#mitch x annette
nikkiruncks · 1 year
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Mitch & Annette moodboard
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disneymbti · 1 year
For the moodboard thing, gwikki, Zenmasters, and MitchxAnnette plzzzz
Hi there, Poorni! I really hope you like this a lot!
Gwikki (Gwen x Nikki)'s Moodboard
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Zenmasters (Hyde x Jackie)'s Moodboard
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Mitte (Mitch x Annette)'s Moodboard
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crosscountryrally · 2 years
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Audi se suma a la lista de inscritos del Mundial de Rally Raid W2RC en 2023: Todas las categorías en autos y motos crecen 
El equipo oficial de Audi a través de Q Motorsport se ha inscrito para disputar el Mundial de Rally Raid FIA W2RC con sus tres autos pilotados por Carlos Sainz, Stephane Peterhansel y Mattias Ekstrom, en lo que verá aumentar la competitividad del campeonato que vivirá su segundo año. A partir del Dakar 2023, Audi sumará puntos para el Mundial a diferencia de este año donde participaron en algunos eventos selectos y sin puntuación. En total, 19 autos aparecen inscritos como participantes del Mundial en un claro crecimiento de la parrilla para la próxima temporada a partir del Dakar en enero.
Además de las tres entradas de Audi, se destaca que también se han inscrito por los puntos Martin Prokop con el Ford Raptor, Mathieu Serradori con el equipo oficial de Century, Guerlain Chicherit y Orly Terranova representando a Prodrive y dos equipos chinos con SMG y BAIC. Se suman a la parrilla estable conformada por el campeón Nasser Al-Attiyah, el subcampeón Sebastien Loeb y Yazeed Al-Rajhi.
Las motos tendrán 16 inscritos con los equipos oficiales de KTM (K. Benavides, Price, Walkner), Honda (Quintanilla, Brabec, Cornejo, van Beveren), GasGas (Sunderland, Sanders), Husqvarna (L. Benavides, Howes) y Hero (Buhler, Branch, Rodrigues, Caimi) todos presentes además de Mason Klein que subirá a la categoría principal con el BAS Dakar tras ganar cómodamente el título de Rally2.
En la clase T3 habrá 14 participantes, partiendo por las dos mitades del equipo oficial Red Bull Can-Am que tendrá a Chaleco López defendiendo el título, Cristina Gutiérrez, Seth Quintero, AJ Jones y Mitch Guthrie. También estará Yamaha X-Raid con Annett Fischer y Joao Ferreira y en el South Racing, Fernando Álvarez, Helder Rodrigues, el argentino David Zille y Dania Akeel.
En T4, veremos también 14 inscritos liderados por el campeón Rokas Baciuska en el Red Bull Can-Am, con South Racing presentando a Rodrigo Luppi y su hijo Rodrigo Conti, Sebastián Guayasamín, Molly Taylor y Yasir Seaidan. Energylandia presentará a la familia Gozcal con Michal y Marek, además de su hijo Eryk. Nico Cavigliasso también correrá el serial. Finalmente, los primeros campeones del mundo del SSV, Polaris, regresan con gran fuerza con un equipo de dos autos liderado por el mejor SSV del Dakar 2016, Michele Cinotto.
Finalmente, habrá cuatro camiones T5.
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nityarawal · 2 years
Creative Teachers
Morning Songs
Unwinding A Pile Of Yarn,
Donated To Me,
By A Trafficked Friend!
She Doesn't Call Me That!
Too Hopped Up
On Nazi Drugs!
Brainwashed By
Whose Your Pregnant 
To Be Trafficked On
Baby Given To Them?
Given Back To Court,
Aborigine Genes.
Why Are You Helping
Part Of Nazi Schemes?
Don't Want To Be
Part Of That Gang!
That's Why I Moved!
So Many Slumlorded,
Falling Apart,
After Being Street Kids!
How Can You Capitalise
On Their "Hardship?"
Yet, We Need Boundaries
From "Oathkeepers,"
Pimpin' Them!
Where Is Pete?
"Did He Die?" 
Like Mitch?
