neixins · 7 months
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[ID: a compilation of panels from “yona of the dawn”, focused on parallels between hak and yona (left column), and gija and jaeha (right column). descriptions of each panel are included in alt text. end ID.]
ch. 9 & 41; 32 & 35; 239 & 126; 158; 143 & 220
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neixins · 9 months
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[ID: a panel from “yona of the dawn”, showing gija lying wide-eyed on the ground as jaeha leans over him with a hand on gija's shoulder and his mouth close to gija's neck. jaeha is saying, "but...suddenly...you're all i can think of." a text post by @/andreweatspussy111 is edited into the corner; it reads, "that was wildly inappropriate of you. I think I’m in love with you". end ID.]
hope this doesn’t awaken anything in me.png
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neixins · 3 months
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[ID: screenshots from the “yona of the dawn” anime with a text post by tumblr user divorce-enjoyer split up and added onto them. the first image shows gija smiling fondly and blushing slightly as he’s talking to jaeha; the text post reads: “well have you considered that maybe the unstoppable force is in love with the immovable object”. the second image shows jaeha looking away, blushing; the continuation of the text post reads: “maybe the reason one refuses to stop and the other refuses to move is because they both long for the collision. end ID.]
many ways to apply unstoppable force and immovable object to gijaeha, all of them gay <3
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neixins · 6 months
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[ID: panels from the “yona of the dawn” bonus chapter “upon his back”. the first panel shows gija smiling softly while speaking; the dialogue has been erased to make the edit look less busy. the second panel is a closeup of jaeha staring at him in surprise/awe. a text post by blazevillains has been edited onto the image; it reads: “guy whos soooo haunted but very kissable about it”. end ID.]
i’m never letting anyone forget that gija has the spirits of past white dragons clinging to him (source: ch 101) and that jaeha can see ghosts (source: ch 107). fellas……..
alt version under the cut bc i can’t decide which one i like better
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[ID: two panels from the same chapter as the previous image, with the same text post added. the first panel depicts gija running with a determined expression as the hands of previous white dragons grip his arms, shoulders, and head. the second panel shows jaeha with a serious expression. jaeha’s internal monologue, spanning across both panels, reads, “he carries the regrets of his father and other white dragons of the past. he’s prepared…to sacrifice himself…to redeem them. there’s…far more to him…than i realized.” end ID.]
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neixins · 2 months
happy gijaeha gtuesday! what’s an underrated moment you love? 🎤
THANK U FOR INDULGING ME LIKE THIS <3 i couldn’t possibly pick one single moment so i’ll just keep going until i can’t add any more images
i’m gonna stick to truly underrated moments btw, so no hot springs bonus chapter, no “if you feel the way i do, that means i can trust you to have my back in battle”, no love potion shenanigans, no “he’s stronger than i am” and adjacent moments, no “it’s refreshing to hear you discuss important things”, no cool battle couple moments, no “if you keep being so reckless, you’ll get yourself killed”, no “you can still live” (and definitely not those last two in relation to each other…... that’s already its own post actually). on that note, i’m also not gonna be including anything i’ve already posted about even if it’d technically count otherwise. was this an excuse to mention all of those moments anyway? perhaps! but u asked for underrated and underrated i shall deliver. ready? let’s go! <3
[transcription note: all the upcoming images are panels from “yona of the dawn”. end note.]
the first moment that comes to mind is this one from ch 135. like gija doesn’t tend to think things through often (he’s far from stupid; he’s just not a Thinker), but this—finding a way to use mizari’s interest in their powers to their advantage, in this case specifically to help jaeha—is just so endlessly interesting to me
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[ID: part of a page consisting of multiple panels. mizari is clapping excitedly, saying, “that was incredible! how wonderful! how do you enlarge it? if i trained hard, could i do it too?”; jaeha is breathing heavily, visibly exhausted, and gija watches him before saying, “could you…bring us some meat dishes?”; mizari looks confused as he asks, “meat dishes?”; gija says, “jaeha’s gotten awfully anemic.”; yun adds, “some liver from a cow or a bird would be best.”. end ID.]
