexander-arnolds @agger-daniel@andyrobertsonz @asenwinks@blikimore@@ben-woodburn @bears-andbreakfast@capitanogiorgio@cornertakenquickly @cuterone @chibeg@cornertakenquickly@dancefaeries @daniel-munthe-agger @divockorigoat @eventhesmallestperson @deliae @doubleohbehave @gendryabaratheonn @gingervivilou@klopposkop @kloppend @kuzy-van-dijk@liverpoolstolemyheart @like-a-virgil-van-dijk @lfcbvb @lfcs-bitch@imforgettingwhy@mo-salahs @mo-salah @mo-salahs-hair @neilabrm@salahszn @sallahs @salah-lovren @shockingtha @shaqvandijk @simmonszn@trentalexanders @trentsreds @trentsreds @trentfc @trentthelittleduckling@tattoos-are-my-weakness@thesecretdetectivecollection @a-twistinmynightmare @virvdijk @gerraaard @bobbycavani @mademoiselleteetee @keseyeasy @crashstappen @georginiwijnaldum@withhopeinourheart@xliverpool @roberto-firminos  @virgilvangomez @virgilvansike @ohhh-andy-andy  @calypsus @samvelumtiti
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realchannel65 · 7 years ago
Breaking: Mo Salah Out for 3 Weeks
Breaking: Mo Salah Out for 3 Weeks
Egyptians all over the world can breathe a sigh of relief as reports just in, suggest that Mo Salah will heal just in time for the greatest football showcase in the world, the World Cup.
Mo Salah during last nights Champions League final match between Liverpool and Real Madrid picked up a shoulder discomfort after a tussle over by Sergio Ramos, which was later diagnosed as a fracture.
A very…
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myfunkybdaytv · 7 years ago
Salah turns down expensive gift for firing Egypt to Russia 2018
Salah turns down expensive gift for firing Egypt to Russia 2018
Salah turns down expensive gift for firing Egypt to Russia 2018 (more…)
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nemesisbinxartifactseries · 5 years ago
Artifact Series S
Saburo Miyakawa's Hachimaki *
Sacagawea's Cradleboard
Sacagawea's Indian Peace Medal
Sacred Papyri of Seleucia *
The Saddle of Bayard
Sadhu Fingernails
Sailor Mars' Transformation Pen
Saint Cuthbert's Chapel Gargoyle *
Saint George's Ring
Saint George's Lance and Shield
Saint James' Fuller's Club
Saint Jude's Carpenter's Rule
Saint Jerome's Lion Claw Thorn
Saint Lucia's Skull
Saint Matthew's Tax Lodger
Saint Matthias' Axe
Saint Nicholas' Gift Bag
Saint Nicholas' Three Stockings
Saint Patrick's Bell
Saint Paul's Cross-Hilted Sword
Saint Paul's Letter
Saint Peter's 2 Keys
Saint Peter's Sword
Saint Philip's Basket
Saint Sebastian’s Arrow
Saint Simon's Saw
Saint Thomas' Carpentry Square
Saint Valentine's Amethyst Ring
Sakyo Komatsu's Typewriter Ink Ribbon
Saleh's Camel Bone
Salem Saberhagen Animatron
Sallah, the Soothsaying Sultan *
Sally Rand's Ostrich Feather Fans
Sally Tompkins' Medical Kit
Salmaan Taseer's Glasses
Salt from Dallol, Ethiopia
Salvador Dali’s Cane
Salvador Dali's Moustache Wax
Salvador Dalí's Paintbrush
Salvation Army Bell
Salvator Fabris' Fencing Doublet
Salzburg Marionette Theater Marionette
Samantha Smith's Cap
Sam Hide's Half Crown
Sam Loyd's Black Queen
Sammy Davis Jr.'s Mezuzah
The Samsara Lotus
Sam Sheppard's Wrestling Boots
Sam Snead’s Golf Bag
Samson's Jawbone *
Samuel Allison's Dark Tinted Goggles
Samuel Clemens' Riverboat Whistle
Samuel Colt's Gun Barrel
Samuel Franklin Cody’s Kite
Samuel J. Seymour’s Safety Pin
Samuel Loring Morison’s Magazine Rack
Samuel Madden's Letter Opener
Samuel Pepys' Monocle
Samuel Pepys' Wheel of Parmesan Cheese
