#mk oc charu
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averytiredbitch · 30 days ago
Alrighty, sooo... As I have mentioned earlier, I have redesigns for Melantha down. Problem is, I'm stuck on one thing. Her skin color.
See her mom, (another OC of mine), Charu, has green skin. Specifically a dark forest like/rose leaf green.
Reference below. (Made with Picrew; Tiefling maker)
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And then there's her dad, Shinnok, who goes in between having dull gray colored skin in the midway era,
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and then a light, dusty gray/pale white in the nrs era
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So after some research, I've come to two possible skin colors. Olive green or charcoal gray.
And that, Tumblr is where I am stuck.
So please let me know which skin color I should use for Melantha.
(first two pics from meiker.io, and the last two are from Picrew; RPG Chara (Daemonic) maker)
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Tag list: @theelderhazelnut @mids-stupid-shit @roselyn-writing @mixed-bag-of-fandoms @malicedragoness
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awholenewkhaos · 18 days ago
Based on this maker
Human Charu x Human Shinnok
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///apologies for how Shinnok looks. The maker was limited and I cannot draw... Well... I can't draw well.
Tag list: @theelderhazelnut @mids-stupid-shit @roselyn-writing @mixed-bag-of-fandoms @malicedragoness @elderglocks
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averytiredbitch · 19 days ago
✨Let's talk about OCs!✨ How would you describe your OC's personality/aesthetic? What's your favourite thing about them? Tell us a fun fact(s) about your OC or their creation! 🤍 Send this to at least 3 people to spread some OC appreciation! 🤍
As discussed in our chat, I will use this to talk about Fuyuka and Nozomi.
This will contain spoilers, obviously. Specifically for their gaming counterparts. (Might be one for Nozomi's movie part)
Tag list: @theelderhazelnut @mids-stupid-shit @malicedragoness @mixed-bag-of-fandoms @elderglocks
Fuyuka (divider by @cafekitsune )
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Her personality: As a young goddess, in her Ceerix stage (see this post for explanation), Fuyuka has always cared about others. She was very sensitive to others emotions and mental states, and constantly wished to help. Which is what earned her the title of, "Goddess of Peace". Unfortunately, an incident involving a certain titan, (not Kronika), somewhere between the late Barvit and early Melnome stages, left Fuyuka with one fatal lesson. Do not be too kind, or else it will come back to haunt you. During the recovery of that incident, Fuyuka had isolated herself from her friends and family, and thus gained two new titles. "Goddess of Knowledge and The Craft." She would open up and connect with others again near the end of her Melnome years. She would regain her kind and caring nature through the help of a certain netherrealm resident.
Fun fact about her creation: when I first made her, Fuyuka was the original twin to Shinnok, with Cetrion acting as a replacement for her when she ended up disappearing/dying. Then at another point, I made her the protector of Seido. (I called it Peacerealm cause I didn't know the actual name). Another backstory for her was that her, Shinnok, Charu (named Spring at the time) (yes I did name an oc after a season... sue me), Onaga, Ongris (another oc), Juno (another oc), and Shariah was apart of this group of secret guardians who were sworn to protect each realm. If something happened, they would then have to rule those realms.
Fuyuka has been through a lot of backstory and personality changes. But a few things never changed.
her having silver-ish skin and red hair
her being Shinnok's sister
her and Quan Chi being lovers
Bonus fact: Her and Quan Chi used to have two daughters named Anastasia and Vermillion. I erased them and now it's just-
Nozomi! (divider by @cafekitsune )
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Her personality: Nozomi is anything you want her to be. Need her to be kind and caring? Then she'll be kind and caring. Want her to be brave and tough? Well that's what she'll be. Nozomi will do, (almost), anything to ensure you'll stay. Growing up being moved around from god to god has left Nozomi feeling like there was something wrong with her. Like she wasn't good enough for them. So she made it her mission to be whatever people needed. This had caused her moments where she would mentally split and snap. Mainly on herself. Poor Nozomi has been pretending for so long, she can't tell what's real anymore. She can't tell who the real her is anymore. Her love for others is genuine though. That one thing is true. (isn't it?)
Facts about her creation: When I first made her, Nozomi's name was originally Kage, (Ka-Gay). She had black hair and black eyes, and was Quan Chi's niece. She was the daughter of Quan Chi's sister, Iduna, (another OC of mine), and the Grimm Reaper. That change wouldn't come until I started making changes with Fuyuka. Another fun fact, is that I used to ship her with my one oc Phantos. Before I made him aro-ace.
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awholenewkhaos · 2 months ago
Rules for the blog
Kristy's movie sheet
Marisol's movie sheet
Xiu Ying's movie sheet
Mizuki's movie sheet
Nozomi's movie sheet
Ayeka's form
Aging system for deities
Marisol's and Kristy's designs
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averytiredbitch · 2 years ago
MK OC redesign 3
I have decided to go through and re-design my ocs. And I have gone through with re-designing their looks, personality, and backstory. I may not hit all three points for all my ocs, but will be going through at least one.
