#mk yaoi
fsfghgee · 11 months
When life put you on ice, Embrace the ice and Call it refreshing
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//Chapter 1///
Bi-Han × Tomas, Bitomas supremacy
- Brother, we are going to explore the forest. The forest you used to hunt. - In Tomas's room, an excited Kuai Liang tried his best to get his younger brother out of bed. - Join us.
Ever since the day they met, when the Lin Kuei's Grandmaster took Tomas in and explained his situation, Kuai Liang had tried to get closer to the boy and make him feel part of the family as instructed by his father, but even after months of trying to get him to open up and trust in people - trust that no one there would hurt him again - the boy's state of isolation only seemed to get worse with each passing day.
- I don't wanna go, sorry. - Indifferent to the older boy's excitement, the little european continued to look at his hands as if he could still see blood on them. - But I hope you have fun, Kuai Liang.
- Come on, man, it'll be fun. I'm sure no one knows that forest better than you!
- I'm sorry, Kuai Liang. I'm not ready to go back there.
"And I don't think I'll ever be…"
- We are brothers now. You can trust me to vent anytime. You know that, don't you?
Tomas just nodded in response, Kuai sighed sadly. Despite being only four years older – Tomas being 8 years old, Kuai Liang 12 – he understood that Tomas' situation required patience and his father's guidance to make him adapt, would have to wait a little longer.
Respecting the youngest's time, Kuai withdrew and left him alone, lost in thought.
The image of his family falling one by one before his eyes… 
His mother and his little twin sister falling badly injured and bleeding all over… 
Unable to prevail against the wrath of the warriors and their relentless blows. 
The shed blood of his mother who had stood in front of the twins – in a failed attempt to protect them – splashed onto the boy's face and clothes. 
Defenseless and too puny to defend his family from the terrifying warriors, all Tomas could do was cry and shout for mercy. 
A mercy that came too late.
Looking out his bedroom window, Tomas could spot a good deal of the training field from a distance under the cloudy sky.
The days passed in a tortuous way for the little boy who previously lived to hunt with his family.
Far from having had a luxurious life with his biological family, the comfort and luxuries of the room he isolated himself in were something he had never had access to before, with each passing day he felt an inner conflict growing within him.
"They murdered my family just for crossing their territory!"
"My mother, my sister…"
"I should hate them…"
"Why can't I? Why can't I hate them?!"
- Bi-Han, Kuai Liang. This is Tomas, he will stay with us and will be your new brother. Treat him with the same respect that It's incumbent upon all of us as Lin Kuei
- Welcome to the family, child. I know I can never fill the hole of sadness in your heart, but I can try to ease your pain. I will be proud to call you son and I will be honored if one day you call me mother.
- Now I'll know what Bi-Han feels! Welcome, Tomas! I hope we can get along well.
- Bi-Han! Bi-Han, come back here! 
"They are not bad people. Their cause is noble. Grandmaster has shown me compassion and has been the father I never had, my adoptive mother is good to me, my brothers too, well…"
- I feel no pity for you.
Unlike the rest of the family, Bi-Han had never shown him kindness, quite the opposite, he always treated him coldly and distanced himself as if he were a nuisance. However, going against all his survival instincts, the young cryomancer's cruel aversion only attracted him more every day…
The grumpy and arrogant young master fascinated him in a way he couldn't understand. And of everyone in the clan, Bi-Han was the only one he could watch for hours, studying every movement and every detail of his features, without getting tired.
- He's incredible... - Tomas sighed once again as he saw Bi-Han emerge victorious from yet another fight.
Distracted by the older boy's back, the young european almost choked on his own saliva when he saw him turn around and look directly at him, apparently irritated.
Fearing the worst and too embarrassed for being caught in the act, the gray-haired boy quickly ducked down with flushed cheeks, hiding from the hard gaze, almost as if he had been hit by sharp arrows.
