#mmm I love canon x oc
racecarcat · 3 months
I was yapping about Aamon to my singular moot (shoutout to Wisps for letting me yap abt my ocs) and they brought up the best point ever of: Kafka/Aamon and now I can’t stop thinking about it. So here’s me yapping abt them for like a solid minute.
SO for context (for those of u who want oc lore): Aamon is a masked fool who is everything everywhere all at once she’s extremely eccentric and likes being really flashy and outgoing but is also very secretive about who she actually is as a person and hides it through very elaborate games and tricks so people just either try to avoid her overall or get close to her to no avail—that being said her best friend is a 9-5 IPC worker who can’t be bothered to do anything but go and help Aamon go to various planets and give them the best and worst times of their lives via very elaborate events.
Point being? Aamon, as much she hates being known for who she is, LOVES knowing about other people. Knowing about people and what they like to do just to hold the information over their head as if it were a bad thing for her to know. So, people stay far away from her. People can’t really match her energy.
Now, circling back around to Kafka and namely the Stellaron Hunters, they’re generally described as dangerous—however their motivations and general interests towards Stellaron is currently unknown. I wouldn’t be surprised that them and Aamon have met at LEAST once and it caused her to almost be a bit obsessive in figuring out who they are and what they are. Aamon finds joy in the unexpected and unknown, in which Stellaron Hunters are just that for her. Especially a woman like Kafka who we generally know nothing about.
Kafka (besides that fact I think every person attracted to woman likes her) is everything Aamon adores. Shes elusive, enigmatic, and entirely someone Aamon wants to unravel and figure out. Kafka is anything but mundane and Aamon would totally adore that ^^. Not to mention I think Kafka would entertain her interest by at least a little because Aamon would be equivalent a puppy as in she would follow her around and ask her out and ask her all these questions Kafka may or may not answer to keep the mystery alive and thus Aamon’s attraction alive.
I feel like since the whole script ideal in the Stellaron Hunters is very much so a prediction of the future if Kafka told Aamon everything that would happen in the future Aamon would go crazy trying to figure out who she is and why she knows that. She’d also let Kafka use spirit whisper on her despite Aamon’s hate for a lack of control bc she’s really gay but that’s besides the point.
Aamon would probably send photos of the various planets she’s been on just reining havoc and with a stupid caption like “Miss u <33” and Kafka would probably think it’s the cheesiest thing ever.
Wisps… wisps I’m having Kafka/Aamon brain rot pls help.
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voidology · 18 days
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"Do not avert your eyes. You will witness your mother's beloved city as it turns to ash."
(was it casual when you destroyed your ex gf's mother's soul in the afterlife then burned the city she was partly raised in to help her finally let go of her mortal desires and embrace the infinity of the void)
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tobynnz · 2 months
I personally don't post much on SI X CC, but
I'll share this specific art, this is inspired by a Tsukasa and Rui Gacha tiktok vid haha that showed up in my FYP on tiktok
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More on the OC part but it's tec an SI anyways so 👍 (ai yin with this outfit goes hard)
Also have this
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vandyrix · 1 year
"Ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur."
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Andal Sloane; Mandalorian Freelancer and Bounty Hunter
Finally got around on drawing this man; took me forever but here he is! Another blorbo into my Tumblr (pls love him)
Extra doodles here too
(He's also in Art Fight + other OCs; check me out)
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mismess · 1 year
Obsessed with that pic you drew of Chase Devineaux with Norman and Percy...
! Hehehe eheheh I'm glad you enjoy *bats my silly little eyelashes* it was utterly self indulgent, but basically everything I draw is so that's not too new
Perhaps. Perhaps I will take this as an excuse to draw more. Teehee
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rt8815 · 2 months
Come Home
Dipping my toes back into writing with my very first Loki x OC fic, though she (Dr. Aspen Junge) only makes a brief appearance at the end of this piece.
It's post-Avengers canon divergent. I'll be jumping around non-chronologically, but perhaps not as much as my Criminal Minds OC fic.
A special thanks to @illegalcerebral for brainstorming names for my OC with me and for being an awesome sounding board ♥️
WC: 1,153
New York, 2030
Loki mumbled to himself, brow furrowed in concentration. He sat at his desk, sorting through forms and intelligence reports that Stark had sent earlier in the day. Being an Avenger involved a surprising amount of paperwork.
“Daddy?” a tiny voice called out from the study door. There stood Loki’s four year old daughter, her face slightly paled with tiredness.
Setting the papers aside, he opened his arms to her. “Why are you out of bed, lille venn?” he asked when she climbed into his lap.
“Fenny can't sleep,” she explained, handing him the wolf plushie that she had been clutching against her ribs.
“Mmm, and what's troubling him, Astrid?”
“We’re worried about Uncle Thor. Is he okay?”
“Why do you ask, love?”
She pointed at the window, which was getting steadily pelted with rain and sleet.
“His storm sounds sad, Daddy,” she explained, leaning her head against his shoulder. “It’s not loud like usual.”
Loki agreed that it looked rather miserable outside, all drizzly and gray.
“You miss him,” he stated simply, earning a solemn nod in response.
Placing a finger beneath her chin, he tilted her head back, revealing her melancholic face.
“It’s kind of you to be concerned about your Uncle Thor, but this,” he inclined his head toward the rain, “isn’t him. Asgard is too far away for him to influence the weather here.”
“Oh,” came her soft reply.
He brushed a few inky black, wavy locks off her face. “As for missing him...I know it’s hard to wait, but Thor will return soon.”
“How soon?”
“Two sleeps, darling.”
Astrid gazed blankly at the rain, digesting the information. “So...day after tomorrow.”
She buried herself in her father’s chest with a huff. “I suppose that’s acceptable.”
Loki chuckled, nuzzling her hair.
“All right, back to bed with you,” he ordered as he stood from his chair and carried her down the hall. “We have a busy day ahead of us, and if you aren’t well rested, you’ll be as ornery as a bilgesnipe.”
Kneeling, he gently placed Astrid on her bed, but she sat back up before he could tuck her in. Loki raised his brows at her questioningly.
“Daddy, can we sing “Come Home” for Uncle Thor? Please?” she begged.
Loki hesitated. The song he had written many years ago in a bout of homesickness was meant to be sung by the weary traveler, not those awaiting his return. Moreover, it held very complicated feelings for him. His daughter, however, knew none of that.
Astrid’s hazel eyes rounded and her lower lip jutted out ever so slightly, pulling at Loki’s heartstrings.
Norns, that child had him wrapped around her fingers. He sighed in resignation.
“Very well, but not too loudly. We mustn’t wake your Mother.”
“Okay,” she whispered, waving her hands about, leaving behind a trail of teal sparks. “And you can use your ‘llusions too?”
Loki carefully enveloped Astrid’s hands in his own. “With your help,” he said, smiling when her face lit up.
“Focus,” he instructed. “Think of the object you wish to project. See it in your mind's eye. Do you have it?”
Astrid stared with comical intensity at their joined hands, a little dent forming on her forehead. “Got it,” she announced after a few moments.
“Good, keep concentrating,” he instructed as he opened his hands, prompting her to do the same.
Resting in Astrid's palms was a narrow insect nearly an inch long, with black wings accented by yellow along the edges, and a yellow-red-black target pattern on its head. As Loki watched, the creature unfurled its wings and took off, hovering a few inches in the air.
There the black and yellow underbelly was exposed, the latter of which began glowing at regular intervals.
“It's a lightning bug!” Astrid announced proudly.
“I see! Very well done,” Loki congratulated her.
“Thanks! Your turn, Daddy.”
“I don't know how I could possibly follow that performance, but I shall try.”
Closing his eyes, Loki slowly raised his arms, palms upward. Rich green light emanated from them, spreading throughout the room, replacing the furniture and bookcases with a verdant forest, teeming with wildlife.
A (quietly) roaring waterfall appeared where a lamp stood moments before, the stream it emptied into bubbling alongside Astrid's bed. Above them towered a majestic apple tree, its branches populated with vibrantly colored birds.
“Ready, sweetheart?” he asked, opening his eyes.
Music softly swelled around them as they began the chorus, altering the tune to that of a lullaby:
Men trærne de danser og fossene stanser
Når hun synger, hun synger “kom hjem”
Men trærne de danser og fossene stanser
When she sings, she sings “come home”
When she sings, she sings “come home”
After a pause, Loki took the lead for the verse, his warm baritone voice settling over the room like a cozy blanket.
I stormsvarte fjell, jeg vandrer alene
Over isbreen tar jeg meg frem
I eplehagen står møyen den vene
Og synger…
Loki gestured to Astrid, inviting her to finish the line.
She looked skyward, her fledgling soprano filling the air as she sweetly sang, “når kommer du hjem?”
They repeated the chorus once more, softly clapping to the beat of the fading music.
Men trærne de danser og fossene stanser
Når hun synger, hun synger “kom hjem”
Men trærne de danser og fossene stanser
When she sings, she sings “come home”
When she sings, she sings “come home”
With a flick of Loki’s wrists, the illusion dissolved and Astrid’s room returned to normal.
“Right, you. Sleepy time,” he said firmly, pressing his index finger to her forehead, prompting her to fall back theatrically onto the pillows.
“Did Uncle Thor hear us, Daddy?”
Loki hummed as he tucked the covers around her.
“What do you think, Astrid?”
The little girl tilted her head, giving it careful consideration.
She nodded decidedly, hugging Fenny closely.
“I know he did.”
Loki smiled, lines crinkling around his eyes.
“That's what I believe too,” he agreed, kissing the top of Astrid's head.
Sleep finally began to win, Astrid’s eyelids drooping heavily.
“God natt, Pappa,” she yawned.
Loki’s chest squeezed hearing her speak in Frigga’s dialect.
He waved his hand once more, casting an illusion of stars and swirling galaxies on the bedroom ceiling.
“God natt, min skatt,” he replied as he closed the door softly.
He walked past the study on his way to the primary suite (the paperwork would keep), pausing outside the bedroom door.
“Heimdall?” he murmured. “Tell Thor a little girl is desperately missing her uncle.”
Creeping quietly, Loki made his way to the bed to slide under the covers and wrap his arm around Aspen.
“Ya big softie,” she mumbled, pointing to the silent video feed on the baby monitor.
Loki chuckled in response. There was no point in denying it.
He pulled her closer and burrowed his face in her hair.
“Only for the two of you.”
I headcanon that Asgardian sounds more Icelandic, and Vanir, which I assume Frigga would have spoken as a first language, would more closely resemble Norwegian, since that's the language they used in the Loki series.
Lille venn translates to "little friend," or in the context of a parent speaking to a child, it means "little darling."
God natt means "good night."
Min skatt means "my treasure."