Samuel Taylor Coleridge's Fishing Net *
Samuel Whittemore’s Musket
Samuel Ruben’s Batteries
Samus Aran's Armor
Sancho II of Portugal’s Ciborium
Sandbags from the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927
The Sanderson Sisters' Black Flame Candle
Sandford Fleming's Postage Stamp
Sands of Hiroshima
Sands of Iwo Jima *
Sands of Normandy
Sandstone Bricks from the Pyramid of Giza
Santa Claus™ Hat
Santiago Ramón y Cajal's Microscope
Santorini Event Pumice Stone
Sapphires of Vali
Sarah A. Bowman’s Bread Tray
Sarah Bernhardt's Evening Gloves
Sarah Knauss' Personal Compact Mirror
Sarah Osbourne's Dress
Saraswati’s Veena
Sargon the Great's Mirrors *
Saturn V
Saxon Yule Log *
Sburb Beta Disks
Scaenae Frons from the Theatre of Dionysus
Scallop Shell of Zebedee
Scarab of Imhotep *
The Scarab Beetle Statue of Luxor
Scarecrow's Mask
“Scary” Lucille Ball Statue
Schaefer Beer Tray
Scheherazede's Bracelet
School of Salmon
Schrodinger's Cat
Schwinn Exercise Bike
Scope & Rifle from Elbe Day
Scorpion's Ropedart
Scorpus' Chariot
Scot Halpin’s Tour Jacket
Scott Joplin's Cigarette Case *
Scott Joplin's Piano *
Scott Joplin's Score for A Guest of Honor
Scott O'Grady’s Ejection Seat
Scroll of Qi
The Sea Cat
Searchlight from Alcatraz
Seat from Global Airlines Flight 33
Seaweed Stone Ball
Second Chance Heroes Artifacts
Secondo Pia’s Flashbulb
Secretariat's Horseshoes
Sedna's Seashell
Seductive Spectacles
SEES's Evokers
Selene's Tiara
Self-Answering Rotary Phone
Self-Constructing Building Blocks
Self-Replicating Birthday Candles
Senchán Torpéist's Lute
Seneb's False Door
Seraphim of Sarov’s Icon and Lestovka
Serial Killer Camera *
Serial Killer Hook
Sergeant Stubby's Coat
Sergei Brukhonenko's Autojektor
Sergei Korsakoff's Ruble Coin
Sergei Prokofiev's Chess Board
Sergio Corbucci's Personal Script of Django
Sergiusz Piasecki’s Grammar Book
Sessue Hayakawa’s Pierce Arrow
Seth Kinman’s Elkhorn Chair
Seth MacFarlane's "Family Guy" Concept Art
Seti I's Obelisk
Severus of Athens' Cronus Ring
Sexist Pickle Jar
Shah Jahan’s Peacock Throne
Shah Jahan's Taj Mahal Spire
Shaista Khan’s Sash
Shards of the Cross of St. Andrew
Sharicite Pendants
Shaka Zulu's Nkoka
Shaka Zulu's Iklwa
Shamu's Tank
Shang Rang's Army Shield
Shaolin Temple Robes
Sharbat Gula's Shawl
Shard from the Lens of the Lighthouse of Alexandria *
Sharkeisha's Winter Hat
Sharpie Permanent Marker
Sheet Music of Faerie's Aire and Death Waltz
Sheldon Silverstein's Guitar
Sheldon Silverstein's Shaving Razor
Shelvern's Black-Magic-Eyed Peas
Shell Fragment from the V-1 Doodlebug
Shem Drowne's Grasshopper
Shennong’s Plow
Sherman Adams’ Fur Coat
Sher Shah Suri's Helmet
Sheut Statuette
Shield from the Battle of Thermopylae
Shifting Chicken Egg
Shig Murao's Copy of "Howl"
Shigechiyo Izumi's Kimono
Shig Murao's Copy of "Howl"
Shigeru Miyamoto's Keyboard
Shinichi Suzuki's Violin
Shirley Jackson's Jewelry Box
Shiro Ishii's Medal *
Shirt of Nessus
Shivaji’s Bagh Naka
Shizou Kakutani's Geometry Set *
Shoes from the Tank Man
Shoichi Yokoi's Uniform
Shō Shin's Tonfa
Shotaro Ishinomori's Pen and Sketch Pad
Shower Head from "Psycho" *
Shylock's Coin Purse
Siberian Jukebox
Siberian Mammoth Tusk
Sigismund I the Old’s Tankard
Sigismund’s Order of the Dragon Emblem
Sigmund Freud's Cigar *
Sigmund Freud's Glasses
Sigmund Freud's Lighter
Sigmund Freud's Mantle Clock *
Sigmund Freud's Marble Tablet
Sigyn’s Bowl
Silap Inua Totem
Silene stenophylla
Silencing Librarian Glasses
