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firelance2361 · 1 month ago
Natasha Romanoff of the Nine Realms
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Here's a little MCU redesign I did of the version of Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow gifted with the power of Thor from What If? Age of Ultron #3 from April, 2014.
Hope you like it!
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cepheusgalaxy · 14 days ago
Below is an idea i had a time ago from a dream. All in portuguese bc i wrote this very rushingly so i wouldn't forget it. For saving purposes 😌
ID. Ichigo from Bleach with a serious smile saying ":3". End ID.
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Desenho animado no estilo daquela série do homem aranha e de voltron
Sobre mechas
Tem um brother, e ele é um mecha-guy (a cor dele é azul escura) e ele tem dois irmãos, uma irmã mais nova (mecha cadete, ela tem cabelo curto e é da meio inexpressiva, ela e um azule scuro so q mais palido) e o irmao e um cara q trabalha c os mecha guy mas ele n é bem um mecha (supiurte/time/estrategia?) e a cor dele e verde
Eles tem uma mae amorosa e tinham um pai amoroso so que ele morreu quando eles eram criancas, e o brother e o irmao dele nao se dao muito bem (eles se odeiam mmas eles bondam over their dead pai)
Os mecha guys sao tipo super herois e etc
A historia comeca quando o brother ta no fim de uma luta numa ponte e ele ta mto bravo com alguma falha ou abuso de poder do sistema da galera do mecha, aí ele joga o celular dele fora (o celular se funde com o mecha e fica um hexagono alongado) e o irmao dele fica tipo "c ta loko????" Bora onde vc jogou essa porr, e o brother ta tipo naah eu joguei ali no mar. Ele e muito pesado ent so uma pessoa de mecha conseguiria pegar ele (1. Usar a energia do proprio mecha/celular/mjonir p idenntificar onde ele caiu e 2. Pegar ele sem morrer afogado pq ele e bizarramente pesado e as pessoas de mecha tem um treinamento bizarro e se adaptam corporalmente aos mecha ent eles sao alterados e mais fortes) e aí ele sai
No dia seguinte ele compra otro cell e ta tendo cuidado p n quebrar e tal pq ele n ta acostumado c o cell ser tao leve, aí ele encontra o irmao na ponte de novo, quando ele ta indo p escola e ainda mtooo puto c ele, aí ele tira uma foto da onde eele jogou o mecha e arremessa o cell pro irmao e diz "ó c vc quiser mandar alguém p pegar, ta aí" so de pirraça
O brother tbm tava meio se sentindo mal por ter jogado o mecha no mar pq ele é consciente e tal e ele gostava dele mas ele se comforta c o "nah o recipiente tava quebrado ent n e como se a alma dele fosse ficar presa la, ele vai acabar escapando/ascensendo/morrendo/etc)
Depois acontece um terremoto breve e o brother e o irmao dele acabam indo se proteger juntos e a gnt tem um flashback de quando eles eram pequenos e o pai deles ensinou eles a se proteger de terremoto, aí tem o flashback e é do brother, pequeno, que queria q sepre acontecesse terremoto de noite aí ele ppdia se aconchegar na cama do pai. Aí o irmao mais velho cheha la, exita, mas o pai insiste e eles dormem todos juntinhos aconchegados p se proteger do terremoto
Aí de volta pro presente acontece algum impacto sla aí o terremoto ta acabando e o irmao quase vomita e cospe um pouco e enquanto isso o brother vomita sangue etc pq os mecha sao mto alterado e eles sao mais vulneráveis a alguns tipos de coisa aí o irmao ajuda ele a se esgabulizar c umas massagens e solta k cabelo dele p se acalmar etc (eles se odeiam mais ainda cuidam um di outro) aí o irmao dele chama ele de idiota e sai
Cue to algumas semanas dps o brother fazendo algum trabalho voluntário e encontra o conselho da galera do mecha q ta liderando o ngc e tem uma pessoa nova nele, que é o brutamontes bully da escola do brother e ele ta c a forma de armadura do mecha que era dele ai ele ta tipo "ah.. ok aparentemente eles conseguiram recuperar. Ok ne" pq quando ele fpi jogar o cell fora ele tbm tava dizendo q tinha se demitido etc. Aí ele ta fazendo o trabalho e ta tentando obedecer mas sendo um ppuco snarky pq os mecha guys sao mto poderosos e ele reconhece isso em voz alta "cara vcs tem mto poder vcs tem q reconhecer issdo" (voces e nao nos pq ele sabe q n e um mecha mais. Ele ta bem com isso) e aí chega de noite e o brother recebe um sinal mental do ex-mecha dele e segue o sinal aaaall the way down p onde os mecha guys tavam numa missao mais tava dificil e aí o brutamontes tava em perigo e ent o brither chega e se assimila ao mecha antigo dele e salva geral. Era alguma batalha envolvendo um cientista do mal ou algo tipo o venom sla
Aí o prota brother vai lá e i objetivo dele é lutar contra esse sistema meio corrupto e abuso de poder dos mecha e solve out uma conspiração q meio q ta acontecendo la
Palavras chave: mecha, pai morto, irmaos, laços, mjonir, terremoto, sangue
O brother tem cabelo preto e roupa azul e o irmao dele tem cabelo marrom e roupa verde
A irma tem cabelo preto e roupa azul palida
O pai tinha cabelo preto grande e a mae tem cabelo marrom
Vai ter umas peripecias da irma na academia de cadete tbm
Also, idea: todos os mecha guys tem alguma forma de leve dor e fatiga cronica por causa das alteracoes e a tool que carregar um mecha tem nos corpos deles
^Um sonho q eu tive q eu tava assistindo uma serie animada mto massa e acordei e lembrei q ela n existia
*continuing the tags; —on my own phone #but is a more yellow yellow #closer to lime in the color wheel
#this makes me want be an animation director in the future
#should i learn animation for this?
