#mister chestnut
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darkbluekies · 4 months ago
GOLDEN TRIAL PT2: A slippery slope
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Part 1
Yandere!mafia x yandere!female!mafia x female!yandere x yandere!king x yandere!doctor x male!detective!reader
Summary: after your adventure on Normandie, you've been dealing with the consequences of the horror. Unfortunately, you start to realize that you might not be the person you think you are. It doesn't help when a certain doctor finds you again.
Warnings: lingering head trauma, identity crisis, kidnapping, mocking, dog collar (lol), syringes/drugs, forced tattooing,
Word count: 9.3k
You get off the subway in silence and push your way through the crowd, walk up the stairs and out onto the sidewalk. Blinking, you try to fix your blurry vision. Sometimes, even though it’s been three months since you were hit on the head with a glass bottle, you’re reminded of the events on board the liner Normandie. You had been running around over two days before going to the hospital about the blow to your head. It seems to have been too late. What could have been brushed off with some bandage and disinfection had now given you minor problems you are dealing with daily. Not enough to hurt or bother, but enough for your agency to hesitate sending you out on missions. 
These last months have been weird, to say the least. Not only have you been forced to take a break from your job, you have been lonely. So very lonely. You haven’t done anything and the only time you’ve went outside the door is when you go to your doctor’s appointments and when buying food. After the ominous note you got, you have been careful about going outside, scared that you will meet them again. How long will your life be forced to be like this? Maybe you should leave New York and start over somewhere new, where you can live a normal life. No more detective work, no more hiding, no more … fear. Perhaps a farm on the west coast? 
You open the door to the private hospital. It’s located in a house no other than any of the other houses on the street. The first time you were here, you thought that you had been given the wrong address and waked into someone’s private house. Quietly you walk into the reception. The young woman behind the desk has always been friendly. Her sparkly blue eyes and chestnut hair remind you of a squirrel.  
“Good morning”, the receptionist smiles at you. “Name?”
“Y/N L/N”, you say. “I’m here for a revisit at eleven am.”
“Ah, yes, I remember you. Your doctor is currently on sick leave, so there will be another doctor taking care of you today. Is that okay?”
“Yeah, it’s fine.”
“Take a seat and the doctor will see you in a moment.”
“Okay, thank you.”
You sit down in one of the wooden chairs. The clock on the wall ticks like a doomsday clock. You can’t help but shiver. 
Your eyes wander in the small room. A mother with her young son, a father with his daughter, an old couple. And you, alone. There’s paintings on the walls, as if to distract one from the horror they might have to partake in when they step through one of the three doors on the right hand side of the room. 
You’re not sure why you’re here. You have been going to this doctor for three months and all he’s done is to confirm that you do, indeed, have head trauma. As if you couldn’t figure that part out for yourself. Sometimes you wonder if you still have shards of glass stuck in your head. 
“The doctor will see you now, Mister Y/N”, the receptionist suddenly says. “It’s the middle door.”
You stand up and walk over to the doors on the other side of the room, opening the middle one. Behind the desk, a man sits. He looks up at you and you can feel your heart stop, and so does the clock. For a second, you wonder if it’s one of the side effects from the glass bottle, but you can still hear your heart pound loudly in your chest. He’s trying to hide a smile, trying so hard to make it look like you’ve never met before. What do you do? Do you close the door behind you and get into his office or do you make a scene and get away? Your hand still holds onto the door handle behind you. 
“Close the door, if you don’t mind”, Doctor Kry says and raises his eyebrows testingly when you flinch back. “Don’t even think about it. Close the door.”
With a frustrated sigh, you close it, but remain by the wall. 
“I figure that you’re not going to sit down”, Doctor Kry says and rises from his chair. 
“Don’t come closer”, you say quickly. “I will make a scene.”
“I’m fine with that. Easier for me to get you into a lunatic asylum.”
You freeze. 
“Your usual doctor is on sick leave, so I’m here today”, Doctor Kry continues as if the prior conversation never happened. “I hope that is fine with you.”
“I am not comfortable with having you anywhere near me”, you spit. “How did you even know that I went here?”
Doctor Kry leans back against his desk with his hands in his pockets. “I can’t take the credit for that, unfortunately. It was my dear friend miss Carter who managed to find you.”
“Yeah. Who knew that a young heiress with a phenomenally large contact net and money would be able to find someone like you. Unbelievable.”
You don’t give in to his joke. 
“Sit down, Y/N”, Doctor Kry says and pulls out the chair for you, “or I will get you dragged out of here in a straightjacket.”
Involuntarily you sit down in his chair. Doctor Kry walks around you and you follow him in the corner of your eye. 
“I read your report”, Doctor Kry says. “Trauma to the head? What happened?”
“You fucking know”, you spit.
“Oh, right.”
You want to slap that smirk off of his face. He continues to smile as he puts on his gloves. 
“Let’s get it under control”, Doctor Kry says and takes your head in his hands. 
You flinch, silently praying that he won’t twist your neck and break it. 
“Don’t touch my neck”, you say. 
“How else am I going to treat you?” Doctor Kry scoffs. 
You start to wonder if he’s messing with you when he’s just touching around. He’s too close to your neck, he could snap it. 
“Can you hurry up?” The words just slip out, before you have the time to shut your mouth. 
To your horror, he chuckles. You freeze in your seat. 
“Why did you go so stiff all of a sudden?” Doctor Kry asks smugly, grabbing your shoulders. “Are you scared that I’m going to hurt you, Golden Boy?”
The familiar pet name sends a wave of nausea through your body. You feel how every hair on your body stands on edge. Terrified to meet his blue eyes, you concentrate on a point on the wall where it looks like a small bug has landed. 
“You threatened me with a tranquilizer”, you breathe out. “You could have helped me with my head that night — you’re a doctor — but you didn’t. You could have prevented me from coming here.”
“I could have”, Doctor Kry says. “But why would I? Remember what I told you? I’ve never said that I was nice.”
You stand up, shaking off his hands. 
“We’re done here”, you decide and start to move towards the door. 
“Alright, I suppose so”, Doctor Kry says. 
You grab the door handle with your shaking hand and open it forcefully. 
“I guess that I will see you soon, Y/N”, you hear his voice say behind you. “Can’t let a patient go before they’re healed, now can I?”
You ignore him. Stumbling on trembling legs, you pass the patients in the waiting room, struggle past the receptionist and out of the house. You throw up in the nearest bush.
For a few moments, the world has gone silent again. You can hear your heart thumping in your ear, feel every nerve in your body beat alongside it and you have to sit down on a nearby bench to collect your spinning head. That eerie feeling you had on board the Normandie returns … as if you’re being watched. You look around in a dizzy, blurry haze. Everyone looked like each other. Anyone could be them. If Kry had found you, what says that the others aren’t around the corner?
Going home feels wrong. What if they follow you and see where you live? Where do you go? What do you do? 
Your numb legs take you to a nearby telephone booth. With shaking fingers you call your boss and tell him about the incident. 
“You told me that I’d be safe!” you shout. “I knew that it would end like this! I knew that this would happen!”
“If I die, it’s your fucking fault, okay? You sent me out on that ship alone and now I have to deal with the consequences of your choices!”
You throw the telephone back in its hold and scream in frustration. The sound doesn’t escape the little telephone booth, which is probably for the best. You don't want to go to that mental asylum Doctor Kry threatened with.
You stand still for a few seconds, breathing heavily. You feel like crying.
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The coming days can't be described as anything less than torture. You look over your shoulder for every step you take, flinch at every sound. Just as paranoid as on board the ship. Those four days will haunt you for the rest of your life … and the ones who caused it will hunt you until you're in their claws.
To calm your nerves, you've had to drink strong whiskey. Nothing else seems to work. Should you leave the country? You shiver. The thought of stepping aboard another ship again makes your skin crawl. You take another sip of the whiskey. It doesn't burn anymore.
The world started to blend together in blurry waves ages ago. It's starting to shift into black. Finally you're going to fall asleep and not have to worry about anything in this world. You’ll be safe in dreamland. 
A small sound reaches your drowsy ears, but you’re too far off to react in time, almost as if you’re drugged. The door opens slowly and a dark figure enters. Everything is fuzzy. The person says something, but you can’t hear it. A cloudy wall separates you from you and whoever has broken into your apartment. A cloud which quickly turns everything black.
When you wake up again, you feel every muscle in your body pulsating, hurting and a nauseating feeling roars in your body. You’re lying on a couch in what looks like a warehouse … or a basement. 
“He’s awake!” a familiar voice gasps. 
Hedwig jumps up from a chair right by your head and waves for someone to come over. You hear the sound of people move closer. You try to pull yourself up on your elbows. 
“You son of a bitch, Y/N”, you hear Silas say, a clear smirk in his taunting voice. “You thought that you could get away. How naive!”
“I want to put it on”, Jerry says and takes something from Edmund’s hands.
“Fuck sake, Jerry!” he hisses and pulls his hand quickly away. “I've told you to trim those nails!”
Jerry doesn't bother to answer. She walks over to you and slips something around your neck. You're too dizzy to realize what it is before it is too late. A collar and a leash. Like a dog. Just like they had promised.
“What an obedient dog”, she snickers. “Letting me put it on without protests.”
She tugs on the leash, causing your head to rip forward. The air in your throat gets abruptly cut off. Their laughter feels your aching head.
“Golden boy deserves a treat”, Edmund smirks and holds a piece of chocolate to your lips.
You turn your head away.
“Don't touch me!” you cough.
“A little too late for that”, Doctor Kry says and shrugs. “How do you think we got you here?”
You try to get up from the couch. Nausea roars through your body. Jerry pulls the leash towards her. You stumble before falling down on your knees, catching yourself with your hands on the hard cement.
“Just face it”, she says cockily. “You're too hungover to overpower us, and once you're sober enough you will already be broken. Don't bother to try anything. Hm, maybe he should stay on his knees, or what do you all think?”
“Stop fucking around”, Edmund sighs in annoyance and grabs the leash out of her hands, pulling harshly. “Stand up.”
It's on shaking legs that you manage to get on your feet. You're the same height as the king, but feel unbelievably inferior. Is it the collar around your neck, the degrading look in his eyes or the fact that you know what they're capable of that makes you terrified? You can't meet their eyes.
“This is humiliating, can you stop?” you hear Hedwig asks.
She's standing on the far end of their little line, a few steps away from them, with her arms hugging herself. Disgust covers her face.
“I feel nauseous just watching it”, she mutters. 
“Don't worry, Hedwig, we're just playing with him”, Silas smiles and ruffles your hair with his hand. “We're not hurting him.”
“Hedwig shouldn't take him”, Edmund says. “I don't trust him.”
“What do you want?” you ask, trying your best not to sound like a pathetic little puppy.
“What did you do with the list of names?” Silas asks. “The one behind the painting.”
“And where is my fucking painting?” Edmund asks.
“The painting, I don't know”, you say and meet Silas black eyes. “Your list was hidden on board the ship, but my contacts have found it. They're on the way to arrest everyone on your list.”
“Oh, are they now?” he asks deadly calmly. “And I suppose that you are still their shining Golden Boy thanks to that?”
You lower your eyes.
“Or did someone get put on an indefinite hiatus because they're a security risk?” Silas continues, moving closer, tugging ever so carefully on the leash. “Are you sure that you're their favorite? You never seem to have much protection, despite the threat against you. Don't worry, Golden Boy, we will make sure nothing ever reaches you. We will make sure you stay hidden.”
“If they don't want to give us our note, we won't give them their darling dearest”, Jerry says, shrugging.
You feel a lump in your stomach. Your contacts will never give over the note … and in that case they'll never give you. Wonderful.
A tug on the leash brings you back to reality. 
“It's healing quite nicely, don't you think?” Jerry asks, tilting her head to get a better view of the back of your neck.
“It's still fresh, it's nowhere near healing”, Doctor Kry says with his monotone voice, arms crossed over his chest.
Their eyes turn to your neck and you gulp, realizing that part of the pain isn't coming from your head, but from the back of your neck, easily mistaken as the brainstem. You lift your hand and try to touch whatever is hurting you. Hedwig picks up a pocket mirror from her pocket and hand it to you. You’re in disbelief when you see black marks on your skin, drawn in a strange symbol you have never seen before. The skin is swollen and tender to the touch. 
“What is this?” you question in pure fear. 
“We told you that you would be tattooed, didn’t we?” Silas smiles. “That tattoo is the symbol of my group. It’s somewhat of a trademark. Everyone who sees you will know that you belong to me.”
“I hate that you are the only one getting associated”, Edmund mutters. 
“Well, I am the only one with a symbol, aren’t I?”
“You are so self centered.” Edmund puts his hand on Hedwig’s shoulder. “As if we haven’t got one?”
“‘Self centered’, you absolute hypocrite”, Jerry scoffs. 
“I did not consent to this!” you shout angrily. “How could you just tattoo me when I wasn’t even conscious?!”
“It was pretty easy since you were, as you said, ‘not even conscious’”, Silas smiles teasingly. 
“Enough of this foolishness”, Doctor Kry cuts in. “We have things to do. The train leaves tomorrow morning and we still have things to do.”
“Give the poor boy some food and make sure he sleeps”, Silas says. “It’ll be a long day for him tomorrow.”
They start to move towards the stairs of the basement, all but Hedwig who have went upstairs to get you a plate and Edmund — the man who’s holding the leash. 
“You don’t have to be here”, she says. “I can take care of him myself.”
“I don’t trust him”, Edmund mutters angrily and wraps more of the leash around his hand. “He knocked Jerry over when she was guarding him and — fuck it — she is tougher than you. I am not letting him anywhere near you alone.”
“Can you at least let go of the leash?” Hedwig asks. 
Edmund lets it go with great dramatic effect. You sit down on the couch with a thumping heartbeat. Hedwig sits down beside you, turning towards you. Edmund stands behind her, towering over the young woman like a giant, glaring at you. It reminds you of a lioness behind their cub. 
“Are you hungry?” Hedwig asks and looks down at the plate. “I’ve watched my maid cook ever since I was a little child but I don’t have much experience with it myself so I apologize if it isn’t the best.”
“I’m nauseous.”
“Then some sleep will do you good.”
“What train did he talk about? I’m not going on some train!”
“You are”, Edmund says, “and you’re doing it tomorrow morning. In a box.”
You look at him, baffled. “What?”
He looks at you with mockery in his icy blue eyes. “Nobody told you? You’re getting a first class ticket. I heard that they make those wooden boxes are quite comfortable nowadays.”
“I’m not going in some fucking box!”
You stand up in a swift, aggressive motion. Not only will they bring you onto a train going to who-knows-where, but they’re also stuffing you in a trunk? No shame. 
“Where are you taking me?”
“My father has a house on the coast, by the beach”, Hedwig replies. “You’ll like it. Hey, If you’re not going to eat, then will you please go to sleep?” 
“I will not be able to sleep. If I have to drink myself to black out, do you really think I will be able to fall asleep here?”
Maybe you shouldn’t have said that. You don’t want to see a sympathetic look from her. It’s their fault, after all. They took everything from you … and now she’s looking at you as if she’s pitying you. 
You refuse to sleep, refuse to even sit on the couch. It doesn't take long before the door to the basement stairs open and the sound of footsteps fill the air. You look up, seeing Doctor Kry walk down. In his hand, he holds a transparent syringe.
“I suppose that you are familiar with this”, he says and looks at the needle. “I thought that it was finally time for you to get acquainted with it.”
“Don't come close”, you warn him.
He's quicker than you've anticipated. Before you know it, you're tackled onto the hard floor. It knocks the air out of your lungs. Doctor Kry is stronger than you could have imagined. He doesn't look muscular underneath his clothes, and he probably isn't as muscular as Silas, but he is strong with firm grips. You try your best to fight against the needle coming closer to your neck.
“Goodnight, Golden Boy”, Doctor Kry says and finally punctures your neck with the sharp end of the needle.
He gets off of you immediately and you try to get up and run. You manage to get a few steps forward before your legs give up and you fall down on your knees. You start to lose your hearing, and your sight start to darken. Doctor Kry grabs your shoulders and pull you over to the couch. The last thing you see before it all turns back is his blue eyes staring down at you.
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You’re not sure if you have opened your eyes. You try to shut them tight, then open them again. It’s just as dark. Your knees are pressed to your chin, arms folded over your chest. Panic rises in your body, suddenly feeling every single cell of your body and what it touches. Painfully aware that you’re squashed together in a wooden box. 
“Let me out!” you shout and try to bang on the walls, floor and ceiling. 
A harsh slap on the side of the box makes you flinch. 
“Shut the fuck up”, Silas voice hisses through gritted teeth, shocking you for being too close. “Do not make a single sound, whatever you do.”
You breathe heavily and crawl together. For these past months, you’ve felt scared … but never like this. The only thing you can compare it to is that morning when you ran around the Normandie with the painting tucked under your arm. Your heart has never beaten that quickly before. And here you are now, in a wooden box with a dog collar around your throat and a tattoo in the back of your neck. The leash is gone.
They won’t kill you before they have gotten the list, right?
You hear men's voices and suddenly the box jerks. Your head slams against the side and you groan, quickly biting your lip to avoid making sound. Silas will probably punch you if you disobey his command. You form fists. 
Whoever is handling the box does not care for it. It seems to go back and forth, up and down, with you hitting your head with every jerking motion. 