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elysia-nsimp · 9 months
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POV I spent an hour redrawing Jamils hair over and over again
Anyway other character is an OC her name is Neisha Faez she’s based on Jasmine and she is the Definition Of A Simp I’ll make a character intro post for her eventually
Love me some oc x canon mmm yummy yummy
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artemis1214 · 2 months
'Red' | Chapter from 'A Siren's Hunt' Alastor x OC fanfiction
The song above is the theme of the chapter, I highly recommend listening to it while reading. 
This is a chapter from my book, 'A Siren Hunt' which is an OC x Canon romance story. If that is not your thing, feel free to skip. There are also minor spoilers in this Chapter, but nothing too major.
They say strange fascination, infatuation,
A lunatic...🎶
~ Louisiana, 1931 ~
As the three walk home from their morning at the park, Esme catches a few glances of Alastor carrying a sleeping Geneviève in his arms. She had tired herself out from running with the other children in the play area and was due for her afternoon nap at any moment. Alastor walks slightly ahead of Esme, still visibly upset from the interaction with that man earlier.
He looks strangely intriguing like this, the anger still boiling within him.
She scans his body with her eyes, noticing how heavenly he appears to her right now. So protective, possessive, so dominant.
Alastor feels her eyes on him and turns his head, making eye contact with her. Esme quickly darts her eyes away, provoking a small chuckle from her husband.
They soon approach their home and the three make it up the front steps.
Alastor opened the front door with his key, readjusting his hold on Geneviève to ensure he had her securely, before softly pushing the door open. As soon as the door is closed behind them, he turns his attention to Esme, giving her a small smirk. "I see right through your plan, darling, I know exactly what you're scheming."
Esme locks the door and smiles before responding, "Go put her down for her nap, then."
He chuckled softy and rolled his eyes at her order. He knew what that 'nap' usually entailed, and what she had planned for the two of them, but he would be a liar if he said he didn't look forward to it almost every day. "Mhm, alright, if you insist I'll put her down for her nap." He gently carries Geneviève up to her room, rubbing her back with small circles and keeping her nuzzled close to him.
After they're out of sight, Esme calmly removes everything from the kitchen table and hops on top of it, crossing her legs. She tightens her ponytail, making sure the bow in her hair looks presentable and pristine. She smooths out her dress and checks her breath before waiting patiently for his return.
To clarify, she didn't need any man in her life before him. She was pleased with their attempts, and even appreciated Noah's company, but with Alastor she needed him badly. Emotionally, mentally, and dear God did she need him physically.
She needed him every day. To the point where it hurt. She so deeply needed him within her that if she went without for too long she was certain she would wither away. The thought of him alone was enough to have her leaking through her undergarments and onto the wood of the table.
Incredibly needy and ready to please him.
She can hear his shoes coming down the stairwell and sees him freeze at the bottom steps, seeing her sitting patiently.
Eagerly waiting for him.
"What's the matter, darling?" Esme asks in a sweetened tone of voice.
He watched as she sat there for him, legs crossed and fiddling with the ribbon of her dress. Seeing her waiting for him like that made several lewd thoughts pop into his mind, ones of her on her knees begging and him tying her to their bedpost. He took a few steps closer, and let his eyes roam her body up and down, before speaking teasingly with a hint of playfulness, "Nothing's wrong, dear, just admiring the lovely view on our table..."
Esme smiled innocently up at him, placing two hands on his chest, "You know, hunny, that man seemed to really upset you earlier. Perhaps, you could use a way to redirect that tension."
He hummed at her offer, taking a moment before parting her legs and standing in between them, "Mmm darling, I think you may be right, I could use a bit of 'stress relief' right about now..."
"I was thinking you could take it out on me?"
Upon hearing those words, Alastor swiftly pulls her body flush against his. Smiling more hungry and lustful as he spoke in a breathless growl, "Oh you naughty little tease, are you saying you want me to choke you, darling?"
Esme meets his energy where he's at by leaning closer into him and wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling his face to hers. She speaks in a low whisper, "Whatever you please. You could choke me, spank me..." She smiled that bright pearly white grin she knew he loved to see, "Scratch me, bite me, leave all the marks you desire~"
His thoughts raced with all the things he could do to her pretty little body, her beautifully clear velvety soft skin. A primal lust coursed through him at the possibility of scattering marks all over her. A mark that would show everyone exactly who she belonged to.
To make her, his.
His voice dropped to a lower, darker tone, "Don't tempt me, because if you keep this up...I might end up getting a bit mean."
"Would that be such a problem?"
"I'm not sure if you could handle what I have in mind..."
"Humor me."
He leans in, raising an eyebrow, "I'll choke you so hard that you'll have marks on you..." He continues, "I'll ravish your body, claiming your skin as my own, and I won't stop until you have blood all over you."
Esme's voice gets lost in her throat and her face becomes flushed. There's a pause before she speaks. "We should probably use a safe word..."
"Always so willing to please me~" He hums, "We could use one, but on the chance that you can't speak at all, you'll need to use your hands." He picks up her right hand, gently kissing and sucking her fingertips before whispering against her skin, "Snap your fingers if you need me to stop, alright?"
Esme's breathing intensifies, turning into small needy pants, "What word would you like me to use, sir?"
Alastor begins to slowly undo the ribbon across her dress, taking a moment to run his hand through her ponytail. He couldn't wait to rip those strands out of her head, "Let's use 'red'. It's simple and effective. Now, be a good girl and tell me how far I can go...how much do you want me to take my frustration out on you?"
Esme moans softly as he begins to pull the neckline of her dress past her chest and rest it across her stomach, leaving her chest exposed to him from behind her brassiere. "As far as you want..." She says breathlessly. She raises a hand to his face and strokes his jaw gently, "What about you?" She asks, "Am I free to explore?"
"Oh you're a naughty temptress, aren't you, but yes, absolutely, feel free to 'explore' me all you want. I'm all yours~"
He pauses, "But, you never did answer the question I presented you. How far would you like me to go? I won't proceed unless I have your permission to do so."
"I don't want you to hold back." She says quickly, "Choke me, scratch me, pull my hair. I want to scream your name so loud the neighbors force us to church on Sunday." She leans in, "Bite me so hard that I bleed underneath you, and I'll do the same."
His eyes widen and he chuckles devilishly, feeling the heat and desire building between them. He feels his pants tighten around his groin and a pulsating sensation from his core at her words, her pleas, and her demands for him to succumb to his fantasies and make her entirely his. He brings his face to her ear and speaks in a low, rough, growl.
"Oh, you sinful, naughty girl...if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were a masochist."
Esme pulls away and smiles seductively at him, wiggling her eyebrows at confirmation.
Oh, where the fuck have you been all my life? You keep this side away from me all this time? That should be a sin entirely on its own.
"Well, aren't you just a little pleasure..." He purred, "Does the pretty girl like being hurt, hm?"
He doesn't wait another second, before pushing her back to lay flat against the table and speaking for one final time before he begins his meal,
"We start now..."
~ Current Time, Esme's POV ~
Oh, dear Satan, she tasted magnificent.
I haven't relished in a kill like that in a very long time. My hand opens the dressing room door and I step out. I can feel the cool air hit my jaw and I realize I'm still soaked in her blood. I raise my hand to my jaw and begin to suck her metallic juices off my mouth when I look up to see Alastor standing over me.
"What are you..." He pushes me by my chest into the dressing room. The door shuts with a green smoke and the outline is shining in several of those symbols. "What is this, an interrogation?" I go to walk past him, but he roughly grabs my arm and pushes me up against the wall.
He stares down at me, "Your bratty games are only going to get you so far, or do you forget your history?" He leans down effortlessly picks me up by my thighs, placing me on top of a vanity table.
You know, this height difference is getting annoying.
He leans down and picks up my jaw, bringing it to his mouth and taking a long exaggerated inhale.
Call me what suits your taste, I just want a taste,
And I've always heard it's what's inside that counts...🎶
My breath gets lost once more and I see his bright red eyes staring into my soul, devouring me with a simple gaze. There's a familiar feeling within me that I haven't felt in a long time in front of a man. A building wetness and desire underneath me, so much that it hurt. I allowed him to move closer to my face, noting him continuously looking up at me for permission.
It was a nonverbal understanding, really.
His lips grazed mine as he took a taste of the substance across me. He pulls back with a growl to his voice, "It's not you..." He says quietly.
"Excuse me?"
He slams his hand against the mirror behind me, causing the glass to shatter. "It's not you." He repeats. His body is practically shaking and I look up at him like a prey that had just been caught.
Fuck me so hard right now, fuck me on this glass right here, and make me bleed underneath you...
"I desire you.." He says softly.
I know exactly what he means. The memories of his mouth on my skin, biting and claiming every inch as his during our lifetimes together. The blood would linger on my skin and the bruises would remain for days. I don't hesitate before I allow my fangs to drop from my mouth and harshly bite down on my lip, watching his eyes widen as my own crimson leaked from the puncture wounds.
My mouth hung open in lustful pants.
He instinctively leans in with a predatory mindset, my hand reaches up and grabs him by the throat, my claws sinking into his pretty skin.
A few drops leak out into my fingers. I see his face wince softly, but he's mostly focused on me.
"What do you desire?"
"To taste you." He says simply.
"And what do you say?"
He looks away, but I redirect his face to look into my eyes.
"What do you say?" I repeat.
"This is torture..." He huffs.
"It wouldn't be if you played nice and asked sweetly~" I smirk.
Come on big tough guy, say pretty please ~
"...Please." He whispers, his eyes locked on my mouth.
I smirk, straightening up my back and taking my fingers to my mouth. I stare at him as I run my tongue up my fingers, savoring the taste of his blood.
"Well..." I whisper, "Let's begin~"
My insides are red, and yours are too,
And the red on my face is matching you,
And goodness, you're bleeding, what a wonderful feeling,
You're down and you're pleading,
My head is just reeling....🎶
His mouth ravishes mine in a powerful dance for domination. I'm not going down with a fight, as I lean my body up against his. My hands find his hair and I begin to tangle my fingers within his locks. He meets my mindset but doesn't waste time and yanks my hair to the side.
I yelp sharply, which results in a chuckle escaping his lips as he blessed my neck with several kisses, nips, and sucks. He finds a special spot right in the crook of my neck and hones in on it, placing several kisses into my skin before I feel his sharp teeth enter my skin.
"Ahh!~" I shout in both pain and ecstasy as I feel him consume me. My hand yanks him back by his hair, his neck fully exposed, and I lean forward to run my tongue up it to his jaw.
"You forget our agreement?" He groans.
"That was a long time ago..." I hiss, continuing to kiss his neck. I pull away and roughly remove his jacket, throwing it across the room. "Why the fuck do you have so many layers?" I spat.
"So eager to get to me, what a good girl~" His half-lidded eyes looked with deep passion into mine.
"It's been 31,853 days..." I huff, frantically undoing the straps across his chest, dropping them to the floor.
"32,000." He corrects, and my eyes shoot up to his, narrowing.