#the dude's mecha is also a dark purpleish blue
#mecha wip#dream tag#oc ideas#story ideas#also the lil sister is juuuust now starting to show up the symptoms of chronic mecha syndrome but she is determined#and knows what to expect#so shes not quitting#and her mom and siblings now what to do#also she has a better relationship com o brother do que com o irmão mais velho#also the protag has a tiiny bit of long hair like at the back of his neck that he can tie#and im also debatinf having the older sibling have long hair#or perhaps short?#dunno#the animation style would be like the spiderman animated adventures series or voltron or korra#the mecha take a tool on the mecha guys bodies#and aint rlly mecha#they are armors#that get stored away in the shape of their phones#that change form and become more hexagonal instead of perfect retangular#and become muuuuch heavier and have new apps for mecha comunition channels and etc#all the damage the armor takes is absorved by the phone and you gotta fix it#also the og shapes of the mechas are neither armor nor phone but a weapon like the mjonir#if you dont use the armor shape you can use the weapon form#i was also debating having the older sibling be a mecha guy bc that appeared on my dream but#it doesn make sense bc he didnt spill blood in the earthquake scene#but i know hes still related to them#the mecha phone also has an extra camera app#the og camera app is a more canary yellow goldish#and the mecha extra camera app is more technical and technological and advanced etc ofc#and has the saaame white simple icon loke the storage app on my own phone
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brooklynbred-a · 1 year ago
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[ bullet ] sender takes a bullet for receiver ; @the-mjolnir-owner.
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STEVE'S GAZE SNAPS TO THE ASGARDIAN, eyes wide before raising his shield to block another spray of bullets, the shield THIS TIME reflecting the bullets back their assailants direction, hitting each of them and taking them down. Had it been ANYONE ELSE, Steve would have felt more worried. A bullet wound was a still a bullet wound, reason enough to worry. But at least he felt a little more at ease about getting him medical attention.
Kneeling down, he looked him over, trying to examine what they were dealing with. "Couldn't just let the shield do the work?" He tried to scoff, though his nerves were still a bit frayed.
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isabelawritesthings · 2 months ago
Mortal Kombat 1 dialogues with Loki reader
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characters included: Liu Kang, Raiden, Johnny Cage and Shang Tsung
notes: The dialogues will be with both the male and female versions of Loki, and since Loki is a canonically gender fluid bisexual character, there will be flirting in both forms.
a/n: Loki and women are my new obsession, maybe I'll do more dialogues with Marvel or even DC characters.
Liu Kang
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Liu Kang: You're causing a mess in the timelines!
Reader: What? Is it so wrong to travel through the multiverse?
Reader: Are you as powerful as He Who Remains?
Liu Kang: Who is this, Loki Laufeyson?
Reader: Do I remind you of a sorcerer?
Liu Kang: Unfortunately, yes.
Liu Kang: Make peace with Thor.
Reader: Why? Isn't it enough to live in his shadow all my life?!
Reader: You're quite handsome for a Fire God.
Liu Kang: Focus, Loki (Sylvie).
Liu Kang: You need to stop with the time travel!
Reader: Why? Are you afraid I'll break your perfect timeline?
Liu Kang: Shang Tsung is seduced by you.
Reader: Tell him I won't be a concubine!
