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dyingroses · 1 year ago
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Hunter x Hunter memes
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angelap3 · 5 months ago
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Una delle più note leggende greche ci rivela la più oscura natura dell’amore, e lo fa tramite il racconto di una fanciulla di nome Psiche, talmente bella da far ingelosire Venere stessa, che ordinò a suo figlio Cupido, il dio dell’amore, di scoccare una delle sue frecce e di farla innamorare dell’uomo più brutto della terra.
Cupido però sbagliò mira e si colpì un piede, avvampando subito d’amore per la bella Psiche. Per non incorrere nelle ire della madre, non gli restò che incontrarla in segreto, al buio, senza che lei potesse riconoscerlo.
La fanciulla però cominciò a essere curiosa e avrebbe voluto vedere in volto il suo amante, quindi, una notte, mentre Cupido le dormiva accanto, accese una lampada, scorgendo i lineamenti perfetti di Amore in persona. Sussultò per l’emozione e una goccia d’olio schizzò via, colpendo il dio e scottandolo. Svegliatosi e compreso che Psiche aveva trasgredito al divieto, Cupido dovette andarsene.
Psiche però non si diede per vinta, e affrontò le dure prove a cui Venere la sottopose, suddividendo una gran quantità di semi in una singola notte, portando alla dea il mitico Vello d'Oro e recuperando persino in uno scrigno un frammento della bellezza della dea infera Proserpina, dopo una lunga e complessa discesa nell'oltretomba.
Infine, stanca e afflitta, decise di aprire lo scrigno per recuperare un poco della bellezza che aveva perduto affrontando tutte quelle ardue imprese, ma nello scrigno non vi era ciò che si aspettava, bensì il terribile sonno dello Stige.
Psiche cadde in un sonno profondo, e non si sarebbe più ridestata, se solo Cupido non avesse avuto pietà di lei. Colpito dalle prove che aveva affrontato pur di ritrovarlo, comprese che il suo amore era sincero e le offrì dell'ambrosia, il nettare degli dèi, rendendola immortale.
I greci sono famosi per la loro capacità di trasporre il pensiero sotto forma di immagini, infatti questo mito ha un significato molto profondo: l’amore è un sentimento ammantato di mistero, e colui che cerca di analizzarlo e imbrigliarlo entro i lacci della razionalità, finirà solo con il farlo volare via.
Alla favola si è ispirato Antonio Canova nella creazione del gruppo scultoreo"Amore e Psiche
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giancarlonicoli · 2 years ago
9 lug 2023 10:05
Nicola Cecere per gazzetta.it
Luis Suarez Miramontes ci ha lasciati stamattina presto. Il regista della Grande Inter si è spento a 88 anni dopo una breve malattia. Il mondo del calcio italiano si unisce nel cordoglio a quello catalano perché prima di sbarcare a Milano, Luisito era stato una colonna del Barcellona: 176 partite con 80 reti tra il 1954 e il 1961.
L’anno in cui, su insistita richiesta di Helenio Herrera, l’allenatore approdato all’Inter proprio da Barcellona, lo acquistò Angelo Moratti investendo una cifra record per l’epoca, 300 milioni. Il Barça la utilizzò per ampliare lo stadio Camp Nou, l’Inter presentò ai suoi tifosi il Pallone d’Oro di quell’anno. Con lui nelle vesti di centrocampista incursore la squadra catalana aveva vinto due volte la Liga, due volta la Coppa Nazionale e due volte la Coppa delle Fiere, progenitrice della Coppa Uefa. Mentre con la Nazionale Luis conquisterà l’Europeo 1964. In maglia nerazzurra Suarez venne trasformato nel secondo anno della gestione Herrera, il celebre Mago, in regista davanti alla difesa.
 In tutto nell’Inter ha disputato 333 partite realizzando 55 reti e vincendo tre scudetti, due Coppe dei Campioni e due Coppe Intercontinentali. Fu, insomma, un pilastro di quello squadrone. Elegante e preciso come un architetto (il soprannome che gli venne dato a quei tempi) Luisito era dotato di grande tecnica, ottima mobilità e riusciva a pescare con lanci millimetrici da quaranta-cinquanta metri, le due frecce offensive, Jair e Sandro Mazzola, che scattavano nella metà campo altrui.
