#mlp Sea Mist
briarcreek · 4 months
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💚Sea Mist💚
The floatiest pony in the sea
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charmsponies · 1 year
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(Apologies I went a few days without a poll ^^ )
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normaleeinsane · 1 year
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Here's some art of another HQG1C pony, Ocean Mist. ^v^
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mizufae · 1 month
I bought myself some smell samples for my birthday and they arrived today! So far, though, I’ve tried two and they haven’t really lived up to the descriptions. The first one smelled kind of like if a pine air freshener were in a room next to you in a house with all the windows open. Not bad but no discernible “sea mist” or anything. And this second one (o, unknown) which I am testing before bed, is supposed to smell of orris and lapsang souchong and moss and things, smells most vividly to me like the butt of one of those scented my little ponies. Like, I was obsessed with those things so it’s not a bad smell, but don’t promise me mysterious Asian forest and deliver me toy pony. Then again I know enough about g1 mlp obsessive people that “mid 80s vinyl pony that once was scented” has to be someone’s holy grail.
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jupiterzparadise · 4 months
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Also since May is over here's the one thing I did for Mermay lmao
I grew up with I think g3 mlp(?) alongside g4 mlp I'm not entirely sure, but the seahorse sea ponies have been engraved in my brain. They're all so silly and had to do my own little take on them!
The 3 g3 sea ponies are specifically Wave Jumper, White Cap, and Sea Mist. (Tbh their og designs kind of scare me but at the same time they're so silly)
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heckyeahponyscans · 2 years
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G1 1985 My Little Pony Annual, “The Ponies’ May Fair”
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🐚 Aurora Mist stimboard! 🐚
⛱ 🌊 ⛱ | 🌊 ⛱ 🌊 | ⛱ 🌊 ⛱
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goatpaste · 4 years
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Sea Mist was a trusted royal Seamstress for the Sea Pony Kingdom, working under the ruling of the King Seapony, Neptune.
Sea Mist made all his cloths and was very skilled in her craft.
When Neptune fell ill she took on the task of seeking out magic kelp from deep below their kingdom in the dark. Managing to get the plant she sew a beautiful robe crafted with her love and gifted to the King and healed him.
The robe is still a treasured item to the kingdom.
[Commission Prices] [Patreon] [Etsy]
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mlp-toy-archive · 2 years
Gen 1 Sea Ponies II
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Whitecap & Sea Mist
1984, Seaponies, Year 4
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space-snake · 3 years
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201?(can’t remember exact year)
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The second one doesn’t have a background but other than that is there noticeable improvement? Idk, I’ll have to recreate the coral rose picture to get a better idea of my progress
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idnassandi · 7 years
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Got this beauty in the mail today. 😍
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ask-de-writer · 4 years
DARING DO and THE GRYPHON’S QUEST! : MLP Fan Fiction : Part 3 of 19
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De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
Carmen Pondiego
Cover art by Aranel the Cyborg, now  Wind the Mama Cat
29584 words
© 2020 by Glen Ten-Eyck
Writing begun 03/29/16
All rights reserved.  This document may not be copied or distributed on or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the express written consent of the author.
This is a Fan Fiction based on My Little Pony.  Canterlot, Princess Luna and the name Daring Do are owned by Hasboro Inc.
Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users
Users of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may reblog the story.  They may use the characters or original characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions, provided that such things are done without charge.  I will allow those who do commission art works to charge for their images.  
All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fictions is actively encouraged.
Chapter 3. The Library within the Library
Daring Do led her two charges out of the dining hall, across the Royal University grounds and on, out into the cosmopolitan city of Canterlot.
Walking close to the Castle, they came to the impressive Royal Library building.  At the top of the stairs, awaited the huge, allegorically carved doors, showing the sun and the moon rising together over the field of knowledge.  They swung open in response to an ancient spell.
Entering, the Gryphons craned their heads about, trying to take in everything, their crests showing their amazement.  Grata asked reverently, “I thought that you said that the Great Library would require our Imperial Identifications.  The doors simply opened.  This Library is amazing.  There is no such place in the whole of the Empire.”
With a bit of a smile, Daring Do replied in a hushed voice, “This is the Royal Library.  There is a rumor that the caravan of old Marchhare, the Rom’s Ghost Who Guides, may hold a bigger library, but nopony has ever proved it.