Silk Sash of Mulan
Silver Bracelet *
Silver Bullet
Silver Cross Tavern Barrels
The Silver Crystal
Silver Necklace from the Atacama Desert Mines *
Silver Transmuting Goblet
Simeon Bourgeois' Torpedo Shell
Simo Häyhä's Rifle
Simon Tookoome's Bullwhip
Simonides of Ceos' Tally Stick
Simon Stevin's Windmill
Sinclair Lewis' Desk
"Singin' in the Rain" Umbrellas
The Singing Bone
Sinon's Helmet
Sir Gawain's Jousting Helmet *
Sir Mix-A-Lot's Bling Ring
Siren Rock Pendent
Sister Parish's Rose Brooch
Sitting Bull's Riding Blanket *
Skanderberg's Helmet
Skeleton Key
Ski Gloves
Skip to My Lou Violin
Skis from the Winter of Terror
Slava Raškaj’s Alabaster Owl Carving
Slavoljub Eduard Penkala’s Hot Water Bottle
The Slayer's Scythe
Sledge Hammer from the Ohio State Prison Fire
Slender Suit
Slot Machine
Slow Mo Guy's Lab Coats
Slue-Foot Sue's Bustle
Smenkhkare's Coffin
Smiling Dog Photograph
Smell Negating Clothespin
Smokey Yunick's Cowboy Hat
Smoking Railroad Spikes *
"Snakeman's" Basket
Snarky Reading Glasses
Sneezing Panda Video Camera
Snowman Jack-in-the-Box
Snow White's Apple
Snow White's Mirror
Sobriety Coin
Soccer Ball from the Death Match
Sock Sowachowski's Hat
Socrates' Cup *
Socrates' Toga
Sodom and Gomorrah Salt Mask *
Sogdianus' Scimitar
Soichiro Honda's Bicycle Pedals
Solac Electric Toaster
Soldier of Fortune's Cloth Cap
Solomon W. Golomb's Polyominoes
Sonman Mine Pickaxe
Sonny and Cher's Old West Costumes
Sopdet's Star
Sophie Blanchard's Costume
Sophie Lyons' Gloves
Soren S. Adams' Jam Jar
Southern Cross Expedition Candle Holder
Souvenir Ashtray *
The Spaghetti Tree
Spanish Flag from the Battle of Rocroi
Spanish Inquisition Costumes
Spartan Armor *
Spartacus' Armor
Sparticus' Retiarius *
Special Order 191 Cigars
Speed-Reading Lamp (canon)
Sphinx's Gear
Sphinx's Nose and Tablet
Spiked Torture Mask (canon)
Spindle from the Duke of Exeter's Daughter Torture Rack (canon)
Spirit of St. Louis' Propeller Spinner
Spine of the Saracen *
Splattering Heinz Ketchup Bottle
Spoon from Al Capone's Soup Kitchen
Spirit of St. Louis' Propeller Spinner
Spirit Tablets from the Boxer Rebellion
Spitball-Producing Straw
Spriggan Wings
Spring-Heeled Jack's Boots
Spyridon Louis’ Fustinella
Srinivasa Ramanujan's Stick
Squee's Teddy Bear, Shmee
SS Andrea Doria
SS Baychimo
SS Indiana's Hand Bell
SS Noronic Whistle
SS Violet, Griffon
Stack of 12 Cans of Campbell’s Soup *
Stacked-Deck Poker Table
Stadium Seats from the 1896 Olympics
Stage Door from CBGB's *
"Stagecoach" Mary Fields S&W .38 "Lemon Squeezer"
Stagelight from the UFO Club
Stairway B Railing
Staff of Set
Stamata Revithi's Document
Stan Rogers's Wedding Ring
Stanislaw Ulam's Calculator
Stanley Green’s Placard
Stanley Kramer's Film Reel
Stanley Thornton Jr.'s Baby Bottle
Stare Promoting Glasses
Star Jelly
Starkad's Norse Pendent
S.T.A.R.S. Samurai Edge Pistol
State vs Bonner Cap Gun
Statue from Trajan’s Column
Statues of Castor and Pollux *
Statue of Euryale
Statue of Heket
Statue of St. Bartholomew
Statues from the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus
Statues of Zeus and Hera
Statuettes of Aphrodte and Eros
Steam Locomotive from the Burma Railway
Steel Girders From Warehouse 12
Stefania Follini’s Guitar
Stephen Decatur's Disguise
Stephen Hawking's Wheelchair
Stephen Hillenburg's Hawaiian Shirt
Stephen Wiltshire's Pen
Steve Bolander's '58 Chevy Impala
Steve Brodie's Dummy
Steve Clemente's Knife Box
Steve Irwin’s Australia Zoo Patch
Steve Jobs' Hardrive
