#Kafmon or Aaka
racecarcat · 3 months
I was yapping about Aamon to my singular moot (shoutout to Wisps for letting me yap abt my ocs) and they brought up the best point ever of: Kafka/Aamon and now I can’t stop thinking about it. So here’s me yapping abt them for like a solid minute.
SO for context (for those of u who want oc lore): Aamon is a masked fool who is everything everywhere all at once she’s extremely eccentric and likes being really flashy and outgoing but is also very secretive about who she actually is as a person and hides it through very elaborate games and tricks so people just either try to avoid her overall or get close to her to no avail—that being said her best friend is a 9-5 IPC worker who can’t be bothered to do anything but go and help Aamon go to various planets and give them the best and worst times of their lives via very elaborate events.
Point being? Aamon, as much she hates being known for who she is, LOVES knowing about other people. Knowing about people and what they like to do just to hold the information over their head as if it were a bad thing for her to know. So, people stay far away from her. People can’t really match her energy.
Now, circling back around to Kafka and namely the Stellaron Hunters, they’re generally described as dangerous—however their motivations and general interests towards Stellaron is currently unknown. I wouldn’t be surprised that them and Aamon have met at LEAST once and it caused her to almost be a bit obsessive in figuring out who they are and what they are. Aamon finds joy in the unexpected and unknown, in which Stellaron Hunters are just that for her. Especially a woman like Kafka who we generally know nothing about.
Kafka (besides that fact I think every person attracted to woman likes her) is everything Aamon adores. Shes elusive, enigmatic, and entirely someone Aamon wants to unravel and figure out. Kafka is anything but mundane and Aamon would totally adore that ^^. Not to mention I think Kafka would entertain her interest by at least a little because Aamon would be equivalent a puppy as in she would follow her around and ask her out and ask her all these questions Kafka may or may not answer to keep the mystery alive and thus Aamon’s attraction alive.
I feel like since the whole script ideal in the Stellaron Hunters is very much so a prediction of the future if Kafka told Aamon everything that would happen in the future Aamon would go crazy trying to figure out who she is and why she knows that. She’d also let Kafka use spirit whisper on her despite Aamon’s hate for a lack of control bc she’s really gay but that’s besides the point.
Aamon would probably send photos of the various planets she’s been on just reining havoc and with a stupid caption like “Miss u <33” and Kafka would probably think it’s the cheesiest thing ever.
Wisps… wisps I’m having Kafka/Aamon brain rot pls help.
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