#mlb 1 iq
danieljreboot · 9 months
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It's not too much of a surprise that Holliday received the most votes here -- he is the game’s No. 1 prospect. The fact that he ran away with the voting speaks to the astounding first full year of pro ball he had. His .323/.442/.499 line across four levels is impressive enough. He also was just one of eight players with more than 100 walks for the year, finishing with a 17.4 percent walk rate (vs. just a 20.3 percent K rate). He’s living up to every bit of his 70-grade hit tool.
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shadydirt · 4 years
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It’s 6AM Qrow is not in the mood James
Also Origins pt1:
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And pt2:
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maxdark158 · 5 years
Chapter 4!! WOOT! Check out the OG creator, @ozmav as the first day in her Damian Wayne fic is still canon in mine so far
tw for panic attacks
Characters are probably OOC because MLB is a kids show
Ps: I AM doing a partner fic to this from Damian’s POV and I AM doing a sequel to both of these, stay tuned
Angel in Gotham: Part 1 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 3 ~ Part 4 ~ Part 5 ~ Part 6 ~ Ao3
Demon in Gotham: Part 1 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 3 ~ Part 4 ~ Ao3
Fanart for AiG: Riddler ~ Joker thank you @thegreysman
Please tag me in any fanart you draw for this guys ^^
Her hotel room was bland. There’s a creepy painting of two children in a bucket on the wall. The bed was stiff and the sheets are scratchy.
Marinette wasn’t sure when she got to her hotel room. She couldn’t remember walking in. She didn’t know what time it was or how long she stood outside in the first place. She was a puppet on strings. She didn’t know who was pulling them.
Distantly, she heard someone talking. She knew it had to be Tikki, nobody else was in her hotel room, but she didn’t have the energy to answer or to even fully listen.
Damian Wayne was Robin.
Of all things, she recognized his voice. He almost called her Angel during The Riddler incident too. She didn’t know why it clicked then, perhaps the similar wording?
It was easy to deduce the identities of Gotham’s other heroes after that.
Tim was obviously Red Robin. He complimented her ability to solve The Riddler’s riddles when he rescued her and was questioning her IQ as Tim after that. Jason clearly went easy on her during their spar, because Red Hood had many more skills than he showed then – not that Marinette cared about the spar now. Or anything else really.
Nightwing must be the brother she didn’t officially meet, though she did see him on her first day here at Wayne Enterprises. And Bruce Wayne was Batman. Marinette hadn’t met all the Gotham heroes or all the Waynes, but what she knew matched up.
She ignored the sheets, the bed, the painting, and the room for a moment. “Tikki,” her voice was hoarse – how long had it been since the goodbye? – “How did I figure out Damian was Robin when it took me so long to figure out Adrien was Chat?”
“I’m sorry Marinette,” Tikki’s voice sounded far away, muffled. “The magic of the miraculous must have tampered with your reasoning for Adrien. I assume that since you know it’s him now, there was no use of it anymore. You likely would have known Adrien was Chat from the beginning if it was never there.”
Tikki might have said something else, but she didn’t know. The ringing in her ears was louder than her kwami. The hotel room seemed to fade away, and she was trapped in the hollow darkness.
Marinette was a horrible person and friend.
Dread was ice water coursing through her body. It was freezing, she wasn’t sure if she had any real blood anymore.
It was her fault. It was her fault that she knew Damian was Robin, she has no right to know that he’s Robin when he’s clearly keeping it secret to protect himself and his family. Marinette didn’t deserve to know.
Guilt was the crushing weight chaining her to the ground. It got heavier and heavier. She struggled to stay upright.
Why did she have to be such a screw-up? She and Damian even discussed this, they talked about how friends didn’t have to tell each other everything. Marinette didn’t deserve to be his friend.
Sadness was mint in her mouth and wetness on her cheek. The wetness was real though, surrounding her and drowning her. She struggled in it, her movements sluggish under the pressure.
She betrayed his trust. She found out something he wasn’t comfortable with her knowing. Marinette was worse than Alya.
Her throat felt tight.
Marinette should have never tried to have friends again, not when she always screwed up. Damian didn’t deserve to have someone as awful as her as a friend.
Her lungs ached.
Damian deserved better.
She couldn’t breathe.
She wasn’t breathing.
Distantly, Marinette thought that she didn’t deserve to.
“Marinette, please calm down please,” the voice sounded desperate. “Marinette you’re having a panic attack and you aren’t breathing, please-”
She gasped for air as if she had been drowning. Her breaths were heavy, her body desperate to gain back the oxygen she deprived it of. Marinette tried to calm herself, she needed to stop herself from dissociating, from spiraling.
Deep breath.
She needed to focus.
Deep breath.
The sheets are scratchy. The fabric was clearly cheap, she often saved her allowance to try and afford better supplies when she designed.
Deep breath.
The bed was stiff. Marinette wished it had more pillows like hers at home. She wished it was soft, more relaxing. It was hard sleeping on it, but it was hard sleeping anyway.
Deep breath.
She could see the creepy painting of two children in a bucket on the wall. It was black and white except for the blue color of their shirts. Their eyes were wide in surprise or fear she didn’t know.
Deep breath.
Her hotel room is bland. The off-white color of the walls matched the off-white carpet and the off-white sheets. The furniture was also all white. It was a little bright, but it needed more color. More design to it.
Deep breath.
“Marinette?” Tikki asked.
Deep breath.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled. “I’m sorry I-”
Tikki shook her head. “Are you alright?”
Marinette shook her head. She hadn’t had an attack that bad in years. Not since-
The memories came hurtling back, and she gripped the sheets as if they could save her. She didn’t want to remember don’t make her remember please don’t please-
Deep breath.
She was disassociating again. She needed to find a way to stay present.
“Why don’t you try designing?” Tikki’s voice was far away again, but Marinette clung to it like a lifeline.
She might have nodded. She didn’t remember. She didn’t remember moving. But suddenly she was sitting at the white desk with her travel sewing machine and her sketchbook. She had the fabric she bought here before The Riddler incident. She and Damian dropped it off before going for ice cream.
Deep Breath.
Her sketchbook was open but her brain wouldn’t let her process what was on the page. It was colored though, red and black. She bought red and black fabric for her ladybug inspired jacket, but she had no problem using it now.
She wanted out of her own head. Designing, making clothes, those things grounded her.
Tikki was telling a story in the background, of what Marinette didn’t know. She couldn’t pay attention right now, she wasn’t even fully aware of what she was making.
But it was calming her. She was able to focus on her movements instead of her thoughts, go through the motions of something she loved.
Lila had taken many things from her, but she never did take her joy for designing.
The measurements she was following were on the page. She wasn’t conscious of what they actually were. But she measured, she cut, and she sewed.
She could feel the fabric under her fingers, the coolness of her sewing machine. Her vision was blurred and her cheeks were wet.
Measure, cut, sew.
She needed to make it up to Damian somehow. Should she reveal herself to him – a quid pro quo?
Measure, cut, sew.
No. She didn’t know how many villain fights or what type Robin got in but if he accidentally told anyone she would be in danger. Whether another villain made a deal with Hawkmoth or somehow got akumatized – her identity was secret for a reason.
Measure, cut, sew.
She had to protect her family first and foremost. But Damian… she ruined her friendship with him. She made a huge, unfixable mistake and there’s no way he would ever want to be around her anymore once he knew.
Sew. Sew. Sew. Sew. Sew. Sew.
That’s to say… If he knew…
Sew. Sew. Sew. Sew. Sew.
But Marinette couldn’t do that! That would be even more of a betrayal of trust to keep a secret about him from him, and she personally would like to know if she compromised her identity…
Sew. Sew. Sew. Sew.
If Hawkmoth wasn’t a threat anymore, she would tell him. He clearly knew how to keep a secret, though her figuring it out wasn’t exactly a good moment.
Sew. Sew. Sew.
And she did have that plan for getting rid of Hawkmoth, the one she got from the Gotham City Heroes and Villains Museum. She became inspired by Damian and his family to track the akuma and find Hawkmoth.
Sew. Sew.
Fight him face to face. End the terrorism and suffering once and for all.
Marinette blinked through her tears. It seemed they finally stopped. Her half-baked plans paused, and she looked at what she created.
A hand immediately flew to her mouth to stifle the new wave of sobs rising in her throat. A fresh wave of tears fell, spilling onto the fabric in her other hand.
She made the Robin hoodie.
She made the Robin hoodie that she designed.
It was red, though the bottom hem of it was yellow. The sleeves were black and the torso part of the hoodie was red. The string to the hoodie was also red, but it has thick yellow stripes, like the yellow marks down the middle of Robin’s suit.
The cuffs of the sleeve were green and had little cloth triangles on them. The triangles were smaller than the ones Robin had on his gloves, but the cardboard in them helped them stick out as they did on the hero's costume.
The hood, like the sleeves, was black, but the inside was yellow, much like Robin’s cape. Robin’s label was on the shoulder, black and yellow.
Marinette glanced at the sketchbook page that she was going off of. It sprinkled in wet marks – likely her own tears – but the measurements she remembered writing.
She remembered writing them when she and Damian got lunch before ice cream.
She remembered trying to estimate his measurements without asking for them.
She remembered adding a few centimeters just in case…
She made Damian a Robin hoodie. She made Damian a hoodie of himself.
She glanced back at the hoodie, recognizing the yellow and green fabric. It was from the old sweater that she brought in case she got cold at night… she didn’t even remember getting it out…
Of course she made this of course her subconscious is aware of how awful she is. She’s despicable and doesn’t deserve Damian-
“Marinette?” Tikki’s voice was quiet. Tired.
“I’m okay,” she said, mentally digging her heels into the present moment. She could not dissociate again. She could not spiral again.
Deep breath.