Era uno schema, il contropiede, molto caro a Herrera che prediligeva farsi attaccare dall’avversario e poi lo trafiggeva con queste micidiali incursioni ispirate dalla maestria di Suarez. I più giovani, per avere una idea delle sue qualità devono pensare ad Andrea Pirlo, paragone che Luisito stesso autorizzava: “In effetti abbiamo in comune diverse caratteristiche”.
La carriera da calciatore fu conclusa da un triennio alla Sampdoria, dove ritrovò da compagno colui che era stato il suo marcatore fisso nei derby milanesi, cioè Giovanni Lodetti: e lì, a Genova, nacque una bella e duratura amicizia. Da regista illuminato ad allenatore il passo divenne naturale ma l’esito non fu altrettanto fortunato.
La maggiore soddisfazione in panchina è stato il titolo di campione d’Europa Under 21 vinto ai rigori sull’Italia nel 1986. Luisito ha guidato pure la nazionale maggiore al nostro Mondiale 1990 (amara eliminazione agli ottavi) e si è tolto lo sfizio di cominciare la nuova attività di tecnico proprio dall’Inter, subentrando a Enea Masiero (suo ex compagno di squadra) nel campionato 1974-75, terminato però con un deludente nono posto. Le altre due esperienze sulla panchina nerazzurra, nel 1992 e nel 1995, furono di breve durata. Ma Massimo Moratti lo volle inserire nello staff della sua Inter tra gli osservatori di fiducia.
Zamorano e Recoba sono due dei giocatori visionati e consigliati da Luisito. Che intorno al Duemila viene invitato sempre più spesso da varie televisioni italiane e spagnole come opinionista. Dotato di un eloquio disinvolto era capace di sdrammatizzare le situazioni più delicate e le critiche più aspre con folgoranti battute di spirito. Questa sua attività davanti alle telecamere l’ha mantenuta sino a pochi mesi fa, ed era particolarmente fiero dell’incarico ricevuto da una seguitissima radio Catalana che voleva solo la sua voce per le partite del Barça e della Nazionale.
IMMAGINE—  Luisito lascia di sé l’immagine di un gran signore, una persona semplice, disponibile, affabile e mai sopra le righe, formatasi nella bottega di macellaio del papà, a La Coruna. Un tipo allegro, sempre pronto a regalare frasi scherzose, leggere. E del resto ha avuto una vita di successo, la sorte gli ha decisamente sorriso: rimarrà nella storia del calcio come uno dei più grandi giocatori degli anni Sessanta.
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loredanaastrologa · 2 years ago
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Considerato in passato il gemello della Terra per dimensioni e densità.
Il pianeta ruota su sé stesso in senso retrogrado, cioè in senso orario, in modo assai lento. La sua rotazione è di 248 giorni. La sua rivoluzione è 244 giorni
Venere non ha satelliti. È l’oggetto più luminoso nel cielo notturno dopo la luna. È il secondo pianeta per distanza dal Sole, Mercurio e Venere sono gli unici due pianeti che si trovano tra la Terra e il Sole.
Il glifo di Venere è formato da un cerchio con una croce rivolta verso il basso. La tradizione attribuisce una prevalenza al cerchio, il mondo, il simbolismo carnale, orgiastico e peccaminoso dell’uomo che prevale sull’aspetto spirituale e mistico rappresentato dalla Croce.
Nella cultura Occidentale Venere è la Dea della bellezza e dell’amore, Afrodite. Nel mito di Afrodite si possono notare alcuni elementi interessanti per comprendere l’archetipo venusiano. Afrodite era colei che sceglieva sempre, non era mai scelta. Era lei a sfoggiare il cinto magico che la rendeva irresistibile agli occhi di chi desiderava conquistare. Per colpire il cuore dell’altro e far scattare la scintilla dell’amore, ella doveva rivolgersi ad Eros essendo lui il possessore delle frecce e l’unico a poterle lanciare.