"Seems That Happens
To Those Kind," 
Says His X Girlfriend
For She Thought He
Shot Adrien,
She Saw The Sawed
Off Shotgun
Weapon, At His 
Why is She Charged?
Gang Raped?
For BB Guns?
Why Do My X-Lovers
Beg To Meet Her?
Yet, She Was Caged
By Court,
Like Renee Zelwieger
In Chicago!
In Bondage Now,
Enslaved By
Officers- Indirectly- 
Sex Stings!
Jeremy Parsons,
Shane Stewart,
Daniel Crabtree,
Dan Godsnick,
Ashby (Clark) Sorrenson,
Jay Curatolo,
Mathew Robert's?
(Whitney Ryan,
Grant Funk,
Olesya Adam's,
Judge Kelly Mok,
Alicia Freeze,
Tony Dunne
Nick De Pinto
Laura Wasser
Mathew Rosengart
Roseline Farrel
Annette Hallneville
DA Summer Stephan
DA Michael Hestrin
Mark Milton
Mark Ritchie
Daniel Hidalgo
Judge Marine Mathew Brower
Judge Clark!
Whitney Ryan
Marni Entin
Kristin Scogin
Peter Pwin
Mathew Robert's 
Sheriff Bianco
Ken Carlsson 
Hannah's House)
Why Have You All
Witchhunted Me?
Sold Me On The Black
Market to Mark Milton
Mark Ritchie,
An AI Protocall!
DA Summer Stephan's
Boys' Club! And
Judge Clark's 
Officers Raped Us All!
R-A-P-E- We Mouth
Horrible Words!
Don't Even Want 
To Say Them!
Seems Like A Curse!
Thankyou Global Loves
For Going Up To Bat!
For Me!
My Sisters!
And Believe Me,
They're Connected
To You!
Over 40 Years
By "God Knows Who!"
"Morality Police!"
Funded By
Not, What Mom's
Not, What We Pay For! 
Not, What Our Vote
And Not What Our 
Feet March To!
Give Us Freedom!
Give Us Back Our Kids!
Let Me Love Whom
I want To,
Despite Ancestors
We Meet On A New
In The Unified Field
Not A "Mothers Cult."
No! It's Real!
Don't Make "Guru"
A Bad Word
Like "Liberal,"
Was I Raped From There,
To Prove A Point,
To An "Oathkeeper?"
I Begged The Sheriff,
Chad Bianco,
DA Michael Hestrin,
And Every
For Peace!
For Truth!
Told Their Lies!
Gagged For Over
360 Day's!
Stop This War!
On Journalists!
Moms, Realtors,
Tech Geniuses!
Persian Beauties
Always Allure!
Yes, Men Wonder,
Can We Get More
They Broke The Law!
OJ Simpson Murdered
His Wife,
Restraining Order 
By Brokers
And Attorneys!
You Hurt My Friends
They Didn't Want To Move!
You Made Hollywood
We "Need" Royals Rights
For Amernians,
Jews Too,
United Kingdom!
We Heard All The
About #Ponces Ruling!
The Kingdoms!
Iran Wants
Reza Shah Back!
But Has No Laws,
To Guard Their Backs!
Just Like Tehrangeles,
Paris Too,
Iranians Beg For
Freedom, In Canada
For You!
The Pope,
Dalai Lama,
Flotus Sent Her
Farsi Greeting!
But Where's Presidential
Grace To Release Us? 
Tulsi Is Flying
Peace Flag From
Still Need Full 
Disclosure Laws!
All In The Family,
Need To Know-
Whose Paying For Your
Whose Writin' Your Scripts?
Huntley Dent?
Chopra's Ghostwriter,
Author Of His Speeches,
Before He Became 
For "Perfect Health!"
Sold On A Bid!
Like Dr. Oz!
Is He In A Conservatorship?
Sold For AI,
A Vow To Court?
No More Gag Orders!
For Pseudo Gurus!
And Dr's!
Teachers I Love!
That Taught Me,
"Mechanics Of Creativity!"
I'll See You In A "Field,"
In "The Unified Field,"
I'll Meet You In A Field,
Where Both Of Us Are 
No Wrongdoings,
No Wrong Actions,
All Of It Was Lies!
And I'm Ready To
Defend My Nation!