i also love it when he’s not using any of those braincells that he clearly has though <3 like this moment in ch 155. it’s also really sweet how he just continues chilling beside jaeha throughout the rest of the scene despite doing an absolutely abysmal job of hiding his hand
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[ID: a panel showing jaeha and gija in a hot spring; jaeha says, “another guest, hmm? we won’t be able to leave for a while.”; gija moves to stand in front of him, holding out his arms, and says, “you can hide behind me, then!”; jaeha responds, “you shouldn’t have your hand out where anyone can see it, either.”. end ID.]
married couple behavior from ch 129. leaving out the previous panel so that i can include more moments but this happens after jaeha calls them the beautiful monsters of kohka
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[ID: a panel showing gija as he turns towards jaeha to correct him, saying, “the four dragon warriors.”; jaeha responds, “fine, fine. what he said.”. end ID.]
speaking of which, i love it so much when they have basically the same reaction to things (the examples below are from ch 172 but there’s more i’m not including). this becomes more prevalent later on which is just such a cute detail like yessss impact each other’s lives all the way down to picking up each other’s mannerisms <3
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[ID: the first panel shows jaeha and gija leaning over the edge of a cart with similar expressions of surprise; jaeha asks, “algira? voldo?!” and gija asks, “why are you here?”; algira shushes them. in the second panel, zeno says, “the fellow sure is popular. when did that happen?”; gija and jaeha are standing beside him, both staring wide-eyed. end ID.]
this bit from ch 203 is soooo unbelievably funny to me. “i can’t take u guys” he says, holding onto gija……
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[ID: a panel showing yona and the four dragons. she says, “but…i’ve only just been permitted to see you all here.”; jaeha says, “we’ll go through the window. even if we’re caught, i doubt they’ll try to harm us.”; gija says, “great! let’s go.” as he climbs onto jaeha’s back, wrapping his arms around his shoulders; sinha is clinging onto gija’s shoulder while zeno is doing the same to jaeha; jaeha says, “hey, i can’t take you guys.”; his hands are hooked beneath gija’s legs, holding him up. end ID.]
“woohoo! you’re so cool, gija!” from ch 159. they’re never EVER beating those allegations
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[ID: a panel showing gija stepping forward, saying, “everyone, step aside. i’ll handle this.”; behind him, jaeha cheers, “woohoo! you’re so cool, gija!”; they’re both shirtless. end ID.]
love it when jaeha’s like “don’t ruin your pretty face” whenever gija’s acting feral. the example below is from ch 35 but there’s also a similar moment in ch 86.
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[ID: a panel showing jaeha saying, “good grief. gija’s going to ruin his pretty face.”. end ID.]
who would i be if i didn’t include a panel where they’re badly injured and covered in blood? :) i’m just obsessed with the exasperated fondness here (also with gija’s chronic fatigue and other assorted issues codedness) (ch 143)
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[ID: a panel showing gija slumped against jaeha, the psychomimes indicating that he’s woozy; jaeha smiles slightly as he says, “good grief. you’re nowhere near recovered.”. end ID.]
there are many candidates vying for the final spot but i gotta give it to this panel from ch 225. there are many implications one can glean from this if one is a yaoi scholar like myself but also just look at them. LOOK!!! THEM <3
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[ID: a panel showing gija and jaeha asleep next to each other; gija is sleeping soundly and reaching towards jaeha with his dragon hand, poking the side of his face; jaeha is frowning. end ID.]
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neixins · 9 months
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[ID: a panel from "yona of the dawn", showing gija slapping jaeha's arm in a panic as he yells, "j... jaeha! jaeha—! a bug! there's a bug!" as jaeha, exhausted, remarks, "if we're together, i won't have time to pass out." a text post by dykemd is edited into the corner; it reads "everybody masc till the roach starts flying [unamused face emoji]". end ID.]
