#mk 11 oc
ren-meteor · 2 years
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Who knew they’d be cute (I did)
Arutha - @stillfuckinbetterthanyou
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children-of-epiales · 2 years
Haemon’s Fluff Alphabet
Template taken from @scentedcandleibex alphabets
A - Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection? Do they cuddle, hug, etc. often?)
- He’s somewhat affectionate, what could best be described as “casually” affectionate; he would hug and hold hands in public with no issue, but he’s not going to drive his s/o nuts over it, however he does very much enjoy cuddling so his s/o would never hear him say “no” at an invitation unless he’s really upset, sad, etc.
B - Best Quality (Their best quality)
- His energy
C - Confession (How would they confess their love for their partner? What would be the moment they knew they loved you?
- Haemon would be very private when admitting he loves his s/o; it doesn’t happen in some spirit of a moment, but rather after living with his s/o for a long time and realizing that they are still with him, that (hopefully) they chose to still be with him
D - Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning and taking care of themselves?)
- Haemon is used to taking care of himself and his home (wherever that ends up being) ,settling down is something he knows he would like to do with his s/o
E - Endure (What would you have to be ok to live and be ok with them? What bad habits of theirs would you have to accept to be their partner?)
- From Haemon: lots of energy, talking about a lot, sharing opinions over different things, taking on challenges, taking risks, handling outbursts (not toward the s/o) and anger (this last one ofc is very general), listening a lot
F - Faithful (Are they loyal? Would they stay faithful?)
- Loyalty and faithfulness are two things Haemon does not struggle with at all
G - Gifts (Are they regularly a gift giver? What kind of gifts would they give their s/o?)
- He gives physical gifts every now and then, just to show his s/o how much he thinks about them; other types of gifts he would put more thought into to make them truly special experiences, so he might save for special occasions (ex: anniversary)
H - Honesty (How honest are they?)
- He is 105% an honest guy
I - Injury (How would they react if their s/o was injured?)
- Depends on the situation, but generally he would be “irritated” about his s/o getting hurt and it would be more difficult to get him to be reasonable in a situation
J - Jealousy (How jealous are they?)
- Haemon’s only a little spicy when it comes to jealously, not the kind of guy who will accuse or jump to conclusions, but if he thought something funny was going on it would be hard for him to hide how jealous he is
K - Kiss (How often do they kiss? What’s their favorite type of kiss?)
- He gives kisses every morning and night, with a few times being through the day; he’s the king of forehead and temple kisses
L - Love Language (What’s their love language?)
- Quality time, physical touch, words of affirmation
M - Marriage (Do they want to get married? How would they propose?)
- This is something that Haemon would also need time to decide, although easier bc its a matter of how everyday life would go for him and his s/o; he would definitely propose in whatever is the most comfortable way he think would be for his s/o, if they didn’t like flashy, romantic, etc type stuff he wouldn’t go that route when proposing
N - Nicknames (What type of nicknames, or pet names, would they use for the s/o?)
- Nicknames are his go-to, if not then Sweetness/Sweetie, Babe, Angel, are what he uses
O - Offspring (Do they want children? What type of parent would they be?)
- He has not given thought to this topic; honestly Haemon could go either way his s/o wanted, he would just need more time with them as a couple to make sure they actually wanted kids with him and to make sure they had their “business” together before becoming parents; Haemon would be the parent who tries to teach his kid every skill he can think of and make sure they know how to be safe (around strangers, etc.)
P - Patience (How patient are they? Do they lose their temper often?)
- He tries to have patience (he tries very hard), the older Haemon gets, the more patience he has; when he does lose his temper, he has enough control over himself not to make a scene or be destructive
Q - Quizzes (How much do they remember about their s/o? Do they remember every detail, or do they let details slip their mind?)
- If Haemon forgets something about his s/o, it will be a blue moon occurrence
R - Remember (Their favorite memory of your relationship?)
- First date, first “I love you”, first kiss, most memories that involve deep conversations or just any time he’s been happy with his s/o that was just on some normal day, any time his s/o has reminded him how much they love him
S - Security (How protective are they? How would they protect their s/o, and how would they like to be protected?)
- Haemon can be very protective; he knows he can’t always be there to protect his s/o, sometimes he gets a little ahead of himself and other times he remembers to watch himself, he is surprised by any effort made to protect him (and find it cute), since he used to experiencing that only from his sister
T - Try (How much effort do they put into the relationship? How much effort goes into dates, anniversaries, and birthdays?)