Whose Gonna Be
My Soldier?
AI Bot,
Or Will Men
Ever Rise?
Will I Ever
Catch, "The Big Fish?"
I'm Unknotting Yarn,
I Try!
My Public Defender
To Have Me Raped
He Sent An Email 
Didn't Say What I'd 
T-Mobile Blocks
In Idyllwild,
And Riverside!
Can't Get My Museletters!
Or My Alerts To Court
In Time!
Is USPS Blocking
My Letters Too?
Didn't Get My
Package Thursday-
And Took 10 Minutes
$60 Dollars On Gas!
Proof Of Tracking,
Before They Released
Something Insured
For $500 Dollars!
From Brotherly!
He Says He'll Do A
"Restraining Order,"
And Raped Me Too,
If I Try To Cook For
Him Or Ask What's
Been Done
To My Children!
So, I Send A "Healing
Chant" To Him 
And You!
He's Got Longterm
Karma Yogis,
Suffer Indeed!
Praying For You
Everytime Someone
Gets Covid, Or Is 
Sick- I Pray
Germ Warfare Stops,
And My "X"
Pays For What
He's Done!
Covid-19 Is No Joke,
Germ Warfare
From The Government!
I'll Whistleblow!
'Cuz I Don't Want
A Communist
Fascist Regime,
Take A Stand For #Iran
And Riverside!
Break Spells!
For What's Been Done-
I Believe In You!
Stop The Wars!
Make Love To Us,
Your Beautiful 
Kings! Free
The Matriarch!
There'll Be More
Moezzi Harems,
Huntleys' Freed!
Pray For Us!
I'll Unwind
The Yarn!
Knots- Fall Apart!
My Fingers Pull
Them Free!
"Lakshmi," They Call Me!
"Abundant" To My Man!
Need Vows!
Now, Mothers Defense!
And Safety,
Nitya Nella Davigo Azam Moeezi Huntley Rawal 
1 note · View note
227's™ Facebook Fries!¡' (aka YouTube Chili' NBA) #Nike'Spicy'Tunes Trending News! #BLACK'Spicy'Coffee Starbucks Race Day! Matt Chili' Lauer Is Planning His Spicy' Comeback #Walmart'Spicy'Tunes #Nike'Spicy'Tunes Spicy' NBA Mix!
When Matt Lauer has been in the news lately, it’s been largely about real estate: either the Hamptons home he was forced out of in the wake of reports of his sexual misconduct, or the Manhattan home, now on the market, where he learned he’d been fired from Today. Since his firing in November, Lauer has reportedly been lying low in another Hamptons home, but a recent sighting in Manhattan suggests what we really should have seen coming: Matt Lauer is ready for his comeback. Tucked away in a Page Six report about the warm welcome Michael Cohen received at an Upper East Side restaurant (a familiar experience for disgraced members of Trumpworld), there is this intriguing sentence: “Lauer is said to be testing the waters for a public comeback by coming out of hiding from his Hamptons home. With his marriage to Annette Roque now over, he’s ready to restart his life, pals say.” Lauer was at the same restaurant as Cohen, having lunch with Mitch Modell of Modell’s Sporting Goods. A comeback for Lauer might be easier said than done. So far, none of the dozens of high-profile men who lost their jobs amid the slew of sexual misconduct allegations that began last October have successfully bounced back into the spotlight. In an April 2 New York Times piece, Mario Batali seemed to be testing the waters, as the profile discussed him “eyeing his second act.” The backlash, as was surely to be expected, was swift. As Sarah Ellison wrote for Vanity Fair in November, Lauer had denied allegations of sexual misconduct to NBC executives in the days leading up to his firing. In response to the allegations that got him fired on November 29, Lauer gave a statement to Variety: “Some of what is being said about me is untrue or mischaracterized, but there is enough truth in these stories to make me feel embarrassed and ashamed,” he said. “I regret that my shame is now shared by the people I cherish dearly.” https://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/news/matt-lauer-is-planning-his-comeback/ar-AAvYKH4?li=BBnb2gh
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nofomoartworld · 8 years
Hyperallergic: Art Movements
Postcard of the Statue of Liberty sent by Sigmund Freud to his wife, Martha Bernays Freud, August 30, 1909. It was sent by Freud on his only trip to the United States, where he delivered a series of lectures on psychoanalysis at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts. (courtesy Library of Congress)
Art Movements is a weekly collection of news, developments, and stirrings in the art world.
