#mistress beauchamp
smashing-teacups · 18 days
Canon-compliant missing scene(s), 1x03, alternating Jamie and Claire POVs.
Claire makes a valiant effort to resist her burgeoning attraction for Mr. MacTavish. Jamie does no such thing.
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She wanted him.
Preposterous as it seemed, his last few encounters with Mistress Beauchamp had proven that well enough. He’d dismissed it, those first few days, as wishful thinking — and certainly that was still part of it. But the more time they spent together, the more he watched her mouth curl in a smile or pucker with a suppressed laugh, the more his eyes caught the molten gold of hers and held, the harder it became to dismiss the notion as a young man’s folly.
The logical part of his mind knew that it would come to naught. Jamie MacTavish was nothing and no one — an outlaw, destitute, alive only by the grace of his uncle. His home was lost to him, and here at Leoch he had scarce more standing than the sassenach herself.  
He had nothing to give a wife.
Neither did Brian Dubh, said the hushed, hopeful voice in his heart. And yet…
And yet. 
It was an impasse; a stalemate. He could not offer what he did not have — but neither could he seem to sequester himself away from her. Even when he’d tried, she had sought him out, wisps of curl slipping loose in the breeze as she greeted him with a bashful smile and a picnic lunch. 
And then in the surgery, when he’d turned to leave and she’d called him back…
He’d lusted after beautiful women before. He thought he’d known what it was to ache with need, to burn. 
But nothing could have prepared him for the sight of a woman who burned for him as well.
Keep reading...
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theawkwardterrier · 4 months
Wednesday 100: Pledges
He had once faced down a boar with only a knife, floating upon the drive of his love and his desire to prove himself to Ellen MacKenzie, although he knew that even wounded the creature could take the guts from him.
As he supports Jamie out of the hall, body battered from Rupert's fists, the lad stops to catch the eye of Mistress Beauchamp. Murtagh remembers the things a man might do impress a woman, to quietly vow love.
Christ, he thinks ruefully. I'll do the duty I promised, always. But could Brian and Ellen's child not make it easier?
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frasers-of-my-heart · 5 months
Wednesday 100: Reluctant Friendship
He knew he shouldn’t grow to care too much for Mistress Beauchamp. Dougal wouldn’t let up on her easily and there was work to do to gleam her motives, but he had watched her nearly every hour of the day for weeks— seen her care for the people of Drummuir when she needn’t, taken the brunt of her judgment when she aimed to protect their people, had a first row seat to her inability to be cowed when so many others would have folded. So, when those bawbags at the inn had called her a whore, Angus couldn’t stop himself.
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christiwhitson · 6 months
Jamie was inside the fenced paddock when I arrived, and I paused to watch him crooning in Gaelic to a skittish young horse. The top portion of his plaid hung low in the back, leaving only his sark to cover his torso. I’d removed his stitches the day before, and as I observed him now, I was pleased to see his movements were fairly unencumbered by the injury.
The horse gradually became more docile, allowing Jamie to shift his attention to me. His handsome features showed no hint of surprise to see me, since he’d most likely sensed my approach through the bond, but his warm smile made my breath catch. Merlin, but the man was attractive. His magic was still faint to my eyes, compared to that of most wizards, but it moved and glowed with a vibrance that made my own magic sing. Even in his slightly grimy state after a morning spent in physical labor, he seemed to shine in the sun like some kind of demigod.
“Morning, Mistress Beauchamp.”
“Good morning, Mr. MacTavish,” I replied with an irrepressible grin.
His smile widened at my subtle teasing, and he gestured for me to join him in the stable, leading the colt through one set of doors while I entered through another. As he secured the horse in his stall, he inclined his head toward another that held an older chestnut mare.
“Reckoned ye might want your own mount this time. Not that I’d be opposed to sharin’ again, mind.” His eyes shone with mischief, and to my surprise, I felt my cheeks grow warmer.
I was blushing like a bloody third-year.
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sassenach77yle · 11 months
Happy 105th Birthday to a lady of grace, a woman of strength and an astonishing beauty. Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp. Dr. Randall. Mistress Fraser. Wife. Mother. Grandmother.🌸
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gotham-ruaidh · 1 year
Dougal MacKenzie: You've seen men die before, and by violence.
