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grinu · 1 year ago
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Cool kitty
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julymarte · 10 months ago
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I made it I'm officially the ambassador of the clowns for a week
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meridian59 · 2 years ago
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egophiliac · 2 months ago
SOON we shall know what the bat wears to sleep!! Is it gonna be a centuries old chemise with ridiculous frills?? A hot pink bat kigurumi?? Or perhaps he learned from the young'uns and he just goes 'casual sweatpants and tee'. And there's also the possibility of him going to sleep still in uniform and with the shoes on; just to not waste precious mmorps hours. I really hope they went with the most absurd option
I think you're 100% correct about those being the options, but after Rook in his little Dickens cosplay I couldn't honestly say which one is more likely. like...if they're going to put anyone in a onesie...
if I may offer some predictions:
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(with an alternate version because I couldn't decide between them)
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chloegalarza · 10 months ago
age judged
i wish people would stop asking me on what my age is cause everytime i do they judge me over it then they block me over it 🙄, like why should i tell them my age if all there goin to do is judge me over something small like ugh people can't learn to just be acceptive towards a special needs girl like me like it's very stupid and not right at all 🙅, like sure it was better when i was younger during my school years and whenever i would play neverwinter and my other mmorp games but cause everyone on there was very acceptive and they never cared how old i am like i wish people were more like that but noo people on both discord and here got to be bunch of clump nuggets and buddinskies over something that shouldn't be necessary nor it shouldn't be a big deal nor it shouldn't have to matter 🙄, like just once in my rapunzel life i would like to have some real decent true friends that wouldn't age judge me and that wouldn't block me over it like people remind me alot like j of them always doing a j move and actin alot like her 😒,
even though age shouldn't have to matter at all like it should be on what's on the inside of a person of who they are that counts of the kind of personality they have and to be acceptive for who they are, but unfortunately people don't see it nor they don't think about that 😞, like i don't feel comfortable telling my age to anyone cause of the constant judgement that people have 🙅
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nuo2x2 · 2 years ago
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Nendoroid Maple by GSC
Taken by nuo2x2 with Sony ZV-1
remember the time when playing MMORP means you spent most of your time gathering your party in the waiting lounge? nuo2x2toys remembers, lmao
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galdorcraeft · 10 months ago
Heya! I am curious- you have any other OCs in any other fandoms you want to share? Lilith is sweet so I was wondering!
Hello there!
first of all thanks for the question - and I am happy that you seem to like Lilith <3 Well, I have a few 😂 I won't give you all of them and if you wanna know something specific about the one or other just ask :) I am guessing the question mainly aims for their looks ^^
My very first and still very beloved ones were for Bioware games - Mass Effect and Dragon Age in particular. So meet Blue Shepard and Numin Lavellan ^^
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I dearly love these characters and both series will be among my favourite of all time. The Normandy and Skyhold will forever mean HOME for me. I really am one of these epersons who also enjoyed ME Andromeda and I also have an OC there - but she simply isn't as dear to me as the two above (sme goes for DA 1 and 2)
I have quite a few Star Wars characters (in fact I have a legacy - generations constructed from the old republic until the new republic - I even have a Clone OC ^^) but since it would be too much for this post I give you Iego - one of the dearest OCs I have ever created, my little Sith monster of whom I am really proud of. A LOT. (to this point one might see that I have a thing for color coding. Iego is like Lilith an albino. Most of my chars are color coded white or black.... I simply cannot change my taste xD)
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I love this Nautolan Bitch way too much - he has a freaking great playlist and he is the OC to whom I turn quite regularly to to be honest. For years now. He is pretty different from the rest of my squad and is pure fun to play with. The only one of my dorks who has a whole homepage btw. I have so much fun writing him - even quoting him. He also might have the greatest backstory in my opinion.