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Name/Pronouns: Nozomi (She/Her)
Nickname(s): Khaos incarnate, The Queen of mean, The Sultry Seductress, and Mistress/Madam
Gender: Female (Cis)
Alliances: (Old)The Gods (New) The Deadly Viceful Virtues
Species: Demi God
Origin: The heavens
Current Residence: ???
Personality: Nozomi is one goddess you don’t wanna mess with! She can and will make your life a living hell. Nozomi is cruel and relentless. But, get on her good side and she can be your best friend. A great partner (in business and romance). Your strongest ally. Nozomi is also passionate, goal-oriented, protective, and charming. Her wit and ability to construct master plans makes her a good mastermind. Being a great leader comes from Nozomi’s charm, protectiveness, and relentlessness. An added bonus is her powers. After all, she does have pretty powerful parents.
Backstory: Born to Fuyuka, (Goddess of Peace, Knowledge, and The Craft), and Quan Chi, (a demon sorcerer), Nozomi kept hidden for a while. She had been passed along between Gods only Fuyuka trusted. Ultimately Nozomi was raised never knowing who her real parents were. When she came of age, Fuyuka was to take her on as an apprentice. But she disappeared. Alongside Charu. In a panic, just like her childhood, she was passed along from god to god, being apprenticed in different techniques. Ultimately, she became Raiden’s apprentice, training alongside Liu Kang and Kung Lao. But something changed inside her. A desire burned deep inside her. She started to realize that she had more potential, and left her mentor and Shaolin Brothers behind to pursue what she felt was her destiny. Along the way of her “soul searching” she came across the Red Reaper and Arctic-Nebula. Two formidable warriors whom she saw great potential in. Together, the three became a deadly trio known as The Deadly Viceful Virtues. And their group grew. Allying with other creatures from all over the realms. Even a few gods joined The Deadly Viceful Virtues”. One such deity was a goddess named Melantha. Princess of the Netherrealm.
Sneak peek of the next oc redesign
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averytiredbitch · 4 years ago
Which OC is in love?
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averytiredbitch · 3 years ago
MK OC Scorpion's Revenge jokes
I don't know if I've posted them before, but fuck it I'll do it again. Here ya go @cyo-bro
Hanzo: Satoshi. Harumi!  What is this!? Where am I?
Melantha: Hi sir, welcome to Netherrealm's BBQ. You'll be on the menu for tonight. As for "Satoshi" and "Harumi" I couldn't pick them from the grocery store, seeing as I'm not allowed to take groceries from the Gods. Any questions?
Demon torturer: Ah. Fresh meat. *licks blade*
Melantha: Hey! What has dad said about licking the cooking utensils?
Hanzo: *trying to break free*
Nozomi: Hey buddy! Twist to the left and then pull.
Demon Torturer: It's no use. You are a prisoner here
Nozomi: Shut up! I wanted to see him try!
Hanzo: For how long?
Demon Torturer: *laughs* Forever
Hanzo: How long is that?
Nozomi: Oh you know. About a few weeks. Maybe a holiday. A couple weekends- How long do you think?
Demon Torturer: Your voice will soon join the others, rising up to please the great Shinnok.
Charu: Honestly I don't understand how my husband can stand it.
Hanzo: Shinnok?
Demon Torturer: The master of Netherrealm. There. The only place of reprieve in this realm. Look on it and weep
Charu: I'm about to cry myself. I told him to clean up the damn place while I was gone.
Demon Torturer: We can do this for all eternity
Melantha: Actually dinner's at six. So you might wanna wrap this up, it's almost five! Come on man you know how long humans take to cook!
Demon Torturer: Is that a prayer? *laughs* No. No God can help you here.
Melantha: Well actually got three Goddesses right here, however I have to prep for tonight's dinner, so- Hey mom where are you going?
Melantha: OK! *Leaves*
Nozomi: Well. That leaves me, but I don't want to help.
Hanzo: I need no God
Nozomi: Oh thank the gods!
Hanzo: Shinnok!
Quan Chi: No. Shinnok is indisposed.
Hanzo: Then go fetch him for me.
Quan Chi: If only I could.
Charu: *popping in* Where's my husband? I would like to have a word with him.
Quan Chi: You may be a vengeful spirit. But even they have their limits.
Nozomi: So do you dad. You're not special.
Quan Chi: Long ago my master Shinnok was unjustly imprisoned. This is the key to his release. It's located on Shang Tsung's island. Get me the key. Once my master is released, he can return your family, even you to the mortal realm
Charu: I will personally give you fertile soil to grow whatever food you need up there, if you contact me as soon as you get to that key.