Claire Beauchamp: Yes. Many of them.
-- 01x04, The Gathering
William Ransom: I gather you’ve seen a great deal of war, then, Mistress Fraser.
Claire Fraser: More than might seem possible.
-- 07x08, "Turning Points"
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renee-writer · 25 days
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Frank Chapter 60
He may not know as much as he thought he once did but, he knows her parents are dead. It was one thing that attracted her to him. He likes his women to belong exclusively to him.
The shock of a son and daughter was bad enough. When Colum stood there, a strutting Jamie beside him, and presented the children, he thought he would be ill. Claire sitting beside them looking wan but still beautiful, so beautiful it rips his heart out.
But then to have this strange couple step up and be introduced as, “Henry and Julia Beauchamp, parents of Mistress Fraser,” he really thought he was losing his mind.
“And Mr. Beauchamp’s father, Master Raymond Beauchamp.”
He refocuses his attention. What is this the? Not only her parents but her grandfather? This small silly looking man is Claire’s  grandfather?
The man somehow catches his eye in the crowd of people. His glance is intense, as if he can read his thoughts. Frank quickly looks down.
“The Beauchamp’s, like their daughter, are healers. They saw Fergus and Faith safely into this world and Mistress Duncan also safely delivered of a lad.”
The proctor, a old man, seems to gain a youthfulness as he joins his Laird.
“My darling wife and myself will discuss names. My darling thought it would be a lass,” a trill of laughter runs through the hall, “thank you to the Beauchamp who saw my son safely into the world.”
He beans at them. Frank, who could care less about the proctor’s child, is glancing around. He sees the severe look Dougal, the war chief, gives his proctor. Interesting.
Beside him his own wife, big with child herself, stirs uncomfortably. Were he any sort of husband, he would be seeing to her. As he isn’t , he pays her no mind until she faints at his feet.
“She is in labor. Not at term yet though.” Mr. Beauchamp  announces after he and his wife come to her aide.
“No, she has another six weeks.” Frank suddenly cares for his wife, who he has been ignoring. At least for the child in her womb, a child he wants to believe is his.
“Let’s get her moved.”  As Frank doesn’t  offer to assist, Henry lifts the lass into his own arms.
“Shall I help?” Claire asks as they pass her.
“No, my darling. We have it. You need to rest.”
She nods at her mother’s words. Jamie sees her and the children back to their room.  Master Raymond the accompanies them.
Hours later, as Frank paces the hall outside, Laoghaire delivers a wee lad. Small but strong, he cries out at the indignity of having his entrance to the world come so soon.
Frank hurries in. At seeing him, he almost falls to his knees.  He is his spit, his son! He never imagined having a son.
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ricardian-werewolf · 1 year
A princess lost to the sands of time.
This post is purely indulgent about my whole-cloth original character, Cecily-Anne Plantagenet, daughter of Richard, Duke of Gloucester, and Anne Neville, Duchess of Gloucester.
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(Cecily-Anne, played by Kate Beckinsale in Cold Comfort Farm) Born in 1473, the twin of Edward of Middleham, Cecily's early childhood was a remarkably undisturbed and peaceful one. She grew up in Middleham for a large portion of her childhood, and was raised similar to her mother, Anne Neville, was. Baptised a few days after her birth for her nameday, She was christened Cecily-Anne, for her maternal and paternal grandmothers, Cecily Neville, Duchess of York, and Anne for Anne's own mother of Anne Beauchamp. Cecily-Anne became especially close to her half sister Kathryn, who was roughly a year or two her senior, and their similarities in dress and style proved sometimes difficult for their head nursemaid, Mistress Burgh, to figure out who was who! When Richard took the throne in 1483, things changed rapidly. Unlike Edward, who did not attend the coronation, Cecily did, and sat amongst the audience. Due to the fact that the Princess of Wales is only a marital title, she was simply known formally as Princess Cecily-Anne.
