#mizary hear you
mizaryrottmnt · 1 month
Hi there! Hope ur having a good weekend! 🫶
Are you ok with having fan art drawn of your oc? Ik it’s a common question (probably weird too lol) but you never know who is and isn’t ok with it 😅. Love ur art btw, it’s great! 🤌✨
Hi! Yes thank you I had a good weekend, even in this heatwave -v-; Hope you are good too*⁠.⁠✧
You're the first one to ask me that!
I'm totally ok for Fanart. I always give my authorisation to people who want to draw my OCs for Fanart/meeting with other characters. Like anyone I just ask to credit me. (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
Thank you, I'm glad you like what I make. When I started in the Rottmnt style I was so insecure about my style. And I'm really happy to see you and others liking my work. Thank you so much! (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)
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neixins · 3 months
happy gijaeha gtuesday! what’s an underrated moment you love? 🎤
THANK U FOR INDULGING ME LIKE THIS <3 i couldn’t possibly pick one single moment so i’ll just keep going until i can’t add any more images
i’m gonna stick to truly underrated moments btw, so no hot springs bonus chapter, no “if you feel the way i do, that means i can trust you to have my back in battle”, no love potion shenanigans, no “he’s stronger than i am” and adjacent moments, no “it’s refreshing to hear you discuss important things”, no cool battle couple moments, no “if you keep being so reckless, you’ll get yourself killed”, no “you can still live” (and definitely not those last two in relation to each other…... that’s already its own post actually). on that note, i’m also not gonna be including anything i’ve already posted about even if it’d technically count otherwise. was this an excuse to mention all of those moments anyway? perhaps! but u asked for underrated and underrated i shall deliver. ready? let’s go! <3
[transcription note: all the upcoming images are panels from “yona of the dawn”. end note.]
the first moment that comes to mind is this one from ch 135. like gija doesn’t tend to think things through often (he’s far from stupid; he’s just not a Thinker), but this—finding a way to use mizari’s interest in their powers to their advantage, in this case specifically to help jaeha—is just so endlessly interesting to me
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[ID: part of a page consisting of multiple panels. mizari is clapping excitedly, saying, “that was incredible! how wonderful! how do you enlarge it? if i trained hard, could i do it too?”; jaeha is breathing heavily, visibly exhausted, and gija watches him before saying, “could you…bring us some meat dishes?”; mizari looks confused as he asks, “meat dishes?”; gija says, “jaeha’s gotten awfully anemic.”; yun adds, “some liver from a cow or a bird would be best.”. end ID.]
i also love it when he’s not using any of those braincells that he clearly has though <3 like this moment in ch 155. it’s also really sweet how he just continues chilling beside jaeha throughout the rest of the scene despite doing an absolutely abysmal job of hiding his hand
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[ID: a panel showing jaeha and gija in a hot spring; jaeha says, “another guest, hmm? we won’t be able to leave for a while.”; gija moves to stand in front of him, holding out his arms, and says, “you can hide behind me, then!”; jaeha responds, “you shouldn’t have your hand out where anyone can see it, either.”. end ID.]
married couple behavior from ch 129. leaving out the previous panel so that i can include more moments but this happens after jaeha calls them the beautiful monsters of kohka
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[ID: a panel showing gija as he turns towards jaeha to correct him, saying, “the four dragon warriors.”; jaeha responds, “fine, fine. what he said.”. end ID.]
speaking of which, i love it so much when they have basically the same reaction to things (the examples below are from ch 172 but there’s more i’m not including). this becomes more prevalent later on which is just such a cute detail like yessss impact each other’s lives all the way down to picking up each other’s mannerisms <3
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[ID: the first panel shows jaeha and gija leaning over the edge of a cart with similar expressions of surprise; jaeha asks, “algira? voldo?!” and gija asks, “why are you here?”; algira shushes them. in the second panel, zeno says, “the fellow sure is popular. when did that happen?”; gija and jaeha are standing beside him, both staring wide-eyed. end ID.]
this bit from ch 203 is soooo unbelievably funny to me. “i can’t take u guys” he says, holding onto gija……
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[ID: a panel showing yona and the four dragons. she says, “but…i’ve only just been permitted to see you all here.”; jaeha says, “we’ll go through the window. even if we’re caught, i doubt they’ll try to harm us.”; gija says, “great! let’s go.” as he climbs onto jaeha’s back, wrapping his arms around his shoulders; sinha is clinging onto gija’s shoulder while zeno is doing the same to jaeha; jaeha says, “hey, i can’t take you guys.”; his hands are hooked beneath gija’s legs, holding him up. end ID.]
“woohoo! you’re so cool, gija!” from ch 159. they’re never EVER beating those allegations
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[ID: a panel showing gija stepping forward, saying, “everyone, step aside. i’ll handle this.”; behind him, jaeha cheers, “woohoo! you’re so cool, gija!”; they’re both shirtless. end ID.]
love it when jaeha’s like “don’t ruin your pretty face” whenever gija’s acting feral. the example below is from ch 35 but there’s also a similar moment in ch 86.
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[ID: a panel showing jaeha saying, “good grief. gija’s going to ruin his pretty face.”. end ID.]
who would i be if i didn’t include a panel where they’re badly injured and covered in blood? :) i’m just obsessed with the exasperated fondness here (also with gija’s chronic fatigue and other assorted issues codedness) (ch 143)
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[ID: a panel showing gija slumped against jaeha, the psychomimes indicating that he’s woozy; jaeha smiles slightly as he says, “good grief. you’re nowhere near recovered.”. end ID.]
there are many candidates vying for the final spot but i gotta give it to this panel from ch 225. there are many implications one can glean from this if one is a yaoi scholar like myself but also just look at them. LOOK!!! THEM <3
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[ID: a panel showing gija and jaeha asleep next to each other; gija is sleeping soundly and reaching towards jaeha with his dragon hand, poking the side of his face; jaeha is frowning. end ID.]
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carrotcouple · 5 years
Blue Skies and Eternity (AO3)
Yoon is a fox God that is losing followers, losing his powers and losing hope. Yona is a first year high school student desperate to get out of the little town she lives in. An unexpected meeting and argument tangles their fates together forever.
{Previous Chapter}
Yona was one of the unfortunate people to witness Grandma Hana fall over in her shop. The other one had been the head priest of the shrine. Hak had caught Grandma Hana and then the head priest had called the ambulance. Hak and Yona had gone straight to the hospital with her while the priest ran towards the shrine in panic. Yona had an inkling as to what he was doing. Hak and Yona waited outside of the emergency room while the boy that worked part time at Grandma Hana’s shop attempted to call her grandson who was in Tokyo.
Yona tried not to think of her own mother and how Yona had been seven when she had fallen over in the kitchen. The tea cups she had been filling shattered, tea spilled all over her beautiful black hair and soaked through her cardigan. Not a single teacup shard had pierced her skin and yet, they couldn’t save her. The doctors had said it had been a miracle she had been alive at all. Yona hated not being able to lift a finger while someone just died.
The head priest came running into the hospital and like Yona had expected, behind him came the kitsune. His hand was bleeding and he was pale, a distressed look on his face. Yona wanted to ask why he was bleeding. It was such a stark contrast to his pale skin. The head priest drew to a halt next to Yona and Hak and the kitsune didn’t even look at them. He just went straight towards the emergency room door.
“No one can go in yet,” Yona spoke up before she could stop herself. Hak and the priest looked at her and the kitsune didn’t even flinch. He stayed paused in front of the door and then slowly turned back to look at her.