- Did he really see me? - Biting his lip as he felt his heart palpitate, Tomas threw his head back and muttered to himself. Too young to understand what the cryomancer was doing to him, but old enough to become addicted to it. 
Returning to his room after spending the entire dinner avoiding the eyes of the heir of the Lin Kuei, Tomas was walking through the endless corridors quickly, when the cold touch of a heavy hand on his shoulder startled him and stopped him from walking away.
- Tomas. - The cold and ferocious tone was already unmistakable. The shiver it caused him too, like no other.
It had been months since the youngest cryomancer had spoken to him.
- Bi-Han?
- Wanna spar me? 
- I… I don't know how. - He responded timidly, after gathering the courage to look into the other's pale brown eyes. 
Bi-Han was taller and stronger than Tomas, due to constant training and advanced puberty.
- But you know how to hunt, don't you? - Tomas nodded proudly. - Think of it as a hunt, but you're the prey trying to escape me.
- I am the hunter, never the quarry! -He said outraged, feeling even the tips of his ears burn with the image drawn by Bi-Han in his head.
- Oh yeah? - He would never admit it out loud, but the youngest's boldness amused him. - Prove me wrong. Show me what you can do.
Trembling slightly, Tomas accepted the ice dagger that the cryomancer had carved in the blink of an eye before following him to the training field.
Bi-Han's experience worried him, but after spending so much time watching him fight and fighting the desire to follow in his footsteps, the young european believed he was old enough to hold his own in a fight and hopefully impress him with it.
- You held up very well. 
After the night Tomas sparred Bi-Han, he couldn't stop thinking about joining him in training, wanting more than ever to become a warrior too.
As a habit, his eyes searched for the warrior in blue. And although it wasn't the first time he watched Bi-Han and Kuai Liang fight together, he couldn't help but marvel at their synchronicity every time and wish he could have the same with Bi-Han someday, feel the same as Kuai Liang felt…
Bi-Han's admiring glance at him, the cryomancer's strong arms wrapped around his body, hearing him talk about him with so much pride, holding his hand, being chosen to be by his side as a partner...
After so long just trusting the Lin Kuei Grandmaster, trusting Bi-Han was refreshing.
And when his eyes met again, not identifying anything other than curiosity in them – and much due to the sparring match between the two still fresh in his memory – he held the older boy's gaze, trusting that Bi-Han would never hurt him and he had no reason to fear him.
//Chapter 2///
- Tomas?
- Father, I want to be a warrior. I want to join my brothers in training and defend earthrealm in the future. I am ready to make the mission of the Lin Kuei my life's mission.
Tomas stared blankly at the ceiling, refusing to let tears fall as he clung to the good memories with his adoptive family in the fortress. Fighting the growing desire to return there.
He had left everything behind...
His room, his belongings, his position, the respect of his fellows Lin Kuei, his friends of years, the memorial of his adoptive parents...
Even with Kuai Liang's promise that everything would return to the way it was before, as soon as he defeated Bi-Han and reformed the Lin Kuei, each day that passed he felt that such promises was more like a pipe dream than a forthcoming reality. 
- I'm sorry. - Tomas murmured sleepily in the older warrior's ear while receiving a piggyback ride to the infirmary.
If it weren't for Bi-Han's occasional nocturnal walks, the gray-haired one would still be trying to get back to the castle on one leg, after having sprained his ankle in another one of his secret training sessions.
- What are you apologizing for? For being weak? - He asked with his usual cold tone. Tomas was just thankful for the darkness of the night and his position that Bi-Han was unable to see how much he blushed in embarrassment.
Tomas had no idea, but as soon as Bi-Han heard him mewl and let out a frustrated sigh, the cryomancer was sure the typhomancer was blushing and pouting, making him smile at the thought.
  - For not recognizing my limits.
Bi-Han scoffed at such a notion.
  - If you want to be stronger, you must seek more power by any means necessary. Overcoming limits is the motto of a true warrior.