Edward's death in early 1484 rocked the Gloucester household to its core, and Cecily, like her mother, grew ill with grief, which only worsened with the death of Anne Neville in 1485. Cecily, just months shy of her 12th birthday, followed her father to Bosworth field - something that is wholly historically inaccurate but relevant thematically for what comes after. The Historical record the tudors wrote in the wake of Redmore Plain/Bosworth Field, claims that Cecily was taken under Tudor custody, died in captivity in the tower and her name was written from the Plantagenet history like her parents and siblings. What actually follows this is of my own idea: Kim Newman (of Anno Dracula) put forth the idea of Richard III as a vampire - why not, the biggest villain in all of English literary canon as a bloodsucking monster? the Tudor propaganda machine would have a field day.
I didn't buy it. I wanted to honor what Richard really was at his core and would have done if offered vampirism not from a mercenary choosing to fight alongside him at Bosworth - which alongside the whole idea of Richard as a bloodsucking monster, lends credence to the argument of "my kingdom for a horse." Richard, the coward. Instead, I made Anne Neville the vampiric parasite of a stripe that can be traced to tuberculosis, which in historical records across Europe and America, was linked to vampiric scares. And in a Pre-protestant reformation world, as well as the dissolution, Catholicism and vampirism would not be well-entwined at all. Richard, at Bosworth, died with the vampiric infection in his blood, harbored for months from when Anne was still alive, and at the point which he laid with her in the months prior to his discovery of her illness. Edward's appendicitis was also dead with the vampiric blood of his mother in his system, a reclusive part of his DNA that went from dormant to active as he died. Cecily did not die with the vampiric blood in her system - she was turned by Richard in 1491, after he, Anne, Edward and Cecily had fled to Margaret's court at Burgundy, which gave them open sanctuary from the maelstrom of Tudor's breakdown of all things related to Richard's reign. Johnny and Kathryn came to Burgundy along with George of Clarence's children, who were kept safe under Richard's careful watch. From there, Cecily and her family played a waiting game that lasted from 1485 until 1838, when in this universe, an england reigned by Queen Victoria and her Prime Minister, Lord Melbourne, set their sights on the elder princess, and Melbourne moved to seize her as a bargaining chip to disrupt Richard's laid plans of a Plantagenet overthrow. She has not been seen or heard from since. Her parents still hold out hope that this is just a temporary kidnapping, but if Lord Melbourne is the one behind it, then hope is a thing loath to be spare.
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ramblingzombpossum · 7 months
So, I have several new characters despite not 'joining any new games'.
It's failed, horribly.
My husband and I have started several games, one he is running is an open game that anyone is welcome to join called En Garde! Via a Discord server.
I have 2 characters in the game, after retiring my first. (He hit his end game, got to SL 10, married his mistress, was a King's Musketeer for a few months, debt free, and is now running an inn that'll be used as a backdrop for other things.)
Second character is Serge de Bordeaux, the bastard of an impoverished Comte, he is looking to make a name for himself, and prove he's not his father (he's better.) He is a cock sure 18 year old, and he currently needs a good bit of money to get out of debt, and then begin climbing the social ladder.
Newest character is Solitaire Énveré (real name Soléne Anouihl), a 'married' 16 year old, Sol goes by her childhood nickname and 'married' her best friend Céline Beauchamp (alias Alizee Énveré). They are both very new to Paris, and they are not in fact a real couple. Sol has no interest in being a man, but they both understand how much is closed to single women in the likes of 1626 Paris due to social norms, so they set out to make their life a bit better and see the City for themselves. They've made some friends, and make a big show of 'just being married', with Sol being a bit more quiet as she tries to keep up her charade.
For another game we have started called Honor and Introgue, I have a youngish (21-22) year old pirate in the Caribbean, she has very little interest in settling down, though is a hopeless romantic. She has been sailing the Caribbean for 3 years, after leaving England originally during the Protestant Reformation. Relocating with her uncle and cousin to Italy, where she found the life her uncle offered was not at all palatable. She ran off, leaving her family behind and learning Italian before meeting a man and his son, who took her in, taught her how to fight the Italian Duel style, she took off once more when the son died and the man threw her out (then died, and she is now being blamed for that, because SURPRISE! The son isn't actually dead.)