Steve Kordek's Pinball Machine
Steve McQueen's 650cc Triumph TR6 Trophy Motorcycle *
Steven Spielberg's Clapper Board
Stewart Farrar's Besom
Sticky String *
Stingy Jack's Turnip Lantern
"Stinking" Bishop's Kettle
St. Stephen's Church Weather Vane
Stolen Arm of Shiva
Stone-Changing Cheese Knife
Stone from Stonehenge *
Stone from the "Wailing Wall"
Stones from The Dancing Plague of 1518
Stones from the Flims Rockslide
Stone of Destiny
Stone of Truth
Stonewall Inn's Neon Sign
Stonewall Jackson's Piece of Shrapnel
Storage Door Knob
Stormtrooper E-11 Blaster Rifle
Strait of Messina Grindstone
Straightjacket from St. Mary of Bethlehem Asylum
The Straw that Broke the Camel's Back *
Studio 54 Disco Ball *
Stuffed Speckled Chachalaca
St. Valentine's Day Massacre M1 Thompson
Subtle Knife
Sucellus' Hammer
Sugar Ray Robinson's Pillow
Sugar Skull
Sulla's Grass Crown
Summer Camp Inflatable Mattress
Sunbeam Mix Master
Sundiata Keita’s Balafon
Sunny Malone's Chalk Drawing
Sunrise High Sierra Camp Hat
Sun Tzu's Dao Sword
Sun Tzu's "The Art of War"
Superman's Suit
Supermarket Sweep Shopping Carts
Susan Hayward's Silk Dress
Susan Nolen-Hoeksema’s Glasses
Susanoo's Totsuka-no-Tsurugi (Sword of Strength)
Su Song's Armillary Sphere
Suzanne Oldsworth's Silver Thimble *
Svante Arrhenius’ Gloves
Svetlana Pankratova's Shoes
Svyatoslav Nikolayevich Fyodorov's Patient's Glasses
Sweeny Todd's Barber Shop Razor
Swiss Miss-Hap Mug *
The Sword in the Stone
Sword of Damocles
Sybil Leek's Smudge Fan
Sydney Newman's Rotary Phone
Sylvanus Morley's Pith Helmet
Sylvester Graham's Original Graham Crackers
Sylvia Browne's Pearl Earrings
Sylvia Plath's Typewriter *
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delphnewsdotcom · 3 years ago
A Superb Masterclass from Mo Sallah wraps up Liverpool VS Manchester United 5-0
A Superb Masterclass from Mo Sallah wraps up Liverpool VS Manchester United 5-0
Bruno Fernandes missed the early opportunity to put Manchester United ahead in the early minutes of the game, Konate played a sloppy pass in Midfield and it was picked up by Marcus Rashford as Manchester United Countered quickly. The ball then reached Mason Greenwood who picked out Bruno Fernandes and with acres of space, Bruno only had to beat Allison Becker but his strike was wider than the…
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leroyasane · 7 years ago
Kevin Trapp, Mo Sallah, Ronaldo
I’d probably marry Mo cause he’ll make good husband material.
I’d definitely fuck Kevin cause have you seen his body???
I’d kill Ronaldo cause ya know..
Send me 3 WC footballers and I’ll tell you who I’d fuck, marry, or kill!
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amr-zohdy-blog · 6 years ago
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mo salah ❤
0 notes
growinstablog · 5 years ago
Instagram World Cup Ads: Official Sponsors Officially Create Great Ads!
The 2018 FIFA World Cup is here! 32 nations will battle for the ultimate prize – the World Cup. In celebration of the World Cup, I will show you some of the best adverts on Instagram, they’ll be fun to check out during halftime. Read on as we both have some fun with familiar faces from world football in this year’s best Instagram World Cup ads.
Instagram World Cup Ads: Adidas
It wouldn’t be a World Cup without an ad gathering all the famous football players. Adidas was responsible for such an ad this World Cup, and I think they did a great job.