Finally, finally, it stops. The moving, the sound, everything stops. You breathe out, listening. Where are you? Can you get out of the box? You try to push the top of the box, but it won’t budge. Neither will the walls. With a frustrated yell, you kick and then, in defeat, sink down again. 
Silence keeps you company for what feels like ages. Suddenly, the ground under you start to shake and move. You gasp. The train!
It takes a while before the top of the box is moved. Bright light hits your eyes and you squint. 
“Good morning”, Silas smiles and pulls you up from the box. 
Your muscles are stiff and aching, popping when you try to move. Your legs threaten to give out. 
“Ouch …”, you moan. 
“Did you have a nice time?” Jerry smiles and claps your back. 
You look around, blurry eyes being met by a cargo hold. Silas and Jerry are the only ones here. 
“What are you doing?” you ask, stressed. 
“What do you mean?” Jerry wonders.
“What do you want? Why am I out?”
“Did you think that you were going to spend the entire trip in the box?” Silas asks. 
“Edmund said-”
“And you believe a single word that stuck up manchild says?” Jerry scoffs and grabs your arm. “Come now.”
They take you out of the cargo hold and into a thin corridor. Running along your left are cabins and to your right are windows. Silas opens a door and directs you inside the cabin. It’s a suite, and a gorgeous one a that. A king sized bed, couches, big windows, drapes and your own bathroom. Hedwig and Edmund sits on the couch doctor Kry is leaning against the window. Behind him, America swooshes past. 
“Here he is”, Jerry says.
“What’s going on?” you stutter. “What do you want?”
“We are not going to let you be alone in cargo hold”, Silas says. “We are not monsters.”
I have other opinions.
“We’ve decided that you are going to be by our sides so that we can keep an eye on you”, Hedwig says and smiles. “If you are in the cargo hold you could die.”
“You’re not going to wear the leash because that will cause people to be suspicious”, Doctor Kry says. “Yes, we are not the only ones on this train.”
“You will not talk to any of them”, Jerry says. 
“You will stay here in my cabin”, Silas says. “My second in command will be in Jerry’s cabin, so don’t think that you can do anything towards me. He’ll be just on the other side of the wall.”
Why does he have to be here too? 
Everyone leaves the suite but Silas. You sink down on the bed with your head in your hands. 
“Why do you do this?” you groan.
Silas sits down beside you. “You did this to yourself”, he says, voice weirdly calm. “You put your nose into the wrong business, knowing that it could put your life in danger.”
“It was my job.”
“I still don’t understand why they sent you on that ship without backup … or any kind of protection at all besides that pitiful gun. Almost like they wanted you to get caught.” Silas furrows his dark brows and looks at you, unreadable hint in his black eyes. “Are you even sure if they liked you at all?”
This has to be some kind of scare-tactic. Don’t fall for it.
“Of course they did”, you mumble. “I had a high position, a good salary … they liked me. They did.”
“Are you saying that to reassure me or you?”
Silas stands up and breathes out. 
“Let’s go eat lunch, I’m starving”, he says. “You must be hungry too, I heard from Hedwig that you didn’t eat dinner last night. Come now.”
Silas walks out of the room, holding the door open out to the corridor. His words ring in your mind. Who are you trying to reassure?
“I’m not waiting all day”, Silas calls out. “You’re not getting lunch if you stay in there.”
You hurry to stand up and follow him out to the corridor, having to pass him on the way. The thin corridor is big enough for one of you. He walks closely behind you, peering over your shoulder. You’re led into a restaurant car with tables of four, each having seats instead of tables. The carriage is divided in two with a with a glass wall with open space where a door normally sits. Silas chooses one of these seats. 
“Sit down”, he says. “Now. By the window.”
You give him a questionable look before sitting down in the seat closest to the window. Silas sits down beside you, blocking your escape to the middle aisle. His second in command is already sitting by the table in the seat in front of you. Silas holds three menus laying on the set table in front of you, giving you one. 
“Choose what you want”, he says. “I have money.”
“I don’t doubt that”, you mumble. “With your dirty businesses you must make a lot of money?”
Silas scoffs, but there’s a small smile tugging on his lips. “More than you can imagine, Golden Boy.”
You start to look through the menu for things you like. You are, indeed, starving and head for a grilled salmon while Silas chooses a medium rare steak. When a servant is taking your orders, you look out the big window at the blurry obstacles whooshing by. Where are they taking you? You’re not leaving much, but you can’t bring yourself to start over. New York is not for you, not anymore, but you don’t want them to force you to leave your home. What will they do to you? You can’t give them the painting, you don’t know where it is anymore, and you don’t have the list of criminal names. You’re not sure that you will be able to be switched with it. You don’t have anything to offer them, but yourself … but why would they want you? 
“Pretty quiet today, huh?” Silas says. “You usually quite quick-witted.”
You pull your eyes away from the window and look at him. It’s almost comical, how a secret agent is having lunch with a mafia leader and his second in command. You have done it before, but under much different circumstances. 
“I don't have much to say”, you answer shortly. 
Everything in your body is hurting, which isn’t weird since you’ve spent the night crammed into a wooden box. Your broken head is not a help.
Silas converses with his second in command — a man you haven’t heard talk more than necessary. 
The food is served by a servant in a spotless tuxedo and slicked back hair. You thank him. It'd be so easy to let the words slip out of your mouth. A simple ‘help me’. The words are soft and rounded, it wouldn't be hard to pronounce them, but the fact that Silas and his second in command are sitting right here makes it impossible. The words are so simple. But as soon as he arrives, he disappears. 
“I've heard that the food on board is tasty, it better be”, Silas jokes and his second in command chuckles quietly.
He has gotten beef with grilled asparagus. You pick up your knife and fork and start to eat in silence. Silas is right, it’s delicious. Better than any of the food you have aten these last few months. It makes you guilty for enjoying it. 
“I have some rules, Golden Boy”, Silas says from beside you. 
You look at him. You are not a Golden Boy. He said that himself. Silas meets your eyes. 
“If you disobey us”, Silas starts, “by either trying to talk to someone, or come up with some stupid idea to get off the train, I will handcuff you to me, got that?”
Imagining being handcuffed to him, forced to join his every step, not have a single second to yourself is enough to make you shiver. 
“Yeah”, you reply shortly. “I understand.”
You let your eyes wander through the restaurant car, at the other passengers sitting and enjoying their meals. An older man is reading the newspaper while enjoying a bowl of soup, a mother and daughter pair are eating cheeses while chatting. How many on this train belong to Silas? He wouldn’t travel with only one man.
“I’m thinking about getting another car”, Silas smiles at his second in command and shoots a fork full of steak to his lips. “Any tips of a model?”
“One of those Ford models”, he replies. “It was good enough for Bonnie and Clyde.”
The news of the infamous couple’s death broke out in May last year. Some colleagues had been working on that case, from what you remember. For years. 
“I’m not Bonnie and Clyde”, Silas says and smiles. “But I’m a bit jealous of them. Imagine having a partner in crime like that. I mean, more than just a brother in arms, a love partner. Or what do you say, Golden Boy?”
You look up from your plate. Your vision has started to blur again. 
“Don’t you want a love partner, hm?” Silas asks, a teasing smile playing on his lips. “Someone to back you up when needed?”
“I don’t want to answer personal questions.”
He exchanges a look with his second in command before smiling into his plate. “You’re shy, I see. Didn’t know that you were so cute.”
You ignore him. 
When lunch is done, Silas decides that it’s time for you to get back to the cabin. You get up, from your seat and scootch out into the middle aisle. You’re not sure if it is the moving of the carriage or your balance that causes you to stumble. Silas catches you by the arm. 
“That wine you had with lunch didn’t make you drunk, did it?” he asks. 
“No”, you reply and gulp. “It’s my head.”
“I see.”
You’re sure that it isn’t meant for you, but you can see how Silas gives his second in command a murderous look. Doctor Kry had told you that it had been Jerry and Silas’s second in command who had hit you with that glass bottle that night. 
“You should go rest, Y/N”, he says and places his hand on your back to guide you. 
He leads you back to your suite. The second in command closes the door behind him. You sit down on the couch, but Silas pulls you up again. 
“What do you think that you are doing?” he asks. “The bed is over there.”
“I’m not sharing a bed with you”, you mumble. 
“You are. Stop being childish and go to sleep.”
You’re pushed towards the bed. He’s quickly after you to pull the neatly fixed covers before you can change your mind. The mattress is softer than anything you’ve ever rested your back upon. 
“Sleep”, Silas orders. “I will get you for dinner.”
He asks his second in command to keep an eye on you. 
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The gentle rocking of the train both soothes you to sleep and wakes you softly. You sit up and yawn. The second in command moves his eyes from the window. You can’t help but wonder if he ever does anything for pleasure or if he can turn off his emotions and needs whenever he wants. 
You reach for a glass of water on the bedside table and halt. After everything they’ve done, you wouldn’t be surprised if the water is contaminated. 
“It’s not dinner time”, the man says. “Back to sleep.”
“I’m not tired anymore.”
“Lay down.”
You sigh and lay down again, listen to the gentle rocking of the train against the rail. Last time you spent a night in a cabin with them was when you were tied on the floor. You should never have taken that mission. Your mind involuntarily drift to what Silas had said and feel how your heart squeezes in pain. It can’t be.
Suddenly, the door opens. 
“Time for dinner”, Silas says. “Get up, you need to eat.”
You groan and pull yourself up from the bed. The second in command follows closely to the restaurant cart. One table can only fit four passengers. They have to separate three and three, and then you’ll have to choose whichever combination is the least bad.
Hedwig, Edmund and Doctor Kry … or Silas, Jerry and the second in command. You sit down besides Hedwig. Edmund is quick to have her change seats with you, so that you’re by the window and she’s blocking the exit out to the middle aisle. The girl smiles at you and takes your hand. 
“You look much better without that inhumane leash”, she says. 
“I think he looks better with it”, Edmund mutters and inspect his silver knife. 
She ignores him. “What do you want to eat, sweetheart?”
You shrug, telling her that she can choose for you. You don’t say anything throughout dinner, even though Hedwig tries her best to spark a conversation with you. She talks about the scenery swooshing past outside the window, the beautiful interior, how much she has missed you and how happy she is to have you back. You drown it all out to the point of wondering if her voice is all just a hallucination.
You’re barely active during dinner, only being able to think about your — former — job. Heart feeling unbelievably heavy.
“I have to leave”, you whisper to Hedwig. “I have to be alone.”
“Are you okay?” Hedwig asks worriedly and watches how you stand up. 
“I need to go.”
“I’ll come with you.”
She excuses the both of you from the table. You can feel the others eyes linger on you, burn right through you. You’re sure that Edmund wants to say something, but he keeps his mouth shut for once. Hedwig takes your arm and leads you back to the cabin carriage. 
“I don’t understand why they’re so afraid of me being alone with you”, Hedwig giggles and opens the door to Silas’s suite. “You wouldn’t hurt me.”
At this point you’re not sure what you would and wouldn’t do. 
“Do you want to sleep?” Hedwig asks and walks over to the bed. “I can tuck you in.”
You lay down in bed and Hedwig makes sure that none of your body parts escapes the covers. She looks pleased with herself and lets her hand caress your cheek. Her hazel eyes look down at you with immense love and for the moment that is the only thing you can believe. That kind of look can’t be mistaken. 
“Are you tired?” she asks softly, continuing to caress your cheek. 
You nod, despite not feeling the slightest bit tired. Exhausted, but not tired. 
“I will let you sleep”, she says and kisses your forehead. 
You close your eyes, hoping that she will think that you’re asleep and leave the room. You need to be alone, but Hedwig is making it impossible. As long as she knows that you’re awake, she will cling onto you like a leech. She’s like a dog, a puppy. 
But she doesn’t leave. You can feel her sit on the side of the bed, and without opening your eyes, you know that she is staring at you with that same look of extreme love. As if you are the most important thing in the world. Her sun, her solar system. 
Eventually, she leaves. You wait a few seconds before opening your eyes and letting out a sigh. Lying down makes it hard to breathe. You try sitting up, but the pressure over your chest remains. You pull at your tie to open your airways, but neither that or buttoning up the first buttons on your shirt help. Your fingers claw at the window lock, but it remains in place. God, how badly you need air. You hurry over to the door and open it, exiting out to the corridor. They can get you, you don’t care. You need air and you need it now. 
You walk through the claustrophobic corridor in the opposite direction of the dining hall. You reach a door with a window. The rails run away from the train, towards the horizon. You rip the door open and find yourself on a balcony. Fresh air roams around you and you grab onto the oval railing, breathing in deeply until your lungs can’t take anymore, welcoming the pleasurable feeling of light headiness. You sink down on the floor with your back towards the train’s wall, watching the surroundings disappear further away. The sun is setting in the horizon, like in a painting. 
The thoughts return. Was everything a lie? Were you nothing more than a pawn? Why were you put on that mission? Did they know that you would be taken? Broken? Damaged? They didn’t bother give you any security or backup, and when you weren’t killed or taken, they use the trauma they caused to put you on hiatus and made you look at fault. You have worked for them since you left school, given them your everything. Did they want to get rid of you? Were you worth nothing more? Did they ever care about you?
Suddenly you’re aware of the tears running down your cheeks.
“There you are”, a voice sighs. 
You flinch and look over your shoulder. Jerry is standing in the doorframe, holding her hands on either side.  Out of all the people who could find you, why did it have to be just Jerry?
“Everyone is looking for you”, Jerry says. 
“Didn’t mean to”, you mumble. 
“You better have a good explanation.” 
She sits down on the other side of the door, in arms reach of you. The door closes behind her, leaving the two of you on the balcony platform. It’s first now that she seems to notice that you’re crying. 
“Oh, what’s wrong?” she asks in a sarcastic tone, clearly mocking you. “Feeling homesick?”
“No”, you sigh and look down at your hands. “Just leave me alone.”
“Can’t do, princess. You are not allowed to be alone, you know that very well. But sure, I can leave. I can tell the other that you have attempted to escape.”
Your hand shoots forward to stop her from leaving. “No, don’t say that!”
“Then tell me. Hurry up, princess, I don’t got all night!”
You sigh and rest your head back against the wall. She’s doing it on purpose, you think, riling you up to the breaking point so that she has something to punish you for. 
“Jerry, stop”, you plead and hold your head in your hands. “I’m asking you nicely. Don’t do that.”
“In what position do you think you are to speak to me like that? Do I need to go get the leash to remind you who you are? Hm? Is that what you want, Golden Boy?”
The name breaks something in you. You feel so stupid. Like an absolute fool!
“Don’t call me that!” you shout. “I never was a fucking ‘Golden Boy’! They just used me! And I just let them do it! Like the idiot I am!”
Your head pounds worse than ever. You’re afraid that it is going to rip out of your skull. You can feel how Jerry moves closer. 
“They never fucking cared about me”, you hiss. “No one does!”
“Now, who told you that?” Jerry sighs.
“It’s obvious! Just look at how they’re treating me! They wanted to get rid of me, that’s why they sent me on that ship, wasn’t it …?”
Jerry sighs heavily and runs her hand through her black hair. “Well, fuck … I don’t know what the fuck to say.”
“Be quiet, then.”
You don’t want to hear her ‘I told you so’ mantra. You’ve understood how much of an idiot you are, you don’t need her to remind you. She removes your hands and forces you to look at her. 
“It does not fucking matter what they thought of you, okay?” she says. “I get that they tricked you but you’re never going back there, so drop them. They’re not worthy of your attention. Just look at what a mess you become when you think of them! And I don’t want to hear that shit again, about no one caring about you. We have looked for you day and night since that last night on the ship!”
“That’s different. You know that. You won’t get the list or the painting. If they wanted me gone, they won’t trade me for it. I’m useless to you.”
She sighs frustratedly and runs her hand through her black hair again. 
“Fuck, I am not made for this”, she mutters and looks around for help, but the only thing nearby are the passing landscape. “Listen, Y/N, we could have done things a whole lot differently. We didn’t actually need you, alright? Not for business. Hell, we don’t even want the same things! Me and Silas are the only ones wanting the list. Edmund wants his painting. I don’t even know what the doctor and Hedwig want, but do you know the only reason why the five of us stay together? Because of you, dumbass.”
She grabs your head and holds it to her chest, letting you cry. 
“The term ‘Golden Boy’ isn’t just because of your job, it’s more than that. Don’t take it the wrong way. Now stop talking like that, it is getting on my nerves. Pity yourself to someone else.”
Silence. You listen to the rattling sound, the wind and Jerry's irregular breathing.
“What did I do wrong?” you ask quietly, emotionlessly. “Why did they do that to me?”
“I don’t know, Y/N”, Jerry answers softly. “Some people are horrible. There is a difference between people who's openly bad, and those that pretend to be good but are rotting on the inside. I can’t stand those people. If you’re going to be a bad person, at least stand for it.”
“I feel like a fool.”
“You are a fool, but it isn’t your fault. You did what you had been told, like everyone else.”
“I wish that I knew why they decided to let me go … I mean, that way I could have prevented it … or fixed it.”
“Stop thinking about it. I told you that you’ll never deal with those people again. You’re with us now.”
You sigh. Listening to Jerry’s heart beat makes you want to laugh at how hard it is beating when she has acted like she doesn’t have one. 
“Get up”, she says after a while. “We can’t sit here the entire night. It’s starting to get cold.”