Marinette carefully hung up the hoodie she made in the small hotel room closet. She threw away the sweater and saved whatever scraps of fabric left behind – maybe she could make a hat.
“I’m sorry Tikki,” her voice was wobbly and hoarse. “I’m so sorry I-”
“Marinette,” Tikki flew to her, face full of pity – no, understanding. Sympathy. “It’s not your fault.”
“But-” it was! She found out his identity she ruined their friendship and anything else they could have had and it was all her fault-
“Panicking and anxiety is normal,” Tikki told her. “You don’t have to apologize for your emotions.”
Marinette nodded. What Tikki said made sense. She needed to compartmentalize her emotions for the moment and get herself together.
She couldn’t make this up to Damian, and she didn’t deserve to. It’s her fault and he shouldn’t be around someone as awful as her.
It would hurt her more than him, but she needs to save him. She’s too much like her classmates, like Alya and Lila, to continue as his friend. She didn’t want to hurt him.
The room was stifling. She wanted out. She couldn’t leave the hotel though, that would be too dangerous – and she might run into Dami- Robin.
“I’m going to go downstairs,” Marinette mumbled to Tikki. “See if I can get anything out of the vending machines. You stay here, I don’t want to accidentally talk to you around others.”
Tikki nodded, clearly not happy about it but understanding. “You wouldn’t want to wake anyone up.”
“What?” Marinette turned to the clock on the desk and-
Four A.M. She lost eleven hours to an attack.
Deep Breath.
Marinette squared her shoulders. She would go downstairs to get a snack, come back up and try to fall asleep. With any luck, she would miss the class’s trip to GothCorp tomorrow if she turned off her alarm…
She moved like a zombie in the halls. Her room key was in her Tikki-less purse with some stale cookies. She had her slippers on. She hadn’t changed completely into her pajamas, as she still wore her white crop top, but her pajama bottoms were on instead of the overalls. She didn’t have her phone.
Marinette arrived at the lobby and walked to the vending machine area. In her hand was a few US dollars with the green and the old men’s faces. She figured she could maybe afford one of the candy bars here. Damian mentioned liking things with dark chocolate – despite not liking the, “too sweet,” chocolate ice cream at the parlor. He was going to get the salted caramel until-
She paused, mentally reining herself in. If she thinks about Damian, she’ll spiral again. She needs to get the candy bar and head back to her room.
That’s it.
Marinette began to walk again. The lights were on behind the desk, and the vending machines had light. Other than that, the rest of the lights were off. She didn’t really mind though, simply going over to the machines.
Her ears picked up on someone moving around in the dark, near the couches in the lobby. She turned, immediately getting into a fighting stance when-
“Have you been crying?” A sickly-sweet voice said, and Marinette knew immediately who it was. The girl walked toward her, stopping a few feet from Marinette so she was visible in the light. She turned away from Lila and back to the vending machine, ignoring the footsteps behind her.
When Marinette didn’t answer Lila took it as a sign to continue.
“You know, when you passed here earlier you seemed really out of it,” Marinette straightened out her dollar bill.
“I was waiting down here to comfort you, thinking you would return, but I fell asleep on the couch.” She didn’t know how much of that was true. She put the bill into the vending machine.
“I just wanted to see if you were-”
“You can stop lying,” Marinette’s voice was still wobbly from crying, but she didn’t care. “I haven’t bought any of your crap yet, no need to continue selling it to me.”
There was a moment of silence. More footsteps, but they sounded further away.
“Fine then, Dupain-Cheng,” Lila growled. “I wanted to warn you.” Marinette tried and failed to refrain from rolling her eyes as Lila talked.
“You think that when you leave this school, when you graduate early, I’ll be gone?” What button should she press?
“Your useless sheep classmates will always be wrapped around my fingers, coming to my every beck and call.” The label next to the dark chocolate Hershey’s bar said B2. She pressed B then 2.
She heard more footsteps. They sounded closer. Lila was probably trying to intimidate her.
“You’ve even lost Adrien,” Lila sounded haughty about that, but the words relieved Marinette. “You are nothing, Dupain-Cheng.” The Hershey’s bar fell to the bottom of the vending machine.
“Are you done?” she asked, leaning down to get her prize. “I couldn’t care less about any of what you just said. Might as well talk about Physics if you want me to pay attention more.”
She looked over to Lila-
Lila stood in the same spot as she was before, looking flabbergasted that Marinette didn’t care about her power trip tirade.
She hadn’t moved.
More footsteps, even closer than before. Not as close as Lila was.
Marinette grabbed her chocolate bar and stood up slowly. If someone else was here…
“What do you mean you couldn’t care less?” Lila suddenly shrieked.
“Lila, calm down,” Marinette saw shoes appear at the very edge of where the light from the vending machines reached. Shoes and the hems of purple pants.
“You think that if you just brush me off, pretend you don’t care, that I’ll go away,” Lila hissed. “I am your worst nightmare, Dupain-Cheng. You will never escape me!”
“No! You will listen to me!”
She heard movement. They were moving. Without thinking she reached over and grabbed Lila’s arm and yanked her behind where Marinette stood.
A spray of liquid erupted from the shadow, hitting where Lila was once standing.
“Why so serious, little girl?” there was a giggle, and Marinette suddenly deeply regretted leaving her phone upstairs.
“Call the police,” she mumbled. She heard Lila desperately searching through her pockets.
If this is who she thinks it is… Ice water ran through her body instead of blood, but the buildup of dread kept her shivers at bay.
“Looking for this?” A gloved hand displayed Lila’s phone in its orange case.
Marinette held Lila back just in case. “Please!” the lair called desperately. “S-several people have me as their emergency contact, Clara Nightingale, Damian Wayne, Jag-”
The hand threw the phone to the ground and the shoe stomped on it.
“I wish your little friend didn’t pull you out of the way,” the voice dawdled. “It would have been fun to see you with a smile on your face.”
The feet stepped forward.
Purple pants.
Purple suit.
Green undershirt.
Purple tie.
White plastic flower.
White face.
Green hair.
Crazed eyes.
The Joker stared at them, smile just a bit too wide. It didn’t reach his eyes.
“When I heard you beat The Riddler at his own game,” Joker’s tone was full of amusement, but Marinette didn’t feel like laughing. “I decided I just had to see what you were made of myself.”
He tilted up his flower. “Get ready to smile!”
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sumikko-antena · 3 years
大谷翔平、ダメ押し25号ソロで両リーグ最多に1本差 3安打3打点でエ軍5連敗ストップ – Full-Count 大谷翔平、ダメ押し25号ソロで両リーグ最多に1本差 3安打3打点でエ軍5連敗ストップ  Full-Count 【MLB】大谷翔平は「相手を倒す方法をたくさん持っている」 3長打3打点1盗塁に敵将お手上げ(Full-Count) – Yahoo!ニュース  スポーツナビ 大谷、25号ソロ含む3長打 ダルビッシュは6回1失点―米大リーグ  時事通信ニュース 大谷翔平、月間10本目の25号ソロ ! 三塁打&二塁打&1盗塁の活躍で「点に絡むことができてよかった」  goo.ne.jp 【MLB】大谷翔平は「野球IQが非常に高い」 25号ソロを含む3安打3打点を指揮官が大絶賛  auone.jp Google…
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insidethegiftbasket · 3 years
Yankees Minor League Assignment Breakdown
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Extended Spring Training/Not Assigned Guys
For those not aware, extended spring training is typically reserved for players who haven’t played organized ball yet, or guys that are coming off an injury. In a normal year, extended spring training typically goes from the beginning of April to mid-June, when the players would then go to rookie ball. However, with the pandemic and the reduction of minor league teams this year, I’m not sure how long they’ll be kept there or if everyone would get promoted eventually. In extended spring, the games are typically not publicized and are a little more loose with the rules, and mostly meant for development, but there will be some scouts that’ll go to games and we’ll get to see at least SOME footage of these guys.
Also included in this list are players who are not assigned to any minor league team, which could mean that instead of going there for development, they could be rehabbing an injury.
Jasson Dominguez, OF (#1 Yankees Prospect)
Everyone at this point has heard the buzz about Jasson—despite early reports that he was going to be assigned to High-A Hudson Valley (which would have been ludicrous) he’s starting in extended spring training. Five tool player who’s getting insane comparisons to Mickey Mantle, Jasson will get his feet wet and we’ll all finally get to see if he’s more than just a batting practice monster.
Yoendrys Gomez, RHP (#8 Yankees Prospect)
Gomez not being assigned is worrisome for two reasons—he’s already pitched in A ball, already pitched in MLB Spring Training this season, and is on the 40 Man already. This means the 21 year old either really declined over the past year and a half, or is more likely dealing with some sort of injury. Gomez is famous for his nasty curveball, but also has a mid 90’s fastball and a decent change up, and has pretty good command for someone his age and with his lack of experience.
Alexander Vizcaino, RHP (#9 Yankees Prospect)
Vizcaino is in the same boat as Gomez—already pitched in the minors, already on the 40 Man- but he didn’t pitch in Spring Training this year and turns 24 this month. He already projected more as a reliever, but the fact that he’s not assigned to a MILB team at his age and lack of experience means he’s even more likely to get forced in that role or traded. Vizcaino is a ground ball machine, with a sinking fastball and the best changeup in the Yankees organization, but struggles to get swing and misses and doesn’t have a good breaking ball yet.
Kevin Alcantara, OF (#12 Yankees Prospect)
Dominguez gets a lot of hype (and deservingly so) but a lot of scouts rave about Alcantara as a prospect as well- he’s a 6’6” outfielder who turns 19 this year, and has the frame and ability to be someone who crushes bombs while playing elite defense in the corner outfield. The Yankees have also really been impressed with his work ethic and his baseball IQ, and the main issue that scouts have noticed with him is he has an issue with whiffs, but that seems to be more of a barrel accuracy issue as opposed to a serious concern. There is a legitimate chance that both Kevin and Jasson end up patrolling the outfield in the Bronx by 2025.