"You've been counting..."
"You've been stalling." He wraps a hand around my throat and squeezes softly.
A longing moan flew out of my lips and my eyes rolled back. He brings me up to his face, I'm now on my knees on the table, and he kisses me softly before letting go of his grip. My body slumps back but I waste no time before I undo the buttons on his shirt and pull down the fabric. My hands roam his chest, pulling myself up by his shoulders. I begin to kiss along his collarbone, feeling his hand brushing through my hair.
"I've missed you..." I mumble across his skin.
Esme, stop it....
"I've longed for your touch." I praise, shamelessly stroking his ego.
For the love of all Hell, stop!
"And I'll be damned." I growl, "If one more cursed bitch stands in between me."
I can't help myself, and my fangs sink deeply into his shoulder, causing a loud record screech and a wince from his mouth. His hand tightly grips my scalp, and I moan into his skin, but he releases his control.
And...Is that a moan?
I retract my fangs and bring my face up to his. Oh my, he looks so beautiful with my blood on him. So delicious, so desirable, so - fuck it.
Our lips connect with a passionate force. The liquid across both of our faces makes our skin slip against one another, but the taste is so divine that I can't help but moan under him. He must feel the same way because I can feel the vibrations of his groans against my lips.
The red means I love you,
Tasting your blood means I love you,
The red means I love you...🎶
I can feel his hand slowly move up my dress, pushing it above my knees and thighs with little to no trouble. I gasp under his kiss, but his other hand holds me steady. Suddenly, his finger tips are tracing dangerously close to where I need him the most.
I moan into the kiss, and he must have gotten the point because he swiftly spreads my legs and begins to rub me through my undergarments.
"Alastor~" I moan, throwing my head back and disconnecting us. He holds my jaw and brings my gaze back to his. My breathing rapidly increases when I feel him enter two fingers into me, pumping me at a steady rhythm.
"Do you long for me?" He asks, keeping his eyes locked on me.
"You know what I mean..."
You want to do this here? When I'm so undone? You seriousl-nghh.....fuck it alright..
"Yes!" I lustfully shout, "Alastor, please..."
"Please, what?" He smirks, curling his fingers, and earning a gasp from me as my head falls on his shoulder.
"Ple-please...." I struggle to say, "Please fuck me already. It's been so long, darling." I look up at him, "W-Wouldn't mmph, wouldn't you agree~"
"Mon amour...." He lowers his face to mine, increasing his speed and causing me to heavily pant against him, "I've dreamed of this moment every day."
My moans become more erratic and unstable as I feel a pit grow in my pelvis, signaling me that I was one moment away from having ultimate bliss. I close my eyes and continue to moan loudly, which must have signaled Alastor as well, because he quickly removed his fingers.
He licks his fingers clean before growing his claws and ripping the lower half of my dress off.
I happened to like that dress...
"Put your legs around me." He commands, getting ready to hold me again. I do what I'm told and hang on to this man's shoulders for support. He pushes me against the wall and my hands drop to his pants, beginning to undo his buckle and get him ready for business.
My hand soon finds him as it wraps around his throbbing sex, begging for stimulation. Alastor steadies himself against the wall with a free hand, keeping me supported with the other. I smirk at how quickly he allows himself to become undone, removing by hand and raising it to my face.
"What are you doing?" He asks, clearly frustrated by my actions. I open my jaw and brush my tongue across my palm, wetting it, before dropping it again around his cock. The wetness from my saliva allowed me to slide up and down him with more ease than before.
His eyes quickly squeeze shut and his face falls forward, resting against the wall, "Fffuck~" He moans with a slight growl. I can feel him buck his hips into my hand.
"Does that feel good, baby?" I coo in his ear, tightening my grip and increasing my speed.
His breaths are getting shaky, I'm doing my job correctly.
His nails dig into the side of my thigh, causing some of that wonderful liquid to drip out.
You leave me high and dry
A rush comes to my mind at the drops
Of blood you leave behind
Run as you might, my love will never, ever
I can feel him twitching against my hand when all of a sudden his other hand pulls me away. His eyes burn deeply into mine as he says, "I'm going to make you scream so hard you won't have any voice by morning."
Oh, please do.
He lifts me higher as he positions himself against my entrance. He looks at me for permission and I nod softly, feeling him slowly push his way into me. I gasp and tuck my head into his shoulder as he does so, adjusting to his size.
He doesn't waste any time before falling into a steady rhythm within me, pumping me with his love.
I'm a little ashamed of the pleas that came from my throat.
"Oh god.." I moaned shamelessly, "You're so big mmm you feel so good~" my hands continue to roam through his hair, pulling ever so slightly, "Keep going, darling, please~"
He continued to kiss and nibble at my neck and collarbone, pushing deeper into me with every gasp and moan I let out. His own body is trembling and I can tell it's almost too much for him to handle.
"You feel so good, amour, so tight and warm......"
The moans that fell on his ears were just pathetic, but he always did have a way with me. I lift my hips, desperate for more of him, "F-Faster, please Alastor~" I begged, "Make me scream for you..."
He obeys my request, picking up speed almost on command, with a goal set in his mind to have me falling apart with pleasure. He moves faster inside me, causing our bodies to begin a sinful tango with one another.
"Nghh oooh f-fuck~" My head becomes hazy and cloudy, lost in the intense wave of pleasure surging through me. I have no thoughts, only him. He rediscovers spots I forgot were possible, filling me with a whoreish lust with every stroke. "You're doing so well." I praise, stroking the back of his head, "Keep going, baby~"
My chest rises and falls dramatically and I place a hand over my mouth to silence the sounds.
"No." He demands, pinning my hand over my head, rather roughly. My eyes connect with his, seeing a darkened gaze behind them, and oh my those magnificent antlers of his nearly taking up the entire room, "Let me hear you..." He groans, staring into my eyes, "Let me hear how good I make you feel, and don't you dare ever forget who does this to you."
I can't muster any words, but instead nod frantically at my instructions.
Good girls always follow instructions well.
I go to open my mouth, but he reaches a deep nerve within me, causing my eyes to widen and my jaw to drop open in a squeal, "God y-yes! Right there!" I shout in a sultry moan under his touch. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror behind him and see that I am rapidly falling apart. Every inch of my being completely devoured by him from the inside out. My eyes glow brightly and become half lidded as I feel a pressure build in my center. "Alastor, ooh - you're so fucking g- ah~" I sink my claws into his back and drag them with a purpose, leaving a trial of red behind the marks.
'Cause my insides are red
And yours are too
And the red on my face
Is matching you
And goodness you're bleeding
What a wonderful feeling
You're down and you're pleading
My head is just reeling...🎶
This is our love language. For decades we've been apart, and for a good however long it's been, our bodies have been connected as if we never left. I watch our dance from the mirror and see us both covered in bloody marks. We wanted everyone to know. I wanted every single demon in this ring to know what was going on in this dirty little room.
My head is snapped out of it's thoughts, feeling his movements becoming rougher and more determined. The pressure in my core continues to slowly build, until I'm withering underneath him, "Oooohmygodd~" I pant.
He pants, struggling to find words, but he does like the poet he is, "C'mon darling, you're so close. Just let go, it'll feel so good, I promise~"
His hand finds my throat once more and firmly squeezes around it, causing my eyes to roll back in my head.
My voice echoes through the space and I know my siren song is going to fill this whole damn club if I'm not careful, it feels too fucking good.
"C-Cover my mouth." I whimper looking into his eyes with a pleading look.
Instantly, his palm flys to my mouth and presses deeply into my lips, silencing me (for the most part).
He continues to pump himself in and out of me, releasing low moans from his throat as he speaks, "That's it, mon amour, scream into my hand. Be a good girl and cum for me."
He doesn't have to tell me twice, I don't have a choice. As if my body responds to his command, my core snaps and I feel myself being harshly thrown over the edge. I scream several filthy words into his hand, with such force that my throat feels raw. I feel small tears forming in my eyes as the pleasure he's pouring over me is unbearable.
My face is red and I'm still very much marked up from head to toe as he continues to pump in me, my face contorts with overstimulation.
I mumble into his hand, he can't hear me, so I lightly snap my fingers next to his head, causing him to free my mouth.
"Red." I whisper.
The red means I love you
Tasting your blood means I love you
The red means I love you
The red means I love you... 🎶
I know he remembers, because he slips himself out of me immediately and catches me in his arms.
"Are you spent?" He asks sweetly. My body is trembling and I nuzzle myself into his chest, whimpering softly, "Alrighty..." He chuckles, "...let's get you cleaned up." He carries me away.
This means nothing, I'm still very angry at you...
You can read more of Esme x Alastor in 'A Siren's Hunt' on Wattpad.
This is a sequel to 'A Siren's Spell', you can read that here...
~ Artemis🦌💗
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super-predictable98 · 6 months
Smile, Simone (OC X Canon Kiss Week 2024)
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Word count: 3,6k
Warning: manipulation, mention of death, Kilgrave being a creep
A/n: This is a collab with my partner in crime @jozstankovich for @theocxcanonweek day 5: Getting into trouble. The characters from this story are part of our little Timeline Anomaly Verse (more about them in here) and a crossover of Bad Samaritan and Jessica Jones. Hope you all enjoy it <3
Simone had a short walk from her university to the flat, only a few minutes, she stopped to buy herself a hot chocolate and a croissant for her father from his favorite bakery.
Little did she realize, across the street a tall, slender man in a chic purple suit watched her with interest, his dark eyes following her movements as a small grin played at his lips. As she stepped out of the bakery he approached. 
“Hello there,” he drawled, tipping his head slightly in greeting. “I couldn’t help but notice how beautiful you are,” he murmured, taking her hand to place a kiss to the back of it.
"Um... thanks," Simone chuckled until she saw him. That face, she knew that face from her nightmares. A man with that face once tormented her father and she knew he died, but in that world full of clones and odd powers, she never knew who was what. "I- bye."
“Wait—“ the man exclaimed, a frown creasing the spot between his brows. “Don’t go,” he demanded, assured that she would obey.
She couldn't move, she tried to keep walking, but her feet wouldn't obey. "Let me go, please, I have a boyfriend."
The man chuckled. “Not anymore, you don’t,” he drawled, holding out his arm for her to take. “Let me take you out—?” he asked, waiting for her to supply her name.
"Simone, Simone Falco," she said before she could stop herself. His allure did something to her brain and suddenly she took his arm, certain that her boyfriend Dylan, wasn't in her life anymore.
“Mmm Simone,” he repeated, savouring the taste of her name on his tongue. “Your name is just as beautiful as you,” he purred, brushing his lips against her temple, inhaling her scent. 
“You can call me Kilgrave,” he said, slipping an arm around the small of her back as he began to lead her away from her intended destination. “I think we need to get you some new clothes and then some lunch. I know a wonderful place. You’ll love it,” he said with certainty.