A number of cultural groups and organizations issued statements condemning President Donald Trump’s executive order limiting travel from seven Muslim-majority countries, among them the Getty, the American Alliance of Museums, and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
The Guardian highlighted the plight of a number of artists whose work and activities have been impacted by the president’s executive order, including Oscar-nominated filmmaker Asghar Farhadi, sculptor Shahpour Pouyan, and musician Rahim AlHaj.
Art collector and philanthropist Eli Broad wrote an open letter to US senators Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) in opposition to the nomination of Betsy DeVos as US Secretary of Education.
The Library of Congress digitized 20,000 items from the papers of Sigmund Freud. (A PDF documenting the collection can be downloaded here.)
A federal judge ruled that Glafira Rosales, the Long Island art dealer involved in the Knoedler forgery scandal, will not serve any further jail time.
Anish Kapoor, “I like America and America doesn’t like Me” (2017) (via Instagram/@dirty_corner)
Anish Kapoor created a new work, “I like America and America doesn’t like Me” (2017), in response to the Trump administration’s policies. The poster’s title refers to Joseph Beuys’s seminal 1974 performance, “I Like America and America Likes Me.”
Bailiffs removed  a group of squatters from an unoccupied, £15–million (~$18.8 million) property in West London. A group of activists, the Autonomous Nation of Anarchist Libertarians (ANAL) entered the property on January 23 in order to make it available to the homeless. The Grade II-listed building belongs to Russian oligarch Andrey Goncharenko. The BBC’s art editor, Will Gompertz, opined that ANAL’s action belongs to a long tradition of arts activism: “Is there a huge difference between any of them [Assemble — the winners of the 2015 Turner Prize] and Anal? I don’t think so. Will they be shortlisted for the 2017 Turner Prize in Hull? I doubt it. But it’s not impossible.”
The Stop Trump Coalition pledged to stage “one of the biggest demonstrations in British history” in protest the president’s proposed state visit to the UK. A petition opposing a state visit has been signed by over 1.8 million people, making it the second-most popular petition on the government’s website.
Eike Schmidt, the director of the Uffizi and the Pitti Palace, pledged to dedicate more shows to female artists, a decision he attributes to conversations with the Guerrilla Girls.
The only known photograph of René Magritte’s “La Pose Enchantée” (1927). The image was included in the artist’s catalogue raisonné (courtesy Norwich Castle)
Norwich Castle decided not to physically remove a section of a lost René Magritte work that was discovered beneath another of the artist’s paintings. A section of Magritte’s “La Pose Enchantée” (“The Enchanted Pose”) was discovered underneath “La Condition Humaine” (“The Human Condition”) last year. It is thought that the artist cut the former painting into four sections in order to reuse the canvas. If this is the case, curators have yet to locate the fourth and final section of the work.
The Duke of Cambridge and Prince Harry announced the commission of a statue dedicated to Princess Diana.
New York City launched One Book, One New York, a program that aims to encourage New Yorkers to read the same book together.
Suphat Saquandeekul, Thailand’s deputy director of the office of intellectual property, resigned after stealing three paintings worth $125 from a hotel in Kyoto, Japan.
An unknown individual placed a fake exhibition label beside a fire extinguisher and other innocuous infrastructural items at the Centre Pompidou.
Kara Walker, “40 Acres of Mules” (2015), charcoal on three sheets of paper, acquired through the generosity of Candace King Weir, Agnes Gund, and Jerry I. Speyer and Katherine Farley (© 2016 Kara Walker, photo courtesy the artist and Victoria Miro Gallery, London)
The Museum of Modern Art published a list of its recent acquisitions as part of its 2015–16 annual report. The list includes works by Bruce Conner, Laura Poitras, Avery Singer, James Turrell, and Kara Walker.