- (...) let me train with you.
- What's wrong with Kuai Liang's training?
Embarrassed and unable to look into Bi-Han's eyes for too long, Tomas returned to playing with the sheet between his fingers.
He didn't intend to speak ill of his brother, but after years of training with him and feeling as if he learned more from his busy father's occasional training than from his older brother, Bi-Han was his only hope.
- Kuai Liang is always too soft, too worried, always holding back... - The cryomancer just smiled mentally when he heard the frustration in the younger's voice, he wasn't the first one to come to him after Kuai Liang failed to find his pupils's weaknesses. - It's almost like he doesn't take me seriously.
- Is that why you decided to train alone? Is he still a failure as a master?
- I wouldn't call him a failure... - Not wanting to upset Bi-Han, the young typhomancer looked at him with his best puppy dog eyes. - Please, Bi-Han. I know you are busy with your own duties and pupils, but I am your b… - "No. I'm not. He let it perfectly clear more than once". - Y-You train Kuai Liang, why can't you train me? 
He needed someone like him...
Someone who would help him to push himself beyond his limits.
- I won't go easy on you.
- Am I asking for it?
As soon as Tomas recovered, the training with Bi-Han started at night - with the intention of avoiding hurting Kuai Liang's feelings and casting doubt on his abilities as a master - sometimes Bi-Han even allowed the youngest to accompany him on his night walks. Walks that, most of the time comfortably silent and long, Tomas cherished every passing second alone with the cryomancer. He felt privileged to learn more about him every day. The rude and unloving manner persisted, but the typhomancer was hopeful that one day he would have access to the iceman's gentle side.
After all, the pleasure of hunting is the pleasure of waiting.
And he would never stop being a hunter.
Unable to sleep and overcome with the desire to regain everything he had been forced to give up, Tomas had decided to silently invade the Lin Kuei fortress, hoping to convince Bi-Han to reconcile with Kuai Liang. It wouldn't be his first attempt, but definitely the most dangerous.
- Even your father's dreams weren't so grand. Only you could've replaced him as our Master Armorer.
- You honor me, Grandmaster. - Under Bi-Han's bed, Tomas rolled his eyes when he heard Sektor's polite tone coming from the hallway. Of all Bi-Han's bootlickers, the armorer was always the one who bothered him the most... - With you in command, our clan will finally be established as one of Earthrealm's great nations!
- Be more stealthful than the night.
- And more deadly than the dawn!
After what seemed like an eternity to Tomas' ears, Bi-Han finally turned off the lights and lay down on the bed. But before Smoke could do anything, Bi-Han let out a growl in annoyance.
- So the back-stabber came back with his tail between his legs... - Bi-Han murmured when he heard Smoke's anxious breathing coming from under the bed.
Under different circumstances, Bi-Han would mock the title of master of stealth, something like he having received such an honor too early, 'cause few things gave him more pleasure in life than seeing the young slavic pouting his lips.
- It was you who betrayed us, Bi-Han.
- I gained the Lin Kuei's freedom! - He responded aggressively.
- You only earned their infamy. - Claimed sadly, looking into the eyes of his former Grandmaster.
Bi-Han sighed heavily and turned to the other side, hating Tomas' look of disappointment on him. After having spent a good part of his life so accustomed to the younger man's admiring glances, not having them anymore, in some way, disturbed him greatly.
- You have to stop this madness Bi-Han! - Turning the older man around forcefully, he jumped on him holding the Karambit to his throat. Making him gasp in astonishment. - I don't wanna have to hurt you!
- As if you could hurt me. You little slavic orphan, pathetic, weak…
- Bi-Han! Don't make me... - Touching the blade to the cryomancer's skin, Bi-Han grunted as he felt the blade cut him, a cut deep enough for a drop of blood come out and Tomas' eyes to fill with tears when  realized what he had done, pulling the blade away immediately. - I-I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to...