You drag yourself up on your feet. Jerry takes your hand and leads you back inside. Warmth hugs you the second you reenter the thin corridor. She takes you back to Silas’s cabin where you find him arguing with his second in command. You catch something along the lines of ‘you hit him so hard he’s lost his mind’ and don’t have to think twice to know who he is talking about. A new punch in the chest. Does everyone view you that way? As a loser who can’t take care of himself after what happened? As a dog?
“Where have you been?” Silas asks angrily. “Wasn’t I very clear what would happen if you tried to leave?”
“I didn’t fucking try to leave!” you burst out, unable to do anything else beside matching his energy. “How could I when the train is moving at two hundred kilometers per hour?!”
“Yeah? What were you doing then?”
How dense is he?
“I tried to get one second to myself to try to think! My life is falling apart and no one is caring! Everyone is just mocking me!” Tears blur your vision. “Why is no one treating me like an actual human being?! No one respects me!”
Your knees give out. The carpeted floor does nothing when you fall. A few seconds pass where you’re left to sob in silence before a pair of arms wrap around you. They’re too muscular to be Jerry’s and the second in command would never touch you. It has to be Silas. 
“Get up, Y/N”, Silas says. “You need to sleep. We’ll talk about this tomorrow.”
He tells Jerry to get the doctor and she disappears out of the room. Doctor Kry comes in two minutes later. In his hands he holds an identical syringe to the one he injected you with before you got onto the train. Silas holds you down as the sharp needle pricks your arm. You can feel the foreign — yet painfully familiar — substance enters your bloodstream. Damn them, you think before the darkness swallows you, damn all of them.
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You wake up with him sitting by the round table. He’s already dressed. You wonder how long that syringe makes you sleep. 
“Good morning”, Silas says. 
“Hi”, you mumble as memories from yesterday wash over you, like an ice cold shower. 
“I thought that you’ll stay here for breakfast. I’ve already ordered room service.”
Your eyes lay upon the silver tray with coffee, toast and waffles on the table, when you sit up. 
“Jerry filled me in about what you talked about”, Silas says. “I don’t want more of that, got it? You don’t get to run around causing havoc like that. You need to tell us instead of getting a melt down. Surprise, we might actually help you.”
You scoff and roll your head against the headboard. “You don't want to help. You just want to hurt me.”
Silas sighs. 
“Is that why I have tattooed my symbol on you?” he asks. “To hurt you?”
You don’t answer. How should you know?
“It never crossed your mind that I tattooed that on you so that you wouldn’t leave?” Silas asks. “Maybe because I want you here?”
“It doesn’t excuse what you have done.”
“Okay, maybe not, but ask yourself something, Y/N: where would you go if not here?”
You try to avoid his dark eyes. They burn right through you, confirming everything you have been thinking. You have nowhere to go, nowhere to stay. Nowhere where you are safe, nowhere where you feel like home. Not anymore. The only thing that kept you in New York was the pride in your job and now, if you go back, the only thing that is associated with that city is shame and hurt. With Silas tattoo on your neck, no one will want to have anything to do with you, for fear of him. 
Silas leaves you be. He doesn’t ask you questions, doesn’t try to get you on better thoughts or distract you. He lets you sit by the table with him, lets you feel your feelings. Lets you try to sort out the fog in your head. 
“How long do we have until we reach Hedwig’s house?” you ask after a while. “I’m getting tired of people.”
“Two days”, Silas answers. “You’ll like it. It’s far away from everyone and everything. You’ll be able to go somewhere quiet, where you can rest for once.”
The thought of resting makes you almost tear up. You can’t recall the last time you actually had a moment of peace. 
“I don’t know what you want, I don’t have anything more to give you”, you mumble. “I don’t have the painting, or the list of names, or any contacts. You can’t trade me for the list, and it’s too late now. They’ve already seen the names.”
“We don’t care about the list anymore”, Silas says. “When are you going to realize that?”
“I don’t know. I can’t seem to … think.”
Silas grabs your neck and pushes your head onto his shoulder. You let him. And there it rests until you’re feeling better. 
You decide to get out of the cabin before it’s going to swallow you whole. You make your way down the carriages until you get to the lounge. People sit chit-chatting in their seats, drinking tea. You wonder how many of them belong to Silas, how many eyes he has on board. You do your best not to stare at any of them. Instead, you walk towards an empty table and sit down by the window, staring out towards the horizon. You’ve never been so … lost before. And yet, you feel better — just a tad bit. One day at a time. Things will be fine. Hopefully. 
“Good afternoon”, you hear a voice. 
You look up to see Edmund carrying a deck of cards. 
“ Have you finished sulking now?” he asks. 
You don’t answer. Not even these kinds of stupid questions deserve stupid answers.
“If you have, why don’t we play a game of cards?” Edmund asks and sits down in front of you. 
“Sure”, you sigh. “What do you want to play?”
“What can you play?”
“A little poker, I suppose.”
“Good. Let’s play.”
Edmund starts to sort the cards. He shuffles them skillfully. 
“What do we play about?” he asks. “What do i get if I win?”
“What do i get if I win?” you conquer. 
A spark ignites in Edmund’s eyes and for once, it gives him a human touch. He leans forward, over the table, and smirks. 
“What do you want, Golden Boy?” he asks. 
You think about it. What do you want? 
“I don’t know”, you reply and when he rolls his eyes, you add: “I actually don’t know. A bit more freedom, maybe.”
“Oh, as in?” Edmund asks. 
“Be able to walk around freely without anyone going insane, like yesterday. I can’t run anywhere on here, now can I? Just being able to go wherever I want on the train whenever I want would be a comfort.”
“Alright, I can work with that. And if I win?”
“What do you want?”
Edmund leans back in his seat and looks out the window, thinking. 
“You need to call me ‘your majesty’ or ‘your royal highness’ from now on”, he says, looking pleased. 
Any traces of humbleness is gone. 
“Haven’t I been humiliated enough?” slips out of you before you have the time to stop yourself. 
Edmund smiles boyishly. “Nope. Not nearly enough.”
There’s a small tug at your heart, and your first instinct is to feel offended … but you can’t help but feel relieved that, while the others are trying to keep you from breaking down, Edmund is still the same. 
You smile slightly. 
“Alright, let’s start”, you say. 
He’s a skillful player with sharp eyes. You wonder who he has trained with. 
“Oh, you’re an idiot, Y/N.”
Doctor Kry stands by the table, watching the table amusedly with his arms crossed over his chest. Edmund grins up at him. 
“Aren’t I smart?” he asks and nods at you. “This dumbass has to call me by my title — as he should have from the start — from now on.”
“The game isn’t over yet”, you remind him.
“Just throw the towel in and die a hero. That way you’ll have some dignity left.”
Edmund shrugs. “Alright.”
You’re not sure how, but you manage to beat him. Doctor Kry laughs behind his hand. Edmund glares at him.
“Beginner's luck”, he insists.
“Good job, your majesty, now you've given him free roam over the entire train”, the doctor says.
“Don't get so fucking happy, doc, I can still have you executed”, Edmund warns him with dark eyes. “I don't care if Silas has you under his protection.”
Doctor Kry doesn’t seem affected. “It’s just a day.”
“This motherfucker did quite much in a day last time.”
“I’d like to see our friend Axel Ainsworth trying to do his stunts here.”
You rise from your chair and bid farewell to the two men, happy to show that you are allowed to walk away. Your last day on board won’t be too bad, you reckon. 
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You take the time to sort out your thoughts and think. Sitting in the lounge, looking out the window with a glass of whiskey, listening to the sounds of the train moving and the other guests chitchatting. Your head starts to make sense, for the first time in months. Your heart beats in your chest. You hate them, hate what they did to you. How they played you. How they used you for bait. 
“Can I sit down?”
You’re pulled out of your thoughts. Hedwig stands by the armchair in front of you, wearing a sweet pink dress. You nod. She squeals and sits down, looking giddy. 
“Do you want me to get you anything?” she asks. “Maybe something to dilute the whiskey with? Drinking on an empty stomach isn’t good, you know?”
“What do you know about that?” you ask. “Are you a heavy drinker?”
“No, but Edmund is … and I guess that you can imagine how ha is when he is drunk.”
“I’m not drunk … but yes, i can imagine how he would be. He’s not the politest sober either.”
“He’s nice, in his own way.” She shakes her head, as if she’s shaking herself free from thoughts. “How are you feeling? I heard that you had some troubles. Do you want to share them with me?”
“No, I’m okay, I think I got it now. It’s been nice to sit and think … to deal with it myself.”
“What have you come up with?”
“That I don’t want anything to do with those bastards in New York anymore. If I had the list, I’d give it to Silas and Jerry. I wish I had written down the names.”
“You remember some of them, don’t you?”
She picks up a notebook out of her purse and places it on the table. A golden pen is connected to it. 
“Write them down”, she says. 
You stare at the notebook, questioning if you really should give away the little information you know. You would never have done that before. An old saying pops into your head — my enemie’s enemy is my friend. 
You pick up the pen.
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prosypepper · 6 months ago
“office secrets” with kento nanami
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this is part one of my kinktober event!
word count: 1.5k
warnings: nsfw, roleplaying (boss x employee), unprotected, p in v, finishing inside, sir kink hehe, "mister nanami" is used, established relationship!!!!, a little fluffy :3. (18+ mdni!)
notes: first kinktober fic pls enjoy! mwah. i'm making a separate taglist for these things, so lmk if you want to be added!
kinktober masterlist | masterlist
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“mister nanami? are you free?” you squeak, knocking on the door of your boss’s office lightly.
“of course.” he replies, turning around in his leather office chair.
hips deliciously clad in an office skirt, shirt buttoned up just enough for a good eye of cleavage to be seen, you were a sight to see. nanami peeks over his reading glasses set atop his nose, dark eyes lingering on every curve of your figure. you couldn’t deny your attraction to your boss – he was delectable in a sense like no other man you’d met.
mister nanami was commonly fawned over by many of the girls in your office – with his perfect hair, chiseled jawline, and the overall composition of himself. a professional from the start. many of your peers found themselves frustrated with the way he never seemed to crack.
“i um—just came by to give you these,” you state, awkwardly smiling and holding up a manilla folder filled with seemingly important reports.
“ah,” he tuts in return, “going home for the weekend?”
“yes, sir,” you nod slightly, walking over and sitting the folder down on the chestnut desk.
“any plans? boyfriend taking you out?” nanami questions, opening up the reports and skimming through. his focus immediately turned to the papers, as if the question he asked wasn’t out of the blue for him.
“um, no…no, sir,” you make a confused face he doesn’t care to look at, “we broke up last week. sorry. don’t know why i said that.” you blurt and catch yourself. this peaks your boss’s interest, and he looks up at you over his glasses again.
“oh? sorry to hear that, dear.” nanami blankly consoles you, a sweet name rolling off his tongue naturally – though, he hadn’t ever called you that.
a silence you find awkward, and kento finds natural, fills the space between you. honestly, you understand why the girls you worked with always said there was a tension in the air every time he was one on one with them in his office. yet, unbothered as ever, nanami looks back down at the documents now laid across his desk.
“these are good, really good work. you got one calculation wrong though.” he beckons you over to behind his desk, rather than spinning the paper around for you to see.
so, you strut your way over to beside his chair, testing your luck when you decide to bend over and place your palms on his desk, arching your spine ever-so-slightly. positioned in an awkward pose, you try your best to focus your attention on the paper that held nanami’s attention. his words explaining how the wrong percentage was multiplied against … something ... wages … something … income and revenues ... maybe … taxes ...
oh, and his hand running over your waist.
a feathery light touch as he ran over the small of your back, mumbling something about how you just need to do it differently next time, it’s okay. you swallowed as you tried to ignore the contact, to no avail, because your head suspiciously creeped to look at nanami. his gaze caught yours only after long a few long moments, noticing your look of uncertainty. he gives you a comforting smile, only before uttering something awfully unprofessional,
“you want this, yeah?”
a small sentence, yet the meaning behind the four words dirtier than the dishes in your sink. something out of character for the noble man you had for a boss. it all lets you know he notices the lingering stares, the tension in the air every time he looked at you, the sheer longing that cumulated between you and your coworkers. and here you are, the seemingly unachievable task of sleeping with your boss laid out in front of you as if it was a four-course meal.
you eagerly nod your head, and as soon as that motion is completed mister nanami swiftly stands up, effectively locking you in between his huge frame and the wooden desk behind you. your body shuddered at the positioning, caught by surprise when he didn’t waste a second before leaning in to kiss you. he melted against your lips as if he never wanted anything more, a soft passion allowing him to let go.
it all happens so fast,
you throw your arms around his neck, and nanami is instantly splaying you over his desk, messing up all the papers you worked so hard on. you’re pulling up your skirt and taking off your panties while your boss hastily unbuckles his designer belt and unbuttons the slacks that had grown to be too tight around his raging hardened length.
nanami shudders when you – his pretty little office worker – wrap your hand around his stiff cock and lock your legs around his waist to pull him in closer. he leans over you, placing a hand on the desk beside your hair and using the other to cup your face and silence you with another kiss. the whimper you let out when kento finally pushes inside is simply exquisite. he’d pay to hear it again.
your boss groans at the feeling the further he goes, tight, wet walls squeezing around him so pleasurably, not giving him any room to pull back out. he stands up for a moment to compose himself — as well as linger in the image of you sprawled out on his desk, taking all of his inches so well — and he groans again when you rush to clumsily unbutton your shirt, gaining sight of the slutty lacy bra you hid so well under your clothes.
seemingly forbidden, but so damn enticing. mister nanami was sure he was on the way to hell as soon as he took you over his desk. all this was supposed to be wrong, but it all felt too good.
nimble fingers of nanami’s come to untie the printed tie around his neck, making haste to unbutton his own shirt — not bothering to discard the blazer on top — and show you his own torso, you swear he was sculpted by a god or something. your hands run over his chest before pulling him back in by his broad shoulders, locking mouths once more. then, he starts to move, sliding out for a quick second and sheathing himself back inside you, burying his way in your cunt until his pelvis was flush against yours. the whimper you let out is heavenly.
“o-oouuh, kento,”
you whimper his name so naturally, it almost drives him to the point of being feral — but mister nanami is no animal. the way he continues to handle you, though, proves to be on the contrary. his hands grip your waist tightly, securing you to the wood below as he begins a downright brutal pace, pistoning his hips ruthlessly into you.
you feel so good, so tight, the expectation set in his head for you has been ultimately blown out the water…because you just feel divine. nanami takes notice of your walls squeezing even more the second he brings an experienced thumb down to rub at your clit, swiping small circles over the bud.
his plush tip hits so deeply, kissing your cervix with every gyration he makes. with the combination of the sensations your boss is causing you to feel — you can sense your orgasm beginning to build earlier than expected. whimpering and crying his name, you tell mister nanami how good he makes you feel, how close you are; and it only makes him speed up his hips even more.
it’s like he already knows your body like the back of his hand.
“so close, sir—,” uttering that sweet name he adores so much, “can i—can i cum, please.” you beg, and nanami throws his head back at your pleas, all being music to his ears.
“mhmm, cum for me,” he groans in return, dropping his head to make vicious eye contact again. he’s all sweaty, his glasses almost falling off his nose, and in pure ecstasy. hunger sits obvious in his eyes as he looks at you, his intense gaze pushing you over the edge as you gush and cum all around him. without any words, nanami cums alongside you at the same time, grunting and groaning sweet praise as he fills you up to the brim.
after the both of you unravel, kento holds you against him for a while, keeping your body trapped underneath him.
“that really did it for you, huh?” you tease your husband a while later, after he had cleaned you up and took you to bed. you laid next to him as he read a book, shed of his work clothes and in something much comfier. “don’t tell me you’re going to actually start doing that.”
“no, dear,” kento cocks a brow at you, looking over the rims of his reading glasses, “but i did enjoy you playing the part.” he smiles as you lean up to kiss him and roll over turn the lamp on the bedside table off. even as you’re turned over, kento watches your figure, the small movements you make turning into sleeping,
thinking about when he’d get to do that again.
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heyjudeb · 8 months ago
It Couple - Jude Bellingham
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Summary: Jude and Y/N share a cute and affectionate moment on the red carpet Word Count: >1k Warnings: fluff, romantic moment The red carpet was a dazzling cascade of lights as celebrities and influencers made their grand entrances. Among them, Jude Bellingham and Y/N Y/L/N, the stunning Victoria's Secret model, stood out like a royal couple. Jude, dressed in a tailored black tuxedo that accentuated his athletic frame, exuded an aura of confidence and charm. Y/N, radiant in a custom-made Versace gown that hugged her curves perfectly, looked every bit the goddess she was often portrayed as on the runway. The gown, a deep emerald green, brought out the striking color of her eyes and contrasted beautifully with her cascading waves of chestnut hair. "You look stunning, baby." Jude said in her ear while keeping his hand on her waist constantly, tugging on it from time to time. "You're my best accessory, that's for sure." Y/N said giving him a kiss on the cheek. As they posed for photos, Jude kept his arm firmly around Y/N’s waist, pulling her closer every now and then. Each time their eyes met, their smiles grew, the connection between them clear to everyone watching. Jude’s subtle tugs at her waist were more than just for the cameras; they were a silent reassurance, a display of his affection. They moved down the carpet, Jude spotting a familiar face in the crowd. “Hey, mate!” he called out, giving his friend a quick hug and handshake.