“The Great Library may be entered from this one, if it is allowed.”  She gestured to the end of a long aisle.  “Down here is the Research Desk and the Closed Stacks. That is where you will need your Imperial ID.”
Approaching the impressive curved Research Desk, Daring Do took out her ID.  Following her lead, Rahak and Grata took out theirs as well.  The pony at the desk took one look at the Royal Seals of Celestia and Luna and at the Seals of the Empress.  
She simply nodded politely and requested, “Please wait here.  I will get the Research Supervisor.”  She turned and disappeared into the rows of bookshelves behind her.  Soon she returned with a pale yellow unicorn who had a gray mane and tail.
As soon as the Supervisor saw Daring Do, she smiled and asked, “May I inquire your reason to visit the Great Library, Antiquarian Do?”
Daring Do  gestured to her “students” and replied, “Rahak and Grata have been sent by the Empress in person to research the actual origins of the Gryphon race.  Since Glugemdown’s account of a sighting in the Far North had to be in the early 180’s PNW, we are seeking earlier material that is reliable or at least may point to avenues of physical research.”
Daring Do handed over her ID and the two Gryphons did as well.  The Research Supervisor made some adjustments and inserted the Ids into the Spell Reader.  There was a soft chime.
She smiled as she handed back the Ids.  Daring Do asked, “May we have the assistance of Apprentice Librarian Blendin, please?  He and I have worked together in the past and he is excellent at finding materials.”
The Research Supervisor simply nodded and spoke to a private line magic net mirror. “Apprentice Librarian Blendin to the Canterlot main doors, please.” Shortly there was a soft chime.
Several of the closed stacks simply faded from view.  In their place appeared to be stout iron bound oaken doors.  That was deceptive.  The appearance was a glamor spell concealing two four tonne military armor grade steel doors sealed against being forced open from outside OR inside.
Daring Do smiled at them, remembering a time or two that her visits had needed that protection … from what was in the Great Library!  It was not a place for the faint of heart!
She led Grata and Rahak toward the doors. Instead of opening in the usual way, they faded to the appearance of a gossamer mist.  They all three passed through.  As they entered the Great Library, the doors went solid behind them. Daring Do smiled at Blendin, her half brother and a truly talented Librarian.  “Hi, Blendin!  We need to find out all that we can of the true origins of the Gryphon race.”
Blendin’s green furred face twisted comically.  “Their legends are easy.  Facts?  Not so easy.”  He paused, thinking deeply. “Perhaps there is something lurking in those legends though.”
He turned to what appeared to be a physical card catalog and pulled out drawers.  He laid out the drawers in order on a table.  As he isolated particular cards, the Gryphons began to grasp just how unusual that card file was.  As Blendin chose a card, the materials connected to that card appeared on the study table.
Looking up at the small mountain of books and scrolls, Blendin paused and took the end of the table in hoof.  He pulled it out several meters.  It grew more legs as it stretched out.
Blendin began laying out the assorted things.  “I would give more credence for accurate descriptions to these,” he said, indicating a sub stack.  “They are the oldest.  It is interesting to note that, though the authors were absolutely Gryphons, they wrote in the Equestrian of the last days of Fortress Canterlot.  Modern written Gryphon is easily traced back to that script.”
He sorted out a stack of perhaps fifty items.
Daring Do picked up one, stared at the title, and asked, “What did the catalog show you Blendin?”
“Dates.  The very oldest manuscript there has no date but the author died in 54 PNW.  Knowing that this is a huge can of worms, I am going let you sort out what happened.”
Innocently, Daring Do said, “We said nothing about it being a can of worms.  What makes you so sure that it is?”
Blendin pulled a comic face and retorted, “Two Gryphons with Imperial commissions to dig into the origins of their race.  You being willing to bring them HERE.  The First Race Gryphon’s Manifest Destiny Party that is growing in the Empire.  Isn’t it OBVIOUS?”
Rahak said quietly, “I hope not.  If the MDP found us out, they would stop at nothing to silence our findings unless we truly find that ours is the Oldest of Races.”
Blendin took a few moments to show Grata and Rahak how to best organize their notes for comparing descriptions from multiple sources.  Daring Do and the others began to work through the pile of manuscripts of all sorts, taking copious notes.