Alexander Vargas, SS (#13 Yankees Prospect)
Vargas is someone that has a LOT of upside but also a lot of potential risk—he’s a 6’ shortstop that turns 20 this year, and he projects to be a really good defensive player. The Yankees signed Vargas using the money they got in the Chasen Shreve and Gio Gallegos trade, so it might not just be Luke Voit for the return. He has a good hit tool (55 grade from MLB Pipeline) to go along with plus base running, plus fielding, and a plus arm, but due to his lack of strength (155 pounds at 6 feet) has a hard time putting any juice on the ball. He is a switch hitter which always helps, but believing in him becoming more than a AAAA player means you have to believe in him adding some muscle and being able to actually drive the ball. If he does that, then he may have future All Star upside.
Josh Smith, SS (#14 Yankees Prospect)
Smith is listed as a shortstop, but he’s really a future utility player in all likelihood. Smith was an awesome player at LSU, but he’s really more of a jack of all trades, master of none prospect. He’s already 23 and hasn’t made it to Low A yet, so he’s already a couple years older than his peers, but if he can live up to his potential you’re looking at a guy with good bat to ball skills and capable enough defense anywhere in the infield and potentially the outfield.
TJ Sikkema, LHP (#16 Yankees Prospect)
A left handed pitching prospect for the Yankees is super rare, and the Yankees spent a first round pick on him in 2019 after dominating at Missouri. He’s got good command over his pitches (currently a low 90s heater, a good change up, and a slider) and is able to tunnel all three pitches well. He doesn’t have a ton of high end upside, but he does have a seemingly high floor as a swingman or fourth/fifth starter and could move up the ranks pretty quickly as a starter.
Everson Pereira, OF (#17 Yankees Prospect)
Pereira is the third of the Yankees trio of good outfield prospects that’ll be in Extended Spring Training—he’s already had a taste of minor league ball and played in the Appalachian League as a 17 year old. Projecting more as a corner outfielder, Pereira went from a prospect with good fielding and decent speed who had the potential for high contact rates to someone who struck out a lot in his first pro games (33% strikeout rate) after putting on some muscle and trying to generate more power. He is still really young, but with other outfielders in the system he’s going to need to start producing or he’s trade bait as he is Rule 5 eligible this offseason.
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2018 NBA Conference Finals
Well, we have officially reached the time of year where all that stands between us and the painful summer months of baseball season is the NHL and NBA playoffs. With the meat of the MLB season quickly approaching, I decided to focus on the last exciting sports story until NFL training camp starts up in August, detailing the final four teams remaining in the NBA playoffs.
Traditionally, the NBA playoffs are notorious for being predictable, lopsided affairs in which the team that was expected to win from the beginning, wins. Since 2000, the sport has been plagued by dynasties, meaning that certain franchises are so dominant over a span of several years that no other teams seem to have a chance. Whether it be the Tim Duncan-led San Antonio Spurs (1999-2007), the Los Angeles Lakers (2000-2002, 2009-2010), or the LeBron James-led Miami Heat (2011-2014), big market franchises monopolize the sport for several years at a time. The last couple years have been no different, as the Golden State Warriors formed a squad that would go on to win two of three championships, with the one loss coming at the hands of The King: LeBron James. After posting an incredible 73 win season (NBA record) and blowing a 3-1 lead (never forget) to James and company, the basketball gods gave everyone in the entire world the middle-finger when former-MVP Kevin Durant decided to take his talents to the Bay Area, joining Steph Curry, Klay Thompson, and Draymond Green in a star-studded lineup. After much speculation on whether this team would gel correctly and blow everyone out of the water, the Warriors slashed and devastated their way through the 2017 playoffs with a record of 16-1 (T-NBA record), topped off with yet another title. Following this basketball killing spree by the Warriors, the rest of the NBA seemed to be in the sunken place, watching the new and improved “Lineup of Death” (yeah, that’s literally what they’re called) ravage the rest of the sport.
Fast forward to now. We are nearly a year removed from Durant nailing that three in LeBron’s face in game five, and things are relatively the same as they were then. The Warriors are PROBABLY going to win again, and they are PROBABLY going to beat LeBron’s Cavaliers in the Finals for the third time in four years. This post could end after that sentence, but where’s the fun in that? With both Conference Finals surprisingly knotted up at two games a piece, the next week could dictate the landscape of the NBA for several years to come. With the title (seemingly) up for grabs, here is some context on the two matchups thus far, and what each team must do to hoist the Larry O’Brien trophy in June.
The East
Over the last 15 years, the rest of the Eastern Conference has served as the Avengers equivalent to LeBron James’ Thanos (sorry to anyone who hasn’t seen Infinity War). Every couple years, there seems to be a Thor-like team who looks like they may have what it takes to derail The King, and every couple years LeBron is forced to snap his fingers and eviscerate that “challenger” from existence. The Paul George Pacers, the Derrick Rose Bulls, and the Al Horford Hawks (lol) have been LeBron’s biggest competition, which is the equivalent to an average sized man standing in front of an Escalade traveling 80 mph thinking “Hey I might have a chance at stopping this thing.” Bottom line: LeBron James is a force the likes of the NBA has never seen before. These playoffs have been no different up to this point, as LeBron has single-handedly led this group to the conference finals. Averaging a ludicrous 33.7 points on 55% shooting, LeBron is on a mission to reach an unprecedented eighth consecutive NBA Finals. After being pushed to seven games in the first round against a gritty Pacers team, the Cavs embarrassed a 59 win Raptors squad, a team that has been stopped in their tracks by LeBron for years now. With his game-winning buzzer beater in game five, LeBron ripped the hearts out of every player and fan associated with the franchise, including famous rapper Drake, who had been chirping James from the sidelines throughout the series. The Cavs would go on to decimate the Raptors in game four, leading to the firing of Head Coach Dwane Casey, a Coach of the Year candidate.
What has been most noteworthy about this Cavaliers team is the absence of anything resembling a supporting cast. Other than Kevin Love who, when healthy, is an all star caliber player, this is undoubtedly LeBron’s worst supporting cast since his first stint in Cleveland. Playing themselves into the fourth seed in the East, these Cavs looked both offensively and defensively challenged throughout the season. The strategy is simple: surround LeBron with perimeter shooters and hope it is good enough. JR Smith and Kyle Korver could be viable assets on a championship team, but both lack dimensions to their game other than perimeter shooting. Adding Jeff Green looked to be a promising move right up until the playoffs, when everyone remembered Jeff Green is a bonafide playoff scrub. Many players came and went this season through various “panic trades” the Cavs made in an attempt to appease The King. Jordan Clarkson, Rodney Hood, and Larry Nance Jr. are all solid role players, but their ability to compete against the likes of Golden State or Houston is seriously doubtful.
The most glaring absence from this squad is all star PG Kyrie Irving, who voiced his dissatisfaction with the Cavs last year and was traded to the Boston Celtics. For the last seven years, LeBron has always had a “sidekick” to help in his quest for the Finals, and Kyrie was just that. Kyrie’s performance in the legendary 3-1 comeback against Golden State was nothing short of transcendent, and his scoring prowess is widely respected throughout the league. His departure from the Cavs this off-season certainly took a toll on the Cavaliers’ internal situation, and perhaps more importantly, created an Eastern Conference foe unlike any LeBron has faced in the last ten years.
Enter the Boston Celtics, arguably the greatest franchise in the history of the sport. General Manager Danny Ainge has worked like a maestro the last five years, acquiring draft picks and assets like low hanging fruit. More importantly, he scored big time with his last two first round picks, Jaylen Brown and Jayson Tatum. These two potential all stars, in conjunction with defensive expert and “team dad” Al Horford have created a threatening team in the East, playing themselves into the two seed. What is more impressive, however, is that Boston is without their two best players. PG Kyrie Irving and SF Gordon Hayward. After losing these two stars over the course of the regular season Boston has seen tremendous support from role players such as Marcus Smart, Marcus Morris, and Terry Rozier.
So, how does this team match up with the Cavaliers? Surprisingly, the Celtics can stand toe-to-toe with the Cavaliers and have been very successful thus far. While the Celtics cannot match LeBron’s size, speed, and athleticism, their role players have been outperforming the Cavs’ up to this point. Their outstanding bench, along with terrific performances at home are going to make this team a tough out for the Cavaliers. That being said, let’s bring this back to the Marvel Universe. With all my heart, I would love to see the good guys come back and defeat Thanos. It almost feels like it needs to happen. As much as I want to believe in the Celtics and their youth movement, I simply cannot pick against LeBron James until it is proven that he can lose. Whether it be next year or in 2026, LeBron will eventually decline, but this is not the team that is going to get it done. PREDICTION: Cavs in 6.
The West
No matter which team comes out of the East, they are going to have their work cut out for them against the Western Conference Champion. In one corner, we have the Golden State Warriors. You can learn pretty much everything you need to know about this team in a couple sentences, so here it goes.
This is the greatest team ever assembled. Period. End of story. A lot of romantics like to look back on the days of Michael Jordan’s Bulls and say that they could defeat this Warriors team, but that is wrong. At point guard, the Warriors have Steph Curry, who has broken the NBA 3PT record for 4 consecutive years, and is widely regarded as the best shooter in the history of the game. He led this team to a 73 win season without Kevin Durant, and is the engine that makes the team roll. Did I mention he is a two-time NBA league MVP?