Afrodite nasce dal mare ed è figlia di Urano e Gea (la Terra). Quando Urano fu punito da Crono che recise i suoi genitali e li gettò nel mare, dalla sua carne immortale uscì una schiuma bianca e da essa crebbe una fanciulla: era Venere.
Quindi Venere è una divina creatura simbolo dell’amore, che nasce da un rito di evirazione e dunque l’amore dice Sicuteri è qualcosa di più dell’espressione sessuale, poiché ha anche come componente il dolore.
#venere #astrologia #astronomia #astrology #astronomy #venus #venereastrologia
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obscuralll · 5 years ago
About gon’s pregnancy stones theory.... *inhale*
I’ve been in this fandom for 7 years and with all of the‼️unexpected🎰🤭mess🚨🌪🔥atrocious⚠️👺disasters🌋and absurdities🔮🌚🚧in this🧘‍♀️🌫chaotic💥☠️universe🗺.... Ging being a gay trash is more acceptable for me and whatever disarrayed common sense in this world than gon having a biological mother
I- sorry wtf was into me here’s the link to the theory btw
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roselevesque · 5 years ago
Has anyone ever thought about a "meeting the in-laws" scenario in which the Zoldyck family, Illumi's clown husband, Mito, Ging, Alluka, Gon and Killua sit down at one table for lunch?
I have no idea how it'd go, but Hisoka would enjoy the chaos the most, no doubt.
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phinkstotallywould · 6 years ago
Gon and killua held captive by the phantom troupe
Phinks: yeah we've taken your kids
Phinks: *hands over the phone*
Gon: Aunt Mito?
Mito: See what happens when you don't clean your room?
Mito: tell that man to keep you.
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s-and-ee · 3 years ago
Killua and Gon deserve to just be able to play videos games and live like normal kids please please I'm begging
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thehomothings · 3 years ago
Once again I am back with hxh Kite hc dumps because I am unstoppable part 3 of???
Hello! Did you miss me? Did you miss the long-winded, useless hc dumps? No? Too bad! I'm always here, just outside your field of vision, leering from the shadows- *ahem* Anyways, these have been sitting in my drafts for a few weeks and I do not remember them so this is as much a first read for you as for me! The two previous parts can be read here and here Without further ado:
In battle, he's trained to be ambidextrous and has no problem wielding weapons with his left hand. In day to day life, he's strictly right-handed.
His front teeth are crooked and he almost never smiles with his teeth showing.
Perpetually cold. Why else would he wear a sweater in summer?
Will hoard blankets shamelessly. Wears one like a cape around the house.
Was a painfully slow learner when it came to Nen, a fact that Ging made sure to remind him of every single day. What he never told Kite was the potential he showed to have even when his aura nodes hadn't been opened, which was the main reason he took him on as his student.
Despite this, when he started developing Crazy Slots, his aura power increased rapidly.
Designed each of the weapons himself and Ging made the prototypes he used for image training. He would get a bit peeved when the weapons Kite eventually conjure were always a bit different than the prototypes.
When it comes to spiritual beliefs, his are best described as pagan.
Wanted to learn to play the guitar as a teenager, but couldn't lug around a whole instrument while traveling with Ging, so he left it for later. One day he will get to it. (Hopefully)
Prefers sketching and drawing animals to photographing them, and sometimes finds himself sketching people around him.
Designs tattoos he never gets, except the two he already has and even though he doesn't regret getting them, they stir bad memories of a time he frankly wishes he could forget.
But Stick, Podungo and Mon have gotten a few of his designs tattooed.
Has one singular ear piercing and wears a conjured earring. He would have gotten more if not for Ging planting the worry of them getting torn out in battle. (shameless self-projection, except I have 8. and I am very very afraid.)
When he left Whale Island, he considered bringing Gon along to meet his father. If he had asked, Kite would have.
Let's say being an orphan and meeting Gon stirred conflicted feelings about Ging. Which grew ever so confusing after meeting Gon for a second time.