“In your opinion,” he said. His voice sounded gravelly and he pushed open the door and walked in, startling both Hak and the boy frantically trying to call Grandma Hana’s son. Yona was about to start to her feet, but the head priest put his hand on her shoulder.
“Let him go,” the priest smiled at her. It was strained.
They waited in silence.
Yona thought about the kitsune, about how he had talked about Grandma Hana fondly. She looked up at the head priest who was worrying his lower lip with his teeth. His arm was broken, so it seemed. Yona wanted to ask him about the kitsune and what Grandma Hana meant to him. But the atmosphere wouldn’t let her speak a word. The kitsune was sad. Horrifyingly so.
“Fortunately for you, little girl, I don’t curse people. It’s not in my nature. I’ve gotten into a fight or two, but cursing is something I wouldn’t touch with the tip of my tail.”
Cursing people wasn’t in the kitsune’s nature, but helping people was. Yona remembered how she had scoured the library and internet resources for information about the local kitsune god. He was a God of Agriculture and Medicine. Even when the humans tried to hunt him down, he had never hurt them and instead gave them prosperity.
“What kind of God is that?”
“A kind God?”
The kitsune was a kind God.
The doors opened and the doctors came out. All of them shot to their feet.
“Can I speak to the guardian?” the doctor at the front said.
“Her...guardian is in Kuuto. I’ve been trying to contact him but it won’t get through. I am someone that works in her shop though,” The boy to the priest’s right said.
“We did all we could, but it wasn’t enough. I’m sorry,” the doctor said gently.
“Oh,” the boy said and then Yona watched him fall. The priest caught him with his good hand. Yona then realized that the kitsune hadn’t come out yet. She pushed past the doctors, rushing into the room. She heard Hak call her name.
The kitsune was kneeling by Grandma Hana’s bed, holding her hand, forehead pressed to her wrinkly knuckles.
“Iksoo, what is the point?” the kitsune asked, his voice still gravelly. “I tried. I tried everything I could. But I only delayed her death. I made her suffer more. What use are my powers when I can’t save even one of my loyal followers?” there was a bite in his tone that cut through Yona. “It’s pointless. Geuntae was right. My land is dying. My power is diminishing. I keep blaming people saying that they won’t come to my shrine. But it’s really my fault. I’m not Geuntae that inspires people to worship him. I’m not Mizari, I can’t attract people to me with my charm. I can’t do anything. Maybe I deserve to lose followers. To fade away. And then my shrine will become some historical relic and that stupid girl can put it in her bro...bro...I don’t even care what it’s called!” his hands tightened around Grandma Hana’s hand. “She was one of the very few that I had left. I could feel part of me die with her. I’m fading, Iksoo. You should let go of me too. Go find someone better to serve.”
Yona watched him silently, her heart crying for this kind kitsune God.
“Iksoo?” The kitsune turned around and his red rimmed eyes met hers. Anger bloomed across his face. “Get out! Go away!” the kitsune roared.
“Yoon?” the priest ran into the room.
“Iksoo! Get her out! Now! I can’t bear to look at her right now! Get her out!” the kitsune turned away, burying his face into Grandma Hana’s hand and screaming. The priest hurriedly grabbed Yona’s hand and started to pull her away.
“There is a point!” Yona said urgently.
“Please, miss,” the priest begged.
“There is a point! There is a point to all of th-” Yona wanted to cry.
“Go away!” Yoon slammed one hand into the floor and the tile cracked.
“Please!” the priest continued to try to pull her away.
“Wait! I want to say something!” Yona hissed.
“Yona, what are you doing?” Hak’s voice.
“You’re not those other Gods. You will never be those other Gods! But you’re our God! Listen to me!” Yona snapped.
“Please take her out before she gets hurt!” the priest said.
“He won’t hurt me!” Yona near shouted. But Hak was already hauling her out of the room. “Listen to me!”
“Yona, I heard you caused a scene at the hospital?” her father asked her. Yona frowned down at her food. There it was, the concern, the way he tried to sound sympathetic, understanding. He just wanted to cage her in, trap her in his tiny little world so that she wouldn’t leave him the way her mother did. But Yona wasn’t her mother. She wasn’t just going to disappear forever. And if she did, well, what happened happened. Her father couldn’t hang onto her in desperation to keep her by his side. She was her own whole person. Not just his daughter.
“It’s not what you think it was,” Yona muttered.
“Yona, you can talk to me about these things. I know you don’t like hospitals-” her father said gently.
“The one who doesn’t like hospitals is you, not me,” Yona said waspishly. Her father stared at her quietly and Yona got to her feet. “I’m going to school.” she stuffed the last bit of her omelette into her mouth and then got up and left.
Lili was waiting for her near the convenience store and Yona smiled gratefully at her.
“Oh, you have that face,” Lili said.
“What face?” Yona asked.
“The ‘my dad was being unreasonable again’ face,” Lili said.
“Ugh, is it that obvious?” Yona ran a hand down her face.
“Yes,” Lili chuckled. “Well, my dad just gives me the ‘what did you do now’ face these days.” Lili frowned. “Why does he just naturally assume I did something?”
“Because you’re like some kind of natural disaster, Lili,” Yona laughed.
They walked in companionable silence for a bit. Which was never a good thing with Lili cause she always had something to talk about. Yona could count the number of times Lili had stayed quiet on one hand. And all of them involved Lili thinking before she brought about a storm.
“Are you OK?” Lili asked.
“Who told you? You know what, don’t answer that. I know Soowon told you. And he heard it from Hak.” Yona closed her eyes, wanting to sink into the ground.
“Hey, all he told me was that Hak had to bodily drag you out of the hospital screaming after Grandma Hana died in the emergency room. What did you think I was going to think?” Lili asked.
“I wasn’t reliving my mom’s death, if that’s what you’re thinking,” Yona sighed. “I was trying to tell someone something important. And he needed to hear it, even if he wanted me out of his sight immediately.”
“Did you get to tell it to him?Actually you know what, don’t answer that. There’s a reason you were dragged out screaming.” Lili shook her head. “Who was it anyways?”
“If I knew, I’d tell you,” Yona said. After all, what was she supposed to say? The mysterious kitsune God from the shrine on the hill? Lili would take her straight to the hospital. Yona didn’t even know the name of the kitsune God.
No wait.
“Yoon,” Yona said the name, rolling it in her mouth and tasting it. “That’s a surprisingly lackluster name.” Ah, but he was a humble kitsune God. Yona had seen other shrines to other Gods in nearby towns. They had been large bustling shrines where everything was flashy and even the Gods’ names had been flashy. Yoon on the other hand was homey and warm. In the nicest kind of way. Although he still definitely was a God.
“Who’s Yoon?” Lili asked.
“The guy I was trying to make a point to,” Yona shrugged. “Still don’t know anything about him though,”
“I’ve never heard of a ‘Yoon’ in our town before,” Lili said.
“Oh trust me when I tell you there is one, but you’ve probably never heard of him before. Ever.” Yona said.
“Eh, weird, but fine,” Lili shrugged. “Oh yeah, whatever happened to getting the shrine’s permission?”
“They said no,” Yona shrugged.
“Huh? Why?” Lili asked. “Iksoo is one of the nicest softest guys around in town,”
“The God said no, silly,” Yona said.
“Huh?” Lili gave her a look.