Y/N continued down the carpet, her graceful walk turning heads. An interviewer approached her with a microphone. “Y/N, you look amazing tonight. Who are you wearing?”
“Thank you so much,” Y/N replied, her smile radiant. “I’m wearing Versace. They did an incredible job with this gown.” The interviewer nodded. “And how’s the event going for you so far?”
“It’s been fantastic. It’s great to see so many talented people here,” Y/N said, her eyes sparkling." So, I'm enjoying it very much?" "Where is your mister, Y/N?" the interviewer asked Y/N, smiling. Just then, Y/N felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist from behind. Jude gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, causing her to blush. Jude has no problem showing affection in front of the cameras, which is the opposite of Y/N. She's more reserved and shy, that's why Jude likes to put her in the spot and finds it very cute. "There he is" Y/N said resting her hands on his arms. “Ah, here’s Jude!” the interviewer exclaimed, turning her attention to him. “You two make such a beautiful couple. Can you tell us a bit about your relationship?”
Jude grinned and pulled away from Y/N, holding her hand. “Well, I have to say, it’s been a challenge. You know, trying to keep up with a supermodel,” he said, winking at Y/N. “But seriously, she’s amazing. I think we just balance each other out.” Y/N nodded at his words, looking in his eyes, admiring him. The interviewer smiled, then hesitated for a moment before asking, "There have been some rumors recently about you two possibly taking a break. Can you address those?"
Y/N's expression dropped slightly. She saw those rumors going around on social media and the comments of him being better off without her still affect her. But before she could respond, Jude squeezed her hand reassuringly and stepped in. “Oh, those rumors,” he said lightly, a charming smile on his face. “We hear them too, and we just laugh. I'm not going to let this beauty slip away from me that easily, so rest assured, everyone!” Y/N felt so happy and at ease once she heard these words coming from him. Obviously, she was sure about his feelings for her, but hearing him say those things openly with no regrets made her feel even more special.
"That's great to hear! May I ask shortly, how did you meet? I don't think you've shared that story in an interview before." The interview asked again, eager to get as much from them as possible. "Well, I don't think we shared, did we?" Y/N turned to Jude to ask him. "Nah, I don't think so," Jude replied, smiling. "We met at a charity event a couple of years ago. I saw her across the room and knew I had to talk to her. Best decision I ever made."
Y/N laughed softly, her eyes glowing with affection. "He was so nervous. It was adorable."
The interviewer beamed. “That’s a lovely story. What do you enjoy most about your relationship?”
Jude looked thoughtful. “I think it’s the way we support each other. We both have busy careers, but we always make time for each other.” Y/N nodded. “We also love having fun together. He makes me laugh every day.” The interviewer smiled warmly. “You two are truly inspiring. Thank you for sharing. Enjoy the rest of your evening.”
As they walked away, Jude leaned down and whispered in Y/N’s ear, “You’re amazing, you know that?”
Y/N blushed, her cheeks warming. “And you’re my favorite person,” she whispered back, her eyes full of love. They finally reached the end of the carpet, where a sleek black car waited to take them to the after-party. Inside, the atmosphere was cozy and private. Jude held Y/N’s hand, his thumb gently stroking her knuckles. “I’m so glad you’re here with me tonight,” he said sincerely.
Y/N leaned her head on his shoulder, feeling a deep sense of contentment. “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be,” she replied softly.
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seancekitsch · 2 months ago
Can we ask to see how Vik and Journalist! Reader met? That one request was so cute! I loved their dynamic
this is the prequel to this little bit
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You look through the lens of your camera at the expanse of the room, much too large and much to garish in its lighting. You know for a fact you’ll have to be working extra time in your dark room to fix all of the yellow tint to this lighting. You snap the shutter a few times: at dancing couples, at dignitaries and councillors talking, at the fancy centerpieces on the tables filled with exotic flowers that probably cost more than your apartment. The night is a dull affair, but that was to be expected. All of these galas with insane names like “the covalence” or “inventorium” never failed to bore you to tears, sometimes literally. All night you find vantage points in balconies or certain corners or near the bar to capture portraits that you hope tell a story of opulence and progress. Sometimes, and more selfishly, you take pictures of what you think would make good gossip as well. More eyes means more funding for the scientists, and more money in your wallet when people pay good money for the stories those pictures could tell when you sit down in front of your typewriter tomorrow morning.
Your eyes scan the crowd from the little table that you’ve set yourself up at, a little plate of cheese and a shimmering and all too fruity cocktail that Mel, your point of contact, insisted you take. She always asks your publishers for you for these events, claiming that you capture the perfect photographs and quotes to report on the beauty and the fun of these nights. You don’t necessarily see it, as you never have any fun, but she makes sure you get paid very well and you cannot turn that down. Plus, she’s an angel, a contract you definitely don’t mind because of her sweetness and understanding. And her not-boyfriend, Jayce Talis, one of two guests of honor is maybe the nicest person in all of Piltover. 
You lift the viewfinder to your eye, ready to capture a shot of two of the academy students speaking to Heimerdinger when someone new comes into the frame. Holy shit, a new face, and a handsome one at that. Chestnut hair, pale skin, two moles punctuating sharp angles of his cheeks and jawline. Absolutely beautiful, even in the gaudy light that threatens to drown out his lovely details. 
You press the shutter without thinking. Capturing him feels like instinct.
He looks like any of the other scientists, really. The same uniform way of dress, the same colors, the same tired eyes that the rest of them have. 
You press the shutter again, still not thinking. 
He turns, stares back at you through the camera. With a smirk, he begins crossing the room with the help of his cane. You move your camera down, caught. Shit, you’ll have to think up a few bullshit interview questions on the fly. With luck, he’s as interesting as he looks. 
He crosses through the crowd, as if liquid and invisible, his command of the space impressive and making you feel for the first time tonight trapped. 
“You must be Councillor Medarda’s little reporter,” his heavily accented voice says, no proper greeting as you place your camera down on the table. The accent sounds familiar, you’ve definitely heard it before.
“Guilty,” you shrug, “So you’ve heard of me?”
“Eh, more like I was warned about you.”
That surprises you. Warned him? What would anyone need to be warned for about you? Sure, you can be a bit crass, drink a little too much, laugh a little too loud, get up to more gossip than appropriate. But none of that is really a problem on the level that any of these people should worry about. They’re scientists and politicians, people who genuinely deal with dangerous, taboo, and unknown matters. 
“Worried I’ll dig up some scoop on you, Mister…?” you trail off, hoping he’ll give you a name. 
“There’s not much to find, but my partner Jayce said you have potential to be vicious.”
You could ask him what he meant, but your eyes widen in shock. You’re so stupid. Stupid, stupid, fucking stupid.
“You’re Viktor!” you exclaim, and curse under your breath. He’s one of the guests of honor here. He and Mel’s not-boyfriend have just started some new breakthrough project. Of course, you should have known this was Viktor. Jayce had said ‘you’ll know him when you see him’ and he was right. He told you the man was quiet and aloof and not interested in impressing anyone. Jayce never told you he was so attractive, though. 
He nods, and plucks one of the cubes of cheese off of your plate as he leans himself against the table. 
“I’m supposed to ask you a few questions,” you tell him, but all of the questions you had come up with vanish from your mind now that his eyes are trained on you.
“I will answer one if you go over and ask that man for a refill of our drinks,” he says, which buys you time to think and space from him so that maybe you can think about anything other than his beautiful cheekbones and terrifyingly sharp eyes. You nod, smiling as you take a look at his cup, and he drinks a negroni. A man after your own heart, and maybe you’re fucked. You walk over to the nearest bartender, a worker just like you, with an apologetic smile. Mel always insists you enjoy, so why not actually enjoy? You ask him kindly for two negronis, pressing a few coins into his hand that from his reaction tells you has been his first tip of the night. 
What to ask Viktor, what to ask? You walk back over to him, feeling less stable on your heels not from the drink but from nerves. Viktor has, in the maybe three sentences he’s spoken, managed to knock you completely off kilter. You know you’re supposed to ask the details of the new project, of how it feels to work with the funding of the council, of the controversy surrounding their ideas, but it feels wrong. 
Viktor smiles when you return with the cups; he doesn’t smirk or scrunch his nose like you’ve noticed he does. He smiles with a lopsided and close lipped grin as you pass the cup to him. 
“Cheers,” you both mutter, clinking the rims before thunking your drinks down on the table and once again lifting them to press them to your lips. 
You sigh as you finish your sip, letting your cup rest gently on the little napkin on the table and you notice in your absence Viktor has stolen three more pieces of cheese. You’ll make sure he owes you them later, sometime. 
“So how does a breakthrough make you feel?”
Viktor seems taken aback by this question, as if he expected anything but this. It doesn’t feel out of the realm of the possibility, just not the boring normal sort of interview question. It’s vague and centered on him, not specifically the project. Maybe not what the press will want to hear, but interesting. You pull the recorder out of your little bag carefully, placing it on the table between the two of you as an unspoken ask of consent. He thinks for a moment, and then nods at you. You press the button. 
“It…. It feels like seeing an ancient God, maybe but also learning that a God exists. Euphoria and understanding meeting. Does that make sense? There’s something weird and otherworldly about uncovering something previously unknown.”
You nod, and stop the recording again. 
“That was my one, right? But can I ask for more off the record?”
“Thank you, for stopping,” he tells you, and takes a very long sip of his drink, “I will continue to entertain you because you did not ask a stupid question.”
“Thanks, Viktor,” you say, relaxing the reporter act, “Your accent though?”
You narrow your eyes, sip your drink, and watch his body language. He stays still, like a statue. 
“Are you from…?” you don’t dare say the word Zaun in this room, knowing better, “I’ve heard your accent before, I mean… I’m from.”
Again, you don’t say it, but Viktor understands what you’re trying to say.
“Are you?” he asks, “A long way from home, yes?”
You laugh, a sigh of relief. You nod and clink your glass against his again. He picks it back up and drinks again, this time feeling conspiratorial in nature. Two Zaunites in the room of Piltover’s elite. Interlopers willingly invited, beggars to the feast in the bourgeoisie midst and they might not even know it. 
“Too far, sometimes,” you admit, “But this is refreshing.”
“Yes, it is,” Viktor concedes, and silence fills the space between you. Comfortable silence, ease permeating the little bubble you’ve created for yourselves. Every once in a while you pick your camera up, taking photos of the councillors and well dressed patrons. The hours pass more quickly than they do on a usual job, with mostly silence between refilling drinks and snacks and the interludes of Viktor supplying you with a little snippet of gossip or some sharp witted insult about someone he doesn’t like. He’s such easy company, easy to talk to and easy to look at.
“That one,” Viktor tells you, pointing at Jayce Talis dressed similarly to himself, “My partner. Get his picture too.”
You point the lens where he tells you, and you snap a total of three pictures where Jayce is the focal point; a gap toothed smile and bright eyes command composition. You swivel around the room again to take a few more pictures before you decide that perhaps you have a photo of at least everyone for any editorial or photo gallery of the event your publishers would want. Before you put your camera down though, you turn it back towards Viktor. The angle and closeness will be awkward, not one that you can use for your story. You click the shutter as he grimaces.
“Must you commit me to film?”
“Well I’ve never seen you at one of these before, what if I never see you again? I need something to remember you by.”
Viktor’s eyes narrow as he takes in your words. He doesn’t respond immediately, as if he’s running some kind of calculation your voice had written.
“Do you… want to see me again?”
You bite your lip harshly, lest you shout your yes and embarrass the both of you. You taste copper.
“A little off-record meeting would be…nice.”
Viktor scoffs, and finishes his drink.
“Please, drop the professionalism,” he tells you, and it’s your turn to scoff, “I am a busy man, I would like it if you were upfront with your seduction attempt.”
“S- Seduction attempt?” you stutter before you regain yourself, leaning in closer to him as you realize he is messing with you, “is it working?”
“And if I say yes?”
Ego swells within you, and before you can think about bad ideas or prying eyes, you lean a little further until your lips brush his earlobe.
“Then yes. I’d like to see you again.”
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multi-fandom-imagine · 6 months ago
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Are they on the Naughty List? Or have they’ve been good all year?Well that’s for you to decide.
Start:November 12
End: December 31
Green > SFW prompts
Red > NSFW prompts
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⇀bold is the fandoms i really want. ↼
◇ day 1-7: {Nov 12-18}
Day 1: - Ice Skating- Rocky Rickaby
Day 2: “I can’t believe you did that to Santa…”-Stanley Pines
Day3: - “I made you some hot cocoa.”-Stanford Pines
Day 4:we were going to a Christmas party but fuck if you don’t just look sinful in red, and you know what? Fuck that Christmas party- Logan Howlett
Day5:- Dancing In The Snow-Rocky Rickaby
Day 6:-Sucking on a Candy Cane- Viktor Vasko
Day 7: - “are you really playing christmas music already? it’s barely November” -Mordecai Heller
◇ day 8-14: {Nov 19-25}
Day 8:-Watching the snowfall from inside a cosy house- Dorian Zibowski
Day 9:-“Carmel apples, leaves falling down. What could better then November?” “I don’t know maybe fucking June?”- Stanley Pines
Day 10: -we got a little too carried away with the Christmas lights, and now suddenly my hands are bound with the lights and oh my god are we about to have sex?-Bucky Barnes
Day 11:- it’s holiday dinner with your family, and oh Jesus where are your hands going?- Stanley Pines
Day 12:-“Do you need help hanging up the Christmas lights?”- Joel Miller
Day 13: -“HAPPY NOVEMBER!” “No one wishes anyone a happy November.” “Well I just did.”-Spencer Reid
Day 14:-one lending the other their scarf to keep them warm.- Mordecai Heller
◇ day 15-21 {Nov 26-Dec 2}
Day 15:-Handing their S/O a positive pregnancy test with a sprig of holly and a note reading ‘Merry Christmas’- Dean Winchester
Day 16:Baking holiday cookies.- Overlord!Husk
Day 17:-“The turkey’s not the only thing getting stuffed today.” - Sylus
Day 18:Jingle Bells: Our muses take a sleigh ride-Spencer Reid
Day 19:-Build A snowman.- Stanford Pines
Day 20:-Silent Night: Not a creature was stirring… It’s Christmas Eve and everyone is in bed, except for our muses.- Luis Serra
Day 21:-The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting): Our muses have snuggled for some fireside Christmas dreaming.- Dad!Fiddleford
◇ day 22-28 {Dec 3 -9}
Day 22:-Christmas Decorations- Dad!Fiddledord
Day 23:-“Breasts/thighs are my favorite part to nibble on.” Rocky Rickaby
Day 24:“You know, tying the legs together keeps everything moist.”- Overlord!Husk (pause)
Day 25:-Christmas Morning- Dad!Stanford Pines
Day 26:-Hanging Stockings.- Dad!Husk
Day 27:-Reader wearing nothing but a Santa hat-Vander
Day 28:-“Dancing in the snow- Reuben "Ruby" Pepper
◇ Day 29- 35 {Dec 10-16}
Day 29:“You look even more beautiful covered in snow.”- Gregory House
Day 30:-ice skating-Reuben "Ruby" Pepper
Day 31:-sneaking around after the other has fallen asleep to put up their gift.- Aaron Hotchner
Day 32:-“Go on, open it.” - Bucky Barnes
Day 33: Day 33:-“Did you decorate the tree without me? I can’t believe this!”- Rocky Rickaby(pause)
Day 34: -Kiss Me Under The Mistletoe. - Poly Fiddauthor x reader
Day 35:“Excuse me—where is my Christmas kiss?” - Remy 'Gambit'
◇ day 36-42 {Dec 17-23}
Day 36:-"Why are there so many mistletoe?"-Connor { DBH }
Day 37:-“It’s time for hand turkey’s everyone.” “FUCK YES YES!”- Dad!Stan Pines
Day 38:-“Alright, mister. I know you’re the one who keeps hanging up mistletoe everywhere." --Sedgewick Sable{pause}
Day 39:-“Thanksgiving is for giving thanks” “And for body slamming each other during the family football match!” - Nico Savoy {pause}
Day 40:-The scent of real Christmas trees-Joel Miller
Day 41: -“I’m going to have you stuffed better than the turkey by the end of the night.” Adam {Hazbin Hotel} {pause}
Day 42:-“I’m not much of a cook, but I’m good at glazing.” -Stanford Pines
◇ day 43-50 {Dec 24-31}
Day 43:-Cabin Sex { Christmas Eve sex }- Stanford Pines
Day 44: -“Merry Christmas, motherfuckers!" Stanley Pines.
Day 45: -“Did you spike the eggnog again?”- Sedgewick Sable
Day 46: “Will you make a gingerbread house with me?”- Dad!Husk
Day 47: - “It’s Snowing”- Rip Wheeler
Day 48: -Peppermint-flavoured everything-Penelope Garcia
Day 49:-wearing ugly Christmas sweaters-Gregory House
Day 50:spending christmas morning together.-James Sunderland
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ethicaltreatmentofcowplants · 3 months ago
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And with a high friendship but only 12 points in romance, Jayla is the lucky sim. She’ll be heading offsite for a date.
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The group arrived last night to meet the household’s newest addition: Jon Bon Pony. They won’t be training him as such - merely taking care of him and helping him get accustomed to sims.