Before Tomas could get out of bed panicked, Bi-Han grasped him by the waist and rolled over, pinning the youngest down, holding both his wrists firmly against the mattress.
- You're still weak! - Tomas groaned in pain as he felt the grip on his wrists intensify. - Unworthy of being considered my brother…
- If father w-were here, he w-would…
- He's not here anymore! - Bi-Han almost shouted in anger. - I am your Grandmaster now. When will you wrap your mind around this?!
Tomas wept bitterly below him, only stopping struggling to free himself after the older man let him go and collapse beside him. Suddenly feeling an abnormal exhaustion take over his body.
- Get out of my sight before I break you into pieces.
- I don't run from anyone… - Wiping tears from his eyes, he tried to compose himself before looking at the older man again - And I'm not afraid of you!
- All I see next to me is the scared boy who feared me since the day we met…
- I never feared you! I-I admired you! I respected you! I loved you deeply until you betray us! - Tomas grabbed him by the collar of his pajamas, looking firmly into his pale brown eyes while clenched the silk. - But you never noticed! You never noticed me! Too busy with your delusions of grandeur... - The cryomancer just returned the typhomancer's tearful look with a murderer one, but even if he were about to die for it, Tomas wouldn't back down. He needed to get it all off his chest. - While I tried to gain your favor, even a little of your love, looking for any sign that you had any affection for me, treasuring any crumb of kindness you were willing to give me... You pretended that I didn't exist, ignoring my existence whenever you could, continually reminding me how unworthy I was to even share the same air as yours… - Bi-Han was good at feigning indifference, but his facade was starting to break. Never before had he seen the grey-haired man so distressed in front of him. - Y-You never looked at me the way you look at Kuai Liang. You've only degraded me my entire life! And discarded me at the first opportunity, like I never mattered to you…
- Tomas…
- No, Bi-Han. Now you'll listen to me. I grew tired of your whims! I won't submit myself to you never again! I am… I'm tired of crying for you... - And even though he said that, tears continued to run down his beautiful face and occasionally drip onto the older man's face. - Kuai Liang was right, you never even respected me. How foolish was I to think that one day I would earn your love?
- Tomas…
- Have you ever truly loved someone but yourself? - After seeing Bi-Han attack his younger brother, he already doubted the love that Bi-Han supposedly felt for him. - Have you ever thought about doing something nice for someone without expecting something in return? - Receiving nothing but visible anger from the cryomancer's eyes, he let him go and turned his back on him. - You only use people…
- Tomas!
- What!?!
- In what way do you love me?
- A-And why does it matter?
- How do you love me, Tomas?!
- I love you like a... - Suddenly, the answer seemed difficult to smoke out of his mind. - L-Like a brother of course!
The truth was that the typhomancer had never questioned himself about that..
Love was simply love in his conception. He had never felt the need to label what he felt.
- Are you sure about that? - Bi-Han approached the edge of the bed and hugged him from the back. - Are you saying that you don't feel anything when I do this... - Caressing Tomas' chest and slowly running his fingers down his ripped abs, Bi-Han kissed his pale neck, smiling slyly as he made the typhomancer pant so easily. - Do you moan like that when Kuai Liang touches you?
- W-What are you insinuating, Bi-Han? - Tomas looked at him from the corner of his eyes.
- That you want more than my fraternal love, puppy.
- I-I don't know what you're talking about...
Warning: Pseudo-Incest, Yaoi, M x M, explicit
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hieichan · 10 months
Bihan notices he want to f*#ck the adopted
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Look the bihan's stare to Tomas, so canon.
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legoangstissogay · 5 months
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"We used to do this all the time together... why don't you remember?"