Raiden: That key won't solve your problems
Charu: *pops in* It'll solve mine though!
Raiden: It will, however, create new ones.
Charu: Yeah like the damn place not getting cleaned. Let me through Raiden!
Shang Tsung: You see Quan Chi, the trick is to always be ten steps ahead of your enemy. *Dumps drink* You think I didn't know you'd betray your own Emperor, Quan Chi?
Nozomi: *looking at the spilled contents* Dad, you idiot! I told you before, it's cyanide and THEN emetic poison. Not the other way around!
Scorpion: Then come take it from me, like you did my family.
Quan chi: Very well then. But please, put up more of a fight then your wife did.
Nozomi: *groans* that insult again? Oh jeez. Here let me do the insulting. *Turns to Scorpion and clears her throat* You know Hanzo, the only reason why your wife didn't put up much of a fight was because the thought of another night with you was already killing her. I mean, can you blame the poor woman? I'm surprised she didn't kill herself. I would if I had to be with someone like you! Poor Harumi had to spend every night married to a little bitch who wasn't packing much downstairs. Like buddy, are you sure those were real orgasms? Cause trust me I can tell you right now, they were definitely fake. I would know.
Quan Chi: You what?
Nozomi: I mean shit at this point, I'd do a better job at pleasing her than you did, you toasted, crusty faced, little bitch! *Turns to her dad* And that's you roast somebody!
Quan chi: I have several questions for you young lady!
Nozomi: Oh gee would you look that. I got another meeting. Well bye! *Disappears*
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averytiredbitch · 3 years ago
Picrew says I'm the chosen one now
I was messing around with this picrew and look what made picrew's front page
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Not even 5 seconds after and Picrew was like, "beautiful! perfect! front page now!" tagging; @mommymao @thevoidwriting @namigoll @daddydestrey @yuvononik and anyone else who wants to do it
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averytiredbitch · 4 years ago
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Hey. Guess what fuckers? Guess what's gonna be coming back soon? How soon you ask? Not soon enough! But I have something that'll be here shortly...
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That's right.
Another MK fan story involving my OCs.
This time involving the re-telling of MK Mythologies: Sub-Zero
with a twist!
(make sure to check the tags for its release date. ;) )
and as a bonus; here are some updated summaries for...
AFIWR Book 1
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AFIWR in general
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aaaand one for the Switched AU. (which is what MK Mythos Redone will be under) (spoilers, obviously)
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all of those summaries can be viewed on Ao3 under the username Grey6
@ombratheshadow13 @deepinthefog @dontunderestimatemypoison @doodlewagonbug @feistyfandomthings @tora-lotus @cyberneticbloodgoddess @kano-kupcake @toomanyf4ndoms7 @toomanyf4ndoms8 @ask-linkuei-grandmaster @wing-dingy @yuvononik @yuvon
(side note: Aibang is my HC name for Bi Han's and Kuai Liang's family name. And the title for chapter 6 of AFIWR might be changed before the final release)
edit: If ya'll want, your free to take guesses as to what chapter 6 will be about
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averytiredbitch · 4 years ago
(in order that I think of them in)
Charu: *blinks and calls back behind her* Hey honey, what happened at the party last night? *Looks back to the kid* unless I created you*Checks the kid for pointed ears to see if they're a Nymph or Nymphlim* (my version of a male nymph)
Fuyuka: *internal screaming, but on the outside* oh ok. Hey Nozomi you got another sibling.
Nozomi: revoke my parent license right now. I didn't sign up for this. AUNT CET! UNCLE SHINNOK! I MEAN IT! REMOVE MY PARENTAL RIGHTS! I'M NOT READY FOR THIS! AUNT CHARU?! MOM?! DAD?! ANYBODY!? HELLO!?
Melantha: Aww that's ado- wait a minute... *Gasp* my parents are gonna kill me if they find out! No no no no uh shoo! Be gone!
Michiko: I'm politely asking you to reconsider
Reiki: Cool. Let's go burn some stuff
Krow: Jokes on you kid. I can't get pregnant nor can I impregnate other people. So, checkmate! Unless I spawned you....
Kristy: Oh ok...... Wait a fucking minute!
Klaudia: .... That bastard told me he was wearing protection.
Shariah: smol warrior baby. Come here. *opens arms for a hug*
Nyx: Oh great! He'sss gone from claiming petssss asssss our children to actual children. Bravo Zyssssoth! Bravo!
Megumi: *squeals* Squiggles you have a sibling! I can't wait for you to meet your other mom!
Ayeka: *happy vibing* Megumi! It finally happened!!
Aimi: ... This was gonna happen eventually.
Symphonia: ahem *points to the Lesbian flag* I believe you're mistaken kiddo. Unless Cassie adopted you. HEY CASS DID YOU ADOPT A KID!?