Blendin busied himself with another task.  At the other end of the long table a different pile of far more modern books grew.
Taking a break to stretch her wings and neck, Grata took a quick look at Blendin’s new pile of books.  She read a title.  “Mutagenic Effects of Randomly Combined Spell Fragments From the Great South Bay Mage Weapon Blast.” Eyes gone wide, she picked another.  “Mage Weapon Use In the Final Battle of the Nightmare Wars.”
Hearing the titles, Rahak picked another.  “Weaponized Weather in the Nightmare Wars.  Subtitled, Tactical and Strategic Studies.”
Grata had picked up one more.  “The Use of Non Equine Magic on the Nightmare War Battlefields.”
Rahak found, “Baratted the Goat, a Biography of the Inventor of Non Equine Magic.”
Grata, crest going flat in sadness, discovered, “An Encyclopedia of All Intelligent Species of the World and Their Languages,” she read.  “It is by De Writer and dated the fiftieth year of Fortress Canterlot.”  
Daring Do pointed out, “This predates all of the others.  Equestria did not yet exist.  De Writer’s invention of the basic art of writing was still only a few hundred years in the past.  Literacy was still fairly rare when this was written.”
Rahak, taking the book, leafed through it carefully.  His crest showing both interest and puzzlement.  “There is no mention of Gryphons at all.  He knows of the Zebras and X'ibian dromedaries.  He covers merponies, both fresh and salt sea kinds.  He even has a part on DEER.”
Grata nodded.  “That fits all of the rest of what we are finding.  The MDP will blow their collective gaskets if we can prove what these things are showing us.” Rahak agreed, “I hope that the proof can be solid enough to be undeniable.”  He sat and sort of drooped all over.  “I fear that what we may find will not prevent a war at all.  We may actually start one.”  He sighed, “Proof will not sway religious fanatics.  They ALREADY KNOW THE TRUTH.”
Blendin spoke briefly and quietly into a private magic net mirror before saying anything to them.  “You are taking this better than I feared.  I have told the guards to stand down.
“You have been granted permission to have copies of any or all of these documents sent to any place of your choosing.”
Grata thought for a moment and asked, “Can we have a map of the weather in use when the Mage Weapons were fired at the end of the Nightmare Wars? It could help us to set up our physical expedition.  The Library is good but we will need to find solid physical evidence and proofs.”
Blendin nodded.  “Good thought.”  He rummaged in his card drawer, selecting one.  The requested map joined the rest of the documents on the table.
Rahak suggested, “We will take it all.  Put it in our dorm room at the Royal University.”
Blendin put his card drawers away in the card catalog and spoke briefly into his mirror again.  All of the assorted books and other documents vanished from the table.  Blendin pushed it back to its original shorter, four leg version.
Blendin stretched and observed, “I am hungry.  As so often happens here, time got away from us.  I know a place where there are great enchiladas.  They will even fix ones with fish and shrimp for you Gryphons.
“So, dinner?  It won’t cost you a bit.”
Daring Do brightened immensely and stated, “Free dinner?  Enchiladas?  I’m in!”
Rahak and Grata’s crests shot up!  “Fish and shrimp?  Count us in!”
Blendin nodded happily.  He called in on his magic net mirror, “Apprentice Librarian Blendin leaving with Daring Do party.  Give us Exit V.”
The heavy armor steel doors faded away and Blendin led them out into bright tropical sunlight.
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My current want list!