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neixins · 4 months
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[ID: the cover art of volume 42 of “yona of the dawn”, featuring gija and jaeha; they’re both smiling, and maple leaves and sparrows are flying around them. a text post by greelin has been edited onto the image; it reads: “yeah i'm doomed by the narrative but i have a little time to be absolutely gay”. end ID.]
my dearly beloved alive guys <3
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neixins · 2 months
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[ID: panels from chapter 29 of “yona of the dawn” showing gija looking up at jaeha and speaking excitedly, blushing, while jaeha casts him a sideways glance. the original dialogue has been edited to say “let’s take ibuprofen together”. end ID.]
happy yaoi day this came to me in a migraine-induced haze
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neixins · 6 months
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[ID: scenes from three different chapters of “yona of the dawn”. (1) from the bonus chapter “we apologize for our carelessness”. gija says, “you try to take on too much. you should leave things to us once in a while.”; jaeha, shirtless and with his arm messily wrapped in gauze, starts to respond, “i don’t really…” and trails off as gija silently stares at him with a serious expression; then he says, “fine. that said…”. (2) from chapter 106. yun sits down on the ground to join the conversation as gija, out of frame, says, “now personally, i’ve never gone through a rebellious phase. what are your thoughts on this, jaeha?”; jaeha responds, “why ask me?”; gija says, “weren’t you having a rebellious phase in awa?” with a deadpan expression, and jaeha responds, “no, i was not.”; zeno cheerfully says, “no need to worry! a little rebellion will make him grow into a respectable person!”, and gija says, “pardon? are you saying i grew up to be disreputable?”. (3) from chapter 176. yun turns his head towards jaeha and says, “same goes for you, jaeha.”; jaeha smiles and says, “well, gija did beat me quite badly.”; gija is standing behind him with his arms crossed and an annoyed expression on his face, and he says, “liar. you kept dodging.”; zeno adds, “green dragon’s body was a wreck even before he was held prisoner here.”. end ID.]
i love it so much when jaeha downplays things, especially things related to his own wellbeing, and gija’s just like 😒
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neixins · 5 months
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[ID: a compilation of panels from “yona of the dawn”, focused on parallels between hak and yona (left column), and gija and jaeha (right column). descriptions of each panel are included in alt text. end ID.]
ch. 75 & 204; 63; 108 & 107; 134 & 105.1; 107 & 95; 137 & 130; 226 & vol 19 title page; 254 & 133
-> part 1
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neixins · 4 months
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[ID: a panel from chapter 134 of “yona of the dawn” showing gija and jaeha leaning against a prison cell wall, badly bruised and bleeding. a text post by ashy-ashy-ashy has been edited onto the image; it reads “my hot and gay body hurts”; the words “hot and gay” are written in all caps. end ID.]
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neixins · 3 months
i know gijaeha is unlikely to be Confirmed Canon and that’s fine bc i enjoy subtext and they’re already canon to me anyway BUT i think the funniest possible way to go about it would be to just drop the fact that they’re a couple, followed by a supercut of never before seen gay moments playing out in the background of various hakyona scenes
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neixins · 5 months
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[ID: a panel from chapter 35 of “yona of the dawn”, showing gija speaking excitedly to jaeha, who looks weary. the original dialogue has been removed, except jaeha’s remark “gosh, you all love me so much.” which is placed outside the speech bubble. a text post by aspharah has been added into the corner, partially over gija’s speech bubble to imply that he’s the one saying the contents of the post; it reads: “hey bro can we like adopt paralleling themes and symbolize opposites but in a two sides of the same coin kind of way? it doesn't have to be weird. wait what do you mean thats gay”. end ID.]
this is how this conversation went, right?
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neixins · 4 months
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[ID: a panel from chapter 155 of “yona of the dawn”, showing jaeha and gija side by side in a hot spring; gija is fidgeting. a text post by gallopinggallifreyans has been added above them; it reads: “two bros, both alike in sexuality / in a hot tub, where we lay our scene”. end ID.]
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neixins · 5 months
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[ID: panels from chapter 95 of "yona of the dawn". in the first panel, gija hoists kalgan onto his back before jaeha can. in the next panel, he looks at jaeha over his shoulder and says, "leave him to me. you're still worn-out from yesterday, aren't you?". the following two panels show jaeha staring at him in surprise, then smiling fondly. end ID.]
let it be known that this moment's on constant rotation inside my silly little head at all times
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neixins · 7 months
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[ID: panel from “yona of the dawn” depicting jaeha placing a hand on gija’s cheek as he leans in close, as if he’s about to kiss him. a text message has been added above jaeha’s head; it says, “hey halfway through this gram of coke I realized you’re beautiful and im deeply in love w you”. end ID.]
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