“I’m serious. Iksoo was totally upset about it,” Yona said.
“Alright then,” Lili shrugged.
And just then Yona spotted a handwritten flyer stuck to the wall next to her. In bubbly and cheerful handwriting was written:
Part Time Shrine Maidens Wanted!
Please come to the Kitsune Shrine if you are interested! Details will be discussed there.
“Wow, that would sound super fishy if that wasn’t written by Iksoo of all people,” Lili leaned over Yona’s shoulder to read the flyer.
“Lili,” Yona said slowly, peeling the flyer off the wall.
“Hm?” Lili asked. Yona turned towards Lili with grin.
“Are you interested in being a part time shrine maiden?” Yona asked.
After all, Yona still had a point to make and regardless of whether she was welcome at the shrine or not. Yoon wouldn’t hurt her. She was sure of it.
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reineworks · 6 years
General Update
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Our Tumblr has been quiet for some time, but that’s because a lot has been going on behind the scenes. We’ve been prioritizing keeping production going in between IRL commitments, which hasn't left much time to dedicate to social media these days. In light of this, we have halted the survey results until a later date. 
The games we are currently focusing on are “Signed and Sealed With a Kiss”, “Mizari Loves Company”, and “Our Lovely Escape”.
We’re expecting to have an updated demo and a steam page soon. For regular updates, check out the Indiegogo page or the itch.io page. The sprites are in the process of being updated to better match the CGs. 
Mizari Loves Company
We’ve entered beta testing for the common route and Ren is now finishing up Anja's endings! All of Anja's chapters have been completed, but we expect his endings to more or less total the same length as an entire chapter. We can also confirm Anja's route is already around 25% larger than the common route.
Be sure to check out the itch.io page to play the demo.
Our Lovely Escape
The demo is out, and we would love to hear what you think about our latest addition, made in collaboration with Top Hat Studios. Play the demo on itch.io
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The skeleton sighed "When outside my au, I go by Mizarī. I am a Nightmare varient and my multiverse is called Night Insanity. I have no intentions with this place, seeing as how I didn't even come here on my own."
Mizarī sighed, looking bored beyond belief despite the weapon at his neck.
Dust goes off and soon comes back with a chair and rope... Immensely annoyed when the wrinkled midget that was Dobby appeared out of nowhere to steal said supplies from him. Soon Dobby stole Mizari from Cross and had him tied up tightly to the chair. Looks like Lucius taught him how to tie up people for... less than savory purposes.
Scylla and Azia looked at a spot just to the right of Mizari, as if trying to see something that wasn't there... at least not physically.
"Princess... When can I D.U.S.T. that P.E.S.T?" Dust growled aggressively.
"Never? He's not... that bad," Eris huffed, "Dobby is just overzealous."
"Even I want to kill that pest, and I have the Lowest LV among Noot's Knights," Cross huffed, taking a seat on the table.
"Dobby Does Whats Best For Mistress Princess," Dobby said stubbornly from his hiding place on the Chandelier.
"Big Lil sis?" Goth asked too softly for others to hear, tugging on Eris's sleeve. He motioned at the place the bitties were looking at, "who is he?"
Eris looked over, but couldn't see anything there... but sensing the emotions in the air... there was something off there. "Is there someone else here with you?" she asked Mizari directly.
both Cross and Dust were on alert as soon as the words left her lips.
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zeno-obsessed · 7 years
Storm of emotions
We have to remember the poor kid is only fifteen and probably keeps alot to himself. I wrote this fic for @genius-prettyboy-momfriend-yoon I hope you like it! 
Yun sighed as he crouched down to change Jeaha’s bandages. He wasn’t fully healed and they were already traveling. Yun had to admit, they all did look better the closer they got to the capitol. Shinha and Zeno were munching on some food. A pang went through Yun as he was reminded that at least he could help the others, Zeno was just… 
Yun shook his head. He still had nightmares from when the fire happened that night. He had looked like a burned piece of meat and then in seconds he was fine. Yun hated that. The endless torture of Zeno by Mizari did not help Yun’s nightmare situation. 
“Um, Yun. That really tight,” Jeaha complained.
“Oh! Sorry,” Yun loosened it paying more attention this time. 
“Are you okay? You usually do a wonderful job,” Jeaha inquired. 
Yun shook his head, “I’m just worried about you guys. You shouldn’t be traveling after a fight like that.” 
Kija smiled, “We’ll be fine!” 
Hak was passed out on the ground. He must’ve been exhausted too. Everyone was tired. Yun sighed, tying off Jeaha’s bandage and sat down. He glanced at Zeno, who was staring him. Yun wondered what he was worried about. He had  a way of reading their minds. Maybe it was just his experience or maybe Zeno was just a people person, but he always had a way of know exactly what they needed to hear. 
“Hey, lad,” he gave a small smile, “Do you want to come with Zeno to get some fresh water?” 
Yun nodded. He wanted to talk to Zeno anyway. They both grabbed some pots and started towards the river that was nearby. 
“Is the lad okay? You seem to be spacing out a lot,” Zeno asked. 
“A lot happened in Xing. I guess I’m just still in shock, you guys took a lot of hits and then… they tried to take you,” Yun’s voice quivered. 
“It was scary there for awhile, wasn’t it,” Zeno agreed. 
They had reached the small stream and Yun felt himself shaking. Zeno set the pot down and hugged him, “You are as strong as the rest of us, lad, but you and the miss are the youngest out of all us. It is okay to express if you are troubled.”
Yun nodded, he found himself grabbing on to Zeno’s clothing, almost crying. The fire, Mizari…
“I just don’t like it when you guys get hurt,” HIs voice cracked at hurt. 
Zeno chuckled, “We don’t like getting hurt either, but if it’s to protect you and the miss and each other, then we don’t mind.” 
“I do! There was the fire-” 
“Is that what’s gotten you so worked up? Lad, I’m fine,” Zeno insisted. 
Yun nodded, “Exactly, you’re perfectly fine and it’s disheartening. On one hand, you can protect us better than anyone and I really don’t have to worry about your well being. On the other, I’m having nightmares and I’m worried to death about you. I… I don’t like seeing you die, even if you’re not really dying.” 
Zeno nodded, “It’s okay. To make up for it, how about Zeno cooks tonight?”
Yun shook his head, “You leave huge chunks in the food when you cook. Who taught you to cook?” 
“My wife.” 
“Who taught her?” 
“Zeno thinks Kaya was self-taught.” 
“Oh that explains it.” 
“Zeno likes the way he cooks!” 
“It doesn’t get done all the way! Gosh, what am I going to do with you?!” 
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whereisvanderwood · 6 years
My Princess
Yotaka x Reader
My Yona of the Dawn x Reader List for more one-shots– Check it out!
Request Box
"Yotaka, I found your skin beauty medication!"
His head turned into (Y/N)'s direction a little way away, his lion mane of hair bouncing in the wind. It was very pretty hair. Everyone envied the mighty Five Star Yotaka's beauty.
He walked over, instantly picking up the little bottle of lotion, examining its contents to see if it very well is his medication.
"Do you think it could work on me, too?"
"What do you mean? You haven't need of it."
His face seemed so unfazed by his own giving of a compliment, (Y/N) could easily have missed it if she didn't do a double take.
"Th-thank you..." she blushed. "But I still want to try some."
"If you insist, but you really don't need it."
"We girls never accept our faces for what they are, and we will always try to make it prettier."