The newest additions to the flock are my Baldur's Gate chars - Ares Lucien Brouillard and Eloise Moisissure - him being an Oathbreaker Paladin worshipping Myrkul, her being a Druid of the Spore. I have a Necromancer thing in DnD without ever playing a true Necromancer and I am a sucker for Myrkul and mushrooms - so there we go. Do not get me started on the color coding again xD! By the way - Eloise was at first created with the thought of "what would Lilith play in Baldurs Gate" and I simply loved her way too much and she and Ares shared a story very quickly ^^
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Last but not least - I am into MMORPGs for about nearly 20 years now, so I guess you can say my oldest OC by my side for all these years is my WoW character Phyrok:
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The second MMORP in my life is TESO and here I have a Khajiit skooma dealer as main - and a sweet little Dark elf guy with the longest name in forever :P
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There are more - as I guess we all have way too many of these beloved characters, but these are the ones dearest to me. I guess you might say they are family ;)
Thanks again for the interest and sorry for the long post xD If anyone wants to share their OCs as well (or you want) pls feel free (also to tag me so that I do not oversee it) <3 It is always a joy to see the OCS of others from the different fandoms <3 (or even the very same)
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amainerys · 7 months ago
Erys: The OOC Info Post
Welcome to Erys's field journal! Most of the posts here will be in-character (IC). OOC posts will be marked and/or tagged as such.
Some quick things to know:
Erys is an original character (OC) that I play in the MMORP Once Human.
He is not meant to be the player character, aka the Meta-Human who gets rescued by (or rescues) V and helps him throughout the storyline.
Instead, Erys is a different Meta with a different origin story and a mostly different path. He does also happen to be an amnesiac and does occasionally help the Mayflies as a "contractor."
There may be some minor story spoilers. There should not be any major spoilers.
The writing style may be very rough and brusque to start out. That's intentional on my part.
The notes in this field journal should not be taken as public knowledge, unless they reference events that do occur ingame.
I'm writing this journal for my own enjoyment and for Erys's development. It's a thing I do with game settings that I enjoy. But if other folks also enjoy reading it, I'm glad for that and you're most welcome to do so.
Erys is Cajun-Creole for some reason. Don't @ me.
Cheers and happy reading/gaming!
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little-lanterns · 11 months ago
suddenly i remembered an old mmorp i used to play. there was a guild quest where players need to collect materials. these materials can only be farmed in a map that only opens in certain time of the day. i think the intention was that players would fight against other guild for them but that was not the case. what happened is that people would create a queue so whoever is on the front would need to sit down and wait til the material spawn, and after they collect them they would call whoever is next. other player in queue are usually busy going around the map to pick other less rare materials. it was pretty fun and i do it far too often i ended up with so many left over that I can't even trade. so the thing is these item can drop after player death since the game want players to fight over it. so i come up with an idea in order to sell them. i would meet up with a buyer just outside the town, bare naked (because my equipment get damaged if i die) with nothing but the item the buyer wants in my inventory, and let them beat my character to death until i drop the item. funnily i dont think i ever got scammed
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wasabipig · 1 year ago
ok when do i get to the cool part in ffxiv bc rn it's just like any other mmorp i've played
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spiderman-8 · 29 days ago
you can be doing wordplay and also being an mmorp nerd, and i’ll prove it by asking one question. why was world of warcraft your first choice for a pun?
headed home from work is any kind neighbor on here willing to explain wtf is going on?
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meridian59 · 2 years ago
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bluepenredrose · 4 years ago
What are people's favorite SWTOR class stories? So far I've finished the Jedi Knight, Sith Warrior, and Sith Inquisitor storylines. I've almost finished the Jedi Consular storyline, and the next one I'm doing is the Bounty Hunter. They've all been great so far, but the Sith Warrior might be my favorite! Maybe it's a little bias since it was the first because the rest are also a lot of fun.