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In spite of Cassie’s best efforts, I think we’ve now lost Struan. 
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As Mister prepares breakfast, we say hi to our new wall feature: eliminated contestants. With Lee having scarpered off before Lilac could capture his likeness, she works on a piece that encapsulates her feelings towards him instead.
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After his first night in a new place, Jon Bon Pony is a little scared, but is soon consoled by Struan. Indeed, I’ve yet to see him look at any woman the way he gazes adoringly at that horse. Let’s see if Lilac can sway his attention during their solo date later.
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Also I’m sorry that the tv premiere was so awful for you, Jon Bon Pony. But perhaps you're a shade too young for Game of Llamas?
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Between Jon Bon Pony, Baarry White and a shirtless Mister, there’s so much going on in this picture. But along with a good dose of calcium, Tiago knows the best way to start a day is through memes.
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And oh hey, he’s a CHEERFUL sim now. Good for you, buddy.
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Lilac discusses art with Jayla, and for some reason it costs them friendship points?
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Someone not waiting for Struan to get his head back in the game is Cassie. She confesses her attraction to Lilac, and they soon make their way to somewhere a little more private, which means: chore montage hour!
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Jayla gardens, Tiago fishes, we’re running low on bread so Mister cooks up a few more loaves, while Struan checks in on his child, Jon Bon Pony.
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They've wrapped up by now, so it’s time for Struan and a ‘refreshed’ Lilac to head off for their solo date.
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As per usual, I have Lilac perform one friendly and one flirty interaction during these, then the rest is up to the pixels.
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While Lilac is crushing hard and Struan’s romance bar is not in the red by any means, there’s a lot of goofing around and pranks between these two - and if anything Struan seems more eager to get back home to his four legged child. 
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It’s tough balancing romance with being a single parent.
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Jayla arrives, and after a tense game of DON’T WAKE THE LLAMA, gains a sentiment from Lilac.
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Just when I think that these two are destined for Friendsville, Jayla compliments Lilac’s appearance - and Lilac has never needed much in the way of encouragement…
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(Me attempting to be classy and subtle for Tumblr.)
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Back home Mister’s cooked a perfectly fine meal, but instead Tiago opts for leftovers - why, dude, why. We thus close out the night with some possessed flirting.
But it seems that Struan was merely conserving his energy for someone else 😏
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@bakersimmer @tipsy-clouds @igglemouse @lindyloosims @simsfvr
chestnut ridge lot by @spookcy
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nerdygaymormon · 3 months ago
Merry Queermas
I have a number of queer playlists, so thought I'd add one for Christmas.
Brandi Carlile - The Heartache Can Wait
girl in red - two queens in a king sized bed
k.d. lang - You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch (with Glee cast)
Indigo Girls - It Really Is (A Wonderful Life)
Jane Lynch - A Swingin' Little Christmas Time
Joan Jett - Little Drummer Boy
LADIES - Ladies, It's Cold Outside
Mary Lambert - Christmas Cookies (feat. Wyatt Hermansen)
Melissa Etheridge - It's Christmas Time
Raven Symoné - My Christmas Wish
Tegan and Sara - Make You Mine This Season
Adam Lambert - Please Come Home for Christmas
Barry Manilow - (There's No Place Like) Home for the Holidays
Bearforce 1 - Christmas is Here
Billy Porter - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
Calum Scott - White Christmas
Darren Hayes - Last Christmas
David Archuleta - Christmas Every Day
Elton John - Step Into Christmas; Merry Christmas (with Ed Sheeran)
Erasure - Make It Wonderful (Bright Light Bright Light Remix)
Frankie Goes to Hollywood - The Power of Love
Johnny Mathis - It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas
Joshua Bassett - The Perfect Gift
Lil Nas X - Holiday
Luther Vandross - Every Year, Every Christmas
Matt Rogers - Also It's Christmas
Mister Chase and Chris Salvatore - Baby, It's Cold Outside
MNEK - Stopped Believing in Santa
Neon Trees - Holiday Rock
Pet Shop Boys - It Doesn't Often Snow at Christmas
Queen - Thank God It's Christmas
Ricky Martin - Ay Ay Ay It's Christmas
Rufus Wainwright - What Are You Doing New Year's Eve
Sam Smith - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas; The Lighthouse Keeper
Todrick Hall - Bells, Bows, Gifts, Trees
Wham! - Last Christmas
Wrabel - First Winter
Anne-Marie - Think of Christmas
Crystal Bowersox - Coming Out for Christmas
Demi Lovato - I'll Be Home for Christmas
Green Day - Xmas Time Of The Year
Jessie J - Man With the Bag
Phoebe Bridgers - If We Make It Through December
Sia - Santa's Coming For Us; Candy Cane Lane; Snowman
Trans, Gender Nonconforming, Fluid, Nonbinary
Bebe Rexha - Count on Christmas
Big Freedia - Make It Jingle
Miley Cyrus - Happy Xmas (War is Over)
Shea Diamond -Blame it on Christmas (feat. Cyndi Lauper); Mrs. Claus
Drag Queens
Alaska - Everyday is Christmas; Let It Snow (Ivan and Peter Mix)
Alaska, Courtney Act & Willam - Dear Santa, Bring Me A Man
Bob the Drag Queen - Sandra Claus
Detox - This is How We Jew It
Ginger Minj - Winter Wonderland (feat. Gidget Galore)
Manila Luzon, Peppermint & Alaska - We Three Queens
Nina West - Calista
Priyanka - Sleigh My Name
RuPaul - Hey Sis, It's Christmas
The Divas
Amy Winehouse - I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus
Ariana Grande - December; Santa Tell Me; Winter Things;
Ava Max - 1 Wish; Christmas Without You
Barbra Streisand - Jingle Bells?
Bette Midler - Cool Yule
Britney Spears - My Only Wish (This Year)
Carly Rae Jepsen - It's Not Christmas Till Somebody Cries; Mittens
Céline Dion - Happy Xmas (War Is Over)
Cher - DJ Play a Christmas Song
Christina Aguilera - The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting Over An Open Fire)
Diana Ross & The Supremes - My Favorite Things
Eurythmics - Winter Wonderland
Kacey Musgraves - Glittery (feat. Troye Sivan)
Katy Perry - Cozy Little Christmas
Kelly Clarkson - Underneath the Tree
Kylie Minogue - Every Day's Like Christmas
Leona Lewis - One More Sleep
Little Mix - One I've Been Missing
Lizzo - Never Felt Like Christmas
Madonna - Santa Baby
Mariah Carey - All I Want for Christmas is You; Oh Santa
Meghan Trainor - Holidays (feat. Earth, Wind & Fire)
Olivia Rodrigo - River
Taylor Swift - Christmas Tree Farm
Link to Spotify Playlist of these songs
Link to My Queer Playlist - Part 1 songs from 1939 to 1999
Link to My Queer Playlist - Part 2 songs from 2000 to 2015
Link to My Queer Playlist - Part 3 songs from 2016 to 2019
Link to My Queer Playlist - Part 4 songs from 2021 to present
Link to my Queer Disney Songs Playlist
Link to my K-Pop Queer Playlist
Link to my Queer Religious Playlist
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igglemouse · 5 months ago
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Mister Maxwel
For @ethicaltreatmentofcowplants Simply Lilac BC!
Name: Mister Maxwell. Yes, that means if you call him Mr. Maxwell you'll be saying his full name.
Age Group: Young Adult
Pronouns: He/ Him
Orientation: Heterosexual
Hometown: Chestnut Ridge
Occupation: Unemployed just living life but one day he'll be a big action start making millions.
Skills: Is flexing a skill? Otherwise, no skills at all!
Traits: Goofball, Party Animal, Self- Assured.
Aspiration: He wants to experience as many parties as possible. Is this a party?!?
Life State: A complete hunk.
Likes: Acting, Bowling, Fitness, and photography...alright that last one means he likes being in pictures as well as taking them.
Dislikes: Painting, he just doesn't understand it.
Gifts: He'd give flowers of course, he's not very original.
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In Depth: Alright alright alright, it's time for me to take over and speak for myself. Actually, just scroll back up and check the pictures. Better yet, check the pecs, the biceps, and most importantly, the stache.
Done? If not, you can scroll back up and look at the pictures again. Do you feel it, the confidence? Of course you do.
I guess I'm supposed to put something about me here? I was born in a boring town, Chestnut Ridge, so I grew up wanting to get out of there and so spent most of my life going between Del Sol and San Myshuno. Usually I hit the gym in the day then find a party at night and I usually leave with a woman on my arm. So I'm not a one woman man but maybe that's what I need? I'm going to be a star one day after all!
Are you comfortable with your pixel person:
Flirting with other contestants? YES
WooHooing other contestants? YES
Flirting with/and or woohooing NPCs?  YES
Flirting with the host?  YES
Changes to traits via gameplay prompts? YES
(Humans Only) Becoming an occult?  YES
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unnoticedunawarestillhere · 6 months ago
How Could You?
“Mister Lawrence?”
I turned around, only to be met with my apprentice. He shuffled awkwardly, half of him hiding beneath the door. I then stared hard at my desk, letting out a sigh. Without meaning to, I dropped my book, music sheets spilling onto the floor. The yellowing papers swept up dust on the floorboards, I only narrowed my eyes at this. “What do you want, Johnny?” I muttered, kicking off my chair to retrieve the papers. I heard him slowly cracking my office door wide open and taking a few steps in.  Bending down, my hands furiously grabbed the scattered papers. I didn’t look at him. “Sorry to interrupt, but the band is waiting for you.” He said meekly. His British accent caught me off guard. I stood up, carelessly plopping the bundle of papers on my desk. I turned to him, an eyebrow raised. Today, he was dressed in a pale blue vest, buttoned up white collar shirt and brown slacks. I groaned, “Can’t they just warm up right now?” He hesitated, before he spoke, “They’ve been doing that, but..they’re getting impatient.” He nervously blew his light chestnut hair out of his face. I gritted my teeth, resisting the urge to yell. “Then tell them to wait.” I growled. Johnny frowned, avoiding eye contact with me. In a small voice he responded, “You said that…two hours ago.” Silence. 
I stormed through the vacant hallways, not even waiting for Johnny. Posters were plastered every four feet it seemed. With their cartoonish style, they all stared at me and smiled. This only fed my annoyance. The lights above me flickered and buzzed, making my shadow grow long behind me.
 God, my head hurts. Even though my feet were slamming down on the creaky wooden boards, I could hear Johnny jogging after me. “Mister Lawrence, wait up! I’m sure we could make a compromise with the band, maybe even-” “ENOUGH.” I barked at him. Irritation makes a nest inside my brain. Though, deep down, I do feel a little guilty. Trying to simmer down, I cleared my throat. “Johnny, is your brother already in his booth?” I asked, making a sharp left turn.  He hurried after, finally keeping up with my pace. “Last time I checked, yeah. Though, he was pretty mad that you didn’t show up.” I scoffed, rolling my eyes. Honestly, it felt like without me, the whole god damn music department would explode. “Tch-well, he better be there.” I huffed. 
Before Johnny could answer, I halted only to be met with a chattering river of musicians flooding out of the music department. Baffled, I yelled at one of the passing tuba players, Rick. “Mister Hoffleman! Where the hell are you-” With dark glaring green eyes, the middle aged man snapped at me, “Shut yer yap, Lawrence! It’s been two months of the same shit ya make us go through. Well, we’re tired of it.” He growled at me, his southern accent lacing his words. I recoiled back, almost stumbling into Johnny! If Johnny apologized, I couldn’t hear it. Not when my blood was roaring in my ears. I watched Rick stomp away, his brown suit jacket hanging from his shoulder.  I didn’t even notice that my jaw was hanging wide open, until Johnny quietly mentioned it to me.  I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t command them to stay. I just stood there, and while I did, lots of folks hissed complaints and glares at me when they passed by. Is this what it feels like? To be powerless? I don’t know why I’m so surprised. I’ve felt this before. When he left.
Turns out, Norman was still in his booth, packing up his projector. Even though the booth was mostly consumed by lingering shadows, we could hear him shuffling around.  I stared up at him, only for him to swing around and glare from above.  “Oh great, the all mighty composer finally arrived.” He said flatly, his dark grey eyes narrowing. With a grunt, he placed the metal projector on a rusted steel cart. “Polk, what happened?” I yelled, still looking up at the booth.  The shadows answered with another grunt, “Whaddya mean what happened, Lawrence? They’re fed up.” A pause. When I didn’t answer, he continued, “Look, I dunno what you’ve been doin these past months, but Jesus, can’t ya just compose the band ON TIME??  Some days, the doors are locked and no one can get in. Why? ‘Cause ya keep forgettin to unlock ‘em. Meaning WE can’t do what we need to do.” I felt my stomach tightened while my fists were clenched. “Can’t you just get Franks to unlock the damn door?” I retorted hotly. “Kid keeps forgettin his keys.” He replied with a monotone voice. I let out an exasperated sigh, feeling my nerves being shot left and right. Norman said nothing else and with that I turned around. I  watched Johnny struggling to gather all the music stands. Taking a deep breath, I walked over to him and helped him put them away in the storage room.  I didn’t say anything. Despite how clumsy or frantic this kid is, I didn’t hate him. He’s a good apprentice.
 Well, decent anyway. 
After stacking up the chairs and cautiously putting instruments in their cases, we were done. During that whole time, I didn’t mutter a word. I was too absorbed in my thoughts.  Was working with Mister Drew on his project really making me digress  from what needs to be done? Surely, I could balance them both. Right? No. I couldn’t and today proved that. Bitter disappointment felt like a knife in my gut, wedging itself further and further in.  I felt something sting my eyes, rubbing them. Jesus, was I so powerless that I was having a stupid CRYING FIT?! I muttered something to myself, when suddenly, I felt a gentle hand clamped on my shoulder. “It’s okay to cry, Mister Lawrence! It’s..it’s been a tough day, but..there’s always tomorrow!” Johnny exclaimed, his eyes brightening.  I stared at him for a moment, actually looking at him. His face looked similar to Normans, same nose, and structure.  Light chestnut hair with streaks of dark brown while his eyes..well. One was dark grey, like Norman, but his other eye was a dark auburn.  Wasn’t that called.. Heterochromia? I think that's what it's called.
Anyhow, he just smiled at me sympathetically.  Without thinking, I smiled back at him.  “I..suppose you’re right.” I said, nodding curtly. He slipped his hand off my shoulder and walked over to the piano. “So, about that music sheet you sent me home with yesterday, I practiced it and I think I got it?” He smiled, sitting down on the chair and straightening his composure.  I was stunned. He practiced it? Hell, I didn’t even tell him to do that. Though, of course, I was skeptical.  I pulled up a stool and gestured for him to start. He cracked his fingers, staring down at the keys and gave it his all. There were a few slip ups, but I was impressed at how beautiful the melody was. And how Johnny was so focused on the piece. When he was done, he paused, before hesitantly turning his head to look at me.  I stood up from my wooden stool and placed my hand on his shoulder. “Good work.” I praised, smiling at him slightly. 
I swear his eyes lit like bright stars. I was proud of him. Even though I failed the band, I didn’t fail him.  Until…I did. 
It’s been a few months since that moment. 
I looked at my shaking right hand, a smoking pistol was tightly in my grasp. 
Oh Johnny. I’m so sorry.
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mlm-writer · 2 years ago
The Sorcerer Supreme, the Devil and Six Men (M!Reader x Multi)
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Pairing: Cis!M!Bottom!Reader x Ray Palmer (LoT), Dick Grayson (my version), Peter Parker (TASM), Skurge (MCU), James T. Kirk (AOS), Lucifer (Lucifer) & Chris Smith (Peacemaker) Rating: Explicit Words: 2066 POV: Second Summary: Uhhh gangbang to save the multiverse and reader is Sorcerer Supreme of his universe. Note: Something I kept from last kinktober to really sit down for it. Tags: Multiverse gangbang, creampie, cum swallowing, light cumplay, blowjobs, double penetration, spitroasting, anal fingering, handjobs and some grinding.
Even if you would explain how you got yourself into this situation, you doubted anyone would believe you. You clenched your hands in the silken sheets below you, when Lucifer added a third finger to your hole. He stilled them inside you and ran a hand down your bare back. “Relax, my darling, I need to have you properly prepared for when our guests arrive.” You huffed and folded your arms in front of you so you could rest your forehead on them. 
“If you ask me, it’s pretty pathetic that the devil himself cannot give me enough sexual energy to save the multiverse,” you quipped, before shifting a little. Your cock was leaking all over the pillow Lucifer put under your hips. Lucifer chuckled and curled his fingers inside you. “Hey! No cheating!” You cried out as he rubbed that spot he had gotten to know all too well. You never should’ve started a situationship with the devil, but frankly being the sorcerer supreme from a universe where jackshit happened could be very boring. 
Just as Lucifer was about to make another smartass comment, a portal opened in front of you. You wanted to cover yourself, but Lucifer was ahead of you, draping a thin blanket over you below the waist, before sitting up on the bed. First to come through was Skurge, donned in his full armour. “Behold! The Sausage Party!” He announced, before extending his arm. Coming through were four familiar faces and one boy-scout looking man. His whole body language screamed ‘I am highly uncomfortable.’ 