Satoru: I hope you're ok with having a single dad, cause honestly, I don't vibe with the whole romance thi- you are literally a child, why am I telling you this?
Judas: .... *Grins* this is perfect!
Xue: *panicking* how child? How? How have child when on missions?
Zyta: ..... are you one of the souls I delivered?
Nemos: Hope you like demons kid, cause I ain't leaving you home alone. I got shit to do in the Netherrealm.
Discordia: hello mini me
Harmonia: Dad's gonna kill me!
Masumi: rule number 1. We don't burn realms when we're angry.
Orcis: *pulls on the kid's ears* why aren't they pointy?
Illythia: Cool, hey are you afraid of heights?
Seth: Are you sure you aren't my brother's kid?
Yamato: You're clearly Seth's
Melodica: but can you swim?
If it’s possible, how would your OC react at being confronted with a child claiming to be theirs?
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averytiredbitch · 4 years ago
MK OC Randomness part 7...I think
you know the drill
also thank you @earthrealmclown for introducing me to the incorrect quotes generator
Kabal: What was your favorite high school memory? Klaudia: Leaving! Klaudia: Fucking leaving! ------ *On trying to hide their parentage* Melantha who only has Shinnok's hair color and a much darker shade of his skin color: Oh no. They're gonna know I'm Shinnok's daughter! I look just like him! What do I do!? *vs* Nozomi who looks like the near spitting image of Quan Chi: I'm so glad everybody in this tournament is a fucking idiot.
Ryder, aggressively: When I was, a young boy, I was a young boy when I was a boy. Ryder: I was and am a boy!
Charu: Behold! The field in which I grow my fucks! Charu: Lay thine eyes upon it, and thou shalt see that it is barren.
------ Little Nori: She called me the B word! Little Xue: Motherfucker doesn't start with a B!
*then* Little Nyx: Hi big brother! Young Phantos: Awe you're so sweet little sister, ^^ *now* Older Nyx: Hey bitch! Older Phantos: *velociraptor noise*
Fuyuka: Ok guys we have to be careful. Fuyuka: Someone here is possessed by an owl. Quan Chi: Who? Fuyuka: That's the thing we don't Fuyuka: ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )
Nori: Look at all them cute little snow virgins Nori: You cute little virgins you. Nori: Aww, where you from? The Shirai Ryu? Nori: You cute little virgins.
Kano: Hey. Klaudia: What do you want?! Kano: Ouch, what was that for? Klaudia: Can't you see I'm in the middle of an episode? Kano: But the tv's off- Klaudia: bUt ThE tV's OfF- A depressive episode!
Nyx: Reptile and I don’t use pet names. Phantos: I see. Hey, what do bees make? Nyx: Honey? Reptile: Yes, dear? Nyx: ._. Phantos: Don't ever lie to my face again.
Reptile: HELP! I TOLD NYX I’D COOK DINNER TONIGHT BUT I CAN’T COOK! Phantos, pouring milk directly into the cereal bag: And you thought I could help?
Kristy: I am not out of control! I'm a law abiding citizen! Kabal: Really? Name one law Kristy: Don't kill people? Kabal: That's on me. I set the bar too low.
Melantha: Date someone who will drag you outside at 3am to look at the stars. Nozomi: If anyone, and I mean anyone, wakes me up at 3am to go look at the damn sky they will be removed indefinitely from my life.
Nozomi, walking into her house: Hello, people who do not live here. Michiko: Hey. Reiki: Hi. Yamato: Hello. Seth: Hey! Nozomi: I gave you the key to my place for emergencies only! Megumi: We were out of Doritos.
Flamus: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat? Aquillo: >:O language Fujin: Yeah watch your fucking language Raiden: OKAY WHO TAUGHT FUJIN THE FUCK WORD? Krow: 'The fuck word'. Charu: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time Fujin: Oh my god she censored it Krow: Say fuck, Charu. Fujin: Do it, Charu. Say fuck.
Sektor: Would you guys be there for me if I was going through something? Cyrax: Nope, absolutely not. Kuai: I hope it sucks, whatever you're going through. Bi Han: I hope it emotionally scars you for the rest of your life. Tomas: I hope you reach out to me so I can ignore you. Michiko: I can't wait to go to your funeral, knowing I could've changed that outcome.
Nozomi: Self care is actually getting into fights with randoms in dark alleys. Raiden: No, self care is stuff like taking a bubble bath, or putting on a lot of makeup if you like it, or taking a nice warm nap! Melantha: Self care is the burning heat when rage washes over you!! Self care is when you feel the bones crack under your powerful fists!! Self care is the fear in your enemies’ eyes!!! Quan Chi: Ha! self care is taking your birthday cake just so I can eat the frosting. Nozomi: If you touch my birthday cake I’ll make you eat your hands.