Next up, we have Klay Thompson and Draymond Green. Thompson is widely known as the second best shooter in NBA history, which is a bit ridiculous that he is teamed up with Curry. His ability to knock down shots and get hotter than Hell in a matter of minutes is terrifying for any team they play against, especially considering he is their third best offensive weapon. He is also a flexible defender, specializing in taking out the other team’s best perimeter scorer. Draymond is a freak defender. While Klay is an outstanding perimeter defender, it is Draymond’s versatility that makes him unique. He can guard every position on the floor, making him a valuable asset that allows the Warriors to play their “Lineup of Death”. He also possesses a terrific basketball IQ, allowing him to run the pick and roll with Curry to perfection.
Those three together form an unstoppable core that allowed them to set the NBA record for wins in a season. Any team in the league would find it nearly impossible to matchup with all three of them. Now that we have finished covering the Warriors, let’s move o-...wait...wait a minute...nevermind we’re not done talking about the Warriors. If those three players weren’t enough, God thought it would be funny if the Warriors went out and signed all-time great scorer Kevin Durant, a former MVP. His 6’11” frame matched with his ability to handle the ball and shoot from anywhere on the court make him a lethal weapon. Many consider him to be the best pure scorer in NBA history, and he has certainly earned that type of reputation. He is the second best player in the NBA, behind LeBron, and now rather than having to score on his own, he can play his part in the well oiled machine of the Golden State Warriors. Before KD, the Warriors were probably going to win the championship. With KD, it is nearly a foregone conclusion.
Unless the Houston Rockets have anything to say about it. The Rockets were constructed specifically to defeat the Warriors, and thus far they have performed, tying the series 2-2 last night in Oakland. Built around All-Pro scorer James Harden and the “Point God” Chris Paul, the Rockets won 65 games during the regular season, leading the league. With those two ball handlers on the team, the Rockets can play night in and night out with 48 minutes of elite ball handling and decision making. Their role players are primarily perimeter shooters, and they play their roles to perfection. To bring it all together, C Clint Capela has proved himself to be an elite rim protector and scorer inside, perhaps garnering a max contract this offseason.
With stars like James Harden and Chris Paul, this team looks poised to make a run into the NBA Finals. They have great coaching, a great scorer, a great point guard, and a greater than average bench. These are all the aspects we usually see in a Championship team. However, if you have not realized yet, I am more so a realist than a romantic, and I do not believe the Rockets will beat the Warriors. The Warriors have been to this point for the fourth consecutive season now, and their experience will be tested over the next three games. That experience coupled with their ability to rip your throat out at any given point with their three point shooting, makes me believe they will not only defeat the Rockets in six games, but they will go on to win the NBA Finals in four games (five if they feel like being nice). PREDICTION: Warriors in 6.
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davewakeman · 4 years
Talking Tickets--1 May 2020--Refunds! Marketing! Seth Godin! And, More!
How is everyone holding up?
I just want to take a second to thank all of you again for being here. If you need anyone to talk with or just to bounce an idea off of, let me know. I’m here for y’all.
Prioritize your mental health and if you don’t want to listen to me, listen to Harry Winks.
If you are enjoying this newsletter, tell your friends and colleagues to sign up by visiting this link.
I’m still dealing with intermittent internet issues that hopefully can be resolved soon so I can do some more webinars and such. I will still be co-hosting the Sports Biz Happy Hour with my buddy, Ken Troupe this afternoon at 5PM EDT. So come share a drink with us and our other hardcore happy hour colleagues. We will be voting on Ken’s new profile picture for Twitter this afternoon!
Get into our Slack group as well. We talk beef, business, and BS.
To the tickets!
1. We Will Come Out Of This Period: 
There is no doubt that folks will be at venues, cheering, dancing, and connecting sooner rather than later, but we still have a long road back.
What is great is that we continue to see a bunch of efforts from folks all over the world that are working to help educate folks and get people prepared for relaunching the ticket industry.
We Will Overcome was started by my friends, Einar and Martin, from Activity Stream and includes support from folks around the world like  Frederic Auoad, Angela Higgins, Andrew Thomas, Derek Palmer, and too many folks to list in one email.
I’ve been pretty up front about taking care of yourself and reaching out to your community for support throughout this crisis, but as we enter May, I also want to make sure that we all spend time doing some planning and setting ourselves up to be successful when things begin to return to normal.
Trust me, they will. It is just what will the return of events look like and what will the market for folk’s attention look like…that’s what we have to really think about now. And, there are a bunch of really great resources to help you think through this, here are a few:
Eric Fuller is hosting a virtual conference called “Rescue Meet” and he’s launching on May 19th with a 60-75 minute web meeting and he’s asked me to participate along with folks from Live Nation and many other industry leaders.
Ticketing Professionals Conference in Birmingham is hosting many of their speakers and this year’s presentation online now. You can check out their listings and sign up for one, many, or all of them.
The Society of London Theatre has a bunch of webinars and information that they are sharing.
INTIX continues to host weekly lunches on Wednesdays and has a bunch of resources on their dedicated landing page for Covid-19 resources.
IQ is launching a virtual panel series as well with a pretty good lineup built around a lot of music and festival content.
If there is some resource or idea you are looking to learn or find out more about, let me know and I will help you find it. We will recover and we need folks to pull together and work together to get there. 
2. What Will Things Look Like When We Return? 
The truth is, none of us know.
The article above talks about a bunch of venues in the DC area and how they are planning….and, the truth is, no one knows anything right now.
Oli Shawyer wrote about the need to be clear and thoughtful in how we think about what our future selves might look like and his analysis of the current reality is right on. Right now, we think we are going to do one thing and in the future, we are likely to find that our actions are entirely different than what we imagined we would do…or, we may just be ready to do anything besides sit at home.
We have already seen organizations adapt and change to engage with people, entertain them, and stay connected. As a friend at an iconic venue noted to me, “it is amazing how we were able to become a digital content production facility in a week.” After struggling to get the necessary investments in tech prior to the coronavirus.
The only correct answer here is that we don’t know what things will look like when more countries start opening up again and we start seeing social distancing loosen up.
I have talked to a lot of folks about the idea of social distancing within venues and it is pretty unrealistic, difficult, or not entirely financially feasible to do the large scale social distancing that has been talked about in a few places this week. Most of the time, you have to look at the sources and the angle to know if there is some bias in these pieces and some of the ones in sports definitely have the hint of someone trying to drum up demand like Scott Boras does with his notebooks on his clients.
I do think that as you prepare for the return, it is important to think through the entire experience you want to provide from start to finish, how you can better curate your event, and walk through the concerns and questions your guests are going to have.
Repeat: start by understanding the value you want to create for your guests and work from there.
3. Refunds are starting to become a little clearer now: 
MLB teams started announcing their plans for refunds and cancellations this week with the Red Sox, Cubs, and Cardinals leading the way. But it hasn’t been nearly fast enough for the people that have been left in limbo by the fact that games and events have been postponed due to the coronavirus.
And in Europe, Ligue 1 was the first major league to call it quits for the season.
Admittedly, teams and organizations have been slow to announce refund and exchange policies or they have had to adjust them because of the nature of the virus, the shutdown, and the uncertainty.
From my point of view, StubHub got killed for going first and trying to do right by their stakeholders early on when things were so crazy, but the bigger issue for the organizations around the world has been in not communicating with their customers, in many cases, at all.
As an example, I had conversations with folks in several cities over the last week from around the country and these corporate ticket buyers told me that in most cases no one has called to talk with them about what is going on right now with their tickets, with updates, or just to check on them…from my conversations that included teams in most of the major sports. If that is widespread, that’s unconscionable and it will be tough for teams to ever overcome.
You may not know anything, but you need to at least communicate enough with your customers to let them know that you can’t give them an answer yet. Put yourself in your customer’s shoes and imagine how you would feel.
It is this lack of communication and the changing nature of the policies that some organizations have been rolling out that has likely led to these lawsuits being filed this week…
In England, Brighton and Hove Albion announced their plans for next season as a hopeful sign that football will return sooner rather than later…I’m hoping that this season of the Premier League can be completed because if not Spurs will be out of European competition next year and I don’t like that.
The NFL is looking to announce its schedule next week and there is a bit of a conversation around whether or not putting out the schedule and selling tickets is a wise decision.
What do y’all think?
For me, it would be pretty risky for the NFL to start selling tickets…especially understanding what the current environment with refunds looks like, but what do I know? (Shameless plug…I was quoted in SBJ this week.)
Maybe, we can all just buy tickets for our cardboard representations?
4. Marketing, Community, and Connection Will Matter More Than Ever:
This is awesome because I get to write about Seth Godin in my ticket newsletter.
The backstory is that Seth put out a manifesto called Stop Stealing Dreams about 8 years ago and he challenged folks that read his stuff and follow him to find ways to share the content. I’d just bought a new iPad and was testing out GarageBand, so I did the first audio version of the manifesto.
With that, I got my first dose of internet fame! Now, look at me?!
The podcast and the article that introduce the podcast are totally worth the hour, even if you aren’t in the arts.
Seth hits on some ideas that have been at the core of my work in marketing and tickets over the years as well like community and connection.
I was on the internet with Frederic Aouad from Stay 22 on Thursday and we talked about the need to be better at marketing because the world that we will return to is going to be more competitive than ever and the need to give people a clear reason to come visit is going to be more important than ever before.
I’ve been writing and speaking about marketing and strategy for about a decade and what I found was that folks know they need to be better marketers and want to sell more stuff, but the “way we’ve always done things” is a tough competitor to change.
Now, we find that it isn’t possible to go back to the way things have always been done. We are seeing organizations change in a week or less, rethink their value, and brainstorm tons of new solutions…in tickets and everywhere.
The fact is that marketing is magic. That’s where the money is. That’s where the stories are. That’s where you can build relationships with your audience that can take you all over the world and to places you’d never imagine. (I’m speaking for myself here.)
But being good at marketing is tough.
You want a jumping-off point, start here with Rory Sutherland.