She wasn't expecting Yotaka to actually buy some of the highly-praised solution for her own personal use, and so when he handed it to her she promised herself she would try to make it last for as long as possible. She was very thankful.
"Didn't you buy yourself some?"
"No, I bought you one, instead."
"Did you waste your money on me!?"
"It isn't wasteful if it has been put to good use. Consider it a gift. The holiday season is approaching quickly, is it not?"
He was a man who never smiled; always that same stoic, expressionless, far-out look in his eyes. He always appeared to be in a daze. (Y/N) knew that his mind was constantly focused on the Princess of the Xing Kingdom, Kouren-- His commanding mistress and leader of the Five Stars. Definitely something (Y/N) wanted less of in their friendship, if you could call it that.
"Yoo-hoo, Yotaka!" His partners, Mizari and Neguro, jogged to where he and (Y/N) were strolling. "Princess Kouren wishes to see us!"
"Right now? I would have thought she was preoccupied in preparing for the war."
"She is. She requires our assistance in an errand she wants done," Neguro replied. His eyes narrowed when they met (Y/N), an outsider of the Five Stars. "You both should not be dallying about with war so close to our borders."
"Nice to see you too, Neguro." (Y/N) rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, giving up hoping to ever receive a friendly greeting from the burly man. "What's the errand?"
"It's to do with Kouka's monsters. We haven't yet been given word what we are to do, so we must make haste to Princess Kouren."
As joy-killing as ever, (Y/N) thought as Neguro turned his back and walked the opposite direction, Mizari, Yotaka and herself following suit.
A small tent had been pitched some distance away from the kingdom's populace. Inside was Princess Kouren pacing back and forth, whilst a member of the anti-war faction argued with her on Priest Gobi's behalf.
"Princess Kouren," Neguro announced his and his team's presence, interrupting the senseless debating.
"Thank you, Neguro." The princess smiled when she saw (Y/N) had tagged along. Though she wasn't an appointed 'star' of her majesty, she was strong and equally as loyal as the princess's own warriors. They might as well be called 'The Five Stars Plus One.'
The stranger was quickly forced to leave so the 'meeting' was able to commence in complete privacy.
"Yotaka, (Y/N), the monsters of Kouka kingdom are in my possession for now."
"You mean the dragons that arrived yesterday?"
"I'm sure they were sent on King Su-won's orders to invade our kingdom. I will not let them wreck havoc to my people. They are a threat and need to be dealt with accordingly."
"What would you have us do, Princess Kouren?" Yotaka knelt on bended knee, his hand on his heart. Why can't he be like that to me, (Y/N)'s mind echoed. She kept her focus on the princess as best as possible while Yotaka was in front of her.
"(Y/N), I would like you to guard them, please. They may hold information detrimental to our kingdom's future. Do not let anyone get through you."
"B-But what about me, your ladyship?" Mizari began to fret. "I want to be the one who watches them! I want to see their power again, especially the undying one. I want to see it again!" His face was becoming deranged, and (Y/N) became uncomfortable very quickly. She'd never seen him react like this to anything before.
"You'd most likely pull a foolish stunt like you did earlier. You need to be kept away from them," Yotaka sharply replied to his begging of the princess. "Not to mention how rude it is to question her highness' decision. Have you no respect for your master?
It was enough to shut up the childish warrior for the time being, his eyes keeping the dangerous craving of the dragons' powers to have all to himself. (Y/N) would have to watch that he doesn't approach too close.
"Thank you, Yotaka." The princess cleared her throat. "Mizari, I'm having you and Yotaka investigate Priest Gobi and the anti-war faction. Something tells me they're up to no good."
"Forgive me for asking, but will (Y/N) be alright on her own? These dragons hold power unlike any enemy we have encountered before," Yotaka asked hesitantly, Mizari quick to call him out on being a hypocrite.
"I'm sure I'll be fine, Yotaka. I'm tough! I can handle anything," (Y/N) puffed out her chest.
"There you have it. Neguro, you will keep watch around the local areas. That is all, everyone."
"Of course, Princess Kouren."
The three left the tent, leaving (Y/N), Yotaka sharing a last glance with her before they parted ways for, most likely, the rest of the day. She felt lonely very quickly, and she wanted him to be with her, especially for something as pressuring as this.
"Is there something wrong, (Y/N)?" Kouren asked.
"N-No, your majesty. I'll make my way to the dragons' cell now."
Thankfully a couple of guards under Kouren's name had been appointed with (Y/N). While part of her was glad she didn't have to take on this job alone, these guards weren't exactly as competent as the Five Stars of Xing. Physically, they didn't look like they'd be able to hold their ground for very long.
Finally reaching the cells where the strangers were being kept, two of the five prisoners were badly injured and bleeding heavily. Another had a bandage covering his eyes, whilst the fourth with bright yellow hair seemed completely fine. There seemed to be a fifth that had joined them; a much less intimidating boy (Y/N) could hear from a mile away with yelling and desperate cries
"Please, just give me my bag! My friends will die if I don't treat them!"
The boy's eyes eventually locked onto (Y/N), who was approaching closer and closer. For just a moment, she felt her heart being pulled to where the said bag was in possession of another guard. But she shook away the temptation and stood her ground, just as her princess had entrusted her to do.
"Hey, you! Can't you see they're dying!?" He shouted at (Y/N).
"I'm sorry. I don't help my enemies."
The androgynous boy eventually gave up, and went back to putting pressure on the bleeding wounds of his friends.
"Why did you come to Xing? To start a war for King Su-won?"
"How dare you..." the white-haired one grimaced. "We are no servants of that... monster!"
"As much as I would like to believe you, you are my enemies, and I choose not to."
"My my, what a stubborn little lady we have," the tall one with green hair spoke with a somewhat patronising tone.
(Y/N) turned her back to them, standing off to the side, keeping a close eye if anyone was approaching the restricted area too close. They chatted quietly amongst themselves, mostly consisting of the boy, Yun, fretting over the wellbeing of his friends. He might as well be their mother, (Y/N) joked to herself.
I hope Yotaka is alright...
Her mind began to drift as she spaced out with quick-coming boredom, and with it the uneasiness she was fighting back began to settle in much easier. Mizari was clearly unstable mentally, and keeping him away from the dragons may very well drive him furthermore to do something 'foolish.' The anti-war faction often did some shady business behind the princesses' backs, and could be a threat to her highness or the Five Stars that oppose them. Anything could happen when they're all split up like this.
A disturbing cry of pain made (Y/N) jump in surprise, her shock further escalating when she saw one of the guards crumpled on the ground in blood. The other drew his weapon, but was taking steps back to distance himself from the murderer in front of him.
"No one can keep me from my dragons..."
Mizari's head was crooked to the side, his eyes wide and smile looking abnormal. His sword dripped crimson droplets onto the ground as he prepared for the next kill. The remaining guard was trembling and turned to run, but was put an end to before he could take three steps.
"Sorry, (Y/N). I can't have anyone in my way."
(Y/N) drew her sword, holding it far in front of her in attempt to keep Mizari at bay. She should have known that he was not going to stay away from the dragons for very long, even if he was ordered to.
But... what about Yotaka?
Was he hurt? Did Mizari cut him down, too? If he's truly still alive then where was he?
"(Y/N), out of my way, please."
"I can't do that, Mizari. What's gotten into you!? This isn't like you at all!"
The prisoners watched intently and anxiously as they witnessed a protector of the kingdom kill one of his own men. They watched (Y/N) take slow steps back as the killer took slow steps forward.