"I don't know why, but something tells me that I can trust you,"
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mogusalt · 9 months
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this was canon trust
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bmj-arts · 11 months
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idk anything about mk1 but they seem like… good friends yep mhm 😁
also bonus
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blade-in-a-cage · 10 months
ok but hear me out
Johnshi Old Man Yaoi starring MK11 Dilf Johnny and MKX Bearded Kenshi
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freakensteinxiii · 8 months
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WIP of MK1 Kuai Liang and MK11 Hanzo Hasashi. No new timeline will separate these boys for me lol <3
Drew it for a fic I wrote about MK11 Hanzo joining the new timeline.
EDIT: It has come to my attention that maybe I should link the fic to this pic in case anyone wanted to read it and hopefully enjoy where the inspo to this art came from... ->
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wellpartonme · 3 months
Beach AU
I love my old man yaoi
Still in progress but wanted to share cuz I’ll prob not finish it in a while
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Mk11 Johnny cage will appear in a speedo
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cryptidbait · 8 months
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Snowblind Screencap Redraw
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justbethess · 6 months
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Yes... I did... and no one will deny that it is perfectly them...
Of course, if you tell me that Hotaru is toxic or possessive,
I'm going to believe you....
*I look at you intently*
the video will be here⬇️⬇️⬇️
Sorry if it doesn't look great, it's the first time I've done this, I accept advice.👉👈
and yes it is another part of: "Hotaru's ugly drawings until he returns and i will let you know if he is back"
*Cry* no... not yet
Part. 2
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merakidion · 7 months
Imagine if exist a alternative universe when Johnny gets blind and Kenshi not. What things would change in this timeline?
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fsfghgee · 10 months
Au mix of MK1/MK original, in which 18yo Tomas is being sought after by a few Lin Kuei male Nobles. The fact he's a European is a attractive quality as well as his skills in Smoke magic. These elite warriors ask the old Grandmaster for permission to court the sweet, handsome Tomas. Of course Tomas feels flush and little excited at the prospect of marriage, having a family and being seen as worthy of being a Lin Kuei and a spouse to them.
Bi-Han is furious that his father forces him to be the chaperone of all of Tomas courting so no funny business doesn't go pass the kissing. The truth is he struggles with his feelings for Tomas and envy and jealous of being just a witness. Especially seeing Tomas enjoying the flirting and
Father and son confront each other, the old man knew of Bi-Han's feeling for Tomas and said if he wants to make Tomas his future consort then court him as well. But remember it's Tomas's choice. Also the father mentions that Sektor is also seeking to have Tomas as his consort too. Bi-Han goes for it! As he does hate Sektor as he could challenge him for Grandmaster position! And for Tomas!
Imagine the smut-smut- and fight nonsense between these two and the rest.
Well, I tried my best. Sorry if I missed something! I hope you like it! ^^
Hidden Feelings
Bi-Han (Sub-Zero) x Tomas (Smoke) | 18+
- Tomas, the stray dog that my father took in, have you seen him anywhere?
-I haven't seen him since he was sent to meet with negotiators. - Bi-Han looked around on pure instinct, but in his brief search he found no one resembling the european. - Why?
- Forget it.
- I can help you fin…
- I said forget it! - Before Cyrax continued to insist, Bi-Han left stressed towards the castle. Fed up with being part of his father's idiocies, so angry that anyone passing by could tell it wasn't a good time to ask him for anything, he just wished his Grandmaster's premonition would happen soon.
Having to accompany his adopted brother on yet another night of courtship was not what he expected from an "important and confidential mission" when summoned by his father weeks ago.
"Aren't you the one who's always telling me to never trust a sorcerer?"
"But not that their premonitions and veiled threats should be taken lightly."
- Of all the orphans that could appear... - Bi-Han muttered frustrated as he hurriedly crossed the castle's corridors. - Father had to find an omega to bring home...
"A foreign omega on top of that"
He hated the fact that he had an omega adopted brother and much more how much attention he attracted. Not just between Lin Kuei warriors, but from rival clans as well…
It wasn't once or twice that Bi-Han stopped Tengus from kidnapping him, when the slavic boy insisted on leaving the territory alone on sporadic hunts.