But all of us are going to need to sharpen our marketing knives because we are going to need them in the coming months and years. And, just giving into the tactical aspects of marketing isn’t likely to win you the business you need or the support you have to have to be successful.
I could go on all day about marketing and the need to market more effectively, but I won’t today.
5. Here are a few things that I loved or thought were interesting this week that don’t have a common theme:
First, how about that Post Malone fundraising concert where he covered Nirvana songs. I thought it was pretty good. And, he’s raised some serious coin for the WHO.
Every morning I read a newsletter called, “The Daily Coach” from George Raveling. Coach Raveling coached Harold Miner at USC and was instrumental in getting Michael Jordan to sign with Nike. The newsletter on Thursday was all about leadership and the first two points are super important right now.
The Mayor of London announces a fund to support the arts and culture. We need similar things in the States, but I’m not holding out on that one.
Live Nation is being sued for monopolizing ticket sales.  To quote Scott Galloway, it is good to invest in unregulated monopolies. This will be interesting to watch because the government has approved the deals that Live Nation has made and antitrust enforcement as a way to increase competition in the market hasn’t been a priority for a long time. So we will see. I’ll be watching it.
J Cobb shared the video of the world’s worst Old Fashioned and the redemption story that followed. This is fun and maybe that’s what I will drink this afternoon at happy hour.
Mark Pollard is an advertising strategist in NYC and he came up with the idea for a summer camp to help folks focus on their strategy. I’m going to talk with Mark about this and maybe as we work our way out of this shutdown, we can do something similar for marketing and selling tickets. I mean, 100 days for like $30 with 100 new exercises. That’s like the price of a book! 
What am I up to this week?
You know, teaching fourth grade…poorly.
I’ll be in the home office all week, if you want to chat, let me know. My Internet connection is still a bit iffy due to my blown cable box, but the McGyver move I pulled to get it to work is genius. So I’m holding off on a lot of things that need the technology boost to produce them. 
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Talking Tickets–1 May 2020–Refunds! Marketing! Seth Godin! And, More! was originally published on Wakeman Consulting Group
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junker-town · 5 years
10 players you can care about this NFL preseason
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We’ll keep track of their progress each week leading up to the new season.
The NFL preseason doesn’t mean much if you’re an established starter. At best, it’s a chance to run through a handful of series and break up the monotony of training camp. At worst, it’s a few hours roaming the sidelines in front of a disinterested crowd while zoning in and out of some AAF-caliber football.
But if you’re battling for a spot on the roster, these games could be the difference between earning your jersey and being unemployed come September. Unproven players and longtime veterans looking for one more shot will use exhibition experiences to convince coaches they belong on the team. While stars are going through the motions, they’ll be the guys tearing up the field as though it were January.
This leaves a major opportunity for young players and journeymen to add a little extra name value in NFL circles. In years past, players like Raheem Mostert and Jacoby Brissett have turned garbage time’s garbage time into the resume fodder that kept them on full-time rosters. Who will we have our eyes on as the 2019 preseason kicks into full swing?
We’ve got a few names in mind, and we’ll be tracking their progress through the four weeks of preseason, so be sure to check back for updates.
Garrett Bradbury, C, Minnesota Vikings
Center isn’t the sexiest position in football. You know what else isn’t sexy? Butt sweat. And apparently that’s two strikes against Bradbury.
Kirk Cousins was all loose lips when he told reporters about his rookie center’s “posterior sweating.”
“He says it’s not a problem on gamedays, so the moment of truth: Friday night,” Cousins said playfully before the Vikings’ preseason opener. “That’s a big thing I’m going to take away from Friday night is how tough was it to grip the ball after he snaps it to me?”
Cousins was just having a little fun and really, there is no shame in normal bodily functions like perspiration, no matter where it comes from. Still, all eyes will be on those exchanges under center in Minnesota this preseason, because the last thing Cousins needs is another obstacle to fixing his fumbling issues.
Danny Etling, QB??????, New England Patriots
Etling showed up to the first day of Patriots training camp wearing a white jersey instead of his typical non-contact quarterback red jersey.
The 2018 seventh-round pick spent his first NFL season as the Patriots’ third-string quarterback. But he has been alternating between wide receiver and quarterback drills in camp as he fell to fourth string, behind Tom Brady, Brian Hoyer, and rookie fourth-rounder Jarrett Stidham.
Etling has also made some appearances on special team drills, lending to the idea that Bill Belichick could use him in a Taysom Hill-type role rather than a straight quarterback-to-receiver like Julian Edelman. The problem is Etling doesn’t have the same athleticism that those guys do. It’s a long shot that Etling makes the final 53-man roster, but we still want to see how Belichick uses this August.
And no matter what happens to Etling, he’ll always have this 86-yard touchdown run from last preseason.
Justice Hill, RB, Baltimore Ravens
Baltimore used the 2019 draft to add speed on offense. Oklahoma wide receiver Marquise Brown was the headliner of the Ravens’ draft class, but their most intriguing rookie might be Oklahoma State running back Justice Hill.
Hill was one of the stars of the NFL Combine. He posted results in the 90th percentile for the 40-yard dash, vertical jump, and broad jump. He won’t be taking over Mark Ingram’s role as the starting running back, but he has the potential to create explosive plays every time he touches the ball.
Just imagine this dude paired with Lamar Jackson in the backfield.
Footwork is gorgeous here by Justice Hill. That stutter step and quick explosive cut is going to work in the NFL every time because of how he set it up. Those moves in succession are huge. Hill might be the shiftiest back in the class. pic.twitter.com/KMXPxLghIS
— Nick Farabaugh (@FarabaughFB) April 17, 2019
Hill can carve out a role for himself in the revamped Ravens offense with a strong showing in the preseason. He’s certainly talented enough to do that.
Jake Kumerow, WR, Green Bay Packers
The Packers didn’t do much to upgrade their receiving corps for Aaron Rodgers, and that’s an endorsement for youngsters like Equanimeous St. Brown, Marquez Valdes-Scantling, and J’Mon Moore. But there’s also a 27-year-old Wisconsin-Whitewater grad with what may be his last shot to make an NFL roster.
Kumerow, a former Division III Offensive Player of the Year, bounced around the league before returning to the Badger State. He emerged late in the year to provide a useful third or fourth option for Rodgers, finishing with eight catches and a 72.7 percent catch rate, gaining 103 yards and adding a touchdown in the process.
He still faces tough competition at receiver. Davante Adams is a sturdy WR1, and Geronimo Allison is healthy again after missing 11 games due to injury last season. St. Brown, Valdes-Scantling, and Moore are all jockeying for depth chart position. So are 2016 draftee Trevor Davis and last year’s late signee Allen Lazard.
Kumerow will have a great opportunity in Green Bay — but he might have to show out during the preseason to stay on the roster.
Avonte Maddox, CB, Philadelphia Eagles
The Eagles might have found a steal in the fourth round of the 2018 draft. Maddox was pushed into the lineup after the several injuries at cornerback last season, and he performed admirably.
According to Pro Football Focus, Maddox wasn’t just good for a rookie; he was one of the most productive cornerbacks in the league.
Maddox played a big role in the Eagles upsetting the Rams on the road last year as they surged toward the playoffs. Maddox played 100 percent of the snaps, recording three tackles and defending two passes — one of which was an interception.
Philadelphia already has one of the most stacked rosters in the league. If Maddox can maintain his level play from a year ago, the Eagles could be one of the most complete teams we’ve seen in a while.
Kyler Murray, QB, Arizona Cardinals
Who doesn’t want to see the No. 1 pick in the draft in his first NFL action?
Murray was the Heisman Trophy winner in his final season at Oklahoma. He was also a top 10 pick in the 2018 MLB Draft and opted to pass on a baseball career to pursue football.
He’s a dynamic, unique talent who will try to overcome his height deficiency (he’s 5’10) to turn around the offensively inept Cardinals. Helping him to try to achieve that goal is first-year coach Kliff Kingsbury, whose offensive system that will presumably be about the closest an NFL team has ever been to a college-style spread offense.
Oddsmakers have set the over/under for wins for the Cardinals at just 5.5 in 2019. So far, Murray’s getting rave reviews, but his performance in the preseason should provide the first indications of if Arizona will top that total.
Ed Oliver, DT, Buffalo Bills
The Bills already had one of the league’s better secondaries and now they have a potentially dominant defensive tackle to play in front of them.
At his pro day, Oliver ran a 4.73 40-yard dash and had other workout results that were more in line with skill position players rather than defensive linemen. The first-round pick’s athleticism should be on full display against the bevy of backups that he’ll see during the preseason.
Hopefully, Oliver is able to replicate this training camp moment in a preseason game.
Ed Oliver just burst into the backfield so quickly three offensive linemen all went to the ground. Unreal. https://t.co/OxfXOBkzMc
— Mark Ludwiczak (@marklud12) August 1, 2019
Oliver will quickly get a chance to prove that he can replace the recently retired Kyle Williams as the heart and soul of the Buffalo defense. Oliver was completely dominant in college — now it’s time to see how skill translates to the NFL.
Kemoko Turay, DE, Indianapolis Colts
All-Pros Quenton Nelson and Darius Leonard headlined the Colts’ 2018 draft class, but there’s another member poised for a breakout season.
Turay had four sacks in 14 games last season, which is pretty solid production for a second-round rookie. According to Sports Info Solutions, Turay ranked 12th out in pressure rate among the 114 defensive ends and linebackers with at least 200 pass rush snaps in 2018.
While he has a slender build at 6’5, 248 pounds, he’s a ridiculous athlete who can turn the corner like a skill player, like he did on this sack against the Eagles.
Turay developing would help the Colts’ defense take the next step as they try to get back to the playoffs this season. We’ll get a good idea of his progress during this preseason.
Quinnen Williams, DL, New York Jets
Williams was one of the best — if not THE best — defensive players in the 2019 NFL Draft. The Jets picked him at No. 3 overall.