"Y-yeah, I just... need to let my father know I won't come home now, he's expecting me. Can I call him?" She asked quietly, following him to God knows where to do something she didn't even wanna think about.
Kilgrave frowned as he deliberated. “I suppose that’s alright, darling,” he finally answered, pulling her phone out of her pocket. “But you’ll only say what I tell you to say,” he instructed. 
"Yes," she dialed, trusting that her dad would know something was wrong and check her location, which was always on. "What should I say?"
“Tell him, you’re staying with a friend for a few days, that you’ll be at a mind/body retreat and you won’t have access to your phone,” Kilgrave said, walking at a leisurely pace, leading her to his waiting town car.
Simone nodded and dialed her dad's number, but the person who picked up was her mother.  
"Hey, Moony. Daddy's in the shower, do you need anything?" Blossom asked.  
"Yes, can I talk to him please?" She kept her voice calm, or tried.  
"Okay... Sean! Simone is on the phone, she sounds dead weird!"
Sean frowned, quickly twisting the water off and grabbing his towel, wrapping it around his waist and taking the phone, bringing it to his ear. “Moony, it’s me. You okay, darlin’?” He asked, his hair dripping down his shoulders.
"Yeah, Daddy, I'm okay. I just called to let you know I won't be home in time," she put on a smile, trying very hard not to cry. "I'll be with a friend in a spiritual retreat and I won't be able to use my phone there for a few days. Just didn't want you to worry."
“What d’yeh mean? What friend?” Sean demanded, his unease growing. “Why don’t you come home and we can talk about this, you can give us more details,” he pleaded, not liking the way her voice trembled. “Where are you?” He asked, his chest growing tight.
"My friend... Ellery," Simone said the name of her cousin, this way he could easily call her and disprove this story. "Sorry, Daddy, I'm late, I really have to get going. I'm on my way there."
"Wait--! Simone!" Sean cried, but she'd already hung up. "Blossom! Something's wrong!" he called, trying to call Ellery, though his hands were shaking too much for him to dial the number. 
"Oh my God... what number are you trying to call? Ellery?" Blossom took the phone to dial for him. "What happened to Simone?"
"Yeah," Sean said, handing her the phone, running his hand through his wet curls. "You were right, she didn't sound right," he said. "She said she was going on a spiritual retreat with Ellery and wouldn't be able to answer her phone. She sounded scared. I think she was taken," he said, his voice shaking as much as his hands. 
"This is bollocks, she can't spend a day without her phone," Blossom called her niece. "Ellery! Ellery, are you with Simone right now?"  
"No," the girl answered, giving her twin brother a confused look. "Charlie and I are buying Valentine's presents." 
"Did she ever mention a spiritual retreat to you? Somewhere she couldn't take her phone to?"  
"No... is everything alright? Just stay there, we're on our way."  
"Good girl," Kilgrave said, stroking Simone's hair before taking her phone from her hand and dropping it to the ground in the middle of the street before pulling her into the car with him and shutting the door, telling the driver where to take them.
"I- That's my phone!" She cried, she hated to be that helpless and now nobody would be able to track her. "All my father's voice-mails are there, I need them!"
"You don't need them," Kilgrave said offhandedly, annoyed at her outburst. "I'll make sure you have everything you need, love," he assured her, pulling her to his side, his hand running up and down her arm.
"What are you gonna do to me? You say buying clothes and having lunch. What are you really planning?" Simone asked, surprised that the driver seemed hypnotized as well.
"Darling, you're with me now," he said, chuckling lightly. "I just want to lavish you, make you mine," he explained, taking her chin in his hand to turn her face toward his to kiss her.
Simone tried to pull away, but she didn't know where to run, she was stuck in the car. "Have you ever considered... I don't know, asking someone out without forcing them? You're not bad looking, I'm sure many women would be happy to go out with you."
Kilgrave clicked his tongue with a shake of his head, as if the girl had just said something foolish. “But I don’t want just any woman. I want you. Are you saying that you would’ve said yes, if I’d have simply asked you?” He asked.
"Maybe... well not really. I had a boyfriend, and you look like the man who tried to kill my dad. But I'm sure a much more beautiful girl would've said yes," she mumbled.
“What do you mean, a more beautiful girl?” He drawled, frowning at her comment. “You are beautiful, Simone. More gorgeous than you realize. I want you to tell me that you’re beautiful,” he purred.
"I am beautiful," she repeated, unable to resist his order. It wasn't hard to understand he had the power of persuasion. 
"Good girl," Kilgrave murmured, stroking her cheek. "Ah, we're here," he said, as the car pulled up to the curb in front of Bloomingdale's.
Sean hastily dried off, pulling his clothes on distractedly. "Should we call the police?" he asked, hating how helpless he felt. 
"We need to know where she is first and sending cops might spook whoever has her and they might hurt her," Blossom started dialing to call her sister-in-law, Alisha. "We're a superpowered family, we've all killed to protect each other."  
He nodded, feeling numb. He was the only one without a power, there wasn’t anything he could do at the moment except trust his wife. — 
"Alisha, we need a little help, can you find Simone for us?" Blossom asked while she opened the door for her niece and nephew.  
"I... she's in a car, there's a man with her. Purple suit, looks posh," Alisha said, using her clairvoyance to see through her niece's eyes. "I don't know exactly where they are though."  
“Okay, keep checking in and let us know if you recognize anything,” Sean said, leaning in over his wife’s shoulder.
"Okay, I'll call you if I see anything," Alisha confirmed.  
"We have all possible powers to save her," Ellery pulled her brother inside. "Where are we going?"  
"We don't know where she is yet," Sean answered, fighting the urge to pace. "Alisha said she's in a car right now." 
"In a car with a man she doesn't know," Blossom started crying just as her husband's phone started ringing. Sean pulled her into his arms, his jaw flexing as he fought not to break down as well, knowing he needed to be strong for her. "Does she know where Simone is?" he asked, his voice tense. 
"Hi, Aunt Lisha, any news?" Ellery quickly grabbed her uncle's phone.
"They just stopped at Bloomingdale's, I don't know which one exactly, but it looks like 5th Avenue, it's right in front of the Bank of America."  
"Bloomingdale's 5th Avenue, c'mon, let's go!" Charlie exclaimed, already heading for the door.
"We need a cab," Ellery stepped outside and rushed down the stairs. The rest of them followed and they all ran to the intersection with the 8th Avenue to hail a cab. The drive would be ten minutes if they were lucky to avoid traffic, which in New York was basically impossible.
“Hopefully they’ll still be there,” Charlie murmured, his leg bouncing anxiously.
"Why do I need new clothes?" Simone asked calmly, almost in a docile way. "These are pretty expensive..."
"Why not?" Kilgrave said, waiting for the driver to open his door. "Come," he instructed, holding out his hand for her as he waited on the curb. 
"Do I need an excuse to spoil my girl?" he chuckled. "You deserve only the best," he explained.
"T-thank you," Simone took his hand and locked arms with him as they entered the store. She wasn't dressed exactly nicely and felt really out of place. She wore leggings and one of her dad's shirts since, at uni, they were doing nature shots.
“Ah, what about this? This colour would look beautiful on you,” Kilgrave said, picking out a sleek purple dress. “Go on, try it on, and I’ll pick out some shoes for you,” he said, stroking her cheek fondly.
"Okay," she took it and went into one of the dressing rooms. She wanted to cry, but feared that it would upset her new captor and he might do something worse. She put on the dress and opened the door to show him how it looked.
"Ohh, don't you look like a vision!" Kilgrave exclaimed, moving closer to get a better look. "Here, try these on, you'll look perfect," he said, handing her some strappy heels.
Simone nodded and quickly put the shoes on, which made her stand as tall as him. "I don't usually wear heels," she admitted.
"You should, they make your legs look so graceful," he said, picking out a luxurious long fur coat and draping it over her shoulders. "There, all set," he decided, taking her hand and leading her back out of the store. 
"Hey! You can't leave without paying for those!" One of the shopkeepers exclaimed, hurrying after them. 
"You're going to give them to us, free of charge," Kilgrave snapped, waving the woman away, leaving her bewildered. "Are you hungry?" he asked Simone, turning his attention back to her as they stepped back out onto the crowded sidewalk, his car waiting for them.
I'm wearing the skin of a dead animal on my back and I technically just stole all of this... Simone thought, panicked.  
"Yeah, I haven't eaten today," she said, despite how nauseous she was from the whole semi-kidnapping experience. She anxiously looked around to see if she could find any familiar faces, but the entire world felt like a strange place at that moment.
"There she is!" Sean cried, spotting his daughter's face amidst the sea of people. Jumping out of the cab before it came to a complete stop, he ran toward her, trying to push his way through the crowd. "Simone!" he exclaimed, trying to get her attention.
"Daddy?" She cried, the knot in her chest tightening when she saw how worried he seemed. She wanted to run into his arms and never let go.  
"Simone! Come here! What are you wearing?" Blossom followed her husband out. "You! Let go of my daughter right now! Get away from her!"
“Ah, looks like that’s our cue to leave,” Kilgrave muttered, turning Simone’s face away from her parents and stealing a sloppy kiss before sweeping her back into the back of his sleek black car. “Driver, take us to Neary’s,” he instructed, slamming the door shut and wiggling his fingers in a little wave just as Sean and Blossom reached the car.
Simone fought the urge to cry again, her head hanging low. She was so close to being able to run away... she knew she wasn't the first girl to fall into Kilgrave's trap, she wondered where the others were. Were they stuck in a harem or even worse?
"Did you see him? Cale Erendreich doppelganger... he kissed her! She didn't pull away, she didn't fight it," Blossom panted, she was not as fast as she used to be when she was younger. 
“There has to be an explanation,” Sean exclaimed, his chest hurting. He’d seen the fear on his daughter’s face as the car pulled away. 
“Uncle Sean! We know where he’s going!” Charlie exclaimed, running to catch up. “Aunt Lisha called. She knows where he’s taking her!”
"They're going to Neary's, five minutes away," Ellery hailed another cab for them. If it was just her and her brother they could run, but their uncle was pushing 60.  
"Let's go, let's go!" Blossom rushed into the car.
“What’s the matter, dearest?” Kilgrave asked, tilting his head to peer at Simone’s face. “Don’t tell me you’re upset?”
"I just... got startled," she said shaking her head, she looked up at him and tried to smile.
He smiled back, giving her hand a squeeze before pressing a kiss to the back of it. The drive to the restaurant wasn't long and once they parked, Kilgrave helped Simone out, leading her into the building. 
"Do you have a reservation?" The hostess asked, looking between the two of them. 
"Yes, we're renting out the whole place. Tell everyone else to leave," Kilgrave commanded and the hostess nodded. 
"You can all leave!" He exclaimed, raising his voice to infect the other diners and they all got up, leaving their food half touched as they left. "There, shall we?" he asked, leading Simone over to his usual corner booth.