Reader: Does Johnny Cage know there is a difference between flirting and sexual harassment?
Liu Kang: I'll talk to him later.
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Raiden: Does your brother have lightning powers too?
Reader: Believe me, creating illusions is more impressive!
Raiden: Have you allied yourself with the sorcerers?
Reader: Come on, Raiden, you know I'm greedy.
Reader: Is your amulet your mjonir?
Raiden: What is a mjonir?
Reader: Come back to Fengjian, farmer boy!
Raiden: Not while you're out there causing chaos!
Raiden: Is Shang Tsung jealous of me?
Reader: He thinks you're my boyfriend or something like that.
Raiden: How many gods are there in Asgard?
Reader: Our pantheon is as numerous as the stars in the sky.
Reader: What does Hela want with you?
Raiden: I don't know, but I hope it's nothing bad.
Reader: Very handsome for a shaolin
Raiden: This isn't going to... Wait, are you flirting with me?
Johnny Cage
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Johnny: Thor is more badass!
Reader: And why should I listen to the opinion of a mediocre actor like you?!
Johnny: That Sylvie has no right to be so hot!
Reader: You know she's technically me, right?
Reader: You're a womanizer, right? Have you ever tried something different?
Johnny: Look, I respect people with different tastes, but that's definitely not my case.
Reader: I also had problems with my father.
Johnny: This isn't going to make me sympathize with you, superhero movie villain!
Johnny: Are you sure Hela is the goddess of death? Because you can kill with this look!
Reader: It's not too hard to see why your wife left you!
Johnny: I bet Asgard doesn't have gods as beautiful as me.
Reader: Please, have you seen my brother?
Reader: Who is this Madam Bo?
Johnny: You would have to go to Fengjian one day to know, do you like Chinese food?
Reader: I think Liu Kang is mad at me.
Johnny: Of course! You and your variants have wreaked havoc on the timelines!
Shang Tsung
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Shang Tsung: We could both benefit from an alliance.
Reader: HA! I am a God! I make no alliances with mortals who came from poverty!
Shang Tsung: *laughs* shall we start, God of lies?
Reader: As you wish, sorcerer...
Reader: I invaded Earth once, it will be easy to dominate Outworld!
Shang Tsung: Good luck facing Liu Kang and Mileena's forces!
Reader: You are as evil as I am.
Shang Tsung: Correct statement, Loki.
Shang Tsung: Think, Loki (Sylvie)! You could-
Reader: Be your consort? May Odin protect me from this cruel fate!
Shang Tsung: Your body, so beautiful I could-
Reader: Ewww... Keep your perverted thoughts to yourself, sorcerer!
Reader: What did you see in me?
Shang Tsung: Power, beauty and cunning... Everything I admire in a woman.
Reader: You took advantage of Sindel's desperation to manipulate her!
Shang Tsung: *laughs* and the idiot fell right into my plan!
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poisonheadcrabsalesman · 8 months ago
stumpy. stumpy. perhaps. chief (and a friend of your choice if you want!) watching a meteor shower. please.
She knows the Mjonir's camera fidelity is high, that its night-vision and low light modes are the highest tech available, but that doesn't stop her from wondering what the night sky looks like to the human eye. What it truly feels like to see the wondrous natural phenomena of a meteor shower unaided.
She knows what it looks like to her: Inky indigo-black speckled with lights above the harsh silhouettes of Zeta Halo's flora and geography. Flashes, mere moments to humans and a small eternity for her to study the meteors' trajectories and potential chemical composition.
She knows that all it is is debris burning up in the Ring's atmosphere. That the event itself is cosmically insignificant, and that the meteoroids are just dust and ice and gas flickering out. Echoes of a comet coming to their end, or rather changing into something new. Ephemeral.
She knows all these things, and yet… Watching them is exhilarating. It's peaceful. The soft vocalizations of the humans near her, near Chief, provide her with context and a sense of something more. A familiarity resonating deep within her core. Humans often stared up at the stars together and wondered. She thinks Chief probably did at one point too. For now, he tilts his helmet for her and lets the outer patrols take care of the watch.
Fernando is next to Chief with the marines spread out around Fob Hotel. He was the reason she was able to cajole Chief into sitting still long enough to watch. His frowning countenance and her own pleas for something new after so long underground, with only cylixes to talk to, wore the big guy down.
They were learning how to twist his arm, and he didn't put up much of a fight. He was calmer. Without having to dig, she could see his vitals evening out. There was still a tension in how he held himself. Ready to react, never fully disengaged, and it wore on him. She was still so new but time and experience with Chief was showing her the grooves he had worn into himself.