I've done some comparisons and I think he's about 6'7 (~205 cm) or as he likes to say it, exactly 6 feet and 6.6 inches. (Note: as a short person this is terrifying to me I do not want to meet someone this tall)
Suffices to say, standing at a solid 5'5, Ging was rather pissed at yet another kid for outgrowing him. The first being Mito, who's an inch taller than him, a fact he noticed when she was yelling at him about how dangerous a hunter's life is for a literal actual infant.
While I'm on the subject of Ging here, a lot of people during the years have mistaken Kite's admiration and deep respect for him as romantic feelings. They were wrong.
When Kite finds out about this misunderstanding (from Hisoka, of all people) he almost faints from pure horror.
They are brotherly, kinda. Ging always kept a certain level of impersonality and distance between them, mostly to make sure Kite wouldn't get attached. (He failed.)
Pariston's kinda like an evil stepmother to him and Ging finds this too amusing to stop his unhinged husband from tormenting his former student.
They actually have an ongoing bet on whether Kite will kill him or not. Pariston is sure he will, someday. Ging has bet everything that he will not.
He's not aware of this bet, otherwise it would skew the result.
He's pescetarian, just barely tolerating fishing. Hunting animals for food (or for any reason, really) completely kills his appetite, although he had done it when he and Ging had no other choice. He would rather break his moral code than seem weak in front of his mentor, when he was younger.
The basis of his moral code is: do no harm but take no shit.
He won't initiate battles unless stepping in to protect someone.
The moment he Conjures Crazy Slots he resigns himself to the possibility of his opponent dying, even if he draws a weapon that isn't necessarily deadly.
He always gives them a chance of surrender or drawing back, even if he's been taught not to.
His own death simply isn't a possibility he ponders during battle. He fights to win. He has to win.
Even during his last fight, even when he knew the die was cast and he stood on the losing side, he never lost the hope of winning.
And this is it for now because once again it's an unholy hour and I am very very tired. If you made it thus far, here:
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Have a him <3
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blondanimetwinksupremacy · 4 years ago
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I Swear Aunt Mito is a bad bitch but she gives off mad alcoholic vibes. Idk i just feel llike raising Gon is an alcoholic inducing experience...
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dyingroses · 2 years ago
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Hunter x Hunter + text posts
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disastergaykillua · 5 years ago
Gon dresses the way he does because he was homeschooled
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skachacharealsmooth · 4 years ago
Killugon hcs bc like??? It’s 2:18 on a school night and I’m living my best life™️
- so imho, I think Killua consciously starts crushing on Gon greed island arc-ish
- I say consciously bc i feel like he’s just gravitated towards him since day one so that lowkey makes it hard to tell??
- So yeah ALL of chimera ant arc is just more angsty bc of that
- Now let’s get into some of the stuff that I could say doesn’t apply to canon/is fair game since it hasn’t happened
- I actually think that they both care ab their friendship so much after they split up that they have almost every other day phone calls
- They range from like 30 minutes to 2 hours
- So while Killua already has feelings for Gon, it takes our sunshine light baby awhile to figure out that the hole in his stomach is from Killua not being with him
- And he realizes that he really likes hearing Killua’s voice over the reciver
- Alluka and Killua also visit as regularly as possible!!
- And every time the flirting gets more obvious 🤦‍♀️
- Finally around a specific visit when they’re like 15 or 16 years old Gon finally does it and kisses Killua goodbye IN FRONT OF ALLUKA AND NANIKA
- It was the worst kiss in the history of their whole relationship, even as a married couple 20 years later they still agree on it
- Anyways all Gon says is “call me” and lemme tell ya that smooth mother fu-
- So ya they talk it over on an extra-long phone call and yeah they do end up dating yeah we gay keep scrolling (not seriously tho I do have a few more things to get out of my system)
- A big part of their relationship is not being physically with each other so it’s a little bit of a strain on Killua’s already obvious attachment issues lol
- Mito couldn’t be any more happy for them tbh
- But they do spend a year together up at Biskys with Alluka and zushi while they study nen under her
- Killua has gotten into a habit left over from his childhood of waking up at any noise, but now it’s waking up at any noise that ISNT Gon snoring to protect him lol
- Gon lets his hair grow out for a hot second while he’s 18-ish (not that long, just ging lite™️) and Killua braids it from when he did Alluka and nanika’s hair
- He gets rlly good @ it it’s just Gon has to cut it bc it gets hot for the summer
- Also just bc they’re dating doesn’t mean that they go easier on each other than they did before lol
- Gon does get taller as an adult (ik theres official art of him as an adult but shhh let me live) and his hair DEFINITELY isn’t as wild as it used to be
- Also all of the swinging and running pays off from when he was a kid
- Killua just gets s h a r p and his hair does get a little less poof I’m sorry but 😔✌️
That’s all I got for rn!!! Maybe I’ll start writing things down as I think ab them 😓 Thanks!!!