The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco acquired 62 works by contemporary African American artists from the Southern United States from the Souls Grown Deep Foundation in Atlanta. The acquisition includes works by Thornton Dial, Ralph Griffin, Bessie Harvey, Mary T. Smith, Mose Tolliver, Annie Mae Young, and Purvis Young.
The Toledo Museum of Art acquired Dan Dailey’s “Orbit” (1987).
The Thompson Family Foundation donated $10 million to the Museum of the City of New York.
The Los Angeles County Museum of Art acquired Random International’s “Rain Room.”
The Dia Art Foundation acquired six works by Anne Truitt.
The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens acquired a 10-volume edition of The Life and Writings of John Muir (1916–24) that incorporates 260 original photographs, most by Herbert W. Gleason (1855–1937).
Herbert W. Gleason, “A Snow-Banner” (ca 1911), platinum print in William Frederic Badè’s The Writings of John Muir, The Mountains of California, pt 1, vol 4, Houghton Mifflin Co, New York (1916–24) (© and courtesy the Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens)
Elizabeth Mugar Eveillard was elected chair of the Frick Collection’s board of trustees.
Ari Wiseman stepped down as the deputy director of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum and Foundation.
Douglas Dreishpoon was appointed director and editor of the Helen Frankenthaler Foundation’s upcoming catalogue raisonné.
Mark Holcomb was appointed interim executive director of the Tacoma Art Museum.
Esther Bell was appointed senior curator of the Clark Art Institute.
Cindy Kang was appointed assistant curator at the Barnes Foundation, the first such appointment in the Foundation’s history [via email announcement].
Paul Jackson was appointed communications director of the New Museum.
Martijn Pronk was appointed Head of Digital Communication at the Van Gogh Museum.
Kate Lewis was named chief conservator of the Museum of Modern Art’s conservation center and department.
Sotheby’s appointed David Schrader, a managing director at J.P. Morgan, as head of private sales for contemporary art.
Phillips appointed Clarice Pecori Giraldi as its regional director for Italy.
Phillips appointed Dina Amin as its senior director and head of the twentieth-century and contemporary art department, Europe.
The New Art Dealers Alliance (NADA) elected a new executive committee.
The Saatchi Gallery launched a new commercial space named Salon.
The Humber Street Gallery opened in Hull.
Joyce Liu and Ivan Pun joined the board of Performa, and Richard Chang was named as its new president.
Nari Ward, “We the People” (2011), shoelaces, 96 x 324 inches, collaboration with the Fabric Workshop and Museum, Philadelphia and the Speed Art Museum, Louisville. Gift of the Speed Contemporary 2016 (courtesy Lehmann Maupin, New York and Hong Kong)
John Akomfrah was awarded the Artes Mundi 7 Prize.
Nari Ward received the 2017 Vilcek Prize for the Arts. The Vilcek Foundation also awarded prizes to Iman Issa, Meleko Mokgosi, and Carlos Motta.
Annette Lemieux was awarded the 2017 Maud Morgan Prize.
Pioneer Works announced its 2017 residents.
Art F City is seeking commission pitches from artists and writers affected by President Trump’s policies. Submissions should be sent to [email protected] with the subject heading “Fuck Donald Trump.”
Smack Mellon launched an open call for its summer group exhibition, Race and Revolution: Still Separate — Still Unequal.
Saloua Raouda Choucair, “Self Portrait” (1943) (© Saloua Raouda Choucair Foundation)
Dore Ashton (1928–2017), art historian and critic.
Philip Cannon (1929–2016), composer.
Alexander Chancellor (1940–2017), writer and editor.
Saloua Raouda Choucair (1916–2017), painter and sculptor.
John Hurt (1940–2017), actor.
Masaya Nakamura (1925–2017), toy and game entrepreneur. Producer of Pac-Man.
Lennart Nilsson (1922–2017), photographer. Best known for his images of human fetuses and embryos.
Paul Ornstein (1924–2017), psychoanalyst and Holocaust survivor.
Charles Recher (1950–2017), artist.
Chuck Stewart (1927–2017), photographer.
Emma Tennant (1937–2017), novelist.
John Wetton (1949–2017), bass player, vocalist and songwriter. Early member of King Crimson.
Max Wilcox (1928–2017), record producer.