"Uhm, I think you should run away," the young boy warned. "He looks like he's about to hurt you."
"Quiet! You're distracting me."
"Miss, you need to go!" The yellow dragon grabbed the prison bars in his desperate heeding.
Mizari's steps quickened very suddenly, his sword starting to come over his shoulder. "You shouldn't disrespect the dragons like that, (Y/N). They're important."
(Y/N)'s sword was useless at this point. She had more of a chance if she ran. But she couldn't abandon her post. What would the princess think of her? Or more importantly, what would Yotaka have to say? Would he call her foolish, too? A coward incapable of standing up for herself? Disloyal to her highness? An embarrassment? Maybe it would be all of those things.
Mizari's footsteps turned into a mad dash when (Y/N) stopped backing away. He was too fast for her to escape to see another day. She closed her eyes and braced for death.
But instead, a pair of arms wrapped around her tightly and held her close to a warm body. Then there was quiet.
When (Y/N) opened her eyes again, Yotaka's body lay at her feet. Mizari dropped his sword, seeing what damage he had done.
(Y/N) dropped to her knees, turning his heavy body over to look him in his eyes that struggled to stay open. "No no, Yotaka, stay awake!" She called for help as she held Yotaka's bloodied hands. "Mizari, how could you!?"
Tears were forming in his eyes, despite his murderous intentions only moments ago. "I... I didn't mean it! I didn't want to hurt Yotaka!"
"But... you'd hurt (Y/N)?" Yotaka forced the words out of his mouth as his strength was fading. "Over my dead body."
"Yotaka, don't say that!"
Soldiers ran over to the scene quickly, some ceasing Mizari and putting him in his own cell while the others got called for a doctor. As he was being carried away, Yotaka demanded that (Y/N) stayed by his side, not wanting to let her out of his sight.
He was set down in the medical tent on a stretcher, and the doctor prepared his medicine for treatment. The warrior's hand gripped tightly onto (Y/N)'s hand, making sure she stayed put the whole time.
"Why on earth did you do that!?" (Y/N) cried. "You could have died!"
"So could you... I knew he was up to no good..." His eyes pierced through (Y/N)'s heart. "I wasn't about... to let you get hurt."
(Y/N) closed her eyes as she took a deep breath. She had to tell him—she didn't want to just be 'friends' forever. It wasn't fair to keep torturing herself over whether or not her love would return her feelings, especially in this kind of circumstance.
"Yotaka. I... want to stay by your side." When she saw Yotaka's face seemed to search her eyes for answers, she continued. "I-I want to be more than friends. I want to be able to protect you, too! I want you in my life..."
She sat there in silence. After there was no response for quite some time, she pulled her hand out of is in rejection, only for it to be grabbed again tighter.
"I want that, too... I love you, (Y/N). All I ever want... is for you to be by my side in all my days... You're my own princess."
Neither could resist any longer. She knelt down and their lips met with love sprouting between them. It was soft, like the kind of heart she knew he had. She felt so much lighter after feeling so much weight in her heart, but it was all magically lifted now. She was happy.
They parted their kiss and Yotaka held her hand to his lips. "I love you."
"I love you too, Yotaka."
My Yona of the Dawn x Reader List for more one-shots– Check it out!
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toomanynewts · 6 years
Celeste stared at Decay, at first perplexed, then more suspicious as the herd ambled around the corner.
“...I didn’t plan on it,” she said after a long moment, narrowing her eyes. She wondered what his angle could possibly be; why in the world he’d feel the need to state the insanely obvious, but also at a time like this, to someone like her. He seemed genuine enough, and she couldn’t really argue with the sentiment, but it didn’t make any sense coming from him, and usually in regards to Mizary, things that didn’t make sense often turned out to be a lot darker than they seemed.
“But why would you say that? He’s your brother.”
Alex, likewise, channeled every electrolyte in his massively sinewy body into his arm muscles, and pushed back against his sister’s grip with a muted grunt. It was an unstoppable current versus an impenetrable dam, and a(nother) crack splintered down the center of the wood table under the weight of their straining elbows.
Misha watched the brutish display in a disturbed sort of awe, before Morris’ voice crackling on the air drowned out every other decibel in reality. His head whipped towards the sound so fast and harshly that several joints in his neck audibly cracked, his vision funneled down to just the radio, the commotion around them all warbled into cosmic background noise, and then it was just that familiar intonation of feigned self-assurance traveling across a pitched frequency.
Taking a break. Morris’s words repeated like a mad mantra in his ears, and a swarm of several indiscernible and conflicting emotions hit him at once. The first, confusion—why was he with Ian?! On the radio?! That wasn’t ‘keeping a low profile’ like they’d been told to do by literally everyone! The second, a delayed relief—wait, he’s on the radio, he’s okay! (It didn’t register at first, Misha was too busy moving onto the third notion that, no, wait, he sounds strange, somethings wrong, and then quickly skirting to the fourth and most prominent notion that what the fuck was he doing on the radio?! They’d thought he’d gone missing, or something terrible had happened, not that he was hanging out with the asshole who practically worshiped the even bigger asshole who got them into this whole mess! And then to have the nerve to act like they’d up and split because of a fight or something—that doesn’t make sense, why would he say that, somethings wrong—when he’d been napped by a spandex clad reaper. Actually, five, that’d probably been some sort of wet dream for him, and now he’s being interviewed by someone with the innate potential to feed his engorged ego! Six, he’d probably been lounging at a nice room in the hotel and doted on by Mizary’s followers while Misha and Ivy slept in Zak’s shithole bedroom! Seven, doesn’t add up, somethings really wrong, eight, he was gonna kick his ass for saying that shit for the whole town to hear!
Dave said something stupid, he didn’t hear it, and distantly he registered Ivy staring expectantly at him, but suddenly he was standing up, chair clattering to the floor behind him, and the sound of Morris chattering amiably with that god damn prick carried him towards the door like a tune of the pied fucking piper.
Lorelei was still hanging by a wall near the entrance, watching the various homey and yet debilitatingly rambunctious interactions with a sour frown.
“Why did we come out here again?” she huffed towards Yves.
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At A Sleepover [Modern AU]
Hak, glaring: Yes. Thanks a lot.
SooWon: Don't kill him, Hak.
Lili: Shhh. I need at least 10 hours of my beauty sleep.
Algira: What is the meaning of life.
Vold: Dude, shut up.
Yoon: I hate you all.
Yona: Please be quiet! My Father might hear us!
Kija: Turn on the lights! I can't find ShinAh!
ShinAh: I'm under the bed.
JaeHa: What the actual f-
Zeno, going under the bed: Oooo, that sounds like fun!
Tao: Okay, but, can we go back to sleep now?
Mizari, outside peeking through the window: be silent
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taotrooper · 7 years
Thoughts on the most recent akayona chapter
Oh, I really enjoyed it! Things are getting so intense and tense so you live with this state of hype and fear during this arc. Pretty awesome.
Shin-ah my baby! He stole the show and makes me have so many new questions about the Seiryuu eyes. You have no idea
I was actually pretty indifferent to Neguro and now I’m sad he couldn’t survive it
I can’t believe I rooted for Mizari. My hate for the roof ninjas is stronger than my uneasiness around him
Jae-ha, you beautiful extra. Please take care of yourself
Yona’s tableflip kick was the most iconic moment
I’m glad that the dragons are back to doing things. Kija the previous chapter, Shin-ah and Jae-ha this one
I do want Yoon to do something cool, though
Almost no one mentions Voldo’s cool moment with Kouren or Argila bricking a roof ninja
Oh man, everyone is so screwed
Where in the world is Yotaka Sandiego? What is he even doing?!?