In 2018, Williams won the John Outland Trophy that goes to the top interior lineman in college football, but he can ideally play anywhere along the defensive line. At 6’3 and 303 pounds with a good mix of speed and athleticism, he’s almost impossible to block.
Williams is currently listed behind Steve McLendon at nose tackle on the Jets’ depth chart, but head coach Adam Gase said Williams’ “football IQ” along with his ability will make him an immediate contributor to the Jets’ defense.
Plus, we just love him:
No comment @QuinnenWilliams pic.twitter.com/BIFB7BYQLc
— Jets Videos (@snyjets) August 3, 2019
Javon Wims, WR, Chicago Bears
Last season, the Bears drafted Wims in the seventh round. With a roster already filled with playmakers like Allen Robinson, Anthony Miller, and Taylor Gabriel, the chances of him making the roster seemed slim. Then he impressed during the 2018 preseason and stuck around.
Wims didn’t play a whole lot during the regular season, but he made an impact in the Bears’ Week 17 win against the Vikings. He had four catches in the game, including two on third down on a fourth-quarter touchdown drive.
Just like last year, the competition is stiff. Cordarrelle Patterson and Riley Ridley join an already deep group. But Wims is still hanging around in terms of a roster spot, and another productive preseason could help him crack the rotation.
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vsplusonline · 4 years
Canadians following COVID-19 measures miss out on long weekend traditions
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/canadians-following-covid-19-measures-miss-out-on-long-weekend-traditions/
Canadians following COVID-19 measures miss out on long weekend traditions
The Victoria Day long weekend for Rob Watson meant friends, sunshine, barbecue, beer and a cottage.
The 36-year-old laughingly remembers batting away black flies on morning runs in Port Stanley, Ont. He’d jump off the dock afterward to cool off, then crack a cold one before unfolding in a Muskoka chair for a lazy afternoon by the lake.
“(Victoria Day) is kind of when Canadians come out of hibernation,” said Watson, a competitive runner. “It’s like: summer is here. It’s a very Canadian thing.”
This year, Canada’s unofficial start to summer has been pushed back by COVID-19. The long weekend known fondly as May Two-Four in parts of the country has been all but cancelled.
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That cottage getaway, the Blue Jays game under an open Rogers Centre roof, or beers on a patio have been achingly replaced by blank squares on the calendar.
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Canadians have largely supported physical distancing, and most understand it’s a necessary effort to avoid a potentially catastrophic spread of coronavirus. In a recent Leger poll, 97 per cent of respondents said they practise social distancing and a majority suggested they did not want to rush the reopening of venues, summer camps, bars and galleries.
Still, being able to hug friends and family and reconnect with people outside of their household is at the top of the list of things people miss most, according to an Angus Reid survey conducted after Easter.
And many Canadians, experts say, will feel the loss this weekend.
1:48 Did message to stay home this May long weekend get through to British Columbians?
Did message to stay home this May long weekend get through to British Columbians?
“One way to think about this pandemic, aside from all the illness, death and stress is that it’s also about loss, and it’s about the loss of all the things that we take for granted — the capacity to visit family or friends or go on public transit, go to a restaurant, go to a movie, go to a wedding,” said Diana Brecher, a clinical psychologist and Ryerson University professor. “There’s so many things that have been cancelled.”
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When we’re mourning a loss, anniversaries crank up those feelings of bereavement, Brecher said.
“It’s like this big reminder of ‘Oh, that person, or that experience is no longer accessible to me,”’ she said.
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The May long weekend is also warm relief after a long winter.
“We’re Canadians, we live through this long winter and just as it starts to get nice, we’re told, ‘Don’t go out.’ Don’t be in nature that we’ve been craving for six months,” Brecher said.
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“So not only is it a loss of what we typically associate with this particular weekend, the gateway to summer and relaxation and freedom and all the things we associate with summer vacations, it’s also a reminder of everything else we’ve lost.”
Karen Thomson will miss the loaves of jalapeno cheddar bread from the Old Country Market just off Alberni Highway on Vancouver Island. Goats graze on the grassy roof of the whimsical market.
Thomson, who turns 57 on Monday, has spent virtually every birthday and May long weekend since she was nine at her family’s cabin at nearby Qualicum Beach on Vancouver Island.
“It’s just nice to get away, sit and read, have lots of wine,” said Thomson, whose dad Barney built the cabin, which has an unobstructed view of the ocean.
2:36 Experts answer your coronavirus questions, part 12
Experts answer your coronavirus questions, part 12
B.C. Ferries has reminded people to avoid non-essential travel this weekend, citing “limited supplies, health-care equipment and resources” in a statement.
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Thomson’s family camped on the land for the first couple of years before building the cabin. Its plywood floors were replaced 15 years ago, but it’s otherwise unchanged. Her dad’s ashes are scattered there.
Kris Mychasiw will miss his morning double espresso on the patio of Non Solo Pane bakery in Dorval, Que. He loved feeling the breeze coming off Lake Saint-Louis.
“Places like these are what bring communities together, where friendships are built and fostered,” said Mychasiw, a sales and sponsorship executive who was furloughed several weeks ago. “Montreal is such a great city full of events and special culture that isn’t replicated anywhere else in North America.”
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Quebec has had more than 73,000 confirmed cases and more than 5,400 deaths. Montreal is the epicentre of the coronavirus in Canada.
“It’s a sad time in our city,” said Mychasiw.
Jane Watanabe’s TV is usually turned to sports on Victoria Day weekend, which falls in the thick of the NBA and NHL playoffs. The 66-year-old legal secretary is a lifelong sports fan. She sometimes goes to Blue Jays games alone, buying 500-level tickets on the spur of the moment. Hockey is her first love.
“All three leagues (MLB, NHL and NBA) are shut down at the same time which for me I just think to myself ‘Oh my God, I’m missing my sports so much,”’ Watanabe said.
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She has the Raptors’ Game 6 championship victory over Golden State last year recorded. She often plays it while she’s puttering around her kitchen.
Watanabe sees the big picture.
1:19 Restaurant patio owners prepare for long weekend unlike any other
Restaurant patio owners prepare for long weekend unlike any other
“People are dying. It’s a pandemic,” she said. “I do miss my sport. But that just sounds callous when other stuff is going on that is much bigger.”
David Rios will miss “Murph.”
The classic Crossfit workout is named for Michael Murphy, a U.S. Navy Seal who died in Afghanistan in 2005, and received the Medal of Honor.
Crossfitters across North America do Murph — a mile run, 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 squats, mile run — on Victoria Day in Canada, and Memorial Day in the U.S.
“It’s just that anticipation and the build-up to that day, when everyone comes together and does Murph as one,” Rios said. “It will obviously be different this year.”
READ MORE: Cottage country mayors urge extreme long weekend caution to protect locals from coronavirus
Gordon Flett, a York University Professor and a Canada Research Chair in personality and health, said it’s important to keep optimistic and find good distractions this weekend — music, reading, podcasts — to avoid “ruminating about how they wish it was but isn’t right now.
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“And keep taking things day-to-day and remind yourself occasionally that you made it this far, and this holiday weekend will hopefully be back to normal next year.”
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New Post has been published on https://www.highasduck.com/other-options-keith-kinkaid-martin-keenum-wants/
Other options keith kinkaid martin keenum wants
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Instead, the cerebral element to his game reigns supreme. I think he’s got a really high basketball IQ, says Loeliger, but he’s got good business acumen as well. His team has just lost, and played soft, and he worries that yelling at the players make them turn on each other. The future Hall of Famer also let it slip that he does not follow Durant on Twitter. As as you’re 14 years old, you’re eligible to sign up for at least the first stage of the , the Open, where you’ll be required to complete and record results from workouts that CrossFit provides online. First off, this is terrible coaching, says Gronkowski.
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usatrendingsports · 7 years
Devin Booker is younger, however the Suns star is already boasting a sophisticated recreation
By nearly each measure, together with the all-important and often-overlooked measure of frequent sense, 21-year-old Devin Booker, in simply his third NBA season, is among the rising stars of this league.
On this view, which additionally occurs to be my view, the Phoenix Suns taking pictures guard, who is because of return quickly from a strained groin muscle, is a soon-to-be All Star, and a pure scorer who’s shortly increasing his total recreation. At an age that is youthful than many gamers who can be chosen within the 2018 NBA Draft, Booker is 12th within the league in scoring, averaging 24.Three factors per recreation, and he is including four.5 rebounds and four.1 assists. He was the youngest participant to compete within the three-point contest throughout NBA All-Star Weekend throughout his rookie yr, and he almost bested the Splash Brothers. Final season, at age 20, he dropped 70 factors in a recreation — simply the 11th 70-point recreation in NBA historical past. Booker has vastly outperformed his draft place (13th within the 2015 draft) and appears to have the potential to turn into an All-Star for the subsequent decade.
By nearly any measure, he is a star.
Besides by the measures that superior statistics gurus pay probably the most consideration to, that’s.
Booker represents a conundrum of the modern-day NBA fan: How ought to we consider a participant whose conventional statistics inform us is dominant however whose superior statistics inform us is much much less so?
Name them the Conventional Stats All-Stars. They’re the gamers who followers cannot determine are stars in substance and efficiency or solely stars in repute. the names: Guys like Dwyane Wade, Carmelo Anthony and Pau Gasol, who’re all probably Corridor of Famers however who the extra math-minded basketball minds solid doubt upon their precise worth. Or youthful gamers like D’Angelo Russell, Victor Oladipo (till his breakout yr this season with the Pacers, not less than) and most of all, the Minnesota Timberwolves’ latest max-contract participant, Andrew Wiggins.