Nozomi: Can I be frank with you guys? Shinnok: Sure, but I don’t see how changing your name is gonna help. Melantha: Can I still be Melantha? Quan Chi: Shh, let Frank speak.
Nozomi: Dammit, Raiden! Raiden: What?! It wasn’t me! Nozomi: Sorry, force of habit. Dammit, Kung Lao! Kung Lao: Not me either. Nozomi: Oh...Then who set the house on fire? Liu Kang: *whistles*
Nozomi: *Gently taps table* Raiden: *Taps back* Kung Lao: What are they doing? Liu Kang: Morse code. Nozomi: *Aggressively taps table* Raiden: *Slams hands down* YOU TAKE THAT BACK-
Kristy: Isn’t it weird that we pay money to see other people? Klaudia: Plane tickets? Erron: Concert tickets? Kano: Prostitution? Kristy, holding her broken frames: Glasses.
Satoru: If you can’t beat them, dress better than them
Grandmaster: Top 30 reasons why Grandmaster is sorry... Number 5 will surprise you! Meixiu: Top 30 anime deaths. Number One: YOUR FUCKING ASS RIGHT NOW!!!
Grandmaster: I was arrested for being too cool. Meixiu: The charges were dropped due to a lack of supporting evidence.
Meixiu: What the fuck is wrong with you?! Grandmaster: Wow, you could start with a 'good morning'. Meixiu: Good morning. What the fuck is wrong with you?!
Xue: Schrödinger’s cat is overrated. If you wanna see something that’s both dead and alive you can talk to me any time of the day.
Nori, threatening the others with a paintball gun: Listen... Life comes at us fast. We don't know what life is gonna give us... And today, it's gonna give you... a paintball!
Su: Okay okay stop asking me if I'm straight, gay, bi, whatever. I identify as a FUCKING THREAT.
Tamotsu: So apparently the 'bad vibes' I’ve been feeling are actually severe psychological distress @feistyfandomthings @dontunderestimatemypoison @doodlewagonbug @yuvononik @yuvon @toomanyf4ndoms7 @toomanyf4ndoms8 @cyberneticbloodgoddess @tora-lotus @ombratheshadow13
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averytiredbitch · 4 years ago
MK OC Randomness 2
Rain: Hey Nozomi, you wanna grab lunch?
Nozomi: Oh I already ate lunch with Skarlet. But what do you want, I'll grab it for you.
Rain: ...
Rain: Loyalty.
Gae: This is why we have issues!
Charu: No-*points to another dead flower Nymph* this is why we have issues!
Gae: *removing the briars* I don't know how that got there.
Philomela: I like to think that when a snake squeezes a rat, they're actually trying to give it a hug but they end up killing it, so they have to eat it in order to hide its body.
Nemos: I can never ask this enough; but what the fuck is wrong with you!?
Cyrax, eating a muffin: So Sektor, do you like muffins?
Sektor: No. Not since Michiko tried to poison me through them
Michiko, in the background: I SAID I WAS SORRY!
Fuyuka, glaring at Havik: You kidnap me, drug me, take me to a secluded lair, just to ask if there's something going on between Quan Chi and I!?
Havik, in his pjs: Yeah. Now tell me the tea of the day
Nozomi: Hey Mel, you ok?
Melantha: *rubbing her temples* I have this headache that just shows up every now and then
Hotaru: *walking into the room* HEY MELANTHA-
Melantha: *groans* there it is again
Fuyuka: I'm an early bird
Charu: *snuggling into Shinnok* I'm a night owl. *winks at him*
Krow: I'm a permanently exhausted pigeon.
(SPOILER WARNING FOR BOOK 1 OF "A Fate I won't repeat")
Beginning of book 1 Fuyuka: I would never hurt anyone.
Ending of book 1 Fuyuka: I'm on way to kill my parents~
Michiko: I stole your clothes bitch! ;P
Noob: *knowing Michiko is legally blind in the dark* HOW WERE YOU ABLE TO SEE!?
Michiko: that's your concern? Not the clothes?
Noob: oh I can create clothes, no problem. That's what I like about the void. But I wanna know how were you able to pop in and out without crashing into anything?
Michiko: uhhhhhh...
Reiki: *in the background with a small flame lit atop her pointer finger* hehehehe
Someone random: So what are you?
Krow: *cleaning their glasses* I'm Agender
SR: What does that mean?
Krow: *puts on their glasses and dead pans the person* It means my dick's bigger than gap between you and your father
Flamus: *popping in out of nowhere to high-five Krow*
Krow: *barges into the sky temple*
Raiden: Twin sibling? Is everything ok?
Krow: I have just been informed that gender is what's in your pants
Raiden: I sense you had a bad day with the mortals
Krow: And I have no clue what the fuck that means!
Raiden: Not a fan of the language, but go on
Krow: So then we got pockets right? right?