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feral--dogboy · 4 years ago
hunter x hunter modern au
just wanted to put my ideas here!
it's basically an entire outline at this point but oh well
please don't use it :"D
Ging is a junior in college an accidentally hits it off with a woman
ex-girlfriend for spice
after they find out both decide to get back together
originally planned to raise Gon but 8 months in and their relationship was falling apart
both came into agreement of splitting after Gon was born
discussed abortion
Ging then decided to take Gon instead
he went on to his final year of college
he had take Gon to daycare while he was still in school
had almost no time to spend time with Gon
much less raise him
as the second year rolled around Ging ended dumping Gon in Kite for a while as he couldn't afford the daycare anymore
Kite was reluctant to care for Gon but did so anyway.
as the second year slowly came to a close Ging went on a trip and took Gon to Whale island
shortly after arriving he and Mito got into an argument
which lead to Gon crying and their great grandmother comforting him
only a couple weeks later Mito took it to court and won custody of Gon. still furious with Ging
the 2 of them had quite a lot of arguments. they disagreed on a lot of things
Ging had originally planned to stay 2 months but left 1 month early
Gon cried an entire week and it took a lot of time to comfort him each time
Gon started to speak once he reached the age of 4
spent the next 8 years thinking his father is dead
he did meet Kite when he was 8 but he was more interested in his stories of traveling then his father
his aunt wouldn't let him travel until he was an adult anyway
the Freecss family moved to the main land since Mito picked up a good paying job.
and her grandmother fell ill and couldn't get proper medicine and it was expensive on the mainland
Gon is now attending a public school and he's completely ecstatic about it. Whale island didn't have a school
Gon wanted to help his aunt with money as they were pretty poor. but Gon is only 12 and too young to work
they clicked pretty quick as the outcasts
hung outside on the benches for lunch
then a year later Killua introduces Nanika and Alluka to Gon
Nanika are supposedly twin sisters except Nanika was born deformed at the face
Nanika is autistic, smart and absolutely adorable and Killua and Alluka absolutely adore her
after a couple months Nanika would demand to hold Gon or Killua's hand or a piggyback ride
no one said no to her really but when they did Nanika was ok with it. she'd just end up gluing herself to Alluka
Killua swears his sisters can communicate with brain waves since they often stared at each other and then immediately knowing what to do after
during the times Killua's family refused to feed or care for Nanika and Alluka, Gon would always invite them over for dinnery
Mito loves both Alluka and Nanika. giving them the motherly love they don't have back at their home
Gon goes on short weekend trips with Kite once a month, growing a passion for travel and wildlife
Kite doesn't mention Ging at all
Gon doesn't really think about his absent father
2 years pass in the public schools. he and Killua just recently turned 14 being probably being one of youngest of their grade.