Create the answer. #HereToCreate – – – @asapferg @bernardocarvalhosilva @caitfreestyle @carowozniacki @ch14_ @damianlillard @davidbeckham @dejesusoficial @d_degeaofficial @dele @florencia.galarza @hm_son7 @jesselingard @karliekloss @leomessi @lindseyhoran11 @luissuarez9 @mosalah @m10_official @noravexplora @paulpogba @pharrell @roberto_firmino @seanfreestyle @stormzyofficial @thejudge44 @vonmiller @Zidane
A post shared by adidas (@adidas) on Jun 4, 2018 at 11:59pm PDT
It seems like adidas couldn’t pack any more celebrities into its World Cup ad:
Lionel Messi
Zinedine Zidane
José Mourinho
David Beckham
Paul Pogba
Luis Suarez
Mesut Özil
Mo Sallah
Other famous celebrities, like Pharrell Williams, Caroline Wozniacki, Karlie Kloss, and Von Miller also made appearances. This is an example of influencer marketing on a huge scale.
The campaign has a cleverly crafted personalization element. In addition to the main version which you can see above, adidas has created six different versions of this ad that will deliver content that is tailored to the viewers in six different key cities for adidas (Tokyo, Paris, New York, London, Shanghai, and Los Angeles). Each version will include content tailored by “creators” who are shaping the culture in their city.
What do y’all think? 👍/👎
A post shared by Football (Soccer) Memes (@footballmemesinsta) on Jun 13, 2018 at 1:09am PDT
Meanwhile, Instagrammers are invited to create content with the hashtag #HereToCreate, as seen in the silly example above. On Instagram alone the hashtag has been used more than 385,000 times already.
Instagram World Cup ads: Hyundai
On their Instagram account, Hyundai released a funny ad which encapsulates the importance of the World Cup. Apparently, not even Romeo’s love is enough for Juliet to miss a World Cup match…
#Hyundai makes your #2018FIFAWorldCup the best ever! Launching #SaveMyGame Football Fan Helpline. Give a missed call on **football (**36682255) from 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM on all FIFA match days and get a chance to win exciting prizes like never before.
A post shared by Hyundai India (@hyundaiindia) on Jun 14, 2018 at 12:56am PDT
With this ad, Hyundai is promoting their #SaveMyGame football fan helpline, which allows fans to win exciting prizes. The campaign will be live from 14th June to 15th July where football fans can “Save Their Game” by giving a missed call on a special Hyundai Football Helpline and create an exciting experience for their interruption. A contest is a great way to get likes on Instagram, and improve overall performance.
Instagram World Cup ads: Qatar Airways
Qatar Airways has opened up their Qatar Airlines campaign for the World Cup with the former Pussycat Doll, Nicole Scherzinger, performing her own version of the classic song “Dancing in the Streets.”
Get ready for what’s going to be a football infused summer. We bring you an upbeat and infectiously fun-filled musical that will get you on your feet! It’s time to get into the spirit of the @fifaworldcup. #WorldCupTogether #TogetherWeDream #QatarAirways
A post shared by Qatar Airways (@qatarairways) on May 29, 2018 at 4:00am PDT
The official World Cup sponsor expresses the excitement in being part of the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia and highlights the joy the competition brings to the world with this creative ad; underlining the airline as the link that connects travelling fans.
Only 2 weeks left to go! The 2018 FIFA World Cup​ Russia™ kicks off on 14 June. Have you booked your tickets yet? #WorldCupTogether #TogetherWeDream
A post shared by Qatar Airways (@qatarairways) on May 31, 2018 at 8:04am PDT
Qatar Airways’ marketing strategy to spread excitement about the World Cup is supported with the hashtags #WorldCupTogether and #TogetherWeDream. It is a part of a contest to win two tickets for your favorite destination. Their sponsorship this year will lead easily into their sponsorship of the 2022 World Cup which will be hosted in Qatar.
Instagram World Cup ads: Visa
Even though Zlatan Ibrahimovic will not participate in this World Cup with Sweden, it looks like he will be attending with Visa. The 36-year-old striker became the new face of Visa’s global marketing campaign, which includes a series of short ads tied to the World Cup.
I cannot deprive the FIFA World Cup ™ of Zlatan. I will be there. I even have a coach ready. Fully Zlatanised. Zlatan will return to the #WorldCup, thanks to Visa
A post shared by Zlatan Ibrahimović (@iamzlatanibrahimovic) on May 10, 2018 at 7:54am PDT
A campaign featuring Zlatan Ibrahimovic can never go wrong. On the Instagram post above alone, Zlatan’s Visa advert was watched more than 3.9 million times, accumulating over 719,000 likes.