“So which one of you do we need to stuff full of cum?” You lifted your head and snickered at the blunt question. Even though this Chris Smith was not from your universe, he had the exact same mannerisms and almost the same funny outfit as the one you knew in high school. Here was to hoping he could fuck like the Chris you knew as well. 
The other guys looked embarrassed at the question, with one of them even slapping Chris' arm. Even with his mask on, you recognised the face of the one who got away anywhere. You had always wished Dick Grayson and you had lasted, but the situation back then did not allow for it. Lucifer probably knew that, hence why his alter was standing before you now, clad in a tight suit that left little to the imagination, as he reprimanded Chris for his bluntness. If he was anything like your Chris, that slap did nothing to correct his behaviour. 
“As far as the gentleman explained, you should know everyone but me,” the boy-scout looking man said as he walked closer. His face was flushed, eyes avoiding yours. You took the hand he offered and shook it. “Ray Palmer,” he introduced himself. You studied his face, noting the pale skin that turned red so easily, the dreamy brown eyes and pullable-looking chestnut hair. 
He tried to take his hand back, but you held onto it. “And why are you here mister Palmer?” You questioned, fingers rubbing over his skin. From this close you could see his cute features in more detail. He looked around nervously and then muttered something under his breath. “When you’re in the presence of the Sorcerer Supreme, you should really speak up,” you teased him. 
“Yessir, I’m sorry uh…” You took mercy on him and let go of his hand. He straightened his back and looked around the room again. The portal he had come through was no more; he had nowhere to go. “You see it started with…” 
“He is the cause of all this, now let’s move on, before the multiverse is literally torn apart, shall we?” Lucifer interrupted. 
“Let’s commence!” Skurge shouted. Somehow he managed to get all his armour off without you noticing him undressing, his heavy cock hanging between his legs and swinging with each step he took towards you. Ray took a step aside, face red like a tomato. You reached out for Skurge’s thick cock and guided it towards your mouth. You looked over at Ray as you sloppily started licking and sucking on Skurge’s tip. When your eyes met, you gave the pale man a flirty wink.
Skurge was very vocal, praising you for your skill with comical lines that made sucking him off harder. You then felt warm hands at the edge of the blanket that was pooling at your waist. You looked over your shoulder right into bright blue eyes and a dashing smile. Oh you and James T. Kirk had your adventures in college. “May I?” He whispered, leaning close to tease your lips with his. The brief brush was enough to make you want him all over again.  
You let out a soft sigh before turning your head back around to suck Skurge off. “Do whatever you want to me, Jimmy boy,” you spoke breathlessly, before trying to take more than just the tip in your mouth. You heard Lucifer offer Jim some lube, after he had slowly dragged the fabric off your body. Jim put his cock between your cheeks, rubbing his slick cock between them and over your hole. 
You lifted your head off Skurge’s cock. You kept jerking him off as you turned your head to the side. You saw Dick Grayson on his knees, suit open a little so he could stroke his thick cock, while sucking off Peter Parker. “Hey Grayson! If you want to save the multiverse, his cum should be mine,” you scolded him. 
Dick chuckled, even when Chris shoved his cock in his face to get a turn too. “Just warming them up for you, sweetheart, don’t fret,” the man replied, before trying to deepthroat Chris’ huge meat. You rolled your eyes and went back to trying to do the same to Skurge. He stretched your throat, while Jim teased your hole. You heard Lucifer giving that Ray Palmer a warm-up, but Skurge was grabbing your head and using it like a fleshlight, so you could not watch. He held you down, cumming deep down your throat. You swallowed it all. 
You gasped when Skurge pulled out. You only got two breaths in, before Jim pushed deep inside you. You moaned, the sound growing louder when Chris grabbed your hair and tilted your head back. You stuck your tongue out as Chris stroked his cock right above you. Dick must have warmed him up good, because Jim did not even get to speed up, before Chris was spilling his load directly onto your waiting tongue. “Don’t swallow yet,” Dick told you as he shoved Chris to the side. A few seconds later, Dick’s load joined Chris’ in your mouth. Before you could swallow it, Peter was stroking himself in front of your face too. His hair was dishevelled and he looked down at you with reverence.  
You struggled with breathing as your mouth was full of cum and your ass full of Jim’s dick. You almost choked on the cum, when you felt a finger join Jim’s cock in your ass. “Lucifer, please, it’s tight enough,” Jim groaned as he continued fucking you at a leisurely pace. He was no longer being slow for your comfort, but he also wasn’t pounding you yet. 
“Get used to it, captain. Doctor Palmer would love to join you,” Lucifer mused. You whined, not sure if you dreaded having two cock in your ass or if you needed it on a spiritual level. Dick put his hand over your mouth, before telling you to swallow. It was hard with the way your body rocked and how aware you were of the cocks that just shot their load in your mouth but were still rock hard. 
Once your mouth was empty, Dick bent down and kissed you. You moaned into his mouth as Jim's cock and Lucifer's fingers were stretching out your ass. When Dick pulled away, you protested, but then a hand rested on your throat. "Just say stop if you want me to," Dick whispered in that soft, husky tone that made your cock weep. His fingers found their place and he pressed down, limiting the blood your brain was getting. 
Things got a little blurry from there. You tumbled into subspace, everything hazy and pleasurable and amazing. As if you were under a spell, your body relaxed and before you knew it, you were on your back, lying on top of Jim, while Ray's cute face hovered above you, both their cock stretching your ass open. Dick was beside you, hand on your throat and stroking Skurge with his free hand. Hands were all over you, one of them belonging to the devil scooping your cum off your stomach and massaging it into the flushed skin of your cock. 
Ray did not last long. Your hole was too tight for two cocks and when Lucifer used your cum to stick a finger inside him, it was over for the boy-scout. Through the haze of pleasure, you heard him shout. You mewled as Chris was being especially rough with your nipples, pulling and pinching. After Ray pulled out - spent - Lucifer joined Jim inside you. 
You gasped at the stretch, not knowing whose cock entered your mouth as soon as it was wide open. It didn’t matter. Your ass was stretched to the limit. Your throat was full of cock as well and you still felt the gentle pressure right below your jaw. You didn’t stand a chance against another orgasm coming over you like a wave crashing on the shore. To make matters worse, a pair of lips wrapped themselves around the tip of your cock, sucking the cum out of you and not letting go until you were crying from overstimulation. 
The cock in your throat spilled more cum inside you, before pulling out. You then saw it was Peter all along. You wouldn’t have guessed by how innocent he looked right after violating your oesophagus. You could not dwell on that thought. Dick came into your line of vision and his hand moved from your throat to your cheeks, forcing your mouth open. He spit your cum onto your tongue, then commanded you to swallow it. 
You were no longer capable of thought, swallowing any cum that landed in your mouth, even Jim’s, who bred your hole and right after put you in Lucifer’s lap so he could fuck your throat, giving you a good taste of your own ass and the mixture of cum that was in there right now. You lost track of who was releasing their load when and how often in which hole; it didn’t matter. 
By the time the men were spent, your cock was limp and incapable of getting hard again for a long time. The haze of pleasure slowly cleared from your brain as Skurge forcibly removed Chris from the premises and back into his own universe. You scrunched your face, then looked up at who was holding you like a baby. Bright blue eyes and a gentle smile looked down at you. You smiled back and leaned your head against Jim’s shoulder. “How do you feel?” Jim almost whispered. You looked around, noticing how almost everyone looked like they ran a marathon naked. Dick gave you a dopey smile from where he sat on the floor sipping on a bottle of water. Ray was the only one wearing underwear, which you noticed when he came up to you to offer you a bottle as well. You thanked him and took it. You moved off Jim and sat up, so you would not spill it everywhere. 
When the exhaustion settled, Lucifer approached you in full suit with an outstretched hand. “Shall we?” He offered with his signature smile. You handed Jim the bottle and gave a nod. You stood up, feeling cum dripping down your legs, but also the energy you have been given coursing through your chakras. 
“Let’s end this,” you spoke with determination, before you took the devil’s hand. A portal opened in front of you. A skimpy outfit that barely covered you up and definitely did not hide the cum stains drying on your body materialised on you. One last deep breath and Lucifer led you through the portal to your destiny. Let’s see what the sexual energy of the sorcerer supreme, the devil and six men could do.
IF YOU ENJOY MY WORK AND WANT TO TRICK ME INTO WRITING MORE, REBLOG. THAT IS HOW YOU KEEP BLOGS LIKE MINE ALIVE. (and you get a mental kiss on the mouth if you leave a comment too, even if it is just WDNIEFBEILFWEIDJ)
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ultra-violet-heart · 12 days ago
7th Time Loop Volume 4 Side Story: The Tale of the Imperial Guard Knight and Oliver, the Attendant
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This is a bonus side story written by Touko Amekawa set around 7th Time Loop Volume 4! It's about Oliver, Arnold's most trusted attendant/secretary, and Kamil, one of the knights from Arnold's Imperial Guard.
Disclaimer: This translation is made by me for fandom purposes only. This unofficial translation is not affiliated with the official 7th Time Loop franchise. All rights reserved for 7th Time Loop to its respective committees, committee members, staff, author and rights holders. PLEASE DO NOT REPOST THIS TRANSLATION ANYWHERE.
The actual side story can be found in this link at Shousetsuka ni Narou's web novel link for 7th Time Loop!
I'm posting my Ko-Fi here as currently, I've been having financial troubles, so if anyone can donate, I would be much grateful for the help, thank you very much.
For Kamil, a knight from Galkhein’s Imperial Guards, the day had been nothing but a terrible one.
Because he made a big mistake during the day, he got reprimanded by his lord, Arnold.
His childhood friend, Elsie, witnessed him getting pathetically depressed. He pretended it was nothing and tried to help with her work, but he ended up dropping her laundry to the ground instead.
The worst part of the day was that when he was out in town to buy Elsie an apology gift, he saw something totally outrageous.
(Why did I see that at the worst time ever…)
While Kamil was taking a shortcut in the back alley, he saw a man and a woman kissing.
Just as he thought he just passed through the most awkward place ever, the other man, a silver-haired man, calmly called Kamil out.
“Ah, Kamil.”
“Mister Oliver?”
As it turned out, Kamil knew the man who was with the woman.
What was worse, however, Kamil absolutely didn’t know the blonde-haired woman the other man was kissing at all.
Turning a flirtatious gaze towards Kamil, the woman then asked Oliver, “Oliver, do you know this boy, perhaps?”
“Yeah. We know each other due to work.”
The woman stepped away from Oliver and gave Kamil a pleasant smile.
Seeing Kamil flinch, she chuckled. Then, the woman waved at Oliver.
“Well then, I‘ll be off now. See you, Oliver.”
“The streets at night are dangerous. Let me walk you home.”
“No need. If I’m seen walking with you, who knows who might stab me at some point.”
“Haha. That’s harsh.”
Oliver shrugged, seemingly not thinking about what the woman just said.
Kamil could smell the gentle scent of perfume the moment the woman passed him. She waved and said "Bye-bye!" to Kamil, who couldn't help but straighten his back and bow in reply.
After that, he asked Oliver, flustered.
"M-Mister Oliver! That lady, she's different from the other woman I saw on the streets with you the other day!?"
"The other day......"
Oliver tilted his head, having this truly confused look.
"Hm, who was it again?"
"That beautiful lady with long chestnut hair, and she was wearing that scarlet dress!"
“Ah, her!”
It seemed like he now remembered, but did remembering that usually take that long?
Speaking of Oliver, he did his job as Arnold's attendant perfectly, and was very friendly with the knights even though they were part of the Imperial Guards.
Kamil thought that the woman Oliver was with the other day was the latter’s lover. However, if that was the case, then who was the woman who was here earlier?
(C-come to think of it, my senior knights said, "Despite Mister Oliver looking like that, he's the enemy of women..." I thought they meant he was just too popular, but is this what they truly mean!?)
"Sorry if it seems like I’m playing dumb with my answer. Recently, I’ve been going out with a lot of friends, I couldn't immediately remember the woman you're talking about."
(...So that's how it is...)
The situation was rather unthinkable for Kamil, who was totally unfamiliar with women and had only gone out with them only a few times. If there was even the slightest chance Elsie would go out with him, he would never ever forget such a chance.
Thinking that far, Kamil’s expression went downcast as he remembered the mistakes he made today.
“That’s a long face you got there. Ah… that reminds me.”
Oliver looked as if he realized something, then he broke into this refreshing-looking smile.
“Kamil, do you have some free time after this?”
“Um, me? I have timed out of work today.”
“Excellent. If it’s alright with you, would you join me for a drink?”
He was surprised at the unexpected invitation, but Kamil saw no reason to refuse.
While he was still bewildered, he was led down the back alley to a tavern, and ended up having a one-on-one drink with Oliver.
The tavern was very popular, having a lot of the common folk crammed in there, chatting loudly and making merry inside.
Kamil, who sat at the corner of a table, took a sip from his beer tankard and glanced at Oliver, who seemed quite at ease with the atmosphere there.
“This is surprising. Someone like you, Mister Oliver, drinking at a tavern like this.”
“Really? I myself* was once a knight cadet in the past, though. After training, my seniors often dragged me here.”
“‘I myself’*? So you can address yourself like that.”
“Yeah, I do. Except when I’m at work.”
As Oliver said that with a pleasant smile, Kamil got bedazzled by the former’s beautiful looks.
Even from a man’s perspective, Kamil thought Oliver’s looks were very well-groomed. But he couldn’t help but be convinced with this.
After all, Oliver didn’t look inferior even when standing next to Arnold.
He always had a smile on his face and always performed his tasks with ease, and these made him very popular with women.
If a woman knew a knight served as a part of Arnold’s Imperial Guard, she would normally ask, “Please give me information about Prince Arnold!” around ten times, or “I’d like to hear about the prince’s attendant, Oliver!” around three times.
Meanwhile, a woman from the tavern approached Oliver and smiled sweetly at him.
Oliver returned it with a gentle smile of his own, as if something was established between them two. However, Oliver then immediately turned to Kamil.
“Let’s get to the point at hand. Kamil, don’t worry too much about what happened today.”
“Today… Do you mean that beautiful woman earlier…”
“Not that. You got depressed after Prince Arnold reprimanded you earlier, weren’t you?”
Kamil’s eyes widened hearing those words.
“That was…”
“No need to hide it. It was clear after that moment, you looked as if you lost your energy.”
Kamil felt embarrassed, thinking he had been seen through that much.
A few days back, the second prince, Theodore, told him. “Kamil, you know, your face easily shows what you actually feel. Everyone except you, and probably Sister-in-law, knows you love Elsie.”
“Even so, I don’t want you to be too depressed. Prince Arnold only points out things to people who have potential.”
“......Is– is that true?”
“Yeah. Besides, if you weren’t among the ones that person recognized, you wouldn’t be appointed as a knight of his Imperial Guard in the first place.”
Perhaps Oliver invited Kamil out to give him some encouragement.
“No matter how much time has passed, I’m very inexperienced and I’m still of no use to Prince Arnold…”
“That’s not true. He only ordered people he trusts to guard Lady Rishe. He tasked you with this as he judged you, Kamil, and the other knights capable of protecting his precious fiancée.”
If someone else told Kamil that now, he would have easily burst into tears.
Oliver wore a wry smile as he swirled his wine glass.
“However, anyone would get hurt being reprimanded cruelly like that. I ought to give advice to Prince Arnold about that…”
“Please, no!!”
Realizing his situation was misunderstood, Kamil hurriedly shook his head.
“That’s not it! I wasn’t depressed as I was scolded by Prince Arnold.”
“Ah, is that so?”
“Yes. This is all my problem…”
Kamil wrapped both his hands around his tankard and gripped it tightly, continuing.
“Today’s training session required a high level of alertness. However, I let my guard down a little too early just before training ended.”
Arnold didn’t overlook that moment.
“His Highness reprimanded me, saying, ‘With that frame of mind, you will get injured even if this is just training.’ After being told, ‘If this was a battlefield, you would have died,’ I fully realized how naive I was. I guess I got a little conceited as it was just training.”
“Training injuries, huh.”
“While Prince Arnold’s training is very strict, he always takes very special care regarding injuries during training.”
Oliver then gave a wry smile. He couldn’t figure out the reason, but Kamil lowered his gaze away. 
“I got depressed by my own lack of ability…… and I felt ashamed as I dragged my low spirits around and caused trouble for my childhood friend.”
“Well, I guess that won’t be a problem.”
“What do you mean?”
Oliver took a sip from his wine and continued.
“People who contemplate on the details why they were scolded instead of feeling down about being scolded themselves will definitely grow more.――If he sees that kind of change, I’m sure Prince Arnold will be satisfied with it.”
“Mister Oliver……”
A warm feeling rose inside his chest.
As if rubbing salt to Kamil’s wounds, however, Oliver smiled broadly.
“Besides, your childhood friend is Elsie, isn’t it? I’m sure she will forgive you for the trouble you caused her.”
Hearing that, he once again remembered what happened with Elsie earlier.
Seeing that Kamil dropped the sheets entirely on the ground after he said, “I’ll take the laundry”, Elsie looked at him with a worried expression.
“Kamil, are you all right? If you’re unwell, you should eat a lot and then sleep a lot…… Meat, fish, beans.”
“Elsie is…”
Slumping on the table, he then talked like a drunk person even if he wasn’t drunk.
“Elsie is… Elsie is an angel…”
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(Kamil and Elsie from 7th Time Loop Episode 6)
“Hahaha. How enviable.”