Anyway, I am super excited to see where she winds up, at the moment she has done her best to refuse anything higher than First Mate/Quartermaster on a ship. She has been enlisted by the Pirate King of Tortuga as his quartermaster at the moment, as they attempt to get enough treasure to keep his position. (She has an enemy of the Admiral of the Spanish Navy's wife, because of an affair, and she is basically on the run from her brother who is a Captain in the Navy. He's being paid by her to hunt Sybil down and kill her.) Said Captain is backing another Pirate captain who is using fine goods to Garner votes from the others to become the Pirate King himself, and then a puppet for the Spanish Naval Man.
Right now there is a chance Sybil dies, but it all goes according to plan, she is likely to be shoved out by the Pirate King as he announces he's retiring, and throwing her in as the next King. (Which she will absolutely hate, and I look forward to the big climactic battle for this portion, as we will end the story after Tortuga's fate is decided.)
THEN my husband has the audacity to be like "I really want to play Fate." So he kept pitching me ideas, until he suggested what boils down to basically Bridgerton meets Spider-man with Swashbuckling.
I fell on playing Matilda Whitlock, a woman just reaching age to attend the Ton, and be touted about for marriage. Her brother and her are the only two living members of their family, after their parents are killed off for land disputes (we aren't actually sure yet). Nathan, her brother is a gambler, and has been running the family into poverty, he is pursued by debt collectors, and they are at risk of losing everything.
Matilda in our one session played so far, has been very clear in her disdain of being married off, not because she doesn't want a husband. Secretly she longs to find a man she loves and could spend her life with much like her mother and father, however, she has spent the last several years learning to fight, to take on the cities criminals, and slowly gaining insight on who killed her parents.
She is a haughty, stubborn woman of society during the day, attending tea, entertaining visits of men, and doing her duty no matter how much she bucks against it.
At night she dressed in a black outfit, complete with black mask, and has been deemed 'The Black Goat' by the citizens and criminals alike. All believe the Goat is nothing more than a vigilante man, playing at being more than he is. She has proven in her one session a competent fighter, as well as more than happy to use her skills for somewhat selfish reasons. (She went after debt collectors who took her jewelry to pay off her brother's debts.)
I can not wait to see where all these new characters go, especially as we wrap up other games.
Coming to an end are Burning Wheel (Burning Seas), which I have a feeling is going to end with Jerica's death.
Burning Wheel (Burning Stars) with @artbyakikira , who has been a delight as a Roden named Bumper, but we will answer so many questions, will my elf die? Or will she cling to life and keep Galluchanar alive as well? Will my dwarf continue to fight for her birth right? Or will she accept her adopted brother and let him take the throne? Will she die fighting against the corrupted elves, or will she die fighting the elven army marching on Maraknaplana to keep the dwarves from taking the mountain and possibly releasing the stars once more?
We are also wrapping up our Pathfinder for Savage Worlds game coming to an end. I feel Bacun is going to either not make it, or she's going to be lost to rage when she loses another friend.
13th Age with Terach is also coming to an end soon, our current quest to save the ancient Red Dragon Ethridge from the Lich King's poison is coming to an end. Leaving us wondering if our Druid will die to his patron of the Dragon Druid circle, if our Drow will be able to survive as the pair of dragons go at it, and if Terach will make it out of Ethridge's mind alive, or if they're doomed to become apart of a Dracholich.
Once this story arc is wrapped we head into Level 10, and start working on the Crusader's final assault and trying to end him. (I'm really curious what is going to happen, considering Terach is a Chaotic gremlin and could swing either way at the drop of a hat.)
Then we have Beyond the Wall, season 2 coming to an end. This game is a follow up in 5E from a previous game of Beyond the Wall, and is culminating in some very exciting times as we head into the mountain once again, to face off against our former ally and friend, to keep the world from ending.
We may finally get an answer from Amelio, the alf-elf fighter/paladin on who he wants to settle down with as well, the lovely elf who restored his voice, or the loyal and charming Tiefling he has been oblivious to until a big kiss (and mother and friend intervention and they forced him to tell Amelio. :P)
So many games are wrapping, but I'm hopeful to get to know these new duet characters, and explore who they are, what they want, and how far they are willing to go.