Gae: Gender is what's in your pants
Krow: does that mean you're an asshole?
Gae: You can't just not have a gender
Krow: It's how I feel
Gae: No. You gotta pick a gender
Krow: Ok. I pick agender
Gae: Ok.. what gender?
Krow: Agender
Gae: what.. what gender?
Krow: agender
Aquillo: why do you buy 3x hoodies? You basically fit in a X.
Krow: Oh well that's because I suffer from a condition called titties!
Gae: I'm sorry, but they/them pronouns are for multiple people
Krow: bold of you to assume I'm not just a conglobation of tortured souls from the ninth circle of hell!
Krow: fuck off Gae
Theron: We get asked what are gender is and honestly?
Topaz: It's fuck all. We have no fucking clue. It's just there I guess
Krow: You know, I feel that, but on a whole different level
Theron and Topaz: and we respect that
Michiko: *walking into the throne room* Sorry I'm late, I was... doing things
Sektor: *barging into the room noticeably disheveled* She pushed into the fucking statue!
Michiko: Push is such a strong word. I prefer to call it, giving you a little nudge
Sektor: Oh I'll give you a little nudge when I shove my rocket up your ass!
Michiko: Hey!
Michiko: Watch your fucking language in front of the Grandmaster.
Bi Han: I need you to swear.
Michiko: Fuck!
Bi Han: . . . later
Bi Han: Swear as in promise!
@yuvononik @yuvon @toomanyf4ndoms7 @deepinthefog @dontunderestimatemypoison @feistyfandomthings
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averytiredbitch · 4 years ago
MK OC Randomness 3
(I'm just gonna combine the Black Dragon moments in here too. so woo! bonus content)
Michiko: *kicks open the doors to her "father's" chambers* We need to talk!
Old Lin Kuei Grandmaster: *looking up from his paperwork* Is this about the mar-
Michiko: "Is ThIs AbOuT tHe MaR-" Yes this about the fucking marriage arrangement!
Kabal: Let's make the house look good for mom.
5 year-old Kamden: She doesn't care how things look.
Kabal: Why do you say that?
5yo Kamden: She married you.
Kano: If you don't buckle down and do your work, you'll end up at McDonalds!
Kid Ash: We going to McDonalds if I don't do my work?
Kano: NO-
Yamato: You get $100,000,000 if you play this, but a 100,000,000 people will die-
Seth: *takes the kazoo and plays it*
Yamato: SETH NO-
Seth: It's kind of muggy out today.
Illythia: If I go outside and see all our coffee mugs out on the front lawn, you boys are dead.
Yamato: *sipping coffee from a bowl*
Reiko: *has tape over his mouth*
Nozomi: I told him it was my kink, but really I just wanted him to shut up.
Melantha: I have feelings for you.
Hotaru: *hopeful* You do?
Melantha: Yeah. I feel like you should give me back my fucking diary!
Kristy: Fuck!
Kano: Where did you hear that!?
Klaudia: Yeah where the fuck did you hear that?
Klaudia, carrying boxes: Hey can you get my phone out of my back pocket for me?
Kano: What's in it for me?
Klaudia: A chance to touch my ass.
Illythia: Yamato, you're in charge while I'm away!
Yamato: I'm your guy!
Illythia: Just don't do anything stupid.
Yamato: I'm kind of your guy...
Illythia: And don't let Seth get into trouble.
Yamato: You need a new guy.
Quan Chi: *panicking* What do I do if Fuyuka kisses me?
Iduna: *rolling her eyes* Just kiss her back.
Quan Chi: Ok!
Quan Chi: ... but why her back?
Quan Chi and Fuyuka: *looking lovingly into each other's eyes*
Iduna: *pops open a bottle from her stash*
Quan Chi: we're having a moment!
Iduna: And I'm having elixir.
Terra: Hey I need some advice!
Ayeka: Be kind to yourself and others.
Megumi: Now, the Red Dragon don't want you knowing this, but the snakes in their lab are free. You can take them home.
Sektor: I'm a wanted man!
Michiko: That's impossible. You weren't even wanted as a child.
Seth, walking in and laying his head in Illythia's lap: sister tell me I'm pretty.
Illythia, laying her head on his cheek and staring lovingly: You're pretty fucking annoying is what you are.
Kronika and The One Being: This is not how we raised you!
Disrupted Fuyuka: Funny, I didn't think you two raised me at all.
Fuyuka: *rubbing her temples* How in the realms did you two idiots become Elder Gods?
Cetrion: Hey!
Shinnok: Watch your language young Goddess! You can't call us idiots!
Fuyuka: Yes I can! I am the Goddess of Knowledge, and I diagnose you with stupid! *throws a book at them*
Michiko: *thinking about the feelings she has for Reiki that she's not supposed to have* Everything is under control.
Sektor, narrating like a smart ass: Everything was not under control.