I promised the world I would be on the pitch at the FIFA World Cup™. Between Zlatan and Visa, genius found a way.#VisaAmbassador
A post shared by Zlatan Ibrahimović (@iamzlatanibrahimovic) on Jun 14, 2018 at 1:12am PDT
As an official sponsor of the World Cup, Visa made a great move by acquiring one of the biggest sports personalities as their main ambassador. A star like him can be a great opportunity to get more followers, especially creating a variety of content in a blitz like they’re using. If only he was wearing the blue and yellow of Sweden one more time…
Instagram World Cup ads: Mcdonald’s
McDonald’s created a series of mini-ads targeting the World Cup in Russia.
Apart from creating specifically targeted ads for the FIFA World Cup, the sponsors of the competition focused on creating delicious World Cup-themed burgers.
Segunda-feira tem #McFrança nos #SanduíchesCampeões te esperando com todo o charme! Dois hambúrgueres, pão com gergelim preto e branco, melt brie, cebola crispy, queijo emental e cogumelos caramelizados!
A post shared by McDonald’s Brasil (@mcdonalds_br) on May 14, 2018 at 7:35am PDT
With World Cup fever catching on, brands are looking for various ways to utilize the worldwide euphoria, and I think McDonald’s strategy is on point. What more could fans want than a burger with their country’s flag on top? Besides a World Cup win, that is.
Instagram World Cup ads: Vivo Mobile
As FIFA’s official smartphone brand, Vivo launched an initiative that will bring football fans and music fans together through a common dance language.
This is how you do it. Go on and #PassTheSwag 💃🏻to share your excitement, cheer and celebrate this 2018 #FIFA #WorldCup with the one dance to unite football and music fans around the world. Let’s make extraordinary moments as we #PassTheSwag to the billions around the world at #VivoSuperTime #OfficialSongPerformance by @nickyjampr , @willsmith , @strefie and @Diplo at the Final! 🙋‍
A post shared by Vivo (@vivomobile) on Jun 11, 2018 at 9:10pm PDT
Vivo hopes to inspire fans to capture unforgettable moments and share them with the Vivo #PassTheSwag initiative during the World Cup.
WE MADE IT! It’s finally here. Now let’s get this party rolling. #ExtremeCountdown #FWC #BeExtra
A post shared by Vivo (@vivomobile) on Jun 13, 2018 at 5:28am PDT
Throughout the competition, fans watching it live will be encouraged to #PassTheSwag and share the excitement during the Vivo Super DJ Show at all 64 matches.
The best Instagram World Cup ads
The World Cup is a wonderful occasion where people all around the world focus on only one thing – football. Through the years, there were many great World Cup ads that made the competition even more exciting, like this one from the last World Cup in 2014:
In this article, I went through some of the best Instagram World Cup ads from the official World Cup sponsors. As the World Cup starts today, I’m sure you’re as excited as I am, and will surely look forward to some amazing action. Between matches, or at halftime, watch some of these great ads and share them with your friends.
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sadiiomane10 · 6 years ago
Which football blogs do we have to follow in your opinion? :)
ok omg all my mutuals are banging and worth it 
@thomas-mvller@thesecretdetectivecollection@iamarthemis  @valbottas@germanynts @salahszn @ben-woodburn @doubleohbehave@dangerouslyaddictivethings @daniel-munthe-agger @kayhavertz @thilokherer @eafay70@tkehrer @buyerns@elishamanning @xlightning-disasterx@adelightfulandsarcasticmess @andrewryanandme @gerraaard@cametobuyplums @alabaeforever@kylianfc @todibos @lsane19  @saucylacazette@leroyasane @leroysanei @lerroysane @roberto-firminos @trentsalah@andyrobertsonz @rafaelalcantra @gingervivilou @sara-bastian@capitanogiorgio @amsys @withhopeinourheart @kingpique@trentalexanders @soyax-x@lionsandreds @euro2016changedme @trentthelittleduckling @virgilvandijks @zirkzees @valbottas @cuterone @berndlenhoe @chaostrick @sallahs @rowan-fcb @andreabarzagli  @philipcoutinho@thomasmxller@davidalabafc  @football-obsession @scarletswtch @draxlerr @ialinite @mo-salah @virgilvandijks  @brazilianasf @iguessfutball @casillasgutierrez
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