Is he using the hair dryer and can’t hear the murder noises over it? Is that it?
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mizaryrottmnt · 2 months
Hi! How are you? Sorry to bother you but I wanted to ask if you do request art? I really like your style
Hi! I'm good thank you! And thanks for your questions and kind words✨✨
I actually don't do requests because I have a lot of work in progress and can't find the time sadly. I'll reopen my commissions soon for people who can be interested. But at the moment, I can't be open for Art requests.
I'll make a little post here if one day I open some Requests slots.
Hope my response was good enough.
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sorasan000 · 7 years
Ch.140 spoils
Lili wants to go to Ogi’s place. Suwon isn’t letting her leave the grounds, but Tetora figures he didn’t want Lili knowing he was going to war AND there was a beacon from Fire about a Sen invasion.
Lili hears from Ayura that Suwon is deploying about 6,000 Water troops, which grabs Lili’s attention right away. 
Suwon gives orders to soldiers to take care of things near Sen while he heads toward Xing with Sky forces.
The four dragons and Yun are starting to feel hungry since they haven’t been fed in a little while. They see Neguro put Mizari in the jail cell to clear his head. 
Mizari wonders if he’ll obtain Zeno’s powers if he drinks his blood and eats his flesh, but Zeno says that it can’t be done. (It’s been tried and it hasn’t worked. Everybody’s just died.) This silences Mizari. 
Jaeha had a dream that he lost his leg and he couldn’t help Yona anymore. aw
The atmosphere between the Xing soldiers and the Wind soldiers has changed, of course. 
According to Vold, it’s not just Kouren that has a grudge against Yuhon, but also Yotaka and Neguro. 
Yona comes across Water troops, and it’s just as she suspected. She knows Suwon must be around there somewhere. If she doesn’t hurry and find him and an attack happens, Yun and the others will be in danger. 
A water soldiers finds them and interrogates them, asking what they’re looking for with their troops. Argila fights them off and tells Yona to escape, but she doesn’t and is found by Keishuk. 
Water soldiers ask him if he knows her, and he says he doesn’t. Yona knows that’s not the case, of course. She announces herself as King Il’s daughter and she wants to speak with his king, Suwon. 
Keishuk tells the soldiers to kill her because she must be an impostor, since Princess Yona died on the cliffs with General Hak. A soldiers insists they at least receive the order from Suwon, but Keishuk says that’s unnecessary and tells them to kill her anyway. 
Yona is like, “Don’t screw around with me. You’re going to go ahead with this war even without hearing the people of Xing out? Why is it so imperative that you have to kill me here? Is this what you buried my father for?” 
Keishuk is shocked. Is this girl really Princess Yona?
Just then, Suwon appears to see what’s going on. 
To be continued. 
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reineworks · 7 years
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Happy Halloween from all of us at Reine Works! 
Feat. artwork by our extremely talented artist, @azolitmin!
Solmaris from Reflections ~Dreams and Reality~
Lilim from The Tail Makes the Fox - Episode 1
* The October monthly update is below the cut~!
Reflections ~Dreams and Reality~
All voice files have been cut, prepped, and are being programmed into the game.
We’ve contacted a potential new writer for the game and are presently waiting to hear back.
The Seven Districts of Sin - The Tail Makes the Fox
The game has been released on itch.io! Make sure to pick it up if you haven’t already done so!
At a later point in time, we plan on releasing an update which will add a text history log.
Prep work for Episode 2 has already started.
The Tail Makes the Fox will be falling off of our update schedule until we’re ready to show teasers for Episode 2.
The Wilting Amaranth
The demo has been released and can be downloaded on itch.io!
We’ve decided to postpone announcing a release date and will continue polishing the game until we’re fully happy with it. All assets are already finished, but the script and programming still need work.
Mizari Loves Company
Auditions for the game’s secondary roles have just opened up!
We’ve cast our main roles and are prepping to announce our wonderful voice actors over the next couple of days/weeks.
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hisazuki · 7 years
Yona ch.146 spoilers
Akatsuki no Yona chapter 146 “A shield against a distorted justice” summary
Please don’t repost/reuse my scans and translations without permission. Tumblr reblog is fine.
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Tae-Woo steps in the Shin side of the camp and retrieves his spear. The assassins are stunned for a while then start threatening him but Gobi tells them to stop. He whispers that they shouldn’t antagonize people from Kouka as they still need Soo-Won’s support. Instead, Gobi treats Tae-Woo like a child, telling him it’s bad to enter their country with a weapon and this is no playground. Tae-Woo apologizes but says he thought he was about to witness a murder so that’s why he reacted quickly. He also knows Yotaka is Voldo’s (aka Hak’s friend) acquaintance.
Yotaka collapses from pain. Gobi wonders if he’ll have no other choice but to kill Tae-Woo now while no one is watching. Yotaka tells Tae-Woo he’s not like Voldo. The Wind tribe General faces Gobi’s group and asks them if they’re really from the anti-war faction, because they sure don’t look anything like Voldo. He heard a bit of their story from Hak, but is the anti-war faction really supposed to carry weapons and go around killing people? Especially when the guys from the pro-war faction were still hesitating about proceeding with the war?
Gobi tells his assassins to kill him in one blow, he doesn’t want to draw people’s attention. Right at that moment, Han-Dae and another from the Wind Tribe appear at the top of the barricade, looking for General Tae-Woo. Gobi’s like “General? This kid?”. The 2 new players realize what’s going on and are about to jump to the other side to defend their friend. Tae-Woo stops them. He wants Han-Dae to go and fetch Ayame, and Nobu (the other Wind tribe guy) to help him carry Yotaka.
Gobi knows he can’t afford to kill a General. He’s satisfied with having wounded Yotaka, and wants to focus on Kouren instead. Unfortunately for him, an assassin reports she’s with the monsters from Kouka. Gobi has a sort of crazed, grinning look on him when he hears the monsters have appeared. Gobi’s group leaves and so does the soldier who injured Yotaka.
Yotaka wants to go to Kouren’s side. Tae-Woo tells him he can’t with his injury and assures him Kouren is safe. Hak and Yona are with her. Even a thousand soldiers couldn’t beat the thunder beast from Kouka. Since he’s Voldo’s friend, Tae-Woo will help him so he better not die! Yotaka says he doesn’t know anyone named Voldo then faints. Tae-Woo comments that something ugly is happening in Shin right now.
Farther into the camp, Gobi tells Kouren’s soldiers that Yotaka vanished. Another cloaked man from his clique adds they haven’t seen Neguro or Kouren in their mansion either. The soldiers begin to worry, then Gobi delivers the fatal blow: it’s because they fled before the war! They must’ve realized they didn’t stand any chance against Kouka’s army. A soldier explains he’s been having doubts on Kouren’s ability to rule the country ever since the Crazy Mizari™ incident. Namsek gets angry and tells him to stop being rude. Gobi’s man objects that it was Kouren’s fault for appointing those people as 5 Stars.
Author note: I am very grateful to all the staff involved with producing the Sei arc drama CDs when they were already so busy. I hope you readers will like them too!