Flamus: Hey Charu are you ok?
Charu: Yeah why do you ask?
Flamus: Oh no reason. You just look a little...green! :D
Charu: ...
Flamus: ...
Charu: Get out.
Nyx: You're blocking the view!
Reptile: I AM the view!
Reptile: We had a bonding moment! I cuddles you in my armssss!
Nyx: Nope! Don't remember! Didn't happen!
Reptile: *hisses*
Nyx: *screeches*
Zyta: Wha-
Ermac: Shh. They're communicating
Ermac: We noticed you were passed out in the Marketplace.
Zyta: And you didn't leave me there!?
Harmonia: How much am I going to hate this plan?
Amara: On a scale of 1-10? About a 27.
Harmonia: Perfect.
Tanya: So are you in love with Motaro or Meat?
Shariah: *sweats nervously* Neither of them!
Skarlet: Then why do you keep writing S+M on everything?
Shairah: It stands for Sword and Mace!
@yuvon @yuvononik @maddenedroses @deepinthefog @feistyfandomthings @dontunderestimatemypoison @toomanyf4ndoms7
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averytiredbitch · 4 years ago
OC Babalities part 1
So as I had promised @yuvon , here are some OC Babalities.
Michiko babbles for a minute, playing with little ice faeries. One of them tickles her nose, which in turn causes her to sneeze really hard, covering the arena and the screen in sheets of ice.
Reiki starts playing with fire, making it change colors, before it flares up in his face, causing her to fall back. It then dies altogether, causing him to cry.
Nozomi pulls out am obsidian staff < (gift from Shinnok), too large for her baby self to hold, and falls over causing the onyx crystal in the hold to break, thus causing her to cry.
Melantha puts on a winged helmet-crown < (gift from Cetrion) and pulls out a kriss dagger, holding it high in the air and going, "HYAH!" before the wings on the helmet-crown flap, lifting her up.
A rose head opens up and a baby Charu waves, giggling as she slides down of the petals, into a bed of flowers.
A mini volcano explodes and out pops Fuyuka, being bounced up and down by the spur of lava coming from the volcano. It then stops and she falls flat on her butt and cries
And that's all for now folks. @yuvononik @deepinthefog @dontunderestimatemypoison @feistyfandomthings @toomanyf4ndoms7
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averytiredbitch · 4 years ago
OC Vine scenarios 3: I don't know who the fuck's gonna be in these
Shariah, Nyx, Ayeka, Megumi, Kristy, Charu, Judas, Kamden, Ash, Michiko, and Reiki all belong to me
other characters belong to Midway/NRS
Shariah: I eat cheerios cause they're heart healthy.
Shariah: And my heart has been severely damaged.
Shariah: So Nyx if you're out there-
Megumi: Help!
Taven: Never fear! For I-
Ayeka: *pushes him aside* I got this!
Ayeka: *Decks Daegon in the face*
Megumi: Oh! *goes to Ayeka with open arms*
Taven: *watching Ayeka carry Megumi in her arms* Oh that's sweet
Daegon: That's beautiful
Cetrion: *filming Shinnok and Charu* Awww... Bae goals
Cetrion: *holds up a bagel* Bagels..
Cetrion: *eats the bagel*
Reptile: Hey you tryna-
Nyx: Nah I gotta breathe.
Reptile: *covers his mouth with his knuckles*
Nyx: So yeah I'm gonna be pretty busy.
Reptile: But-
Nyx: Look I'm gonna be free after I die. You know after I stop breathing
Motaro: Shariah's coming over
Meat: I have such a crush on her.
*Shariah shows up*
Shariah: Hey, where's Meat?
Motaro: *hugs Shariah* Oh they went home.
Motaro: *then dragging Meat's body in the background* Make yourself at home, I'll be right there!
Kabal: Hey what do you and the kid want to eat?
Kristy: I took him out already
Kabal: *freaks out*
Kristy: To eat.
Kabal: So he's not dead?
Kano: Why did your teacher call my phone?
Ash: I don't know, did you answer it?
Kano: Yeah?
Ash: Then That means they told you why.
Judas: I'm manly. I'll hug a guy. I don't even care.
Kamden: Well I'm manlier! I'll kiss a guy!
Judas: Well I'll marry a guy! *smacks his chest*
Kamden: *puts a hand on his chest* Bro..
Sektor: *Finding out about Michiko and Reiki* And they were from rival clans!
Tomas: *who knew the whole time* Oh my god, they were from rival clans.
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averytiredbitch · 4 years ago
MK OC Randomness part 5
listen... at this point, what are you expecting from me? Actual work? No.. Never. Now enjoy the content.
Megumi: Squiggles you son of a bitch! How are you still alive? I saw you go over that cliff! No one could've survived that fall
Squiggles: *hisses*
Megumi: You sly bastard, I would've never thought of that.