The post Art Movements appeared first on Hyperallergic.
from Hyperallergic http://ift.tt/2l43XTt via IFTTT
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nikkiruncks · 1 year
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Mitch & Annette moodboard
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nikkiruncks · 1 year
August 15, 1995
Kelso: Look, this is not Jay. I swear I...
Mitch: Whatever this is, has to be sorted it out and at home and n-
*There is a knock on the door.*
Mitch: Come in!
*Annette opens the door.*
Annette: Hey honey, I brought some of the muffins I made at the bakery.
*Kelso looks back and forth between Annette and Mitch.*
Kelso: What the hell??
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crosscountryrally · 3 years
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Al-Attiyah, Loeb, Peterhansel y Al-Rajhi animan la lista de inscritos del Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge en autos, presencia chilena en T3 y T4
Una muy buena lista de inscritos tiene la segunda fecha del primer Campeonato Mundial de Rally Raid (FIA W2RC) que toma impulso después de un exitoso debut en el Dakar. El Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge tendrá una categoría Autos con el podio completo del Dakar 2022 con Nasser Al-Attiyah (Toyota Gazoo Racing), Sebastien Loeb (Prodrive - BRX) y Yazeed Al-Rajhi (Overdrive Toyota) todos inscritos para participar. A ellos se suma Stephane Peterhansel, que pese a no estar anotado para sumar puntos por el Mundial correrá este evento para sumar kilómetros con el nuevo Audi RS Q e-tron y podría tener opciones a luchar por la victoria.
El campeonato llega liderado por Al-Attiyah con 85 unidades, solo un punto por delante de Loeb con 84, luego el alsaciano querrá ganar esta oportunidad para acercarse a su décimo título Mundial FIA. Los siguientes clasificados en la tabla de posiciones también se harán presentes: Al-Rajhi (51), Kuba Przygonski con el MINI JCW Buggy (36), Mathieu Serradori (33) con el Century. Otro nombre importante es Sebastián Halpern, octavo con 19 puntos, que cambia de auto pasando de X-Raid a Overdrive Toyota pilotando una Hilux.
Denis Krotov y Martin Prokop también dirán presente en este evento, que tiene varios autos T1 capaces de luchar por el triunfo.
En las otras categorías de cuatro ruedas también hay una interesante lista de participantes: La clase de Prototipos Ligeros T3 tendrá a Chaleco López, campeón del Dakar 2022 defender su liderato en el campeonato frente al equipo Red Bull Junior completo: Cristina Gutiérrez, Seth Quintero, Guillaume de Mevius y Mitch Guthrie Jr. La categoría además tendrá a Tom Bell, Saleh Alsaif, Jean-Luc Pisson, Annett Fischer, Conrad Rautenbauch y Hernán Garcés.
Los SSV T4 tienen una grilla más pequeña, pero contarán con el ganador del Dakar 2022, Austin Jones, el sorprendente Rokas Baciuska, los hermanos Michal y Marek Gozcal y el chileno Lucas del Río entre los favoritos.
El evento se disputará entre el 5 y el 10 de marzo en Emiratos Árabes Unidos.
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crosscountryrally · 4 years
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Previa Dakar 2021, prototipos ligeros T3: Atención con los debutantes estrella
La FIA y ASO habían decidido separar los prototipos ligeros (T3) de los SSV de serie (T4) y los campeonatos de Cross Country y Bajas de la FIA ya reflejaron ese cambio. Es el turno ahora del Dakar, donde una quincena de pilotos correrá en la división de prototipos ligeros T3 buscando la gloria con modelos como el PH Sport Zephyr, el Overdrive OT3 y el Yamaha YXZ1000R, especialmente desarrollados para carreras y que no tienen una contraparte para calle. El año pasado estos modelos compitieron lado a lado con los SSV, pero este año ambas divisiones se han separado. Pese a que la lista de participantes no pareciera ser tan amplia, está recargada de nombres que hacen que sea una de las seriales más atractivas del Dakar 2021.