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vvrcths · 2 years
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perfectly manicured nails sometimes tinged crimson, emotional support knife collection, never unawares, sure of one's self, cocky & arrogant but quiet, the taste of blood in one's mouth, a warm sensation running down one's neck, eyes that pierce through the veil, dangerous and intoxicating, a million reasons to avoid and only one to approach, like fire in one's veins.
basic info
full name:  lucretia winchester nickname:  'tia (rare) name meaning:  succeed/wealth/prosperity affiliation: the jolly rogers age:  forty-seven date of birth:  october 27 star sign:  scorpio place of birth:  somerset, england current location:  southwark london, england gender:  cis-female pronouns:  she/her sexual orientation:  pansexual religion:  atheist occupation:  contract killer/assassin family:  cormac winchester (father, estranged), alina beauchamp (mother, deceased), alistair winchester (uncle), corrine winchester (sister), michael winchester (half-brother), javier vidal (ex-husband) education level:  graduated from the university of manchester with a degree in neuroscience living arrangements:  posh home near southwark park financial status:  affluent spoken languages:  english, french, spanish, scotsgaelic personality:  (-) recalcitrant, self-absorbed, ruthless (+) charming, loyal, talented
saffron (firefly), aeon flux (aeon flux), jane smith (mr. and mrs. smith), kathryn merteuil (cruel intentions), yennefer (the witcher), nisha (borderlands series), molotov cocktease (the venture bros), ada wong (resident evil)
biography (tw: blood, murder, mental health, death, heart attack, violence, toxic relationships)
as a child, lucretia was doted upon by her parents and the apple of her father's eye. she never wanted for anything, being afforded every whim and desire she could ever ask for, which very likely stunted her development as a person.
when she turned six she started showing signs of mild sociopathy in her disregard for others feelings and ability to hurt people without remorse, seemingly.
it was allowed to pass as childhood whims and her father never took her for another evaluation, seeing her as the perfect specimen.
in her teen years lucretia attended private school and there were several incidents of others getting hurt around her, one even being one of her boyfriends who was hospitalized for the effort. he never said what had happened and lucretia seemed 'distraught' so it was never pursued.
when her younger sister was born, lucretia was ambivalent, knowing well enough to show signs of happiness at the prospect but not really seeming to connect to corrine.
at 17 lucretia walked in on her father with another woman, not the first in a long line of mistresses that would lead to her having half-siblings all over the country.
though the betrayal was more against her mother and lucretia was hard to actually crack in terms of emotions, she became cold and distant from her father, deciding then and there that she refused to be second to anyone.
after making sure her parents were going to accommodate her wish to attend manchester university and pay her way, she left home and only kept in touch with her sister. they weren't close but lucretia knew well enough to keep at least one family member on the line for her.
her father reached out a lot and was met with a chilly reception, but he still sent money her way. her mother, a woman who chose to stay with a man who betrayed her was afforded even less attention.
before she finished school her mother passed away. the doctor's said heart attack and, in lucretia's studies, she posited that her mother's heart had never recovered from the betrayal and psychosympathetically gave way to the pain.
lucretia did not attend the funeral, citing exams but in reality just having no want to be in a place with that many mourning people, especially her family.
it wasn't long after this that her father's first bastard came forward, a half-brother by the name of michael who was then given the winchester name and more or less becoming cormac's new heir. they half-siblings would continue to come out of the woodwork for YEARS after this and, even in current day, lucretia isn't sure they've all been accounted for.
her father never remarried, instead choosing to continue to be free, but lucretia lost track of him and didn't seem to care anymore — she assumes when he passes she will not be offered anything in his will and while the money would be nice she couldn't care less. she still sometimes talks to her sister, out of habit more than necessity.
after acquiring her masters, lucretia took residence in a nice place in central london and was contacted by her uncle to help him with his ventures. lucretia had always liked alistair and he had doted upon her something fierce so she agreed.