- Haemon puts as much as he can into a relationship; he tries to be romantic and shows he knows his s/o’s personal tastes, interests, etc. and mixes up how he celebrates special occasions
U - Understanding (How understanding are they? Do they listen to their s/o’s problems? How do they approach vulnerability?)
- He tries to be understanding, some things he truly gets and others he tries hard to keep his mouth shut about so he can listen better to his s/o; Haemon himself is not very good at being vulnerable, he does not view it as “bad” in anyway he just struggles with putting himself in such a state
V - Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
- He cares about keeping as neat as possible and a little more if he has the time
W - Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
- For a while, but he would make himself get over it
X - Xtra (A random headcanon about them)
- His eyes are brown but have a soft orange glow, the more emotional he becomes the more prominent the orange glow is
Y - Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
- People who: don’t clean up after themselves, don’t respect others’ privacy and/or personal spaces, are ungrateful and/or act helpless when they aren’t, multitaskers
Z - Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
- Just that he sleeps on his back and sometimes his left side, his arms tend to extend wherever throughout the night
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lonelynight13 · 2 months
some art
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Liu and Lao art I made with @/FIFT33N15
It was really fun to draw them 🥰💓
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naughty children 😤
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cryptidbait · 3 months
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I offer: Mortal Kombat x Hades Xover
You receive: Cool art
I’ve had NO sleep and this took about 11.5 hours total to complete all three of these omg
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sleeperzzz105 · 5 months
I wanna introduce you, my lil mk oc. Meet Phoebe :D
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jollybone · 3 months
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The grandmaster and his second-in-command are judging hard. I wonder what they're looking at 🤔
Crow is my OC
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stingraynoodles · 4 months
stfu (dramatically gives birth to a mk oc that ive been preganant for since last year)
*this is kinda a redesign, he initially was a mk1 oc but it didnt correlate with his story, check my instagram (qiang hu highlight) for the old arts
DROP HWADCANNONS OF THIS BITCHASS FOR ME [ here: NGL ] 🙏🏻 i wanna know what ppl think of him, appreciate to those who share their thoughts!!
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cro-wii · 23 hours
MK1-11 OC Daiyu Han
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Thought it’d be a silly idea to make a kid oc for Bi-Han, a daughter who looks and acts somewhat similar to him but hates his guts :3
I wanna ramble abt her but :p
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ash-shark · 8 days
Look at my ugly fugly girll
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vsm4k · 4 months
I haven't active in a while 😿(but sometimes if i have my time)
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that one mpreg fic I've read
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some ocs
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hvidkanin23 · 4 months
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Fujira and their different ways of carrying each other around 💖
Drawings I made throughout this month of my ship, the last one being a redraw of a drawing from last year
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Ah yes, me likey some improvement and glow ups 🤗🍃✨
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zoetheneko · 5 months
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Welcome neighbor :D 🇨🇦
W/o text bubble
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justbethess · 6 months
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I'm sorry but I can't stand it anymore but I wanted to make him a boyfriend... it's a lie he's my Oc obviously I won't leave him like that I'll make him his file later....
but I just wanted to start like this. thank you....
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kanos · 4 months
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MORTAL KOMBAT. all her life she felt that she was made for more. made to change the world - to change her future. but in that fantasy, she chose power over all and took matters into her own hands when she joined the black dragon and teamed up with the worst of the mercenaries.
taglist: @imogenkol @statichvm @marivenah @risingsh0t @strangefable
@ravensgard @firstaidspray @pitchmoss @hartsvale @florbelles
@carrionsflower @josephzeppeli @thedeadthree @leviiackrman @roberthouse69
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cryptidbait · 4 months
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My super, definitely original character Apophis
(Krypt Guy is mine now, sorry chat)
Apophis is an unofficial student of Charon. Dead, but not quite, he travels to Shang Tsung’s island to collect certain artifacts for his mentor. When he collects Kenshi’s blindfold, he notes that Kenshi is still alive (aka his body being possessed by his ancestors until the physical body can heal enough for Kenshi to fully possess it once again).
However, while under Apophis’s care, Kenshi does die —sending the two to Charon. However, with some quick thinking of the ancestors and Apophis, Kenshi is resuscitated to life (magical elixir mayhaps).
The two take refuge with Charon while Kenshi healed, Apophis completing tasks for Charon as payment.
They come into play in MK11 when Hanzo comes to Charon for aid, where Apophis and Kenshi assist taking down D’Vorah and Grandmaster Hasashi’s poisoning.
Wraith Hanzo takes Kenshi with him to the Gardens in order to prove his word to him while Apophis continues to assist Grandmaster Hasashi and Charon for preparations.
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sleeperzzz105 · 7 months
Imma just drop this here
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