She sat down and glanced at the menu, the food smelled and sounded delicious, but how could she eat in that situation? She could always... accept it, she'd live her life like this and maybe it wouldn't be so bad? It wasn't what she wanted, but if he treated her the way she had been so far... maybe he wouldn't kill her. Maybe she could visit her family and smile while saying everything was fine.  
"Can I order what I want or will you order for me?" She asked, genuinely curious. "Cause if I can choose I'd like the broiled chicken with potatoes."
"Of course, you can have whatever you like," Kilgrave exclaimed, leaning back in the booth, his arm resting behind Simone's shoulders. 
By the time Sean, Blossom, Ellery, and Charlie arrived at the restaurant, the other diners were all filing out. 
"That's strange, where are they all going?" Charlie wondered.
"Doesn't seem like anything is wrong in there," Ellery looked inside and found her cousin sitting in a corner.  
"Simone!" Blossom called. "Simone, please! If you actually want to be here, tell us!"  
"I want to be here," she said after Kilgrave whispered the command in her ear.
“If you try to escape, you’ll jump off the Queensboro Bridge,” Kilgrave hissed in Simone’s ear, taking a bite of his steak, seemingly unbothered. 
“Look, he just said something to her before she spoke,” Charlie whispered, noticing the way the man leaned in. “If he has the power of persuasion, then maybe I can use it against him,” he suggested.
"Good one, Charlie," Ellery nudged her brother's arm.
"Let my daughter go, right now! I'm not above killing you, you bastard!" Blossom charged into the restaurant. "She's old enough to be your daughter!"  
Kilgrave spread his hands innocently. "I'm afraid you're mistaken, she told you already, she wants to be here." 
"Then why does she look so terrified?" Sean exclaimed, hating the way his hands shook as he looked at the man who looked so much like the ghost from his past. 
"I can't leave, Mum," Simone cried. "I just can't."  
"You can do anything, you have a superpower. You're really gonna let some middle-aged man tell you what you can or can't do?" Ellery whispered to her. "No matter what happens, you're safe." 
"Come on, let's call Dylan," Blossom took her daughter's hand, but once she got up, the girl ran away towards the bridge to fulfill Kilgrave's request.
“Simone?!” Sean exclaimed, his eyes widening in fear as she raced past him out the restaurant door. “SIMONE!” he called, taking off after her without another thought. 
While his uncle ran after Simone, Charlie rounded on Kilgrave. “What did you make her do?” He demanded. 
Kilgrave shrugged. “She was the one who chose to run. If she’d rather jump off the bridge than stay with me, that’s her prerogative, I suppose.” He sighed, pinching the bridge of his aquiline nose. “And here I thought we could be happy together.”
"You're sick!" Ellery screamed while Blossom ran out to follow her daughter as well. "Man, you're not ugly enough to be that desperate, find someone who can love you for real."  
“Is that an offer?” Kilgrave asked, flashing Ellery a grin. "Seems beauty runs in the family..."
Before the man could control his twin, Charlie frowned, drawing on his own power. He could feel the vibration of Kilgrave’s power pulling at him and he reached out with his mind, borrowing his ability. 
“Hey,” he said, drawing the man’s attention. “Forget all about us. Forget about your power. Don’t use it for bad,” he commanded.
"Let's get out of here," Ellery took her brother's arm. "Hope he learns his lesson. He definitely knows how to treat a lady, he just needs to find one that wants to be with him."
Charlie nodded, letting his sister pull him out of the restaurant and they ran to join their uncle and aunt.
"Simone!" Blossom ran, catching up to them just as she climbed to jump. She looked back at her mum and dad and smiled, her cousin's words made her very confident. 
“Moony, what’re you doing? Please come down!” Sean cried, his heart twisting in his chest as he held onto his wife. “We can fix this! Please don’t jump!”  
"Sean... it's alright," Blossom understood her plan, she had done it before with the power she passed down to her daughter. 
"See you in a second, don't worry about me," Simone waved and let go, falling as if she were diving into a pool. 
To stop herself from hitting the water, she covered her own body in a force field and emerged back to the bridge covered in a thin blue-ish bubble.  
As soon as Simone emerged, protected in her bubble, Sean let out a relieved gasp, his arms tightening around his wife. “Oh thank God she’s okay,” he cried, his eyes burning with unshed tears. 
Simone ran into her parents' arms and sighed. She didn't even realize she was still wearing the outfit that was picked out for her.  
"We should probably return these stuff to Bloomingdale's, right?" She asked. 
"But the dress is cute..." Ellery joked. "He won't be bothering you again."
"Yeah, I made sure of that," Charlie assured her, joining the others in embracing her. 
"Thank you, Cha-Charlie," Sean murmured, ruffling his nephew's curls. "I'm so fuckin' glad you all have those damn powers," he sighed, kissing the top of Simone's head.
"Thank you for coming for me," she looked lovingly at her cousins and her mother, then turned and placed a kiss on her father's cheek. "You're a hero too, Daddy."
Sean shook his head. "I was so helpless," he murmured, squeezing her tighter.
"Not all heroes have powers, some just are really amazing dads," she held his hand as they walked back to the store. "You weren't hopeless, you didn't give up. I called you because I knew you'd know something was wrong and come help, and you did."
"Of course, I'd never give up on you, darlin'," Sean breathed.
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mrprettywhenhecries · 11 months
ghost stories
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Billy Hargrove ✘ Win Lewis (OC) // Eddie Munson ✘ Lydia Bellamy (OC) // Robin Buckley ✘ Blossom Bellamy (OC)
⇾ w.c. 3.5k words ⇾ warning(s). canon x oc pairings, spooky stories, drinking, suggestive themes, but nothing explicit ⇾ a/n. a little halloween collaboration with @super-unpredictable98/@hawkinsglasscloset, featuring my Winnie and her Lydia and Blossom.
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"Wow, great place to get murdered. Nice one, Win," Blossom huffed as Billy parked in front of the lonely cabin. 
"Chicken!" Lydia teased. "What’re you scared of?  This is the middle of nowhere, nobody will come here to kill you." 
"That is precisely why someone might come here to kill me!  I've never done drugs, I never drank alcohol or smoked, my organs are valuable!" Blossom cried.
“Oh, come on!” Win exclaimed, grinning as she got out, excited for their weekend away. “It’s not as bad as it looks!” she insisted, opening the door for Blossom.  
"You're right... it's worse!"  Blossom walked in and ran her finger over the mirror right by the door.  "Not only is it creepy, it's filthy too. Only you guys can drag me to these things."
“It just needs a quick dusting, that’s all,” Win said with a shrug, opening the curtains to a cloud of dust. 
“Don’t worry so much, B,” Robin said, joining her girlfriend inside, bringing their bags in. “We’re gunna have fun!”
"I hope so."  Blossom softened seeing her girlfriend. " Anywhere is perfect with you."
Eddie’s van pulled up moments later, parking behind the Camaro.  “Hey, guess I wasn’t as late as I thought I’d be,” he said, grinning excitedly as he jumped down from the driver’s seat.
"Hey, sexy!" Lydia called, rushing to greet her boyfriend, practically jumping into his arms.
“Hey, missed you,” Eddie exclaimed, lifting her off her feet, greeting her with a kiss.
"Missed you too!" Lydia took his arm once he set her back down. "I can't wait to have you holding me in front of the fire while we make s'mores."
“Mmm, sounds perfect,” Eddie mused, a lopsided grin tugging at his lips. “Then we can go back to our room and have some fun,” he drawled, his hands slipping down to give her backside a squeeze. 
"Aaah!  You naughty boy!" Lydia giggled, giving his hair a little tug. "Come on, it's getting cold out here."
"Don't want my lady getting a chill now, do we?" Eddie asked, shutting the driver's side door and pulling open the side panel to unpack the supplies. "Can you help me carry in the food, babe?" he asked, handing her one of the large canvas bags while he grabbed the large cooler. 
"Yeah, but that'll cost you a treat," Lydia winked before taking the bag to the cabin. "A special secret treat."
"Oh?" Eddie chuckled, tilting his head as he followed her inside. 
"This place is awesome, so cozy," Billy mused as he brought his bag and Win's inside, joining the others. 
“I knew you’d like it,” Win said, letting her eyes roam the room.
"Perfect place, nobody can hear you screaming my name," Billy whispered teasingly, leaning into her. 
“Yeah, other than our friends,” she pointed out, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Nah, I have a feeling they’ll be a little too preoccupied to notice,” he replied with a smirk, pulling her down with him to the old dusty couch. "They'll be busy playing their own dirty games."
Win laughed, collapsing into his lap. "I guess that’s true," she agreed, fighting back a grin.
“It’ll be a nice break from everything,” Robin said, pressing a kiss to Blossom’s temple.
"A break from Steve," Blossom laughed, wrapping her arms around her girlfriend. "I could use a warm shower."
"I hope his date goes well," Robin said.  As much as she loved teasing Steve about his string of bad luck with women, she did hope he could find someone that made him as happy as Blossom made her.  "Why don't you take a quick shower and we'll get a fire going," she offered.
"I hope so too, he's so nice, he deserves it," Blossom nodded, stealing a kiss and turning to find the bathroom.
"Have a nice shower," Robin called, giving Blossom's ass a soft smack as she walked away. "Okay, who wants to help me start a fire?" she exclaimed, heading for the hearth.
"I will," Billy offered, giving Win a quick snuggle a kiss to the tip of her nose before getting up to help Robin get wood for the fireplace.
Win scrunched her nose at him, sitting up to watch them, resting her chin in her hand as she let her eyes follow her boyfriend's ass.
Billy looked over his shoulder to find his girlfriend observing him. "Enjoying the view?" he teased.
"Always," Win replied, winking at him. "Do you guys need any help?" she asked, pushing herself up. "I think we got it," Robin answered, tucking her hair behind her ear as she added some wood slowly to the small flame that Billy had started.
Billy was gonna say something about letting the men take care of it, but he quickly held his tongue, remembering Robin wasn't a man and not wanting to offend her.
"What sort of treat would you like?" Eddie asked his girlfriend, dropping the cooler in front of the fridge to unpack it. 
"Surprise me," Lydia grinned, taking the food from the bag and putting it on the counter.
Eddie smirked, handing her an ice cold beer. "That what you had in mind?" he teased, kicking the fridge door shut with his foot as he leaned across the counter.
"Shhhhh!" Lydia giggled, pressing her finger against his lips though she nodded in agreement. 
Eddie grinned against her fingers before licking them teasingly and cracking the beer open. "You want any?" he asked.
"Yeah... but only if you give it to me," Lydia said pointedly, wetting her lips slowly. 
Eddie glanced up at the others who were pretty distracted by the fireplace before taking a long draw from the can and pulling Lydia closer, his lips slotting with hers. 