Fernando helped. He was an unstoppable force of worry and civilian reasoning in the face of the most stubborn, immovable Spartan alive. He was so human that it reminded Chief of his own humanity.
She knows they need each other. That's why she nudges Chief and silences proximity alerts when Fernando starts leaning against him. Their pilot yawns but stays quiet. He makes a valiant effort to keep watching, but humans have a hard time resisting the siren call of sleep when they feel safe.
She knows this. She knows this moment is just like the meteor shower. Ephemeral.
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brassisjustbetterguys · 4 months ago
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Welcome to the Band meme blog!
This is where the band memes collide, and band stuff that happens in my band class.
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Whether to say or not, there will be lots of memes and maybe some art. I will answer any questions for I speak with my other band comrades.
Instruments open:
-Trombones: Holst and Jupiter
-Trumpets: Chief, Bronco, Donut, Talkie, Bubble Gum, and Petersburg
-Tubas: Skblendz and Baba Grill
-French Horns: Amazing Grace
-Percussion (all): Base drum, triangle, gong, snare 1 & 2, Cymbal, bongos, granulated cymbal, jingle bells, spinner, tamberiene, and bells.
-Flute: Mjonir 2.0
-Clarinet: Fairy, Butterfly, and Football
-Saxophone: Aztec, Pencil, Star, and Carrot
-Baritone: Jimmy Dogfish
-Base Guitar: White Stripe
-didgeridoo: Kanga
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So there you go, band intro, my names Holst the Trombonist
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If you’d like, I can help with lots of other stuff too, like RPing with instruments, or…the players I guess
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So sit back, relax as my band friends and I play you some memes straight from Wixonberg (our band room)
If you do send an ask, make sure you include the name and instrument please.
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orinene · 6 months ago
i'm just going to tell y'all my birthday list
Pokemon card binder
pokemon cards
a Mjonir choker necklace
Everyone to flood my inbox/ask with "happy birthday" on september 29th (my birthday) i just wanted to tell you guys :)
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paradisechid800 · 2 years ago
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thor-the-mighty · 1 year ago
Someone called for Mjonir while I was addressing my people today. Have you ever dreamed that you were giving a speech only to find out you had no pants on? I now know what that is like in reality.
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bowties-and-warlocks · 2 years ago
Things in the Marvel Comics canon that make me lose my mind:
The heroes have a semi regular poker game in which the winnings are donated to the charity of the winners choice. And one time Kingpin crashed the game and put up 300k. This game resulted in Spider-Man winning and donating all of in to a research foundation ( for cerebral palsy) in Kansas. Except $20. He bought roses for MJ.
There’s a mutant that can turn himself into ice cream. Any flavor.
There’s a comic where Loki picked up Mjonir when running away from Thor, who wanted to kill him.
The Thing doesn’t age. Well he does but one week each year at a time. There’s a comic where he lives for thousands of years.
There is a tailor who repairs and makes costumes for villains and heroes. His shop is on 23rd street by 8th and his name is Leo Zielinski. He told Spider-Man about a hit on the DA and also suggests a new design for his suit. This is the suit Peter has in “The Last Stand��� comic.
Superior Iron Man (the one with the extremis app that’s $100 per day) cured Daredevil’s blindness but gave him brain damage.
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ironman-tonystark · 2 years ago
I am pretty sure that you can develop some packaging on them so that they do not get embedded in my skull. You are Tony Stark. You can do anything.
I can? Can I make a rock so heavy that I can't even lift it and then lift it?
Holy shit! Is that what Mjonir is? Did Odin solve his own paradox?🤯
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cursecuelebre · 9 months ago
I love this post, I get a little self conscious when wearing my Mjonir and having a rune that is misused by racist freaks who know nothing about our runes or how it’s used. Algiz is my favorite rune and also my birth rune and have it on a key chain on my bag. But recently I got a pin of the pride flag and the saying “It’s The Allfather not Some-Father”. I will always show that I am not part of that Nazi community who know nothing at all about paganism in general.
So, I'm sure I'm not the only one upset seeing how nazis are appropriating Norse runes and stuff more lately (Also: 🤢 🤮) I've seen others before say that those who practice norse/etc should continue to wear them but to also wear their pride and BLM stuff loudly with them, so as to (A) not just let the nazi's have them, but also more importantly (B) so that people seeing them wear it wouldn't be uncomfortable or scared because it'd signal they didn't side with the SHitler babies.
And all this has made me want to design pride runes or something. Make designs of them that are so blatantly gay that nazis won't wanna touch them. Fucking rainbow runes- Just cover them in all the pride flags. Anything to tell nazis "fuck you, you can't take them."