*NEWLY EXPANDED WANT LIST!!* And here's some of my wants if you want to trade with me   G1s: Baby Leaper SS Crumpet Tropical Breeze Baby Applejack Ice Crystal Flower Bouquet Baby Racer Starflower Sea Mist Water Lily Tropical Breeze Baby Crumpet Baby Graffitti Baby Sandcastle Baby Shovels Princess Misty Red Roses Starry Wings Pearlized Baby Ponies (all) Twice as Fancy Baby Ponies (all) G1 Coloring books, G1 books, etc. Pony wear: ALL Big brother accessories except Chief's, 4-speed's, Tex's hat, Barnacle's hat and Salty's, and Slugger's hat G1 Playset Accessories: Satin Slipper Sweet Shoppe hat Schoolhouse yellow pencil, spectacles G2: Golden Glow Lady Rainbow Queen Sunsparkle Prince Fauna G3: Candy Cane Misty Blue Baby Ocean Dreamer Finger Paints Sunrise Anchors Away Crystal Rainbow Castle Wand G3 coloring books, merch, etc.- show me what you have! G3 accessories- show me what you have! (especially looking for some Build-a-pony accessories from WDW) G3 "magic" tea set G3 plush: Medium sized yarn haired Cotton Candy So Soft Misty Mornings Books: Glitter Castle Easter Surprise coloring book G4: Coloring books, stickers, etc. Guardians of Harmony Giant Spike
TAF Trixie G4.5 NEW!NON-MLP WANTS: STICKERS of all sorts! Calico Critters/Sylvanian Families Critters, playsets, and accessories Alpacasso and other Amuse plush Cute Japanese Plush G1 basic Strawberry Shortcake Dolls and pets, and clothes/accessories! Smaller, (Barbie-sized) play food (kitchen littles, barbie brand, etc. etc.) and other cute accessories! Disneyland/Lion King/Lion Guard Merch 80's poseable care bear figures Magic Nursery Pets Coloring books and art supplies of all kinds Pusheen Merch and plush LPS toys/playsets
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sakurabunnie · 6 years
Magnbjorn (Maxfield) Sea-Heart
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I was tagged by @not-so-harmonious! Thanks so much! (๑・ω-)~♥
Rules: bold all of the themes that apply to your muse’s aesthetic or mood as a character.  
Bloodied knuckles | Tear stained cheeks | Rust | A busted lip | Claws | Fangs | A bloody nose | Chattering teeth | A dark space underneath the bed | Scratching noises on a wall | Creaking metal | Fog | Dancing under moonlight| Blood dripping lips | Heavy breathing in the dark | A feeling of unexplained dread | A figure in a dark corner |  Dirty peeling wallpaper | Deep dark waters | A bloody handprint on the wall | Sobbing in the dark | Bite marks on the skin | Eerie whispers | A hood covering a stranger’s eyes | The growl of a hidden animal | The sound of a blade being sharpened | A deep, dark forest | Walking on the streets alone at night | A cobweb-filled, abandoned building | Eyes darting in paranoia | A heavy beating pulse | The feeling of being trapped | Struggling to get out | a scream | Boards covering broken windows | A quiet graveyard | A gas station in the middle of nowhere | A road that never ends| Heavy fog rolling in | The scent of blood in the air | Eerie old photographs | Walking along traintracks at night | A chill going up the spine | Gathering crows | A dusty, dimly lit study | Mist over a deserted cobblestone street | Ghost towns | Shadows around a campfire | The sound of chanting | Church bells tolling | An orange harvest moon | A broken down carnival | A dirty stuffed animal abandoned | Wiping bloody hands on fabric | Nightmares | Waking up in a panic | A power outage | Heavy lightning storms | A secret trap door | The feeling of being watched | Fear from trauma | A Ouija board set out on a table | An eerie doll | A scream of anguish and pain | Withered plants | A room that’s been forgotten and gathered dust | Owl eyes in the dark | Curled, dead tree branches | A ritual altar | Flickering candles | A lantern held up in the dark | Fear of being followed | Creaking floorboards | Repressed, horrible memories | Clenched teeth | Soft, echoing piano keys | An old book covered in dust | Many pairs of glaring eyes | Stumbling in pitch black darkness | Being stranded in the middle of nowhere | Tarot cards on a table | A trail of blood
I tag: @pelle-lavellan , @cherrypikkins,  @elvenbeard, @thedosian-cabbage, @mlp-micoo, and whoever else wants to! ✧٩(ˊωˋ*)و✧
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iwritehorsethings · 5 years
Applecore - MLP One Shot
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Cross-post from FimFiction. If you enjoy, please consider following and giving a thumbs up!
Summary: Applejack thinks about the void she fills within her family.
Rating: Everyone
Genre: Drama, General
Written before “The Perfect Pear”.
Art by Kallarmo.
Beneath a lone apple tree on a tall hill, Applejack was finding herself concerned with the inevitable advance of time, a dimension she had always received without falter, but that particular summer evening had her preoccupied by the steady march of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years...