Lydia drank from his mouth, and though the beer was cold, warmth spread through her body, stemming from where her lips met his.
“You’re welcome, you looked parched,” Eddie chuckled, drinking some more for himself.
"I feel a lot better," Blossom announced as she left the bathroom, wearing a big fluffy robe and pajama bottoms.
Robin straightened when she heard her girlfriend, grinning proudly as she dusted off her hands. “Look, we’ve got fire!” she exclaimed, gesturing to the hearth as Blossom joined them. 
“You guys are so handy,” Win laughed, pulling Billy back to the couch with her.
"You've seen nothing yet, wait until it's time to wash my car in the summer... you'll be drooling," he teased.
“I can’t wait,” Win murmured, tugging his shirt collar down to press a kiss to his collarbone. 
"My hero!” Blossom cried, throwing her arms around Robin’s neck before lowering her voice to a whisper.  “You're so hot when you do manual work.”
Robin chuckled. “The place feeling a little more welcoming now?” she asked. 
"Definitely and it's nice and warm... you know, I could fall asleep out here in your arms," Blossom pulled her down to the couch as well.
“That sounds nice,” Robin murmured, breathing in the scent of Blossom’s shampoo.
“So what do we wanna do now?” Win asked, looking around at the others.
“Once it gets dark I say we play some drinking games and share a few ghost stories,” Eddie suggested, pitching his voice low as he wiggled his fingers ominously, a grin tugging at his lips.
"Oh come on, no ghost stories, I don't like attracting that sort of thing," Lydia groaned. "It's all bullshit anyway." 
"Who's the chicken now, huh?" Billy laughed. "If you don't believe in them, there's no harm in telling a few."
“Yeah, c’mon Lyds, don’t be a buzzkill,” Win said, giving her friend a mischievous look. 
“Don’t worry, babe, I’ll keep you safe,” Eddie teased, wrapping an arm around her.
"Fine, whatever, I don't believe in ghosts," Lydia insisted, rolling her eyes. "But just for the record, you all suck." 
"Some of us more than others," Billy said, making a blowjob motion with his hand.
A laugh burst from Eddie at Billy’s innuendo and he pressed a wet kiss to Lydia’s cheek. “Got that right,” he agreed smugly. 
Lydia stuck her tongue out before going back to the kitchen to heat up their dinner. 
"Don't mind her, she doesn't like horror stories since our brother told her about something called Alice Human Sacrifice," Blossom laughed.
“Sounds spooky!” Robin said, tickling Blossom’s sides. 
“Well, I’m excited. I like being scared,” Win said, stealing Eddie’s beer can to take a drink.
"It's just a silly tale Simon made up," Blossom laughed. "Our dad is always encouraging him to write more crazy stories." 
"Who is Alice though?" Billy asked. 
"Nobody," Lydia shrugged, offering each of them a plate of lasagna. "Simon made them up."
“So, what’s the story?” Win asked, accepting the food eagerly.
"There was once a little dream, and being afraid people would stop dreaming it, it decided to bring people to itself in a sort of wonderland," Blossom began, setting the tone as she slowly glanced at her friend’s faces. "Each person lured in was an Alice,” she explained.  “The first Alice was a singer who was adored all over the land and that made him quite arrogant.  Until one day a madman shot him, making a red blood rose bloom from his head." 
"The second Alice were a pair of twins, a girl and a boy who were lured by their curiosity," Lydia continued, rolling her eyes. "But the land warped their vision and pit one against the other until they killed each other with their bare hands, never to wake from their deep slumber."
"Interesting," Win murmured, wondering if there was more or not.
"That would suck killing your twin..." Robin mumbled, chewing her lip.
"Yeah, I think killing anyone would be sorta bad, but especially your twin," Blossom ageed.
"It doesn't make much sense, but Simon is just like that..." Lydia huffed softly. "He watches too much anime." 
"Yeah, that sounds like him," Win snorted, taking another bite of lasagna.
"Who wants a drink? I say it's time we really get this party started," Eddie exclaimed, glancing out the window, noticing how dark it was growing outside.
"I'll have a beer," Billy said, raising his hand nonchalantly. 
"Me too," Lydia winked at her boyfriend. 
"Yeah, same," Blossom nodded. "Oh!  Did you guys read Tomie? It's a new horror manga that just came out in the Monthly Halloween magazine."
“Hon, I think you and Lyds are the only ones that have read that,” Robin pointed out with a grin while Eddie handed out several cans of beer.
"Ugh, people have no taste!  This guy should be famous," Blossom huffed, taking her drink to go with her dinner.
"Maybe one day," Lydia agreed, taking a sip from her own can.
“Anyone else got any scary stories?” Robin asked, looking pointedly between Billy and Eddie.
“Oh, I do,” Eddie said, his grin widening. “But first I think we need a little ambiance,” he drawled, turning off the lights, leaving only the fire to see by.
"Oh, here we go..." Lydia breathed. 
"Now it's getting good," Billy chuckled, reaching around behind Blossom and discreetly running his fingers up her back like a spider, making her scream. 
"ASSHOLE!" She cried.
"Billy!" Win chastised, giving his shoulder a shove as Robin stuck her tongue out at him, pulling Blossom into her arms to comfort while Eddie plopped down on the floor in front of the fireplace. 
"So..." he began, waiting to make sure all eyes were on him, a feral grin on his face. "It was a dark, cold night, much like this one--" he said, glancing around the room from under his long bangs. "--and a group of friends, much like us, decided to camp in the middle of the woods. They were having a fun time, everything was going well, until night fell--" he said, his voice dipping low.
"How surprising," Lydia snorted; she knew his storytelling skills were off the charts. She’d seen him as the dungeon master for his epic campaigns and she loved it. 
"What happened when it got dark?" Blossom asked.
Eddie turned his grin on Blossom, glad to see she, at least, was hooked, while Robin looked vaguely uneasy and Win was watching him intently. 
“The moon came out from behind the clouds and shone down brightly, its light filtering through the foliage to the forest floor beneath. A couple of the group decided to go get some more firewood and they ventured out further along one of the trails. Soon they came upon several dead animals,” he said, pausing for effect. “However, they could see no apparent cause of death, no blood or wounds, no sign of attack, and yet there were more than one, spread out along the trail.”
Lydia put aside her fear and skepticism and decided to enjoy the story as if it wasn't a load of wank. "That's... intriguing," she murmured, curious to know what was causing the deaths.
Eddie raised an eyebrow at her, determined to at least give her the heebie jeebies. 
“Unsettled, the couple hurried back to their campsite, telling the others what they saw, but their friends dismissed it, laughing at them for being too jumpy.” Here Eddie paused to take a drink, exhaling deeply before continuing.
“All seemed to be back to normal, the friends drinking and partying late into the night, when a twig snapped nearby and the rustling of leaves announced something approaching. The friends jumped to their feet, their hearts in their throats as their eyes swung to the sound. Moments later a deer came into the clearing and stopped, its ears perking up as it froze. The friends watched it, not wanting to startle it, when suddenly, it fell to the ground, dead. Nothing having touched it,” he exclaimed.
Lydia took Blossom's hand; now both sisters were hooked and slightly disturbed by the image formed in their minds. Billy on the other hand, saw where the story was headed and was already planning a little stunt that would for sure freak the girls out.
“Oh shit—“ Win breathed, slipping her arm around Billy’s, as she leaned into him, though her focus was all on Eddie. Eddie, however, noticed the glint in Billy’s eye and nodded to him before continuing.
“Now thoroughly spooked, several of the teens began to wonder if they should leave or find a new spot to camp, but the others argued, not wanting to pack up camp in the middle of the night. Besides, they figured the strange animal deaths were probably caused by some sickness or maybe poison they had gotten into. 
“Talked into staying, at least for the night, everyone went to sleep, crawling into their tents. The next morning, when one of the girls awoke to take a piss in the woods, she tripped over a large dark shape not far from the smoking fire pit. At first it appeared to be a pile of clothes, but upon further inspection, it was one of her friends, their body cold and eyes wide open and staring.”
"What was it? How did they die?" Lydia exclaimed, jumping slightly when she saw a shadow pass by the window.  "I saw someone! There's something out there!" she cried, pointing toward the dark window pane.
"I'm sure it's nothing," Billy huffed dismissively, winking at Eddie.
“You’re just jumping at shadows!” Robin exclaimed, though her voice wavered, rising in pitch as her eyes darted to the window.  Eddie’s grin widened and he leaned in closer to finish off the story, enjoying the way he had them in the palm of his hand. 
“As soon as the girl realized what she’d tripped over, she screamed, scrambling away from the body. But by the time the others roused from their tents, alerted by her cry, she too was already dead, not a mark on her.  
“Frightened senseless, her friends ran, fleeing into the woods, chased by an unseen attacker. And one by one, their screams too were silenced, and to this day, no one knows what happened to them, their bodies never found.” Eddie’s voice was near a whisper now and the flames behind him danced, casting eerie shadows against the walls of the cabin. 
“Now, there are some who think the mysterious deaths of the teens and the animals were caused by a toxic airborne chemical leak, but others, others say it was the work of an old hermit who lived deep in the woods, hidden away from the world, who conversed with spirits and demons. They say he could steal your soul just by touching your shadow.”
"Your shadow? That's... um, that's stupid," Lydia said, clearing her throat, but she screamed when she heard a knock on the window. 
There was no one there except for a tree branch that looked a bit like a hand. 
"Who's there?" Blossom asked, seeing another dark figure flashing past the opposite window.
"I’ll go check," Billy said, disentangling himself from Win’s grasp before getting up and slowly walking to the window. 
“Billy, wait—“ Win began, her words dying on her tongue as he peered through the glass, his eyes going wide and his mouth falling open in a silent gasp before he suddenly collapsed.
“Billy?” Win called, frozen in place on the couch, fear clutching her chest.
“Oh haha, very funny, Billy,” Robin said, her voice slightly hoarse. 
“Yeah, very funny,” Lydia agreed, though there was an edge to her voice. 
Eddie, however, jumped to his feet and hurried across the room, dropping to knees and leaning over Billy, listening.
“He’s not breathing!” he exclaimed, and Win shared a frightened look with Lydia and Blossom. 
“Eddie, watch out!” Robin exclaimed when she saw the shadow of a hand silhouetted through the window, its thin fingers reaching toward Eddie’s shadow on the floor behind him.
"Eddie!" Lydia shrieked,  jumping and tackling him, rolling with him to a darker corner. "Fuck! Stop playing, it's not funny!" 
"Stop messing around, Billy! We know you're alive!" Blossom said weakly, trying to believe it. "Wait, Robin, don't go over there, stay in the dark where there’re no shadows!"
“I’m not playing!” Eddie exclaimed, fighting back a grin as he pulled Lydia atop him. 
Robin hesitated, but Win didn’t, pressing her back to the wall and edging closer to the window to peer outside. There was definitely someone out there; she hadn’t been hallucinating the shadow of that hand. 