- I would kill for the chance to woo him.
- A european has his charm and so on, but I prefer asians like myself, having children with a european is…
- A dream that I will never realize. - Bi-Han rolled his eyes in pure disgust when he heard the voice of young warriors in one of the corridors of the huge library - Imagine children with unique features like gray hair, those blue eyes...
- How long have you been in love with the Grandmaster's adopted son anyway? - He expected to find Tomas studying some book recommended by Xiaoqing, the Lin Kuei's Elder Arcanist, not two... - You've been sighing for him for so long that I don't even know anymore.
- Well…
Bi-Han tired of hearing more of the same about the young european, growled in frustration and quickly left the library.
He was looking for the room of Kuai Liang, his brother and best friend, with the intention of talking and perhaps convincing him to offer to take this weight off his shoulders. Kuai Liang knew him well enough to see through his actions, understand his frustrations, and try to alleviate them the best way he could. Although Bi-Han never said exactly what he felt, Kuai Liang was good at reading him.
- I never imagined that Hedi could be so sweet... - Kuai Liang just smiled and nodded while the youngest talked excitedly about the last date with one of his suitors. - The way that…
- Brother?
- Kuai Liang.
Tomas remained with his back to the door and Bi-Han standing just in front, surprised by the older man's entrance and too embarrassed by the thought of how much he had heard.
- May I help you?
Bi-Han just pointed at the gray-haired one. And as if Tomas could guess that it was him they were talking about, largely because he was too used to Bi-Han simply ignoring his presence or making signs that only Kuai Lian could understand, he turned to look at Bi-Han.
- Father wants to talk to you about another romantic rendezvous... - Kuai Liang couldn't help but frown at the disgust he felt his brother had in every word said. - Another idiot interested in you.
- Bi-Han. - Rebuking him, Kuai Liang stopped questioning himself.
"Maybe he's just tired."
- Another one? But already?
- Hurry up. I don't have all day.
Tomas snorted, saying goodbye to Kuai Liang briefly, quickly following behind the cryomancer who was already leaving the room at a fast pace.
The silence was welcomed and appreciated by the cryomancer, Tomas knew that. Although when he spoke, Bi-Han had an annoying tendency to love the sound of his own voice, often piping down anyone nearby before they could even express their opinions properly.
He knew that Bi-Han was stubborn and not interested in other people's opinions, just one more trait inherited from his mother, besides his appearance.
Tomas liked to think that his and many others' fascination with Bi-Han was because of his extraordinary strength, powers capable of building wonders, destroying with ease and rebuilding even more grandly, all housed within a warrior who was blessed with the angelic appearance – adapted to the masculine sex – of the beautiful young woman that his adoptive mother had once been, combined with the excellent proportion of a male body worked from an early age…
- Why are you always so excited about these encounters?
Tomas almost chocked in his own saliva when he heard Bi-Han's voice suddenly sound. It wasn't like him making idle conversation. Not with him.
- Why wouldn't I be? Unlike you, I don't want to end up alone. - The older man's grit of teeth and sour expression were invisible to Tomas who just continued to respond indifferently, following behind Bi-Han with quick steps. - Kuai is already engaged and soon I won't have him around like I do now. And between being with someone who respects me and someone who despises me after my father is gone, I prefer the first. - He spitted acidly before leaving him behind.
Uninterested in anything Bi-Han could say to mock him as usual.
When Bi-Han entered the Grandmaster's office, Tomas was already waiting for him sitting in one of the guest chairs, in front of his father, talking about what he had thought of the suitors so far.
- None of them seemed suitable to him so far. - Bi-Han exclaimed monotonously, ignoring the younger man's irritated look and his father's questioning one as he took his place next to the gray-haired one.
- What do you mean by that? Tomas has only praised everyone so far. - Bi-Han just rolled his eyes at his father's naivety. - Is there something I should know and Tomas isn't telling me?