Killua complains about it sometimes
the two of them were getting ready for high school
Gon is starting to notice funny feelings for Killua in which he often asks his aunt about
but when the time came his aunt was too tired from work as she just picked up another job and stays out later
Gon ends up cooking dinner now
His great grandmothers health had recently got worse and she had to be hospitalized
Gon manages to get a work permit and gets a job without his aunts permission
he is completely dedicated to helping with the bills as he had a lot of time in the afternoon to work and enough to do homework after dinner
Mito doesn't like that Gon started working and there was an argument
Mito let him keep the job in the end
even though Gon worked right after school, he'd still invite Killua and his sisters for dinner
Killua ended up telling Gon that his parents threatened to harm his sisters for bad behavior
Mito mentioned that the girls were welcome to stay at their place until it simmered down at Killua's place
Gon great grandmother is finally able to leave the hospital after 6 months
Mito drops her second job to care for her
Kite and Gon get ready to do on another trip
but their trip was cut severely short as they got into a crazy bad car accident. someone was under the influence and slammed into the car at, at least 100mph
Kite and the other driver basically died at impact while Gon just barely survived. the car was flipped and his right arm was splintered with glass and twisted and shattered when the car flipped
the dashboard and foot compartment were smashed down and had broke his legs
he was lucky to be alive
Gon was pulled into a coma from the accident
Gon had to have his right arm amputated. the nerves were severed and was basically already tearing off
Mito and Killua didn't take the news well as it was on television in less than an hour
they visit the hospital constantly while Gon was in a coma and slowly recovering.
he stayed in a coma for almost an entire year but woke after 10 months
thankfully with memory intact
Gon found out his aunt was working overtime and skipped a few meals to get more hours in
he burst into tears when he found out. blaming himself for this whole issue
then weeks later he had found out Kite had died in the accident
blamed himself for that too
he went into a hidden episode of depression shortly after he left the hospital
he needed to undergo physical therapy for his legs
he started getting nightmares of the accident which soon turned to night terrors where his aunt would have to come in his room a couple times to calm him down.
Killua came over with Nanika and Alluka often as Gon hadn't gone back to school yet
Killua told Gon about Ikalgo, a new friend he made. then Leorio and Kurapika. Killua met them on the way to the hospital to see him and turns out they were pretty cool
Gon always listened to Killua but he looked distant every time
Killua suggested staying the night with Alluka and Nanika
Gon jumped at that with enthusiasm
it was this night the zoldyck's had found out about Gon's stubborn and consistent night terrors
in the end Alluka and Nanika slept in Gon's bed while Gon would lean against Killua
Killua would comfort him until they both fell asleep for the night
Welp! this is literally all the thoughts i had. i mean there would've been more killugon but that's easier to write then to put into notes.
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hxhhasmysoul · 4 years ago
wish you hadn’t
The press cleared out of the room because the nurse threatened them with calling security and Gon’s partner, Kurapika, flashed their badge at the reporters.
Mito stayed and helped the nurse clean Gon up and change his clothes. He chatted them up and joked. The nurse was enamoured, of course, all people were when he unleashed his charm on them.
When the nurse left Mito took out the jar with Gon’s dinner, if one could  call homemade baby food dinner - he couldn’t eat anything more demanding so soon after the surgery. She handed the jar and a spoon to him.
‘You’ve been silent, you’re sulking.’ He said before he started eating.
She sighed. ‘I’m not happy... I’m actually furious! You promised me to look out for yourself and this is how you do it? It’s a miracle you still have all your organs.’
‘What was I supposed to do? Not save the kid?’
‘Honestly? I wish you hadn’t. Not at this cost. Besides now that you’re a hero people will expect this of you, they’ll think you’re the one to sacrifice yourself.’
‘You wouldn’t have stood idly by, I know it and you know it too, Aunt Mito.’
She had no answer to that, he was right but she hated how hurt he was. How she waited for almost one whole day when they operated him and then for him to wake up.
She got up and picked up her IKEA bag.
‘Thank you for the food,’ Gon said, he looked a bit disappointed that she was leaving so soon, despite their fight. ‘I’ll be texting you.’
‘I’ll come back in a bit, but now I want to give presents to everyone in Dr. Zoldyck’s team. I everyone made their favourite type of pie, Menchi and Palm helped.’
‘I should thank them too.’
‘Yes, I think so too.
AU-gust, youtube star Mito, detective Gon, ER surgeon Killua
I have no idea what injuries Gon has here, you can give me your suggestions
catching up, I’m 4 behind XD sorry
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conalola · 5 years ago
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