Her brow furrowed over her green gaze as the setting sun painted long shadows over the land that four generations of her family had toiled with love and sweat. She could feel her pride, strong and healthy like a big barreled tree in her chest. Sweet Apple Acres was their home. It had been since Granny Smith and her kin had come to this valley and helped establish Ponyville.
So then where were Applejack's parents?
It was a question that the farm mare typically avoided wrestling with. Fretting over the endless wanderlust of her parents, Honeycrisp and Jonagold, wouldn't keep her family fed or the farm running. Granny Smith was too old for most of the chores, and Big Macintosh didn't understand more than half of the unique challenges a young filly like Applebloom struggled with. It was up to Applejack to lead her family in these regards. There was nopony else.
The responsibility didn't scare her. It settled over Applejack's strong withers like a familiar blanket, warm and soft, despite its weight. However, trickling down her heart as thick and as viscous as sap was a sense of loss. These seconds, minutes, and hours were irretrievable once they slipped through the sieve of existence into the hungry sea of yesterday. That was time her parents could never recover. All those moments, all those memories, all those experiences...gone. They had missed so many of Applejack's accomplishments, both in running their farm and in her service to the Equestrian kingdom with her friends. They had missed Applebloom singing on stage with her friends and Coloratura. At this rate, they stood to miss the day when Big Mac married, and worse yet, Granny Smith's final days.
The last Applejack had spoken to her parents face to face had been when she was a teenager, barely out of school. Applebloom was still a foal too young to begin her education proper. It was an early foggy morning, and the whippoorwills were still chirping sleepily in the orchards. Honeycrisp's bright red coat was hidden under an emerald cloak as she carried a basket of sundries to their covered wagon. Her muzzle, which was lightly frosted in a soft lime shade, was split wide in a grin when she told Applejack with a wink of her green eye, "We're off to unlock all the secrets of apples." When her daughter helped her load the basket onto the carriage, she added sagely, "After all, there's more to farmin' than sticking seeds into the ground!"
"Darn tootin'," Jonagold pitched in with an energetic whinny as he cantered over to his wife and daughter, the brim of his stetson hat tilted up high. Behind him trailed Granny Smith, and Big Macintosh, the latter carrying a young Applebloom. "There ain't no nobler a pursuit than the refinement of one's profession. Right, AJ?"
Applejack smiled, her chest puffing at her father's attention. "Yes, Pa! Nothin' nobler."
Jonagold laughed and ruffled her mane. "That's my girl!' He turned to the rest of the family. "Mama, ah know you'd rather we stick closer to the homestead and quit our roamin', but trust that your one and only son is carryin' on those supernal values you so determinedly hammered into his thick skull. Hoof shakin' and continuous discourse with prospective customers in this competitive mart o' commerce is the best way to ensure the longevity of our clan, so--"
"Jona, will you stop your highfalutin ramblin' and jes' get on that there wagon before I whop you a good'un?" Granny Smith snapped. "Heavens, you talk as if we ain't out here freezin' our flanks in this chill!"
Jonagold threw his blonde head back for a hearty laugh. "Oh! Mama, I do so love you. I'll count the days till you can whop me again," he chortled as he gave her a hug. He turned next to Big Mac, his head raising high with a smirk. "And you, son. Protect the mares. Don't shy from the hard jobs--you know these gals are strong, but you're the strongest. Got that?"
Big Mac mirrored the smirk on his father's soft orange face. "Eyup!" he said.
The older stallion patted a hoof on his son's shoulder. "Atta boy." Next he moved to kiss Applebloom on the head. "See ya soon, little filly. Pa loves you. Don't grow up too fast, y'hear?"
He turned around and regarded Applejack, his blue eyes meeting her green. Behind him, Honeycrisp said goodbye to her mother-in-law and other children. With a gentle smile, the stallion took off his stetson hat, and placed it upon his daughter's head. "And you, sugarcube. I trust you to help your brother keep the trees healthy and the bits flowin'. Ain't nobody got a greener touch than you, Applejack."
She beamed. "I promise to take care of the farm and the family, Pa. It's all in good hooves!"
He kissed her brow and stepped back to allow Honeycrisp to hug her daughter. "I know it is."