“Billy,” she exclaimed, dropping down to her knees and crawling beneath the windowsill to his side. He still hadn’t moved, even when she poked his stomach. “Playing dead, huh?” she grumbled under her breath. “Maybe this will revive you,” she said, leaning down to kiss him.
Billy’s lips curved beneath hers and he kissed her back.
"Call me Snow White, babe... cause your kiss just saved me," he joked, pulling her closer to kiss her again. "You totally believed it for a second!  Come on, it was a great joke!"
"You're lucky you're cute or I'd pummel you for that joke," Win exclaimed, pinching his arm before kissing him back. 
"Aww you love me," Billy chuckled, rolling atop his girlfriend. "It was just an elaborate plan to get a kiss." 
“Oh really? That’s kinda dumb seeing as I kiss you all the time,” Win huffed, though she wore a small grin, her fingers tangling in the chain of his necklace to pull him closer. 
"Happy Halloween!" Steve exclaimed, opening the window from the outside, waving with the hand-shaped branch. "Henderson! Come here! You need to see their faces!" 
"Steve? Dustin?" Blossom narrowed her eyes, fixing her glasses. "What the hell are you doing here?" 
"You arse! I fucking hate you! That was so not funny!" Lydia cried, smacking Eddie's chest with an angry huff.
"Yes it was!" Eddie cried, howling with laughter. "You should have seen your face! And you thought it was bullshit when I started," he reminded her.
"Steve!? You lied to us? You like to me?" Robin gasped, her mouth falling open. "Did you even have a date at all?" she exclaimed. 
"No, Eddie asked us to help out with his prank so we just... you know," Steve jumped into the cabin and helped Dustin inside. 
"It was bullshit! I didn't believe it for a second, I was just... pretending!" Lydia exclaimed, folding her arms over her chest. "You're not getting any tonight."
“Awww c’mon, Lyds!” Eddie exclaimed, pulling her into his lap and kissing her neck. “I could protect you from the monsters,” he murmured.
“We’re gunna get you back for this, you know that right?” Robin said, throwing Steve a level look.
"Yeah, we expected that would happen," Dustin chuckled, his eyes crinkling with amusement. 
"You're all so done," Blossom warned while Lydia turned her head with a little humpf, though she didn't push Eddie away. 
"You'll need to spoil me a lot tonight,” she muttered.
“Oh trust me, I have some things up my sleeve,” Eddie purred, kissing his way up Lydia’s jaw.
“Yeah, don’t even think about talking to us!” Robin exclaimed, though she wore a goofy grin, pulling Blossom into her arms to comfort her. 
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⇾ taglist. @elliethesuperfruitlover @b1tchygh0sts @heartbreak-sandwich @vampyreddiemunson @everybodylovessteve
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galactic-pirates · 6 months
Regina Mills
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
23. Favorite picture of this character?
Thank you so much for the ask!! :) :) :)
10) Could I be best friends with Regina?
No I’m not cool enough haha.
Honestly as much as I love Regina and I see that her prickliness comes from pain, I would find her so intimidating in person. I scare easily.
12) What’s a headcanon I have for her?
Ah my usual dilemma of what is canon and what is headcanon 😂
Somewhat complicated by the fact that it’s been a few years since I have seen this show now. Where does time go?
Oh man this is such a good question and my brain is a total blank. Ok ok, I'm just going to have to go with the first thing that comes to mind.
I started to write a whole thing about how Regina can be her own worst enemy and I scrapped it because I wasn't being clear. So lets be specific - season 1 finale. My headcanon is that if Regina had tried to TLK Henry awake from the sleeping curse then it would have worked. I don't think it would have broken the dark curse as well so that could go down one hell of a canon-divergent rabbit hole so put in a pin that. Regina didn't even try and kiss him. She knew what he needed, she clearly thought about it, but she didn't want to know as she assumed it wouldn't work. "Too evil, too broken, he hates me, evil can't love etc." it's an insecurity.
Now I don't want to get into Regina's crimes because that's another rabbit hole. The salient point is how Regina thinks of herself and this is one of the few inconsistencies in the show I don't mind. Mental health/self-acceptance isn't a linear battle. Sometimes she can be at peace with it, other times she judges herself. Season 1/season 2 was a very low point for her. Some of which was nothing to do with all the magical crazy, and just the very real true life that her sons bio mom has shown up, and she feels 'lesser' (she's not obviously).
But I've never doubted how much Regina loved Henry. I like that she did get her own TLK with him later on. But yes my headcanon is that it would have worked at the season 1 finale.
15) What’s my favourite ship for her?
I said this the other day but ultimately it’s “Regina x Happiness” and I did like that her story ‘end’ meant it didn’t come from a man. I like that Regina forged her own family, that she broke the cycle and didn’t repeat her mother’s mistakes.
There wasn’t really anyone on the show that clicked for me and that I thought was right for her.
Now as a lighter more joking answer I don’t sleep well and I run stories in my mind. These stories are allowed to be full of OC’s and cliches and be the sort of thing that fandom ridicules because it is just me telling the story to myself. I do confess I have fixed her up in my head with an OC. I may have written about 10k of fanfic towards it once but for the most part that has died a death on my HD (aside from the odd question like this where I was like hey why not it’s just a bit of fun).
23) Favourite picture of Regina?
Well I don’t keep any saved but let’s see what the gif finder has that appeals.
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(I love it when she goes “you want to see your queen” and then nothing happens)
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Yeah I could do this all day. Scrolling through is just like mmm no hard ship at all.
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juicevamp · 2 years
5, 7, 8, 10?
shipping questions || accepting
Thanks for the questions!
5. Do you prefer fast plots, pre-established relationships, or slow burns?
It depends on the characters and what we think would work best for them! Fast plots can work well if we already think the ship will be fun but still need to iron out some details about their chemistry, pre-established is fun for characters we already have talked about or both ship equally strongly, and slow burns can be fun if we're still unsure or if the thought of pining sounds especially sweet. 👌
Honestly, whatever feels the best for that particular ship is my preference, and since all ships are different, the answer varies!
7. What do you think of OC x canon ships? Would you play any?
Some of my favorite ships in my 10+ years of Tumblr RP have been OC x canon ships! I love them!
8. What do you think about self-insert x canon ships? Would you play any?
Mmm. Depends. I've done so with some of my close friends, and I don't have any issue with self-inserts, but I would have to be very certain that the mun clearly keeps fiction and reality separate. I wouldn't want to sacrifice keeping my character IC in order to bend to what another mun wants, or to avoid hurting their feelings if my muse doesn't respond how they want. Anything I write IC isn't personal, and I've had some muns confuse my muse's feelings with my own.
10. What do you think about poly ships? Would you play any?
I've only played them a few times, but I do enjoy them so long as it makes sense for my character! I view Vampire as being pansexual panromantic, and generally very open-minded, so I could see him giving it a shot to see if it works for him. Whether or not it would, I don't know yet! He's still rather new to me and I'm still figuring stuff out about his character. I would definitely try it out, though!
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Super Wings Fanstory: Winter Night Comfort Suprised
(At that time, in the up of the sky, The Nusantara World Airplane goes to the subtropical Place where that time is Winter season, and the female young wolf airplane robot with the red scarf is see the snowflakes fall down on the air with her mini version of her, Wolfia and Wolfia pet...)
Wolfia: wow... A snowflakes... I never see it before, so this is what Winter look like? Wolfia pet, did you feels thinking same thing?
Wolfia pet: mmm!!
(As the Wolfia see down where that country is getting more beautiful as the light everywhere cuz that time there the winter holiday celebration, at that time... Someone come near as he come to female young wolf airplane robot, the someone is the young Male airplane robot with the flying airplane like him but more... Mini... And that was is Golden boy and Golden pet)
Golden boy: hey wolf girl!! What are you doing?
Wolfia: hmm? Oh, it's just you... Nothing, i was just look the down how is it look like today, look!!
Golden boy: *look at down* huh... It kinda beautiful to, but hey... Do u know what is mean?
Wolfia: What that?
Golden boy: today is Winter Holiday Time, of course.
Wolfia: oh really?
Golden boy: of course... What? Do you ever feels the celebration like that?
Wolfia: ...nope... Cuz i'm live in tropical country, Afterall i'm only work at the Indonesian place cuz... u know? The country difference?
Golden boy: ehehehe, Wolfy girl... I know you wasn't know how the winter look like, but you see... All of the season in this earth is different u know, you see that? That is snowflakes, did u know that?
Wolfia:i know, but... I feeling that... Today, these year... The time are changing so fast... And it's already holiday. But you see, i'm just hoping that the next year is getting better than before, if only we can go to past...
Golden boy: . . . You right... These year it has been change fast...
(As know that, the two super wings were to silent as see the winter night sky with the Moonlight... They realize, the time has change so faster than they think... And the season change with time to...)
Golden boy: Umm... Hey Wolfy girl, want come with me?
Wolfia: Umm... Sure, but where?
Golden boy: Just follow me, u will see it
Wolfia: uhh... Ok, but don't something weird, got it?
Golden boy: don't worry, trust me...
(As Wolfia following Golden boy, They Going flight down from Nusantara World Airplane into the landtown with Super pet and they landed in the middle of town...)
Wolfia: so what now?
Golden boy: take a look!!
Wolfia: hmm? *See the Christmas tree* huh?! Woah...
(As she saw the Christmas tree, shining brightly, snowflakes falling, and the happy winter song plays with people happiness and laughter, she suprised after saw the beautiful Christmas tree...)
Wolfia: whoa, what a beautiful tree...
Golden boy: hey, Wolfia...
Wolfia: huh?
(As Wolfia see at Golden boy, Golden boy bring his gift is the beautiful Flower crowd for Wolfia...)
Wolfia: wow... Golden boy, what is this?
Golden boy: ehem... This is my special gift for you, do you like it?
Wolfia: oh my godness, Golden boy... How could u make it?
Golden boy: well, u see... Umm... Actually, i'm just wanna bring you some suprise of Winter Holiday because... I wanna show my feeling about you, Wolfia!!
Wolfia: Aww... Golden boy, how could i doesn't accept it, i love it!! And also Umm... I'm also have feeling on you to...
(As Golden boy knowed if Wolfia and himself have feeling each other, they hides each other faces and Wolfia takes the flower... And also, the little Golden pet give Wolfia pet a little flower... happy, Wolfia take the flower and kissing Golden Pet as thanks and Golden pet almost get faints by love... <3)
Wolfia & Golden boy: huh? Hahahaha...
Wolfia: *sigh* well, atleast... We know our truth... Right?
Golden boy: ehe... Welp, yeah... But, let's just keep it from everyone, ok?
Wolfia: heh, ok...