Namsek draws his sword: he won’t let them badmouth Her Highness like that! Wrong move, Gobi’s man takes this opportunity to point to the other soldiers and citizens how Kouren’s men are so quick to resort to violence. It’s all because of their thirst for blood. Namsek strikes him (off panel), and another soldier offers to help him in the ensuing fight.
Gobi is elated. He tells everyone to go look for Kouren together, and restrain Princess Tao. They must be hiding somewhere... The camp empties, deaf to Namsek’s cries that Soo-Won’s troops will be here soon. Gobi fuels their hatred, reminding them of what Crazy Mizari™ did. The monsters from Kouka are also forced to dance to Kouren’s tune, it seems... They must hurry and save them to appease Kouka’s anger. If people previously loyal to Kouren change their mind, the Gods will surely save them.
The scene switches to Yona’s group. She’s half carrying Hak on her shoulder, and he doesn’t look well. Yona tells him she’ll carry him so he can hop on her back. Hak says he’ll just crush her, but Yona says it’s fine, she’s stronger now. He complies and they both fall face first on the ground XD. Hak glances at her and she’s flustered. He tells her he’d like to talk to her after everything is over. Yona is surprised but says ok. Zeno, who is helping Shin-Ah walk, looks at the sky and says he has a bad feeling (the atmosphere is heavy). He’s felt it before, back in Kin province when soldiers from Kai regrouped and went on destroying things. A lot of people’s nervousness and hatred pools up in a dark emotion. Voldo says they’ve arrived to the camp and should go look for Yotaka. Kouren looks at the camp and sees a huge group of people (citizens, soldiers and Gobi’s men) waiting for them, anger showing on their face.
Suddenly a rope comes flying from behind to ensnare Shin-Ah’s neck. He’s still paralyzed from using his powers earlier and can’t do anything. He’s dragged away, caught by a soldier from Shin. Zeno, Kija and Jae-Ha get caught soon after and dragged on the ground the same way. Gobi sees Kija’s hand and seems to recognize him (”I see... a white scaly hand...”). The dragons are too weak to use their powers (or maybe something prevents them to, Kija only says he can’t use his strength).
Gobi advises Kouren’s group against fighting back. He holds people from Kouka hostages. Still, he didn’t expect Kouren to show up herself. She captured Tao, used Mizari and used fear to control the citizens... the country of Shin has become a huge mess. She only needs to look into her people’s eyes to see the extent of the damage she caused. *Cut to 2 panels’ worth of angry faces*. Kouren tells him the 4 dragons have nothing to do with it, and demands he releases them.
Gobi: They have nothing to do with it, you say? Then why did you imprison them?!
Gobi: It’s because you wanted to use their powers for yourself! To sacrifice them! You tried to make an enemy out of Kouka, didn’t you?!
Citizen: I... I’ve seen Lord Yotaka capture those people...
Gobi: See...? You used violence to try and bend them to your will. This is so like you to do that...
Tao: Priest Gobi, you used violence too...!
Gobi: Princess Tao! You’re unharmed...! It was all to protect you...
Kouren wants to know where Yotaka is. Gobi says he has no idea, he’s been searching for him too. Neguro and Mizari are nowhere to be found as well... They must’ve fled before the war. Kouren gets angry and aims an arrow at him. How dare he speak of her loyal subordinates like that! She’ll kill him right now!
Gobi’s assassins are ready to shoot, and Hak takes up his spear, but Yona steps in front of Kouren and orders both sides to drop their weapons. The assassins fire their arrows anyway. Hak shouts “Princess!”, the dragons are still on the ground and seem both astonished and angry. Suddenly a wave of power emanates from their 4 bodies, shaping up into dragons that shield Yona from the arrows. Everyone is speechless, except Gobi. “These... these are... the four dragons of Kouka...”
Hisa’s thoughts on the chapter: 
Tae-Woo starts taking quick decisions and acting like the leader he is, that’s nice :D For Gobi’s plan of marrying Tao and SW to work, he can’t afford to kill a General from Kouka. Yet his assassins shot at the DDHHB (without his orders). Once/If he learns about the history between Yona and SW, will he try to kill them and offer their heads to Kouka as a sign of goodwill? I love how manipulative he is and how is using real facts like Kouren capturing the dragons to make his lies sound like the truth. Yup, I’ll be sad if he is defeated too easily. But I think he’ll stick around a bit longer. There’s some explaining to do about the dying King of Shin, his possible ability to hear the gods, and the fact that this chapter lets me think he already knows about the dragons and their powers.
Which leaves that last reveal... a new power we’ve never heard of. The last page conveniently didn’t show Zeno’s face. I wonder if he knew about it. We’ll see next chapter how they all react. This could have something to do with the shield from the prophecy, for this new powers seem to require the 4 dragons to combine their will.
I expect Soo-Won will arrive soon, and when he stops by the Kouka side of the camp, Yotaka will be there to tell him everything he needs to know.
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toomanynewts · 7 years
Celeste clumsily pulled herself to her feet, using a nearby dumpster to stable herself.
“I was— I had everything under control!” she sputtered deliriously. She knew Decay was Mizary’s brother, and even though he acted as if he hated the mage, for all she knew this could have been another of of Mizary’s mind games, using Decay to swoop in to her aid and make it seem like the powers the be (the mayor) was watching out for her, like all the radio propaganda tried to say.
She didn’t buy it.
But, at the same time, she almost sort of just died, so she was a bit torn between begrudgingly thanking Decay and making another run for it. The alley was blocked off though, and he and the mass of congealed death was at the other end, so she settled for uncertainly watching him hold off the zombies.
“Cookbook is fine!” Alex shouted back, snatching it off the counter with a meaty hand (a few pages went flying out with his unintended viciousness) and he waved it. The edges were slightly charred, but that had been from a previous fiasco. “It’s the oven, I swear!”
Dave immediately unsheathed the folded monopoly board at Arron’s order and slapped it on the table with a triumphant grin. He would be the racecar after all!
“I thought you said we met in ‘Nam,” Cecil mumbled with a confused head scratch. He shrugged, deciding that maybe his memory was goin’ out. He wasn’t sure if he ever enlisted in the first place.
“Maybe we’ll hear more as the night goes on,” he added, hoping to learn what the ruckus was about. That’s all the entertainment they ever got, really, besides their own hijinks.
Nala glanced over Linda’s shoulder at the trouble waiting at their doorstep.
“Was everyone invited to monopoly night?” she asked, with a curious but also gently accusing glance towards Morganna.
At the sight of Ivy, safe and in one piece, Misha let out the most dramatic of relieved sighs and inched closer to Zak, in case the Yokai has any of those animal instincts that made them vicious towards anyone that comes near their food or play toys.
Lorelei watched the exchange with a huff and crossed her arms. “We need to have that one back,” she called into the house with a gesture towards Ivy, since Linda was blocking their entrance.
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hisazuki · 7 years
Yona ch.145 spoilers
Akatsuki no Yona chapter 145 “What is right” summary
Please don’t repost/reuse my scans and translations without permission. Tumblr reblog is fine.
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Shin-Ah collapses on Yona from the paralysis. His body feels heavy, but he’s fine. Yoon comes with Zeno and Kija. Kija is happy Yona is fine, but it’s Yona who worries for him instead: he’s all bloody. Yoon says they’ve been healing real slow, maybe it’s because they’re too far from Hiryuu Castle. Zeno, who was previously helping Kija walk, tries to carry/support Shin-Ah but his “old body” can’t take it. Jae-Ha says he should let Hak do it, then notices injured Hak on the ground. He calls for Yoon, who starts accusing him of carelessness while half-crying ^^;
In a dark alley, the assassins are discussing Shin-Ah’s powers. This man was definitely not human, it looked like a dragon. Could he be one of those monsters from Kouka? They’ve got to tell Gobi about it.