She couldn't have known how long she would be held to that promise. For all Applejack knew, it could extend into infinity the way her parents seemed to find more reasons to stay on the road, traveling ever further in their pursuit of new business and farming knowledge. So much time had gone by. The last letter she had received had been a year ago. In just that amount of time, Applebloom had earned her cutie mark. What other things would her parents miss out on? What if Granny Smith passed on? What if Big Mac had foals of his own? Applejack had no way of reaching her parents to send the news. No way of finding them, either.
The question of whether they truly loved their family above all else was an unwelcome thought, but AJ found herself unable to resist it as she glared at the setting sun, its dying light making her green eyes smolder.
"Applejack?" Granny Smith's voice called out to the mare from further down the hill.
Applejack turned, her eyes fluttering as she took in her granny making the arduous trip to join her granddaughter under the apple tree. The farm mare jumped to her hooves and trotted to her elder, her brow creasing with concern. "Granny, what do you think you're doing trottin' all the way out here with them creaky hips o' yours? I thought you were helping Applebloom with supper!"
"I was," Granny shot back with an affronted glare as she shook of AJ's attempt at walking her up the slope. "But then I saw you sittin' up here all on your lonesome and figgered somethin' must be wrong! Now I know I figgered right."
Applejack's ears pinned flat against her head. "Ah'm fine, Granny."
A graceless snort. "The hay you are."
Now the younger mare glowered. "Ah just wanted to think on my own for a while. Tain't nothing to raise the alarm about!"
Granny sighed, the lines of her aged eyes softening as she sat on the grass. "I saw the look on yer face when the mail was brought in. Today makes it a year, don't it?"
Applejack looked away without saying anything.
Granny Smith placed a hoof on her granddaughter's back. "Applejack, if there's one thing I learnt about your father early on, it was that he was a rollin' stone. It's how he met yer mother. It's how our family's apples have become a staple of Equestria."
"So that makes it okay that he and Ma miss so much?" Applejack retorted heatedly. "I'm grateful for the work they do, but is it really necessary for my parents to leave us behind for so long? I thought Apples were s'posed to plant roots, not blow in the wind!"
The elderly mare's lips puckered. "Ah wonder," she said slowly. "What really has ya so riled up, granddaughter. You mad a'cuz you feel your folks haven't been here, or a'cuz you're afraid you ain't enough to fill their horseshoes?"
Applejack scowled. "You know I don't shy from work, and I'd do anythin' for our family!"
"I know that. But yer just one mare, Applejack. Big Macintosh is gettin' to that age where he's gonna be settlin' down soon. He'd still be here to help on the farm, but that leaves ya to raise Applebloom on your own once I pass on. We both know that's a'gonna be soon."
Her granddaughter winced. "Aw, Granny, don't talk about that..."
"Hush. You know it's true." Granny rubbed AJ's back, a warm smile spreading across her muzzle. "But you oughta know somethin'. In the years since your Pa left, I have seen you learn and grow so much with your friends that ah'm sure the day he finally gets his hide back here, he'll be so gobsmacked you'll have to poke him with a pitchfork!" Despite herself, Applejack chuckled at the image. Granny Smith's eyes brightened and she squeezed the younger mare in a tight one-legged hug. "You done a wonderful job with Applebloom so far. She's gonna grow up to be a fine mare, you'll see. And this farm? Shoot, it runs smoother than a greased pig over ice! Don't doubt yerself, Applejack. Yer more than enough for this family. Why, yer the core o' the apple!"
Applejack's eyes misted. She smiled with a stiffened lip and hugged Granny Smith around the barrel. "Thanks, Granny. Ah love ya more than ah can put into words!"
"Thank goodness!" Granny chuckled over her shoulder. "If there's one thing ah count my lucky stars for ever'day, it's that ya didn't pick up your Pa's gift o' gab!"
The farm mare pulled back and winked. "Now I wouldn't go alleging my apparent lack of verbosity, Granny Smith! After all, how you think ah manage to sell our precious product in that competitive mart of commerce so well?"
Granny Smith pulled Applejack's stetson hat over her eyes. "Hush, you! I can still whop ya good, just like your Pa!" She gingerly stood to all hooves. "Now we better git back to the house a'fore your sister burns it down..."
Smiling happily, Applejack walked back home with her granny, her mind no longer preoccupied with the inevitable advance of time. Not its seconds, hours, or its years...
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