Booker has been thought-about one in all these gamers since he burst onto the scene because the Suns’ first-round decide in 2015 and made the All-Rookie First Crew. Certain, he may rating. However what else may he do? His protection was a sieve. It was as if he saved all his power for the offensive aspect of the ground. His recreation was removed from full.
I requested Booker about this the opposite day, as he was working his manner again from the primary massive harm of his profession. (He is due again round Christmas.) He is conscious that the superior numbers have not regarded kindly upon his profession thus far. He additionally is aware of that there is extra to nice basketball than superior statistics.
“You are a younger participant, sort of a go-to possibility, you are getting groups’ finest defenses, and we’re on a younger staff and we’re struggling,” Booker instructed me. “Superior stats are all the time higher on a successful staff. Everybody seems to be good. Protection is a staff factor. You see it with Golden State — as soon as a staff begins succeeding, everybody seems to be good. That is how the NBA works.”
So it begs the query: How does Booker’s progress examine with different Conventional Stats All-Stars?
And for those who’re a Suns fan, you are going to like the reply.
Let’s begin with Wiggins. He is the poster youngster for the standard vs. superior argument. Conventional statistics tab him as a rising star, sufficient to warrant a five-year, $148 million contract extension. His scoring averages took a soar every of his first three seasons, from 16.9 factors per recreation to 20.7 to 23.6, earlier than regressing this season as he is settled into a 3rd possibility behind Jimmy Butler and Karl-Anthony Cities.
Nonetheless, Wiggins does not rebound nicely in any respect. His scoring comes from quantity over effectivity. He isn’t an excellent mover of the ball and his protection is commonly atrocious — so dangerous that the statistical evaluation site FiveThirtyEight.com named him the NBA’s “least defensive participant” final season.
You’d hope that, as a younger participant matures, he will get a greater understanding of find out how to be a successful NBA contributor. However in accordance with some superior statistics, Wiggins has truly regressed. Take win shares. In his rookie season, Wiggins was value solely 2.1 wins to his staff, per BasketballReference.com, which ranked him 227th within the league. The subsequent season, he improved to four.1 (116th within the NBA) then four.2 (98th within the NBA) — not sufficient to warrant a max contract, maybe, however a marked enchancment. However by means of the primary quarter of this season, Wiggins ranks 250th in win shares.
Similar with the VORP (Worth Over Substitute Participant) statistic which makes an attempt to point out a participant’s value over a mean NBA participant. Wiggins has, for all 4 seasons of his profession, hovered close to the underside of the NBA on this metric: 418th his rookie season, then 358th, 469th and 458th thus far this season. Meaning regardless of posting nice counting statistics and getting that big-time contract, Wiggins could possibly be one of many least useful gamers within the NBA, in accordance with this metric.
How does this examine to Booker?
In Booker’s rookie season, a yr after Wiggins’ rookie season, he seemed to be very Wiggins-like. Booker ranked 234th in win shares and 448th in VORP — nearly similar rankings to Wiggins in his rookie season. In his second season within the league, Booker continued on the trail that some individuals consider is stardom (see: the 11th 70-point recreation in NBA historical past) whereas others consider is the land of the overrated. Regardless of averaging greater than 22 factors per recreation because the Suns’ main scoring possibility, Booker’s protection dragged him down, and he ranked 222nd within the league in win shares and 373rd in VORP — hardly any enchancment. The case for Booker changing into a Conventional Stats All-Star, probably the most backhanded praise in right now’s NBA, was changing into stronger.
This season, nonetheless, it has been a special story. At the same time as he is upped his scoring output to 24.Three factors per recreation, Booker has improved his effectivity, with increased taking pictures percentages from two, three and the free-throw line. Most significantly, in accordance with his coach, has been Booker’s defensive focus (though that has but to point out up in superior metrics like defensive ranking).
This season, Booker ranks 80th within the NBA in win shares and 65th in VORP. It is not elite but, like his conventional statistics are — however it’s a whale of lots higher than his first two years within the league.
His head coach raved concerning the steps Booker has taken to show himself right into a extra full basketball participant.
“He is a really basketball-intelligent, and a really clever child,” Suns interim head coach Jay Triano instructed me. “He hears [the criticism from advanced-stats people] and is aware of it. I believe that is why this yr he is taken a particular consideration to creating certain he isn’t that particular person and he does work higher on the defensive finish. It is focus. Typically you see that with lots of offensive gamers: ‘I can lose my focus right here, however I will be locked in on the different finish.’ That is the massive factor. We put in a defensive system, and with this method he is aware of the place he is imagined to be, and he is a sensible sufficient basketball participant to know, ‘Hey, if I am on this spot, I am in adequate of a place to do what I am imagined to do.’ And he is taken on the problem late in video games — ‘I’ve obtained him — I’ve obtained the perfect man on the opposite staff. I would like him.’ That is a step that he did not have earlier than. That is a part of the place we all know he is began to alter: ‘I would like this problem, and I wish to show to folks that I can guard guys.’ And he is executed very nicely at it.'”
It is an necessary factor for basketball pundits to recollect: Simply because a participant is any such participant right now doesn’t imply he can not turn into that sort of participant tomorrow. Kawhi Leonard grew to become an elite three-point shooter after coming into the NBA. LeBron James went from the man everybody noticed as somebody who shied away from massive moments to the perfect clutch participant within the league. I’d not be stunned within the least if Booker sheds his label as a participant who is way worse in a sophisticated statistics world than in a conventional statistics world. I’ve recognized him since his one-and-done season at Kentucky, and he is all the time been a preternaturally mature younger man with a excessive basketball IQ. If he is struggling in a single a part of his recreation, he’ll work his tail off to repair it. Triano has witnessed that progress up shut.
“It is onerous for us, once you see him every single day, to be like, ‘Wow!'” Triano stated. “Do you ever see your children develop up? Whenever you see them every single day, it simply sort of occurs. I do not know if I’ve stepped again and stated, ‘Wow,’ however there have been moments in video games the place you say, ‘Holy smokes — his recreation and the best way he is taking part in has been at a special stage.’ For us the massive factor is he is labored on his full recreation this yr. He is turn into extra attentive to the defensive finish of the ground, his skill to make passes to different gamers. And his effectivity due to that’s increased than it is ever been.”
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hometowndruck · 7 years
This slideshow requires JavaScript.
Football: Spring game schedule for this weekend:.
Rome vs North Paulding on Friday. 
Model vs Darlington on Friday.
Today: Chattooga vs. Lee (Huntsville) at Jacksonville State University, 2:15 p.m. EDT.
Rome Braves go late in extra innings.  
Next up:  Lexington tonight at 6 and Sunday at 2.
Mills Fitzner’s home game photo gallery. 
Roster updates: none.
Berry Vikings sports updates.
Shorter Hawks sports updates.
Georgia Highlands sports reports.
Georgia Northwestern Technical College sports updates. 
TODAY, the Salvation Army of Rome will have its Fourth Annual Run for the Homeless. This annual event will be held at Redmond Regional Medical Center and funds generated will support the Army’s Men and Women’s Shelter, which operates 365 days a year. The Women’s Auxiliary of The Salvation Army is excited to host the 4th Annual “Run for the Homeless” 5K and GoGo Mile Event to be held on Saturday, May 20th. We are partnering with Cycle Therapy to provide a first class running experience to all who participate. All proceeds will be used for the emergency homeless shelter needs here in Rome. We are asking for your support of this wonderful event!  Register to Run for the Homeless by visiting SalvationArmyRome.org. Registration will begin at 7 a.m. and will end promptly at 7:45 a.m. the day of the race.
An afternoon with Phil Jones set for June 10: Phil Jones arrived at Shorter University to build a football and quickly fit into the Rome/Floyd County community as if he’d been here forever. A veteran coach, Jones quickly made the Hawks’ program relevant. Jones separated from the Shorter program following 11 seasons but remains one of the more beloved sports figures in Northwest Georgia. On Saturday, June 10, old friends and players will gather at the Rome Civic Center beginning at noon to talk football. Or as the organizers call it “swap stories and celebrate the greatest coach we know.”  “Wives, girlfriends, children and parents are welcome. It will be a lot of football talk but a lot of those folks were with us from the very beginning and I know Coach (Jones) will be excited to see them as well. No cost to come.” – Coach Pete (Bill Peterson). RSVP by May 10 to [email protected]
What’s ahead at the Rome Tennis Center at Berry College this summer:
-May 20-23: USTA National L2 Junior Championships 16/18s
-May 24-29: ITF Senior Regional World Championships
-June 10-13: USTA GA Junior Closed Challenger
-July 1-4: USTA National L2 Junior Championships 16/18s
-July 15-18: USTA Georgia Junior Open
-July 22-23: USTA Clocktower Run-Roll Wheelchair Classic
MLB Youth Baseball Camp: Formerly Hawk Baseball Camp, directed by Matt Larry. Session one: June 5-9; session two: June 12-16;  session three: June 26-30, to be held at the Levee fields, Riverside Park.  $95 includes video and T-shirt. Team, multiple weeks and sibling discounts available. For more information, contact Matt Larry at [email protected]
Rome High Kids Track & Field Camp: Mark your calendars. Kids T&F camp May 30-June 1 ages 6-14. Barron Stadium 6pm-8pm. We will run a meet on that Thursday. More info to come.
Darlington School will host a free youth football clinic for all boys ages 7-12 at Darlington’s Jerry Sharp Field at Chris Hunter Stadium from June 5-8, 9 a.m. until noon. For more information, please email Coach Tommy Atha at [email protected].
Berry Youth Football Camp: The Fourth Annual Coach K Football Camps Inc. Youth Football Camp will take place at Berry College on Tuesday, May 30- Friday, June 2, from 8-11:30 a.m. on Williams Field at Valhalla. This is a non-contact football camp for 7 to 12-year-olds. Please register online at www.berryfootballcamps.com. The cost is $110 and includes a camp T-shirt. Further questions please call 706-236-2290 or email [email protected].