En primer lugar están dos debutantes en el Dakar con mucho prestigio fuera del Rally Cross Country. El primero de ellos es un ex-rallista, Kris Meeke. El piloto que lograra varios triunfos generales en el WRC correrá con un PH Sport Zephyr buscando comenzar con éxito su transición al rally raid. El estilo agresivo caracterizó a Meeke en su carrera en el WRC, convirtiéndolo en uno de los pilotos más atractivos, por lo que su paso al cross country es muy observado. El otro debutante llamativo es Mattias Ekstrom. El sueco tiene amplia experiencia y títulos en el DTM en pista y en el Mundial de RallyCross FIA, pero está comenzando su transición al off-road con su asociación al equipo ABT Cupra en la Extreme E. Para estar más preparado, Ekstrom firmó con el prestigioso equipo X-Raid para correr una de las unidades del Yamaha YXZ1000R que pondrán en ruta en este Dakar. El sueco ya tuvo un exitoso shakedown en carrera en la Baja Hail 2 con tiempos bastante competitivos.
Pilotando la segunda unidad del Yamaha preparado por X-Raid se encontrará la italiana Camelia Liparoti en una tripulación 100% femenina con la navegante Annett Fischer. Liparoti tiene 12 participaciones en el Dakar, principalmente en la categoría Quads, pero alcanzó la 5° posición en SSV en 2018. En los SSV ha corrido tres ediciones, lo que sumado a su pasado en el quad, la hacen de las pilotos más experimentadas de esta nueva serie. Este año, con el apoyo de un gigante como X-Raid, podrían pelear arriba en la serial.
Si nos vamos por el ritmo mostrado en el Dakar 2020 en la categoría SSV y por los recursos invertidos, los favoritos de la división T3 serán los integrantes del equipo Red Bull Off-Road Junior. Mitch Guthrie Jr. ganó tres especiales en 2020 y estaba cerca del Top 5 cuando su auto falló definitivamente a dos etapas del final. Este año, Guthrie regresa con la experiencia y un Overdrive OT3 mucho más desarrollado. Además de Guthrie, el equipo Red Bull pondrá en ruta a Seth Quintero, un debutante de apenas 18 años con mucho futuro y a Cristina Gutiérrez, la piloto española que ha concluido sus cuatro participaciones anteriores en el Dakar en la categoría autos. Pese a tener pocos kilómetros en el OT3, Gutiérrez también podría ser una de las candidatas de esta división, dada su experiencia y resultados anteriores en el Dakar, donde se ha destacado por su constancia.
Un piloto que también tiene mucho que decir es el ruso Sergei Kariakin, que correrá con un Can-Am Maverick X3 prototipo. Kariakin es el campeón del Dakar 2017 en quads, derrotando nada más y nada menos que a Ignacio Casale. En SSV, el año pasado anotó un segundo lugar apenas detrás de Casey Currie y por delante del campeón 2019, Chaleco López siendo competitivo desde la primera etapa. Kariakin es un piloto con mucha experiencia, con 7 largadas de Dakar y siempre con sólidos resultados. 
La pregunta será si estos prototipos son efectivamente más veloces que los SSV, por cuanto y si son más confiables. Uno esperaría que el Zephyr y el OT3 estén más desarrollados que el año pasado cuando debutaron, pero ha sido un año raro y no se ha podido sumar muchos kilómetros, luego todo es teórico. El Yamaha de X-Raid recién ha podido debutar en carrera en diciembre y por más que la preparadora alemana sea de confiar, con autos nuevos nunca se sabe. Al no haber demasiados autos, la grilla podría reducirse de forma importante si hay muchos abandonos generando una carrera más de supervivencia que de velocidad. En un escenario como ese, pilotos como Kariakin, Cristina Gutiérrez y Camelia Liparoti podrían destacarse. 
Pese a los nombres llamativos, es un comienzo algo humilde para los prototipos ligeros con alrededor de 15 inscritos, pero tanto la FIA como ASO le tienen fe a esta división como una de las que más crecerá en el futuro en los autos, paralela a los SSV de serie y menor costo. Por eso, todos querrán anotar su nombre como el ganador de esta categoría que corre por separado por primer año.
Más información: Previa del equipo Red Bull Off-Road Junior de Cristina Gutiérrez
Imágenes: 1 y 3) X-Raid 4) Wikipedia  2 y 5) Red Bull 6) PH Sport
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