"He speaks as if he doesn't know the slavic dog's pathetic tendency to overvalue any act of kindness, regardless of the ulterior motives that may be hiding..."
- Tomas? - At the eldest son's silence, he addressed the youngest. -  Can you explain?
- I already told you everything, father. Everyone has been extremely respectful so far. I would be honored to be joined in matrimony with any of them.
- Well, earlier today I received a proposal from our master armorer. - Grandmaster smiled minimally, leaving his children apprehensive. - His eldest son, Sektor, will go on a date with you next week.
- Sektor?! - Bi-Han and Tomas repeated in unison.
- Do you have a problem with that?
- No. Not at all. Just… - In fact, Tomas was confused. - He never seemed to like me very much.
- He must be shy. Give the boy a chance.
Tomas nodded emotionlessly.
- Of course, it would be unfair of me not to give him a chance.
- That's the right thing to do. - Bi-Han just looked at the Grandmaster angrily before taking a deep breath, looking back at his closed fists in his lap. - His father was always a great friend of mine. I'm sure his heir will be a great master armorer in the future. And as a key part of our clan, marrying him will be a good way to honor their family's loyalty to us and keep yourself protected when I'm gone.
- I don't like when you talk like that... - The adopted son's concern got a tired smile from the Grandmaster.
- Death will come to meet me sooner or later. I just hope to die with honor and knowing that all my children will be safe without me.
Bi-Han suddenly stood up and asked to leave. Finding his son's behavior strange, Grandmaster denied the request and asked Tomas to leave them alone.
- What do you still want from me, Grandmaster?
- Cut the irony, Bi-Han. I'm your father. And you know you should treat me as such.
The younger cryomancer just rolled his eyes and sat back down when his father motioned to do so.
- What's your problem now?
- Anything. There's nothing wrong.
- I know you. I know you too well... - The older man got up from his chair and walked to Bi-Han, gripping his shoulder with one hand. - Tell me what's going on, son.
- I don't think Tomas is ready to get married.
- Why do you think so?
- He's only 18 years old. - Sulking, Bi-Han moved away from the older man's touch when he got up too. - If my mother were alive, she wouldn't allow this circus.
- What do you really mean, Bi-Han?
- You're practically selling him! - He stated angrily. - You will leave him in the hands of whoever bids highest…
- Bi-Han…
- He belongs here! In the castle! His place is... - Grandmaster just watched his son shaking with rage. There wasn't much he could do when he saw him like that... So disturbed. - His place is here! He must stay with me!
- Y-You… - Amazed, he could barely finish a sentence. - Would you like to court Tomas?
- What?!
- Do you? Don't you?
- I… I…
- I'm sorry I never noticed how you felt about him. I had my suspicions, but… - Grandmaster just reflected for a brief moment on how much Bi-Han reminded him of his late wife even in this. - Well, you never saw him as a brother, after all. I think I worried for nothing because of that. You've always protected him well... More times than I can count now. However, I cannot be unfair to others… - Bi-Han raised his eyebrow in skepticism. - If you have feelings for Tomas, you have my permission to court him. I won't stop you. But it's his choice to accept your feelings or not.
warning: yaoi, rough sex, mpreg, 18+
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lxxvley · 1 month
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i swear i can draw faces okay i just don’t like drawing them
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rubberhosededede · 3 months
Hiiiii Robo-Ky Nation
(send me any animated sprites not on here I want them ALLLL)
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ishimaru-suprimacy · 5 months
Mortal Kombat zombie apocalypse au 🤨
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Anyway if anyones interested ill add more charecters btww big part of this is based of of a railao ao3 fic :3
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nath-309 · 3 months
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Algo pequeño de poco esfuerzo pero esq se me hace tan lindo Syzoth en esa skin, si me dice perro yo le ladro 🚶‍♂️🧎‍♂️🐕
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