For the next hour or so, Kamil continued to talk to Oliver, eventually downing three tankards of beer.
Finally, when they had to pay the bill, Oliver said, “I’ll pay for these.”
Kamil tried to turn that down with all his might, insisting on treating Oliver for the drinks after the latter listened to his concerns, but was told, “You don’t have to pay me. Instead, if any other knights of the Imperial Guard have trouble, I want you to lend them your ear and buy them a drink,” by the person himself. Truly, Kamil was very grateful.
“Besides…… you’re really amazing, Mister Oliver.”
“Hm? What do you mean?”
“You’re great at your job, and you’re very considerate of a low-ranking knight of the Imperial Guard like me.”
“Hahaha. Thank you.”
What a kind person. He might be a little frivolous with women, but other than that, he was like a saint.
Kamil sincerely believed these thoughts, and insisted on it as he was about to leave the bar.
“Moreover…… you don’t hesitate to give a piece of your mind to Prince Arnold.”
“Ahー……” Oliver said, his face a little red from the wine, as he put his wallet in his coat.
“That isn’t something that’s difficult to talk about.”
“Huh? Really? But it’s with Prince Arnold, you know?”
“Yeah. It’s really not a big deal.”
Then Oliver, with his usual refreshing-looking smile, declared his words very clearly.
“Besides, I myself* don’t mind being killed by Prince Arnold.”
Even though it wasn’t winter, the air then felt really cold.
But Oliver himself didn’t seem to care about it at all.
“Well, then, you should return to the barracks. I have a date after this, so I’ll say goodbye now.”
He then waved goodbye, then saw off Oliver who started to walk away.
(After all, someone chosen by Prince Arnold as his most trusted retainer wouldn’t be an ordinary person himself……)
With this truth in mind, Kamil himself vowed to do his utmost best. And several days later, while Arnold commended Kamil’s swordsmanship, Oliver, who was just behind there, gave a small round of applause.
*Translator's Notes: 1. *Oliver addresses himself after work as 俺 (ore), which is a less-formal and more masculine way of saying ‘I/me’ in Japanese. While working, however, he usually addresses himself as 私 (watashi), which is formal but also a feminine way of saying ‘I/me’. 2. Touko Amekawa did say this in the LN
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3. She also stated in this tweet, however
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(Translation) Q: How many women is Oliver playing around with? Has he decided on the next woman right now?
A: Right now there's four to five women, but usually they'll be changing in around half a year! Oliver himself says he's not really that terrible for Arnold to look at him like he's trash, as all his partners are women who prefer to have casual relationships.
Basically Arnold's secretary is a well-known manhoe (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶) 4. Kamil, who you might have seen in the anime, was actually chosen by Arnold to be one of Rishe's knights as he was known to be in love with Elsie! Rishe has six guards assigned to her from Arnold's Imperial Guard cohort, and the other five are married men who are very much in love with their wives. It makes one wonder why Arnold made that choice. I got the information from this Touko Amekawa tweet btw
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(Translation) All except one of Rishe's six escort knights fall under the "married men who are deeply in love with their wives" category. That one exception of a knight has been deeply in love with his childhood friend for years. In short, the standard for selecting Rishe's escort knights is "men who wouldn't consider Rishe as a romantic interest", however, Rishe actually doesn't know this.
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ladylamrian · 1 month ago
A Dream Come True
Female Main Character: Clara Sinclaire (married)
Pairing: Clara Sinclaire × Ernest Sinclaire 💍
Summary: Clara has good news for her husband
Word Count: 1.9K words
Rating: General (Fluff)
-> My complete Desire & Decorum Masterlist <-
Comments via Reblog wholeheartedly welcome
Author's note: A Secret Pal Valentine's Day Gift for @bri1234
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As the midday sun stretched over Edgewater Estate. Clara Sinclaire, her chestnut hair floated in loose waves as she sat in the garden to admire the pleasant weather. A gentle breeze through the green foliage in the air carried the faint scent of blossoming spring flowers.
"Ernest, good morning. How did you sleep?", she greeted her husband as he approached.
The young man leaned against a tall oak, his gaze fixed on his wife. He let out a soft chuckle, an amused smile playing at the corners of his lips.
"Good morning, darling. My sleep? Let's just say it was less like a peaceful slumber and more like a battlefield of tossing and turning."
"Ah, the sleeplessness. Blame it on an overactive mind, my love. Thoughts of the estate, the staff... and, of course, a certain young woman with emerald eyes who has a knack for consuming my every waking moment."
"Very funny, but I'm serious. Do not worry, and please do not stress about any matters. Breathe and enjoy this delicate weather."
Ernest reached out to gently tuck a strand of stray hair behind her ear, his touch tender but filled with a hint of desire.
"My darling, you always know just what to say to ease my troubled heart. But it seems I'm not the only one with a burdened mind, hm?"
His gaze held a hint of concern as he studied her expression. He knew her well enough to detect the subtle signs of a troubled mind. He carefully moves closer, his knee touching yours.
"Tell me, my love. What darkens those bright eyes of yours?"
"It's nothing bad. I just couldn't decide how to tell it to you."
Ernest Sinclaire raised an eyebrow, intrigued. His fingers laced with hers with his grip firm but gentle.
"Hmmm, now you have piqued my curiosity. It's not often that you struggle to find the right words. Please, my dearest, share what's on your mind."
"Well... I ... It's actually good news."
Ernest's lips curled into a smile, his curiosity rose even further.
"Good news, you say? Well, now you have me all curious. Don't keep me in suspense, darling."
"But it's fun.", she joked and giggled.
"Darling, you're a tantalizing mix of mischief and sweetness. I must confess, my patience is wearing thin.", he huffed a chuckle.
Clara's husband gently lifted her hand to his lips, pressing a soft kiss on your knuckles before he continued.
"Please, my love, put me out of my misery. What is this good news that you're so enjoying and withholding from me?"
"I'm Clara Sinclaire, your wife. First, catch me, and then I'll tell.", she proudly announced before rushing away.
Ernest watched Clara retreat, his face a mix of amusement and disbelief. He let out a soft chuckle, shaking his head slowly.
"You're impossible, my love. Utterly impossible."
Mister Sinclaire feigned a sigh, and a glimmer of playfulness sparked in his blue eyes. He rose from his spot, and began to follow her.
"You got me curious, darling. I'll give you that. But don't think you can escape me so easily."
"Oh really?"
"You may be quite the tease, my love, but I've got a few tricks up my own sleeve."
With a playful grin, he quickened his pace, closing the gap between her. He rushed after her and reached out, aiming to wrap his arms around her waist as he caught up. His breath was warm against her neck as he leaned in, his voice a low whisper.
"Now, darling, spill the beans. What is this good news you've been keeping from me?"
"Why don't you make a guess, my darling husband?"
Ernest's grip tightened slightly as he pulled his naughty wife closer. His broad chest pressed against her back. A deep sigh as his tone filled with a mixture of exasperation and affection.
"Oh, my cheeky wife. You know precisely how to drive a man to his limits. But I'm not one to back down easily, my love. I'm going to coax that good news out of you one way or another."
"Fine, I'll tell. Here is a hint: Little Ernest."
"Little Ernest? What in heavens does that supposed mean?"
"Or Little Clara. I don't know yet."
A mixture of confusion and intrigue swept across Ernest's face. His hand now instinctively rested on her stomach, his touch tender and curious.
"Wait... do you mean to imply that... You're expecting?"
The words hung in the air, heavy with possibility and excitement, as he gazed at her with a mix of disbelief and hope.
"Yes, we'll be parents."
Ernest's eyes widened, and a wave of emotions washed over his face. The stoic expression he held began to crack inside of him, replacing by a mixture of shock and joy.
"Oh... My love. This is... This is incredible news."
The gentleman happily encircled his wife in a tight embrace with slightly trembling arms. His words came out as a soft, shaky whisper against her ear.
"You're going to be a mother and I'm going to be a father. We're finally going to be parents."
"Yes, my love. Like we both always wanted after marriage. Time flies by real quick. From a young girl, I've grown into a real woman so fast."
Ernest was lost for words, his usually composed demeanor shattered in the face of this unexpected news. His arms held his love tightly as if trying to anchor himself in this moment of pure joy and wonder.
"I... I don't know what to say. I'm... overwhelmed. This is... It's a miracle. We're going to have a baby. Our baby."
"Yes, Ernest. We both will be parents."
"I cannot believe it. It's like a Dream come true. But... How? When? Are you sure? We need to prepare. I must see to it that everything is in order. Oh my, what kind of father will I be?"
"I just found out, so calm down. We still have time."
Ernest sucked in a deep breath, trying to steady himself. Taking a moment to compose himself as his eyes were fixed on hers, filled with a mixture of awe and adoration.
"You're right. I need to calm down. I'm just... I'm still grasping the reality of it all. It's hard to believe we're going to be parents. But... I couldn't be more happy."
"Oh, Ernest."
"My Clara darling.", he whispered before leaning in, pressing a tender kiss on her forehead.
"We'll take it one step at a time. But know this, my love... I'll be there with you every step of the way. We'll do this together, and we'll make sure our baby has the best life possible."
"I agree. Thanks, Ernest. I couldn't be any happier."
The soon-to-be father cupped Clara's face in his hands as his blue eyes gleamed with love and certainty.
"I mean it. We're in this together, my love. And there's no one I'd rather be on this incredible journey with than you. We're going to be parents, and nothing could make me happier."
The lucky man gently guided Clara to a nearby bench and pulled her into his lap. His arms encircled her securely as he nuzzled his face into her brown hair, his heart pounded with a mixture of excitement and responsibility.
"Oh Ernest, I can't believe we're going to be parents. It feels like a dream. You'll be a great father, I know it."
He let out a soft chuckle, his voice slightly shaky with emotion. He held his beloved close, his chin carefully resting on top of her head as he took a deep, shaky breath, feeling the weight of responsibility and newfound love settling onto his shoulders.
"I'm not sure where to start, my love. But I promise you, I'll be there for you throughout this entire process. I'll support you in every way possible. This is all so new, my love, but I'm willing to learn and do whatever it takes to make sure our little one has the best life possible."
"I know you will. It's new for both of us, but we have each other. We're the best team."
Suddenly Ernest paused, a soft smile creeping onto his face as he imagined the future.
"I wonder what they'll be like, you know, our child. Will they look like you or me?"
"I hope like you, my dashing husband.", she giggled, but truly meant it.
"Oh, you flatter me, love. But you know you're no less stunning. Our child will be lucky to have your beauty and my dashing appearance.", he chuckled before growing serious.
"Everything alright, Ernest?"
"You know, my darling, as much as I love you and am excited about this news, I do have one request."
"Yes, what is it?"
With a steady gaze, his hand found hers again to hold her tightly, he took a deep breath again before he spoke again.
"I want you to promise me that you'll take care of yourself, my love. You need to eat well, drink more water, get plenty of rest, and avoid any unnecessary stress."
"No, listen first. I know you, my darling. You tend to take on too much and push yourself too hard. But now, we have to think about our little ones, too. Can you promise me you'll be careful?"
"Sure, but does that also mean no more wild rides on my horse, Belle?"
The man gave her a weary yet amused smile, his expression a mix of concern and resignation.
"Oh, you're impossible, my love. But yes, as much as it pains me to admit, wild rides on Belle need to be put on pause for now. And no more climbing trees, exploring abandoned buildings, or any other wild and dangerous activities you seem to favor."
"Wow, you know me so well."
Ernest chuckled softly at her reply. His hand gently caressed his wife's cheek.
"Of course, I do, my darling. I've had plenty of time to study you like the back of my hand. But sometimes I do wonder if you're part daredevil or just enjoy making my heart race with fright."
"Do not worry. When I have you nothing will happen. I'll be careful.", she giggled.
"Thank you, my love. It means a lot to me that you understand. And just remember, I'll always be here to keep you and our little one safe, no matter what."
Weeks have passed already after the news revealed of Clara's pregnancy. After one long night filled with thoughts and dreams, Ernest Sinclaire found himself pacing his study. He went over the list of new responsibilities, what needed to be done and how to prepare to welcome the new member of the household.
"There's so much to do. We need to prepare a nursery, find a nanny, and make sure we have enough diapers."
The man let out an exasperated sigh, then his gaze landed on the empty crib in the corner of the room.
"Ernest, isn't it a bit too early? I just found out yesterday.", his pregnant wife, Clara answered as she overheard his words, which made her enter the room.
"Too early? I suppose you're right, my love. I'm just too excited, and maybe a bit overwhelmed. But you're right, we have time to prepare. Still, we should start thinking about these things."
"As you say, just don't stress."
"I know. You're right, my love. I need to remain calm and collected. It's just... This is all so new and unexpected. I want to make sure everything is perfect for you and our little one."
"I know. And I'm grateful for that. Grateful for marrying you, becoming your wife, and soon the mother of your child. It's like a Dream come true."
"Agreed, sweet Clara. And I cannot wait what the future holds for both of us."
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battyaboutbooksreviews · 3 months ago
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🎀 Holiday Books Released in 2024
❓ Are you reading any holiday/seasonal books this December?
🎁 A Corpse in Christmas Close - Michelle Salter 🎁 Christmas Sweater Weather - Jaqueline Snowe 🎁 A Very Irish Christmas - Debbie Johnson 🎁 Christmas Crimes at the Mysterious Bookshop - Otto Penzler 🎁 Take Me Home for Christmas - Miranda Liasson 🎁 Tis the Season for Secrets - Kate Callaghan 🎁 Unromance - Erin Connor 🎁 A Jingle Bell Mingle - Julie Murphy 🎁 A Home for the Holidays - Taylor Hahn
❄ The Wood at Midwinter - Susanna Clarke ❄ Brightly Shining - Ingvild H. Rishøi ❄ A Winter Wish - Emily Stone ❄ Blue Christmas Bones - Carolyn Haines ❄ Love You a Latke - Amanda Elliot ❄ Christmas at Glitter Peak Lodge - Kjersti Herland Johnsen ❄ The Most Wonderful Time - Jayne Allen ❄ All the Jingle Ladies - Beth Garrod ❄ Death at a Scottish Christmas - Lucy Connelly
🎄 Make the Season Bright - Ashley Herring Blake 🎄 The Merriest Misters - Timothy Janovsky 🎄 The Merry Matchmaker - Sheila Roberts 🎄 The Wedding Witch - Erin Sterling 🎄 Most Wonderful - Georgia Clark 🎄 Rockin' Around the Chickadee - Donna Andrews 🎄 The Mistletoe Mystery - Nita Prose 🎄 One Big Happy Family - Susan Mallery 🎄 The Christmas Catch - Toni Shiloh
💜 Eight Nights to Win Her Heart - Miri White 💜 Christmas in Aspen - Anita Hughes 💜 The Holiday Honeymoon Switch - Julia McKay 💜 Christmas Ever After - Jaimie Admans 💜 Mistletoe Magic in the Highlands - Bella Osborne 💜 Snow is Falling - Sarah Bennett 💜 I'll Be Gone for Christmas -Georgia K. Boone 💜 Make My Wish Come True - Rachael Lippincott 💜 Flopping in a Winter Wonderland - Jason June
❄ Some Like It Cold - Elle McNicoll ❄ Snowed In - Catherine Walsh ❄ The Christmas Cookie Wars - Eliza Evans ❄ You Better Watch Out - James S. Murray ❄ Spectacular - Stephanie Garber ❄ A Merry Little Murder Plot - Jenn McKinlay ❄ Madrigals and Mayhem - Elizabeth Penney ❄ Holiday Wedding - Melissa Dymond ❄ Puppy Love at Mistletoe Junction - Shannon Richard
🎄 The Christmas Crush - Noelle Douglas 🎄 A Novel Christmas - Charity Shane 🎄 Christmas in Chestnut Ridge - Nancy Naigle 🎄 Kiss Me at Christmas - Jenny Bayliss 🎄 Everyone This Christmas Has a Secret - Benjamin Stevenson 🎄 I'll Get Back to You - Becca Grischow 🎄 The Knife Before Christmas - Kate Carlisle 🎄 The Nightmare Before Kissmas - Sara Raasch 🎄 Christmas with the Queen - Hazel Gaynor
❄ The Christmas Countdown - Holly Cassidy ❄ Christmas in Spite of You - K.C. Mills ❄ Christmas at Spruce Hill Farm - Kathryn Springer ❄ Christmas Is All Around - Martha Waters ❄ The Christmas Inn - Pamela M. Kelley ❄ All I Want Is You - Falon Ballard ❄ The Most Wonderful Crime of the Year - Ally Carter ❄ A Christmas Duet - Debbie Macomber ❄ The Christmas Tree Farm - Laurie Gilmore
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jokeringcutio · 1 year ago
Hello <3 I've been following you for many years and I'm a big fan <33 I'm from Spain, sorry if my English is a little wrong :( On Halloween eve I come to ask you (if it's still open 😨) for a one shot of the grabber x reader, where reader goes trick or treating around the houses :)Thank you very much, I understand if you accept it or you don't have time, I wish you a very nice day <3
Hello, dear anon from Spain. (: Thank you for the request! Here's a little drabble for you, enjoy! ♡
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Fandom: The Black Phone 2022 Pairing: Albert Shaw (The Grabber) x Reader (Au Pair from abroad) Rating: Teen Warnings: Au Pair Reader is from Abroad, Mention of Age Gap, Dark Undertones. Overall quite sweet.