And so I've started with these designs below. Loki written in runes over a few different flags that remind me of him and that I felt others would resonate with.
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I've got the full-res designs hosted on my Ko-fi as free downloads for anyone who wishes to use them. Print them on a shirt, make yourself stickers, use on gifts for others- whatever. I'll also have them available on Threadless for those who don't want to or can't print them on stuff themselves but still want something with the design on it. Each sale will also make an automatic donation to various LGBT+ charities like The Trevor Project and the It Gets Better Project.
I'll be making more rune designs and also be taking requests for a bit if there are any pride rune/norse designs anyone might want to see made.
(Also while I was brainstorming ideas I drew some rune stone sets, [my fav is the glowy one] I'll put them under the cut so this isn't so long)
But yeah I'll probably be adding these to my Ko-Fi as free downloads too eventually. If anyone is super interested, or wants to make a request, just shoot me an ask and it might get me to upload them sooner lol
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cepheusgalaxy · 3 days ago
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grandsonoflightike · 15 days ago
Outrealm Profile - Warrior Tharja
Name: Warrior Tharja
Outrealm Name: Emblem Warriors
Husband: Warrior Lon’qu
Weapons: Warrior Nosferatu, Warrior Mjonir, Warrior Arcfire, And Warrior Mire
Inventory: Warrior Elixir
Class: Sorcerer
Skills: Hex, Dual Guard+, Bowbreaker, Tomebreaker, and Pavise
Biography in her Own Words: I am The Tharja Of Emblem Warriors AKA Warrior Tharja to Outrealm Travelers. I fell in love with Warrior Lon’qu. Then I Met Warrior Noire. Then Warrior-Robcina made Warrior Morgan Join us after going to Ruins Of Time as well as Warrior Marc And Warrior Artmond Appear on the enemy's side. After Facing Warrior Lucina’s Judgement, Warrior Warrior Robin Proposed to her. Then Warrior Cia Started to Invade Warrior Hyrule. We battled Warrior Cia’s Forces alongside The Warrior Hylians. Then Warrior Cia’s Forces mysteriously got stronger and the Grima FE Army apppeared but Warrior Cia didn’t treat them as allies. We didn’t know what happened except that there was some other villain that made a deal with Light Grima. After the Battle for Warrior Hyrule Field, Light Male Robin and The Light FE Army appeared in my realm. Soon enough we realized Warrior Ganondorf Is That Threat. After that, Things brought The Warrior Fates Nations and Warrior Great Sea Era to Warrior Hyrule. The Warrior Shepherds And Warrior Link were sent to check it out with Light Male Robin, Light Lucina, Light Morgan, and Light Marc. We find out Warrior-Sakura-X-Warrior-Elise are the leaders of Warrior Hylia's Chosen. Then we stop Warrior Phantom Ganon. Then we continue our battle against Validar In “Christmas In Warrior Emblem”.
Will Also Appear In: No Other Outrealm as It was only the Robin And Their Love will Appear.
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2dlovley · 7 months ago
My trip to archeon (from last year) so i dont have photos or videos of this place since they got deleted and idk how to restore them and stuff but i can tell about it Archeon is a place where they do allot of history, they even try to remake houses from like the 3.3million years ago they even remade a bathhouse from the roman empire age (thats what you call it right?) but anyway, so me and my classmates arived at this place. we were lead to this house where it was made made out of clay and hay, it was dark and we got to feel the beds and then a women who worked there told us what kind of beds these are and we got to lay in it, it was soft but weird and then we got to feel some skinned wolf, goat and cow fur (some were fake) then we got a big break so we took a walk around the markets and there were some people selling a little necklace with a mini mjonir on it but i bought a fox head that was sanitized and carefully made so that i could scare my friens now some girls refer me as ''de vos meisje'' (fox girl) and then we looked further we then came across a little villiage with people who pretended to be people from the older stone age (huts and makeshift weapons) we got to make our own weapon then we got to a to another market, they had very beautiful jewerly but we didnt have money left, so we go the other way to meet this man who made little statues of the norse gods and i got 1 euro for every god i geussed (got 30 euros, lucky me) then we encountered a statue of Frigg, we even got to shoot arrows before we went with a person who pretended to be a roman shoulder who recruited children as ''soldiers'' and we got 5 cent, then we saw how boats were and at the end there was an event where people wo pretended to be gladiators fought then we got home
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brassisjustbetterguys · 4 months ago
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Holst: Speak for yourself
Mjonir 2.0: I beg to differ
Bells: please guys! We’re the best
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