Berry College Volleyball is hosting a series of clinics and camps this summer. All clinics and camps focus on developing and refining specific skills through repetitions and learning strategies that will increase volleyball IQ. Additionally, players will develop secondary skills and play competitive games in a positive, game-like environment. It is our guarantee that players will learn, compete, and have a ton of fun. Day Camps & Clinics
June 1: Setter/Hitter Clinic June 1: Serving Clinic #1 June 2: Passing/Defense Clinic June 2: Serving Clinic #2 July 6-8: All Skills Session #1 (all ages and skill levels) July 25-27: All Skills Session #2 (all ages and skill levels)
Overnight Camps July 17-19: Position Skills Camp (designed for ALL levels, grades 5-12) July 20-22: Elite College Prep (designed for HIGH-level players wanting to play in college, limited to 30 participants)
Athletes can learn more and register on our camp website: http://www.berryvbcamps.com.   You can also check out our camp Facebook page @berryvolleyball camps for pictures and videos from last summer.
Chick-fil-A Dwarf House Sports: Spring football updates. Rome Braves go extra innings. Salvation Army Run for Homeless today.  HIGH SCHOOLS / ROME BRAVES / LOCAL COLLEGES / COMMUNITY EVENTS / CAMPS HIGH SCHOOL Football: 
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draftblackboard · 7 years
2017 Scouting Report:  Inside Linebackers
The lists below are players that are pure inside linebackers or could play the position as well as OLB depending on the team.   Draft is Tomorrow!  Who’s hyped?!?!
 Reuben Foster: Alabama         6-0     229 lbs     40: 4.72    Projected: 1st Round
Pros: Foster is the Alpha dog on the field and lets the other team know this.   He plays with a vicious play style and is an outstanding athlete with good feet.   He has loose hips and long stride that allow him to cover a lot of space in a short amount of time.   He has sideline to sideline speed.   He has good coverage ability to handle RB’s and TE’s.
Cons:  Foster instincts are just average, he won’t hurt you there but isn’t his strong suit.   He will over rely on his speed and athletic ability over everything else. He can be a tad slow to recognize play action.   He can look to improve on shredding blocks a bit better.  His tackling technique can use some refining, as he has dealt with stingers because of it in his past.
Overall:  Foster is your prototypical Inside Linebacker and is the QB of a defense and a true leader. He will let the other team know he is out there on every play. He has small things he needs to work on overall but has the skill set to be an all-star MLB.
 Haason Reddick: Temple      6-1     237 lbs   40:  4.52    Projected: 1st Round
Pros:  Reddick blew up the combine and made teams re look at his tape. The kid is explosive and a quick twitch athlete.   A former corner back prospect that has grown into the size he is now, to play linebacker. He has excellent reactive quickness and change of direction ability.   He is amazing in space and uses his cornerback skills to handle running back, TE’s and slot WR’s.   He accelerates and has great closing speed to the ball.    He can slip and slide the edge and get to the ball.  Rushes with a good bend, making it hard to block him.
Cons:  Undersize some to be a OLB, but can bulk and play there as well.   He can struggle to break a block from a big lineman.  He will need to just continue to get stronger.   He will also need to continue his technique as a linebacker with his rush moves.  He needs to improve his wrap up tackling, as he missed 16 tackles last 2 years.  
Overall:  Reddick is rising up the boards and could top 10 or late first, but teams are loving this kid.  He is explosive and probably be an ILB but potential to be an OLB for a team if he bulks up some.   He has great coverage skills with his original position being corner, which is a huge advantage in today’s NFL.
 Zach Cunningham:   Vanderbilt     6-3     234 lbs      40:   4.67    Projected:  1st to 2nd Round
Pros:  Cunningham is a play making machine on tape. He plays downhill and is looking to make a hit. He is good at shooting past gaps and creating tackles for a loss.   He has a good feel for the blockers and uses his speed to get around them and get to the ball.    He is a tackling machine and is always around the ball. He can play sideline to sideline with his play speed.  He is durable and always on the field.   He has the ability and athleticism to cover and play man to man.    He is always able to play zone and prevent additional yards after catch
Cons:   Cunningham has a weird build with skinny legs.   He lacks power in his lower body. He can struggle against big blockers.  His overall play strength is not there.   He tackles a bit to high, that could be harder in the NFL than it was in college.
Overall:  Cunningham is an athlete linebacker for today’s NFL that has shown he is a tackling machine.  He will need to grow and get stronger to help his game but the skills he has and a linebacker needy team will love this kid.
 Jarrad Davis: Florida      6-1     238 lbs      40: 4.62      Projected: 1st to 2nd Round
Pros:  Davis is a strong looking guy, with long limbs.  He has great flexibility and can twist and turn through gaps.   He has plus acceleration to chase the ball all over the field.   He has good acceleration and can play the whole field.   He has high character, great work ethic and is a team leader.   He is a good big hitter and can play downhill well.   He is very athletic and plays the QB spy role very well.   He is a wrap up tackler that finishes tackles strong and is a good Blitzer.  He is good at redirecting TE’s off their routes.  His athletic ability allows him to continue to grow and be good in coverage.
Cons:  At times, Davis can over pursue a tackle and make it easier to miss.   He needs to be more consistent on his technique against the gaps.   He needs to get better at seeing past the blockers to make a play.  He needs to improve shedding big blockers.    He has average instincts and post snap reads.
Overall:  Davis is loved by his teammates and scouts love him too. He is gifted and has the tools to be a star in the league.  He is athletic with good speed to play side line to sideline.    He will need to get better at avoiding blockers and getting off blocks but something a good coach can teach.
 Alex Anzalone:   Florida     6-3   241 lbs     40: 4.63     Projected:  2nd to 3rd Round
Pros: Anzalone has the size and athletic ability you look for in a middle linebacker. He can fit into any scheme for a team.  He has good hips that allow him to turn and go in space.   He has good speed to make up ground on the perimeter against running backs.   He has great lateral gap to gap speed.   He is a 3 down linebacker and has the speed to keep up with RB’s and TE’s.   he has played all 3 LB’s spots in college.  He has good closing burst and enough wiggle to be a sneaky Blitzer.
Cons: he has dealt with an injury that has limited his play time in college.  He has no INTs or Fumbles credited to him in college.  His balance can be average at times.  He will need to get better against a pulling guard. He can overreact to play fakes and can lose sight of the ball.  He can look to do to much in coverage.
Overall:  He as good size, speed and athletic ability that teams will look for.  He needs to prove the injury bug is behind him and he can stay on the field.  That will be his biggest thing.  He has the ability to play all position at LB and can be an every down linebacker.
 Kendell Beckwith: LSU       6-2    243 lbs   40:   4.82     Projected: 3rd to 5th Round
Pros:  Beckwith has the ability to be a good ILB for both a 3-4 and a 4-3 team.  He takes good paths to the ball and won’t get caught going to the ball without a plan. He does a good job, getting around the guards to get to the ball carrier. He has quick hands with some pop into them.  He shows some good closing burst on the edge to make a tackle.  He has good discipline eyes and is patient to react.  He has awareness and good football IQ.  He does a good job in coverage and reads the QB well.
Cons: He can be inconsistent on second level blocks.   He is good with his hands but will just try to run around you though.   His athletic ability is only average. He can play way to tall which can take him a second to get going when he reacts.  His missed tackles total is to high over the last 3 years. He tore his ACL in the bowl game, which could make him drop in the draft.
Overall:   Beckwith was a productive member of the LSU defense for almost 3 years.  He has the size and ability to be a good ILB for a team but doesn’t look to ever be a stud. He will need to get better in coverage overall because the extent of his athletic ability is limited.  He did suffer the injury late in the year that will hurt his stock, and will be something teams will have to review and be fine with when they select him.
 Raekwon McMillan:   Ohio State     6-2     240 lbs   40:   4.61     Projected: 3rd to 5th Round
Pros:  McMillan is a good downhill MLB, who understands angles and how to get to the ball.  He can outpace the pulling guard and get to his spot quickly before the blocks are set up.   Reads the play and goes quickly.   He plays with good run lane anticipation.  He attacks with his hands first on blocks and uses his arm length to create leverage.   He has good zone coverage ability and can read the QB’s eyes and get into the throwing lanes.
Cons:  He can be taken out of play by big blockers an can get trapped on the wrong side of a block.  He can be a bit slow to get off a block to tackle.  He is tighter in the hips, and makes him slow to react on change of direction plays.  His stop and start speed is average and can be a liability in man coverage.
Overall: McMillian is nothing special but has the potential to be a good linebacker on a team.  He can look to get a bit stronger and tougher on the field but plays with good instincts. We will see if his production was aided by the talent around him or if he is good enough on his own.
 Duke Riley:   LSU   6-0   232 lbs      40: 4.58    Projected: 3rd to 5th Round
Pros: Riley improved every game his senior year, and became one of the defense best players at the end. Riley takes good angles and showed good instincts on the field. He had one of the best games of his year, was against Alabama.  He showed willingness to dart downhill and get into gaps and get to the ball. He shows a good wrap up tackle and drives through it.  He showed good acceleration in his pursuit.  He can open his hips and run in the open field, showing he can be used in coverage.  He showed good recognition against zone reads and play action.  
Cons:  he is undersized for the position.  His strength will come into question for the next level. He has only one season as a starter. He needs to build up speed and is not the best is short yardage closing speed.  He can get lost in a mess of players.   He plays good in zone and has speed but might struggle against a running back, if he does not recognize it fast enough as he is not a twitchy athlete.
Overall:  A one year wonder, who improved every game he played when his time came.  He lacks overall strength and athletic ability but is aware of what he needs to do on the field. He will need to bulk up to help his game and work hard, He will probably start off as a backup and work his way into a starting role.
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