bob-650 · 8 months
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bob-650 · 2 years
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bob-650 · 3 years
PSA for Switch owners
The latest 11.0 update means that Google Analytics is a thing on the switch and turned on. What that means is that Nintendo has a deal with Google to share with them your data for advertisement purposes.
To turn it off
go to the eShop
go to your profile where your funds and account info is
go down to the bottom of the page
there you will see “Google Analytics Preferences”
select the Change
select “Don’t Share”
Please spread the word. Really shitty of Nintendo to just quietly start allowing Google to spy on users for advertising.
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bob-650 · 5 years
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bob-650 · 6 years
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bob-650 · 6 years
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Branching out isn't always pretty
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bob-650 · 7 years
Loving Rocks
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bob-650 · 8 years
According to Jörg Arndt and Christoph Haenel, thirty-nine digits are sufficient to perform most cosmological calculations, because that is the accuracy necessary to calculate the circumference of the observable universe with a precision of one atom
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bob-650 · 8 years
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Antoine Griezmann scores a goal against Athletic Bilbao (22/01/2017)
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bob-650 · 8 years
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February 17th 1600: Giordano Bruno executed
On this day in 1600, the Italian friar, astronomer and philosopher Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake for heresy. Bruno’s ideas were controversial for his day, but are now hailed as precursory to modern scientific understanding. Bruno proposed the concept of an infinite universe populated by other intelligent life and rejected traditional geocentric astronomy. He agreed with Copernicus that the planets revolve around the Sun, but expanded on this by suggesting that the Sun is just another star. For these unorthodox views, which challenged traditional Christian ideas about the universe, Bruno was found guilty of heresy by the Roman Inquisition and burned at the stake. For his refusal to renounce his beliefs, Giordano Bruno is often remembered as a martyr for free thought.
“Perhaps your fear in passing judgment on me is greater than mine in receiving it” - Giordano Bruno to the judges upon hearing his death sentence
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bob-650 · 8 years
1 attosecond: the time it takes for light to travel the length of two hydrogen atoms
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Measuring time without a clock
When light shines on certain materials, it causes them to emit electrons. This is called “photoemission” and it was discovered by Albert Einstein in 1905, winning him the Nobel Prize. But only in the last few years, with advancements in laser technology, have scientists been able to approach the incredibly short timescales of photoemission. Researchers at EPFL have now determined a delay of one billionth of one billionth of a second in photoemission by measuring the spin of photoemitted electrons without the need of ultrashort laser pulses. The discovery is published in Physical Review Letters.
Photoemission has proven to be an important phenomenon, forming a platform for cutting-edge spectroscopy techniques that allow scientists to study the properties of electrons in a solid. One such property is spin, an intrinsic quantum property of particles that makes them look like as if they were rotating around their axis. The degree to which this axis is aligned towards a particular direction is referred to as spin polarization, which is what gives some materials, like iron, magnetic properties.
Although there has been great progress in using photoemission and spin polarization of photo-emitted electrons, the time scale in which this entire process takes places have not been explored in great detail. The common assumption is that, once light reaches the material, electrons are instantaneously excited and emitted. But more recent studies using advanced laser technology have challenged this, showing that there is actually a time delay on the scale of attoseconds.
Read more ~ MediaCom News
Image: EPFL scientists have been able to measure the ultrashort time delay in electron photoemission without using a clock. The discovery has important implications for fundamental research and cutting-edge technology. OR: What has happened to countless alarm clocks at 6 AM.
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bob-650 · 8 years
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bob-650 · 8 years
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Fibonacci all day, every day [http://bit.ly/2jiUBF6]
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bob-650 · 8 years
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The Planets, If They Were As Far Away From Earth As The Moon
via reddit
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bob-650 · 8 years
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bob-650 · 8 years
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Cold Weather Delayed over North America
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bob-650 · 8 years
This is from 1995, who does it bring to mind?
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