Tremor: I I I'm sorry, can she actually speak snake, or is she just messing with us?
Ayeka: Knowing her, it could very well be both
Kano: I want half
Klaudia: I'm sorry, what?
Kano: I did half the work, so I want half the code.
Klaudia: This isn't some material I can cut in half, Kano. It's a bunch of 1s and 0s, it's not the simple.
Kano: Then I want the 1s.
Klaudia: Fuck you, I want the 1s!
Melantha: Well, you did just kill somebody. Shouldn't you at least feel something?
Nozomi: Oh feelings? Yeah, I don't have those anymore. Went cold turkey.
Melantha: What!?
Mr. Hasashi: Oh um, hello little girl. How did you get into our house?
Young Michiko: I I do not remember
Young Hanzo: Oh yeah! I'm sure that'll hold up with the Grandmaster!
Old LK GM: Look. Let's just cut right to the chase here Shen. What's it gonna take for you to say yes? Money, items, Michiko?
Michiko: Excuse me!?
Old LK GM: What? It's a compliment
Michiko: Wow, Grandmaster, I didn't think you knew any magic. But look at you, turning women into trophies.
Fuyuka: On an unrelated note, are you at all concerned about the delight your daughter seems to be taking in all this?
Little Illythia: Go for the eyes mama! That is their weak point!
Onaga: Not really. Why?
Charu: Just stay calm! You have everything you need to beat it.
Cacti: The power to believe in myself?
Charu: No, a knife! Stab it!
Sektor: What would you of told dad of I died!
Michiko: Hey father, I got some good news and some bad news.
Michiko: The good news is we finally got room for that operation room you wanted.~
Shariah: *gets stabbed* HRKK! *Through gritted teeth* This is the greatest day of my life.
Shao Kahn: Do you mind!? I am trying to kill you!
Shao Kahn: Enough! How dare you mock me in such a manor!
Nozomi: Well, how would you like me to mock you? I take requests.
Kronika: How did you know we were lying?
Fuyuka: Oh that's simple. I'm not an idiot.
Geras from the magma mold he's being held in: Yep, that'll do it.
Klaudia: Ok, sweetie, I'm gonna let you in a little known secret of comedy.
Klaudia: Bad things, aren't funny when they happen to mommy.
Little Ash: What about daddy?
Klaudia: Oh daddy's fair game. Go for the throat.
Ryder: Look. Do you wanna keep giving me shit? Or do you wanna figure a way out of here?
Red: Oh don't think I can't do both. I am quiet the multitasker!
Klaudia over the phone: Bust his kneecaps, then he'll talk. I gotta go, I'm in a meeting.
Klaudia: *hangs up the phone* So you said Ash was into finger painting? That's adorable.
Melantha: Nozomi wake up!
Nozomi: Five more minutes.
Melantha: You've been in a coma for two years!
Nozomi: Ok? Two more minutes.
Krow: Would you rather, kill Gae or-
Shinnok: Yes kill him!
Krow: I didn't say the other-
Shinnok: I don't need to hear it.
Gae: I'm feeling a little unsafe.
Kristy: It's like you're giving me the cold shoulder.
Kabal: Ok? You me to just heat it up for you?
Symphonia: Now you sing!
Symphonia: *taking the microphone back* Alright tough crowd
Mavado: *Blows Kristy a kiss*
Kristy: *catches it then flushes it down the toilet*
Reiko: *Blows Nozomi a kiss*
Nozomi: *catches it then puts it in a blender*
Kamden: Drive!
Kristy: Why?
Kamden: I just robbed the bank! Drive!
Kristy: You what!?
Kamden: *holding up a pen* I took their pen from the front desk! Drive!
Reptile: Wanna go out?
Nyx: Oh sure! *starts leaving*
Reptile: Where are you going?
Nyx: Out! Farther away from you the better!
Some random dude to Satoru: Hey I like you. Let's go out sometime
Satoru, pulling out an adoption paper: Sign this for me will you?
Random dude: Uh. What is this?
Satoru: It's an adoption paper. I'm going to adopt you so you can never ask me that again
Random dude: You could've said no!
Satoru: *vaguely gesturing to his Ace ring and Aro hoodie* You could've read the signs!
Megumi: There's blood on your pants.
Terra: Don't call the cops alright?!
Megumi: Here's a tampon- wait what!?
Terra: Right! My period! I didn't kill anyone!
Tremor: What kind of spider is that?
Ayeka: I think it's a daddy long leg.
Tremor: Ok it's a good looking spider, but I wouldn't call it daddy.
Ayeka: Wait, what!?
Little Satoru: I have a gift for you Uncle Shi. *hands over a muffin*
Sektor: *smacks it away* I'm not stupid you piece of garbage!
Little Satoru: What?
Sektor: If you want me dead, let's fight right now!
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