(As the snow falling, there the Firework are has blasted in the sky and make the sky more colorful with the snowflakes falls... As they watch snow and fireworks, they Going to rooftop building to see the firework show as the winter night more comfortable for Wolfia...)
Wolfia: tonight, it's such a comfortable night, to say goodbye of these year...
Golden boy: goodbye for what?
Wolfia: goodbye for all memories at these year... With you, and others... But i'm happy for now, for everything that happens at now, Afterall... Adventure with you, it's more different... Even... There alot of trouble, but i'm so glad that... We always together, well...
Golden boy: ehe, well... I'm so happy with you to, even i'm make trouble on you, well... i'm sure we always been blessed by God as we always together.
Wolfia: heh, yeah... [I'm so glad to if i have good friends and families in my side, even... Someone that i have feeling to...]
(And finally... After that night, they having some comfort new year night as they flight back to Nusantara World Airplane again for celebrate with others of cheering and happiness, and even like that... Her adventure... Wasn't over yet...)
•|{The End}|•
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myearts-uwu · 3 years
Myrana’s child and big sister Jennette
I had this idea for quite some time now but I considered naming Myra’s and Anastacius’ first daughter ‘Iris’. It has been one of my favourite girl names for quite some time and I think Anastacius giving their daughter a name that doesn’t relate to immortality or eternity since he doesn’t care about the throne anymore.
Anyway! Iris and her big sister Jennette :D
Jennette absolutely adores her new half-sibling. She always dreamt of being sisters with Athy since she was really young but that dream was shatter when Anastacius confessed to her that he’s her biological father. So... the news of Myra’s pregnancy sent the girl flying over the moon.
“I’m finally gonna be a big sister?! This is... This is amazing news!”
Obviously, Iris is closest to her mother. But Jennette is the second person she goes to whenever she wants someone to play with, leaving poor Anastacius watch on in silence as Jennette plays tea party with Iris. 
Don’t worry. Myra is always keeping Anastacius company so he doesn’t feel so lonely.
Expect the family to go on actual family trips. 
Ps: Jennette wearing that thing parents wear on their chest to carry their babies just so she can carry little Iris so she can show her little sister off to Athy, Kiel and Lucas.
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Ok this kinda embarrassing and the first time I’ve requested anything but, yk how you mentioned public bedding in ur zuko x of pinned post. Do you think u could write something abt that? Obviously no pressure and if ur uncomfy just ignore me.
Oh, love, don't be shy! I promise, you're welcomed here and free to drop an ask or request anytime~
And, it's your lucky day, because the public bedding may or may not be canon in Limerence 👀 Hence, here are tiny snippets of my rough drafts if I were to write this. Because it's totally not canon Zuko and Yue get married or something and this happens- totally doesn't happen 🍵
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AU: Limerence, Bedding Teasers
Pairing: Zuko x Fem. OC (Ying Yue Jiang)
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Shy, straddling Zuko’s lap with an intense blush.
His fingers were gliding over my arms, feeling the fabric that decorated my skin. I was so nervous, trembling, unable to stop fiddling with the band of his pants as my hands rested over the space between us. Our noses were just touching as his warm breath fanned over my skin.
“Love, we don’t have to do this.” Zuko hummed, a charming smile of comfort.
I could feel his warmth through the sheer fabric, my head tilted upwards as I stared at Zuko’s lips.
Today was the most magical day in my life.
The vows, the dancing, dressing up as a princess of my dreams while my dads and everyone else cheered and celebrated. Everyone I cherished, I loved, family and friends were all there for me.
But most importantly, I can finally call Zuko, my husband.
Dreaming of this moment since the day I laid eyes on him, an instant connection I never thought one could experience. I bit my lip, a silence filling the room that for a moment, the fact that there was a crowd behind us was forgotten.
Purposely making my back face them, as I sat over Zuko’s legs, hugging his thighs. My touch was easing its way up to his chest, enjoying the feeling over his skin under me as I caressed the faint scars that littered.
I was tired, exhausted from all the emotions, but seeing Zuko like this. Shirtless, hair loose, my blush deepened.
There wasn’t a doubt in me that I was nervous, but another part was so curious. Memories of every time we had almost been caught while we were having fun; from the quickies in the study, the garden. The thrill, idea, of someone watching us.
“Just what are you thinking about,” Zuko purred, his finger tapping my lips, and I realized how heavy my breathing had begun.
Wetness beginning to grow and stain the front of my panties, embarrassed at how I had just been caught fantasizing. But the smirk on Zuko’s face grew before rolling his hips against mine.
My eyes widened, hitching a breath because he was hard.
The head of cock, rubbing against my core, causing the fabric of my panties to rub against me. I bit down a moan, my head tilting downwards as my eyes fluttered shut at the sudden bolt of pleasure.
“A-ah, Zuko-” I shyly stumbled and Zuko groaned, bucking his hips against me, causing me to tense as my mouth to part.
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“I haven't even fucked you yet, and look at them.” Zuko chuckled into my ear as I arched my back against his chest. The arm that looped over my knee stopped me from pressing my legs together, twitching as his finger continued to tease.
I struggled to breathe, head tossed as my hips jerked, seeking his touch as he flirts with my cunt.
His cocky smirk pressed against my neck, loving how my eyes fluttered shut when he rolled my clit. It was a touch that left one to desire, his fingers on either side, sliding back and forth. The slickness that drips between my legs, a puddle of my cum pooling underneath.
"It's so sensitive-" I gasped.
But my movements, the whine that left my lips, it was such a contradiction. My hips are rolling, despite pleading, another knot building.
"Mmm, but look love. They want to see, see how you gush for me."
His words were a demand, and my body obeyed. Forcing my gaze to lift, meeting the eyes in front of us. It was too much, body flushing red, breathing hitched, "They're all staring at you, love."
Zuko's right. Shifting in their spots, faces twisted in a mixture of arousal and shame. Unable to look away, but they continued to stare, to gawk. Hypnotized by how I twitch and arch, humping Zuko’s hand out of desperation to feel more.
A few of them letting their palms rest in front of them with flushed cheeks, their knees buckling. They were- I gasped as Zuko let his fingers spread my folds, his middle finger happily rubbing that pleasurable button.
The robe that barely stayed on my shoulders finally began to tumble, bunching at my elbows as I tried to muffle my cries. It felt good, so overwhelming and Zuko groaned into my ear.
I was unintentionally rubbing against his bulge nestled perfectly behind my ass.
"Fuck, at this rate, they're not gonna make it for the best part," Zuko snickered as he stared at the audience that daringly got closer. Bucking into the fabric of their clothes, just how Zuko rutted me from behind. Groaning as I pushed myself further into his embrace, wanting to feel the heat from his body, how his cock twitched.
No longer bothering to hide their stares, they saw my toes curl, my hands falling over Zuko's thighs as my pitch grew. My nails dug into the fabric of his silk robes as I struggled to contain my moans. A wave of embarrassment at the eyes that watched, but it was intoxicating.
So dirty, yet I couldn’t stop making a mess-
"They're so fucking thirsty, love. They look like you, drooling. Wishing to know how you taste. Should I let them?"
I shook my head, gasping as his rubbing never stopped but rather got more intense. My hips were jerking into his hand, "N-no."
"Mmm, and why not, love?"
"Cause I only want you," I whined, and Zuko chuckled into my ear, placing possessive kisses over my neck. Humming in utter bliss, his kisses turning into bites. The sting after his teeth left marks over my skin, arching further as his touch began to speed up.
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My arms reached before me, hands gripping whatever I could.
Skin dewy, sweat beading down my forehead as another moan left my lips. Zuko's hands along my hips were deathly tight, forcing my hips upwards while he grunted.
One sharp thrust, his balls slapping against my cunt, that sent a wave of pleasure up my spine. All I could do was gasp his name out because it felt so damn good.
With every roll, it felt like Zuko went deeper, my walls squeezing him painfully because every drag of his cock was causing me to shudder. A new orgasm was building before I could even process the last.
The sounds of our breathing grew, and the intensity only increased as my eyes darted upwards, another wave of guilty pleasure washing over me because everyone was watching so intensely.
The looks of pained struggle on the guards’ faces, giving up entirely of not trying to watch. Their mouths hanging, eyes glued at how I gasped and cried out. My hair was a chaotic mess as Zuko tugged, beckoning me closer, loving how my back arched into him.
“Fuck, you love this, don’t you, love?” Zuko hissed as he felt me clench around him.
I whined, wanting to hide my face in shame because it was so painfully true. Everyone heard my times with Zuko, my screams, my begs. But for them to see, witness first-hand what they were always curious about.
Tears bubbled because I could feel myself tensing around Zuko’s cock, my breath caught in my throat.
“Again?” Zuko teased before his hand began to snake down my hips over my stomach. My eyes widened, already knowing what his plan was, and I shook my head desperately.
“D-don’t, Zuko. I-I’ll-”
Skimming down my stomach, already finding what he was seeking. The pads of his fingers happily parting my folds to let his fingers rest on my clit. His thrusts were growing, using my body to pump himself, hitting that spongey part inside of me that had me seeing stars.
My vision was getting spotty, trying to speak words, but I was merely blubbering nonsense. Zuko was cooing into my ear, encouraging, excited to see me break- “Cum for me.”
I could feel myself gush around him like a dam breaking, his thrusts never stopping, his fingers continued to rub furiously. It was a loud scream as I could feel my juices drip down my legs, painting his with my cum, and Zuko could only groan from behind as I squeezed him.
“Fuck, baby-”
“I-I can’t stop.” I cried, my body convulsing, another wave hitting me, “Maybe this will be a nighty thing, fucking you in front of a crowd. Having you cockwarm while we’re in meetings.”
And my cheeks continued to burn because the thought didn’t seem frightening but a blessing at this point.
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Copyright © 2021 Mystic-Kitten-Writer, inc. all rights reserved. No reposting, modifying, or translations of any kind are allowed. Thank you for your cooperation.
Disclaimer: I do not own any Avatar characters besides any original characters I have created.
Cross-posted on Ao3/Tumblr/Quotev/Wattpad to discourage plagiarism.
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bottomvalerius · 2 years
wow so I got a whole fill done in one sitting, that’s the power of love and uncomplicated group sex y’all LMAO
So far writing progress for just OC x Canon stuff is:
Day One: 80% done, courtegy + monster fucking and peak brat Donna
Day two: mmm more like 60% done and another group scene which is just Donna vs Nadia, Valerius, Asra, Portia, and Sam and also a slight audience lmao
Day 3: completed and needs revision; Lucio x Sam x Piss
Day 4: also more like 60% done; peepaw gets collared and bullied by two people who are a foot shorter than him
Day 5: 70% done; Nadia and Tasya team up to obliterate a twink (aka Valerius)—obligatory foot fic
Day 6: completed and needs another revision; surprise sentimental ValDonna + tentadick riding
Day 7: not started but will be a call back to Day 2, only much more tender and sweet
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