Back to Yona’s group. Kouren is injured from an arrow that grazed her arm. Yoon insists to treat her, and the princess asks why he would help his enemy. Yoon says it’s because he doesn’t want to lose to war and to violence. Healing isn’t about allies or enemies.
Kouren then comments about the 4 dragons’ god-like powers.
Kouren (to Yona): With that kind of power, have you ever thought about taking revenge on Soo-Won?
Yona: The 4 dragons aren’t instruments for settling my personal grudges.
Kouren: Do you have a personal grudge, then?
Yona: ...I... don’t know about that.
The reason she didn’t throw away Soo-Won’s hairpin was because she didn’t want to forget what happened on that fateful night. Or that’s what she told herself at first, but now she knows she was still trying to hold on a reason to trust him as well. And she’s gotten rid of that hairpin now. She tells Kouren she can’t easily forgive him for what happened, but she doesn’t want to live trapped in that moment either. 
Then they discuss the upcoming negotiations with Soo-Won: both Tao and Kouren must attend and there will be other conditions, but if they accept he guarantees there will be no bloodshed between Kouka and Shin. It may be difficult for them to agree to it, but Yona insists that if Soo-Won was like his father and intended to enslave their people, he wouldn’t have made such a promise from the start. Yona thinks he wouldn’t do anything so meaningless, and she still believes in that part of him.
Hak is listening to the conversation, staying silent all the time. He too believes Soo-Won wouldn’t do meaningless things. He doesn’t know why the princess decided to let go of the hairpin, but he understands she’s decided to face him head-on from now on, without fear or hatred. Would Hak be able to do that as well?
Kouren is still uneasy about facing Kouka’s king, that man’s son... She remembers what Neguro told her about how the heavens will favor their country if she leads it along with the 5 Stars’ help, when she was desperate and wanted to take revenge on Kouka. She promises him she won’t forget the despair and humiliation she felt back then.
The enemy stopped attacking. Before the group starts moving to safety, Kouren wishes to apologizes to them for using them as hostages. Tao comes and helps her walk. That way, the enemy won’t be able to shoot at Kouren so easily. Tao never thought Gobi would resort to killing Neguro when she decided to distance herself from him. She’s crying, afraid that she might come to hate him and lose her faith in humanity. That’s why he must be stopped at all costs.
Yoon asks if someone’s seen Mizari. He tells them he also ran away from his cell but was struck by an arrow, and we can see he’s worried for him. Jae-Ha adds they don’t fully grasp the situation yet (they were locked in a cell all this time): wasn’t the anti-war faction Tao’s ally? Voldo explains it’s a bit more complicated than that. Kouren prays Mizari and Yotaka will stay safe.
At the military camp, Yotaka can feel the anxiety in the air and wonders if it’s only caused by the upcoming war. He asks General Namsek (ナムセク) how the soldiers are doing. He says they’re fine and scolds him for showing his nervousness because it will affect the troops’ morale. A soldier comes and tells Yotaka Gobi is up to something. We see the priest answering the questions of worried citizens, telling them that yes, Kouren intends to use her people to shield her during the war and that divine princess Tao will bring peace. The citizens say she shouldn’t sell the country like that, given what Kouka did to them in the past. Gobi tells them it’ll be fine, the gods have spoken: if Soo-Won and Tao marry, both countries will prosper in harmony. Yotaka understands it would be the perfect chance for Gobi Jeanne D’Arc to seize power as a prime minister and smirks.
Author note: The other day I went to Fukuoka, and the shops around the station were all selling tasty-looking food, I couldn’t resist!
A woman says they still have the 5 Stars, but Gobi says they won’t protect them and they shall be punished by the heavens as criminals who brought upon war.
Just as Yotaka steps forward to argue with Gobi, he gets stabbed in the back from an anti-war faction soldier. The soldier says this is divine retribution for Mizari injuring his best friend who can no longer work and turned to the gods. The soldiers and citizens don’t want to die for this war, and Gobi said the war will be avoided if they bring him the 5 Stars’ heads.
Yotaka apologizes for not being able to stop Mizari. However, if the soldiers intend to take Kouren’s life, as a member of the 5 Stars, he will not hesitate.
Gobi comes and laughs at him, for what can he hope to achieve with no weapon and an injury? He tells him it’s futile to resist, for Yotaka is the only 5 Stars still alive. He adds Neguro met a fitting end as head of the 6 Stars. Yotaka gets angry and starts yelling, but the scene switches to the Wind tribe’s side of the camp.
Han-Dae tries to catch Tae-Woo’s attention by calling him various names until he reacts to “tiny small youngster”. He wants to know if the general has heard news from Hak and where he went. Tae-Woo says he doesn’t know and leaves, remembering what Hak told him earlier about leaving the Wind tribe in his care. He wonders if that means Hak won’t be coming back to the Wind tribe anymore, and doesn’t know what to do about the war: when the Sky tribe comes, will he have to lead the Wind tribe to the battlefield, even if it means they might have to fight against Hak?
Wandering around lost in his thoughts, he comes close to the Shin side of the camp and sees an angry injured Yotaka facing Gobi. He remembers Yotaka as the guy who was arguing with Hak’s friend (Voldo), and hears Gobi say dawn will break soon and for that new morning to be a peaceful one, Kouren and the 5 Stars have to die.
As Gobi’s assassins are about to strike him, Tae-Woo throws his spear in between them and asks the “bigwigs from Shin” to let him join their conversation.
Hisa’s thoughts on the chapter: 
Most of what was discussed in the chapter, we already knew, so I’ll focus on the parts that are probably going to matter in the next chapters.
Even after Yona’s talk of how she won’t let her resentment towards Soo-Won cloud her judgment and use the dragons for herself, Kouren is still trapped in the past and promises Neguro she will never forget about how they all felt when Kouka crushed them 17 years ago. I’m not sure what she really meant: is she promising Neguro she won’t forget even if she chooses to make peace with Kouka, or is it a plain rejection of the negotiations talks because they once agreed to give everything they had to get their revenge on Kouka? She’s the key to the negotiations, and given her personality, I’m afraid she might ditch the meeting if people are pressuring her to go too much.
Then we have Hak who finally gives us hindsight of what he thinks about Soo-Won. Kind of. As we could guess, he’s still angry with him and wonders if he’ll be able to remain calm during the meeting. It’s nice to know his opinion once in a while, as he tends to keep everything to himself.
Next there’s Gobi Jeanne D’Arc, who allegedly heard from the gods that everything will be alright if Tao marries Soo-Won. I’m pretty sure he’s using this excuse to manipulate Tao and the citizens, but it sounds very similar to Kouka’s situation with the priests when Joo-Nam was still king. Can Gobi really hear the gods? Will he try to manipulate Soo-Won using the gods too? (well good luck with that).
Finally we have Tae-Woo, still struggling with his new duties as general and finally accepting that no, Hak will not take back his former position. Now that he’s come to terms with being the true leader, he wants to do what is right for his tribe. And it looks like he’s chosen to get involved with the enemy’s business, risking to pass as a traitor if Soo-Won’s troops find him on the Shin side of the camp.
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