alistair gave her a new lease on life (and a means to afford the better things without having to rely on donations from her family), allowing her to learn the art of assassination (and thievery) to find a position within the jolly rogers.
lucretia was, from then on, loyal to the jolly rogers, though only as far as she was allowed to do her own thing and finish her contracts as she saw fit; mercurial as ever.
she had zero designs on moving up the ranks past contract killing. none of that appealed to her. she was affluent, comfortable, and able to sate her needs, why bother with more? she took joy in the killing, whether anyone could tell if they were warranted or not. the woman likes violence.
partway through, she met javier, a man who paid all of his attention to her which sparked in her, at least as much as her cold heart could manage, some semblance of love. lucretia bucked against these feelings consistently but could not deny them.
javier filled a need that her issues with her father had created (compounded with her undiagnosed sociopathy) and she took to him, but in her own way.
they were violent, they were volatile, and everything they did ended up being a bigger production than it had any right to. their fights were legendary: rooms were destroyed, buildings were set on fire, love was made, javier oft ended up on the wrong side of lucretia's knife. it was bliss... ish.
when they decided to split lucretia shed no tears, even though a part of her was forever damaged in that, like pulling old staples out of a project and shredding the edges of the paper. she wasn't exactly whole EVER but she was even less whole without him around.
she filled this space with more contracts, more killing, and flings out the wazoo to try and incite a response from javi to at least get a bit of that thrill from him. when he started to travel she continued on the same, but was slowly coming to find that she wasn't fond of being under anyone's thumb.
when eliza was arrested, there was a small amount of amusement in that. she thought long and hard about how it would have never happened to her. she never craved the throne though, too much responsibility and not enough fun... but still, she could do better. this she knew.
now under javier's leadership she continues on her merry way, waiting for their paths to cross properly though he seemed to be avoiding her. perhaps another trip down memory lane would sate her bloodlust and need for attention...
the jolly rogers are off on a new path and sweeney todd is along for the ride, forever willing to shed some blood for the cause or, more aptly, for herself.
lucretia doesn't love like a normal person. the only person she has ever truly loved was javier and even she doesn't realize it. romantic relationships are likely a non-starter in that regard unless it's javi.
in her home, lucretia has secreted compartments of weapons. modifying the home had to be done discreetly so she got people within the jolly rogers to do so.
a punch is more romantic to lucretia than a kiss, unless there are teeth involved. she sees signs of violence as signs of love.
she has a very small spot that breaks through her wanton murder for animals. she won't hurt them or kill them (a divergence from true sociopathy first of all but the player can't even fathom)
most of the things she does are out of habit. calling their sister would be a thing most people do because they want to (or feel family obligation) but lucretia does it because she just does. its become habitual. same with watering plants in her home, drinking alcohol, smiling at people, etc
she enjoys being in charge insomuch as she likes ordering people around. responsibility is not something she's keen on and yet she refuses to give any sign of seeming obeisance. things happen because she's fine with them happening, not because she's been told to.
give her an inch and she'll take a mile.
likes orchids and, oddly enough, bird watching from her terrace.
life goal is to get javier to wear a tie. (slight joke, deal with it)
wanted connections
'friends' - those whom lucretia has formed a sort of symbiotic relationship with to trade resources, trade secrets, and fill time when it's necessary and she has no work to be done. very few would be actually FRIEND friends, but she counts them among people she'll call in a pinch.
one night stands - she went on a tear of sleeping around and, as if habitual at this point, falls into the same pattern if she's not properly occupied. there are very few repeat performances but this could segue into awkward encounters through interactions, though lucretia herself would only feign awkward. bonus points if they can fit into the following category as well.
law enforcement stalkers - using the word stalker as a sort of blanket term here for anyone in law enforcement that suspects her of anything but hasn't been able to pin her yet. she's very meticulous and clean in what she does, so it might be harder for them, but they find ways to strike up conversations and hassle her. taken by @colin-blackwood
friend - lucretia has to have at least one friend, outside of javier and their messed up relationship, that she trusts. open to anything for this as long as we can plot it out thoroughly and have a good reason. she's not a good person but i won't say she's entirely outside the realm of caring about people, she just does it oddly. preferably someone within the jolly rogers but other ideas can be entertained.
fellow killers - though it's not like they network, lucretia has likely been forced to work alongside others or seen others in her own field and, for whatever reason, they recognize one another and have a sort of quiet respect, as much as anyone can.
half-siblings - can really be anyone as long as they are at least half-caucasian (she's of irish descent). will be putting in a wanted connection for the one named half-brother she also has (as well as her sister) but this is open to anyone else who wants to be half-siblings to lucretia and have her father, cormac winchester as their father.