Summary: You are an Au Pair stopping at the Grabber’s House. Romantic (with perhaps the tiniest hint of darkness underneath).
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Trick or Treat – Sweet Grabber x Reader version, Drabble
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The chilly autumn air nipped at your cheeks as you walked down the dimly lit street, the excited laughter of Johnny and Louisa ringing in your ears. You were their au pair, a stranger in this foreign land, but tonight, you felt like a part of something magical. Halloween.
"Trick or treat!" the children chorused as you approached a house adorned with cobwebs and flickering jack-o-lanterns. Standing on the porch was a man wearing a pale devil's mask, his eerie grin somehow welcoming.
"Ah, excellent costumes!" Albert Shaw admired, his voice low and rich like dark chocolate. "A heroic knight and a beautiful fairy princess – truly splendid!"
"Thank you!" Louisa beamed, her small wings fluttering with excitement.
"Here you go," he said, dropping handfuls of candy into their waiting bags. The sugary treats clinked together, their sweet promise almost tangible.
"Thank you, mister!" Johnny grinned, his eyes shining with delight beneath his toy helmet.
You stood back, watching the exchange with a mixture of curiosity and wonder. Halloween was a night of secrets and mystery, and the man in the devil's mask seemed to embody that spirit. There was an undeniable allure about him, despite the sinister disguise he wore.
His eyes, hidden behind the mask, shifted to you as he held out a handful of candy. "And for our lovely au pair..." His voice was like velvet, wrapping around you and pulling you in. You felt your cheeks flush, intrigued by the mystery this man exuded.
"Thank you," you murmured, accepting the candy and feeling a shiver run down your spine at his gaze – intense and penetrating despite the disguise. The shadows cast by the jack-o-lanterns danced on his face, casting him in an otherworldly light that only heightened the allure.
"Allow me," he said, reaching up to remove the devil's mask. As it came away, you found yourself staring into a pair of piercing blue eyes set in a rugged, handsome face. A hint of silver threaded through his chestnut-brown hair, which he casually raked back with one hand. He appeared older, perhaps too old for you, but somehow, that only added to his charm.
"Albert Shaw," he introduced himself, extending a hand to you. "Pleasure to meet you."
"Likewise," you replied softly, placing your hand in his. The warmth of his grip sent another shiver down your spine, making you wonder what it would be like to have those hands elsewhere on your body.
“How did you know I am their au pair and not their mother?” you asked, curiously. As you spoke, the air around you seemed charged, electric. The night took on a dangerous edge, something haunting lurking just beneath the surface. You couldn't help but feel drawn to him, the darkness and the unknown beckoning you closer.
“You’re too young to be their mother,” Albert pointed out to you. “Plus, you are the most exotic Flamenco dancer I have seen tonight. The dress fits you like a glove.”
Something in his eyes glittered, and you felt your cheeks flush at the compliment he gave you. “They picked it out for me,” you said, gesturing at Johnny and Louisa. What else could you say? You felt a little embarrassed, really. Especially with the way Albert’s eyes seemed to rove over your frame as if he was looking at more than just the costume. Then his eyes suddenly darted up again and the faintest hint of a smile appeared in the corner of his lips.
"Beautiful night, isn't it?" Albert remarked, his voice low and seductive.
"Y-yes," you stammered, trying to maintain your composure as your mind raced with thoughts of desire and intrigue. "It's... enchanting."
"Indeed," he agreed, his eyes never leaving yours. "Halloween has a way of bringing out the hidden desires within all of us. The masks we wear, the secrets we keep… It's a night when anything seems possible."
"Even the forbidden?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper. But despite the loud noises of the kids roaming the streets, he seemed to have heard you.
"Especially the forbidden," he confirmed, his gaze darkening with lust. "There's something thrilling about exploring the unknown, don't you think?"
You nodded, unable to tear your eyes away from him. The air between you crackled with intensity, and for a moment, you were lost in the spell he had woven around you. Halloween had become more than just a night of costumes and candy. It was a gateway into a world of dark romance and dangerous temptations, embodied by the enigmatic man before you.
And oh! How you longed to explore whatever darkness that man had to offer you.
A loud bark broke you out of your trance. A dog came bounding up behind the man and you heard the kids gasp. Johnny, especially, loved dogs.
“Ah, this is Samson,” Albert said as he sunk to his knees to pet the rather large dog that had appeared beside him. You felt Lousia hide behind your legs. She wasn’t as fond of dogs as her brother was. But Albert was running his hands over Samson’s neck, scratching the dog who seemed to enjoy the attention.
“Don’t worry,” Albert soothingly said, his attention fully on Louisa now. “He won’t bite.”
As if that was a cue, Johnny took a step forward and raised his hand, wanting to pet the dog. You tusked him, but Albert interfered.
“It’s fine,” he said, blue eyes on you. “Samson is a sweetheart,” and your heart nearly skipped a beat when you saw his warm gaze upon you and heard the low timbre of his voice. Sweetheart. Had he said it like that on purpose? But before you could think too much about it, his eyes were back on Johnny and he helped the boy to the dog. “You may pet him,” he said. “He likes it.”
Albert helped Johnny run his hand past Samson and you watched how the dog seemed to relax. Behind you Lousia tucked at your skirt, still scared.
"Let's go get more candy!" she said, pulling you along with her. You had to try and keep your balance and avoid tripping over your skirt, but Louisa was quite determined. And upon hearing and seeing his sister drag you away, Johnny seemed to forget Samson and came rushing towards you. He grabbed your sleeve and started to pull along.
“More candy, yay!” he shouted. And you looked over your shoulder at Albert with a look of defeat. How you longed to have talked to him a little longer.
As if he thought the same, he stood up and straightened his spine, reaching up as far as he could to call after you. "Wait," his voice soft yet commanding. "Come back after the children are in bed."
Come back? Your eyes widened at the dishonorable suggestion. You and the much older man, alone, in a house, late in the evening? Louisa and Johnny’s mom and dad would kill you if they found out. But perhaps… perhaps you could trick them. Tell them you went for a drink with Sophia, the other au pair you had recently met, and got along with fine. They would buy that excuse.
"All right," you agreed, feeling a shiver of anticipation race down your spine. You couldn't shake the sense that something extraordinary was waiting for you behind those doors.
Later that evening, still wearing your costume and tired with sore feet, you approached Albert's house once more. Your heart pounded in your chest as you rang the doorbell, an inexplicable blend of fear and desire coursing through you.
Albert opened the door without his mask, his blue eyes piercing through the darkness. "You came back," he said, his tone layered with intrigue and hunger.
"Of course," you replied, trying to sound braver than you felt. "I couldn't resist."
"I am glad you came," he said, a smile curling his lips in a pleasant, warm way that sent tingles down your tummy. He was older, perhaps too old for you, but that only seemed to make him more alluring. The lines on his face spoke of experience and wisdom, and you found yourself yearning to feel the touch of his hands.
“I seem to have lots of leftover candy this year,” he lamented. But there was a certain tune to his voice that betrayed it wasn’t as much a complaint as it was meant as a conversational starter. He leaned against the doorway, arms crossed in front of his chest. A teasing glint in his eyes betrayed how happy he was that you had returned for him. Seeing that brought another gust of warmth to your core.
"Your costume is quite… alluring," he remarked, his eyes roaming over your body with undisguised appreciation.
"Thank you," you replied, heat rising to your cheeks. "Yours was very mysterious."
"Ah, yes," he said, smirking. "The devil himself."
"Maybe you're not so different from him," you teased, feeling bolder by the moment.
"Perhaps not," he agreed, his eyes darkening with desire. "But I can assure you, I'm far more interesting."
The intensity of his gaze sent shivers down your spine, and you found yourself wanting nothing more than to be enveloped in his embrace. To feel the strength of his arms around you, the heat of his body pressed against yours.
"Can I offer you something to drink?" he asked, gesturing at the space behind him, effectively inviting you into his house.
Is this smart? a tiny voice inside of your mind screamed at you. But you were too excited and too intrigued to listen to that voice of reason. You knew you wanted to head inside, and not just because of the cold that started to envelop you while you stood on his porch.
“You can help me get rid of some of that leftover candy,” he suggestively added, his voice low and seductive. His blue eyes were fixed upon you, his intentions clear.
"Yes, I'd love some," you replied, knowing full well the candy was just an excuse to stay near him. You wanted to know more about this man, felt like he was a magnet pulling you in.
Albert smiled broader upon your answer and unfolded his arms. "Come with me," he said.
As he reached out and placed his hand on your shoulder, a shiver of anticipation raced down your spine. Finally, you were experiencing the touch you had longed for all evening. The sensation was electrifying, sending waves of heat coursing through your veins.
As you followed him, the door closed behind you, shutting out the world and leaving you alone in this mysterious man's domain.
~ Fin ~
If you enjoyed:
~~ Masterlist - Request Box  ♡ Support me on Ko-Fi ♡ In the days running up to Halloween, I will be posting Halloween-themed Reader-inserts. Some will be smutty, some will be dark, others will be sugary sweet. Follow me to read more. Love you all
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ethicaltreatmentofcowplants · 5 months ago
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Again this is my compromise between not tzr-ing everything. Last night were our final three contestants: one sizzling city slicker with a gorgeous ombre, one surprisingly dapper Chestnut Ridge gentleman (with some slick dance moves!) and one truly adorable child of the night. Come and meet them below.
🟪 Jayla Madison 🟪 Mister Maxwell 🟪 Sage Graves-Vatore
We also had the leaderboard and the household list for the first official round (you can find both here). Delphine, Pauline and Piper were the three who had the highest amount of points with Araminta, and as a reward they received a bonus skill building session.
Again, I had an immense amount of fun playing and meeting all your amazing pixels. Hopefully I will be ready to start posting for round one in a few days, and will give a head's up when I do!
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writing-whump · 1 year ago
What the pain says
Hector stalks Seline at the Christmas market and gets sick from her wards. This leads to some emotional talk.
"Could you, please, stop doing that?" Hector's voice was rough from the strain as he swallowed down heavily.
Seline scoffed at him, arms crossed over her chest. "They are called wards for a reason, mister. Why don't you just leave?"
He looked up at her in confusion from his place next to her at the bench. "I said please."
"So what? You think that just because of that, I can't say no?"
Hector frowned at her angrily, rubbing his chest as if that could help against lingering nausea.
Seline just wanted to have a nice walk around the Christmas Market in front of the City Hall. Vienna was famous for them and they were everywhere. In front of the campus, the parliament, every little tiny square or park. Stands, wine, thick hot chocolate, scented candles, jams, gingerbread, cooked chestnuts,...the smells and sights felt very holiday like, event though it was just the middle of November and the weather was still above 10 degrees.
One was right next to the main university building so no one could blame her for taking a walk there. It wasn't like she had to hurry home.
Not like she was avoiding going home either. Not at all.
She took her time enjoying the overpriced but cute and overall creative trinkets and foods offered at the stands. Watching people ice skating around the park from the bench with a couple of chestnuts, she thought about the Christmas traditions at home. The holidays would start in about 3 weeks and would last at least that long. She could just stay home in Slovakia with her parents and deal with whatever this thing was after New Year.
The wolves would stay in Vienna, probably studying for exams. Her exam period consisted of a bunch of seminar papers she could do in the free month of February and there was no ongoing research that would keep her here anyway.
Seline didn't realize someone was watching her until a loud cough interrupted her ruminating. Hector was holding to a tree, frowning and coughing, trying to get the sudden nausea under control. Caused by her protective wards. apprently.
"I don't understand," Hector said, sprawling on the bench beside her as if her presence didn't make it worse. "I'm not attacking you, so what's your problem?"
"You were watching me. Spying much?"
"You wouldn't have noticed. And I meant you no harm."
"I really don't care what you mean. It's unfriendly contact either way."
"Unfriendly? Is your magic able to read minds now? Because if you think so, you are wrong. I have no bad intentions in mine."
Seline turned to look at him, sure she could spot it if he lied. People had their tells. Lies were nothing pleasant for them.
But Hector met her gaze steadily, though he took short shallow breaths. What a moron, keeping up the contact when his wards were making him sick.
"Because they don't react to what I'm doing, but to what you are feeling," Hector continued.
She looked away, biting her lip. That was the thing with making someone afraid. The other person might not notice. It was just you responsible for your own reaction.
"And what exactly are you stalking me for? If you want to talk to your brother, I'm sure that can be arranged."
Hector sighed and turned his head away to muffle a small burp against this hand. He went to staring at the trees directly in front of him. "That's not so easy."
"It's easy enough. Isaiah even took you to his apartment, didn't he? And helped you with the hurt leg and everything. Why do you think he wouldn't talk to you?"
A long beat of silence followed. Seline kept still, waiting.
"What do you know about what happened between us?" Hector asked finally.
Seline shrugged, trying to look like this wasn't making her insanely curious. "Honestly, I didn't know you existed before your visit." This was an interesting opportunity to find out more. "What happened?"
Hector tensed beside her and nodded like he had expected that. He was sweating despite the cold, one hand braced on the armrest, swallowing. Even if she felt sorry for him, she couldn't stop the ward's effect when it was set in place. And she obviously couldn't stop her own fear.
"He never talks about his family," Seline said finally, not being able to watch in silence. She didn't think touching him would be a good idea, so she pushed away a bit, trying to give him space. "Everytime parents or holidays or any of that come up, he shuts up and smoothly fires the question back to you or changes the topic."
"So he is all over us, huh," Hector grumbled, bracing even more, face wrinkling in a grimace. One hand was on his stomach now as if he was riding out a cramp.
"I don't think that's how it works," she said softly, watching him helplessly. "People don't talk about things they didn't move on from yet. That are too painful to talk about. That's why...why I don't ask him about it. Bet there is something really bad in there."
Hector gave her a sharp look, opening his mouth to protest, before suddenly pitching forward. He spread his legs a little to let his head hang between his knees, spitting fitfully.
"This is not a good idea," she said, hands reaching for him, hovering hesitantly. "You should go. I'm sure the nausea..."
Hector burped, hands going white from how strongly he was fisting them in his pants. "No. I'm staying until you-urrrp-stop being afraid of me."
"That's not for you to decide! And it has nothing to do with you anyway."
Hector risked another look at her at the words. "A witch doesn't need protection from wolves. She has her pack."
She winced at that, hugging her scarf against her chest and neck.
Except when she is afraid of them herself.
He didn't have to say it. They both knew it.
They sat on the bench for a while, Hector trying to get his breathing under control while she fought the wave of feelings down, both of them staring through the trees.
"We used to be rivals," he said suddenly, making her jump. "Back at home. Close in age enough to fight for the spot of the successor, you know? But Isaiah got very secretive and weird in the last year or two. Didn't want me training with father, kept all the techniques secret for himself. And then he had some kind of argument with dad and just left from one day to the next. Went to a giant human city, studies at a human university, choosing the weirdest of subjects - like excuse me, but who studies something as useless as psychology? - no word, no explanation. Nothing. Me and Arnie were just too boring for him, I guess. Father never got over it. Always keeps to himself now on his hunting trips somewhere in the mountains, doesn't want to see anybody. Acts like a fucking monk or something."
Seline listened carefully as he talked, hands wrapped tightly around her. "So you came to ask him to explain?"
"Huh?! I don't need him to explain! Pche, such nonsense. It's easy. He betrayed everything father taught him, left the pack, left us and thinks he won, cause now I can't fight him for our dream when he doesn't want it anymore."
Yep, he is curious alright, she thought. You must love him very much to be so hurt over it.
She couldn't exactly explain what she didn't know anything about, but she thought her guess was correct. Something did happen, something Isaiah didn't want his brothers to know or maybe wasn't able to talk about.
There were other things she could offer, though. And after Hector went out of his way to be here... "He loves his studies. He will nerd out about his seminars to me in the evening with a glass of wine for hours. No stopping him. He likes to go to political lectures and debates. He has friends all over town and they call him to wolves who don't know they way. I think he would like to make it his profession - to give advice and counsel wolves. He is crazy orderly - the groceries have to be ordered according to function in the fridge: meat and ham, vegetables, yogurt and milk products. Matthew almost had a stroke when he saw it the first time." She chuckled at the memory.
"He won't make us do it, but he cleans our things as well, so he obviously finds it bothersome. There is no private sphere with him, he wants to know everything and get involved and help with the most embarrassing of things. Puts way too much on himself and is a perfectionist to boot, so a very bad combination. You have to watch out for him not to break his back in the process. His selflessness is very annoying, makes us all feel bad in comparison."
She had to smile as she continued. "He always wears a suit and a coat, like he's got an important business meeting. Styles his hair to look smooth and combed every day. I don't put that much effort in my appearance as he does, honestly. Crazy gallant and polite. He will never touch his phone, when there is someone else in the room with him. You always get all his attention. Great listener. Notices everything. Controlling and secretive and so so kind it blows my mind. Always knows what to say or do to make you feel better."
She looked back at Hector, adding softly. "So honestly what you say doesn't make much sense to me. That doesn't sound like him at all."
Hector watched her with wide eyes, before clearing his throat. "You notice him a lot."
Seline blinked and felt her cheeks burning at the comment.
Hector shook his head in disbelief, then straightened up, looking surprised. "Ah. The nausea is gone."
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