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embersign · 4 years ago
FFXIV RP - New Players and Others Interested in WalkUp FFXIV RP
♥ Reminder for people interested in WU/Darker Themed, Crime, Magic, Void and Adventure RP, the Pearl Lane in Ul'dah on Balmung is actually a HUGE WalkUp RP spot on FFXIV! Despite the ERP rumors you've probably heard a ton of times, there is a lot of actually legitimate RP that people do there. And if you do want that with your RP it does exist and we don’t judge, just respect people and respect those who still want to write more adventure than that.♥
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miqojak · 1 year ago
I'm not a quik-e-mart for your oc aesthetic. Interact, like a normal roleplayer/human being - don't show up to my OC's space to reblog my OC's aesthetic posts specifically tagged as 'do not reblog' and 'reblog from the source'. I actually stopped EVER sharing aesthetic posts because people were so selfish as to never interact, and would only come by to pump my blog for their own OC's purposes (most get mad when they realize I am establishing this boundary, and am also holding them to task for being selfish). And in the last two days, someone has repeatedly reblogged things from me without ever once even hitting like - much less reblogging - anything that I've made/that actually has anything to do with my OC: like writing, or gposes, etc. If you're not here to get to know me or my character, and you're not here to seek out RP... why are you here? To use another roleplayer/human being who is seeking connections for your own gain? This is why I left the community for so long, and have been dragging my feet on being active/ reaching out in the community here again - the absolute selfishness, and lack of thought/care about how one's actions affect others in the XIV RP community.
To those who have been sharing my stuff? I love you, I see you, and my heart jumps in joy at the few of you who actually participate in this community and share not just my, but others' creations! And to the few who have actually reached out to RP with my alts of late? You're true heroes, because no one does that anymore! So thanks for facing your anxieties and being brave enough to do what we're all here to do: make connections and meet people. Sitting in our private tumblr corners doesn't get anyone RP, after all! Roleplay is a social hobby. You must be social, and you must engage with other human beings if you ever hope to cultivate relationships and actually get some RP! The absolute refusal of so many people to actually be social in a fundamentally social hobby (that requires you to reach out to new people) will never cease to amaze and confound me.
There's people on the other side of the screen. Wouldn't you say hello and compliment someone on their home if you stopped in to visit? Why are we so selfish here in the virtual representation of such a space, then? Don't just stop, take what you want from someone else's space, and go - pay a little kindness (and interaction) forward. It's hard enough to meet decent people - but when it turns out people don't even want to talk to you, and only ever want to use you, there's not much incentive to stick around or try to make any connections, yourself!
So thanks again to those putting in the effort - it can be draining, and isn't always easy - and after over a decade of RP in various MMORP communities? I've realized that probably 90% of RPers are anxious as hell, and let that hold them back from the very hobby they're trying to participate in - so you're doing what the hobby demands of us all - anxious or not! I'm giving all of you a (consensual) kiss on the mouth a virtual gold medal!
Friendly reminder that if you're going to reblog an ask meme from someone, you should send an ask first! Or, if you REALLY don't want to interact in the RP community, reblog it from the source! It feels pretty bad to have someone come by just to take from you, when you're trying to make connections! (Plus, that's just the etiquette here: reblog karma!)
Also! Many folks have some rules, or requests at the top of their blog page - and having had someone freak out at me recently in DMs and insist she shouldn't have to read the info of every person she follows? No. You do. You should. I specifically, in fact, only really have one request of followers: to not use me as a resource blog (i.e. simply taking my OC's aesthetic posts and RP ask meme posts without interacting with me/my OC at all.) I do share some resource posts now and then! Those are rather obvious, however, and I don't mind those being shared - I want to help! But part of why I left, in fact, and am only recently back from hiatus- was that I was at a point where no one interacted and would only come by to take from my blog for themselves! It feels real bad to feel like people don't care about your creativity or the fact that you're really trying to meet people and RP... they just want the aesthetic and asks.
So be kind to your fellow RPers! Think about how the way you're interacting might make the real human being on the other side of the computer feel. And practice good reblog karma!
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thegaminggarden · 4 years ago
Just decided to do a spontaneous training video in the lovely Star Stable Online.  It also includes some old stories about my experiences in the game, as well as EmeraldClover's night routine! It has been quite a long time since I’ve played the game under the stars, what a beautiful game. ✨ I hope you enjoy this adventure!
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