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benthebeloved · 1 year
"What?" She snaps out of her daze, then looks around, "Oh- I don't know either." She watches as a sweet, plump older woman hurries out of the castle, a big grin on her face at the sight of her boys.
"Look at you boys!" She coos at them, holding the face of one of the men that was talking to Jamie the most. "Rupert, my dear, welcome home. Oh you all must be so hungry- go along now! Hurry! There's plenty of breakfast in the kitchen for ye." She pulls away, fussing over Jamie next. "You're hurt, dear Jaime! Again! What 'm I going t'do with ye, boy?!"
Jamie bashfully ducks his head and hurries inside after Rupert, absolutely starving.
Her focus turns to you and Claire and she pauses, studying you in surprise before moving closer. "What do we have here?" her eyes trace the dirty dresses you're both wearing, particularly Claire's thin fabric. Good god...
"Oh uh- Claire Beauchamp, Lili Harris, this is Mistress Fitzgibbons," Ben introduces you, "The Mistress sorta takes care of all of us around here." He gives her a grin and leans in, kissing her cheek a few times.
"Hello Ben," Glenna giggles, nodding to you both, "Pleasure t'meet ye. Come along now," She starts to usher you inside, still eyeing Claire's dress, "We'll get ye something to eat and uh- something more..." she nods slowly, "Something more."
I giggle quietly at her words and nod, “thank you, mistress. I appreciate it.”
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theawkwardterrier · 2 months
Wednesday 100: Visions of Flight
"I'm going anyway," Mistress Beauchamp says: hopeless, determined, pigheaded. For a moment Jamie looks down and imagines going along. To see her safe and help her avoid the pitfalls, to have the chance for those hands — small and soft and strong — upon him even once more, but also, perhaps, to retrace the steps of his parents. She does not love him as Ellen MacKenzie did Black Brian Fraser, but if they fled together, maybe someday…?
But no, he has more sense than that. They are at the mercy of his uncles. He has nothing to offer. They both must stay.
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frasers-of-my-heart · 8 months
Wednesday 100
Jamie wasn’t sure how many more “examinations” he could take from Mistress Beauchamp. He tried to make it out of her surgery without her touching him, but then she had called him back to look at his wound and he was powerless to do anything but oblige. As she started to unravel his cravat and their eyes seemed unable to look anywhere but at each other’s, he was suddenly pulling her close to him, holding the fabric of her skirts in his fist, breathing her in and—
“It’s scabbed over nicely.”
Her words brought his mind back from its daydream.
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christiwhitson · 2 years
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“Mistress Beauchamp!”
Pulled from my thoughts, I turned to see a bearded man watching me from the small space between two buildings. He stood only a little taller than myself, with a stocky build and a kilt that had certainly seen better days.
He beckoned me toward him with a hint of urgency in his expression, and my first instinct should have been to keep walking. A strange man luring me into an alley, broad daylight or not, should have been an automatic warning sign, regardless of whether he knew my name.
Yet, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I knew him. His gruff voice and piercing dark eyes were familiar somehow, but I couldn’t quite place him. My feet carried me toward him seemingly of their own volition, and upon closer inspection, I was absolutely certain this man was no stranger.
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sassenach77yle · 1 year
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Happy Castiversary to Caitriona Balfe!
Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp. Dr. Randall. Mistress Fraser. Wife. Mother. Grandmother.⚔
"Sometimes you just get lucky, sometimes the stars align."🌟 (Caitriona Balfe)
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rhcenyra · 5 years
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Outlander ⇢ 1x02
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